Thèse en cotutelle internationale avec l'université Aristote de Thessalonique - Grèce ; The construction of a big dam is a project of important economic and social consequences and this is the reason why it should be preceded by a careful socio-economic and operational study. On one hand, the operational investigation should take into account the dam's dimensions and purpose, the location of its wartershed and its hydrology characteristics as well as the environmental constraints according to the international and national legislation. On the other hand, the socio-economic study should take into account all the variables which ensure the sustainability of the project. Until a few years ago, the vast majority of dams were funded and consequently owned by the public sector, thus project profitability was not of highest priority in the decision of their construction. Nowadays, the liberalisation of the electricity market in the developed world has led to the privatisation of energy infrastructures and has set new economic standards in the funding and management of dam projects. Investment decision is conditioned to an evaluated viability and profitability over the full life cycle of the project, typically 50 years, on the basis of quantitative criteria such as the Net Present Value (NPV). However, since the fuel of a hydropower plant is water, its operation interferes with the water resources management of the river basin where it is situated. To this respect, new practices and regulations have recently developed such as the EU Water Framework Directive (WFD). They constrain any water resources project into following guidelines regarding its social and environmental impacts in accordance with long term issues such as its sustainability under climate change conditions. The present work aims at exploring the coupling of mathematical models of hydrology, hydropower operation, climate change and economics in order to propose ways of making balanced decisions merging the demands of project investment criteria, public well being and river basin management best practices. It is illustrated by the investigation of the new hydropower and irrigation project of Temenos in the Mesta/Nestos river basin. This basin is shared between Bulgaria in its upstream northern part and Greece for its downstream part. The river ends in Aegean Sea after expanding into the Nestos delta which is occupied by a vast expanse of irrigated fields. Currently, two hydroelectric power plants are located in the mountainous part of the Nestos basin: the Thissavros plant with a reservoir capacity of 565 millions m3 and further downstream, the Platanovryssi dam with a reservoir capacity of 11 millions m3. Both dams have been designed to operate in pump-storage mode for electricity generation. The future Temenos project is planned to be financed exclusively on private funds. Situated downstream from the previous dams, it is designed for: electricity production, irrigation regulation and should contribute to the improvement of the power produced by the existing complex. The climate change scenarios developed by the Intergovernmental Panel of Climate Change (IPCC) with the publication of the Special Report on Emissions Scenarios (SRES) reveal possible future climate modifications at global scale. More specifically, according to the output of the several global circulation models (GCM), the global average surface temperature is predicted to increase by 1.4 to 5.8°C over the period 1990 to 2100. These temperature increases should drive evaporation rate increases and precipitation fluctuations. Consequently, a severe impact could result upon hydropower generation as it is sensitive to the amount, timing, and geographical pattern of precipitation as well as temperature. Climate change studies over the Mesta-Nestos area have been based on the output of the CLM regional climate model from the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology, Germany. They concern the SRES scenarios A1B and B1. The CLM model uses a dynamically downscaling technique where boundaries conditions provided by global scale models such as ECHAM5/MPIOM are adapted to local conditions such as relief. The temperature, precipitation and evapotranspiration results obtained from CLM were used as input data to the spatially distributed hydrology model MODSUR-NEIGE for simulating the future water regime of the river basin. It was coupled with the HEC-ResSim reservoir simulation tool using a detailed technical representation of the dams and irrigation networks systems planned for the expansion of the existing irrigation in the Nestos delta and Xanthi plain areas. Finally, the appraisal of the Temenos project viability under future climatic conditions was carried out with the use of a special purpose economic tool which is based on the NPV rule. The thesis proposes a holistic approach to project evaluation which goes beyond strict project financing practices. The NPV based rule has been extended the merging of economic elements (energy and water selling prices) with social benefits (compensation to farmers in case of lack of water) and the value of the environment (costs for restoration good water status in case of failure to preserve a minimum environmental flow). It is argued that this combined approach offers a useful evaluation of the sustainability of water projects. Furthermore, climate scenarios have been augmented by transboundary politics hypotheses based on the execution of on-going flow treaty existing between Bulgaria and Greece about the Mesta-Nestos waters. Finally, in the context of compliance with the WFD basin management guidelines, the use of multicriteria decision analysis methods is explored in order to balance the conflicts of interests between all the actors which should be participating in the ultimate decision of financing and operating a multipurpose dam project such as Temenos. ; La construction d'un grand barrage est un projet aux conséquences économiques et sociales importantes voila pourquoi elle doit être précédée d'une étude opérationnelle et socio-économique détaillée. En premier lieu, l'étude opérationnelle doit porter sur les dimensions et le régime d'utilisation du barrage, la configuration géographique de son bassin de drainage et ses caractéristiques hydrologiques aussi bien que sur les contraintes de type environnemental qui peuvent s'exercer dans un cadre législatif national ou international. En second lieu, l'étude socio-économique doit prendre en compte tous les paramètres susceptibles d'influencer sur la durabilité du projet. Jusqu'à une époque récente, la large majorité des barrages était financée et gérée par le secteur public. Ainsi la profitabilité des projets n'était pas un élément prépondérant dans la décision de les construire. De nos jours, la libéralisation du marché de l'énergie dans les pays développés a conduit à la privatisation des infrastructures énergétiques et par voie de conséquence à l'application de nouveaux objectifs économiques dans le financement et la gestion des projets de barrage. Les décisions d'investissement sont conditionnées par l'évaluation de leur viabilité technique et de leur profitabilité tout au long de leur durée de vie qui est typiquement de 50 ans. Cette évaluation est basée sur l'usage d'un critère quantitatif nommé Valeur Actualisée Nette (VAN) aussi appelé Net Present Value en anglais (NPV). Cependant, comme l'eau est le fluide nécessaire au fonctionnement des centrales hydroélectriques, leur exploitation interfère avec la gestion des ressources en eau du bassin hydrographique qui les accueille. De ce point de vue, de nouvelles pratiques et réglementations ont été introduites dans l'Union Européenne par la Directive Cadre sur l'Eau (idem, WFD en anglais). Cette directive contraint chaque projet d'exploitation des ressources en eau à suivre des recommandations portant sur ses conséquences sociales et son impact sur l'environnement en respectant des contraintes à long terme relatives à sa durabilité en cas de changement climatique. Le travail présenté porte sur l'exploration du couplage entre différents modèles mathématiques traitant de l'hydrologie, l'exploitation hydroélectrique, le changement climatique et l'évaluation économique dans le but de proposer les moyens d'effectuer des décisions équilibrées satisfaisant aux exigences des critères de financement de projet , au bien-être du public et aux pratiques qu'exigent la gestion de bassin hydrographique. Ce travail est illustré par l'étude du futur barrage de Temenos, projet mixte de production électrique et d'irrigation intéressant le bassin hydrographique du Mesta-Nestos. Ce bassin est partagé entre la Bulgarie pour sa partie amont et la Grèce pour sa partie aval. La rivière termine son cours dans la mer Egée après avoir formé le delta du Nestos dont la majorité de la surface est occupée par un système d'irrigation. Deux ouvrages hydroélectriques occupent actuellement la partie montagneuse du bassin du Nestos. Il s'agit du barrage de Thissavros dont le réservoir a une capacité de 565 millions m3 et du barrage de Platanovryssi situé en aval du précédent et dont la capacité est de11 millions m3. Les deux barrages sont liés par un système de rétro-pompage STEP (Station de Transfert d'Énergie par Pompage). Le futur projet Temenos devrait être exclusivement financé sur fonds privés. Situé en aval des deux barrages précédents, il est configuré pour augmenter la production d'électricité du précédent complexe et pour réguler le système d'irrigation de la basse vallée agricole du Nestos Les scénarios de changement climatique (SRES) développés par le Groupe d'Experts Intergouvernemental sur l'Evolution du Climat (GIEC ou IPCC, en anglais) prévoient de possibles changements climatiques décrits à l'échelle mondiale. Plus précisément, selon les résultats des modèles de circulation globale (GCM), la moyenne mondiale annuelle de la température de surface pourrait augmenter de 1.4 à 5.8°C sur une période allant de 1990 à 2100. Cette augmentation de température pourrait entrainer une augmentation de l'évaporation et influencer le régime des précipitations. Dans ce cas, un impact notable pourrait en résulter sur l'exploitation des installations hydroélectriques dont l'exploitation est particulièrement sensible à la quantité, au rythme et à la répartition géographique des précipitations et des températures. L'étude du changement climatique sur la zone du Mesta-Nestos est base sur les résultats du modèle climatique régional CLM de l'Institut de Météorologie Max Planck, Allemagne. Elle s'intéresse plus particulièrement aux scénarios B1 et A1B produits par le SRES. Le modèle CLM effectue un transfert à l'échelle locale des résultats du modèle global atmosphère-océan ECHAM5/MPIOM utilisés comme forçage. CLM est en particulier conditionné par les conditions aux limites du relief local. Les séries mensuelles de température, précipitation et évapotranspiration produites par CLM ont été utilisées comme données d'entrée du modèle hydrologique distribué MODSUR-NEIGE de manière à simuler le régime hydrographique du bassin en cas de changement climatique. Ce modèle est couplé au modèle de barrage HEC-ResSim décrivant en détail tous les éléments techniques du complexe hydroélectrique du Nestos et des réseaux d'irrigation existant dans le delta du Nestos ainsi que leur future extension à la plaine de Xanthi. Enfin, l'évaluation de la viabilité du projet Temenos en conditions de changement climatique a été effectuée à l'aide d'un nouvel outil économique basé sur le calcul de la VAN et spécialement développé pour les besoins de l'étude. La thèse propose une approche holistique de l'évaluation de projet qui dépasse le strict cadre économique. Le calcul de la VAN a été étendu de façon à réunir les éléments de strict rendement économique (recettes tirées de la vente de l'énergie électrique et de l'eau d'irrigation ainsi que l'accroissement du revenu des agriculteurs) avec des éléments concernant les « externalités » du projet que sont la valeur de l'environnement (coût de restauration du bon état des eaux de surface dans le cas où le débit environnemental minimal ne peut être maintenu) et les bénéfices sociaux (compensations aux agriculteurs dans le cas où les débits d'irrigation ne peuvent être délivrés). On argumente le fait que cette approche combinée offre un outil efficace d'évaluation du projet selon une approche de développement durable. De plus, l'étude d'impact des scenarios de changement climatique a été augmentée d'une étude portant sur les conséquences que pourraient avoir différentes hypothèses d'évolution de la politique de gestion transfrontalière du bassin en relation avec l'exécution du traité de débit signé entre la Bulgarie et la Grèce à propos des eaux du Mesta-Nestos. Enfin, dans un contexte d'application des recommandations de la Directive Cadre de l'Eau (WFD), on propose d'explorer l'utilisation des méthodes de décision multicritère (MCDA, en anglais) pour gérer les conflits d'intérêt des différents acteurs du bassin dans la phase d'acceptation du projet Temenos et dans sa phase d'exploitation.
This book contains 20 chapters covering a range of infectious diseases, as well as a few non-infectious diseases such as cancer, and how they greatly affected the course of human history. It explores host-pathogen relationship, transmission routes, evolution, and global spread of infectious diseases including numerous viral, bacterial, protozoal, and helminth infections. It also covers the contribution of pets (dogs and cats), food, hygiene, and climate change in the spread of infectious diseases. This book is a valuable resource for students, practitioners and researchers working in global health and anyone interested in the understanding of the basis of disease.
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The second in a three-part series on climatic change, this book addresses the challenges of the foreseen climate change for agriculture from a multidisciplinary point of view. The initial chapter discusses the global changes that gave rise to the beginning of agriculture. The rest of the book is subdivided in two major parts: first, towards an understanding of the present and future challenges imposed by climate change on several different agricultural systems, and, secondly, to reviewing research avenues to cope with the environmental conditions expected in the near future from climate change. Chapter 2 discusses the predictions for dryland systems of the Mediterranean basin, while chapter 3 analyses the situation in the highly productive agricultural systems of irrigated rice in southern Asia, where in the absence of water stress the increase in atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide may represent a positive factor for species with a C3 metabolism, provided that high temperatures are prevented and soil fertility is maintained. Chapter 4 covers the Pampean (Argentina) agriculture, another of the World food baskets, also challenged by increases in temperature and changes in levels and patterns of precipitation. Chapter 5 addresses the challenges expected in the already highly technological and added-value horticultural systems, where the possibilities for controlling the environment, particularly temperature and efficiency in the use of water, must be further improved. Chapter 6 provides a detailed discussion on physiological plant responses to an increase in carbon dioxide and to the interaction of this factor with the occurrence of abiotic stresses, such as drought. Chapter 7 illustrates the practical experience in crop breeding of the Australian CSIRO, one of the institutions most credited worldwide concerning breeding for drought adaptation. Molecular techniques, field breeding and adequate phenotyping are discussed in chapter 8 as tools for the production of crops better suited to global change challenges. The role of information technologies in crop management and improvement amidst global change is discussed in chapter 9. Chapter 10 highlights the need for a global effort, from science to policy, to cover the challenges involved in improving agriculture in a changing environment, particularly in the developing world where political structures are weak but social networks may be of assistance. The books in this series are aimed at researchers, upper-level students and policy makers, providing international coverage of topics related to climate change, including both a synthesis of facts and discussions of future research perspectives and possible solutions.
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Climate-related hazards have adverse effects on national growth and poverty reduction, affecting the poor and several sectors of the economy simultaneously. At its current rate of growth, Vietnam will become a major global greenhouse gas (GHG) emitter. The Government of Vietnam initiated the Climate Public Expenditure and Investment Review (CPEIR) to advance an understanding of the current policy and institutional architecture as well as to assess current spending on its climate change response to help guide future climate change-related expenditures and policy implementation. The report has three components: (i) a policy, institutional and methodological review; (ii) an analysis of climate change response (CC-response) spending in five line ministries and three provinces; and (iii) recommendations and an action plan. The main goal of the CPEIR is to provide an overview of the current CC-response activities and formulate recommendations for how to improve priority setting, capacity building, coordination, expenditure management, and mainstreaming of CC-response strategies into socio-economic development plans.
