
19637 Ergebnisse


Open Access#12017

Collective Nostalgia Is Associated with Stronger Outgroup-Directed Anger and Participation in Ingroup-Favoring Collective Action

In: Cheung , W Y , Sedikides , C , Wildschut , T , Tausch , N & Ayanian , A H 2017 , ' Collective Nostalgia Is Associated with Stronger Outgroup-Directed Anger and Participation in Ingroup-Favoring Collective Action ' , Journal of Social and Political Psychology , vol. 5 , no. 2 , pp. 301-319 .


Open Access#22019

Right-wing authoritarianism as a predictor of pro-establishment versus anti-establishment conspiracy theories

In: Wood , M & Gray , D 2019 , ' Right-wing authoritarianism as a predictor of pro-establishment versus anti-establishment conspiracy theories ' , Personality and Individual Differences , vol. 138 , pp. 163-166 .


Open Access#32016

Confidence in Contact: A New Perspective on Promoting Cross-Group Friendship Among Children and Adolescents

In: Turner , R N & Cameron , L 2016 , ' Confidence in Contact: A New Perspective on Promoting Cross-Group Friendship Among Children and Adolescents ' , Social Issues and Policy Review , vol. 10 , no. 1 , pp. 212-246 .


Open Access#42006

Treating the vulnerable in England and Wales: The impact of law reform and changing policy

In: Glover-Thomas , N 2006 , ' Treating the vulnerable in England and Wales: The impact of law reform and changing policy ' International Journal of Law and Psychiatry , vol 29 , no. 1 , pp. 22-35 . DOI:10.1016/j.ijlp.2004.07.003


Open Access#52018

Identity Mediators: Leadership and identity construction in campaign speeches of American presidential candidates' spouses

In: Gleibs , I , Hendricks , K & Kurz , T 2018 , ' Identity Mediators: Leadership and identity construction in campaign speeches of American presidential candidates' spouses ' , Political Psychology , vol. 39 , no. 4 , pp. 939-956 .


Open Access#62014

Stigmatised Identity and Service Usage in Disadvantaged Communities: Residents', community workers' and service providers' perspectives

In: Stevenson , C , McNamara , N & Muldoon , O 2014 , ' Stigmatised Identity and Service Usage in Disadvantaged Communities: Residents', community workers' and service providers' perspectives. ' , Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology , vol. 24 , no. 6 , pp. 453-466 .


Open Access#72012

Dropping the weight stigma: Nostalgia improves attitudes toward persons who are overweight

In: Turner , R N , Wildschut , T & Sedikides , C 2012 , ' Dropping the weight stigma: Nostalgia improves attitudes toward persons who are overweight ' , Journal of Experimental Social Psychology , vol. 48 , no. 1 , pp. 130-137 .


Open Access#82011

Toward a political economic theory of education: Use and exchange values of enhanced labor power

In: Williams , J 2011 , ' Toward a political economic theory of education: Use and exchange values of enhanced labor power ' Mind, Culture, and Activity , vol 18 , no. 3 , pp. 276-292 . DOI:10.1080/10749031003605854


Open Access#92021

Women who remain in relationships with registered sexual offenders:Analysis of forum discussion

In: Emma Jones 2021 , ' Women who remain in relationships with registered sexual offenders : Analysis of forum discussion ' , Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology , vol. 32 , no. 1 , pp. 109-118 .


Open Access#102019

Proactive Career Behaviors and Subjective Career Success:The moderating role of national culture

In: Smale , A , Bagdadli , S , Cotton , R , Dello Russo , S , Dickmann , M , Dysvik , A , Gianecchini , M , Kaše , R , Lazarova , M , Reichel , A , Rozo , P , Verbruggen , M & Chudzikowski , K & et al. 2019 , ' Proactive Career Behaviors and Subjective Career Success : The moderating role of national culture ' , Journal of Organizational Behavior , vol. 40 , no. 1 , pp. 105-122 .


Open Access#112017

How do flexibility i-deals relate to work performance? Exploring the roles of family performance and organizational context

In: Rofcanin , Y , Las Heras , M , Matthijs Bal , P & Stollberger , J 2017 , ' How do flexibility i-deals relate to work performance? Exploring the roles of family performance and organizational context ' , Journal of Organizational Behavior , vol. 38 , no. 8 , pp. 1280-1294 .


Open Access#122019

Football friends:adolescent boys' friendships inside an English professional football (soccer) academy

In: Adams , A & Carr , S 2019 , ' Football friends : adolescent boys' friendships inside an English professional football (soccer) academy ' , Soccer and Society , vol. 20 , no. 3 , pp. 471-493 .


Open Access#132004

Developing services to support parents caring for a technology-dependent child at home

In: Kirk , S & Glendinning , C 2004 , ' Developing services to support parents caring for a technology-dependent child at home ' Child: Care, Health and Development , vol 30 , no. 3 , pp. 209-218 . DOI:10.1111/j.1365-2214.2004.00393.x


Open Access#142021

Using behavioural theory to understand adherence to behaviours that reduce transmission of COVID-19; evidence from the CHARIS representative national study

In: Dixon , D , Den Daas , C , Hubbard , G & Johnston , M 2021 , ' Using behavioural theory to understand adherence to behaviours that reduce transmission of COVID-19; evidence from the CHARIS representative national study ' , British Journal of Health Psychology .


Open Access#152020

The need to refocus on the group as the site of radicalization

In: Smith , L , Blackwood , L & Thomas , E 2020 , ' The need to refocus on the group as the site of radicalization ' , Perspectives on Psychological Science , vol. 15 , no. 2 , pp. 327-352 .