Science-policy interface organizations and initiatives (SPIORG) are a key component of environmental governance designed to make links between science and society. However, the sciencepolicy interface literature lacks a structured approach to explaining the impacts of context on and by these initiatives. To better understand these impacts on and interactions with governance, this paper uses the concept of the governance 'meshwork' to explore how dynamic processes – encompassing prior, current and anticipated interactions – coproduce knowledge and impact via processes, negotiation and networking activities at multiple governance levels. To illustrate the interactions between SPIORGs and governance meshwork we use five cases representing archetypal SPIORGs. These cases demonstrate how all initiatives and organizations link to their contexts in complex and unique ways, yet also identifies ten important aspects that connect the governance meshwork to SPIORGs. These aspects of the meshwork, together with the typology of organizations, provide a comprehensive framework that can help make sense how the SPIORGs are embedded in the surrounding governance contexts. We highlight that SPIORGs must purposively consider and engage with their contexts to increase their potential impact on knowledge co-production and policy making. ; Peer reviewed
Low- and middle-income countries in Southeast and East Asia face a range of challenges related to the rapid pace of urbanisation in the region, the scale of pollution, climate change, loss of ecosystem services and associated difficulties for ecological restoration. Possible pathways towards a more sustainable future lie in the applications of nature-based solutions (NBS). However, there is relatively little literature on the application of NBS in the region, particularly Southeast Asia. In this paper we address this gap by assessing the socio-ecological challenges to the application of NBS in the region – one of the most globally biodiverse. We first provide an overview and background on NBS and its underpinnings in biodiversity and ecosystem services. We then present a typology describing five unique challenges for the application of NBS in the region: (1) Characteristics of urbanisation; (2) Biophysical environmental and climatic context; (3) Environmental risks and challenges for restoration; (4) Human nature relationships and conflicts; and (5) Policy and governance context. Exploiting the opportunities through South-South and North-South collaboration to address the challenges of NBS in Southeast and East Asia needs to be a priority for government, planners and academics. ; Peer reviewed
Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP) was adopted as a stand-alone goal and reflected as one of the cross-cutting objectives of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), with a central role to address global resource consumption and its associated environmental impacts, as well as numerous social and economic issues. With this broad characterization of SCP, policy integration is crucial in addressing it at national level. This paper analyzes characteristics of SCP policy integration based on a survey of national government policies. It reveals that SCP is not fully integrated in national policy-making; high resource consumption sectors such as urban planning, building, and tourism are not fully incorporated into national SCP policies, and there is only limited participation of relevant government ministries other than environment ministries. We find that among countries with horizontal policy integration, those with Green Economy/Green Growth frameworks tend to have better sectoral integration; and those with SCP-specific frameworks are likely to have broader coordination of ministries. By conducting cross-analysis using income level and region, the different characteristics of SCP policy-making approaches were identified. The results of this study provide a better understanding of how SCP is integrated into policy for effective national policy-making and measurement of the SDG Goal 12. ; Peer reviewed
