Announces the upcoming move of the National Military College from Brandywine Springs, Delaware, to Bristol, Pennsylvania, as the building used by the college in Delaware has been destroyed by fire. ; A CARD. In consequence of the destruction by fire ot the building occupied by the NATIONAL MILITARY COLLEGE, at Bran-dywine Springs, the Institution will be removed to Bristol, Pennsylvania, on the first of March, 1854, and occupy the spacious and elegant buildings known as Bristol College and China Hall, situated on the Delaware River, 1.7 miles above Philadelphia, and 3 miles from Bristol Village and Burlington, New Jersey. All the present members of the Institution, and all who had made their arrangements to join at Brandy wine in Feb-ruary, are requested to join at Bristol, on the first of March, All other candidates are requested, if convenient, to join between the 1st and 16th of May, though students will be received at any time. The fire at Brandywine was caused by a defect in the hearth of the room where it originated ; and no blame can attach to the Cadet who occupied it. (Signed) A. PARTRIDGE, SUP'T, NORWICH, VERMONT, JAN. 7, 1854. NOTE-Editors of papers, who have published an account of the fire, are requested to notice the above in their respec-tive papers. Those who receive this Card, are requested to communicate the information to others, A. P.
Announcement by Alden Partridge of the opening of the National Scientific and Military College, at Brandywine Springs, Delaware. Includes a general description of the system of education and course of study offered at the school. ; THE NATIONAL SCIENTIFIC AND MILITARY COLLEGE, At the Brandywine Springs, Delaware. THE public is respectfully informed, that the above Institution was opened for the reception of Students, on the 16th of May, 1853, under the personal superintendence of Capt. ALDEN PARTRIDGE, assisted by an able corps of In-structors. The instruction embraces a complete course of Literary, Scientific and Military Education. The Mathe-matics, both theoretical and practical, Civil and Military Engineering, Physical Philosophy, Astronomy, Geography, History, Mental and Moral Philosophy, the Laws of Nations, the Science of Government, the Constitution of the United States, Political Economy, Agriculture, Rhetoric, Sound Literature, the several branches of Military Science, &c., &c., constitute prominent branches of Instruction. The Military Exercises and Duties are so arranged as not to occupy any of the time that would otherwise be de-voted to study; they will be attended to at those hours of the day which are generally passed by students in idleness, or devoted to useless amusements, for which they are made a pleasing and healthful substitute. Practical scientifical operations will be frequently attended to, which conduce equally to health and improvement. The charge for Board, Tuition, Room-rent, Washing, Lights and Fuel, will be 41 dollars per quarter of 11 weeks; or 164 dollars for the Collegiate year of 44 weeks. The French, Spanish, German, and Italian Languages, and also Music and Fencing, are extra branches; for each of which, those who attend to them will be charged Five Dollars per quarter. Instruction in writing will be charged $1,25 for 14 Lessons. The Latin and Greek Languages will be taught to those who may wish to study them. The qualifications for admission are a good moral character; to write a fair, legible hand; a good knowledge of the ground Rules of Arithmetic; and to read and spell the English Language correctly. It is believed that eleven years is as young as a pupil can enter the Institution advantageously. The Cadets will be furnished with Clothing, Books, and every thing else necessary for their comfort and improvement, at the Institution, at established and reasonable prices. No debts must be contracted without the written permission of the Superinten-dent ; and parents and guardians are required not to pay any bills, unless sanctioned by him. No money must be furnished any Cadet, except by the Superintendent, or his written order. The Superintendent will take charge of all the funds of the Cadets, and see that they are furnished with every thing. Each Cadet is required to have a Permit Book, in which all his expenses must be entered. Each Cadet, whose parents or guardian, reside more than 150 miles from the Institution, will be required to.deposit with the Superintendent 125 dollars ; and an additional 125 dol-lars at the end of 22 weeks. At the end of the Collegiate year, the parent or guardian will be presented with an ac-curate statement of his son's or ward's expenses, and credit for monies received, and the balance, whether in favor