281 Ergebnisse
Explainable intelligent environments
The main focus of an Intelligent environment, as with other applications of Artificial Intelligence, is generally on the provision of good decisions towards the management of the environment or the support of human decision-making processes. The quality of the system is often measured in terms of accuracy or other performance metrics, calculated on labeled data. Other equally important aspects are usually disregarded, such as the ability to produce an intelligible explanation for the user of the environment. That is, asides from proposing an action, prediction, or decision, the system should also propose an explanation that would allow the user to understand the rationale behind the output. This is becoming increasingly important in a time in which algorithms gain increasing importance in our lives and start to take decisions that significantly impact them. So much so that the EU recently regulated on the issue of a "right to explanation". In this paper we propose a Human-centric intelligent environment that takes into consideration the domain of the problem and the mental model of the Human expert, to provide intelligible explanations that can improve the efficiency and quality of the decision-making processes. ; EC - European Commission(39900 - 31/SI/2017). Northern Regional Operational Program, Portugal 2020 and European Union, trough European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) in the scope of project number 39900 - 31/SI/2017, and by FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, through projects UIDB/04728/2020 and ...
Visitando obras historiográficas do Império Lusitano na Oceania: Um recorte da história de Timor-Leste
In: Revista Maracanan, Heft 25, S. 214-229
The article tries to relate Portuguese historiographical literature of the colonial period of East Timor as the source of arguments for a postcolonial fictional literature through two works of great importance for the understanding of the period. The narratives of the works As possessões Portuguesas na Oceania of Afonso de Castro of 1867 and Ocupação e Colonização Branca de Timor of Teófilo Duarte of 1940, both former Portuguese governors of Timor-Leste, are abundant and present facts of great literary beauty, that as facts historical, tell the saga of the Timorese people. With this direction, the article traces the process of colonization in the trail of the Great Navigations that initiated the globalization and the cultural domination to culminate in the official historiography of Timor and the literary arguments that can be harvested from it. The work is part of the doctoral research of one of its authors and as a methodology, the bibliographic research was carried out to historical documents present in the Postgraduate Library of the National University of Timor Lorosa'e.
WIPO-WTO Colloquium Papers: Research papers from the 2015 WIPO-WTO Colloquium for teachers of intellectual property law
This volume is the sixth in a series of annual publications from the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and the World Trade Organization (WTO). Prepared by the WIPO-WTO Colloquium for Teachers of Intellectual Property, this collection of academic papers represents an important contribution to international scholarship in the field of intellectual property (IP).
E-Commerce in Light of International Trade Agreements: The WTO and the United States-Jordan Free Trade Agreement
In: International Journal of Law and Information Technology, Band 15, Heft 2, S. 153-169
E-commerce offers economy-wide benefits. World Trade Organization (WTO) members recognized the benefits e-commerce offers and have developed a work program to facilitate the development of e-commerce. However, WTO efforts to facilitate e-commerce have stalled, leading to a slower than anticipated progress. As fundamental differences continue to
stall progress in the WTO's program on e-commerce, the United States concluded a free trade agreement with Jordan. This agreement was the first ever to incorporate explicit provisions on e-commerce. This article analyzes how existing trade agreements have dealt with e-commerce. The article gives an overview of the situation in WTO. The article then examines
the e-commerce provisions in the United States-Jordan Free Trade Agreement (US-JO FTA) and how the parties have tackled the obstacles that stalled the WTO work on e-commerce.
Book Review: Yong-Shik Lee: Reclaiming Development in the World Trading System
In: Law and Development Review, Band 11, Heft 2, S. 939-941
The Eleventh Hour: Dimitrije Mitrinović and his network: proceedings of a symposium at the University of Bradford
In: Südosteuropäische Hefte, Band 4, Heft 2, S. 65-68
ISSN: 2194-3710
In July 2015 the Special Collections department at the University of Bradford hosted a symposium as part of a project to catalogue and promote the use of the Mitrinović collection. The event showcased the research potential of the archive and library across a range of subject areas, not least the history of the Balkans.
Abelhas ou Zangões: as primeiras normas para o profissional da farmácia do Brasil no início do século XIX
In: Revista Maracanan, Heft 25, S. 200-212
This paper aims to present the first results of a research that has been developed in the scope of the doctorate about the institutionalization of pharmacy in Brazil in the 19th century - more specifically between 1808 and 1891, that is, from the first medical and pharmaceutical classes. in surgery schools until the creation of the first Faculty of Pharmacy in Brazilian territory. One of the proposals of this research is to investigate the construction and the regularization of the professional of the graduated and licensed pharmacy, according to the requirements of the time. In this way, this article seeks to analyze what the first laws aimed at pharmacy professionals predicted, and how they would have contributed so that the "true pharmacists" could be identified and differentiated from others who, although producing and selling medicines and, consequently, were part of the scenario of the 19th century carioca pharmacy, were not regulated and, under
Using meta-learning to predict performance metrics in machine learning problems
Machine learning has been facing significant challenges over the last years, much of which stem from the new characteristics of machine learning problems, such as learning from streaming data or incorporating human feedback into existing datasets and models. In these dynamic scenarios, data change over time and models must adapt. However, new data do not necessarily mean new patterns. The main goal of this paper is to devise a method to predict a model's performance metrics before it is trained, in order to decide whether it is worth it to train it or not. That is, will the model hold significantly better results than the current one? To address this issue, we propose the use of meta-learning. Specifically, we evaluate two different meta-models, one built for a specific machine learning problem, and another built based on many different problems, meant to be a generic meta-model, applicable to virtually any problem. In this paper, we focus only on the prediction of the root mean square error (RMSE). Results show that it is possible to accurately predict the RMSE of future models, event in streaming scenarios. Moreover, results also show that it is possible to reduce the need for re-training models between 60% and 98%, depending on the problem and on the threshold used. ; This work was supported by the Northern Regional Operational Program, Portugal 2020 and European Union, trough European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) in the scope of project number 39900 - 31/SI/2017, and by FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia within projects UIDB/04728/2020 and UIDB/00319/2020.