Social resilience is an essential aspect of sustainability in environmental management, especially in poor resource-dependent communities. To better understand the dynamics of social resilience, we have conducted a primarily qualitative study of communities dependent on hilsa fishing in two coastal villages in southern Bangladesh. This study applies concepts of social-ecological system (SES), social resilience and co-management in outlining our qualitative data and framing its interpretation. Our findings show that while the establishment of hilsa sanctuary areas has enhanced the previously low ecological sustainability of local small-scale fishing, the management of this program has challenged the social resilience of hilsa fishers by creating new inequalities in the distribution of power and privilege, in terms of the ways in which seasonal fishing bans are enforced and compensation for income loss during the ban periods is distributed. Based on our findings, we suggest specific measures for strengthening social resilience at the local level, including building community networks, developing community infrastructures, updating existing rules and regulations, providing alternative means of generating income for fishers during the crisis periods (e.g. natural disasters and fishing ban periods) and more active sharing of responsibility between stakeholders and government for management of the hilsa fishery. These findings are also applicable to understanding the issues beyond rules and regulations that co-management arrangements need to address in order to be successful and to enhancing the function of co-management arrangements in improving social resilience within resource-dependent communities ; Peer reviewed
As evidence of adverse health effects due to air pollution continues to increase, the World Health Organization (WHO) recently published its latest edition of the global air quality guidelines (World Health Organization, 2021). Although not legally binding, the guidelines aim to provide a framework in which policymakers can combat air pollution by formulating evidence-based air quality management strategies. In the light of this, the European Union has stated its intent to revise the current ambient air quality directive (2008/50/EC) to more closely resemble the newly published WHO guidelines (European Commission, 2020). This article provides an informed opinion on selected features of the air quality directive that we believe would benefit from a reassessment. The selected features include discussion about (1) air quality sensors as a part of a hierarchical observation network, (2) the number of minimum sampling points and their siting criteria, and (3) new target air pollution parameters for future consideration. ; Peer reviewed
The Anthropocene is the proposed name for a new geologic era in which humans are held to be a defining agent of planetary history. Largely the effect of fossil fuel use in industrial societies, this periodization has itself generated a minor academic industry of publications and theoretical formulations that have alternately challenged and reinforced disciplinary perspectives. In light of this, this chapter argues for a conjunctural approach to the Anthropocene concept, one that focuses on understanding its 'meaning' in relation to the political, geographical, ecological, economic, and institutional contexts where it is deployed. It draws on two examples, one from an 'ecomodernist' institute located in California, another from the indigenous Kichwa people of Ecuador. ; Peer reviewed
Agriculture is an important source of nitrogen and phosphorous loads to the Baltic Sea. We study how the European Union's (EU) Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), and in particular how its first pillar, containing most of the budget and the decoupled farm payments, affects eutrophication. To aid our study, we use three simulation models, covering the agricultural sector in the EU, a hydrological nutrient flow model and a model of eutrophication in the Baltic Sea. We compute changes in key eutrophication indicators in a business-as-usual baseline and in a hypothetical situation where the first pillar of the CAP, containing the direct payments, greening and accompanying measures, is not present. Comparing the outcomes, we find that in the scenario without the first pillar, production and agricultural land use is lower, while yields and fertiliser use per hectare are higher, causing less nitrogen and phosphorous loads (0.5 to 4% depending on the basin) and less eutrophication in the Baltic Sea as net effect. We therefore conclude that the policies of the first pillar of the CAP contribute to increased eutrophication in the Baltic Sea. ; Peer reviewed
External pollution load in the Baltic Sea originates from urban, agricultural and industrial sources. Emissions of heavy metals have decreased substantially in the catchment area but the temporal trends are not always significant and differ with sample, area and pollutant. The most significant source of anthropogenic radioactivity in the Baltic Sea is fallout from the Chernobyl accident in 1986. Many factors affect the future development of pollutant concentrations including anthropogenic emissions, political decisions and changes in salinity, temperature and water currents, in eutrophication and oxygen status, in fisheries and in atmospheric deposition of pollutants. Large scale changes like eutrophication and climate change affect ecosystems in many ways, directly and indirectly, causing biological and abiotic effects. These factors are interrelated and difficult to predict. Measures aiming to enhance the ecological status of the Baltic Sea will certainly give positive results but this will take at least several decades. ; Peer reviewed
