In: Huitema , D , Jordan , A , van Asselt , H & Forster , J (eds) 2018 , Governing climate change : Polycentricity in action? Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. , Cambridge, UK .
Climate change governance is in a state of enormous flux. New and more dynamic forms of governing are appearing around the international climate regime centred on the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). They appear to be emerging spontaneously from the bottom up, producing a more dispersed pattern of governing, which Nobel Laureate Elinor Ostrom famously described as 'polycentric'. This book brings together contributions from some of the world's foremost experts to provide the first systematic test of the ability of polycentric thinking to explain and enhance societal attempts to govern climate change. It is ideal for researchers in public policy, international relations, environmental science, environmental management, politics, law and public administration. It will also be useful on advanced courses in climate policy and governance, and for practitioners seeking incisive summaries of developments in particular sub-areas and sectors. This title is also available as Open Access on Cambridge Core.
In: Morrison , T H , Adger , W N , Brown , K , Lemos , M C , Huitema , D & Hughes , T P 2017 , ' Mitigation and adaptation in polycentric systems : sources of power in the pursuit of collective goals ' , Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews. Climate Change , vol. 8 , no. 5 , e479 .
Polycentric governance involves multiple actors at multiple scales beyond the state. The potential of polycentric governance for promoting both climate mitigation and adaptation is well established. Yet, dominant conceptualizations of polycentric governance pay scant attention to how power dynamics affect the structure and the outcomes of climate action. We review emerging evidence on power within polycentric and distributed governance across the climate, forestry, marine, coastal, urban, and water sectors, and relate them to established positions on power within research on federalism, decentralization, international relations, and networked governance. We develop a typology of design, pragmatic, and framing power that focuses on how and in whose interests power is mobilized to achieve outcomes. We propose that the conceptual model helps to explain power dynamics across different sectors and across both climate change mitigation and adaptation. Significant research challenges arising from the analysis include the measurement and monitoring of the outcomes of power asymmetries over time. WIREs Clim Change 2017, 8:e479. doi:10.1002/wcc.479. For further resources related to this article, please visit the WIREs website.
In: Mathis , A & de Theije , M 2018 , Diagnóstico Socioeconômico e Ambiental da Mineração em Pequena Escala no Brasil. Relatório 3. Relatório Socioeconômico e Ambiental da Mineração em Pequena Escala , no. 1 , vol. 3 .
The META MPE Project "Socioeconomic and Environmental Diagnosis of Small-scale Mining in Brazil," is a comprehensive study of the SSM sector within the Brazilian context. Carried out on request from the Brazilian Ministry of Mining and Energy (MME), the study has as its objective to analyze the socioeconomic and environmental dynamics of SSM universe in Brazil and, from the evaluation of the sector's current conditions, to recommend public policy aiming at its organization and promotion. In this way, the diagnostic made by the Projekt-Consult/RCS Global Consortium has the purpose of providing information for strategic planning. This study was requested by MME from the acknowledgment that the array of existing information on SSM in Brazil had several constraints. Being exclusively based on data related to formalized operations, it does not reflect the practical reality of the sector in the country. Official statistics are incomplete, outdated to some extent, and scattered throughout various institutions within the Brazilian public administration. In order to bridge this gap, a survey was done to include – on top of documentation analysis, case studies in five regions selected to represent the universe of substances extracted by SSM in Brazil, viz. gold (Tapajós mining reserves, in Pará, and in the Peixoto valley, in Mato Grosso), clay (Santa Gertrudes ceramic hub, in São Paulo), gems and precious stones (Jequitinhonha and Mucuri valleys, in the Northeast of Minas Gerais), and construction aggregates (Recife metropolitan area, in Pernambuco). There was also done a comprehensive survey of the literature and documentation on the economic impact at local, regional, and national levels, as well as that related to SSM public policies. Upon overlaidand compared, the bibliographic analyses and the considerations on legislation and public policy for SSM, the case studies revealed the existence of behavioral and organizational standards in the SSM universes that brought up a fresh view of the sector. Qualitative data represents the analysis base for this socioeconomic and environmental report. It covers features that cannot be analyzed exclusively from quantitative data, such as the characteristics of the forms of organization, the social structure of mining communities, environmental impact and the connections between the SSM sector and the economic, governmental, and social sectors. The analysis included issues such as gender, labor relations and other variables, such as age, education level, professional autonomy, and migration. From the analysis of this data, the motivation of social players, in adopting particular lifestyles, and in choosing specific economic and environmental behaviors, become evident, as well as the stance of stakeholders in this area regarding the formalization process. Hence the report characterizes the SSM universe in Brazil in detail, by dealing with social, cultural, economic, political, and environmental issues. The five case study reports found in Volume II of Report 3 provide input for the final analysis of the domestic scenario of SSM. However, Volume I of Product 3 and each case study report making up Volume II can be read independently. There is a great variation in the forms of organization of MPE in Brazil. The role of the MPE sector in each locality is different in social, cultural and economic terms. The degree of inclusion in the economic system, in the legal system, and capital-labor relationships in the extraction process are all important variables. However, the people involved in the activity also share several important characteristics, even if there are differences in terms of the mineral substance extracted and the type of mining. The analysis of public policies shows that these do not always meet the needs of the sector. It can be concluded, for example, that the mineral extensionism initiative did not work as expected due to difficulties in coordination and cooperation between the agents involved. In addition, it is possible to infer that the mineral APL projects also did not materialize as foreseen for a different reason: the lack of capacity to create structures of mutual trust between the agents involved in the activity. Finally, the analysis of the socioeconomic dynamics of the SSM and of the public policies aimed at it, reveals the presence of governance mechanisms inherent to informality intrinsic to the studied universes. The results point to the existence of a self- sustaining cycle of informality, from a history of years of misinformation, conflicting policies and distrust of the players in the sector when it comes to government policies, associated with the complex process of formalization and the punitive approach of agents in charge of overseeing activities. The report presents, in its Chapter 9, some reflections on the challenges and possibilities for a more efficient SSM organization, and Chapter 10 shows the conclusions and proposals for developing public policies for this sector.
