Die Kritik am schweizerischen Nationalstrassennetz setzt immer wieder bei konzeptionellen Schwächen der Planung im Bereich des Umweltschutzes, der Analyse der Verkehrsbedürfnisse und der Landesplanung an. Demgegenüber kommt der Autor der vorliegenden Arbeit zum Schluss, dass gerade der Verzicht auf ein umfassendes Gesamtkonzept, die streckenweise Planung der Autobahnen, dafür verantwortlich war, dass bei der Nationalstrassenplanung der Jahre 1954 bis 1958 in kurzer Zeit ein tragfähiger Kompromiss über das Nationalstrassennetz gefunden wurde. Die historische, durch System- und Entscheidungstheorie geleitete Darstellung zeichnet den Meinungsbildungsprozess zum schweizerischen Autobahnbau von den zwanziger bis Anfang der sechziger Jahre nach.
p. 33-56 ; Abstract in Polish and English. ; This article presents basic statistical data illustrating changes in the nationality composition of Vilnius over the course of history. The discussed material allows us to take a position in the post-First World War Polish–Lithuanian dispute on the state affiliation of the city. ; s. 33-56 ; Abstrakt w języku polskim i angielskim. ; W artykule przedstawiono podstawowe dane statystyczne ilustrujące zmianę składu narodowościowego Wilna w biegu dziejów. Przedstawiony materiał pozwala odnieść się do kwestii sporu polsko-litewskiego o przynależność państwową tego miasta toczonego po zakończeniu I wojny światowej.
p. 191-207 : ill. ; 23 cm ; The article discusses the participation of Italians in the town council and the judicial bench being local government authorities of the city of Cracow in the early modern period. As many as seventy-four Italians (this standing for 14 per cent of all the councillors and 8 per cent assessors or lay judges) are identifiable for the period in question; nineteen of them concluded their careers with the office of assessors, never getting ranked to councillor. While most of them were merchants by profession, as many as five councillors held a doctor's degree. Italians were the most influential ethnic group in the council in the latter half of the seventeenth century and in the former half of the eighteenth, when in certain years the council-in-office, elected annually and consisting of eight members, featured as many as four Italians at the same time. Similarly, a considerable share of Italians in the judicial bench (almost 50 per cent) is observed for the first half of the eighteenth century; the detailed statistics is featured in the tables appended. Over 20 per cent of the families that accepted the municipal law in the sixteenth to the eighteenth centuries obtained at least one of these offices. The share of Italians in Cracow's local-government administration at that time, incommensurate with the actual size of local Italian population, is explainable by their larger interest in pursuing municipal career opportunities. In the medieval period, and even under the reign of Queen Bona Sforza, a number of Italians demonstrated different economic strategies. They satisfied themselves with the royal privilege of servitoriate, counted on fast moneymaking and expected to return home sooner or later. In the later years, most of the Cracow-based Italians were well assimilated and preferred to settle down in the city. ; s. 191-207 ; il. ; 23 cm ; The article discusses the participation of Italians in the town council and the judicial bench being local government authorities of the city of Cracow in the early modern period. As many as seventy-four Italians (this standing for 14 per cent of all the councillors and 8 per cent assessors or lay judges) are identifiable for the period in question; nineteen of them concluded their careers with the office of assessors, never getting ranked to councillor. While most of them were merchants by profession, as many as five councillors held a doctor's degree. Italians were the most influential ethnic group in the council in the latter half of the seventeenth century and in the former half of the eighteenth, when in certain years the council-in-office, elected annually and consisting of eight members, featured as many as four Italians at the same time. Similarly, a considerable share of Italians in the judicial bench (almost 50 per cent) is observed for the first half of the eighteenth century; the detailed statistics is featured in the tables appended. Over 20 per cent of the families that accepted the municipal law in the sixteenth to the eighteenth centuries obtained at least one of these offices. The share of Italians in Cracow's local-government administration at that time, incommensurate with the actual size of local Italian population, is explainable by their larger interest in pursuing municipal career opportunities. In the medieval period, and even under the reign of Queen Bona Sforza, a number of Italians demonstrated different economic strategies. They satisfied themselves with the royal privilege of servitoriate, counted on fast moneymaking and expected to return home sooner or later. In the later years, most of the Cracow-based Italians were well assimilated and preferred to settle down in the city.