Ein Nachruf auf Holm Sundhaussen
In: Südosteuropäische Hefte, Band 4, Heft 1, S. 10-13
The dismantler
In: The Cabinet of Imaginary Laws, S. 154-161
A short story about the pitfals of a new law, the General Act for the Dismantling of Normalising Power and Structures of Privilege, and, more philosophically, about the problems of institutionalizing progressive politics through law. Published in The Cabinat of Imaginary Laws, by Peter Goodrich and Thanos Zartaloudis: Returning to the map of the island of utopia, this book provides a contemporary, inventive, addition to the long history of legal fictions and juristic phantasms. Aimed at an intellectual audience disgruntled with the negativity of critique and the narrowness of the disciplines, this book will appeal especially to theorists, literati, lawyers, scholars and a general public concerned with the future of decaying laws and an increasingly derelict legal system.
The Contents and Features of Dispute Settlement under the US - Jordan FTA: An Appraisal
In: Manchester Journal of International Economic Law, Band 15, Heft 2, S. 167-190
A strong dispute resolution mechanism is a core component of FTAs which must provide a reliable and stable venue to address meritorious claims and deliver enforceable results and demonstrates the commitments of each government to comply with the contractual obligations. Without this commitment, businesses will be reluctant to risk capital. FTAs require legal foundation incentivizing stability, transparency, and compliance with obligations.
In the area of dispute resolution, the U.S. FTAs with Arab countries share some commonalities. However, the US – JO FTA clearly differs from other U.S. FTAs with Arab countries. Areas of difference include treatment of perishable goods, appeal, panel report, and implementation of panel report. The dispute settlement mechanism in the US – JO FTA can be improved in several concrete ways.
Pierre Hadot: el cuidado de sí y la mayéutica socrática como ejercicio espiritual
In: CIENCIA ergo-sum : revista científica multidisciplinaria de la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, Band 23, Heft 1, S. 26-34
Se presenta otro rostro del concepto
de la mayéutica de Sócrates, toda vez
que aquí no se acentúa su acepción epistemológica,
sino su connotación en tanto ejercicio
espiritual. Se parte de las consideraciones que
ha realizado el estudioso de origen francés,
Pierre Hadot, quien se ha preocupado por el
tema de los ejercicios espirituales en la filosofía
antigua. Conectamos, pues, la noción de
mayéutica socrática, en tanto ejercicio espiritual
con la noción de cuidado de sí. Consideramos
que esta manera de interpretar el pensamiento
del antiguo Sócrates representa un aporte
importante para reavivar y continuar el diálogo
filosófico con los antiguos.
Em busca do desenvolvimento: extensão rural, educação e o INCRA
In: Revista perspectivas do desenvolvimento: RPD, Band 1, Heft 1, S. 84-106
ISSN: 2318-681X
Propõe-se historiar a atuação do Instituto Nacional de Colonização e Reforma Agrária (INCRA), em aderência com experiências de educação e extensão rural. Privilegiam-se publicações produzidas nas áreas de educação e sociologia. Merecem destaque depoimentos e informações registradas em arquivos pessoais de educadores que participaram ativamente de processos de estruturação institucional que estão na base de propostas do Ministério do Desenvolvimento Agrário (MDA) na atualidade.
Materie oder Geist? Überlegungen zur Überwindung dualistischer Erkenntniskonzepte aus der Perspektive einer Pragmatischen Geographie
In: Berichte zur deutschen Landeskunde, Band 83, Heft 2, S. 129-142
The construction and dynamics of creative spaces are increasingly subject to studies in Human Geography in the last few years. Studies investigating creative spaces are often build on action theory approaches. Unfortunately, most action theories are not adequately able to explain the emergence of creativity, innovation and intended change, since they conceptualize change theory immanently as a result of unintended outcomes of action or of external shocks. How-ever, such an understanding of change seems to be inappropriate in cases, in which actors do intentionally and successfully look for creative solutions and construct thereby new Geogra-phies of creative spaces. Against this background, the paper presents a pragmatist model of creative action, which is based on the work of John Dewey and which has been further devel-oped by Hans Joas. The change of the epistemological perspective allows for a reconceptual-ization of the target orientation of action as problem solving. In such an action perspectives, actors do act in order to find new solutions for a problematic situation, which are abductively invented and tested within the process of action. This concept allows for interpreting and in-vestigating change as result of an active process of intended and situated invention. Therefore, a theory of creative action perspective implies specific advantages for researching the dynam-ics of creative spaces and offers a fruitful alternative to already established action theories in Human Geography.