v. 750. V -- Vallejo L -- v. 751. Vallejo M -- Vans -- v. 752. Vänt -- Vážn -- v. 753. Vazo -- Venezuela Com -- v. 754. Venezuela Con -- Vereim -- v. 755. Verein -- Vers L -- v. 756. Vers M -- Victor M -- v. 757. Victor O -- Vigd -- v. 758. Vige -- Vinea -- v. 759. Vineb -- Vision R -- v. 760. Vision S -- Voice C -- v. 761. Voice D -- Voso -- v. 762. Vosp -- Vz -- v. 763. W -- Wagner, Richard A -- v. 764. Wagner, Richard B -- Walker, William F -- v. 765. Walker, William G -- Walz -- v. 766. Wam -- Ward A -- v. 767. Ward B -- Warsh -- v. 768. Warsi -- Waso -- v. 769. Wasp -- Water Supply Engineering B -- v. 770. Water Supply Engineering C -- Weak -- v. 771. Weal -- Wedk -- v. 772. Wedl -- Welc -- v. 773. Weld -- Wenzel R -- v. 774. Wenzel S -- West Virginia I -- v. 775. West Virginia J -- Whare -- v. 776. Wharf -- White E -- v. 777. White F -- Whittier L -- v. 778. Whittier M -- Wijg -- v. 779. Wijh -- William B -- v. 780. William C -- Willis S -- v. 781. Willis T -- Wimh -- v. 782. Wimi -- Winters G -- v. 783. Winters H -- Wit and Humor, American R -- v. 784. Wit and Humor, American S -- Woh -- v. 785. Woi -- Woman-Employment-U.S.T -- v. 786. Woman-Employment-U.S.U -- Wood G -- v. 787. Wood H -- Woold -- v. 788. Woole -- World Politics, 1919- T -- v. 789. World Politics, 1919- U -- World War, 1939-1945 EC -- v. 790. World War, 1939-1945 ED -- World War, 1939-1945 Ph -- v. 791. World War, 1939-1945 Pi -- World War, 1939-1945 Regional C -- v. 792. World War, 1939-1945 Regional D -- Wright G -- v. 793. Wright H -- Wz -- v. 794. X -- Yeast V -- v. 795. Yeast W -- Young C -- v. 796. Young D -- Yz -- v. 797. Z -- Zehn J -- v. 798. Zehn K -- Zimmerman C -- v. 799. Zimmerman D -- Zoology A -- v. 800. Zoology B -- Zy. ; v. 730. U -- Underdeveloped Areas A -- v. 731. Underdeveloped Areas B -- Union of South Africa So -- v. 732. Union of South Africa Sp -- United States Adu -- v. 733. United States Adv -- United States Army R -- v. 734. United States Army S -- United States Commerce C -- v. 735. United States Commerce D -- United States Division S -- v. 736. United States Division T -- United States Foreign Relations R -- v. 737. United States Relations S -- United States Historic -- v. 738. United States History -- United States History-Revolution-Poetry S -- v. 739. United States History-Revolution-Poetry T -- United States History-Civil War-Military-Regimental History L -- v. 740. United States History-Civil War-Military-Regimental History M -- United States History-Yearbooks -- v. 741. United States Ho -- United States Justice Department Ac -- v. 742. United States Justice Department Ad -- United States National Aeronautic and Space Administration R -- v. 743. United States National Aeronautic and Space Administration S -- United States Politics, 1865-1897 J -- v. 744. United States Politics, 1865-1897 K -- United States Rac -- v. 745. United States Rad -- United States State Department P -- v. 746. United States State Department Q -- United States War Information Office A -- v. 747. United States War Information Office B -- Université S -- v. 748. Université T -- Urban O -- v. 749. Urban P -- Uz. ; v. 703. T -- Tall -- v. 704. Talm -- Tariff I -- v. 705. Tariff J -- Taxation-Jurisprudence F -- v. 706. Taxation-Jurisprudence G -- Taylor Jer -- v. 707. Taylor Jes -- Tecn -- v. 708. Teco -- Television C -- v. 709. Television D -- Tena -- v. 710. Tenb -- Tess -- v. 711. Test -- Textile Machinery S -- v. 712. Textile Machinery T -- Their -- v. 713. Theis -- Thern -- v. 714. Thero -- Thomas V -- v. 715. Thomas W -- Thorpe B -- v. 716. Thorpe C -- Tidev -- v. 717. Tidew -- Tires -- v. 718. Tiret -- Tokio G -- v. 719. Tokio H -- Torl -- v. 720. Torm -- Towards E -- v. 721. Towards F -- Trade Unions G -- v. 722. Trade Unions H -- Transcendentalism B -- v. 723. Transcendentalism C -- Treason-Trials H -- v. 724. Treason-Trials I -- Trial -- v. 725. Triam -- Trotzky, Lev G -- v. 726. Trotzky, Lev H -- Tube R -- v. 727. Tube S -- Turin C -- v. 728. Turin D -- Tuw -- v. 729. Tux -- Tz. ; v. 636. S -- Safe -- v. 637. Saff -- Saint Louis G -- v. 638. Saint Louis H -- Saler -- v. 639. Sales -- Salvation Army R -- v. 640. Salvation Army S -- Sanchez L -- v. 641. Sanchez M -- Sans -- v. 642. Sant -- Sarl -- v. 643. Sarm -- Savar -- v. 644. Savas -- Schaa -- v. 645. Schab -- Schid -- v. 646. Schie -- Schmidt B -- v. 647. Schmidt C -- Scholl S -- v. 648. Scholl T -- Schopf E -- v. 649. Schopf F -- Schulze F -- v. 650. Schulze G -- Science Col -- v. 651. Science Com -- Scoa -- v. 652. Scob -- Scott -- v. 653. Scotu -- Seals and Seal Fisheries C -- v. 654. Seals and Seal Fisheries D -- Sedl -- v. 655. Sedm -- Sell -- v. 656. Selm -- Sericulture A -- v. 657. Sericulture B -- Sever G -- v. 658. Sever H -- Shakers L -- v. 659. Shakers M -- Shakespeare A -- v. 660. Shakespeare B -- Sheldon S -- v. 661. Sheldon T -- Shipping G -- v. 662. Shipping H -- Shórn -- v. 663. Shoro -- Shrub -- v. 664. Shruc -- Sigg -- v. 665. Sigh -- Simek -- v. 666. Simel -- Singing Q -- v. 667. Singing R -- Skinner B -- v. 668. Skinner C -- Slavs B -- v. 669. Slavs C -- Smith A -- v. 670. Smith B -- Smith, William A -- v. 671. Smith, William B -- Social D -- v. 672. Social E -- Socialism, 1923-1933 H -- v. 673. Socialism, 1923-1933 I -- Societe Al -- v. 674. Société AM -- Societies R -- v. 675. Societies S -- Sociology T -- v. 676. Sociology U -- Solís -- v. 677. Solit -- Sonh -- v. 678. Soni -- Sousa A -- v. 679. Sousa B -- Southgate V -- v. 680. Southgate W -- Spain-Foreign Relations F -- v. 681. Spain-Foreign Relations G -- Spanish America-History-to 1600 -- v. 682. Spanish America-History-after 1600 -- Speech O -- v. 683. Speech P -- Spirit F -- v. 684. Spirit G -- Spuc -- v. 685. Spud -- Stage-France O -- v. 686. Stage-France P -- Stanford R -- v. 687. Stanford S -- Statement F -- v. 688. Statement G -- Sted -- v. 689. Stee -- Stel -- v. 690. Stem -- Stevenson I -- v. 691. Stevenson J -- Stockholders F -- v. 692. Stockholders G -- Storg -- v. 693. Storh -- Straus D -- v. 694. Straus E -- Struc -- v. 695. Strud -- Stuer -- v. 696. Stues -- Sueb -- v. 697. Suec -- Summ -- v. 698. Sumn -- Surim -- v. 699. Surin -- Swan H -- v. 700. Swan I -- Swey -- v. 701. Swez -- Symbolism in Architecture R -- v. 702. Symbolism in Architecture S -- Sz. ; v. 603. Q -- Quek -- v. 604. Quel -- Qw -- v. 605. R -- Radio in Politics B -- v. 606. Radio in Politics C -- Railways Ab -- v. 607. Railways Ac -- Railways D -- v. 608. Railways E -- Rak -- v. 609. Ral -- Rape -- v. 610. Rapf -- Raymond V -- v. 611. Raymond W -- Recei -- v. 612. Récéj -- Reed V -- v. 613. Reed W -- Régim -- v. 614. Regin -- Reiner I -- v. 615. Reiner J -- Religion I -- v. 616. Religion J -- Rentm -- v. 617. Rentn -- Retail Trade R -- v. 618. Retail Trade S -- Revue S -- v. 619. Revue T -- Rhodesia, Northern L -- v. 620. Rhodesia, Northern M -- Richl -- v. 621. Richm -- Rihs -- v. 622. Riht -- Ritter C -- v. 623. Ritter D -- Roads-U.S.M -- v. 624. Roads-U.S.N -- Robinson J -- v. 625. Robinson K -- Rodrigues G -- v. 626. Rodrigues H -- Rolfe F -- v. 627. Rolfe G -- Rome (City)-P -- v. 628. Rome (City)-Q -- Rord -- v. 629. Rore -- Ross C -- v. 630. Ross D -- Rousseau L -- v. 631. Rousseau M -- Roźd -- v. 632. Roze -- Rul -- v. 633. Rum -- Russia Ar -- v. 634. Russia As -- Russia-Social Conditions, 1917 K -- v. 635. Russia-Social Conditions, 1917 L -- Rz. ; v. 548. P -- Pagg -- v. 549. Pagh -- Paintings-Collections R -- v. 550. Paintings-Collections S -- Paleography L -- v. 551. Paleography M -- Palmer K -- v. 552. Palmer L -- Pann -- v. 553. Pano -- Pap -- v. 554. Paq -- Paris E -- v. 555. Paris F -- Parkh -- v. 556. Parki -- Parties, Political D -- v. 557. Parties, Political E -- Patd -- v. 558. Paté -- Paul J -- v. 559. Paul K -- Pearce C -- v. 560. Pearce D -- Pei -- v. 561. Pej -- Pennsylvania F -- v. 562. Pennsylvania G -- Pén [i.e. Pénz] -- v. 563. Peo -- Periodicals C -- v. 564. Periodicals D -- Periodicals-U.S.I -- v. 565. Periodicals-U.S.J -- Persia C -- v. 566. Persia D -- Peru -- v. 567. Perv -- Petri R -- v. 568. Petri S -- Pfeiffer E -- v. 569. Pfeiffer F -- Philip G -- v. 570. Philip H -- Philology S -- v. 571. Philology T -- Phok -- v. 572. Phol -- Phrom -- v. 573. Phron -- Picb -- v. 574. Picc -- Pik -- v. 575. Pil -- Pioneer Life-U.S.V -- v. 576. Pioneer Life-U.S.W -- Pittsburgh S -- v. 577. Pittsburgh T -- Plas -- v. 578. Plat -- Plup -- v. 579. Pluq -- Poetry, American A -- v. 580. Poetry, American B -- Poetry, American Wis -- v. 581. Poetry, American, Wit -- Poetry, Dutch S -- v. 582. Poetry, Dutch T -- Poetry, English, Hist. & Crit., 20th Cent. C -- v. 583. Poetry, English, Hist. & Crit., 20th Cent. D -- Poetry, Hungarian A -- v. 584. Poetry, Hungarian, B -- Poetry, Spanish P -- v. 585. Poetry, Spanish Q -- Poland F -- v. 586. Poland G -- Polish Literature, Hist. & Crit. O -- v. 587. Polish Literature, Hist. & Crit. P -- Polska Akademja Umiejetnosci A -- v. 588. Polska Akademja Umiejetnosci B -- Popar -- v. 589. Popas -- Portrait S -- v. 590. Portrait T -- Postage Stamps R -- v. 591. Postage Stamps S -- Poula -- v. 592. Poulb -- Pram -- v. 593. Pran -- Press, Liberty of H -- v. 594. Press, Liberty of I -- Prier -- v. 595. Pries -- Printing G -- v. 596. Printing H -- Privies N -- v. 597. Privies O -- Proj -- v. 598. Prok -- Protection V -- v. 599. Protection W -- Prussia-History-Frederick II C -- v. 600. Prussia-History-Frederick II D -- Psyk -- v. 601. Psyl -- Puli -- v. 602. Pulj -- Pyz. ; v. 509. N -- Nan -- v. 510. Nao -- Nash -- v. 511. Nasi -- National C -- v. 512. National D -- National Sh -- v. 513. National Si -- Natural History R -- v. 514. Natural History S -- Naval E -- v. 515. Naval F -- Navy R -- v. 516. Navy S -- Ned -- v. 517. Nee -- Neh -- v. 518. Nei -- Netherlands (Kingdom, 1815- ) O -- v. 519. Netherlands (Kingdom, 1815- ) P -- Neud -- v. 520. Neue -- New England D -- v. 521. New England E -- New K -- v. 522. New L -- New York (city) B -- v. 523. New York (city) C -- New York (city) L -- v. 524. New York (city) M -- New York N -- v. 525. New York O -- New York (state) H -- v. 526. New York (state) I -- New Zealand C -- v. 527. New Zealand D -- Newspapers E -- v. 528. Newspapers F -- Nicol -- v. 529. Nicom -- Ninn -- v. 530. Nino -- Nole -- v. 531. Nolf -- North Am -- v. 532. North An -- Northwestern O -- v. 533. Northwestern P -- Noth -- v. 534. Notti -- Numismatics C -- v. 535. Numismatics D -- Nz -- v. 536. O -- Occupations C -- v. 537. Occupations D -- Oese -- v. 538. Oesf -- Ohio H -- v. 539. Ohio I -- Old L -- v. 540. Old M -- Omaha R -- v. 541. Omaha S -- Oor -- v. 542. Oos -- Oratory R -- v. 543. Oratory S -- Organic R -- v. 544. Organic S -- Orrego L -- v. 545. Orrego M -- Ostl -- v. 546. Ostm -- Outs -- v. 547. Outt -- Oz. ; v. 450. M -- Mccol -- v. 451. Mccom -- Mcgrad -- v. 452. Mcgrae -- Mackenzie G -- v. 453. Mackenzie H -- Macq -- v. 454. Macr -- Maga -- v. 455. Magb -- Maic -- v. 456. Maid -- Malat -- v. 457. Malau -- Maml -- v. 458. Mamm -- Mana -- v. 459. Manb -- Mannk -- v. 460. Mannl -- Many -- v. 461. Manz -- Marc -- v. 462. Mard -- Maris -- v. 463. Marit -- Marriage F -- v. 464. Marriage G -- Martens E -- v. 465. Martens F -- Martr -- v. 466. Marts -- Masc -- v. 467. Masd -- Massachusetts I -- v. 468. Massachusetts J -- Mathematics K -- v. 469. Mathematics L -- Matthews D -- v. 470. Matthews E -- Max -- v. 471. May -- Meb -- v. 472. Mec -- Medic -- v. 473. Medid -- Mej -- v. 474. Mek -- Memory R -- v. 475. Memory S -- Meq -- v. 476. Mer -- Merv -- v. 477. Merw -- Meteorology C -- v. 478. Meteorology D -- Metropolitan M -- v. 479. Metropolitan N -- Mexico G -- v. 480. Mexico H -- Meyk -- v. 481. Meyl -- Mich -- v. 482. Mici -- Mikn -- v. 483. Mikó -- Military L -- v. 484. Military M -- Milla -- v. 485. Millb -- Milton L -- v. 486. Milton M -- Mines and Mining G -- v. 487. Mines and Mining H -- Mirac -- v. 488. Mirad -- Missions, Foreign E -- v. 489. Missions, Foreign F -- Mitb -- v. 490. Mitc -- Modn -- v. 491. Modo -- Moll -- v. 492. Molm -- Money F -- v. 493. Money G -- Monof -- v. 494. Monog -- Monteiro L -- v. 495. Monteiro M -- Mónu -- v. 496. Monv -- Mord -- v. 497. More -- Morl -- v. 498. Morm -- Morse E -- v. 499. Morse F -- Motd -- v. 500. Mote -- Mountaineering M -- v. 501. Mountaineering N -- Moving Pictures R -- v. 502. Moving Pictures S -- Mufs -- v. 503. Muft -- Municipal C -- v. 504. Municipal D -- Murk -- v. 505. Murl -- Music B -- v. 506. Music C -- Music T -- v. 507. Music U -- Mutt -- v. 508. Mutu -- Mz. ; v. 414. L -- Labor G -- v. 415. Labor H -- Labour Party, Gt. Br. D -- v. 416. Labour Party, Gt. Br. E -- Lagd -- v. 417. Lage -- Lamm -- v. 418. Lamn -- Land, Public-U.S.N -- v. 419. Land, Public-U.S.O -- Lang O -- v. 420. Lang P -- Lapk -- v. 421. Lapl -- Latg -- v. 422. Lath -- Latth -- v. 423. Latti -- Law S -- v. 424. Law T -- Law, Maritime A -- v. 425. Law, Maritime B -- Leadh -- v. 426. Leadi -- Lebn -- v. 427. Lebo -- Lefk -- v. 428. Lefl -- Lehm -- v. 429. Lehn -- Lenc -- v. 430. Lend -- Leroy E -- v. 431. Leroy F -- Letters E -- v. 432. Letters F -- Levn -- v. 433. Levo -- Liberalism K -- v. 434. Liberalism L -- Libraries (Place) N -- v. 435. Libraries (Place) O -- Lich -- v. 436. Lici -- Lighthouses H -- v. 437. Lighthouses I -- Lincoln A -- v. 438. Lincoln B -- Lior -- v. 439. Lios -- Literature P -- v. 440. Literature Q -- Living Expenses G -- v. 441. Living Expenses H -- Locomotives A -- v. 442. Locomotives B -- Loll -- v. 443. Lolm -- London U -- v. 444. London V -- Lord R -- v. 445. Lord S -- Louis XVI -- v. 446. Louis XVII -- Lowe S -- v. 447. Lowe T -- Ludwig O -- v. 448. Ludwig P -- Lutg -- v. 449. Luth -- Lz. ; v. 363. I -- Idn -- v. 364. Ido -- Illumination of Books and Manuscripts S -- v. 365. Illumination of Books and Manuscripts T -- Impos -- v. 366. Impot -- Independence D -- v. 367. Independence E -- India, History E -- v. 368. India, History F -- Indians, Central America, Tribes L -- v. 369. Indians, Central America, Tribes M -- Indians, North America S -- v. 370. Indians, North America T -- Indib -- v. 371. Indić -- Industrial Arts (Place) E -- v. 372. Industrial Arts (Place) F -- Industries (Place) U -- v. 373. Industries (Place) V -- Inl -- v. 374. Inm -- Institut M -- v. 375. Institut N -- Insurance I -- v. 376. Insurance J -- Intellectuals (Place) F -- v. 377. Intellectuals (Place) G -- International Ch -- v. 378. International Ci -- International LaC -- v. 379. International Lad -- Internationalism B -- v. 380. Internationalism C -- Iowa R -- v. 381. Iowa S -- Irish L -- v. 382. Irish M -- Isa -- v. 383. Isb -- Italian Language H -- v. 384. Italian Language I -- Italy, History to 1815 -- v. 385. Italy, History-After 1815 -- Iz -- v. 386. J -- Jagem -- v. 387. Jagen -- Jansen T -- v. 388. Jansen U -- Jard -- v. 389. Jaré -- Jels -- v. 390. Jelt -- Jesuits and Jesuitism U -- v. 391. Jesuits and Jesuitism V -- Jews, Anti-Semitic Writings M -- v. 392. Jews, Anti-Semitic Writings N -- Jews So -- v. 393. Jews Sp -- Johnm -- v. 394. Johnn -- Jolk -- v. 395. Joll -- Jorg -- v. 396. Jorh -- Journey B -- v. 397. Journey C -- Juk -- v. 398. Jul -- Juvenile Literature, Drama, American C -- v. 399. Juvenile Literature, Drama, American D -- Jz -- v. 400. K -- Kampe -- v. 401. Kampf -- Karo -- v. 402. Karp -- Keem -- v. 403. Keen -- Kennedy J -- v. 404. Kennedy K -- Kets -- v. 405. Kett -- Kinf -- v. 406. King -- Kirr -- v. 407. Kirs -- Kloo -- v. 408. Klop -- Kobd -- v. 409. Kobe -- Kolor -- v. 410. Kolos -- Kor -- v. 411. Kos -- Kreus -- v. 412. Kreut -- Kuer -- v. 413. Kues -- Kz. ; v. 330. H -- Hahm -- v. 331. Hahn -- Hall J -- v. 332. Hall K -- Hamilton J -- v. 333. Hamilton K -- Handwriting R -- v. 334. Handwriting S -- Harbors M -- v. 335. Harbors N -- Harper V -- v. 336. Harper W -- Hartmann K -- v. 337. Hartmann L -- Hathaway E -- v. 338. Hathaway F -- Hawkins L -- v. 339. Hawkins M -- Heart's T -- v. 340. Hearts U -- Hegel H -- v. 341. Hegel I -- Heller J -- v. 342. Heller K -- Henry of K -- v. 343. Henry of L -- Heredity R -- v. 344. Heredity S -- Hertling O -- v. 345. Hertling P -- Hibben S -- v. 346. Hibben T -- Hiller F -- v. 347. Hiller G -- Historia A -- v. 348. Historia B -- History, General-18th Century Works B -- v. 349. History, General-18th Century Works C -- Hodge B -- v. 350. Hodge C -- Hog -- v. 351. Hoh -- Holr -- v. 352. Hols -- Hond -- v. 353. Hone -- Horn L -- v. 354. Horn M -- Hot R -- v. 355. Hot S -- Housing-Working Class H -- v. 356. Housing-Working Class I -- Howl -- v. 357. Howm -- Hughes F -- v. 358. Hughes G -- Humo -- v. 359. Hump -- Hunting N -- v. 360. Hunting O -- Hut -- v. 361. Huu -- Hygiene, Public L -- v. 362. Hygiene, Public M -- Hyz. ; v. 291. G -- Gall L -- v. 292. Gall M -- Gandía E -- v. 293. Gandía F -- Gardiner G -- v. 294. Gardiner H -- Gases A -- v. 295. Gases B -- Gazs -- v. 296. Gazt -- General E -- v. 297. General F -- Geography As -- v. 298. Geography At -- Geology O -- v. 299. Geology P -- Geometry S -- v. 300. Geometry T -- Gerk -- v. 301. Gerl -- German Literature S -- v. 302. German Literature T -- Germany C -- v. 303. Germany D -- Germany-History 1847 -- v. 304. German-History 1848 -- Gerom -- v. 305. Geron -- Giac -- v. 306. Giad -- Gilds G -- v. 307. Gilds H -- Girk -- v. 308. Girl -- Glay -- v. 309. Glaz -- Godf -- v. 310. Godg -- Gold Mines and Mining-Al -- v. 311. Gold Mines and Mining-Am -- Gol [i.e. Golz] -- v. 312. Gom -- Gook -- v. 313. Gool -- Goula -- v. 314. Goulb -- Grad -- v. 315. Grae -- Grang -- v. 316. Granh -- Great Britain I -- v. 317. Great Britain J -- Great Britain-Description and Travel,1800-1850 -- v. 318. Great Britain-Description and Travel, 1850-1900 -- Great Britain-Govt. B -- v. 319. Great Britain-Govt. C -- Great Britain-Hist., 19th cent. F -- v. 320. Great Britain-Hist.,19th cent. G -- Great Britain-Politics, 1660-1714 R -- v. 321. Great Britain-Politics, 1660-1714 S -- Great Britain-Trade, Board of U -- v. 322. Great Britain-Trade, Board of V -- Greece (Modern)-History, 1830 M -- v. 323. Greece (Modern)-History, 1830 N -- Greene H -- v. 324. Greene I -- Grey N -- v. 325. Grey O -- Grog -- v. 326. Groh -- Grunds -- v. 327. Grundt S -- Gueu -- v. 328. Guev -- Gumo -- v. 329. Gump -- Gzow. ; v. 249. F -- Fairs F -- v. 250. Fairs G -- Fans -- v. 251. Fant -- Fascism-Germany B -- v. 252. Fascism-Germany C -- Fearh -- v. 253. Feari -- Felln -- v. 254. Fello -- Ferrari -- v. 255. Ferrarj -- Fev -- v. 256. Few -- Fiction, American Ham -- v. 257. Fiction, American Han -- Fiction, American Will -- v. 258. Fiction, American Wilm -- Fiction, Dutch A -- v. 259. Fiction, Dutch B -- Fiction, English Kim -- v. 260. Fiction, English Kin -- Fiction, Flemish L -- v. 261. Fiction, Flemish M -- Fiction, German A -- v. 262. Fiction, German B -- Fiction, Lettish J -- v. 263. Fiction, Lettish K -- Fiction, Swiss-German B -- v. 264. Fiction, Swiss-German C -- Filmr -- v. 265. Films -- Finance, U.S., 1813 -- v. 266. Finance, U.S., 1814 -- Finland R -- v. 267. Finland S -- Fischa -- v. 268. Fischb -- Fishing A -- v. 269. Fishing B -- Flanders G -- v. 270. Flanders H -- Flora F -- v. 271. Flora G -- Flya -- v. 272. Flyb -- Folklore N -- v. 273. Folklore O -- Fond -- v. 274. Fone -- Før N -- v. 275. For O -- Forestry-Germany S -- v. 276. Forestry-Germany T -- Forter -- v. 277. Fortes -- Fourm -- v. 278. Fourn -- France Ar -- v. 279. France As -- France-Foreign Relations R -- v. 280. France-Foreign Relations S -- France-History-Revolution O -- v. 281. France-History-Revolution P -- France-Statistics M -- v. 282. France-Statistics N -- Frank E -- v. 283. Frank F -- Frederick I, King of Prussia -- v. 284. Frederick II, King of Prussia -- Freemasons P -- v. 285. Freemasons Q -- French Language-Dictionaries D -- v. 286. French Language-Dictionaries E -- Fresco Paintings B -- v. 287. Fresco Paintings C -- Friends, Society of. L -- v. 288. Friends, Society of. M -- Früh [i.e. Fruh] -- v. 289. Frui -- Funck J -- v. 290. Funck K -- Fyz. ; v. 214. E -- Eastern Col -- v. 215. Eastern Com -- Ecole B -- v. 216. Ecole C -- Economic History-Chile F -- v. 217. Economic History-Chile G -- Economic History I -- v. 218. Economic History J -- Economic History-U.S.F -- v. 219. Economic History-U.S.G -- Economics, 1848-1889 E -- v. 220. Economics, 1848-1889 F -- Edel -- v. 221. Edem -- Education E -- v. 222. Education F -- Education O -- v. 223. Education P -- Education-U.S.-N.J.T -- v. 224. Education-U.S.