International policy development and expected climate change impacts such as flooding, landslides, and the extinction of sensitive species have forced countries around the Baltic Sea to begin working on national climate adaptation policies. Simultaneously, the EU is building both a central and a macro-regional Baltic Sea-wide adaptation strategy to support national policy developments. However, it yet remains unclear how these EU strategies will complement each other or national policies. This article analyzes the constraints and opportunities presented by this new institutional interplay and discusses the potential of the forthcoming EU strategies to support national policy. It does so by mapping how adaptation is institutionalized in two case countries, Sweden and Finland, and is organized in the two EU approaches. The vertical institutional interplay between scales is analyzed in terms of three factors: competence, capacity, and compatibility. Results indicate institutional constraints related to: risks of policy complexity for sub-national actors, an unclear relationship between the two EU approaches, an overly general approach to targeting contextualized climate change vulnerabilities, and a general lack of strategies to steer adaptation. However, there are also opportunities linked to an anticipated increased commitment to the national management of adaptation, especially related to biodiversity issues. ; Peer reviewed
This article explores the development, evolution and impacts of large-scale irrigation schemes in the formation of the postcolonial state of Morocco and in more recent neoliberal decades. In particular, the article focuses on the Gharb Plain in the Sebou River basin, which was targeted by huge investments to become the core region for national development. In this area, three stages of development – colonial, early independent, and the aggressive politique des grandes barrages post-1970 – have created two clearly different and successive landscapes. The traditional landscape has been overlain, and largely obliterated, by colonial and postcolonial governmental landscapes, reflected through different spatial, economic, cultural, and political patterns over time. In the present, a fourth stage of neoliberal development is occurring in the landscape, in which diffused poverty and ecosystem collapse coincide with greater concentrated wealth and the building of technological infrastructures. The article aims to complement critical studies on neoliberal environments, by focusing in particular on the manipulation, dispossession and commodification of water and land resources in irrigated agriculture in Morocco. These emerging rationalities are closely related to the changing policies of the contemporary Moroccan state. ; Peer reviewed
This article analyses some problems emerging in aid practices aimed to support civil society in developing countries. First, it reports the debate emerged in critical development studies regarding non-state actors, and particularly nongovernmental organizations, which have progressively substituted public institutions in service provision and in representative forums, often as a consequence of external pressures made by international donors. Secondly, it analyses the European aid programme named "Non-State Actors and Local Authorities in Development", whose aim is to fight poverty and increase governance through actions empowering local organisations. More specifically, it evaluates the programme's coherence and effectiveness in five visited countries (Georgia, Occupied Palestinian Territory, Zimbabwe, Rwanda and Cameroon) and, particularly, in two projects based in Rwanda. These two case studies show very different results as far as local involvement. Interviews, field visits and analyses of project reports reveal the diverse nature of the various organizations that compose the non-state actors, and their different capacity to express local agency. External donors need to redefine their aid relations in a way to effectively empower the most vulnerable groups. ; Peer reviewed
