Bevölkerungsentwicklung im Freistaat Sachsen nach Kreisfreien Städten und Landkreisen 1990/2006
In: Bevölkerungsentwicklung im Freistaat Sachsen nach Kreisfreien Städten und Landkreisen 1990/2006
In: Sonderheft 2007,1
185421 Ergebnisse
In: Bevölkerungsentwicklung im Freistaat Sachsen nach Kreisfreien Städten und Landkreisen 1990/2006
In: Sonderheft 2007,1
Cultural Heritage Control in 1990 – 2006 An object of the scientific study "Cultural Heritage Control 1990 – 2006" lies in a control of cultural heritage which is an essential of three functions for the preservation of the cultural heritage. The point of the work is to examine and analyze the development of control function of the cultural heritage from 1990 focusing on the main problems and particularities of each period. This study reviews the control function of the cultural heritage orienting towards the central ruling institutions of the cultural heritage. Worth to mention that an Inspection of cultural heritage has originated from the cultural movement and supervised the main process of heritage of that time. It was legislated a preservation act of real cultural values, and the Department of Preservation of Cultural Values (DPCV) took over a control function of the cultural heritage. Yet in 1997, to improve negative state of control there was founded a Department of cultural townscape, however it influenced the administration of analyzing function negatively. Whereas in 2005 a new control department of Cultural heritage has been established. Presently it coordinates a work with territorial subdivisions of the Department. In 2003 a subdivision for researching stolen cultural and art values near the Police department has been established. It was responsible for the prevention of crimes of cultural and art values. Thus a conclusion should be drawn that an efficiency of control in cultural heritage has been expanded. One of the key problems in the control is an illegal archeology. Fixing harm for this sphere of heritage it caused abundance of problems. Meanwhile a society tries to raise problems that there is no effective control in "illegal constructions". The analyzed sources inform that the main breaches have not changed radically from the period of Inspection as well at present time. Therefore different sizes and kind of the work demand for special consolidations of control's quality in the territorial subdivisions of the Department.
Cultural Heritage Control in 1990 – 2006 An object of the scientific study "Cultural Heritage Control 1990 – 2006" lies in a control of cultural heritage which is an essential of three functions for the preservation of the cultural heritage. The point of the work is to examine and analyze the development of control function of the cultural heritage from 1990 focusing on the main problems and particularities of each period. This study reviews the control function of the cultural heritage orienting towards the central ruling institutions of the cultural heritage. Worth to mention that an Inspection of cultural heritage has originated from the cultural movement and supervised the main process of heritage of that time. It was legislated a preservation act of real cultural values, and the Department of Preservation of Cultural Values (DPCV) took over a control function of the cultural heritage. Yet in 1997, to improve negative state of control there was founded a Department of cultural townscape, however it influenced the administration of analyzing function negatively. Whereas in 2005 a new control department of Cultural heritage has been established. Presently it coordinates a work with territorial subdivisions of the Department. In 2003 a subdivision for researching stolen cultural and art values near the Police department has been established. It was responsible for the prevention of crimes of cultural and art values. Thus a conclusion should be drawn that an efficiency of control in cultural heritage has been expanded. One of the key problems in the control is an illegal archeology. Fixing harm for this sphere of heritage it caused abundance of problems. Meanwhile a society tries to raise problems that there is no effective control in "illegal constructions". The analyzed sources inform that the main breaches have not changed radically from the period of Inspection as well at present time. Therefore different sizes and kind of the work demand for special consolidations of control's quality in the territorial subdivisions of the Department.