-N.J.U -- Egypt C -- v. 225. Egypt D -- Eisenstein I -- v. 226. Eisenstein J -- Electric M -- v. 227. Electric N -- Electrons B -- v. 228. Electrons C -- Ellis S -- v. 229. Ellis T -- Emigration, Canada N -- v. 230. Emigration, Canada O -- Enchanted R -- v. 231. Enchanted S -- Engineering Ch -- v. 232. Engineering Ci -- English Language-Dictionaries G -- v. 233. English Language-Dictionaries H -- English Literature S -- v. 234. English Literature T -- Epitaphs T -- v. 235. Epitaphs U -- Ero -- v. 236. Erp -- Espl -- v. 237. Espm -- Essays P -- v. 238. Essays R -- Ethics G -- v. 239. Ethics H -- Etr -- v. 240. Ets -- Europe-History H -- v. 241. Europe-History I -- European War, Aerial Operations M -- v. 242. European War, Aerial Operations N -- European War, Economic Aspects Germany K -- v. 243. European War, Economic Aspects Germany L -- European War, Neutrality R -- v. 244. European War, Neutrality S -- European War, Regimental History F -- v. 245. European War, Regimental History G -- European War, Great Britain G -- v. 246. European War, Great Britain H -- Evero -- v. 247. Everp -- Exhibitions C -- v. 248. Exhibitions D -- Ez. ; v. 177. D -- Dale C -- v. 178. Dale D -- Dancing F -- v. 179. Dancing G -- Danzig G -- v. 180. Danzig H -- Dauw -- v. 181. Daux -- Dawn -- v. 182. Dawo -- Debray -- v. 183. Debraz -- Defei -- v. 184. Defel -- Delaware C -- v. 185. Delaware D -- Democracy-U.S.B -- v. 186. Democracy-U.S.C -- Denton, Name [i.e. Denton (Name)] -- v. 187. Denton, County [i.e. Denton County] -- Desmares -- v. 188. Desmaret -- Deutsche J -- v. 189. Deutsche K -- Dewar M -- v. 190. Dewar N -- Dickens, Charles F -- v. 191. Dickens, Charles G -- Dikes H -- v. 192. Dikes I -- Disaster Relief B -- v. 193. Disaster Relief C -- Divo -- v. 194. Divr -- Dog L -- v. 195. Dog M -- Donato L -- v. 196. Donato M -- Douglas P -- v. 197. Douglas R -- Drama, American A -- v. 198. Drama, American B -- Drama, American Mi -- v. 199. Drama, American Mo -- Drama C -- v. 200. Drama D -- Drama, English Hol -- v. 201. Drama, English Hom -- Drama, English Translations From . R -- v. 202. Drama, English Translations From . S -- Drama, French J -- v. 203. Drama, French K -- Drama, German Bas -- v. 204. Drama, German Bat -- Drama, German, Low German D -- v. 205. Drama, German, Low German E -- Drama, L -- v. 206. Drama, M -- Drama, Spanish Ger -- v. 207. Drama, Spanish Ges -- Drama, Walloon W -- v. 208. Drama, Walloon X -- Dreu -- v. 209. Drev -- Dublin U -- v. 210. Dublin V -- Duke O -- v. 211. Duke P -- Duper -- v. 212. Dupes -- Dutch Language D -- v. 213. Dutch Language E -- Dz. ; v. 107. C -- Cah -- v. 108. Cai -- Cale -- v. 109. Calf -- California V -- v. 110. California W -- Cameron, I -- v. 111. Cameron, J -- Canada B -- v. 112. Canada C -- Canada Statistics Bureau M -- v. 113. Canada Statistics Bureau N -- Canaq -- v. 114. Canar -- Capeh -- v. 115. Capei -- Cardif -- v. 116. Cardig -- Carm -- v. 117. Carn -- Carrik -- v. 118. Carril -- Case A -- v. 119. Case B -- Castles R -- v. 120. Castles S -- Cathedrals S -- v. 121. Cathedrals T -- Catholic Church Roman L -- v. 122. Catholic Church Roman M -- Cauch -- v. 123. Cauci -- Cement and Concrete M -- v. 124. Cement and Concrete P -- Ceo -- v. 125. Cep -- Chah -- v. 126. Chai -- Chand -- v. 127. Chane -- Charities I -- v. 128. Charities J -- Charz -- v. 129. Chas -- Chemical Industries I -- v. 130. Chemical Industries J -- Chemm -- v. 131. Chemn -- Chicago B -- v. 132. Chicago C -- Children AC -- v. 133. Children AD -- Chile T -- v. 134. Chile U -- Chinese A -- v. 135. Chinese B -- Christ L -- v. 136. Christ M -- Christianity E -- v. 137. Christianity F -- Church Al -- v. 138. Church Am -- Church I -- v. 139. Church J -- Chyz -- v. 140. Ci -- Cities-Plans-D -- v. 141. Cities-Plans-E -- Civil R -- v. 142. Civil S -- Claq -- v. 143. Clar -- Classification K -- v. 144. Classification L -- Clergy F -- v. 145. Clergy G -- Club T -- v. 146. Club U -- Cobb -- v. 147. Cobd -- Coi -- v. 148. Coj -- Collection K -- v. 149. Collection L -- Collim -- v. 150. Collin -- Colonies and Colonization A -- v. 151. Colonies and Colonization B -- Columbia University Q -- v. 152. Columbia University R -- Coml -- v. 153. Comm -- Commerce Am -- v. 154. Commerce An -- Commerce-New York -- v. 155. Commerce-New Zealand -- Commis -- v. 156. Commit -- Competition-Unfair F -- v. 157. Competition-Unfair G -- Cone -- v. 158. Conf -- Congres H -- v. 159. Congres I -- Conr -- v. 160. Cons -- Continuation L -- v. 161. Continuation M -- Cookery B -- v. 162. Cookery C -- Cooperation S -- v. 163. Cooperation T -- Copyright M -- v. 164. Copyright N -- Coronations G -- v. 165. Coronations H -- Cortazar C -- v. 166. Cortazar D -- Cotner T -- v. 167. Cotner U -- Country Life-United States -- v. 168. Country Life-Uruguay -- Cowper W -- v. 169. Cowper Family -- Creation-Biblical Account-H -- v. 170. Creation-Biblical Account-I -- Criminal H -- v. 171. Criminal I -- Crip -- v. 172. Criq -- Crosby G -- v. 173. Crosby H -- Cua -- v. 174. Cub -- Cunningham A -- v. 175. Cunningham B -- Cux -- v. 176. Cuy -- Cz. ; v. 52. B -- Bader -- v. 53. Bades -- Baker, I -- v. 54. Baker, J -- Ballads, E -- v. 55. Ballads, F -- Banco P -- v. 56. Banco R -- Banks and Banking-Gt. Br. S -- v. 57. Banks and Banking-Gt. Br. T -- Baptists-U -- v. 58. Baptists-V -- Barlac -- v. 59. Barlad -- Barry, I -- v. 60. Barry, J -- Basr -- v. 61. Bass -- Baud -- v. 62. Baue -- Beac -- v. 63. Bead -- Beck -- v. 64. Becl -- Beh -- v. 65. Bei -- Belk -- v. 66. Bell -- Bend -- v. 67. Bene -- Benz -- v. 68. Beo -- Berlin F -- v. 69. Berlin G -- Berr -- v. 70. Bers -- Bet -- v. 71. Beu -- Bible. Zulu -- v. 72. Bible. Selections -- Bible. N.T.: Crit -- v. 73. Bible. N.T.-D -- Bible. O.T. Pr -- v. 74. Bible. O.T. Ps -- Bibliography-O -- v. 75. Bibliography-P -- Bibliotheca O -- v. 76. Bibliotheca P -- Bik -- v. 77. Bil -- Bio -- v. 78. Bip -- Bisl -- v. 79. Bism -- Blai -- v. 80. Blaj -- Blis -- v. 81. Blit -- Bob -- v. 82. Boc -- Bog -- v. 83. Boh -- Bolr -- v. 84. Bols -- Bolz -- v. 85. Bom -- Bon -- v. 86. Boo -- Bool -- v. 87. Boom -- Bor -- v. 88. Bos -- Botany-R -- v. 89. Botany-S -- Bouq -- v. 90. Bour -- Boyd -- v. 91. Boye -- Bram -- v. 92. Bran -- Brazil D -- v. 93. Brazil E -- Brer -- v. 94. Bres -- Brid -- v. 95. Brie -- British E -- v. 96. British F -- Brom -- v. 97. Bron -- Brov -- v. 98. Brow -- Brt -- v. 99. Bru -- Bryc -- v. 100. Bryd -- Budget-E -- v. 101. Budget F -- Building C -- v. 102. Building D -- Bulle -- v. 103. Bullf -- Burgf -- v. 104. Burgg -- Burrow, M -- v. 105. Burrow, N -- Buss -- v. 106. Bust -- Bz. ; v. 1. A -- Aben -- v. 2. Abeo -- Académie de F -- v. 3. Académie du G -- Achm -- v. 4. Achn -- Adams, D -- v. 5. Adams, E -- Ador -- v. 6. Adós -- Aeronautics-Ac -- v. 7. Aeronautics-Ad -- Aesoph -- v. 8. Aesopi -- Africa, So -- v. 9. Africa, Sp -- Agar -- v. 10. Agas -- Agriculture-Economics-F -- v. 11. Agriculture-Economics-G -- Agriculture-C [i.e. Agriculture (Place) C] -- v. 12. Agriculture-D [i.e. Agriculture (Place) D] -- Air-E -- v. 13. Air-F -- Alabam -- v. 14. Alaban -- Alcaraz, Em -- v. 15. Alcaraz, En -- Alexan, F -- v. 16. Alexan, G -- Aliens-H -- v. 17. Aliens-I -- Allied J -- v. 18. Allied K -- Alphabet, S -- v. 19. Alphabet, T -- Alz -- v. 20. Am -- America M -- v. 21. America-N -- American Fab -- v. 22. American Fac -- American Languages-Q -- v. 23. American Languages-R -- American Pio -- v. 24. American Pip -- Americans in L -- v. 25. Americans in M -- Amy -- v. 26. Amz -- Anderson, S -- v. 27. Anderson T -- Angle S -- v. 28. Angle T -- Annal -- v. 29. Annam -- Anthon -- v. 30. Anthoo -- Apar -- v. 31. Apas -- Aqueb -- v. 32. Aquec -- Arauco, C -- v. 33. Arauco D -- Architectural D -- v. 34. Architectural E -- Architecture, Ecclesiastical-F -- v. 35. Architecture, Ecclesiastical-G -- Arens -- v. 36. Arent -- Aristoc -- v. 37. Aristod -- Armitage, R -- v. 38. Armitage, S -- Army, R -- v. 39. Army, S -- Arres -- v. 40. Arret -- Art-Essays and Misc. G -- v. 41. Art-Essays and Misc. H -- Art Per [i.e. Art Pers]-- v. 42. Art, Peru -- Arz -- v. 43. As -- Assat -- v. 44. Assau -- Assz -- v. 45. Ast -- Athenaeum I -- v. 46. Athenaeum L -- Attention M -- v. 47. Attention N -- Auq -- v. 48. Aurauco D -- Austria B -- v. 49. Austria-C -- Authorship T -- v. 50. Authorship U -- Auy -- v. 51. Auz -- Az. ; Mode of access: Internet.
Not Available ; The Hon'ble Vice President of India Shri. M. Venkaiah Naidu visited ICAR-Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture (CRIDA), Hyderabad on 3rd July, 2018. He was the Chief Guest for the "Consultative Meeting on Doubling of Farmers' Income in Telangana State and Adjoining Areas". Shri. Md. Mahmood Ali, Deputy Chief Minister, Telangana State was the Guest of Honour. Dr. K. Alagusundaram, Deputy Director General (NRM), ICAR, New Delhi, Shri. C. Parthasarathi, APC & Principal Secretary (Agriculture), Telangana State; Dr. K. Sammi Reddy, Director (Acting), CRIDA; Directors and scientists of local ICAR institutes, senior officials of PJTSAU, senior officials from Telangana State, NGOs, Industrialists, Bankers and progressive farmers participated in the meeting. Hon'ble Vice President addressing participants of consultation meeting Deputy Director General (NRM) Dr. K. Alagusundaram, ICAR, New Delhi welcomed the dignitaries and the participants while briefing about the various rainfed technologies developed by CRIDA for the benefit of farmers of dryland agriculture. Hon'ble Vice President Shri. M. Venkaiah Naidu, chaired the interactive session with scientists, research scholars, farmers and representatives of NGOs. He stated that the multifaceted strategy is needed to protect agriculture as agriculture is now under distress. During interactive session, farmers of Ranga Reddy district mentioned that their farm income has been substantially increased due to the interventions of ICAR-CRIDA, KVKs and SAUs. Book releasing during consultation meeting New Research Initiatives CRIDA was awarded a competitive research project entitled "Innovative and contextual agromet. advisory services for climate smart agriculture" funded by Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, Ministry of Earth Sciences under Monsoon Mission-II with budget outlay of the Rs. 311.48 lakhs. ICRISAT and ICAR-IIPR, Kanpur are the partner institutes. Dr. P. Vijaya Kumar, Project Coordinator, AICRPAM, ICAR-CRIDA is the Principal Investigator of this project. Dr. AVM Subba Rao and Dr. Santanu Kumar Bal are the CoPrincipal Investigators from ICAR-CRIDA and Dr. Anthony Whitbread and Dr. R.K. Mishra are the Co-Principal Investigators from ICRISAT and ICAR-IIPR, respectively. CRIDA - Newsletter 2 Minimum tillage with crop residue retention on soil surface produced higher crop yields while maintaining better health of rainfed Alfisol The results of 6 year old experiment on conservation Agriculture (CA) in rainfed Alfisol showed that the surface retention of crop residues @ 2-6 t/ha produced 5-13% higher sorghum yield and 28-45% higher cowpea yield as compared to no residue application control. About 56% higher organic carbon (6.80 g/kg) content was recorded with the application of sorghum stover @ 6 t/ha as compared to control (4.36 g/ kg). The increase in available N with the application of 6t and 4t crop residue was to the extent of 19.5 and 28% respectively while significantly higher contents of soil available P (10.67 kg/ha) and K (288.8 kg/ha) were observed with application of sorghum residue @ 4 t/ha. Significantly higher microbial biomass carbon (MBC) and dehydrogenase activity (DHA) were recorded with the application of sorghum stover @ 4 t/ha. Besides reducing the bulk density, the application of residues had a significant influence on the mean weight diameter (MWD) of the soil aggregates. The highest overall soil quality index (SQI: 9.58) was observed with the residue application @ 6 t/ha. A significant positive relationship was observed between SQI and pooled cowpea seed yield (R2 =0.82) and pooled sorghum grain yield (R2 =0.69). This study also clearly indicated that the adoption of minimum tillage in combination with adequate crop residue cover, the soil moisture increased and soil temperature decreased which in-turn made the crops to withstand the mid season dry spells without much adverse effects. Crop residue retention in the field Development of track width & ground clearance enhancing platform and matching Implements for low horse power tractor A reconfigured platform for small horse power tractor with matching weeding and spraying implements was developed. Such new developments will increase effective use of tractor for weeding and spraying operations in crops like maize, castor, red gram, cotton, chilies etc. The developed platform basically consists of three components (i) Front wheel axle (ii) Rear drive wheel axle and (iii) Reworked steering set system for enhanced track width. The prototype high clearance platform fitted mini tractor matching rotary weeder consists of a main frame with hitch mast, gear box housing with power transmission provision, rotor shaft assembly with soil working tools. The developed boom sprayer unit basically consists (i) Base frame to give support / fix various components (ii) Pump with manifold for flow control and pressure regulation (50 lpm & 30kg / cm2 rating) (iii) Boom with height adjustable frame work and (iv) High pressure hose pipes. The pump gets the required power from tractor. The nozzles on the boom were fitted with spacing adjustable provision to use for different types of rainfed crops. The weeding efficiency of rotary machine varied 74 to 82.5.% and 78.5 to 86.8% for castor and pigeon pea, respectively. In case of maize crop, the weeding efficiency observed to be 73.9%, which was low compared to other two crops due to narrow row spacing. The boom sprayer was operated in cotton crop at two growth stages; the first one at flowering stage (75 DAS) and second operation in bolls expansion stage (90 DAS). The operator can steer the tractor comfortably and sprayer worked satisfactorily. The field capacity of the machine ranged from 1.7 - 2.0 ha/hr. The newly developed implements shown significant advantage in monitory terms when compared with traditional practice of bullock operated blade harrow and hand labour spray operation (15 - 20% lower cost). Track width and ground clearance enhanced platform fitted low horse power tractor with matching weeding and spraying implements Research Highlights July - December, 2018 3 Scientific Activities XXVIIth Research Advisory Committee (RAC) meeting The XXVIIth meeting of the Research Advisory Committee of the institute was held during 10-11 November, 2018 under the chairmanship of Dr. Panjab Singh, former Secretary, DARE & Director General, ICAR. The committee reviewed the progress and recommended for strengthening of farming systems research with horticulture and livestock components, scaling up of NICRA interventions to more villages and restructuring of the institute by creating divisions of Social Sciences and Climate Change. Further, RAC suggested to align the research programmes with the challenges and development needs of dryland farmers. RAC meeting in progress Field Institute Research Council (IRC) meeting Field Institute Research Council (IRC) Meeting for 2018-19 was held on 25th September, 2018 at Gunegal Research Farm (GRF) and on 5th October, 2018 at Hayathnagar Research Farm (HRF) under the chairmanship of Dr. K. Sammi Reddy, Director (Acting). The chairman IRC, Dr. K. Sammi Reddy, Director (Acting), Project coordinators, Heads of Divisions / Sections and scientists visited various experiments and discussed thoroughly on various treatment effects. Interaction during field IRC Various suggestions like displaying of the experimental and treatment boards at the experimental site, periodical monitoring of soil moisture in CA related experiments, rainfall amount, rainy days and crop yields needs to correlated for all the experiments etc., were made in field IRC. Quinquennial Review Team (QRT) Under the Chairmanship of Dr. J.C. Katyal, former Vice Chancellor, CCS Haryana Agriculture University & former DDG (Education), ICAR, two review meetings were conducted. QRT meeting was held during 18-19 June, 2018 at UAS, Bengaluru and reviewed the work done by both AICRPDA and AICRPAM centers located in Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Kerala & Tamil Nadu. Another meeting was held at ICAR-CRIDA, Hyderabad during 16-18 August, 2018 to finalize the QRT report. QRT visit to AICRPDA center, Bengaluru Dr. J.C. Katyal presented the salient recommendations of QRT to DG, ICAR and other officials in presence of DDG (NRM) and ADG (A, AF & CC) on 13th September, 2018 at ICAR, New Delhi. Honorable DG, ICAR has appreciated the work done by the QRT. QRT meeting in progress Hindi fortnight celebrations The Hindi fortnight was organized from 1st to 14th September, 2018 at ICAR-CRIDA, Hyderabad. On this occasion, Hindi Noting & Drafting, Hindi-English technical terminology and other Hindi competitions were organized. Winners were awarded on concluding day, 14th September, 2018. CRIDA - Newsletter 4 Interface meeting on agricultural contingencies for Andhra Pradesh In view of the low rainfall and its poor distribution in some parts of Andhra Pradesh, at the behest of ICAR-CRIDA, an interface meeting was organized by ICAR-CRIDA on August 3, 2018 with Department of Agriculture and ANGRAU under the chairmanship of special Commissioner of Agriculture, Government of A.P. to review and develop mid-course action plans for Rayalaseema (Anantapuramu, Kurnool, Kadapa and Chittoor), Prakasham, Nellore and Guntur districts. The participants included Director of Research, ANGRAU, Special Commissioner of Agriculture, A.P., Joint Collector, Kadapa, Senior scientists from ANGRAU, JDAs, ADAs, Scientists from KVKs and farmer representatives. Dr. NV Naidu, Director of Research ANGRAU, conducted the proceedings of the meeting. Dr. KV Rao, ICAR-CRIDA and Dr. S Malleswari, ANGRAU made detailed presentations on current rainfall scenario and forecast for the forthcoming weeks. Sri D. Muralidhar Reddy, Special Commissioner in his address emphasized that department should gear up to rescue the crops in the field, plans to cover unsown area and preparation of documents for early drought declaration procedures. Dr. NDRK Sharma, Consultant, Department of Agriculture, highlighted the implementation of agriculture contingency plans during past years and requested the officers to prioritize the interventions based on the uptake of preferred technology options by the farmers. Sensitization on district agricultural contingency plans for Mizoram In an interface meeting of ICAR-Mizoram State held on 24.09.2018 to sensitize the Senior officers of the State on District Agricultural Contingency Plans (DACPs). This is the first meeting on sensitization of DACPs to senior officials in the North-Eastern states of India. Mr. Lalsawta, Cabinet Minister for Finance & Planning chaired the meeting. Mr. Lalthanliana, Cabinet Minister for Horticulture, LAD & SWD and Mr. Lalmingthanga, Commissioner & Secretary, Agriculture were guests of honour. Secretaries from Horticulture, Sericulture, Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Science; Directors of various line departments; Director, ICAR - Research Complex, NEH Region and Director, ATARI, Umiam also attended the meeting. Dr. N. Prakash presented the technologies developed by ICAR RC for NEH and Dr. Deka highlighted how KVK set up is actively participating in dissemination of technologies. The Commissioner of Agriculture highlighted that only 30% of the food grains are produced in Mizoram. Mr. Lalthanliana mentioned that farming community in Mizoram are facing multi-faceted problems. Mr. Lalsawta emphasized on developing viable alternatives to Jhum cultivation which is responsible for meager yields. Dr. S. Desai, Principal Scientist, ICAR-CRIDA made a presentation on "Sensitization on District Agricultural Contingency Plans to meet the weather aberration impacts on agriculture in Mizoram".The Commissioner & Secretary, Agriculture appreciated the efforts and emphasized on more sensitization about DACPs among district officials. The meeting ended with vote of thanks by Ms. Shakuntala, JD, ICAR Research Complex, Kolasib centre. Contingency Plans Interface meeting in progress Interface meeting at Mizoram July - December, 2018 5 Technology Transfer Hon'ble Prime Minister's interaction with SHGs & women groups at ICAR-CRIDA Web telecasting of Hon'ble Prime Minister's interaction with SHGs & Women's groups was organized by Krishi Vigyan Kendra – Ranga Reddy District, ICAR-CRIDA on 12.07.2018 in KVK Campus, Hayathnagar Research Farm, ICAR-CRIDA. About 74 SHG women from four different villages of Ranga Reddy District, Telangana State participated. The Hon'ble Prime Minister's interaction with SHG women emphasized on improving the economic status of farm families through supporting SHG women by strengthening the Self Help Groups. The Prime Minister highlighted about DAY-NRLM programme (Deen Dayal Antyodaya Yojana-National Rural Livelihood