ΘΕΟΦΙΛΟΣ ΒΕΪΚΟΣ, Ο κόσμος σε διασπορά. Έθνη καί Οικουμένη, Ελληνικά Γράμματα, Αθήνα 1995, 68 σελ
In: Ελληνική Επιθεώρηση Πολιτικής Επιστήμης, Band 9, S. 209
ISSN: 2585-3031
[Δεν διατίθεται περίληψη / no abstract available]
92 Ergebnisse
In: Ελληνική Επιθεώρηση Πολιτικής Επιστήμης, Band 9, S. 209
ISSN: 2585-3031
[Δεν διατίθεται περίληψη / no abstract available]
Simply by formulating a question about the nature of ancient Greek poetry or music, any modern English speaker is already risking anachronism. In recent years especially, scholars have reminded one another that the words 'music' and 'poetry' denote concepts with no easy counterpart in Greek. μουσική in its broadest sense evokes not only innumerable kinds of structured movement and sound but also the political, psychological and cosmic order of which song, verse and dance are supposed to be perceptible manifestations.1 Likewise, ποίησις and the ποιητικὴ τέχνη can encompass all kinds of 'making', from the assembly of a table to the construction of a rhetorical argument.2 Of course, there were specifically artistic usages of these terms—according to Plato, 'musical and metrical production' was the default meaning of ποίησις in everyday speech.3 But even in discussions which restrict themselves to the sphere of human art, we find nothing like the neat compartmentalization of harmonized rhythmic melody on the one hand, and stylized verbal composition on the other, which is often casually implied or expressly formulated in modern comparisons of 'music' with 'poetry'.4 For many ancient theorists the City Dionysia, a dithyrambic festival and a recitation of Homer all featured different versions of one and the same form of composition, a μουσική or ποιητική to which λόγοι, γράμματα and συλλαβαί were just as essential as ἁρμονία, φθόγγοι, ῥυθμός and χρόνοι.5
Αν και η εκμάθηση της γλώσσας και η αναβάθ-μιση των δεξιοτήτων αποτελούν αναπόσπαστοστοιχείο των πολιτικών ένταξης της ΕΕ για υπη-κόους τρίτων χωρών, οι υφιστάμενες πολιτικέςκαι υποδομές στην Ελλάδα αποδεικνύονταιανεπαρκείς και αποσπασματικές ιδιαιτέρως σεότι αφορά τις μετανάστριες. Στο άρθρο δίνεταιέμφαση στην επίδραση που έχουν οι πολιτικέςένταξης και ειδικότερα η εκμάθηση της γλώσ-σας, η συμμετοχή στην εκπαίδευση και στα προ-γράμματα επαγγελματικής κατάρτισης, τόσο στηθέση των μεταναστριών στην αγορά εργασίας,όσο και στα σχέδια ζωής τους. Πώς αντιμετω-πίζουν οι μετανάστριες την απουσία ευκαιριώναπόκτησης νέων δεξιοτήτων και τι εναλλακτι-κές στρατηγικές αναπτύσσουν προκειμένου ναανοίξουν νέες διαδρομές και να υπερβούν τηνπεριθωριοποίησή τους; Ο αυτοσχεδιασμός στηνεκμάθηση της γλώσσας, η αναβάθμιση του επαγ-γελματικού προφίλ, η επαγγελματική προοπτικήμέσα από την εθελοντική κοινωνική δράση καιη αυταπασχόληση, αποτελούν παραδειγματικέςπεριπτώσεις εμπρόθετης δράσης και των στρα-τηγικών που επινοούν οι μετανάστριες στο πλαί-σιο της ελληνικής πραγματικότητας. ; Although language learning and reskillingare indispensable componentsof EU integration policies for thirdcountry nationals, existing policies andinfrastructure in Greece are insuffi cientand incoherent particularly with regardto migrant women. The main focus of thepaper is how integration policies - especiallylanguage learning, formal education andvocational training opportunities affectmigrant women's positioning into the labourmarket and their life plans. How do migrantwomen cope with the absence of reskillingopportunities and what alternative strategiesdo they develop to open new paths andovercome marginalization? Improvising inlanguage learning, upgrading professionalprofi les, building a career through voluntarywork and self employment constituteexemplary cases of agency and strategiesdevised by migrant women in the context ofGreek migration policies and society.
