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Open Access#12021

Youths' and their guardians' prospects of reindeer husbandry in Finland

In: Joona , T & Keskitalo , P 2021 , Youths' and their guardians' prospects of reindeer husbandry in Finland . in F Stammler & R Toivanen (eds) , Young People, Wellbeing and Placemaking in the Arctic . Routledge , London , pp. 93-119 .


Open Access#22022

An ecocultural consideration of Sámi early childhood education

In: Laiti , M & Määttä , K 2022 , ' An ecocultural consideration of Sámi early childhood education ' , European Journal of Education Studies , vol. 9 , no. 2 , 2 , pp. 62-78 .


Open Access#32020

Creative Connections:The power of contemporary art to explore European citizenship

In: Richardson , M , Hernández-Hernández , F , Hiltunen , M , Moura , A , Fulková , M , King , F & Collins , F M 2020 , ' Creative Connections : The power of contemporary art to explore European citizenship ' , London Review of Education , vol. 18 , no. 2 , pp. 281-298 .


Open Access#42018

Pupils' Understanding about Responsible Research and Innovation

In: Ratinen , I J , Kähkönen , A-L & Lindell , A 2018 , ' Pupils' Understanding about Responsible Research and Innovation ' , International journal of environmental and science education , vol. 13 , no. 2 , ijese.2018.011 , pp. 143-154 .


Open Access#52020

Towards a 'Cyber Maastricht':Two Steps Forward, One Step Back

In: Kasper , A & Vernygora , V 2020 , Towards a 'Cyber Maastricht' : Two Steps Forward, One Step Back . in M Harwood , S Moncada & R Pace (eds) , The Future of the European Union : Demisting the debate . University of Malta , Malta , pp. 186-210 .


Open Access#62019

China and great power responsibility for climate change

In: Kopra , S-K 2019 , China and great power responsibility for climate change . Rethinking Asia and International Relations , Routledge , London .


Open Access#72020

China's Rise in a Changing World

In: Lanteigne , M , Koivurova , T & Nojonen , M 2020 , China's Rise in a Changing World . in T Koivurova & S Kopra (eds) , Chinese Policy and Presence in the Arctic . Brill Nijhoff , Leiden , Studies in Polar Law , no. 3 , pp. 5-24 .


Open Access#82019

China in the Arctic:and the Opportunities and Challenges for Chinese-Finnish Arctic Co-operation

In: Koivurova , T , Kauppila , L , Kopra , S-K , Lanteigne , M , Shi , M , Śmieszek , M G , Stępień , A , Käpylä , J , Mikkola , H , Nielsson , E T & Nojonen , M 2019 , China in the Arctic : and the Opportunities and Challenges for Chinese-Finnish Arctic Co-operation . Valtioneuvoston selvitys- ja tutkimustoiminnan julkaisusarja , no. 8 , vol. 2019 , Valtioneuvoston kanslia , Helsinki .


Open Access#92022

The Arctic Council and the Council of Europe: Reactions to Russia's War

In: Kirchner , S 2022 , ' The Arctic Council and the Council of Europe: Reactions to Russia's War ' , Edilex-verkkojulkaisu, Vierashuone , no. 3.5.2022 .


Open Access#102020

China, Climate Change and the Arctic Environment

In: Kopra , S , Hurri , K , Kauppila , L , Stępień , A & Yamineva , Y 2020 , China, Climate Change and the Arctic Environment . in T Koivurova & S Kopra (eds) , Chinese Policy and Presence in the Arctic . Brill Nijhoff , Leiden , Studies in Polar Law , no. 3 , pp. 62-89 .


Open Access#112020

Chinese-Finnish Economic Relations within the Arctic Context:Hopes and Disappointments

In: Stępień , A , Koivurova , T , Käpylä , J , Mikkola , H & Nojonen , M 2020 , Chinese-Finnish Economic Relations within the Arctic Context : Hopes and Disappointments . in T Koivurova & S Kopra (eds) , Chinese Policy and Presence in the Arctic . Brill Nijhoff , Leiden , Studies in Polar Law , no. 3 , pp. 137-177 .


Open Access#122020

China's Arctic Policy

In: Koivurova , T , Kopra , S , Lanteigne , M , Nojonen , M , Śmieszek , M G & Stępień , A 2020 , China's Arctic Policy . in T Koivurova & S Kopra (eds) , Chinese Policy and Presence in the Arctic . Brill Nijhoff , Leiden , Studies in Polar Law , no. 3 , pp. 25-41 .


Open Access#132020

China's economic presence in the Arctic:realities, expectations and concerns

In: Stępień , A , Kauppila , L , Kopra , S , Käpylä , J , Lanteigne , M , Mikkola , H & Nojonen , M 2020 , China's economic presence in the Arctic : realities, expectations and concerns . in T Koivurova & S Kopra (eds) , Chinese Policy and Presence in the Arctic . Brill Nijhoff , Leiden , Studies in Polar Law , no. 3 , pp. 90-136 .


Open Access#142016

Constructing Arctic security:an inter-disciplinary approach to understanding security in the Barents region

In: Hossain , K , Zojer , G , Greaves , W , Roncero , J M & Sheehan , M 2016 , ' Constructing Arctic security : an inter-disciplinary approach to understanding security in the Barents region ' , Polar Record : a Journal of Arctic and Antarctic research , pp. 1-15 .


Open Access#152022

Indigenous rights and governance theory:an introduction

In: Hernes , H-K , Broderstad , E G & Tennberg , M 2022 , Indigenous rights and governance theory : an introduction . in M Tennberg , E G Broderstad & H-K Hernes (eds) , Indigenous peoples, natural resources and governance : agencies and Interactions . , 1 , Routledge , Abingdon , Routledge Research in Polar Regions , pp. 1-15 .