or against the Cadet, will be transferred to the following account. Those Cadets, who do not reside more than 150 miles from the Institution, must deposit with the Superintendent when they enter, 75 dollars ; after which, their ac-counts will be made out at the beginning of each quarter, and the balance transferred as above. The Cadets will wear the same uniform as was worn at Middletown. Strict economy will be required, and no unnecessary expendi-tures allowed. Great attention will be given to the manners and morals of the Students, and to the developement of those noble, manly and patriotic sentiments that ought to characterize every American citizen. This system of Edu-cation prepares young men equally well for public or private, civil or military life, and its superiority over every other system has been established by thirty-three years of experience. Those who do not wish to complete the full course, can attend to the branches which will best qualify them for such future pursuits as they contemplate. Each one will be allowed to progress as rapidly as he can in his studies, consistently with a thorough understanding of the same. Candidates for admission are admitted at any time and charged their expenses from the time of joining. The 33d ANNIVERSARY OF THE SYSTEM will be celebrated at the Institution, on the 6th of Sept., 1853, at which all are invited to attend. The LOCATION of the Institution is central from north to south, and is proverbially healthy and pleasant. The climate is mild. It is 32 miles from Philadelphia, 5 from Wilmington, and 65 from Baltimore, and in the vicinity of the Philadelphia and Baltimore Railroad—the Depot at Newport being two miles and a half distant, with a ready con-veyance. Being retired from the vicinity of any city or large village, it is well adapted to study, and the preservation of the morals of the Cadets. The quarters are of stone, in good repair, and will accommodate 250 Cadets. There are all the necessary out buildings, a Medicinal Spring, &c., and 60 acres of land, well adapted to Gardening, Agri-culture, &c. A. PARTRIDGE, Superintendent, BRANDYWINE SPRINGS, JUNE 1, 1853
Broadside advertising an educational convention and anniversary celebration in Wilmington, Delaware, on 6 and 7 September 1853, with an address to be given by Alden Partridge. ; EDUCATIONAL CONVENTION AND CELEBRATION On the 6th and 7th of September, '53. lst.---The Convention will assemble in the ODD FELLOWS HALL IN WILMINGTON, on the 6th of September, at 10 o'clock, and or-ganize. 2nd.---After the organization, an ADDRESS WILL BE DELIVERED BY CAPT. PARTRIDGE, Superintendent of the National Scientific and Military College at Brandywine Springs, in which he will minutely explain the system of Education adopted at the said Institution, and its practical results. 3d.---Addresses by other gentlemen; appointment of committees, and adjournment. AFTERNOON. The Convention will meet pursuant to adjournment, when AN ADDRESS WILL BE DELIVERED BY TIE HON. ARCHER GIFFORD, Of Newark, New Jersey. After which, transaction of business, and adjournment. NOTE.---After the adjournment of the Convention in the forenoon, a salute of thirty-one guns will be fired by the Cadets of the Military College. The friends of Education, including ladies, are respectfully invited to attend the Convention and other exercises. Anniversary Celebration at Brandywine Springs. The 33d Anniversary of this system of Education will be celebrated at the Millitary College at Brandywine Springs, on the 7th of September, as follows : A National salute of 31 guns will be fired at 3 o'clock, P. M., by the Cadets of the in-stitution; to be followed by volunteer addresses, &c. In the evening there will be A MILITARY SOIREE. Dancing will commence at 8 o'clock. TICKETS, $1 00 each, admit-ting a gentleman and ladies, can be had at the Institution, Brandy-wine Springs. Ladies and gentlemen fond of rational, moral and re-fined recreation are respectfully invited to attend. August 22,1853. A. PARTRIDGE. | C. P. JOHNSON, Printer, 1l4 Market Street
Leaves for Brandywine Springs, Delaware, in a couple of days to open the school there on the 16th; please have Willis Royal Peake (1836-1901) there as soon as possible; his son, George Musalas Colvocoresses Partridge (1838-1855), will go with him to Delaware. ; Transcription by Joseph Byrne. Transcriptions may be subject to error.
Draft of an announcement of an educational convention to be held in Wilmington, Delaware, on 7 September 1853, in the handwriting of Alden Partridge. Announcement is dated 1 August 1853 and was probably created for publication. ; Transcription by Joseph Byrne. Transcriptions may be subject to error.