The understanding of the term Scripture in early Christianity is best described as an evolving concept that can be categorised into various stages. This can best be seen in the most popular Greek term the NT uses in designating Scripture, γραφή and its cognates. Γραφή was used 50 times in the NT to represent Scripture, and in each of these instances, it refers to more than just a mere writing which is what the term originally meant in Greek prior to the NT's consistent use of it as a technical term for sacred writing.This study attempts to reflect briefly on (part of) the evolution γραφή underwent on the pages of the NT especially within the Pastoral Epistles (PE) - a product of the early second century CE. This study bears in mind that the recognition of books as Scripture is not a series of clearly defined steps, but rather a long and complicated process involving creativity and powerplay. This study therefore serves to enhance a more accurate understanding of the transition the concept of Scripture in the PE, most especially pertaining to the use of the term γραφή.The question regarding the scope of the term γραφή in the NT and especially in the PE is open to debate – especially the use of the two different words, ἱερὰ γράμματα and γραφή for Scripture in 2 Tim. 3:15–16. So is the reference to Jesus' words as Scripture in 1 Tim. 5:18. These have raised questions of a possible shift in the PE' understanding of γραφή. Findings from this research include the extensive use of γραφή in the PE to accommodate more than just the Jewish Scripture, as it has evolved to include emerging earlier writings of the NT; the author of the PE was creative in adopting and adapting to a new understanding of sacred writings which serves the context of his time.This unveils the influence a community exerts on recognition of authoritative Scripture while teasing out the politics intertwined in the recognition of Scripture and the identity of a people, as this later became the path to canonicity of Scripture.
6 12 ; S ; This work theoretically analyzes the sound absorption properties of a chirped multi-layer porous material including transmission, in particular showing the broadband unidirectional absorption properties of the system. Using the combination of the impedance matching condition and the balance between the leakage and the intrinsic losses, the system is designed to have broadband unidirectional and quasi perfect absorption. The transfer and scattering matrix formalism, together with numerical simulations based on the finite element method are used to demonstrate the results showing excellent agreement between them. The proposed system allows to construct broadband sound absorbers with improved absorption in the low frequency regime using less amount of material than the complete bulk porous layer. (C) 2016 Author(s). All article content, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/). This work has been funded by the Metaudible project ANR-13-BS09-0003, co-funded by ANR and FRAE, and also by Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (Spain) and European Union FEDER through project FIS2015-65998-C2-2-P. We acknowledge project AICO/2016/060 by Consellera de Educacion, Investigacion, Cultura y Deporte de la Generalitat Valenciana. Jimenez, N.; Romero García, V.; Cebrecos, A.; Picó Vila, R.; Sánchez Morcillo, VJ.; García-Raffi, LM. (2016). Broadband quasi perfect absorption using chirped multi-layer porous materials. AIP Advances. 6(12). https://doi.org/10.1063/1.4971274 Ma, G., Yang, M., Xiao, S., Yang, Z., & Sheng, P. (2014). Acoustic metasurface with hybrid resonances. Nature Materials, 13(9), 873-878. doi:10.1038/nmat3994 Ma, G., & Sheng, P. (2016). Acoustic metamaterials: From local resonances to broad horizons. Science Advances, 2(2), e1501595. doi:10.1126/sciadv.1501595 Merkel, A., Theocharis, G., Richoux, O., Romero-García, V., & Pagneux, V. (2015). Control of acoustic absorption in one-dimensional ...