Tässä väitöskirjassa kehitetään, parametrisoidaan ja validoidaan yksityiskohtainen taloudellis-ekologinen malli poropopulaatiosta, sen energiaresursseista ja käytöstä. Mallin avulla tutkitaan paliskunnan mahdollisimman suurta kestävää tulotasoa tavoittelevaa teurastusta, populaation ruokintaa ja laidunten käytön säätelyä. Erilaisiin lähtökohtiin perustuvia arvioita taloudellis-ekologisista optimiratkaisuista verrataan poronhoidon nykytilaan. Poronhoito on merkittävä elinkeino erityisesti Ylä-Lapin alueella ja samalla kiinteä osa saamelaista kulttuuria. Poro (Rangifer tarandus L.) vaikuttaa arktiseen ympäristöön ja populaation omiin ravintoresursseihin erityisesti jäkälikköjä kuluttamalla. Poron riippuvuus jäkälän määrästä vastaakin ekologiassa paljon tutkittua dynaamista kuluttaja-resurssi – systeemiä. Taloudellinen tarkastelu lisää tähän klassiseen ekologiseen malliin ihmisen vaikutuksen luonnonvarojen hyödyntäjänä ja muokkaajana. Tämä lisäys on välttämätön, jotta poronhoidosta saataisiin kuva pohjoiseen arktiseen luontoon sopeutuneena tärkeänä ja kulttuurisesti omaleimaisena taloudellista ylijäämää tavoittelevana elinkeinona. Väitöskirjan malli perustuu poro-jäkälä dynamiikkaan, mutta sisältää myös muut luontaiset ravintolähteet sekä lisärehun. Ekologinen malli nojaa laajasti käytettyihin teorioihin ja metodeihin, kuten eläinyksilöiden optimaalisen ravinnon valinnan teoriaan ja dynaamiseen ikä- ja sukupuoliluokkaiseen mallirakenteeseen. Optimointi ratkaistaan kehittyneillä matemaattisilla algoritmeilla. Malli sisältää yksityiskohtaisen kuvauksen tuloista, kustannuksista, poronhoidolle maksetuista tuista ja huomioi korkokannan vaikutukset. Tuloksena on aikaisempaa tutkimusta oleellisesti realistisempi monitieteinen kuvaus poro-laidun dynamiikasta ja porotaloudesta. Vastoin luonnonvarataloustieteen klassista tulosta poropopulaation optimaalinen koko on realistisilla positiivisilla korkokannoilla suurempi kuin koron ollessa nolla. Vastaavasti jäkälämäärä on alhaisempi. Yksi tutkimuksen päätuloksista on, että, taloudellisesti optimaaliset teurastukset kohdistetaan vasoihin. Aikuiset naaraat on kannattavinta teurastaa yhdeksän ja koiraat viiden vuoden ikäisinä. Verrattuna aikaisempaan tutkimukseen yksi väitöskirjan mallien edistysaskel on joustavan poron polygamisen luonteen huomioivan pariutumismallin käyttäminen. Tämän seurauksena saadaan arvio optimaalisesta populaation sukupuolijakaumasta samoin kuin eri sukupuolta olevien eläinyksilöiden taloudellisesta arvosta. Sovelletussa pariutumismallissa sekä koiras-naaras suhde että koiraiden ja naaraiden ikäluokkarakenne vaikuttavat syntyvien vasojen määrään. Koiraiden määrä voidaan pitää pienenä niiden korkean lisääntymiskyvykkyyden seurauksena. Tästä seuraa, että marginaalisen koiraan taloudellinen arvo on naarasta korkeampi. Väitöskirjan tulokset osoittavat, että tutkittaessa taloudellisesti kestävää poronhoitoa tulee sekä ekologiset että taloustieteelliset tekijät huomioida monipuolisesti. Yksi väitöskirjan päätuloksista on, että taloudellisesti optimaalinen jäkäläbiomassa on selvästi pienempi kuin aikaisemmissa tutkimuksissa. Tähän on sekä ekologisia ja taloudellisia että poronhoidollisia syitä: korkea korko, vähäinen vanhan metsän määrä, laidunkierron puuttuminen, runsas lupon määrä ja valtion suorat tulotuet alentavat kaikki jäkäläbiomassan määrää tasapainotilassa. Lisäksi joissain tapauksissa intensiiviseen lisäruokintaan pohjautuva poronhoito saattaa olla taloudellisesti kannattavinta. Tämä johtaa alhaisiin jäkälämääriin ja jäkälälaidunten kulumiseen. Väitöskirjassa arvioitu talviaikainen jäkälän hukkaantuminen laidunnuksen seurauksena vastaa jo aikaisemmissa optimointimalleissa käytettyä, mutta kesäaikainen jäkälän hukkaantuminen on tallaantumisen vuoksi huomattavasti suurempaa. Tulos korostaa vuodenaikaisen laidunkierron merkitystä jäkälän kulumisen estämisessä. Validointitulokset osoittavat, että malli pystyy myös hyvin kuvamaan jäkälän määrän kehitystä. Validoidulla mallilla tehdyt arviot taloudellisesti optimaalisesta jäkälämäärästä ovat korkeampia verrattuna laidunten nykytilaan poronhoitoalueella. Jäkälän lisääminen tasolle, jossa taloudellisesti kannattava poronhoito voi perustua luonnonlaitumiin kestää mallilla saatavien arvioiden mukaan vuosikymmeniä ja vaatisi osin myös voimakkaita poromäärien leikkauksia. Myös lisäruokinnan käyttäminen on kannattavaa sopeutumisen alkuvuosina. Kuitenkaan välittömillä teurastuksilla toteutettu mahdollisimman nopea sopeutumisratkaisu jäkäliköiden elvyttämiseksi ei näytä taloudellisesti perustellulta. Hitaampi sopeuttaminen hyödyntää paremmin poropopulaation ikäluokkarakennetta ja huomioi poronomistajien tarpeen säilyttää riittävä tulotaso myös sopeuttamisjakson aikana. Bioekonomisia malleja on metsä- ja kalataloudesta käytetty runsaasti käytännön kysymysten ja suositusten laatimiseen. Myös tässä väitöskirjassa kehitettyä porotalouden mallia voidaan käyttää monien