Mission). Almost 30 lakh SHG women are being supported under Mahila Kisan Sashakthikaran Pariyojana (MKSP) to promote sustainable agriculture practices and the objective of Mission Antyodaya is to develop poverty free panchayats. Web telecasting of Hon'ble Prime Minister's interaction with SHGs & women's groups Parthenium awareness week organized Training cum awareness programme on integrated management of Parthenium was organized by KVK-CRIDA, Ranga Reddy District on 21st August, 2018. About 50 participants from Agriculture College, farmers, teaching and extension officials attended the programme. Subject matter specialists from KVK-CRIDA highlighted the technical aspects of Parthenium management, invasion of Parthenium in India, plant physiology-spread, impact and harmful effects of weed on crop, composting of weed. Displayed posters and removed weeds from demo plots and office premises of KVK. National nutrition month organized The theme for National Nutrition Month for 2018 was "Go Further with Food". On this occasion, organized 3 training programmes and method demonstrations i.e. (i) Prevention of anaemia – preparation of low cost nutritious recipes on 6th September, 2018, (ii) Value addition to millet products as food security & income generating activity on 11th September, 2018, (iii) Demonstration on dried green leafy vegetables – different recipes to prevent Iron & Calcium deficiency on 18th September, 2018 in KVK adopted villages Gummadivelli, Kolanguda and Nerrapally, for about 291 women. These programmes involved total 291 women, of which 67 were SC /ST, 224 were others. Distributed 200 drumstick plants as part of National Nutrition Week to women of self help groups. National women farmers' day (Mahila Kisan Divas) & technology day National Women Farmers' Day (Mahila Kisan Divas) and Technology Day was organized by Krishi Vigyan Kendra-Ranga Reddy District, ICAR-CRIDA on 15th October, 2018 at Hayathnagar Research Farm with the participation of women farmers from Ranga Reddy district. Dr. V. Maruthi, Head & Principal Scientist, KVK briefed the importance of the day and women's role in agriculture. Dr. K. Sammi Reddy, Director (Acting), ICAR-CRIDA, presided over as Chief Guest and addressed about the women farmers' role in agriculture, drudgery management practices to be followed by women farmers, nutritional disorders and health issues. Dr. Y. G. Prasad, Director, ATARI, Guest of honour, requested the women farmers to utilize skill training programmes of KVK related to dairy and floriculture and NARI (Nutri sensitive agri-resources and innovations) programme of ICAR through KVK. The resource persons Dr. K. Aruna, Professor and Head (Retd.), AICRP (Home Science) informed the women farmers about the health, nutrition, diet, nutritive value of millets and gave a detailed presentation on nutritional disorders and remedies. Sri DGP Sharma, Senior Executive officer, Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC) has explained different schemes in KVIC, loan facilities and Honey production and rearing techniques. Two brochures on Good management practices of chickpea and redgram cultivation, pamphlets on fall army worm in maize, pink bollworm in cotton, hydroponics in fodder cultivation, balanced nutrition diet for livestock were released. Five progressive women farmers and women entrepreneurs from Ranga Reddy District were felicitated on this occasion. National women farmers' day celebration CRIDA - Newsletter 6 World soil day organized ICAR-CRIDA celebrated world soil day on 5th December, 2018 at ICAR- CRIDA under the Chairmanship of Dr. G. Ravindra Chary, Director (In charge), ICAR-CRIDA, Hyderabad. Around 200 participants comprising of students, scientists, technical officers, KVK officials attended the awareness programme. Dr. G. Ravindra Chary explained historical background of World Soil Day, the usage of Soil Health Cards and its interpretation for effective nutrient management in the field crops for sustainable crop yields. Dr. K.L. Sharma, Principal Scientist, educated the participating students about the importance of soils and clarified the doubts raised by the students. The students were sensitized about the importance of soils through demonstrations, posters and exhibits and practical insights to laboratories. On this occasion posters on "Know your soils", "Soil profile" and "Identification of Nutrient deficiencies in Plants and Crops" were displayed for the benefit of the students. Dr. G. Ravindra Chary, Director (In-Charge) addressing students Kisan Diwas organized during Swachhtha Pakhwada KVK-CRIDA, Ranga Reddy District organized one day Kisan Diwas on 23rd December, 2018 as a part of Swachhtha Pakhwada (16-31st December, 2018). Dr. V. Maruthi, Principal Scientist & Head, KVK welcomed the invited farmers from 12 mandals of Ranga Reddy District and enlightened the objectives of the Kisan Diwas. Dr. K. Sammi Reddy, Director (Acting), ICAR-CRIDA, Hyderabad was the Chief Guest. He explained to the farmers about the importance of Swachatha and also emphasized to prepare manure from the wastes generated on farmers' fields. Dr. K. Srinivas, Principal Scientist & OIC, HRF shared experiences on Swachhta initiatives by farmers and civil society officials. Farmers were felicitated based on the initiatives/adoptable measurers expressed during the interaction. SMSs from KVK gave lectures on Good Agricultural Practices in horticulture, agriculture, women empowerment and animal husbandry. Farmers visited demonstration units, exhibition, posters presentation of KVK and gained knowledge. About 107 members including farmers, farm women, ADAs, AOs, AEOs, ATMA officials attended the programme and got handful information with printed literature. Felicitation to farmer during Swachhatha Pakhwada Around 200 farmers including farm women and school going children participated in the awareness campaign of Swachhtha Pakhwada in Farmers First Village. The people were trained in the knowledge about segregation of biodegradable and nondegradable wastes. AICRPs XV Biennial workshop of AICRPAM organized The XVth Biennial workshop of the AICRP on Agrometeorology (AICRPAM) was organized at Regional Agricultural Research Station, University of Agricultural Sciences, Vijayapura, Karnataka during 15-17 November, 2018. Participants of XV Biennial workshop, AICRPAM The objective of the workshop was to review the research progress made during 2017-18 and finalization of the technical program for the year 2018-2020. Monsoon mission II project meeting at ICRISAT Monsoon mission II project meeting was held at ICRISAT, Patancheru, Hyderabad on 10th September, 2018. Dr. Peter Carberry, DG, ICRISAT, Dr. G. Ravindra Chary, Director (In-charge), Dr. P. Vijaya Kumar and Dr. AVM. Subba Rao from AICRPAM, ICAR-CRIDA, Dr. Suryachandra Rao, Associate Mission Director, Shri S.M.D. Jeelani, Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, Pune, Dr. Anthony Whitbread, Research Program Director, Dr. AVR Kesava Rao, Dr. K.P.C. Rao and Dr. D. Ram, ICRISAT July - December, 2018 7 National Innovations in Climate Resilient Agriculture (NICRA) Sixth NICRA Annual Review Workshop Organized A two day Annual Review workshop of National Innovations in Climate Resilient Agriculture (NICRA) was inaugurated by Dr. T. Mohapatra, Secretary, DARE & Director General, ICAR at NASC, New Delhi on 7th August, 2018. Chhabilendra Roul, Special Secretary, DARE & Secretary, ICAR, Shri B. Pradhan, FA & Additional Secretary, DARE & ICAR, Dr. K. Alagusundaram, DDG (Agril. Engg. & NRM I/c), Dr. AK Singh, DDG (Agril. Extn.), Dr. Anand Kumar Singh, DDG (Hort. Science & Crop Sciences I/c), Dr. Joykrushna Jena, DDG (Fisheries), Dr. S Bhaskar, ADG (A, AF&CC), Dr. SK Chaudhari, ADG (SWM), Dr. K Sammi Reddy, Director (Acting), ICAR-CRIDA, Hyderabad and NICRA Expert Committee Members viz., Dr. B Venkateswarlu, Ex-VC,Vasantrao Naik Marathwada Krishi Vidyapeeth Krishinagar, Parbhani; Dr. V Praveen Rao, Vice Chancellor, PJTSAU, Hyderabad; Dr. CL Acharya, Ex-Director, ICAR-IISS, Bhopal; Dr. KK Singh, ADG (Farm Engg.), ICAR; Dr. YS Ramakrishna, ExDirector, ICAR-CRIDA, Hyderabad; Dr. HE Shashidhar, Retired Professor of Genetics, UAS, GKVK, Bengaluru; Dr. RC Upadhyay, Principal Scientist (Retd.) NDRI, Karnal; Dr. AG Ponniah, Ex-Director, ICAR-CIBA, Chennai; Prof. UC Mohanty, Professor IIT, Bhubaneswar; Dr. NK Krishna Kumar, Coordinator, Biodiversity International, New Delhi; Dr. Praduman Kumar, Ex-Head, Economics, IARI, New Delhi, Dr. N. Sudhakar, Ex-Director, ATARI and Dr. H. Senapati, Former Dean, OUAT, Bhubaneshwar, Chairmen of Zonal monitoring teams and Directors of NICRA partner institutes participated in the review workshop. Dr. K. Sammi Reddy, Director (Acting), ICAR-CRIDA presented the highlights of achievements of NICRA Project during the last two years (2016-17 to 2017-18). Various events during sixth NICRA annual review workshop participated in this meeting and discussed on developing a farmer-friendly app and web site for disseminating agromet advisories. AICRPDA centres organized stakeholder consultation workshops Stakeholder consultation workshops were organized in the adopted villages by 9 AICRPDA centres viz. Akola, Arjia, Anantapuramu, Bengaluru, Kovilpatti, Phulbani, SK Nagar, Solapur and Vijayapura to discuss on strengthening the traditional rainfed integrated farming systems (TRIFS). Dr. S. Bhaskar, ADG (A, AF&CC), Dr. G. Ravindra Chary, Project Coordinator (AICRPDA), scientists from AICRPs/ICAR Institutes/ SAUs/KVKs, officials from state line departments, ATMA, NGOs and most importantly farmers participated and gave feedback for identifying component-wise suitable interventions for strengthening traditional RIFSs in the respective agroclimatic zones of the centres. Stakeholder workshop in Sunderpura village, Bhilwara district, Rajasthan on 26.10.2018 Stakeholder workshop in Kalenhalli village, Tumkur District, Karnataka on 13.08.2018 CRIDA - Newsletter 8 Important Visitors Ms. Arnella Trent, Senior Crop Analyst, International Production Assessment Division, U.S. Department of Agriculture / Foreign Agriculture Service along with Mr. Dhruv Sood, Agricultural Specialist from U.S. Consulate, Mumbai visited ICAR-CRIDA on 4th September, 2018 to discuss the cotton crop production, planting area and general assessment of the crop in Telangana State. During their visit information regarding dryland agriculture, soils, watershed management and extension activities was exchanged with them. A total of 1637 students from Karnataka, Tamil Nadu & Andhra Pradesh, 40 Scientists from NAARM, Hyderabad, 283 Agricultural Officers from Tamil Nadu & Telangana and 328 farmers from Karnataka, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh & Tamil Nadu visited ICAR-CRIDA, Hyderabad during the period. Dr. T. Mohapatra in his inaugural address suggested to make the 151 Climate Resilient Villages (CRVs) to CRV Cluster Villages and the need to actively involve State Governments for successful upscaling of CRVs. There were eight Technical sessions under different themes viz., Resilience through Natural Resources Management, Resilience through Crop Improvement and Adaptation, Technology Demonstration Component Session: Lessons from Technology Demonstration and Future Roadmap, Resilience through Adaptation in Horticultural Crops, Pests, Diseases & Pollinators,Assessment of Impacts on Fisheries-Adaptation and Mitigation Options, Vulnerability Assessment, Socio-Economic Impacts and Farm Advisories, Adaptation Strategies for Climate Resilient Livestock Production, Integrated Modeling Framework. Each session chaired by concerned DDGs and co-chaired by NICRA Expert Committee members and concerned ADGs from ICAR, New Delhi. A detailed session-wise recommendations was presented by Dr. M Prabhakar, PI, NICRA, ICARCRIDA, Hyderabad in the plenary session chaired by Dr. K Alagusundaram, DDG (NRM), ICAR. Zonal Monitoring Committee Visits During the period, zonal monitoring committee visits were organized in the KVKs of ATARI zones viz. Guwahati, Barapani, Kolkata, Jodhpur, Jabalpur, Bengaluru and Hyderabad. Zonal monitoring committee's visits to various zones were organized to review the technical progress of different modules like NRM, crop production, livestock & fishery and institutional interventions in the NICRA villages and for making appropriate suggestions for improvement. ZMC with VCRMC members, Dimapur ZMC with VCRMC members, Malda July - December, 2018 9 Visits Abroad Dr. K. Sammi Reddy, Director (Acting), ICAR-CRIDA visited Katowice, Poland to participate in the UNFCCC COP-24/CMP14/ CMA1.3 and to organize the side event at Indian Pavilion at COP24 during 30th November - 5th December, 2018. During the visit, he has organized the Side Event at Indian Pavilion @ COP24 on the theme "Scaling up Adaptation Strategies for Climate Resilient Agriculture" on 5th December, 2018. This side event was Chaired by Dr. Anthony Simons, Director General, World Agroforestry Centre (WAC), Nairobi and Co-Chaired by Prof. N.H. Ravindranath, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru. In this side event Dr. Reddy has presented two papers and Dr. R.S. Sinha, Additional Commissioner (NRM), Department of Agriculture and Farmers' Welfare, Government of India presented a paper. The side event was very successful as about 25 Indian and foreign delegates were present. After thorough deliberations, the following conclusions were drawn, • There is a need to revise the vulnerability atlas of India taking into consideration the dimensions and definition of vulnerability and risk in the recent Assessment Report of IPCC. • NICRA project was successful in establishing 151 model climate resilient villages in 151 vulnerable districts. But there is a need to upscale the climate resilient villages in highly and medium vulnerable districts. • There is a need to scaling up successful IFS models developed for different agro-climatic regions of India by taking into consideration the resources available with farmers. Dr. K. Sammi Reddy organizing side event at Indian Pavilion, COP24, Katowice, Poland Dr. Suseelendra Desai, Principal Scientist (Plant Pathology) participated in the Regional Conference on "Role of Soil and Plant Health Towards Achieving Sustainable Development Goals in Asia-Pacific" held during 20-24 November, 2018 at Bangkok, Thailand. APAARI, Department of Agriculture, Thailand and Indian Phytopathological Society jointly organized the conference and the participants included diverse experts from research, development, extension, policy makers, private sectors, professional societies, civil society organizations and donor organizations, to share specific long-term experiences on the neglect of soil and plant health in the Asia-Pacific region. Dr. Desai was invited to deliver a lead lecture on "Potential impacts of climate change on plant pathogens and biocontrol agents and adaptation strategies". He also chaired a technical session on "Plant health management – case studies" along with Dr. GD Sinniah from Sri Lanka. The conference deliberated on soil and plant health aspects in detail and agreed to formulate a group to address these issues in the years to come. Dr. Desai delivering lecture Dr. K.V. Rao, Principal Scientist (Soil and Water Conservation Engineering), Division of Resource Management visited United Kingdom (UK) to participate in Workshop on "Advancing Drought Monitoring, Prediction and Management Capabilities" during 18th - 20th September, 2018 at Lancaster University, Lancaster, UK . CRIDA - Newsletter 10 Forthcoming Events Sl. No. Title of the event Dates 1. XXVI Biennial Workshop of AICRP for Dryland Agriculture, at AICRPDA Bengaluru Centre, UASB 16-19th January, 2019 2. Republic Day 26th January, 2019 3. National Science Day 28th February, 2019 4. ICAR-CRIDA Foundation Day 12th April, 2019 5. IRC meeting 23-25, April, 2019, 9-10th May, 2019 6. World Environment Day 5th June, 2019 DOE sponsored Model Training Course on "Extension Strategies for Participatory Natural Resource Management in Rainfed Agriculture" Model Training Course sponsored by DOE was organised at ICAR-CRIDA during September 24 - October 1, 2018. Twenty eight officials from eight different states viz., Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Odisha, Tamil Nadu, Goa, Punjab and Karnataka attended the model training course. The course covered various extension strategies of Soil and water conservation measures for enhanced productivity in drylands, Technologies for sustainable NRM in Rainfed areas, Horticulture systems in Rainfed Agriculture for sustainable NRM and enhanced productivity, Enhancing productivity of crops and cropping systems through effective use of natural resources, Farming systems approach for sustainable NRM in drylands, Role of Livestock and their management for enhancing productivity and income in drylands, Gender mainstreaming in NRM, Communication tools and techniques for sustainable NRM. Inaugural session of Model Training Course on "Extension Strategies for Participatory Natural Resource Management in Rainfed Agriculture" ICAR-Short Course on 'Assessment of Vulnerability and Adaptation to Climate Change in Agriculture' A ten day short course on 'Assessment of vulnerability and adaptation to climate change in agriculture', sponsored by the Agricultural Education Division of the ICAR, was conducted during 28th November to 7th December, 2018 at ICAR-CRIDA. The short course has provided the participants with various concepts, approaches and methods used in assessing vulnerability and adaptation. Twenty one participants from five ICAR institutes and eight state agricultural universities participated. A majority of the participants expressed that their expectations from the short course were fulfilled to a large extent. Participants of ICAR Short Course on "Assessment of Vulnerability and Adaptation to Climate Change in Agriculture" KVK Programmes About 34 training programmes were organized during the period July to December, 2018 on different aspects of agriculture, horticulture, animal husbandry, farm mechanization and women empowerment to farmers and farm women from Ranga Reddy district. 1142 farmers and farm women were benefitted from these training programmes. Human Resource Development July - December, 2018 11 Participation in Seminars and Symposia Name of the Personnel Workshop / Seminar / Symposium / Meeting Duration Venue K. Sammi Reddy International Consultation Workshop on Adapting agriculture in semiarid India to a global temperature rise by 1.5 0C. 3-4 October, 2018 WOTR, Pune National Workshop on Sustainability of Indian Agriculture, Natural Resource Perspective with special reference to water. 11 October, 2018 IIWM, Bhubaneswar 83rd Annual Convention of the Indian Society of Soil Science. 27-28 November, 2018 AAU, Anand UNFCCC COP-24 / CMP14 / CMA1.2 Meeting. 30 November to 5 December, 2018 Katowice, Poland G. Ravindra Chary & B.M.K. Raju Brainstorming workshop on "Prioritization of Rainfed Districts in India" organized by NRAA & ICAR-CRIDA. 11-12 December, 2018 NASC, New Delhi C.A. Rama Rao Stakeholders Consultation Meeting on NICRA. 20 July, 2018 NASC, New Delhi Expert consultation meeting for Impact Assessment of the AP Drought Mitigation Project of Govt. of A.P. 14 August, 2018 WASSAN, Hyderabad National Workshop on Promotion of Developing Climate Resilient Villages for Sustainable Food and Nutritional Security. 4-5 October, 2018 MANAGE, Hyderabad 26th Annual Conference of Agriculture Economics Research Association (India) on 'Agriculture and Sustainable Development Goals. 15-17 November, 2018 ICAR-NDRI, Karnal, Haryana Brainstorming meeting conducted by NRAA. 11-12 December, 2018 NASC, New Delhi B.M.K. Raju & R. Nagarjuna Kumar Consultation Meeting on 'Risk and vulnerability of agriculture to climate change: A district level assessment'. 