In: de Boer , J & Aiking , H 2022 , ' Do EU consumers think about meat reduction when considering to eat a healthy, sustainable diet and to have a role in food system change? ' , Appetite , vol. 170 , 105880 .
This paper aims to highlight the position of meat reduction in what EU consumers think "eating a healthy and sustainable diet" involves and who has a role to play in achieving food system change. The data are based on the Eurobarometer 93.2 survey (mid 2020). The participants were asked to make their own selections out of a variety of food-related items and actors, linked to meat ("Eating meat less often") and other aspects of diets ("Eating more fruit and vegetables"). Their responses were analyzed separately in two EU regions: Northwest Europe—consisting of the 10 richest EU countries with the highest scores on economic and social sustainable development indicators— and the East and the South. Three principal components of dietary thinking were distinguished, relating to 1) nutrition issues, 2) easy "light green" issues and 3) more demanding "deeper green" issues, respectively. The analysis also distinguished three types of actors in the value chain (food chain actors, supporting actors, and governmental actors). In Northwestern Europe, a majority of consumers saw a role for themselves in making the food system more sustainable and a large minority saw meat reduction as part of a healthy and sustainable diet. Both responses were much less common in the East and South. In the Northwest, meat reduction was relatively strongly related to "deeper green" thinking but also weakly to nutrition-focused thinking, whereas the opposite was found in the East and South. However, meat reduction had no prominent position in their considerations. For policy-makers, therefore, it is crucial that both nutrition and environment can be motivating factors for consumers to consider meat reduction, albeit to different degrees.
This study explored whether EU's new Farm to Fork strategy (F2F)—which aims to tackle climate change, protect the environment and preserve biodiversity in the pursuit of more sustainable food practices—moves in a direction that matches consumer concerns about global issues. A key point is that the traditional differences between the policy approaches related to climate change mitigation and to biodiversity protection, respectively, correspond to differences between environment-based and nature-based attitudes at an individual level. Data from Eurobarometer 92.4 (2019) provided a set of environmental concerns and two food-related pro-environmental actions (buying local products and making a diet change to more sustainable food). Consumer responses to the latter option were assumed to indicate steps in parallel with F2F. Two multinomial regression analyses were carried out separately in Northwestern European countries, and in Eastern and Southern European countries. In both analyses, climate change and species decline were distinct sources of consumer concern, which were—independent of one another—more strongly related to reporting both options than to one option only. It was concluded that the F2F policy is in line with consumer concerns about environment and nature and that this may create important new perspectives for policymakers, businesses and consumers.
In: Moerkerken , A , Duijndam , S , Blasch , J , van Beukering , P & Smit , A 2021 , ' Determinants of energy efficiency in the Dutch dairy sector : dilemmas for sustainability ' , Journal of Cleaner Production , vol. 293 , 126095 , pp. 1-10 .
Since the European Energy Efficiency Directive, a lot of attention has been paid to energy saving measures, including how to overcome the barriers for implementation. This paper addresses the dilemmas of the Dutch dairy sector, where farms are getting bigger and mechanization is increasing, while at the same time the sector is aiming for improved energy efficiency and sustainability. With an online tool which systematically recorded the energy performance of dairy farmers, a unique dataset on farm energy use with more than 25,000 observations over the years 2015–2018 was obtained. This allows for a robust analysis of the determinants of energy efficiency in the sector, using panel data analyses. The results of this study reveal three major trends. First, the on-farm use of solar panels proves to be the most significant determinant for reducing non-renewable energy use. Second, gains in energy efficiency triggered by government policies are countervailed by the continuous trend of mechanization, with especially automatic milking systems causing lower energy efficiency. Third, the increasing economies of scale in milk production substantially improve per-unit energy efficiency. However, the increased need for mechanization related to higher on-farm production can cancel out this economies-of-scale effect. These findings add important new insights to the literature on cleaner production in farms and have important policy implications. Strategies for more energy-efficient farming should entail two directions for innovation: first, the stimulation of more energy efficient automatic milking systems, and second, the stimulation of solar energy production on farms including a better on-farm utilization of solar electricity.
