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Im Wirtschaftsalltag lassen sich zunehmend Änderungen bisher kontinuierlicher Entwicklungsmuster der Unternehmensumwelt feststellen, auf die das Management reagieren muss. Diese als Diskontinuitäten bezeichneten Änderungen können an Politik, Wirtschaft, Technologie, Energieversorgung und Einstellungen der Gesellschaft ausgemacht werden. Ursachen hierfür sind die in der Globalisierung verankerten neuen Technologien, der Institutionenpluralismus und die wachsende Bedeutung von Wissen als Produktionsfaktor. Um die Gefahren und Chancen zu nutzen, die sich aus diesen Diskontinuitäten ergeben, stehen dem Management neben operativen Handlungsmöglichkeiten strategische Maßnahmen zur Verfügung. Der Autor behandelt in der vorliegenden Studie die Möglichkeiten eines strategischen Managements von Diskontinuitäten mit dem Ziel, dem Leser Methoden und Konzepte zur Bewältigung der Managementaufgaben im Kontext von Diskontinuitäten aufzuzeigen. Michael Schwabe wurde 1984 in Berlin geboren. Das Studium der Betriebswirtschaftslehre an der Universität Potsdam schloss der Autor im Jahre 2015 mit dem akademischen Grad Master of Science erfolgreich ab. Im Laufe des Studiums konnte der Autor praktische Erfahrungen in der Medienbranche bei einem unabhängigen Musikverlag und einem internationalen Plattenlabel sammeln. Durch diese Erfahrungen entwickelte sich so ein besonderes Interesse für die strategischen Herausforderungen der Medienbranche, die durch technologisch induzierten Wandel entstehen.
The paper aims to organise the issues concerning the great variety of manuscripts jointly referred to as the "election prophecy", supposedly made by Georg Joachim Rheticus. The author proposed to apply a model showing how the original text of the "prophecy", the autograph of which has not been preserved to this day, underwent contamination and interpolation after being introduced into manuscript circulation through correspondence and numerous copies, while at the same time serving as the basis for the creation of vernacular traditions of the text. These processes are depicted in source materials annexed to the paper, containing editions of the Latin, Polish and German variants of the text. ; p. 293-349 ; The paper aims to organise the issues concerning the great variety of manuscripts jointly referred to as the "election prophecy", supposedly made by Georg Joachim Rheticus. The author proposed to apply a model showing how the original text of the "prophecy", the autograph of which has not been preserved to this day, underwent contamination and interpolation after being introduced into manuscript circulation through correspondence and numerous copies, while at the same time serving as the basis for the creation of vernacular traditions of the text. These processes are depicted in source materials annexed to the paper, containing editions of the Latin, Polish and German variants of the text. ; s. 293-349
This thesis is composed of three essays. In the first essay (joint with Janet Jiang and Xiping Xu) we study asset price bubbles in a laboratory experiment. By introducing interest payments on cash we separate the effect of trading opportunity cost from the role of asset fundamental value trend on bubble formation. Results show that the fundamental value trend plays a more critical role. In the second essay (joint with Charles Noussair and Hans-Joachim Voth) we study in a laboratory setting the importance of several historical institutional features that characterized the South Sea bubble. Our main finding is that the debt-equity swap was the single biggest contributor for the stock price explosion. In the third essay we study in an experiment how different dynamics of piece rate monetary incentives affect participants' effort provision. Our main finding shows that a decrease in piece rate following an increase has detrimental effects for participants' effort provision. ; Aquesta tesi conté tres assaigs. En el primer assaig (conjunt amb Janet Jiang i Xiping Xu) estudiem la bombolla de preus d'actius en un experiment de laboratori. Introduint els pagaments d'interessos en efectiu separem l'efecte del cost d'oportunitat de comerciar de la trajectòria del valor fonamental de l'actiu. Els resultats mostren que la trajectòria del valor fonamental juga un paper molt crític. En el segon assaig (conjunt amb Charles Noussair i Hans-Joachim Voth) estudiem en un laboratori la importància de diverses característiques institucionals històriques que van caracteritzar la "bombolla dels mars del sud". El nostre principal descobriment és que el "swap" de deute per accions és l'únic gran contribuïdor per l'explosió del preu de les accions. En el tercer assaig estudiem en un experiment com diferents dinàmiques de preu fet com a incentiu monetari afecten la prestació d'esforç dels participants. El nostre principal descobriment indica que una disminució del preu fet després d'un increment té efectes perjudicials per a la prestació ...
In: LIS-Berichte 57
CONTENT: Memo regarding the loan of photographs from the collection of Sam Day Jr to the Museum of Modern Art for Frontier Exhibition. Dated October 29th, 1941. BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY: The Day Family were anglo Indian traders, on the Navajo Reservation in eastern Arizona. The collection includes the personal and business papers of Sam Day, Sr. (1845-1925) surveyor, Indian trader, legislator and United States Indian Commissioner; Anna Day, Sam Sr.'s wife (1872-1932); and of their children, Charles L. Day (1879-1918), Samuel Day, Jr. (1889-1944), United States deputy Marshall. The collection includes information on Navajo culture, stories and legends; the looting of Canyon del Muerta, and the Frank Dugan murder. The collection also contains 91 photographs depicting trading posts and eastern Arizona scenes.
Among topics discussed: Personal background; "Little New Deal" under Governor E. D. Rivers; the Rivers administration; Cocking affair; Pilcher as Assistant Attorney General; railroad freight case; Fred Hand; Jimmy Pippin; the Henry Grady Hotel; Roy Harris; Ham Lokey; Jack Ray; James Carmichael; Eugene Talmadge; three‑governor controversy; Henry Duckworth; Talmadge's campaign for governor; Bill Hartsfield; County Unit System; Marvin Thompson; Georgia Power and Light rate inequity; SEC; Federal Power Commission; NARUC (National Association of Rural Utility Companies); Southern Natural Gas lawsuit; Georgia Power rate case; Southern Bell rates; Knowles Davis; Properties Commission; Southern Railroad; Stone Mountain Memorial Association; 1968 Democratic National Convention; leaving Democratic party; Smyrna Federal Savings and Loan. ; Crawford Pilcher served in the Georgia House of Representatives from 1937 to 1941, as assistant Attorney General from 1943 to 1945, in the Georgia Senate from 1949 to 1950, and the Public Service Commission from 1953 to 1972.
Reuse of record except for individual research requires license from Congressional Information Service, Inc. ; CIS Microfiche Accession Numbers: CIS 74 S402-11 ; Microfiche. ; Mode of access: Internet.
In: http://hdl.handle.net/2027/osu.32435063328835
At head of title: The Library of Congress. Legislative Reference Service. ; Mode of access: Internet.