Draft of a schedule of events for an educational convention to be held in Wilmington, Delaware on 6-7 September 1853, in Alden Partridge's handwriting. Schedule includes a celebration of the 33rd anniversary of Partridge's system of education. ; Transcription by Joseph Byrne. Transcriptions may be subject to error.
Announcement by Alden Partridge of an alternative payment plan available to students at the National Scientific and Military College who might wish to attend French, German, and Italian language classes and receive sword exercise instruction but not pay separately for each of these "extra" branches of instruction. ; THE NATIONAL SCIENTIFIC AND MILITARY COLLEGE, BRANDYWINE SPRINGS, DELAWARE. For the purpose of placing some of the most important of the EXTRA BRANCHES of In -struction on a more liberal plan than for a student to pay for each branch separately, by the quarter, the following plan will be adopted for those who wish themselves thoroughly acquainted with the following branches, viz. :—A student can attend to the French, Ger-man, and Italian Languages, and also to the Sword Exercise, for twenty-six Dollars per annum ; to any three of them, for twenty Dollars per annum ; to any two of them, for sixteen Dollars per annum ; and for a single branch, twelve Dollars per annum. By this arrangement, a student, in the ordinary time for completing his Collegiate Course, can become thoroughly versed in any, or all of the foregoing branches, which he will find of great use in after life. The gentlemen, engaged to teach the foregoing Languages, speak them with fluency. The Small Sword, Cut and Thrust, and Broad Sword, will be taught in a superior style. NORWICH, VT., APRIL, 22, 1853. A. PARTRIDGE.
Invitation to former pupils of Alden Partridge to attend a continuation of the "adjourned meeting of the Educational Convention, held at Norwich, Vt., on the 13th and 14th of August, 1851," to be held at Middletown, Connecticut, on 3 September 1852. Dated 12 June 1852. ; EDUCATIONAL CONVENTION AT MIDDLETOWN, CONN, SEPT. 3, 1852. To all of my former and present pupils, whether educated at Norwich, Middletown, Portsmouth, Va., Buffalo, Bris-tol, (Pa.). Harrisburgh, Reading, Pembroke, N. H., or any other place. GENTLEMEN: You are hereby respectfully invited and urgently requested to attend the adjourned meeting of the Educational Convention, held at Norwich, Vt., ond the 13th and 14th of August, 1851—to be holden at Middle-town, Ct., on on the 3d day of Sept., 1852. The accompanying proceedings of that Convention will clearly point out the important objects proposed to be accomplished by it, But in addition to this, the meeting at Middletown will en. able you to renew the friendships, and review the thrilling scenes of by-gone days -- also again to salute your old Su-perintendent and Commander who will be most happy to take you by the hand on that interesting occasion. It is con-fidently expected that none will be absent from Roll-Call at 10 o'clock A. M., on the 3d day of Sept., without sending a satisfactory excuse. Military Gentlemen, and all the friends of a truly American System of Education are respect-fully invited to attend, and take part in the proceedings. (Signed) A. PARTRIDGE. NORWICH, VT., JUNE 12th, 1852. NOTE -- All who receive the foregoing, are requested to invite others to attend, and also the Editors of News-papers, to notice the Call. Gentlemen of the press are particularly invited to be present, and aid in the proceedings. Addresses may be expected from several distinguished Gentlemen, There will be a preliminary meeting at the Brandywine Springs, Del, on the l0th of July, at which all the friends of liberal and useful Education are invited to attend. A, P. DARTMOUTH PRESS, HANOVER.
Statement by Alden Partridge regarding the measurement of altitudes determined by his cadets (who are identified by name in the document) at the American Scientific and Military Collegiate Institute in Norwich, Vermont. Probably intended for publication.
Partial statement by Alden Partridge regarding the measurement of altitudes determined by his cadets (who are identified by name in the document) at the American Scientific and Military Collegiate Institute in Norwich, Vermont. Probably intended for publication. There is a complete statement available, same date.