In: Duijndam , S & van Beukering , P 2021 , ' Understanding public concern about climate change in Europe, 2008-2017 : The influence of economic factors and right-wing populism ' , Climate Policy , vol. 21 , no. 3 , pp. 353-367 .
European survey data shows strong temporal fluctuations in climate change concern within European countries and large differences in concern between these countries. However, there is as yet no comprehensive understanding of what drives these longitudinal and cross-sectional patterns. To fill this knowledge gap, this study analyzes data of over 155,000 survey respondents from 28 European countries over the period 2008–2017. This study is the first to apply within-between random effects models to simultaneously analyze longitudinal and cross-sectional determinants of climate change concern, and examine if and how the influence of these determinants has changed over time. Substantively, it researches the nexus between climate change and two other crises that have captured the imagination of European publics over the studied period: the liberal democracy crisis and the economic crisis. The former is characterized by the rise of right-wing populist parties in Europe. Right-wing populism is often at odds with climate change policies, and its rise in popularity could have undermined public concern about climate change. We find only a weak negative longitudinal relationship between such concern and the popularity of right-wing populist parties, and no significant cross-sectional relationship. We find that economic performance is strongly positively associated with concern, with GDP per capita being most important for explaining cross-country differences in concern, and deviations in unemployment being most important for explaining longitudinal within-country change. However, this negative longitudinal relationship with unemployment weakens considerably over time, illustrating the importance of including dynamic effects in modeling efforts to generate more reliable results.
In: van Wijk , J , van Wijk , J , Drost , S & Stam , W 2020 , ' Challenges in Building Robust Interventions in Contexts of Poverty : Insights from an NGO-driven multi-stakeholder network in Ethiopia ' , Organization Studies , vol. 41 , no. 10 , pp. 1391-1415 .
We examine the demise of a multi-stakeholder network that was launched to promote an inclusive dairy market in Ethiopia to better understand why nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) may develop interventions in contexts of poverty that fail to endure after they exit. We identify organizational reflexivity – the capacity to recognize and understand the recursive interplay between an intervention and the local environment – as a key explanatory mechanism for this intervention outcome. Limited reflexivity not only prevented the NGO we studied from properly aligning the intervention with the context (design failures), but also prevented the organization from adjusting its intervention when negative feedback emerged (orchestration failures), which eventually evolved into the demise of the network (maintenance failure). While our study confirms the theoretical premise that NGOs need to contextualize their interventions, we expand current knowledge by highlighting the role of organizational reflexivity in this process. Moreover, by showing how reflexivity deficits can trigger a cascade of failure, especially when intervening in voids where incumbent firms have interests in maintaining the void, our study calls attention to the politicized nature of institutional voids.
In: Gebeyehu , A K , Sonneveld , B G J S & Snelder , D 2021 , ' Identifying hotspots of overgrazing in pastoral areas : Livestock mobility and fodder supply–demand balances in Nyangatom, Lower Omo Valley, Ethiopia ' , Sustainability (Switzerland) , vol. 13 , no. 6 , 3260 , pp. 1-26 .
The Nyangatom, in South Omo, Ethiopia, are a group of agro-pastoralists whose access to land is affected by large-scale sugarcane development projects. An informed selection of appropriate livestock management measures by local communities requires a spatially explicit representation of prevailing and changing supply–demand relationships for livestock herds among the Nyangatom. This study addresses this caveat and identifies seasonal and location-specific 'hotspots' in Nyangatom, where fodder demand exceeds supply. Assessments of fodder production are based on primary data collected through focus group discussions, key informant interviews, and field observations. Overall, annual fodder availability is estimated at 508,967 tonnes against the requirement of 584,205 tons, resulting in a deficit of 12.9% annually after out-migration. Under the implementation of the Omo-V sugarcane project and climate change, the fodder supply deficit will worsen to 219,977 tonnes annually. The most critical dry matter hotspots are found in the western and central parts of Nyangatom near the Kibish River, which shows the highest livestock density. In contrast, better fodder supply is estimated around the southwestern and northeastern parts. Change in policy, the frequency of droughts, conflict, and the large-scale irrigation schemes-induced reduction of the Omo River floods are accounted for the changes. Thus, there are strong signals to the local community and government to collaborate to reduce the potential constraints that affect sustainable rangeland management and food security and ensure sufficient attention to the interest of the agro-pastoralists.