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Die zwischenzeitlich mehrfach überarbeitete Transparenzrichtlinie soll in der EU für eine Verbesserung und Harmonisierung der Transparenz- und Informationsanforderungen sorgen. Letztmals wurde sie 2013 durch die Transparenzrichtlinie-Änderungsrichtlinie, die bis Ende November 2015 in nationales Recht zu transformieren war, angepasst. Ihre kapitalmarktrechtlichen Neuregelungen und die Transformation in deutsches Recht werden im ersten Teil des vorliegenden Buches diskutiert. Im zweiten Teil des Werkes werden Neuerungen im Insiderrecht kritisch gewürdigt. Zur Schaffung einer Europäischen Kapitalmarktunion wurden 2014 die Marktmissbrauchsverordnung und die Marktmissbrauchssanktionsrichtlinie als Marktmissbrauchsrechtsakte verabschiedet. Mit ihrem Inkrafttreten Mitte 2016 werden sie eine neue Ära des europäischen Insiderrechts einläuten. Einführend geht der Autor zuvor auf die bis Mitte 2016 geltenden Insiderregelungen des WpHG ein. Anschließend wird die jüngere Entwicklung des Insiderrechts in Rechtsprechung und Literatur betrachtet. Die neuen Regelungen des Insiderverbots und der Ad-hoc-Publizitätspflicht werden anschließend erörtert. Philipp A. Schulze (stud. LL. M. stud. M. Sc., B. Sc. LL. B.), wurde 1990 in Radevormwald geboren. Nach erfolgreichem Abschluss seiner Berufsausbildung bei einer Düsseldorfer Bank entschied sich der Autor, seine fachlichen Qualifikationen im Bereich der Wirtschafts- und Rechtswissenschaften weiter auszubauen. Von 2011 bis 2015 studierte er Volkswirtschaftslehre (B. Sc.) an der Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf und Rechtswissenschaft (LL. B.) an der FernUniversität Hagen. Beides wird von 2015 bis 2017 durch Masterstudiengänge der Betriebswirtschaftslehre (M. Sc.), insb. Accounting Taxation, und Wirtschaftsrecht (LL. M.) vertieft. Fasziniert von den Überschneidungen dieser beiden Disziplinen, sammelte Schulze bereits während seines Studiums weitere praktische Erfahrungen im Bereich Finanzen, Steuern und Recht bei einer Bank, mittelständischen und Big Four Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaften sowie einer Großkanzlei. Aufgrund seiner beiden Studiengänge und verstärkt durch die Berufserfahrung entwickelte der Autor ein besonderes Interesse am Thema MA.
s. 109-134 ; This essay investigates the mechanisms of conceptual change in the discourse of Polish political emigration after the November Insurrection of 1830–1. To this end, a methodological apparatus is employed that has been elaborated by scholars of the German 'history of concepts' (Begriffsgeschichte) school and by Anglo-Saxon researchers specialised in the intellectual history and studies on ideology. Quoting a series of period source materials, I argue that the decades of 1830s and 1840s are interpretable in the Polish context as the time of a fundamental breakthrough in the sphere of ideas and political concepts. This turn was caused, for one thing, by the absorbability of Polish political discourse of the time, with a number of new ideas and concepts appearing, particularly those borrowed from the French debates ongoing in the period concerned. For another, it resulted from ardent disputes going on in the circles of the Polish Great Emigration. The concluding remarks stress the need to render a method applicable with such considerations empirically rooted since the dynamism of conceptual change is fundamentally different depending on the period as well as national and linguistic context. ; s. 109-134 ; This essay investigates the mechanisms of conceptual change in the discourse of Polish political emigration after the November Insurrection of 1830–1. To this end, a methodological apparatus is employed that has been elaborated by scholars of the German 'history of concepts' (Begriffsgeschichte) school and by Anglo-Saxon researchers specialised in the intellectual history and studies on ideology. Quoting a series of period source materials, I argue that the decades of 1830s and 1840s are interpretable in the Polish context as the time of a fundamental breakthrough in the sphere of ideas and political concepts. This turn was caused, for one thing, by the absorbability of Polish political discourse of the time, with a number of new ideas and concepts appearing, particularly those borrowed from the French debates ongoing in the period concerned. For another, it resulted from ardent disputes going on in the circles of the Polish Great Emigration. The concluding remarks stress the need to render a method applicable with such considerations empirically rooted since the dynamism of conceptual change is fundamentally different depending on the period as well as national and linguistic context.