Alden Partridge invites former pupils from his various different schools to a convention about permanently establishing his "Literary, Scientific and Military System of Education" in the United States, to be held at Norwich, Vermont, on 13 August 1851. ; CONVENTION. To all my former Pupils at Norwich, Middletown, Buffalo, Portsmouth, Va. Bristol, Harrisburg and Reading, Pa., and Pembroke, N. H. Gentlemen, You are requested to meet in Convention, at Norwich, State of Vermont, on Wednesday, the 13th day of August next, for the following purposes, viz :— 1. To renew the friendship, and revive the interesting scenes of by-gone days. 2. To adopt the necessary measures for establishing the Literary, Scientific and Military System of Education—[the true American System]—on a permanent basis in the United States. 3. To transact any other business that may come before the Convention. It is proposed that the Convention continue two clays — the 13th and 14th — the 13th to be devoted to business, and the 14th to the public exercises. Addresses may be expected from JOSEPH C. WRIGHT, Esq., of Oswego, N. Y. CHARLES H. STOUT, Esq., of Easton, Pa. Professor J. B. BATCHELDER, of the Military Institute at Reading, Pa. JOSEPH C. MORRILL, Esq., of the Military Institute at Pembroke, N. H. And from other Gentlemen. As the objects, of the Convention are of great importance, a full attendance is urgently requested. Gentle-men friendly to a truly American System of Education, are invited to attend and take part in the proceedings. Those who cannot attend, are requested to communicate their views on the objects of the Convention, in writing. As it is proposed to publish a Catalogue of all those who have worn the Bullet Button, with the various occupations and professions in which they have been and are engaged, and the public stations they have occupied, or do occupy, together with their places of residence—(designating those who have died )-— Gentlemen, are requested to transmit all the necessary information on these Subjects. (Signed) A. PARTRIDGE. Norwich. Vt., July 1, 1851. Note—Gentlemen who receive this Circular are requested to invite others to attend, and also to request Editors of Newspapers to notice the call. A. P.
Announcement by Alden Partridge that the Fall term of the Gymnasium and Military Collegiate Institute will open on 20 August 1850. Includes a general description of the system of education and course of study offered at the school as well as information about the school's "Ladies' Department." ; GYMNASIUM AND MILITARY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE. AT PEMBROKE, N. H. The FALL TERM of this Institution will commence on the 20th of August, under the personal instruction of the Su-perintendent, assisted by Professor BENJAMIN, and such other Assistants as may be necessary. The following branches of Literature, Science, and Practical Instruction, constitute the course of Education at the Institute, viz. The Latin, Greek, French and English Languages ; Arithmetic ; the Construction and Use of Logarithms ; Algebra ; Geometry ; Trigonometry ; Planometry ; Stereometry; Mensuration of Heights and Distances ; Practical Geometry, in-cluding particularly Surveying and Levelling ; Civil Engineering ; Conic Sections ; the Use of the Barometer, with its ap-plication to measuring the altitudes of Mountains and other Eminences ; Natural Philosophy ; Astronomy; the Elements of Chemistry and Electricity ; Optics ; Navigation ; Geography, with the Use of Maps and Globes ; Composition and Decla-mation ; Logic ; History; Moral Philosophy ; Natural and Political Law ; the Law of Nations ; Military Law ; the Con-stitution of the United States, and the Science of Civil Government generally ; Metaphysics ; Political Economy ; Agricul-ture ; Permanent and Field Fortification, both Ancient and Modern ; Field Engineering ; the Construction of Marine Bat-teries ; Artillery Duty ; the Principles of Gunnery ; a complete Course of Military Tactics; the Attack and Defence of Fortified Places, both in Ancient and Modern Times ; Castrametation ; Military and Topographical Drawing ; Architec-ture ; Book-Keeping ; Fencing and Drawing. The Military Exercises will be attended to at such hours of the day as not to interfere with the studies and recitations ; they will conduce equally to health and improvement. The charge for Tuition, including the Lectures, per quarter of Eleven Weeks, is as follows, viz.- Academical Department, $5,00. Department of Civil Engineering, $7,00. Collegiate Department, $8,00. French, Drawing and Fencing, are extra branches, for the two former of which there is an additional charge of One Dollar per quarter each ; for Fencing, not to exceed Two Dollars. Board, including Washing, the use of Stu
Resolutions regarding duties of the representative to the General Assembly of Vermont for the town of Norwich, Vermont; unsigned and undated but written in Alden Partridge's handwriting; may have been a position paper expressing Partridge's views. One of the resolutions pertains to the State of Vermont's School Fund, in opposition to appropriating from the fund "for the benefit of any College or University in the State" and advocating it be used to support the common schools. The approximate date is based on the 1st resolution, which voices support for repealing the Habeas Corpus Act that the Vermont Legislature passed on 13 November 1850. ; Transcription by Joseph Byrne. Transcriptions may be subject to error.
