
87091 Ergebnisse


Open Access#12016

Alien Pathogens on the Horizon: Opportunities for Predicting their Threat to Wildlife

In: Roy , H E , Hesketh , H , V. Purse , B , Eilenberg , J , Santini , A , Scalera , R , D. Stentiford , G , Adriaens , T , Bacela-Spychalska , K , Bass , D , M. Beckmann , K , Bessell , P , Bojko , J , Booy , O , Cristina Cardoso , A , Essl , F , Groom , Q , Harrower , C , Kleespies , R , F. Martinou , A , M. van Oers , M , J. Peeler , E , Pergl , J , Rabitsch , W , Roques , A , Schaffner , F , Schindler , S , Schmidt , B R , Schönrogge , K , Smith , J , Solarz , W , Stewart , A , Stroo , A , Tricarico , E , M.A. Turvey , K , Vannini , A , Vilà , M , Woodward , S , Amtoft Wynns , A & M. Dunn , A 2016 , ' Alien Pathogens on the Horizon: Opportunities for Predicting their Threat to Wildlife ' Conservation Letters , vol 2016 , pp. 1-8 . DOI:10.1111/conl.12297


Open Access#22014

Early detection of IAS in Flanders:From centralised reporting to effective early warning

In: Adriaens , T , Devisscher , S & Casaer , J 2014 , ' Early detection of IAS in Flanders : From centralised reporting to effective early warning ' .


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Aufsatz(elektronisch)#521. März 2023

The Dissatisfied Skeptic in Kant's Discipline of Pure Reason

In: Journal of transcendental philosophy: (JTPH), Band 4, Heft 2, S. 157-177

ISSN: 2626-8329

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Open Access#92009

Visgemeenschappen als ecologische indicator voor estuaria: de Zeeschelde (België) = Fish assemblages as ecological indicator in estuaries: the Zeeschelde (Belgium)

In: Breine , J 2009 , Visgemeenschappen als ecologische indicator voor estuaria: de Zeeschelde (België) = Fish assemblages as ecological indicator in estuaries: the Zeeschelde (Belgium) . Doctoraten van het Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek = PhD theses of the Research Institute for Nature and Forest , no. INBO.T.2009.1 , Instituut voor Natuur- en Bosonderzoek .


Open Access#102005

PCB exposure through eel consumption in sport fishers as compared to the general population: a probabilistic approach

In: Bilau , M , Sioen , I , Matthys , C , Goemans , G , Belpaire , C , De Vocht , A & De Henauw , S 2005 , ' PCB exposure through eel consumption in sport fishers as compared to the general population: a probabilistic approach ' Organohalogen Compounds , vol 67 , pp. 1737-1740 .


Open Access#112015

WP5 second report:Synthesis of case study reports : Deliverable D5.2 / WP5

In: Dick , J , Turkelboom , F , Verheyden , W , Demeyer , R , Teng , C & Mortelmans , D 2015 , WP5 second report : Synthesis of case study reports : Deliverable D5.2 / WP5 .


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DK — Country Report Denmark

In: Veröffentlichungen des Instituts für Deutsches, Europäisches und Internationales Medizinrecht, Gesundheitsrecht und Bioethik der Universitäten Heidelberg und Mannheim; Das Menschenrechtsübereinkommen zur Biomedizin des Europarates — taugliches Vorbild für eine weltweit geltende Regelung? / The Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine of the Council of Europe — a Suitable Model for World-Wide Regulation?, S. 487-520

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