empiiristen, soveltavien ja käytännön kysymysten tarkasteluun. Mallilla voidaan tutkia kilpailevien maankäyttömuotojen aiheuttamia kustannuksia ja esimerkiksi erilaisten geneettisten muutosten taloudellista potentiaalia. Lisäksi voidaan arvioida petoeläinten porotaloudelle aiheuttamia kustannuksia. Maa- ja metsätalousministeriö määrittää kymmenvuosittain suurimmat sallitut poroluvut eri paliskunnille. Kehitetyllä mallilla voidaan tuottaa erilaisiin lähtökohtiin perustuvia arvioita taloudellis-ekologisesti perustelluista poromääristä. Mallin dynaaminen rakenne huomioi ikäluokkarakenteesta syntyvät viiveet sopeutumisprosesseissa ja näin voidaan arvioida kannattavimpia sopeutumispolkuja nykytilanteesta kohti tavoiteltavia poromääriä. ; The reindeer (Rangifer tarandus L.) is a key species in Fennoscandia, where nearly 40% of the land area is used as reindeer pasture. Reindeer herding is an important source of income for local people and an intrinsic part of the Sami culture In this thesis, the reindeer herding system is studied using a detailed interdisciplinary dynamic model. An age- and sex-structured reindeer-lichen model is developed using findings from previous research and novel data. The model also takes other winter resources, including supplementary food, into account in addition to ground lichens. This ecological model is combined with economic optimization and a description of the herding system with empirically estimated prices, costs, and governmental subsidies. The model is validated and calibrated to describe the reindeer herding system in the northern part of Finnish Lapland. The results for population dynamics without harvesting show that the reindeer-lichen system described by the model is unstable in the absence of predators. However, high availability of arboreal lichens stabilizes the system. In economically optimal solutions increasing the interest rate increases the steady-state reindeer population level, opposite to classical understanding in resource economics. Natural mortality is close to zero in optimal steady-state solutions and harvesting is concentrated on calves. The number of adult males is kept as low as possible without decreasing the reproduction rate of the population. This leads to much higher shadow values for males compared to females. The results show that in order to study sustainable and economically viable reindeer management, both ecological and economic factors must be taken into account, as they strongly affect the solutions and management recommendations. One of the main findings is that the economically optimal steady-state lichen biomass can be surprisingly low. High interest rate, lack of pasture rotation, low growth rate of ground lichen, high availability of arboreal lichens, and government subsidies all decrease the steady-state lichen biomass. Using intensive supplementary feeding to support larger reindeer herds, which leads to the depletation of lichens, can additionally become optimal in certain cases. When recovering from overgrazed lichen pastures, use of supplementary feeding and the amount of arboreal lichens have an important role in the optimal adaptation process. The wintertime wastages estimated in this study are close to earlier suggestions, but summertime wastage is higher than expected. Seasonal pasture rotation could thus considerably help reduce the summertime trampling of winter pastures. The model validation solutions show that the model is able to describe changes in lichen biomass with good accuracy. Using the validated model and calibrated wastage values we found that reindeer numbers in northernmost Finland in the present situation are in most cases higher than in the management solutions given by the model.
This contribution will focus on the politics of scales: traditionally conceived, by the positivist science, as hierarchical relational levels that vary from the dimension of the human body to the global, they are studied by post structural interpretations in terms of multiscalarity, processual rescaling, ideological constructions, and contextual pathways for democratic, just and sustainable transformations. This chapter focuses on two cases: a) on rescaling strategies played by indigenous organizations in Ecuador in relation to the central powers, to affirm the plurinational identity of the state; and b) on standard scales in natural conservation and creation of a natural park and kinship scale based on the notion of ancestral lands, tanindrazana, of the Tsimihety, main ethnic group in rural Northeast Madagascar. Politics of scales informs sustainability science to focus carefully on peoples' institutions, territories, and territorialities as contingent levels of power interactions. ; Peer reviewed