Broadside with message by Alden Partridge informing the public of the guilty verdict in his libel suit against three members of the Norwich University Board of Trustees, Ira Davis, William Sweatt, and Aaron Loveland. ; To THE PUBLIC. It is doubtless recollected by the readers of the Vermont Mercury of the 25th of December, 1845, and of the Spirit of the Age of the 1st of January, 1846, that a publication appeared in each of those papers, purporting to be a Report of a Committee of the Trustees of Norwich University, consisting of Ira Davis, William Sweatt, and Aaron Loveland — made to said Board of Trustees, and unanimously adopted by them, at a meeting held on the 9th of December, 1845, and ordered to be published. In this Report my character and reputation, both as President of Norwich University and as an individual were violently assailed. As I knew the Report, — concocted in malice — was a tissue of vile misrepresentation and malicious falsehood, I prosecuted the aforesaid Committee, &c. for a libel. The declaration was drawn by S. R. Streeter, Esq., of Barnard, with his usual accuracy and ability, and couched in the strongest terms adopted in cases of an atrocious and malicious libel. The cause came up for trial at the last November Term of the County Court, held at Woodstock, and resulted in the full conviction of the said Ira Davis, William Sweatt, and Aaron Loveland, &e., The verdict of the jury was in the following words, viz ; " In this cause the Jury say that the Defendants are guilty in manner and form as the Plaintiff, in his declaration, hath alleged." As the Jury, however, allowed me only nominal damages, I take for granted they believed the malicious falsehoods of this little junto Of Corporate Libellers had so little influence on the public mind, that my reputation was not materially affected thereby. As Norwich University derived its corporate powers and privileges (and they are of the highest order) from the sovereign power of Vermont, it is presumed the people of the State who have a deep interest in the character and reputation of all their literary institutions, would be pleased to know in what manner these high powers and prerogatives have been used. I would therefore inform them that the Board of Trustees of Norwich University consists, nominally, of twenty-five members ; of which seven are required to be present at any meeting to constitute a quorum ; that a majority of said Board have never been present at any meeting within the last seven or eight years ; the number of members attending the meetings generally fluctuates between seven and nine or ten, residing at Norwich and vicinity — constituting a small minority of the whole Board, and that this minority is controlled by a little junto of five or six, of which junto Ira Davis, the convicted Libeller, alias, liar, appears to be the head and trunk. Under such influences the important prerogatives and privileges conferred by the sovereign power of this State, for noble and important objects, have been basely prostituted to the accomplishment of the most ignoble and grovelling purposes, entirely foreign to the original design of the Legislature. As I intend, however, to present the whole subject to the Legislature, by memorial, at its next Session, and distinctly specify the manner in which the Charter has been violated and abused by this junto, I will not further enlarge at this time.— When the Legislature is fully informed on this subject, I have no doubt that honorable body will fully vindicate its own honor, as well as the honor of the State, and the cause of literature and science, by placing the University under the guardianship and control of a real Board of Trustees, composed of gentlemen of well established moral worth, and possessing such literary and scientific attainments as would be an honor to any Literary Institution in our country. Then would Norwich University be restored to its former respectability, and be the worthy successor of the A. L. S. Military Academy, from which it derived its origin, and then would all the Alumni of this Institution, who have worn the Bullet Button — whether educated at Norwich, Middletown, Portsmouth, Bristol, Harrisburg, or other places, rise, en masse, and rally around their old Alma Mater — endow and sustain it, and thus place it amongst the most useful public Institutions in the United States. Signed, A. PARTRIDGE. Norwich, Vt., February 4, 1850.