215 218 26 2 ; S ; We study mixing properties (topological mixing and weak mixing of arbitrary order) for nonautonomous linear dynamical systems that are induced by the corresponding dynamics on certain invariant sets. The kinds of nonautonomous systems considered here can be defined using a sequence of linear operators on a topological vector space X such that there is an invariant set Y for which the dynamics restricted to Y satisfies a certain mixing property. We then obtain the corresponding mixing property on the closed linear span of Y. We also prove that the class of nonautonomous linear dynamical systems that are weakly mixing of order nn contains strictly the corresponding class with the weak mixing property of order n+1. This work was supported in part by MEC and FEDER, Project MTM2010-14909, and by GV, Project PROMETEO/2008/101. The first author was also supported by a grant from the FPU Program of MEC. We thank the referees whose reports led to an improvement in the presentation of this work. Murillo Arcila, M.; Peris Manguillot, A. (2013). Mixing properties for nonautonomous linear dynamics and invariant sets. Applied Mathematics Letters. 26(2):215-218. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aml.2012.08.014
[ES] Before departure to America, Alejandro de Humboldt was documented on the American natural history and the Spanish scientific issues. In this article, we have announced two important letters from Mariano Lvalorización, who, since his exile London, wrote to Humboldt about José Celestino Mutis's scientific legacy and his arrival in Spain following the military intervention of General Morillo in New Granada. ; Peer reviewed ; [ES] Before departure to America, Alejandro de Humboldt was documented on the American natural history and the Spanish scientific issues. In this article, we have announced two important letters from Mariano Lvalorización, who, since his exile London, wrote to Humboldt about José Celestino Mutis's scientific legacy and his arrival in Spain following the military intervention of General Morillo in New Granada. ; [EN] Before departing for America, Alexander von Humboldt documented American natural history and the Spanish scientific expeditions. This article reveals two important letters of Mariano Lagasca who, from exile in London, wrote to Humboldt about the scientific legacy of José Celestino Mutis, and his arrival in Spain following the military intervention of general Morillo in Nueva Granada. ; [ES] Before departure to America, Alejandro de Humboldt was documented on the American natural history and the Spanish scientific issues. In this article, we have announced two important letters from Mariano Lvalorización, who, since his exile London, wrote to Humboldt about José Celestino Mutis's scientific legacy and his arrival in Spain following the military intervention of General Morillo in New Granada. ; [ES] Antes de la partida hacia América, Alejandro de Humboldt se documentó sobre la historia natural americana y las expediciones científicas españolas. En el presente artículo, damos a conocer dos importantes cartas de Mariano Lagasca, que desde su exilio londinense, escribió a Humboldt en torno al legado científico de José Celestino Mutis y su llegada a España tras la intervención ...
3077 3079 51 15 ; S ; [EN] A new colorimetric system for NO(g) detection is described. The detection method is based on the aggregation of modified AuNPs through a Cu(I) catalyzed click reaction promoted by the in situ reduction of Cu(II) by NO We acknowledge the Spanish Government (MAT2009-14564-C04-03 and MAT2012-38429-C04-02) for financial support. A. M. is grateful to the Spanish Government for a fellowship. SCSIE (Universidad de Valencia) is gratefully acknowledged for all the equipment employed. Marti, A.; Costero Nieto, AM.; Gaviña Costero, P.; Parra Álvarez, M. (2015). Selective colorimetric NO(g) detection based on the use of modified gold nanoparticles using click chemistry. Chemical Communications. 51(15):3077-3079. https://doi.org/10.1039/c4cc10149a Nagano, T. (1999). Practical methods for detection of nitric oxide. Luminescence, 14(6), 283-290. doi:10.1002/(sici)1522-7243(199911/12)14:63.0.co;2-g L. J. Ignarro , Nitric Oxide: Biology and Pathobiology, Academic Press, San Diego, 2010 Ma, S., Fang, D.-C., Ning, B., Li, M., He, L., & Gong, B. (2014). The rational design of a highly sensitive and selective fluorogenic probe for detecting nitric oxide. Chem. Commun., 50(49), 6475-6478. doi:10.1039/c4cc01142b Kojima, H., Nakatsubo, N., Kikuchi, K., Kawahara, S., Kirino, Y., Nagoshi, H., … Nagano, T. (1998). Detection and Imaging of Nitric Oxide with Novel Fluorescent Indicators: Diaminofluoresceins. Analytical Chemistry, 70(13), 2446-2453. doi:10.1021/ac9801723 Chen, X., Tian, X., Shin, I., & Yoon, J. (2011). Fluorescent and luminescent probes for detection of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species. Chemical Society Reviews, 40(9), 4783. doi:10.1039/c1cs15037e Beltrán, A., Isabel Burguete, M., Abánades, D. R., Pérez-Sala, D., Luis, S. V., & Galindo, F. (2014). Turn-on fluorescent probes for nitric oxide sensing based on the ortho-hydroxyamino structure showing no interference with dehydroascorbic acid. Chemical Communications, 50(27), 3579. doi:10.1039/c3cc49555h Lv, X., ...
