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In: St. Antony's series
Seven leading specialists present chapters devoted to key themes in Soviet and post-Soviet Russian politics. Those themes include: the personal versus the institutional in the political process; legitimacy and legitimation; and change and collapse of a mono-organisational society. While the book focuses on these major themes, individual chapters deal with wide-ranging and even unusual cases: Graeme Gill analyses the legitimating functions of Moscow's architecture, Sheila Fitzpatrick uses the archives to draw a picture of Stalin "the boss" dealing with his closest colleagues, Eugene Huskey provides a detailed description of post-Soviet Russian pantouflage, and Archie Brown and Peter Reddaway present their different takes on Gorbachev and the Soviet collapse. Stephen Fortescue provides an overview of policy-making processes from Lenin and Putin, and Leslie Holmes updates the concept of goal-rational legitimacy."--
In: Library of modern Middle East studies v. 81
Framing economic and political reform in the Middle East -- Shifting sands : the Middle East between authoritarianism and democratisation -- Economic and political reform in Egypt after 1991 -- The Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt : growth and development, 1928-1975 -- The Muslim Brotherhood : the transition from piety to politics -- The art of politics : the new MB generation, the syndicates and power -- The politics of succession in Egypt -- Continuity and discontinuity in economic and political reform in Egypt.
In: Studien zur Internationalen Geschichte, Band 54
Mit der Dekolonisation nahm die Bildungsmigration aus Afrika in den Globalen Norden schlagartig zu. Internationale Stipendienprogramme gewannen im Kontext des Kalten Krieges an Bedeutung. Aber auch für die Entwicklungspläne postkolonialer Staaten stellten sie ein wichtiges Instrument dar. Am Beispiel der berufspraktischen Bildungskooperation zwischen Ghana und den beiden deutschen Staaten zeigt Jana Otto auf der Grundlage ghanaischer und deutscher Quellen, welche Ziele alle drei Staaten dabei verfolgten und wie sich Konzepte, Herangehensweisen und Machtverhältnisse im Laufe der Zeit wandelten. Sie zeichnet nach, welche Interessen die ghanaischen Fachkräfte mit ihrer Teilnahme an den Fortbildungsprogrammen verbanden und welche Handlungsspielräume sie besassen. Die transnationale Verflechtungsgeschichte erschliesst nicht nur das bislang vernachlässigte Feld der berufspraktischen Bildungskooperation, sondern bereichert auch die ghanaische Zeitgeschichtsschreibung um neue Einsichten
World Affairs Online
In: New Approaches to International History
The real and potential power of China, the world s most populous nation, has long been seen as a threat by its smaller neighbors and global powers alike. The Fear of Chinese Power provides a history of this perceived threat from the 1880s to the present day, and offers rich historical context to an enduring and current concern. Focusing on the United States, but also exploring perceptions from Britain, Germany, the Soviet Union and Japan, this book asks why these fears exist and shows how they have played out on both a strategic, diplomatic level, and in the public sphere. Taking a chronological approach, the chapters explore themes such as western opposition to Chinese immigration, international views of China s new republic, hopes of friendship during the rule of Chiang Kai-Shek, the Korean and Cold Wars, Communist China s economic growth, the Chinese in popular culture and China as a modern global power. Taking economic, military and cultural vantage points into account, The Fear of Chinese Power explains why a powerful China has been a mainstay of the western imagination since the 19th century, and reveals a history which has shaped international perceptions of China to the present day
In: Life Writing
Autoethnography in the 21st Century offers analytic, interactive, performative, experiential, and embodied forms of autoethnography from around the globe. Volume I examines forms of autoethnography as a decolonizing and dehegemonizing practice in the allegedly post-racial, post-colonial, and post-(hetero)sexist twenty-first century
This book focuses on how Burmanization created and reinforced ethnic divides since the 1962 coup d'etat. when General Ne Win concentrated all authority in the Burmese speaking army. Background research for the book includes Burmese language materials from the Burmese Socialist Party (BSP) and others that describe with what the BSP believed in their own terms. This is unique from previous works on the topic which either simply pointed out that the policies "didn't work" and therefore are uninteresting, or to claim that they were "necessary" given the chaos of the previous regime. The authors agree that Ne Win's policies "didn't work." However, the book goes further by elaborating why Burmanization policies developed in the 1960s are important for understanding Burmese society today. Most importantly, Ne Win's ideology reflects how patterns of interethnic relationships in Myanmar lead to the "intractability" of the battles in early twenty-first century Myanmar
A Cultural History of Peace presents an authoritative survey from ancient times to the present. The set of six volumes covers over 2500 years of history, charting the evolving nature and role of peace throughout history. This volume, A Cultural History of Peace in the Modern Age, explores peace in the period from 1920 to the present. As with all the volumes in the illustrated Cultural History of Peace set, this volume presents essays on the meaning of peace, peace movements, maintaining peace, peace in relation to gender, religion and war and representations of peace. A Cultural History of Peace in the Modern Age is the most authoritative and comprehensive survey available on peace in the twentieth and twentieth century.