Announcement by Alden Partridge of the opening of the Pennsylvania Scientific and Military Collegiate Institute, at Reading, Pennsylvania. Includes a general description of the system of education and course of study offered at the school. A note about the possibility of opening a female seminary at this location is also included. ; Printed at Norwich, Vermont? ; THE PENNSYLVANIA SCIENTIFIC AND MILITARY COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE AT READING, PENNSYLVANIA. CA.PT. A. PARTRIDGE would inform the public that the above Institution will be opened under his superinten-dence, assisted by able and faithful Instructors, on the FIRST MONDAY IN APRIL, 1850. The following branches of Literature, Science and practical Instruction will constitute the course of Education, at this Institution, viz : The Latin, Greek, aud English Languages; Arithmetic ; the Construction and Use of Logarithms ; Algebra: Geometry; Trigonometry; Planometry ; Stereometry; Mensuration of Heights and Distances; Practical Geo-metry, includiug particularly Surveying and Levelling; Civil Engineering; Conic Sections ; The Use of the Ba-rometer, with its application to measuring the altitudes of Mountains and other Eminences; Natural Philosophy ; Astronomy ; the Elements of Chemistry and Electricity ; Optics; Navigation ; Geography, with the use of Maps ^nd Globes; Composition and Declamation; Logic; History; Moral Philosophy; Natural and Political Law; the Law of Nations ; Military Law ; the Constitution of the United States, and the Science of Government gene-rally ; Metaphysics; Political Economy; Agriculture ; Permanent and Field Fortification, both Ancient and Mod-ern ; Field Engineering; the Construction of Marine Batteries ; Artillery Duty; the Principles of Gunnery; a complete Course of Military Tactics; the Attack and Defence of Fortified Places, both in ancient and modern times; Castrametation ; Military and Topographical Drawing; Architecture; Book Keeping. The Military Exercises will be attended to at such hours of the day as not to interfere with the studies and rec-itations ; they will conduce equally to health and improvement. The charge for Tuition, per quarter of eleven weeks, will be as follows, viz; For the Latin and Greek Languages, $10,00 For the English Course, - 8,00 Students between the ages of ten and fourteen years, will be charged per quarter, for Tuition, as follows, viz ; For the Latin and Greek Languages, $7,00 For the English Branches, 6,00 No deduction will be made for absence in term time. A Primary Department will be established, should there be sufficient encouragement, in which will be taught all the elementary branches necessary to prepare the students to enter on the higher branches of study in the Institute. The Tuition will be four dollars per quarter. Youths under eleven years of age will be admitted into this Department. The tuition in all of the departments must be paid quarterly in advance. Board will be furnished on reasonable terms. Students, whose parents reside at such distance that they cannot attend to the pecuniary affairs of their sons, can be furnished with Board, Tuition, the use of study rooms and furniture, with washing, lights, and fuel, for one hundred and seventy five dollars for the Collegiate year of forty four weeks—one half to be paid to the Superintendent, at the time of joining, and the oth-er half at the expiration of twenty two weeks. Capt, P. will take charge of the funds of all such students, and see that they are appropriated for necessary purposes only. No extra charge will be made for this duty. Capt. P. has engaged Professors Rehrer and Batehelder, as his assistants in the Institute. These gentlemen are well ac-quainted with the system of Education, (having been educated under it,) and are in every respect well qualified for their respective stations. Students who may not wish to complete the full course of studies, can attend to such branches as they, or their parents or guardians may designate. The full course will prepare a young man for any of the learned professions, for Civil and Military Engineers, for practical Science, and all the practical business of life; in fine it will make good scholars, good citizens, and good soldiers. Capt. P. will deliver an annual course of Lectures on Military Science, Political Economy, Philosophy, Astronomy, Geography, &c., which will be free to all the members of the Institute. For further information, prior to the first of April, application can be made to Capt. P. at Pembroke, New Hampshire, also to Gen. WM. H. KEIM, the Hon. J. P. JONES, and Judge BANKS, at Reading. NORWICH, VERMONT, NOVEMBER 8, 1849. NOTE. A Seminary for Young Ladies will be opened at Reading, under the patronage of the Institute, as soon as sufficient encouragement shall be given. The course of Instruction will be of as high an order as at the best Female Seminaries in the country.