This article relates to a body of letters received by the Consumer Service from a food distribution shop and questions the forms of consumerismecommitted by their authors when they decide to 'take the pen' to 'take the floor'. In discussing these first outcomes in the light of the consumerism literature, the author departs from the pre-constructed political consumer/market consumer categories in order to look in detail at the manoeuvres mobilised by customers to obtain compensation for the damage suffered. The opening of the black box of consumerism ultimately makes it possible to assess the handling of these letters by the recipient services. ; International audience ; This article relates to a body of letters received by the Consumer Service from a food distribution shop and questions the forms of consumerismecommitted by their authors when they decide to 'take the pen' to 'take the floor'. In discussing these first outcomes in the light of the consumerism literature, the author departs from the pre-constructed political consumer/market consumer categories in order to look in detail at the manoeuvres mobilised by customers to obtain compensation for the damage suffered. The opening of the black box of consumerism ultimately makes it possible to assess the handling of these letters by the recipient services. ; Cet article porte sur un corpus de lettres parvenues au Service consommateurs d'une enseigne dedistribution alimentaire et interroge les formes de consumérismeengagées par leurs auteurs lorsqu'ils décident de« prendre la plume » pour « prendre la parole». L'analyse statistique du corpus permet d'abord de «photographier » les différents profils du « client écrivain ». En discutant ces premiers résultatsau regard de la littérature sur le consumérisme,l'auteur s'écarte des catégories préconstruites-consommateur politique/consommateur marchand, etc.- afin de regarderdans le détail les manoeuvres mobilisées par lesclients pour obtenir réparation des préjudices subis.L'ouverture de la boîte noire du ...
The article aims to study the correspondence between the Italian State man Massimo d'Azeglio and the French Eugène Rendu from 1845 to 1867. The 229 letters that have been retained appear to be an interesting testimony of the structuring in the middle of the nineteenth century of a transnational forum for debate on the Italian issue. Above all, they show the benefits that each of the two men put forward from this relationship. Indeed, the letters update the role of Eugène Rendu in disseminating Massimo d'Azeglio's ideas and writing in France. They also show how the French has consistently sought to highlight his proximity to the Italian statesman in order to legitimise his ideas, albeit minority among French Catholics, towards the Italian national movement. ; International audience ; The article aims to study the correspondence between the Italian State man Massimo d'Azeglio and the French Eugène Rendu from 1845 to 1867. The 229 letters that have been retained appear to be an interesting testimony of the structuring in the middle of the nineteenth century of a transnational forum for debate on the Italian issue. Above all, they show the benefits that each of the two men put forward from this relationship. Indeed, the letters update the role of Eugène Rendu in disseminating Massimo d'Azeglio's ideas and writing in France. They also show how the French has consistently sought to highlight his proximity to the Italian statesman in order to legitimise his ideas, albeit minority among French Catholics, towards the Italian national movement. ; L'articolo mira a studiare la corrispondenza tra l'uomo di Stato italiano Massimo d'Azeglio e il francese Eugène Rendu dal 1845 al 1867. Le 229 lettere che sono state conservate appaiono come una testimonianza interessante della strutturazione, a metà Ottocento, di uno spazio di dibattito transnazionale attorno alla questione italiana. Soprattutto mostrano i benefici che ognuno dei due uomini poté ritirare da questa relazione. Le lettere permettono infatti di rivelare il ruolo di ...