World Affairs Online
Australia's Prime Minister Kevin Rudd famously said that China issues are part of 21st century Australia's 'very life-blood'. This brings short-term challenges to the Australia-China relationship, from Chinese investments in our resources to visits to Australia by expatriate regional political and religious leaders, labelled 'splittists' or 'terrorists', by the Chinese government. Our long-term relationship includes robust scholarship on China as an emerging superpower. In this book, leading
In: Nexos y Diferencias. Estudios de la Cultura de América Latina
"This book presents a novel analysis of land conflicts arising from large-scale oil palm plantations in Colombia. The study reveals the powerful political dimension of music in the context of the country's transition The study addresses strategies, mechanisms and peace-building actions that peasant communities have undertaken to mobilize the processes of return to their territories, after having experienced the development of the Colombian oil palm monoculture in rural Colombia. forced displacement
In: International defense review, Heft 1
The second volume of The Ethics of Narrative completes the project of bringing together nearly all of Hayden White's uncollected essays from the last two decades of his life, including articles, essays, and previously unpublished lectures. As in the first volume, volume 2 features White's trenchant articulations of his influential theories, as well as his explorations of a wide range of ideas and authors at the frontiers of critical theory, literature, and historical studies. These include the concept of utopia in history, modernism and postmodernism, constructivism, the conceptualization of historical periods such as "the Sixties" and "the Enlightenment," the representation of the Holocaust in scholarly and literary writing, as well as essays on Frank Kermode, Saul Friedländer, and Krzysztof Pomian
In: Routledge studies in cultural history 129
"This volume of wide-ranging essays by sport historians and sociologists examines the complex relations of war, peace and sport through a series of case studies from South and North America, Europe, North Africa, Asia and New Zealand. Together, and through an introductory framing essay, these essays offer scholars of sport, conflict studies and cultural history more broadly a multinational analysis of the war-peace-sport nexus that has operated throughout the world since the late nineteenth century"--
An unflinching look at the most urgent humanitarian crises around the globe, from one of the world's most daring philosopher-reporters"Call[s] on people not just to see the world, but to be moved and interested by what they find there, and to do something about it."-Anne Applebaum, The Atlantic"Fierce and elegant, Levy's musings will be of profound interest to any reader of modern continental philosophy."-Kirkus Reviews, starred review Over the past fifty years, renowned public intellectual Bernard-Henri Levy has reported extensively on human rights abuses around the world. This new book follows the intrepid Levy into eight international hotspots-Nigeria; Syrian and Iraqi Kurdistan; Ukraine; Somalia; Bangladesh; Lesbos, Greece; Libya; and Afghanistan-that have escaped global attention or active response. In a deeply personal introduction, Levy recounts the intellectual journey that led him to advocacy, arguing that a truly humanist philosophy must necessarily lead to action in defense of the most vulnerable. In the second section, he reports on the eight investigative trips he undertook just before or during the coronavirus pandemic, from the massacred Christian villages in Nigeria to a dangerously fragile Afghanistan on the eve of the Taliban talks, from an anti-Semitic ambush in Libya to the overrun refugee camp on the island of Lesbos. Part manifesto, part missives from the field, this new book is a stirring rebuke to indifference and an exhortation to level our gaze at those most hidden from us