In: Ariti , A T , van Vliet , J & Verburg , P H 2019 , ' The role of institutional actors and their interactions in the land use policy making process in Ethiopia ' , Journal of Environmental Management , vol. 237 , pp. 235-246 .
This study investigates the role of the different institutional actors involved in the development and implementation of land use policies in the Ethiopian Rift Valley. The work is based on interviews with key informants from different administrative levels and these results are compared to the relevant policy documents. While the constitution prescribes a participatory policy development process, our results show that in reality policies are made at the highest level and implemented in a top-down approach from the higher to the lower administrative levels. Moreover, the institutional network mainly consists of institutions that are hierarchically linked, while horizontal and diagonal relations are less common and less important. Consistently, higher level institutions are mostly involved in the development of land use policies, while the roles of lower level institutions are predominantly in the implementation thereof. This lack of participation by lower level institutions, in addition to a lack of capacity and absence of clear institutional mandates, hampers the effectiveness of land use policies. Our results also provide suggestions to improve the development, communication, and eventually the acceptability of land use policies towards sustainable land management.
In: Moser , C 2020 , Managerial practices of reducing food waste in supermarkets . in E Närvänen , N Mesiranta , M Mattila & A Heikkinen (eds) , Food waste management : Solving the wicked problem . Palgrave Macmillan , Cham , pp. 89-112 .
Reducing food waste is typically part of a supermarket's corporate social responsibility (CSR) strategy and includes actions and policies that should satisfy the expectations of diverse stakeholders. Managers are responsible for implementing CSR strategies. However, how and why do supermarket managers engage in supermarket food waste reduction practices has been largely ignored by existing research. Moser draws on qualitative data collected among Dutch supermarket managers and provides implications for theory and practice. First, she shows how managers carry out micro-CSR practices and highlights the important role of knowledge sharing. In practical terms, it is important to share best practices, to share knowledge, to collaborate with external partners, and to engage with governments and non-governmental organisations (NGOs).
In: Bon , A , Pini , M & Akkermans , H (eds) 2019 , Culture, Citizenship, Participation : Comparative Perspectives from Latin America on Inclusive Education . vol. 2 , Pangea , Amsterdam .
Inclusive education is the endeavor to ensure access to quality education for all - independent of social and economic status, family wealth, geographical location, race, ethnicity, gender, age, culture, or language. This is a longstanding but still very pressing concern world-wide, as the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG 4) unambiguously point out. This book brings together a wealth of material on current trends and issues in inclusive education. Many factors and forces are at play here. Some reside inside the local, regional and national educational systems, such as obstacles in availability and quality of teaching staff and education infrastructure, and appropriate ways to cater for them. But there are also factors and forces originating from the outside, leading to an intertwined complex of political, cultural, economic, financial, judicial, legal, and democratic issues and considerations. This book critically documents this for today's globalizing world. A unique feature is that it does so in particular from a Latin American perspective, thereby covering a wide variety of contexts, peoples and countries (Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Honduras, Mexico, Paraguay), whose voices are often not well heard in international educational and academic communities and policy circles. Resulting from a unique collaboration of more than twenty Higher Education Institutions from Latin America with European universities, this volume presents the English companion edition of the book in Spanish entitled Cultura, Ciudadanía, Participación - Perspectivas de la Educación Inclusiva, edited by Anna Bon and Mónica Pini, both published simultaneously. The strong interactions between the local and the global are striking. There is a hard struggle everywhere, locally and nationally, to get needed human and infrastructural resources in place. As it emerges from the various chapters of the book, many local cultural and social specifics are to be taken into account. At the same time, it appears that in many places there is a trend of neoliberal privatization and profit-oriented commercialization of education, which tends to produce and reproduce growing inequalities in society that counteract achieving inclusiveness in education. This is only one of the aspects that make the Latin American experiences and perspectives recognizable and highly relevant globally.
In: Cornelisse , G & Reneman , M 2020 , Part 2 - Border procedures in the Member States: Legal Assessment . European Parliament Research Service , Brussels .
This study contains a legal assessment of the implementation of Article 43 of the recast Procedures Directive (2013/32/EU), which concerns border procedures. It examines whether the application of border procedures by the Member States contributes to the aims of the Procedures Directive, the Common European Asylum System and EU migration policy. Moreover, it assesses whether the application of border procedures complies with EU fundamental rights. The study first sets out the aims and defining elements of the border procedure in order to come to an understanding of the concept 'border procedure'. After that, it focuses on two important aspects of border procedures: detention and restrictions of the freedom of movement and procedural guarantees in the context of the examination of the asylum application. The final chapter of the study draws conclusions and contains recommendations.