1 12 4 ; S ; "This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Calatayud, J, Cortés, J-;C, Jornet, M. On the Legendre differential equation with uncertainties at the regular-singular point 1: Lp random power series solution and approximation of its statistical moments. Comp and Math Methods. 2019; 1:e1045. https://doi.org/10.1002/cmm4.1045 , which has been published in final form at https://doi.org/10.1002/cmm4.1045. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving." [EN] In this paper, we construct two linearly independent response processes to the random Legendre differential equation on (-1,1)U(1,3), consisting of Lp(omega) convergent random power series around the regular¿singular point 1. A theorem on the existence and uniqueness of Lp(omega) solution to the random Legendre differential equation on the intervals (-1,1) and (1,3) is obtained. The hypotheses assumed are simple: initial conditions in Lp(omega) and random input A in L infinite(omega) (this is equivalent to A having absolute moments that grow at most exponentially). Thus, this paper extends the deterministic theory to a random framework. Uncertainty quantification for the solution stochastic process is performed by truncating the random series and taking limits in Lp(omega). In the numerical experiments, we approximate its expectation and variance for certain forms of the differential equation. The reliability of our approach is compared with Monte Carlo simulations and generalized polynomial chaos expansions. Calatayud-Gregori, J.; Cortés, J.; Jornet-Sanz, M. (2019). On the Legendre differential equation with uncertainties at the regular-singular point 1: Lp random power series solution and approximation of its statistical moments. Computational and Mathematical Methods. 1(4):1-12. https://doi.org/10.1002/cmm4.1045 Calbo, G., Cortés, J.-C., Jódar, L., & Villafuerte, L. (2011). Solving the random Legendre differential equation: Mean square power series solution ...
The following story is rooted in the most recent contemporary history, the one that saw between 1980 and 2000 experiences of cultural development aimed at revitalising rural areas close to major cities. In the mid-1990s, the Centre Rural d'Animation Culturelle de l'Entre-Deux-Mers was a particularly active association in the eastern part of the department of Gironde, with 70 employees working in the cultural, economic and social fields. Its dislocation in 2001 (about ten associations resumed and sometimes developed its activity) brought the CRAC into history, making it possible to treat it today as a finished object from a multidisciplinary perspective. The archives of the CRAC (minutes of boards of directors and general meetings, press files, letters, grant applications) on which this article is based are more numerous and accessible, as are the main players, most of whom reside in the Entre-Deux-Mers. ; L'histoire qui suit s'enracine dans l'histoire contemporaine la plus récente, celle qui a vu entre 1980 et 2000 émerger des expériences de développement culturel visant à revitaliser les zones rurales proches des grandes villes. Le Centre Rural d'Animation Culturelle de l'Entre-deux-Mers était au milieu des années 1990 une association particulièrement active dans la partie Est du département de la Gironde avec 70 salariés travaillant dans le domaine culturel, économique et social. Sa dislocation en 2001 (une dizaine d'association ont repris et parfois développé son activité) a fait entrer le CRAC dans l'histoire, ce qui permet de le traiter aujourd'hui comme un objet fini dans une perspective pluridisciplinaire. Les archives du CRAC (comptes rendus de conseils d'administration et d'assemblées générale, dossiers de presse, courriers, demandes de subvention) sur lesquelles s'appuient cet article sont de plus nombreuses et accessibles, comme le sont les principaux acteurs qui résident pour la plupart dans l'Entre-deux-Mers.