20 July, 2018 NASC, New Delhi B.M.K. Raju 72nd Annual Conference of Indian Society of Agricultural Statistics (ISAS) organized with a broader theme of 'Statistics, Informatics, Engineering Interventions and Business Opportunities: A Road-Map To Transform Indian Agriculture Towards Prosperity' 13-15 December, 2018 ICAR - CIAE, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh Boini Narsimlu International Conference on "Global Water Security for Agriculture and Natural Resources" organized by ASABE USA & ISAE India. 3-6 October, 2018 Hotel, Taj Krishna, Hyderabad R. Nagarjuna Kumar ICAR-ICT Road map. 6 July, 2018 IIMR, Hyderabad National Workshop on Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture: Status and Prospects. 30-31 July, 2018 NASC, New Delhi Josily Samuel and P.K. Pankaj 'Workshop on CLEM-Crop Livestock Enterprise Modelling'. 22-23 October, 2018 ICRISAT, Hyerabad D. Sudheer Indian International Science Festival-Agriculture Conclave. 5 -7 October, 2018 Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh G. Sri Krishna Hands on Training to Master trainers of KVKs on TCS-ICAR-KVK Sandesh. 3 August, 2018 ATARI, Zone X, Hyderabad Training of Trainers for KVKs, SAUs and ICAR institutes. 25-27 September, 2018 PJTSAU, Hyderabad Annual Zonal Workshop of KVKs Zone X 20-22 September, 2018 ATARI-CRIDA G. Nirmala, K. Nagasree & Anshida Beevi C.N. 9th National Extension education Congress on "Climate Resilient Agriculture – Innovations and Technologies" 15-17 November, 2018 CAEPHT, Ranipool, Sikkim CRIDA - Newsletter 12 1. Dr. K. Sammi Reddy, Director (Acting), ICAR – CRIDA was inducted as the Fellow of the Indian Society of Soil Science (ISSS), New Delhi. He received "ISSS Fellow Award" from His Excellency Honorable Governor of Gujarat Shri O.P. Kohli at 83rd Annual Convention of the ISSS held at Anand on 27.11.2018. Dr. K. Sammi Reddy receiving ISSS Fellow Award from Shri O. P. Kohli, Honorable Governor of Gujarat 2. AICRPDA-Vijayapura centre received "ICAR-Vasantrao Naik Award" for Outstanding Research and Application in Dryland Farming Systems for 2017" during ICAR Foundation Day and Award Ceremony on July 16, 2018 at NASC, New Delhi. AICRPDA Vijayapura centre receiving ICAR-Vasantrao Naik Award 3. Dr. G. Ravindra Chary, Project Coordinator (DLA) received "Indian Society of Agronomy Gold Medal Award" on 24.10.2018 during XXI Biennial National Symposium on Doubling Farmers' income through Agronomic Interventions under Changing Scenario at MPUAT, Udaipur, Rajasthan. Dr. G. Ravindra Chary receiving Indian Society of Agronomy Gold Medal Award 4. Dr. G. Nirmala, Principal Scientist (Agril. Extension) & Head, TOT was honored with "SEE Fellow Award" during 9th National Extension Education Congress organized by Society of Extension Education Agra at CAEPHT, Ranipool, Sikkim during 15-17 November, 2018. Dr. G. Nirmala receiving SEE Fellow Award 5. Dr. K. Nagasree, Principal Scientist (Agril. Extension) received "Best Extension Professional Award" during 9th National Extension Education Congress organized by Society of Extension Education Agra at CAEPHT, Ranipool, Sikkim during 15-17 November, 2018. Dr. K. Nagasree receiving Best Extension Professional Award Awards and Recognition July - December, 2018 13 6. Dr. B.M.K. Raju, Principal Scientist (Agril. Statistics) was included as "Member of Task Force" constituted by NRAA, DAC & FW, Govt. of India for 'Prioritization of rainfed districts in India'. 7. Dr. R. Nagarjuna Kumar, Scientist received the "Best Paper Award" for the paper "Spatial Rice Decision Support System (SRDSS) for effective rice crop management", Current Science Vol. 116, No. 3 by IIRR, presented during Annual day Celebrations of IIRR organized at ICAR-IIRR, Hyderabad on 15th December, 2018. 8. Dr. R. Nagarjuna Kumar, Scientist received the "Outstanding Scientist Award 2018" during the International Conference on Agriculture, Horticulture and Food Science held at Hotel Hans, New Delhi during 29-30 December, 2018. 9. Dr. Anshida Beevi C.N., Scientist (Agril. Extension) conferred with "Ganga Singh Chauhan Memorial Award-2018" for outstanding research contributions in the field of Extension Education during 9th National Extension Education Congress organized by Society of Extension Education Agra at CAEPHT, Ranipool, Sikkim during 15-17 November, 2018. Dr. Anshida Beevi C.N. receiving Ganga Singh Chauhan Memorial Award 10. Dr. Anshida Beevi C.N., Scientist (Agril. Extension) received "Best Paper Presentation Award-2018" for the paper "Drudgery Reducing Technologies for Women Empowerment in the Rainfed Areas" during 9th National Extension Education Congress 11. Sri Mula Mahender Reddy of KVK, Chandippa village of Ranga Reddy district received "Best Farmer Award" by Aaj Tak News Channel on 24th October, 2018 for outstanding contribution in "Raised Platform / Elevated Animal Shed in Semi-Intensive Goat Farming". Sri. Mula Mahender Reddy receiving "Best Farmer Award" by Aaj Tak News Channel Personnel Information Appointments / Promotions / Transfers / Joining Name and Designation Joined/ Transferred/ Promoted/ Appointed Date w.e.f Transfers/ Joinings Shri Rajkumar Dhakar, Scientist, ICAR-CRIDA Transferred as Scientist, ICAR- IARI, New Delhi 25.08.2018 Dr. B. Krishna Rao, Principal Scientist, ICAR-CRIDA Joined as Director (A&R), WALAMTARI, Hyderabad on deputation (12.09.2018 to 11.09.2021) 12.09.2018 Dr. A. Amarender Reddy, Principal Scientist Transferred to ICAR-CRIDA, Hyderabad 06.09.2018 Smt. D. Lakshmi Aruna Gayathri T-3 (Farm Assistant) 22.12.2018 Shri Bandi Srikanth Goud T-3 (Farm Assistant) 26.12.2018 Shri Awinash Brahamwanshi T-1 (Fieldman) 28.12.2018 Promotions Shri Rajkumar Dhakar, Scientist (Agricultural Physics) Promoted to next higher pay Rs. 7000/- 02.05.2016 Shri G. Venkatesh, Scientist (Agro-forestry) Promoted to next higher pay Rs. 8000/- 01.01.2014 Promoted to next higher pay Rs. 9000/- 01.01.2017 Shri Sarath Chandran M. A., Scientist (Agricultural Meteorology) Promoted to next higher pay Rs. 7000/- 01.01.2018 CRIDA - Newsletter 14 Cultural and Welfare Activities Swachhtha Pakhwada Swachhtha Pakhwada was celebrated by ICAR-CRIDA during 16-31 December, 2018. The date-wise activities set out in the programme were implemented at ICAR-CRIDA main office, Hayathnagar Research Farm, Gunegal Research Farm and surrounding residential areas and in villages, involving all the employees of ICAR-CRIDA, farmers and civil society members, VIPs, media persons. Swachhtha Pakhwada Celebration at farmers first village The concluding function of Swachhtha Pakhwada was organized on 31st December, 2018. A brief account of the Swachhtha Pakhwada activities carried out from 16th – 31st December, 2018 was presented. Prizes for debate and essay writing competitions held during the fortnight were distributed. The event received good media coverage. Vanamahotsavam ICAR-CRIDA Cultural and Recreation Club organized Vanamahotsavam at Hayathnagar Research Farm of the institute on 20th November, 2018. All the CRIDA staff members actively participated in the cultural activities. The events generated great enthusiasm and unity among staff. Director (Acting), ICAR-CRIDA distributing prizes to winners XIV Meeting of ICAR-CRIDA IJSC Second meeting of XIV IJSC was held on 20th October, 2018 in Director's Committee room under the Chairmanship of Dr. K. Sammi Reddy, Director (Acting) and Chairman, IJSC, ICAR-CRIDA. The meeting was attended by following official side members Dr. K.L. Sharma, Dr. R. Nagarjuna Kumar, Sri B.D. Phansal, CAO, Sri A. Srinivasa Murthy, SFAO and Dr. Ravikanth V. Adake, Official side Secretary and Dr. (Smt.) K. Salini, Scientist (Genetics & Plant Breeding) Promoted to next higher pay Rs. 7000/- 15.09.2015 Dr. Prabhat Kumar Pankaj, Sr. Scientist (Livestock Production & Management) Promoted to next higher pay Rs. 9000/- 08.05.2015 Dr. (Smt.) R. Rejani, Sr. Scientist Principal Scientist 30.08.2017 Dr. S. M. Vidya Sekhar, Chief Technical Officer (T-9) Advance increment 03.02.2017 Dr. (Smt.) D. Anantha V. Rao, Chief Technical Officer (T-9) Advance increment 03.02.2017 Shri Ram Kumar, Assistant Chief Technical Officer (T-7-8) Chief Technical Officer (T-9) 24.02.2018 Shri S. Vijaya Kumar, Senior Technical Officer (T-6) Assistant Chief Technical Officer (T-7-8) 25.10.2015 Shri K. Surender Rao, Chief Technical Officer (T-9) Advance increment 03.02.2017 Shri G. Prabhakar, Senior Technical Officer (T-6) Assistant Chief Technical Officer (T-7-8) 03.11.2017 Appointment Dr. K.L. Sharma Appointed as Vigilance Officer 15.11.2018 ICAR-CRIDA extends best wishes to them Retirements Name Designation Date of superannuation Dr. (Smt). K. Usha Rani Assistant Chief Technical Officer 04.10.2018 Shri B. Anjaiah SSS 31.10.2018 Shri Buchaiah Ennapally Senior Technician 30.11.2018 Shri Jainender Assistant Chief Technical Officer 31.12.2018 Our best wishes for happy and peaceful retired life to all of them July - December, 2018 15 BOOK-POST To _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ Published by : Dr. G. Ravindra Chary, Director (Acting), ICAR-CRIDA Editorial Board Chairman : Dr. K. Sammi Reddy, Head, DRM Editors : Dr. (Mrs.) K. Nagasree, Pr. Scientist (TOT) Dr. P. K Pankaj, Senior Scientist (TOT) Dr. R. Nagarjuna Kumar, Scientist, (SDA) Dr. Anshida Beevi C.N., Scientist, (TOT) Hindi Translation : Dr. P.K. Pankaj, Sr. Scientist, (TOT) Dr. S.R. Yadav, Asstt. Director (OL) Secretarial Assistance : Mrs. M.A. Rekha, PA Photo credits : Mr. K. Surender Rao, CTO ICAR-Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture Santoshnagar, Saidabad PO, Hyderabad - 500 059 Ph: 040-24530157/161/163 Fax: 040-24531802 E-mail: Website: staff side members Sri V. Venunath, CJSC Member, Sri B. Krishna, Secretary, Staff side, Sri S. Ratnashankar Rao, Sri D. Srinivas, Sri A. Mallesh Yadav and Sri S. Shankar Reddy. Agenda points were discussed in the meeting. क्रीडा, हैदराबाद में स्वर्गीय श्री अटल बिहारी वाजपेयी जी, भूतपूर्व प्रधानमं त्री, भारत सरकार का प्रथम मासिक श्रद्धांजलि दिवस आयोजित भारतीय कृ षि अनुसं धान परिषद (आईसीएआर) के दिशा-निर्देशानुसार कें द्रीय बारानी कृ षि अनुसं धान सं स्थान (क्रीडा-CRIDA), हैदराबाद के प्रांगण में रविवार दिनांक 16 सितंबर, 2018 को भारत रत्न स्वर्गीय श्री अटल बिहारी वाजपेयी जी, भूतपूर्व प्रधानमं त्री, भारत सरकार को प्रथम मासिक श्रद्धांजलि दिवस के अवसर पर श्रद्धा सुमन अर्पित किए गए। इस अवसर पर आयोजित विशेष कार्यक्रम में कार्मिको को सं बो ं धित करते हुए सं स्थान के निदेशक महोदय डॉ के सम्मी रेड्डी ने स्व. वाजपेयी जी को महान कवि, समाज सेवी, सर्वप्रिय जननेता तथा देश-विदेश में भारत की छवि को निखारने वाला राजनेता बताते हुए उनके सिद्धांतो को अपनाने पर बल ं दिया। आपने स्व. वाजपेयी के सं घर्षों से परिपूर्ण जीवन का उल्लेख करते हुए देश को नई ऊं चाइयो पर प ं हुंचाने हेतु उन्हेंप्रेरणा स्त्रोत बताया। इस कार्यक्रम में डॉ पी के जैन, वैज्ञानिक-एफ, एआरसीआई, हैदराबाद ने मुख्य अतिथि के रूप में पधारकर वाजपेयी जी की प्रसिद्ध इक्यावन कविताओं का सं क्षिप्त परिचय दिया तथा उनकी श्रेष्ठ कविताओ का ं वाचन करते हुए भावार्थ समझाते हुए वर्तमान परिदृश्य में उनकी उपयोगिता को सिद्ध करते हुए उनके उद्देश्यों का अनुपालन करने का अनुरोध देश्यों किया। आपने कौरव कौन कौन पांडव; ऊं चाई के साथ विस्तार भी हो; मुझे इतनी ऊं चाई कभी मत देना; मौत से ठन गई; सामने वार कर फिर मुझे आजमा; बिखरे नीड; सवेरा है मगर पूरब दिशा में; सच्चाई यह है कि; ऊं चाई; आओ मन की गांठें खोलें; नामक कविताओ का ं विस्त रूप से भा तृ वार्थ समझाया। इस विशेष कार्यक्रम का सं चालन डॉ नागार्जुन कु मार, वैज्ञानिक ने, धन्यवाद ज्ञापन डॉ एस आर यादव ने तथा डॉ पंकज कु मार ने कार्यक्रम के आयोजन में विशेष भूमिका निभाते हुए सं पूर्ण सहयोग प्रदान किया। इस अवसर पर सं स्थान के अधिकांश वैज्ञानिक एवं अन्य कार्मिक उपस्थित थे। South zone sports meet ICAR-CRIDA sports contingent comprising 31 participants and 1 CDM participated in the ICAR South Zone Sports Meet - 2018 organized by ICAR-CTRI, Rajahmundry at DSA stadium, Kakinada, Andhra Pradesh during 5th-9th September, 2018. In this tournament, Mr. B. Kiran Kumar, SSS, secured 1st place in javelin throw and Mr. Mukund, Senior Technical Assistant secured 2nd place in cycling. Mr.B. Kiran Kumar receiving 1st prize in Javelin throw Mr. Mukund receiving 2nd prize in cycling Independence day celebrations The 72nd Independence Day was celebrated on August 15, 2018 with pride and patriotic zeal. The Director hoisted the flag and addressed the staff of CRIDA. In this occasion, Director distributed cash awards (CCS & CCRC) to the X class toppers of CRIDA staff children and motivated the staff with his message to work with dedication and boost institute's growth. Director (Acting), ICAR-CRIDA addressing the staff CRIDA - Newsletter 16 Dr. K Sammi Reddy, Director (Acting), ICAR-CRIDA Small Farm Mechanization is the Key for Successful Adoption of Climate Resilient Technologies by Farmers in Rainfed Areas Over the years, the National Agricultural Research System (NARS) has contributed significantly to development and transfer of technologies for a more viable and sustainable rainfed agriculture. Of late, timely farm operations has become an expensive preposition due to shortage of agricultural labour in rainfed areas. To obtain the proper response from the rainfed crops, small farm mechanization is the key to meet the timeliness of operations in quick session for establishment of crop and enhancing inputs and moisture use efficiency. Realizing the fact, CRIDA and AICRP on dryland agriculture have identified small farm mechanization as one of the prioritized research area and made continuous untiring efforts to develop dryland farm implements. So far, CRIDA has developed nearly 23 dryland farm implements which are being widely adopted by rainfed farmers. More than 3 lakh units of CRIDA BBF Planters have been sold to farmers during the last 5-6 years in states of Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Telangana etc. Since about 85% of the rainfed farmers are small and marginal who can't afford to procure farm implements, rainfed farm mechanization is not happening at desired pace. Therefore, CRIDA under its flagship programmes, NAIP and NICRA has conceptualized the Custom Hiring Centre (CHC) and implemented successfully in 151 climate resilient villages (CRVs) of vulnerable districts under NICRA. Suitable farm implements were identified for each CRV through focused group discussions with the farmers pertaining to their farm operations. To oversee the requirements, service and maintenance aspects of these machines, a village climate risk management committees (VCRMC) have been constituted. This approach has showed many positive results in enhancing the crop productivity in climate resilient village clusters due to timely availability of improved implements at affordable cost for the small and marginal farmers in their own village or nearby village. Dr. K. Sammi Reddy, Director (Acting), ICAR-CRIDA From the Director's Desk . निदेशक की कलम से ……… वर्षा आधारित क्षेत्रों में क षेत्रों िसानो द्ं वारा जलवायु समुत्थान प्रौद्योगिकियो को सफलतापू ं र्वक अपनाने में छोटे कृषि यंत्रों कत्रों ी मुख्य भूमिका पिछले कु छ वर्षों में, राषटरीट्य कृ षि अनुसं धान प्रणाली (एनएआरएस) ने अधिक व्यवहार्य एवं टिकाऊ वर्षा आधारित कृ षि के लिए प्रौद्योगिकियो के ं विकास एवं हस्तांतरण में महत्वपूर्ण योगदान दिया है। वर्षा आधारित कृ षि में कृ षि श्रमिको कं ी कमी के कारण कृ षि कार्यों में देरी से कृ षि कार्य अधिक खर्चीला होता जा रहा है। वर्षा आधारित फसलो कं ी सही प्रतिक्रिया के लिए, फसलो कं ी बुआई एवं निवेशो तथा नमी उपयोग ं क्षमता को बढ़ाने के लिए सत्र में समयबद्ध रूप से कृ षि कार्यों को पूरा करने में छोटे कृ षि यंत्रों कत्रों ी प्रमुख भूमिका होती है। इस बात को ध्यान में रखते हुए, क्रीडा एवं अखिल भारतीय समन्वित बारानी कृ षि अनुसं धान परियोजना ने छोटे कृ षि यंत्रों को त्रों प्राथमिक अनुसं धान क्षेत्र के रूप में पहचाना है एवं बारानी कृ षि उपकरणों के विकास में निरंतर अथक प्रयास जारी है। अब तक, क्रीडा द्वारा करीब 23 बारानी कृ षि उपकरणो का ं विकास किया गया है जिन्हें वर्षा आधारित किसानो द्ं वारा व्यापक रूप से अपनाया जा रहा है। महाराष्ट्र, मध्यप्रदेश, तेलंगाना आदि राज्यों में ्यों पिछले 5-6 वर्षों के दौरान क्रीडा बीबीएफ प्लांटरों की 3 लाख से अधिक इकाइयां बेची जा चुकी हैं। करीब 85 प्रतिशत वर्षा आधारित किसान छोटे एवं सीमांत हैं जो कृ षि उपकरणो को खरीद नही ं ं सकते, जिसके कारण वांछित गति से वर्षा आधारित क्षेत्रों में यां क्षेत्रों त्रिकीकरण नही हो पा रहा है। अत: क्रीडा के ं प्रमुख कार्यक्रमो के अंत ं र्गत एनएआईपी एवं निक्रा ने कस्टम हायरिं ग केंद्र की अवधारणा को अपनाते हुए निक्रा के अतिसंवेदनशील जिलो के 151 जल ं वायु समुत्थान गांवो (सीआर ं वी) में इसे सफलतापूर्वक कार्यान्वित किया है। उपयुक्त कृ षि उपकरणो कं ी पहचान प्रत्येक जलवायु समुत्थान गांव के कृ षि कार्य में जुड़ेकिसानो से ं विचारविमर्श के उपरांत की गई है। इन उपकरणो कं ी आवश्यकताओ, से ं वाओं एवं रख-रखाव के विभिन्न पहलूओ को पूरा करने के ल ं िए, गांव जलवायु जोखिम प्रबं धन समितियो (ं वीसीआरएमसी) का गठन किया गया है। इस कदम से कई सकारात्मक परिणाम देखने में आए हैं जैसे कि उनके अपने गांव या समीपवर्ती गांव में छोटे एवं सीमांत किसानो को सही समय पर उन्नत ं उपकरण सस्ती कीमतो पर उपलब् ं ध होने के कारण जलवायु समुत्थान गांवों की फसलो कं ी उत्पादकता में बढ़ोत्तरी हुई है। डाॅ. के . सम्मी रेड्डी, निदेशक (कार्यकारी), भाकृ अनुप-क्रीड ; Not Available