Este artículo presenta las condiciones estructurales del comercio sexual entre varones en los espacios públicos y revisa la organización social de la prostitución entre varones durante el franquismo. Para ello define y caracteriza cuatro tipos ideales de comercio sexual entre varones: el modelo de iniciación a la homosexualidad, el modelo militar y legionario, el modelo delincuente, y el modelo chulo (o pijo aparte).
Includes bibliographical references (p. 259-279) and index. ; Introduction -- Major powers and global contenders -- Deterrence and conflict -- Balance of power and power shifts : global interests at stake -- Credibility and geopolitics : regional interests at stake -- Resolve and domestic costs : internal interests at stake -- Predicting major power conflicts : high stakes or costly signals? -- Theoretical and policy implications. ; Mode of access: Internet.
A finales del año 1938, cuando las debilitadas fuerzas de la República se aprestaban a sufrir la ofensiva final y victoriosa de las tropas del general Francisco Franco, el contingente de voluntarios británicos en las Brigadas Internacionales era descrito con las siguientes palabras breves y certeras: "Un panorama de rudos mineros y estibadores galeses y escoceses mezclados con hombres cultivados. Todas las profesiones representadas. Uno era proyectista aeronáutico". El destinatario confidencial de esa descripción era el gobierno conservador británico y su autor el general Molesworth, representante suyo en la comisión internacional creada por la Sociedad de Naciones para supervisar la retirada de los combatientes extranjeros integrados en las filas republicanas. ; At the end of 1938, when the weakened forces of the Republic were preparing to undergo the final and victorious offensive of General Francisco Franco's troops, the contingent of British volunteers in the International Brigades was described with the following short and accurate words: "A panorama of rugged Welsh and Scottish miners and stevedores mixed with cultivated men. All the professions represented. One was an aeronautical designer". The confidential recipient of that description was the British Conservative government and its author General Molesworth, his representative in the international commission created by the League of Nations to supervise the withdrawal of foreign fighters integrated into the republican ranks. ; peerReviewed
I examine the impact of alternative monetary policy rules on a rational asset price bubble, through the lens of an overlapping generations model with nominal rigidities. A systematic increase in interest rates in response to a growing bubble is shown to enhance the fluctuations in the latter, through its positive effect on bubble growth. The optimal monetary policy seeks to strike a balance between stabilization of the bubble and stabilization of aggregate demand. The paper's main findings call into question the theoretical foundations of the case for "leaning against the wind" monetary policies. (JEL E13, E32, E44, E52, G12) ; The research leading to these results has been partly funded by the European Research Council under the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) / ERC Grant agreement No. 339656.
I analyze an extension of the New Keynesian model that features overlapping generations of finitely lived agents and (stochastic) transitions to inactivity. In contrast with the standard model, the proposed framework allows for the existence of rational expectations equilibria with asset price bubbles. I study the conditions under which bubble- driven fluctuations may emerge and the type of monetary policy rules that may prevent them. I conclude by discussing some of the model's welfare implications. (JEL E12, E32, E44, E52, E63) ; I acknowledge the European Research Council for financial support under the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007–2013, ERC Grant agreement no. 339656). I am also thankful for generous financial support from the CERCA Programme/Generalitat de Catalunya and the Severo Ochoa Programme for Centres of Excellence in R&D.
The present paper describes recent research on two central themes of Keynes General Theory: (i) the social waste associated with recessions, and (ii) the effectiveness of fiscal policy as a stabilization tool. The paper also discusses some evidence on the extent to which fiscal policy has been used as a stabilizing tool in industrial economies over the past two decades.