Abstract This paper analyzes the diversification and initiatives of economic and productive promotion in the 18th century developed by traders in three areas of South America, which are the Kingdom of Chile, the Governorate of Tucuman and the Tarija district. Through case studies, the researchers identify, describe and provide details of the diverse economic activities: commercial, agricultural, mining and proto-industrial, promoted by economic mercantile agents at the end of the colonial period, based on commercial correspondence private, inventories of goods, testimonies, civil and criminal trials. The results show that, despite the importance placed on the development of initiatives to promote production by certain political-bureaucratic sectors, the scope was relative, among other things due to the dynamics of the markets, the financing system and rational calculation of the profit.
S ; [EN] Most cardiac arrhythmias can be classified as atrial flutter, focal atrial tachycardia, or atrial fibrillation. They have been usually treated using drugs, but catheter ablation has proven more effective. This is an invasive method devised to destroy the heart tissue that disturbs correct heart rhythm. In order to accurately localise the focus of this disturbance, the acquisition and processing of atrial electrograms form the usual mapping technique. They can be single potentials, double potentials, or complex fractionated atrial electrogram (CFAE) potentials, and last ones are the most effective targets for ablation. The electrophysiological substrate is then localised by a suitable signal processing method. Sample Entropy is a statistic scarcely applied to electrograms but can arguably become a powerful tool to analyse these time series, supported by its results in other similar biomedical applications. However, the lack of an analysis of its dependence on the perturbations usually found in electrogram data, such as missing samples or spikes, is even more marked. This paper applied SampEn to the segmentation between non-CFAE and CFAE records and assessed its class segmentation power loss at different levels of these perturbations. The results confirmed that SampEn was able to significantly distinguish between non-CFAE and CFAE records, even under very unfavourable conditions, such as 50% of missing data or 10% of spikes. This research was supported by Research Center for Informatics (no. CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/16-019/0000765). Cirugeda Roldan, EM.; Molina Picó, A.; Novák, D.; Cuesta Frau, D.; Kremen, V. (2018). Sample Entropy Analysis of Noisy Atrial Electrograms during Atrial Fibrillation. Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine. https://doi.org/10.1155/2018/1874651 Ahmed, S., Claughton, A., & Gould, P. A. (2015). Atrial Flutter — Diagnosis, Management and Treatment. Abnormal Heart Rhythms. doi:10.5772/60700 Kirchhof, P., & Calkins, H. (2016). Catheter ablation in patients with ...
The 'scandalous alliance' between King Très Chrétien and the Grand Turc — which began to build in 1525, during the captivity of the sovereign in Spain — undoubtedly gave rise to a real black legend around François I. Imperial propaganda is, of course, fierce to condemn the French King's contempt of Respublica Christiana, thereby fuelling his bad reputation. For its part, French propaganda justifies the monarch's political choices, putting forward the reasons for the Kingdom's defence against the imperial encirclement. Following a brief account of the more grasping moments of the alliance between the Fleur de Lys and the Croissor against the Imperial Aigle, this article aims to give an overview of the reactions to this agreement among culturally minded people on the Italian peninsula. The latter remains a key territorial issue in the conflict between François Ier and his eternel rival Charles Quint. In particular, this work focuses on Pierre Arétin's work and, in particular, on various tasks that the Prince scourge sends to the sovereign. The polemist blames the monarch and warns him against the openione mala that ringes in the heart of his vassals and allies, because of collusion with the worst of the inloyals. ; International audience The outrageous alliance between the Most Christian King and the Great Turk that started as early as 1525 during the captivity of Francis I in Spain and caused a black legend around the French king. The imperial propaganda strove to condemn the insult perpetrated by Francis I towards the Respublica Christiana and fed his bad reputation. French propaganda on the other hand justified the political choice of the monarch pretending he had to defend the kingdom surrounded by the Imperial forces. After a summary of the most salient moments of the alliance between the French King and the sultan, the article aims at looking at the reactions of Italian scholars since the peninsula remained a prominent territorial stake of the conflict between Francis I and Emperor Charles V. The article ...