The post-1831 Great Emigration created conditions that were particularly favourable for the development of Polish political thought. This development, however, would have progressed at a considerably slower tempo without the deepening of ideopolitical differences, which put paid to any belief that the émigrés would reach unity. Paradoxically, successive rifts were often justified exactly by the aspiration to implement the concept of 'unity'. The present article focuses on an issue-based analysis of the tensions between the categories of 'unity' and 'anarchy', and discusses the mechanism which led to the emergence of the public sphere in exile. ; p. 61-96 ; 24 cm ; The post-1831 Great Emigration created conditions that were particularly favourable for the development of Polish political thought. This development, however, would have progressed at a considerably slower tempo without the deepening of ideopolitical differences, which put paid to any belief that the émigrés would reach unity. Paradoxically, successive rifts were often justified exactly by the aspiration to implement the concept of 'unity'. The present article focuses on an issue-based analysis of the tensions between the categories of 'unity' and 'anarchy', and discusses the mechanism which led to the emergence of the public sphere in exile. ; s. 61-96 ; 24 cm
Tez (yüksek lisans) - Anadolu Üniversitesi ; Anadolu Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, İktisat Anabilim Dalı ; Kayıt no: 434717 ; Bu çalışma Türkiye örnekleminde ani duruş probleminin gelişmekte olan piyasa ekonomilerinin ekonomik performanslarına etkilerini incelenmektedir. Bu bağlamda, çalışma küçük açık ekonomi varsayımına dayanarak tasarlanmıştır ve ilgili lüteratürde dikkate alınarak fed efektif faiz oranı ani duruşu tetikleyen dışsal faktör olarak belirlenmiştir. Ani duruş probleminin yerel ekonomi üzerindeki etkilerini incelemek için faiz oranı, özel kesime açılan krediler, cari işlemler hesabı dengesi, sıcak para girişi, reel efektif döviz kuru, tüketici fiyat endeksi ve endüstriyel üretim endeksi içsel değişkenler olarak belirlenmiştir. Çalışmada kullanılan veriler aylık olup 2006:01 ile 2016:08 dönemini kapsamaktadır. Çalışmada ampirik yöntem olarak blok exogen yapısal VAR (SVAR) yöntemi tercih edilmiştir. Çalışmadan elde edilen sonuçlar dışsal değişken olarak tercih edilen fed efektif fon oranında beklenmedik bir artış yaşandığında sıcak para girişinde daralmanın gerçekleştiğini göstermektedir. Sıcak para girişinde daralmalar arttıkça reel efektif döviz kuru, özel kesime açılan krediler ve endüstriyel üretim endeksi daralmaktadır ayrıca faiz oranı, tüketici fiyat endeksi ve cari işlemler dengesinde artış yaşanmaktadır. Sonunçlardan da anlaşılacağı üzere, dışsal faktördeki beklenmedik değişmeler ani duruş problemini tetiklemektedir. Ayrıca devreye giren faiz politikası aracı makro ittihadi politika aracı gibi diğer politika araçları Türkiyede ani duruş probleminin tetiklediği sermaye çıkışlarını engellemek için kullanılabilir.
Tez (yüksek lisans) - Anadolu Üniversitesi ; Anadolu Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, İktisat Anabilim Dalı ; Kayıt no: 434634 ; Bu tezin amacı, Türkiye imalat sanayinde ihracatın emek talebi üzerindeki etkisini analiz etmektir. Analizlerde Türkiye İmalat Sanayiinin 2003-2013 yılları arası firma düzeyindeki üretim ve ticaret veri seti kullanılmıştır. İhracatın emek talebi üzerindeki etkisini ortaya çıkarmak için GMM (Generalized Method of Moments) ve Rassal Etkiler modelleri kullanılmıştır. Emek talebi dinamiklerinin değişip değişmediğini görmek için farklı teknoloji yönelimli endüstriler, farklı firma büyüklükleri ve 2-basamak NACE alt-endüstrileri için tahminler yapılmıştır. Sonuçlar ihracat ve ithalatın imalat sanayiinde firmanın emek talebini istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir şekilde olumlu etkilediğini göstermektedir. Diğer taraftan, bu etkinin hem farklı teknoloji yönelimli endüstrilerde faaliyet gösteren firmalarda hem de farklı alt-endüstrilerde ve farklı firma büyüklüklerinde değiştiği bulunmuştur.
The author of the article undertakes the task of examining the role of Russian doctrinal documents and their value for the analysis of Russian politics. He underlines the continuity of the Soviet and Russian military thought, reflected also in the way Russia formulates and uses doctrinal documents. Using the example of these documents, he emphasises the offensive character of Kremlin's actions, which under the pretext of defending Russian identity implements the old imperial policy. ; p. 209-229 ; Summary in Polish and English. ; Autor artykułu stawia sobie za zadanie przeanalizowanie roli rosyjskich dokumentów doktrynalnych oraz ich wartości dla analizy polityki rosyjskiej. Podkreśla ciągłość sowieckiej i rosyjskiej myśli wojskowej, która znajduje odzwierciedlenie w sposobie formułowania i używania przez Rosję dokumentów doktrynalnych. Na przykładzie wspomnianych dokumentów podkreśla on ofensywny charakter działań Kremla, który pod pretekstem obrony rosyjskiej tożsamości realizuje starą politykę imperialną. ; s. 209-229 ; Streszcz. pol., ros., ang.