Not Available ; The Hon'ble Vice President of India Shri. M. Venkaiah Naidu visited ICAR-Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture (CRIDA), Hyderabad on 3rd July, 2018. He was the Chief Guest for the "Consultative Meeting on Doubling of Farmers' Income in Telangana State and Adjoining Areas". Shri. Md. Mahmood Ali, Deputy Chief Minister, Telangana State was the Guest of Honour. Dr. K. Alagusundaram, Deputy Director General (NRM), ICAR, New Delhi, Shri. C. Parthasarathi, APC & Principal Secretary (Agriculture), Telangana State; Dr. K. Sammi Reddy, Director (Acting), CRIDA; Directors and scientists of local ICAR institutes, senior officials of PJTSAU, senior officials from Telangana State, NGOs, Industrialists, Bankers and progressive farmers participated in the meeting. Hon'ble Vice President addressing participants of consultation meeting Deputy Director General (NRM) Dr. K. Alagusundaram, ICAR, New Delhi welcomed the dignitaries and the participants while briefing about the various rainfed technologies developed by CRIDA for the benefit of farmers of dryland agriculture. Hon'ble Vice President Shri. M. Venkaiah Naidu, chaired the interactive session with scientists, research scholars, farmers and representatives of NGOs. He stated that the multifaceted strategy is needed to protect agriculture as agriculture is now under distress. During interactive session, farmers of Ranga Reddy district mentioned that their farm income has been substantially increased due to the interventions of ICAR-CRIDA, KVKs and SAUs. Book releasing during consultation meeting New Research Initiatives CRIDA was awarded a competitive research project entitled "Innovative and contextual agromet. advisory services for climate smart agriculture" funded by Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, Ministry of Earth Sciences under Monsoon Mission-II with budget outlay of the Rs. 311.48 lakhs. ICRISAT and ICAR-IIPR, Kanpur are the partner institutes. Dr. P. Vijaya Kumar, Project Coordinator, AICRPAM, ICAR-CRIDA is the Principal Investigator of this project. Dr. AVM Subba Rao and Dr. Santanu Kumar Bal are the CoPrincipal Investigators from ICAR-CRIDA and Dr. Anthony Whitbread and Dr. R.K. Mishra are the Co-Principal Investigators from ICRISAT and ICAR-IIPR, respectively. CRIDA - Newsletter 2 Minimum tillage with crop residue retention on soil surface produced higher crop yields while maintaining better health of rainfed Alfisol The results of 6 year old experiment on conservation Agriculture (CA) in rainfed Alfisol showed that the surface retention of crop residues @ 2-6 t/ha produced 5-13% higher sorghum yield and 28-45% higher cowpea yield as compared to no residue application control. About 56% higher organic carbon (6.80 g/kg) content was recorded with the application of sorghum stover @ 6 t/ha as compared to control (4.36 g/ kg). The increase in available N with the application of 6t and 4t crop residue was to the extent of 19.5 and 28% respectively while significantly higher contents of soil available P (10.67 kg/ha) and K (288.8 kg/ha) were observed with application of sorghum residue @ 4 t/ha. Significantly higher microbial biomass carbon (MBC) and dehydrogenase activity (DHA) were recorded with the application of sorghum stover @ 4 t/ha. Besides reducing the bulk density, the application of residues had a significant influence on the mean weight diameter (MWD) of the soil aggregates. The highest overall soil quality index (SQI: 9.58) was observed with the residue application @ 6 t/ha. A significant positive relationship was observed between SQI and pooled cowpea seed yield (R2 =0.82) and pooled sorghum grain yield (R2 =0.69). This study also clearly indicated that the adoption of minimum tillage in combination with adequate crop residue cover, the soil moisture increased and soil temperature decreased which in-turn made the crops to withstand the mid season dry spells without much adverse effects. Crop residue retention in the field Development of track width & ground clearance enhancing platform and matching Implements for low horse power tractor A reconfigured platform for small horse power tractor with matching weeding and spraying implements was developed. Such new developments will increase effective use of tractor for weeding and spraying operations in crops like maize, castor, red gram, cotton, chilies etc. The developed platform basically consists of three components (i) Front wheel axle (ii) Rear drive wheel axle and (iii) Reworked steering set system for enhanced track width. The prototype high clearance platform fitted mini tractor matching rotary weeder consists of a main frame with hitch mast, gear box housing with power transmission provision, rotor shaft assembly with soil working tools. The developed boom sprayer unit basically consists (i) Base frame to give support / fix various components (ii) Pump with manifold for flow control and pressure regulation (50 lpm & 30kg / cm2 rating) (iii) Boom with height adjustable frame work and (iv) High pressure hose pipes. The pump gets the required power from tractor. The nozzles on the boom were fitted with spacing adjustable provision to use for different types of rainfed crops. The weeding efficiency of rotary machine varied 74 to 82.5.% and 78.5 to 86.8% for castor and pigeon pea, respectively. In case of maize crop, the weeding efficiency observed to be 73.9%, which was low compared to other two crops due to narrow row spacing. The boom sprayer was operated in cotton crop at two growth stages; the first one at flowering stage (75 DAS) and second operation in bolls expansion stage (90 DAS). The operator can steer the tractor comfortably and sprayer worked satisfactorily. The field capacity of the machine ranged from 1.7 - 2.0 ha/hr. The newly developed implements shown significant advantage in monitory terms when compared with traditional practice of bullock operated blade harrow and hand labour spray operation (15 - 20% lower cost). Track width and ground clearance enhanced platform fitted low horse power tractor with matching weeding and spraying implements Research Highlights July - December, 2018 3 Scientific Activities XXVIIth Research Advisory Committee (RAC) meeting The XXVIIth meeting of the Research Advisory Committee of the institute was held during 10-11 November, 2018 under the chairmanship of Dr. Panjab Singh, former Secretary, DARE & Director General, ICAR. The committee reviewed the progress and recommended for strengthening of farming systems research with horticulture and livestock components, scaling up of NICRA interventions to more villages and restructuring of the institute by creating divisions of Social Sciences and Climate Change. Further, RAC suggested to align the research programmes with the challenges and development needs of dryland farmers. RAC meeting in progress Field Institute Research Council (IRC) meeting Field Institute Research Council (IRC) Meeting for 2018-19 was held on 25th September, 2018 at Gunegal Research Farm (GRF) and on 5th October, 2018 at Hayathnagar Research Farm (HRF) under the chairmanship of Dr. K. Sammi Reddy, Director (Acting). The chairman IRC, Dr. K. Sammi Reddy, Director (Acting), Project coordinators, Heads of Divisions / Sections and scientists visited various experiments and discussed thoroughly on various treatment effects. Interaction during field IRC Various suggestions like displaying of the experimental and treatment boards at the experimental site, periodical monitoring of soil moisture in CA related experiments, rainfall amount, rainy days and crop yields needs to correlated for all the experiments etc., were made in field IRC. Quinquennial Review Team (QRT) Under the Chairmanship of Dr. J.C. Katyal, former Vice Chancellor, CCS Haryana Agriculture University & former DDG (Education), ICAR, two review meetings were conducted. QRT meeting was held during 18-19 June, 2018 at UAS, Bengaluru and reviewed the work done by both AICRPDA and AICRPAM centers located in Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Kerala & Tamil Nadu. Another meeting was held at ICAR-CRIDA, Hyderabad during 16-18 August, 2018 to finalize the QRT report. QRT visit to AICRPDA center, Bengaluru Dr. J.C. Katyal presented the salient recommendations of QRT to DG, ICAR and other officials in presence of DDG (NRM) and ADG (A, AF & CC) on 13th September, 2018 at ICAR, New Delhi. Honorable DG, ICAR has appreciated the work done by the QRT. QRT meeting in progress Hindi fortnight celebrations The Hindi fortnight was organized from 1st to 14th September, 2018 at ICAR-CRIDA, Hyderabad. On this occasion, Hindi Noting & Drafting, Hindi-English technical terminology and other Hindi competitions were organized. Winners were awarded on concluding day, 14th September, 2018. CRIDA - Newsletter 4 Interface meeting on agricultural contingencies for Andhra Pradesh In view of the low rainfall and its poor distribution in some parts of Andhra Pradesh, at the behest of ICAR-CRIDA, an interface meeting was organized by ICAR-CRIDA on August 3, 2018 with Department of Agriculture and ANGRAU under the chairmanship of special Commissioner of Agriculture, Government of A.P. to review and develop mid-course action plans for Rayalaseema (Anantapuramu, Kurnool, Kadapa and Chittoor), Prakasham, Nellore and Guntur districts. The participants included Director of Research, ANGRAU, Special Commissioner of Agriculture, A.P., Joint Collector, Kadapa, Senior scientists from ANGRAU, JDAs, ADAs, Scientists from KVKs and farmer representatives. Dr. NV Naidu, Director of Research ANGRAU, conducted the proceedings of the meeting. Dr. KV Rao, ICAR-CRIDA and Dr. S Malleswari, ANGRAU made detailed presentations on current rainfall scenario and forecast for the forthcoming weeks. Sri D. Muralidhar Reddy, Special Commissioner in his address emphasized that department should gear up to rescue the crops in the field, plans to cover unsown area and preparation of documents for early drought declaration procedures. Dr. NDRK Sharma, Consultant, Department of Agriculture, highlighted the implementation of agriculture contingency plans during past years and requested the officers to prioritize the interventions based on the uptake of preferred technology options by the farmers. Sensitization on district agricultural contingency plans for Mizoram In an interface meeting of ICAR-Mizoram State held on 24.09.2018 to sensitize the Senior officers of the State on District Agricultural Contingency Plans (DACPs). This is the first meeting on sensitization of DACPs to senior officials in the North-Eastern states of India. Mr. Lalsawta, Cabinet Minister for Finance & Planning chaired the meeting. Mr. Lalthanliana, Cabinet Minister for Horticulture, LAD & SWD and Mr. Lalmingthanga, Commissioner & Secretary, Agriculture were guests of honour. Secretaries from Horticulture, Sericulture, Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Science; Directors of various line departments; Director, ICAR - Research Complex, NEH Region and Director, ATARI, Umiam also attended the meeting. Dr. N. Prakash presented the technologies developed by ICAR RC for NEH and Dr. Deka highlighted how KVK set up is actively participating in dissemination of technologies. The Commissioner of Agriculture highlighted that only 30% of the food grains are produced in Mizoram. Mr. Lalthanliana mentioned that farming community in Mizoram are facing multi-faceted problems. Mr. Lalsawta emphasized on developing viable alternatives to Jhum cultivation which is responsible for meager yields. Dr. S. Desai, Principal Scientist, ICAR-CRIDA made a presentation on "Sensitization on District Agricultural Contingency Plans to meet the weather aberration impacts on agriculture in Mizoram".The Commissioner & Secretary, Agriculture appreciated the efforts and emphasized on more sensitization about DACPs among district officials. The meeting ended with vote of thanks by Ms. Shakuntala, JD, ICAR Research Complex, Kolasib centre. Contingency Plans Interface meeting in progress Interface meeting at Mizoram July - December, 2018 5 Technology Transfer Hon'ble Prime Minister's interaction with SHGs & women groups at ICAR-CRIDA Web telecasting of Hon'ble Prime Minister's interaction with SHGs & Women's groups was organized by Krishi Vigyan Kendra – Ranga Reddy District, ICAR-CRIDA on 12.07.2018 in KVK Campus, Hayathnagar Research Farm, ICAR-CRIDA. About 74 SHG women from four different villages of Ranga Reddy District, Telangana State participated. The Hon'ble Prime Minister's interaction with SHG women emphasized on improving the economic status of farm families through supporting SHG women by strengthening the Self Help Groups. The Prime Minister highlighted about DAY-NRLM programme (Deen Dayal Antyodaya Yojana-National Rural Livelihood Mission). Almost 30 lakh SHG women are being supported under Mahila Kisan Sashakthikaran Pariyojana (MKSP) to promote sustainable agriculture practices and the objective of Mission Antyodaya is to develop poverty free panchayats. Web telecasting of Hon'ble Prime Minister's interaction with SHGs & women's groups Parthenium awareness week organized Training cum awareness programme on integrated management of Parthenium was organized by KVK-CRIDA, Ranga Reddy District on 21st August, 2018. About 50 participants from Agriculture College, farmers, teaching and extension officials attended the programme. Subject matter specialists from KVK-CRIDA highlighted the technical aspects of Parthenium management, invasion of Parthenium in India, plant physiology-spread, impact and harmful effects of weed on crop, composting of weed. Displayed posters and removed weeds from demo plots and office premises of KVK. National nutrition month organized The theme for National Nutrition Month for 2018 was "Go Further with Food". On this occasion, organized 3 training programmes and method demonstrations i.e. (i) Prevention of anaemia – preparation of low cost nutritious recipes on 6th September, 2018, (ii) Value addition to millet products as food security & income generating activity on 11th September, 2018, (iii) Demonstration on dried green leafy vegetables – different recipes to prevent Iron & Calcium deficiency on 18th September, 2018 in KVK adopted villages Gummadivelli, Kolanguda and Nerrapally, for about 291 women. These programmes involved total 291 women, of which 67 were SC /ST, 224 were others. Distributed 200 drumstick plants as part of National Nutrition Week to women of self help groups. National women farmers' day (Mahila Kisan Divas) & technology day National Women Farmers' Day (Mahila Kisan Divas) and Technology Day was organized by Krishi Vigyan Kendra-Ranga Reddy District, ICAR-CRIDA on 15th October, 2018 at Hayathnagar Research Farm with the participation of women farmers from Ranga Reddy district. Dr. V. Maruthi, Head & Principal Scientist, KVK briefed the importance of the day and women's role in agriculture. Dr. K. Sammi Reddy, Director (Acting), ICAR-CRIDA, presided over as Chief Guest and addressed about the women farmers' role in agriculture, drudgery management practices to be followed by women farmers, nutritional disorders and health issues. Dr. Y. G. Prasad, Director, ATARI, Guest of honour, requested the women farmers to utilize skill training programmes of KVK related to dairy and floriculture and NARI (Nutri sensitive agri-resources and innovations) programme of ICAR through KVK. The resource persons Dr. K. Aruna, Professor and Head (Retd.), AICRP (Home Science) informed the women farmers about the health, nutrition, diet, nutritive value of millets and gave a detailed presentation on nutritional disorders and remedies. Sri DGP Sharma, Senior Executive officer, Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC) has explained different schemes in KVIC, loan facilities and Honey production and rearing techniques. Two brochures on Good management practices of chickpea and redgram cultivation, pamphlets on fall army worm in maize, pink bollworm in cotton, hydroponics in fodder cultivation, balanced nutrition diet for livestock were released. Five progressive women farmers and women entrepreneurs from Ranga Reddy District were felicitated on this occasion. National women farmers' day celebration CRIDA - Newsletter 6 World soil day organized ICAR-CRIDA celebrated world soil day on 5th December, 2018 at ICAR- CRIDA under the Chairmanship of Dr. G. Ravindra Chary, Director (In charge), ICAR-CRIDA, Hyderabad. Around 200 participants comprising of students, scientists, technical officers, KVK officials attended the awareness programme. Dr. G. Ravindra Chary explained historical background of World Soil Day, the usage of Soil Health Cards and its interpretation for effective nutrient management in the field crops for sustainable crop yields. Dr. K.L. Sharma, Principal Scientist, educated the participating students about the importance of soils and clarified the doubts raised by the students. The students were sensitized about the importance of soils through demonstrations, posters and exhibits and practical insights to laboratories. On this occasion posters on "Know your soils", "Soil profile" and "Identification of Nutrient deficiencies in Plants and Crops" were displayed for the benefit of the students. Dr. G. Ravindra Chary, Director (In-Charge) addressing students Kisan Diwas organized during Swachhtha Pakhwada KVK-CRIDA, Ranga Reddy District organized one day Kisan Diwas on 23rd December, 2018 as a part of Swachhtha Pakhwada (16-31st December, 2018). Dr. V. Maruthi, Principal Scientist & Head, KVK welcomed the invited farmers from 12 mandals of Ranga Reddy District and enlightened the objectives of the Kisan Diwas. Dr. K. Sammi Reddy, Director (Acting), ICAR-CRIDA, Hyderabad was the Chief Guest. He explained to the farmers about the importance of Swachatha and also emphasized to prepare manure from the wastes generated on farmers' fields. Dr. K. Srinivas, Principal Scientist & OIC, HRF shared experiences on Swachhta initiatives by farmers and civil society officials. Farmers were felicitated based on the initiatives/adoptable measurers expressed during the interaction. SMSs from KVK gave lectures on Good Agricultural Practices in horticulture, agriculture, women empowerment and animal husbandry. Farmers visited demonstration units, exhibition, posters presentation of KVK and gained knowledge. About 107 members including farmers, farm women, ADAs, AOs, AEOs, ATMA officials attended the programme and got handful information with printed literature. Felicitation to farmer during Swachhatha Pakhwada Around 200 farmers including farm women and school going children participated in the awareness campaign of Swachhtha Pakhwada in Farmers First Village. The people were trained in the knowledge about segregation of biodegradable and nondegradable wastes. AICRPs XV Biennial workshop of AICRPAM organized The XVth Biennial workshop of the AICRP on Agrometeorology (AICRPAM) was organized at Regional Agricultural Research Station, University of Agricultural Sciences, Vijayapura, Karnataka during 15-17 November, 2018. Participants of XV Biennial workshop, AICRPAM The objective of the workshop was to review the research progress made during 2017-18 and finalization of the technical program for the year 2018-2020. Monsoon mission II project meeting at ICRISAT Monsoon mission II project meeting was held at ICRISAT, Patancheru, Hyderabad on 10th September, 2018. Dr. Peter Carberry, DG, ICRISAT, Dr. G. Ravindra Chary, Director (In-charge), Dr. P. Vijaya Kumar and Dr. AVM. Subba Rao from AICRPAM, ICAR-CRIDA, Dr. Suryachandra Rao, Associate Mission Director, Shri S.M.D. Jeelani, Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, Pune, Dr. Anthony Whitbread, Research Program Director, Dr. AVR Kesava Rao, Dr. K.P.C. Rao and Dr. D. Ram, ICRISAT July - December, 2018 7 National Innovations in Climate Resilient Agriculture (NICRA) Sixth NICRA Annual Review Workshop Organized A two day Annual Review workshop of National Innovations in Climate Resilient Agriculture (NICRA) was inaugurated by Dr. T. Mohapatra, Secretary, DARE & Director General, ICAR at NASC, New Delhi on 7th August, 2018. Chhabilendra Roul, Special Secretary, DARE & Secretary, ICAR, Shri B. Pradhan, FA & Additional Secretary, DARE & ICAR, Dr. K. Alagusundaram, DDG (Agril. Engg. & NRM I/c), Dr. AK Singh, DDG (Agril. Extn.), Dr. Anand Kumar Singh, DDG (Hort. Science & Crop Sciences I/c), Dr. Joykrushna Jena, DDG (Fisheries), Dr. S Bhaskar, ADG (A, AF&CC), Dr. SK Chaudhari, ADG (SWM), Dr. K Sammi Reddy, Director (Acting), ICAR-CRIDA, Hyderabad and NICRA Expert Committee Members viz., Dr. B Venkateswarlu, Ex-VC,Vasantrao Naik Marathwada Krishi Vidyapeeth Krishinagar, Parbhani; Dr. V Praveen Rao, Vice Chancellor, PJTSAU, Hyderabad; Dr. CL Acharya, Ex-Director, ICAR-IISS, Bhopal; Dr. KK Singh, ADG (Farm Engg.), ICAR; Dr. YS Ramakrishna, ExDirector, ICAR-CRIDA, Hyderabad; Dr. HE Shashidhar, Retired Professor of Genetics, UAS, GKVK, Bengaluru; Dr. RC Upadhyay, Principal Scientist (Retd.) NDRI, Karnal; Dr. AG Ponniah, Ex-Director, ICAR-CIBA, Chennai; Prof. UC Mohanty, Professor IIT, Bhubaneswar; Dr. NK Krishna Kumar, Coordinator, Biodiversity International, New Delhi; Dr. Praduman Kumar, Ex-Head, Economics, IARI, New Delhi, Dr. N. Sudhakar, Ex-Director, ATARI and Dr. H. Senapati, Former Dean, OUAT, Bhubaneshwar, Chairmen of Zonal monitoring teams and Directors of NICRA partner institutes participated in the review workshop. Dr. K. Sammi Reddy, Director (Acting), ICAR-CRIDA presented the highlights of achievements of NICRA Project during the last two years (2016-17 to 2017-18). Various events during sixth NICRA annual review workshop participated in this meeting and discussed on developing a farmer-friendly app and web site for disseminating agromet advisories. AICRPDA centres organized stakeholder consultation workshops Stakeholder consultation workshops were organized in the adopted villages by 9 AICRPDA centres viz. Akola, Arjia, Anantapuramu, Bengaluru, Kovilpatti, Phulbani, SK Nagar, Solapur and Vijayapura to discuss on strengthening the traditional rainfed integrated farming systems (TRIFS). Dr. S. Bhaskar, ADG (A, AF&CC), Dr. G. Ravindra Chary, Project Coordinator (AICRPDA), scientists from AICRPs/ICAR Institutes/ SAUs/KVKs, officials from state line departments, ATMA, NGOs and most importantly farmers participated and gave feedback for identifying component-wise suitable interventions for strengthening traditional RIFSs in the respective agroclimatic zones of the centres. Stakeholder workshop in Sunderpura village, Bhilwara district, Rajasthan on 26.10.2018 Stakeholder workshop in Kalenhalli village, Tumkur District, Karnataka on 13.08.2018 CRIDA - Newsletter 8 Important Visitors Ms. Arnella Trent, Senior Crop Analyst, International Production Assessment Division, U.S. Department of Agriculture / Foreign Agriculture Service along with Mr. Dhruv Sood, Agricultural Specialist from U.S. Consulate, Mumbai visited ICAR-CRIDA on 4th September, 2018 to discuss the cotton crop production, planting area and general assessment of the crop in Telangana State. During their visit information regarding dryland agriculture, soils, watershed management and extension activities was exchanged with them. A total of 1637 students from Karnataka, Tamil Nadu & Andhra Pradesh, 40 Scientists from NAARM, Hyderabad, 283 Agricultural Officers from Tamil Nadu & Telangana and 328 farmers from Karnataka, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh & Tamil Nadu visited ICAR-CRIDA, Hyderabad during the period. Dr. T. Mohapatra in his inaugural address suggested to make the 151 Climate Resilient Villages (CRVs) to CRV Cluster Villages and the need to actively involve State Governments for successful upscaling of CRVs. There were eight Technical sessions under different themes viz., Resilience through Natural Resources Management, Resilience through Crop Improvement and Adaptation, Technology Demonstration Component Session: Lessons from Technology Demonstration and Future Roadmap, Resilience through Adaptation in Horticultural Crops, Pests, Diseases & Pollinators,Assessment of Impacts on Fisheries-Adaptation and Mitigation Options, Vulnerability Assessment, Socio-Economic Impacts and Farm Advisories, Adaptation Strategies for Climate Resilient Livestock Production, Integrated Modeling Framework. Each session chaired by concerned DDGs and co-chaired by NICRA Expert Committee members and concerned ADGs from ICAR, New Delhi. A detailed session-wise recommendations was presented by Dr. M Prabhakar, PI, NICRA, ICARCRIDA, Hyderabad in the plenary session chaired by Dr. K Alagusundaram, DDG (NRM), ICAR. Zonal Monitoring Committee Visits During the period, zonal monitoring committee visits were organized in the KVKs of ATARI zones viz. Guwahati, Barapani, Kolkata, Jodhpur, Jabalpur, Bengaluru and Hyderabad. Zonal monitoring committee's visits to various zones were organized to review the technical progress of different modules like NRM, crop production, livestock & fishery and institutional interventions in the NICRA villages and for making appropriate suggestions for improvement. ZMC with VCRMC members, Dimapur ZMC with VCRMC members, Malda July - December, 2018 9 Visits Abroad Dr. K. Sammi Reddy, Director (Acting), ICAR-CRIDA visited Katowice, Poland to participate in the UNFCCC COP-24/CMP14/ CMA1.3 and to organize the side event at Indian Pavilion at COP24 during 30th November - 5th December, 2018. During the visit, he has organized the Side Event at Indian Pavilion @ COP24 on the theme "Scaling up Adaptation Strategies for Climate Resilient Agriculture" on 5th December, 2018. This side event was Chaired by Dr. Anthony Simons, Director General, World Agroforestry Centre (WAC), Nairobi and Co-Chaired by Prof. N.H. Ravindranath, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru. In this side event Dr. Reddy has presented two papers and Dr. R.S. Sinha, Additional Commissioner (NRM), Department of Agriculture and Farmers' Welfare, Government of India presented a paper. The side event was very successful as about 25 Indian and foreign delegates were present. After thorough deliberations, the following conclusions were drawn, • There is a need to revise the vulnerability atlas of India taking into consideration the dimensions and definition of vulnerability and risk in the recent Assessment Report of IPCC. • NICRA project was successful in establishing 151 model climate resilient villages in 151 vulnerable districts. But there is a need to upscale the climate resilient villages in highly and medium vulnerable districts. • There is a need to scaling up successful IFS models developed for different agro-climatic regions of India by taking into consideration the resources available with farmers. Dr. K. Sammi Reddy organizing side event at Indian Pavilion, COP24, Katowice, Poland Dr. Suseelendra Desai, Principal Scientist (Plant Pathology) participated in the Regional Conference on "Role of Soil and Plant Health Towards Achieving Sustainable Development Goals in Asia-Pacific" held during 20-24 November, 2018 at Bangkok, Thailand. APAARI, Department of Agriculture, Thailand and Indian Phytopathological Society jointly organized the conference and the participants included diverse experts from research, development, extension, policy makers, private sectors, professional societies, civil society organizations and donor organizations, to share specific long-term experiences on the neglect of soil and plant health in the Asia-Pacific region. Dr. Desai was invited to deliver a lead lecture on "Potential impacts of climate change on plant pathogens and biocontrol agents and adaptation strategies". He also chaired a technical session on "Plant health management – case studies" along with Dr. GD Sinniah from Sri Lanka. The conference deliberated on soil and plant health aspects in detail and agreed to formulate a group to address these issues in the years to come. Dr. Desai delivering lecture Dr. K.V. Rao, Principal Scientist (Soil and Water Conservation Engineering), Division of Resource Management visited United Kingdom (UK) to participate in Workshop on "Advancing Drought Monitoring, Prediction and Management Capabilities" during 18th - 20th September, 2018 at Lancaster University, Lancaster, UK . CRIDA - Newsletter 10 Forthcoming Events Sl. No. Title of the event Dates 1. XXVI Biennial Workshop of AICRP for Dryland Agriculture, at AICRPDA Bengaluru Centre, UASB 16-19th January, 2019 2. Republic Day 26th January, 2019 3. National Science Day 28th February, 2019 4. ICAR-CRIDA Foundation Day 12th April, 2019 5. IRC meeting 23-25, April, 2019, 9-10th May, 2019 6. World Environment Day 5th June, 2019 DOE sponsored Model Training Course on "Extension Strategies for Participatory Natural Resource Management in Rainfed Agriculture" Model Training Course sponsored by DOE was organised at ICAR-CRIDA during September 24 - October 1, 2018. Twenty eight officials from eight different states viz., Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Odisha, Tamil Nadu, Goa, Punjab and Karnataka attended the model training course. The course covered various extension strategies of Soil and water conservation measures for enhanced productivity in drylands, Technologies for sustainable NRM in Rainfed areas, Horticulture systems in Rainfed Agriculture for sustainable NRM and enhanced productivity, Enhancing productivity of crops and cropping systems through effective use of natural resources, Farming systems approach for sustainable NRM in drylands, Role of Livestock and their management for enhancing productivity and income in drylands, Gender mainstreaming in NRM, Communication tools and techniques for sustainable NRM. Inaugural session of Model Training Course on "Extension Strategies for Participatory Natural Resource Management in Rainfed Agriculture" ICAR-Short Course on 'Assessment of Vulnerability and Adaptation to Climate Change in Agriculture' A ten day short course on 'Assessment of vulnerability and adaptation to climate change in agriculture', sponsored by the Agricultural Education Division of the ICAR, was conducted during 28th November to 7th December, 2018 at ICAR-CRIDA. The short course has provided the participants with various concepts, approaches and methods used in assessing vulnerability and adaptation. Twenty one participants from five ICAR institutes and eight state agricultural universities participated. A majority of the participants expressed that their expectations from the short course were fulfilled to a large extent. Participants of ICAR Short Course on "Assessment of Vulnerability and Adaptation to Climate Change in Agriculture" KVK Programmes About 34 training programmes were organized during the period July to December, 2018 on different aspects of agriculture, horticulture, animal husbandry, farm mechanization and women empowerment to farmers and farm women from Ranga Reddy district. 1142 farmers and farm women were benefitted from these training programmes. Human Resource Development July - December, 2018 11 Participation in Seminars and Symposia Name of the Personnel Workshop / Seminar / Symposium / Meeting Duration Venue K. Sammi Reddy International Consultation Workshop on Adapting agriculture in semiarid India to a global temperature rise by 1.5 0C. 3-4 October, 2018 WOTR, Pune National Workshop on Sustainability of Indian Agriculture, Natural Resource Perspective with special reference to water. 11 October, 2018 IIWM, Bhubaneswar 83rd Annual Convention of the Indian Society of Soil Science. 27-28 November, 2018 AAU, Anand UNFCCC COP-24 / CMP14 / CMA1.2 Meeting. 30 November to 5 December, 2018 Katowice, Poland G. Ravindra Chary & B.M.K. Raju Brainstorming workshop on "Prioritization of Rainfed Districts in India" organized by NRAA & ICAR-CRIDA. 11-12 December, 2018 NASC, New Delhi C.A. Rama Rao Stakeholders Consultation Meeting on NICRA. 20 July, 2018 NASC, New Delhi Expert consultation meeting for Impact Assessment of the AP Drought Mitigation Project of Govt. of A.P. 14 August, 2018 WASSAN, Hyderabad National Workshop on Promotion of Developing Climate Resilient Villages for Sustainable Food and Nutritional Security. 4-5 October, 2018 MANAGE, Hyderabad 26th Annual Conference of Agriculture Economics Research Association (India) on 'Agriculture and Sustainable Development Goals. 15-17 November, 2018 ICAR-NDRI, Karnal, Haryana Brainstorming meeting conducted by NRAA. 11-12 December, 2018 NASC, New Delhi B.M.K. Raju & R. Nagarjuna Kumar Consultation Meeting on 'Risk and vulnerability of agriculture to climate change: A district level assessment'. 20 July, 2018 NASC, New Delhi B.M.K. Raju 72nd Annual Conference of Indian Society of Agricultural Statistics (ISAS) organized with a broader theme of 'Statistics, Informatics, Engineering Interventions and Business Opportunities: A Road-Map To Transform Indian Agriculture Towards Prosperity' 13-15 December, 2018 ICAR - CIAE, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh Boini Narsimlu International Conference on "Global Water Security for Agriculture and Natural Resources" organized by ASABE USA & ISAE India. 3-6 October, 2018 Hotel, Taj Krishna, Hyderabad R. Nagarjuna Kumar ICAR-ICT Road map. 6 July, 2018 IIMR, Hyderabad National Workshop on Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture: Status and Prospects. 30-31 July, 2018 NASC, New Delhi Josily Samuel and P.K. Pankaj 'Workshop on CLEM-Crop Livestock Enterprise Modelling'. 22-23 October, 2018 ICRISAT, Hyerabad D. Sudheer Indian International Science Festival-Agriculture Conclave. 5 -7 October, 2018 Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh G. Sri Krishna Hands on Training to Master trainers of KVKs on TCS-ICAR-KVK Sandesh. 3 August, 2018 ATARI, Zone X, Hyderabad Training of Trainers for KVKs, SAUs and ICAR institutes. 25-27 September, 2018 PJTSAU, Hyderabad Annual Zonal Workshop of KVKs Zone X 20-22 September, 2018 ATARI-CRIDA G. Nirmala, K. Nagasree & Anshida Beevi C.N. 9th National Extension education Congress on "Climate Resilient Agriculture – Innovations and Technologies" 15-17 November, 2018 CAEPHT, Ranipool, Sikkim CRIDA - Newsletter 12 1. Dr. K. Sammi Reddy, Director (Acting), ICAR – CRIDA was inducted as the Fellow of the Indian Society of Soil Science (ISSS), New Delhi. He received "ISSS Fellow Award" from His Excellency Honorable Governor of Gujarat Shri O.P. Kohli at 83rd Annual Convention of the ISSS held at Anand on 27.11.2018. Dr. K. Sammi Reddy receiving ISSS Fellow Award from Shri O. P. Kohli, Honorable Governor of Gujarat 2. AICRPDA-Vijayapura centre received "ICAR-Vasantrao Naik Award" for Outstanding Research and Application in Dryland Farming Systems for 2017" during ICAR Foundation Day and Award Ceremony on July 16, 2018 at NASC, New Delhi. AICRPDA Vijayapura centre receiving ICAR-Vasantrao Naik Award 3. Dr. G. Ravindra Chary, Project Coordinator (DLA) received "Indian Society of Agronomy Gold Medal Award" on 24.10.2018 during XXI Biennial National Symposium on Doubling Farmers' income through Agronomic Interventions under Changing Scenario at MPUAT, Udaipur, Rajasthan. Dr. G. Ravindra Chary receiving Indian Society of Agronomy Gold Medal Award 4. Dr. G. Nirmala, Principal Scientist (Agril. Extension) & Head, TOT was honored with "SEE Fellow Award" during 9th National Extension Education Congress organized by Society of Extension Education Agra at CAEPHT, Ranipool, Sikkim during 15-17 November, 2018. Dr. G. Nirmala receiving SEE Fellow Award 5. Dr. K. Nagasree, Principal Scientist (Agril. Extension) received "Best Extension Professional Award" during 9th National Extension Education Congress organized by Society of Extension Education Agra at CAEPHT, Ranipool, Sikkim during 15-17 November, 2018. Dr. K. Nagasree receiving Best Extension Professional Award Awards and Recognition July - December, 2018 13 6. Dr. B.M.K. Raju, Principal Scientist (Agril. Statistics) was included as "Member of Task Force" constituted by NRAA, DAC & FW, Govt. of India for 'Prioritization of rainfed districts in India'. 7. Dr. R. Nagarjuna Kumar, Scientist received the "Best Paper Award" for the paper "Spatial Rice Decision Support System (SRDSS) for effective rice crop management", Current Science Vol. 116, No. 3 by IIRR, presented during Annual day Celebrations of IIRR organized at ICAR-IIRR, Hyderabad on 15th December, 2018. 8. Dr. R. Nagarjuna Kumar, Scientist received the "Outstanding Scientist Award 2018" during the International Conference on Agriculture, Horticulture and Food Science held at Hotel Hans, New Delhi during 29-30 December, 2018. 9. Dr. Anshida Beevi C.N., Scientist (Agril. Extension) conferred with "Ganga Singh Chauhan Memorial Award-2018" for outstanding research contributions in the field of Extension Education during 9th National Extension Education Congress organized by Society of Extension Education Agra at CAEPHT, Ranipool, Sikkim during 15-17 November, 2018. Dr. Anshida Beevi C.N. receiving Ganga Singh Chauhan Memorial Award 10. Dr. Anshida Beevi C.N., Scientist (Agril. Extension) received "Best Paper Presentation Award-2018" for the paper "Drudgery Reducing Technologies for Women Empowerment in the Rainfed Areas" during 9th National Extension Education Congress 11. Sri Mula Mahender Reddy of KVK, Chandippa village of Ranga Reddy district received "Best Farmer Award" by Aaj Tak News Channel on 24th October, 2018 for outstanding contribution in "Raised Platform / Elevated Animal Shed in Semi-Intensive Goat Farming". Sri. Mula Mahender Reddy receiving "Best Farmer Award" by Aaj Tak News Channel Personnel Information Appointments / Promotions / Transfers / Joining Name and Designation Joined/ Transferred/ Promoted/ Appointed Date w.e.f Transfers/ Joinings Shri Rajkumar Dhakar, Scientist, ICAR-CRIDA Transferred as Scientist, ICAR- IARI, New Delhi 25.08.2018 Dr. B. Krishna Rao, Principal Scientist, ICAR-CRIDA Joined as Director (A&R), WALAMTARI, Hyderabad on deputation (12.09.2018 to 11.09.2021) 12.09.2018 Dr. A. Amarender Reddy, Principal Scientist Transferred to ICAR-CRIDA, Hyderabad 06.09.2018 Smt. D. Lakshmi Aruna Gayathri T-3 (Farm Assistant) 22.12.2018 Shri Bandi Srikanth Goud T-3 (Farm Assistant) 26.12.2018 Shri Awinash Brahamwanshi T-1 (Fieldman) 28.12.2018 Promotions Shri Rajkumar Dhakar, Scientist (Agricultural Physics) Promoted to next higher pay Rs. 7000/- 02.05.2016 Shri G. Venkatesh, Scientist (Agro-forestry) Promoted to next higher pay Rs. 8000/- 01.01.2014 Promoted to next higher pay Rs. 9000/- 01.01.2017 Shri Sarath Chandran M. A., Scientist (Agricultural Meteorology) Promoted to next higher pay Rs. 7000/- 01.01.2018 CRIDA - Newsletter 14 Cultural and Welfare Activities Swachhtha Pakhwada Swachhtha Pakhwada was celebrated by ICAR-CRIDA during 16-31 December, 2018. The date-wise activities set out in the programme were implemented at ICAR-CRIDA main office, Hayathnagar Research Farm, Gunegal Research Farm and surrounding residential areas and in villages, involving all the employees of ICAR-CRIDA, farmers and civil society members, VIPs, media persons. Swachhtha Pakhwada Celebration at farmers first village The concluding function of Swachhtha Pakhwada was organized on 31st December, 2018. A brief account of the Swachhtha Pakhwada activities carried out from 16th – 31st December, 2018 was presented. Prizes for debate and essay writing competitions held during the fortnight were distributed. The event received good media coverage. Vanamahotsavam ICAR-CRIDA Cultural and Recreation Club organized Vanamahotsavam at Hayathnagar Research Farm of the institute on 20th November, 2018. All the CRIDA staff members actively participated in the cultural activities. The events generated great enthusiasm and unity among staff. Director (Acting), ICAR-CRIDA distributing prizes to winners XIV Meeting of ICAR-CRIDA IJSC Second meeting of XIV IJSC was held on 20th October, 2018 in Director's Committee room under the Chairmanship of Dr. K. Sammi Reddy, Director (Acting) and Chairman, IJSC, ICAR-CRIDA. The meeting was attended by following official side members Dr. K.L. Sharma, Dr. R. Nagarjuna Kumar, Sri B.D. Phansal, CAO, Sri A. Srinivasa Murthy, SFAO and Dr. Ravikanth V. Adake, Official side Secretary and Dr. (Smt.) K. Salini, Scientist (Genetics & Plant Breeding) Promoted to next higher pay Rs. 7000/- 15.09.2015 Dr. Prabhat Kumar Pankaj, Sr. Scientist (Livestock Production & Management) Promoted to next higher pay Rs. 9000/- 08.05.2015 Dr. (Smt.) R. Rejani, Sr. Scientist Principal Scientist 30.08.2017 Dr. S. M. Vidya Sekhar, Chief Technical Officer (T-9) Advance increment 03.02.2017 Dr. (Smt.) D. Anantha V. Rao, Chief Technical Officer (T-9) Advance increment 03.02.2017 Shri Ram Kumar, Assistant Chief Technical Officer (T-7-8) Chief Technical Officer (T-9) 24.02.2018 Shri S. Vijaya Kumar, Senior Technical Officer (T-6) Assistant Chief Technical Officer (T-7-8) 25.10.2015 Shri K. Surender Rao, Chief Technical Officer (T-9) Advance increment 03.02.2017 Shri G. Prabhakar, Senior Technical Officer (T-6) Assistant Chief Technical Officer (T-7-8) 03.11.2017 Appointment Dr. K.L. Sharma Appointed as Vigilance Officer 15.11.2018 ICAR-CRIDA extends best wishes to them Retirements Name Designation Date of superannuation Dr. (Smt). K. Usha Rani Assistant Chief Technical Officer 04.10.2018 Shri B. Anjaiah SSS 31.10.2018 Shri Buchaiah Ennapally Senior Technician 30.11.2018 Shri Jainender Assistant Chief Technical Officer 31.12.2018 Our best wishes for happy and peaceful retired life to all of them July - December, 2018 15 BOOK-POST To _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ Published by : Dr. G. Ravindra Chary, Director (Acting), ICAR-CRIDA Editorial Board Chairman : Dr. K. Sammi Reddy, Head, DRM Editors : Dr. (Mrs.) K. Nagasree, Pr. Scientist (TOT) Dr. P. K Pankaj, Senior Scientist (TOT) Dr. R. Nagarjuna Kumar, Scientist, (SDA) Dr. Anshida Beevi C.N., Scientist, (TOT) Hindi Translation : Dr. P.K. Pankaj, Sr. Scientist, (TOT) Dr. S.R. Yadav, Asstt. Director (OL) Secretarial Assistance : Mrs. M.A. Rekha, PA Photo credits : Mr. K. Surender Rao, CTO ICAR-Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture Santoshnagar, Saidabad PO, Hyderabad - 500 059 Ph: 040-24530157/161/163 Fax: 040-24531802 E-mail: Website: staff side members Sri V. Venunath, CJSC Member, Sri B. Krishna, Secretary, Staff side, Sri S. Ratnashankar Rao, Sri D. Srinivas, Sri A. Mallesh Yadav and Sri S. Shankar Reddy. Agenda points were discussed in the meeting. क्रीडा, हैदराबाद में स्वर्गीय श्री अटल बिहारी वाजपेयी जी, भूतपूर्व प्रधानमं त्री, भारत सरकार का प्रथम मासिक श्रद्धांजलि दिवस आयोजित भारतीय कृ षि अनुसं धान परिषद (आईसीएआर) के दिशा-निर्देशानुसार कें द्रीय बारानी कृ षि अनुसं धान सं स्थान (क्रीडा-CRIDA), हैदराबाद के प्रांगण में रविवार दिनांक 16 सितंबर, 2018 को भारत रत्न स्वर्गीय श्री अटल बिहारी वाजपेयी जी, भूतपूर्व प्रधानमं त्री, भारत सरकार को प्रथम मासिक श्रद्धांजलि दिवस के अवसर पर श्रद्धा सुमन अर्पित किए गए। इस अवसर पर आयोजित विशेष कार्यक्रम में कार्मिको को सं बो ं धित करते हुए सं स्थान के निदेशक महोदय डॉ के सम्मी रेड्डी ने स्व. वाजपेयी जी को महान कवि, समाज सेवी, सर्वप्रिय जननेता तथा देश-विदेश में भारत की छवि को निखारने वाला राजनेता बताते हुए उनके सिद्धांतो को अपनाने पर बल ं दिया। आपने स्व. वाजपेयी के सं घर्षों से परिपूर्ण जीवन का उल्लेख करते हुए देश को नई ऊं चाइयो पर प ं हुंचाने हेतु उन्हेंप्रेरणा स्त्रोत बताया। इस कार्यक्रम में डॉ पी के जैन, वैज्ञानिक-एफ, एआरसीआई, हैदराबाद ने मुख्य अतिथि के रूप में पधारकर वाजपेयी जी की प्रसिद्ध इक्यावन कविताओं का सं क्षिप्त परिचय दिया तथा उनकी श्रेष्ठ कविताओ का ं वाचन करते हुए भावार्थ समझाते हुए वर्तमान परिदृश्य में उनकी उपयोगिता को सिद्ध करते हुए उनके उद्देश्यों का अनुपालन करने का अनुरोध देश्यों किया। आपने कौरव कौन कौन पांडव; ऊं चाई के साथ विस्तार भी हो; मुझे इतनी ऊं चाई कभी मत देना; मौत से ठन गई; सामने वार कर फिर मुझे आजमा; बिखरे नीड; सवेरा है मगर पूरब दिशा में; सच्चाई यह है कि; ऊं चाई; आओ मन की गांठें खोलें; नामक कविताओ का ं विस्त रूप से भा तृ वार्थ समझाया। इस विशेष कार्यक्रम का सं चालन डॉ नागार्जुन कु मार, वैज्ञानिक ने, धन्यवाद ज्ञापन डॉ एस आर यादव ने तथा डॉ पंकज कु मार ने कार्यक्रम के आयोजन में विशेष भूमिका निभाते हुए सं पूर्ण सहयोग प्रदान किया। इस अवसर पर सं स्थान के अधिकांश वैज्ञानिक एवं अन्य कार्मिक उपस्थित थे। South zone sports meet ICAR-CRIDA sports contingent comprising 31 participants and 1 CDM participated in the ICAR South Zone Sports Meet - 2018 organized by ICAR-CTRI, Rajahmundry at DSA stadium, Kakinada, Andhra Pradesh during 5th-9th September, 2018. In this tournament, Mr. B. Kiran Kumar, SSS, secured 1st place in javelin throw and Mr. Mukund, Senior Technical Assistant secured 2nd place in cycling. Mr.B. Kiran Kumar receiving 1st prize in Javelin throw Mr. Mukund receiving 2nd prize in cycling Independence day celebrations The 72nd Independence Day was celebrated on August 15, 2018 with pride and patriotic zeal. The Director hoisted the flag and addressed the staff of CRIDA. In this occasion, Director distributed cash awards (CCS & CCRC) to the X class toppers of CRIDA staff children and motivated the staff with his message to work with dedication and boost institute's growth. Director (Acting), ICAR-CRIDA addressing the staff CRIDA - Newsletter 16 Dr. K Sammi Reddy, Director (Acting), ICAR-CRIDA Small Farm Mechanization is the Key for Successful Adoption of Climate Resilient Technologies by Farmers in Rainfed Areas Over the years, the National Agricultural Research System (NARS) has contributed significantly to development and transfer of technologies for a more viable and sustainable rainfed agriculture. Of late, timely farm operations has become an expensive preposition due to shortage of agricultural labour in rainfed areas. To obtain the proper response from the rainfed crops, small farm mechanization is the key to meet the timeliness of operations in quick session for establishment of crop and enhancing inputs and moisture use efficiency. Realizing the fact, CRIDA and AICRP on dryland agriculture have identified small farm mechanization as one of the prioritized research area and made continuous untiring efforts to develop dryland farm implements. So far, CRIDA has developed nearly 23 dryland farm implements which are being widely adopted by rainfed farmers. More than 3 lakh units of CRIDA BBF Planters have been sold to farmers during the last 5-6 years in states of Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Telangana etc. Since about 85% of the rainfed farmers are small and marginal who can't afford to procure farm implements, rainfed farm mechanization is not happening at desired pace. Therefore, CRIDA under its flagship programmes, NAIP and NICRA has conceptualized the Custom Hiring Centre (CHC) and implemented successfully in 151 climate resilient villages (CRVs) of vulnerable districts under NICRA. Suitable farm implements were identified for each CRV through focused group discussions with the farmers pertaining to their farm operations. To oversee the requirements, service and maintenance aspects of these machines, a village climate risk management committees (VCRMC) have been constituted. This approach has showed many positive results in enhancing the crop productivity in climate resilient village clusters due to timely availability of improved implements at affordable cost for the small and marginal farmers in their own village or nearby village. Dr. K. Sammi Reddy, Director (Acting), ICAR-CRIDA From the Director's Desk . निदेशक की कलम से ……… वर्षा आधारित क्षेत्रों में क षेत्रों िसानो द्ं वारा जलवायु समुत्थान प्रौद्योगिकियो को सफलतापू ं र्वक अपनाने में छोटे कृषि यंत्रों कत्रों ी मुख्य भूमिका पिछले कु छ वर्षों में, राषटरीट्य कृ षि अनुसं धान प्रणाली (एनएआरएस) ने अधिक व्यवहार्य एवं टिकाऊ वर्षा आधारित कृ षि के लिए प्रौद्योगिकियो के ं विकास एवं हस्तांतरण में महत्वपूर्ण योगदान दिया है। वर्षा आधारित कृ षि में कृ षि श्रमिको कं ी कमी के कारण कृ षि कार्यों में देरी से कृ षि कार्य अधिक खर्चीला होता जा रहा है। वर्षा आधारित फसलो कं ी सही प्रतिक्रिया के लिए, फसलो कं ी बुआई एवं निवेशो तथा नमी उपयोग ं क्षमता को बढ़ाने के लिए सत्र में समयबद्ध रूप से कृ षि कार्यों को पूरा करने में छोटे कृ षि यंत्रों कत्रों ी प्रमुख भूमिका होती है। इस बात को ध्यान में रखते हुए, क्रीडा एवं अखिल भारतीय समन्वित बारानी कृ षि अनुसं धान परियोजना ने छोटे कृ षि यंत्रों को त्रों प्राथमिक अनुसं धान क्षेत्र के रूप में पहचाना है एवं बारानी कृ षि उपकरणों के विकास में निरंतर अथक प्रयास जारी है। अब तक, क्रीडा द्वारा करीब 23 बारानी कृ षि उपकरणो का ं विकास किया गया है जिन्हें वर्षा आधारित किसानो द्ं वारा व्यापक रूप से अपनाया जा रहा है। महाराष्ट्र, मध्यप्रदेश, तेलंगाना आदि राज्यों में ्यों पिछले 5-6 वर्षों के दौरान क्रीडा बीबीएफ प्लांटरों की 3 लाख से अधिक इकाइयां बेची जा चुकी हैं। करीब 85 प्रतिशत वर्षा आधारित किसान छोटे एवं सीमांत हैं जो कृ षि उपकरणो को खरीद नही ं ं सकते, जिसके कारण वांछित गति से वर्षा आधारित क्षेत्रों में यां क्षेत्रों त्रिकीकरण नही हो पा रहा है। अत: क्रीडा के ं प्रमुख कार्यक्रमो के अंत ं र्गत एनएआईपी एवं निक्रा ने कस्टम हायरिं ग केंद्र की अवधारणा को अपनाते हुए निक्रा के अतिसंवेदनशील जिलो के 151 जल ं वायु समुत्थान गांवो (सीआर ं वी) में इसे सफलतापूर्वक कार्यान्वित किया है। उपयुक्त कृ षि उपकरणो कं ी पहचान प्रत्येक जलवायु समुत्थान गांव के कृ षि कार्य में जुड़ेकिसानो से ं विचारविमर्श के उपरांत की गई है। इन उपकरणो कं ी आवश्यकताओ, से ं वाओं एवं रख-रखाव के विभिन्न पहलूओ को पूरा करने के ल ं िए, गांव जलवायु जोखिम प्रबं धन समितियो (ं वीसीआरएमसी) का गठन किया गया है। इस कदम से कई सकारात्मक परिणाम देखने में आए हैं जैसे कि उनके अपने गांव या समीपवर्ती गांव में छोटे एवं सीमांत किसानो को सही समय पर उन्नत ं उपकरण सस्ती कीमतो पर उपलब् ं ध होने के कारण जलवायु समुत्थान गांवों की फसलो कं ी उत्पादकता में बढ़ोत्तरी हुई है। डाॅ. के . सम्मी रेड्डी, निदेशक (कार्यकारी), भाकृ अनुप-क्रीडा ; Not Available
Not Available ; The Hon'ble Vice President of India Shri. M. Venkaiah Naidu visited ICAR-Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture (CRIDA), Hyderabad on 3rd July, 2018. He was the Chief Guest for the "Consultative Meeting on Doubling of Farmers' Income in Telangana State and Adjoining Areas". Shri. Md. Mahmood Ali, Deputy Chief Minister, Telangana State was the Guest of Honour. Dr. K. Alagusundaram, Deputy Director General (NRM), ICAR, New Delhi, Shri. C. Parthasarathi, APC & Principal Secretary (Agriculture), Telangana State; Dr. K. Sammi Reddy, Director (Acting), CRIDA; Directors and scientists of local ICAR institutes, senior officials of PJTSAU, senior officials from Telangana State, NGOs, Industrialists, Bankers and progressive farmers participated in the meeting. Hon'ble Vice President addressing participants of consultation meeting Deputy Director General (NRM) Dr. K. Alagusundaram, ICAR, New Delhi welcomed the dignitaries and the participants while briefing about the various rainfed technologies developed by CRIDA for the benefit of farmers of dryland agriculture. Hon'ble Vice President Shri. M. Venkaiah Naidu, chaired the interactive session with scientists, research scholars, farmers and representatives of NGOs. He stated that the multifaceted strategy is needed to protect agriculture as agriculture is now under distress. During interactive session, farmers of Ranga Reddy district mentioned that their farm income has been substantially increased due to the interventions of ICAR-CRIDA, KVKs and SAUs. Book releasing during consultation meeting New Research Initiatives CRIDA was awarded a competitive research project entitled "Innovative and contextual agromet. advisory services for climate smart agriculture" funded by Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, Ministry of Earth Sciences under Monsoon Mission-II with budget outlay of the Rs. 311.48 lakhs. ICRISAT and ICAR-IIPR, Kanpur are the partner institutes. Dr. P. Vijaya Kumar, Project Coordinator, AICRPAM, ICAR-CRIDA is the Principal Investigator of this project. Dr. AVM Subba Rao and Dr. Santanu Kumar Bal are the CoPrincipal Investigators from ICAR-CRIDA and Dr. Anthony Whitbread and Dr. R.K. Mishra are the Co-Principal Investigators from ICRISAT and ICAR-IIPR, respectively. CRIDA - Newsletter 2 Minimum tillage with crop residue retention on soil surface produced higher crop yields while maintaining better health of rainfed Alfisol The results of 6 year old experiment on conservation Agriculture (CA) in rainfed Alfisol showed that the surface retention of crop residues @ 2-6 t/ha produced 5-13% higher sorghum yield and 28-45% higher cowpea yield as compared to no residue application control. About 56% higher organic carbon (6.80 g/kg) content was recorded with the application of sorghum stover @ 6 t/ha as compared to control (4.36 g/ kg). The increase in available N with the application of 6t and 4t crop residue was to the extent of 19.5 and 28% respectively while significantly higher contents of soil available P (10.67 kg/ha) and K (288.8 kg/ha) were observed with application of sorghum residue @ 4 t/ha. Significantly higher microbial biomass carbon (MBC) and dehydrogenase activity (DHA) were recorded with the application of sorghum stover @ 4 t/ha. Besides reducing the bulk density, the application of residues had a significant influence on the mean weight diameter (MWD) of the soil aggregates. The highest overall soil quality index (SQI: 9.58) was observed with the residue application @ 6 t/ha. A significant positive relationship was observed between SQI and pooled cowpea seed yield (R2 =0.82) and pooled sorghum grain yield (R2 =0.69). This study also clearly indicated that the adoption of minimum tillage in combination with adequate crop residue cover, the soil moisture increased and soil temperature decreased which in-turn made the crops to withstand the mid season dry spells without much adverse effects. Crop residue retention in the field Development of track width & ground clearance enhancing platform and matching Implements for low horse power tractor A reconfigured platform for small horse power tractor with matching weeding and spraying implements was developed. Such new developments will increase effective use of tractor for weeding and spraying operations in crops like maize, castor, red gram, cotton, chilies etc. The developed platform basically consists of three components (i) Front wheel axle (ii) Rear drive wheel axle and (iii) Reworked steering set system for enhanced track width. The prototype high clearance platform fitted mini tractor matching rotary weeder consists of a main frame with hitch mast, gear box housing with power transmission provision, rotor shaft assembly with soil working tools. The developed boom sprayer unit basically consists (i) Base frame to give support / fix various components (ii) Pump with manifold for flow control and pressure regulation (50 lpm & 30kg / cm2 rating) (iii) Boom with height adjustable frame work and (iv) High pressure hose pipes. The pump gets the required power from tractor. The nozzles on the boom were fitted with spacing adjustable provision to use for different types of rainfed crops. The weeding efficiency of rotary machine varied 74 to 82.5.% and 78.5 to 86.8% for castor and pigeon pea, respectively. In case of maize crop, the weeding efficiency observed to be 73.9%, which was low compared to other two crops due to narrow row spacing. The boom sprayer was operated in cotton crop at two growth stages; the first one at flowering stage (75 DAS) and second operation in bolls expansion stage (90 DAS). The operator can steer the tractor comfortably and sprayer worked satisfactorily. The field capacity of the machine ranged from 1.7 - 2.0 ha/hr. The newly developed implements shown significant advantage in monitory terms when compared with traditional practice of bullock operated blade harrow and hand labour spray operation (15 - 20% lower cost). Track width and ground clearance enhanced platform fitted low horse power tractor with matching weeding and spraying implements Research Highlights July - December, 2018 3 Scientific Activities XXVIIth Research Advisory Committee (RAC) meeting The XXVIIth meeting of the Research Advisory Committee of the institute was held during 10-11 November, 2018 under the chairmanship of Dr. Panjab Singh, former Secretary, DARE & Director General, ICAR. The committee reviewed the progress and recommended for strengthening of farming systems research with horticulture and livestock components, scaling up of NICRA interventions to more villages and restructuring of the institute by creating divisions of Social Sciences and Climate Change. Further, RAC suggested to align the research programmes with the challenges and development needs of dryland farmers. RAC meeting in progress Field Institute Research Council (IRC) meeting Field Institute Research Council (IRC) Meeting for 2018-19 was held on 25th September, 2018 at Gunegal Research Farm (GRF) and on 5th October, 2018 at Hayathnagar Research Farm (HRF) under the chairmanship of Dr. K. Sammi Reddy, Director (Acting). The chairman IRC, Dr. K. Sammi Reddy, Director (Acting), Project coordinators, Heads of Divisions / Sections and scientists visited various experiments and discussed thoroughly on various treatment effects. Interaction during field IRC Various suggestions like displaying of the experimental and treatment boards at the experimental site, periodical monitoring of soil moisture in CA related experiments, rainfall amount, rainy days and crop yields needs to correlated for all the experiments etc., were made in field IRC. Quinquennial Review Team (QRT) Under the Chairmanship of Dr. J.C. Katyal, former Vice Chancellor, CCS Haryana Agriculture University & former DDG (Education), ICAR, two review meetings were conducted. QRT meeting was held during 18-19 June, 2018 at UAS, Bengaluru and reviewed the work done by both AICRPDA and AICRPAM centers located in Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Kerala & Tamil Nadu. Another meeting was held at ICAR-CRIDA, Hyderabad during 16-18 August, 2018 to finalize the QRT report. QRT visit to AICRPDA center, Bengaluru Dr. J.C. Katyal presented the salient recommendations of QRT to DG, ICAR and other officials in presence of DDG (NRM) and ADG (A, AF & CC) on 13th September, 2018 at ICAR, New Delhi. Honorable DG, ICAR has appreciated the work done by the QRT. QRT meeting in progress Hindi fortnight celebrations The Hindi fortnight was organized from 1st to 14th September, 2018 at ICAR-CRIDA, Hyderabad. On this occasion, Hindi Noting & Drafting, Hindi-English technical terminology and other Hindi competitions were organized. Winners were awarded on concluding day, 14th September, 2018. CRIDA - Newsletter 4 Interface meeting on agricultural contingencies for Andhra Pradesh In view of the low rainfall and its poor distribution in some parts of Andhra Pradesh, at the behest of ICAR-CRIDA, an interface meeting was organized by ICAR-CRIDA on August 3, 2018 with Department of Agriculture and ANGRAU under the chairmanship of special Commissioner of Agriculture, Government of A.P. to review and develop mid-course action plans for Rayalaseema (Anantapuramu, Kurnool, Kadapa and Chittoor), Prakasham, Nellore and Guntur districts. The participants included Director of Research, ANGRAU, Special Commissioner of Agriculture, A.P., Joint Collector, Kadapa, Senior scientists from ANGRAU, JDAs, ADAs, Scientists from KVKs and farmer representatives. Dr. NV Naidu, Director of Research ANGRAU, conducted the proceedings of the meeting. Dr. KV Rao, ICAR-CRIDA and Dr. S Malleswari, ANGRAU made detailed presentations on current rainfall scenario and forecast for the forthcoming weeks. Sri D. Muralidhar Reddy, Special Commissioner in his address emphasized that department should gear up to rescue the crops in the field, plans to cover unsown area and preparation of documents for early drought declaration procedures. Dr. NDRK Sharma, Consultant, Department of Agriculture, highlighted the implementation of agriculture contingency plans during past years and requested the officers to prioritize the interventions based on the uptake of preferred technology options by the farmers. Sensitization on district agricultural contingency plans for Mizoram In an interface meeting of ICAR-Mizoram State held on 24.09.2018 to sensitize the Senior officers of the State on District Agricultural Contingency Plans (DACPs). This is the first meeting on sensitization of DACPs to senior officials in the North-Eastern states of India. Mr. Lalsawta, Cabinet Minister for Finance & Planning chaired the meeting. Mr. Lalthanliana, Cabinet Minister for Horticulture, LAD & SWD and Mr. Lalmingthanga, Commissioner & Secretary, Agriculture were guests of honour. Secretaries from Horticulture, Sericulture, Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Science; Directors of various line departments; Director, ICAR - Research Complex, NEH Region and Director, ATARI, Umiam also attended the meeting. Dr. N. Prakash presented the technologies developed by ICAR RC for NEH and Dr. Deka highlighted how KVK set up is actively participating in dissemination of technologies. The Commissioner of Agriculture highlighted that only 30% of the food grains are produced in Mizoram. Mr. Lalthanliana mentioned that farming community in Mizoram are facing multi-faceted problems. Mr. Lalsawta emphasized on developing viable alternatives to Jhum cultivation which is responsible for meager yields. Dr. S. Desai, Principal Scientist, ICAR-CRIDA made a presentation on "Sensitization on District Agricultural Contingency Plans to meet the weather aberration impacts on agriculture in Mizoram".The Commissioner & Secretary, Agriculture appreciated the efforts and emphasized on more sensitization about DACPs among district officials. The meeting ended with vote of thanks by Ms. Shakuntala, JD, ICAR Research Complex, Kolasib centre. Contingency Plans Interface meeting in progress Interface meeting at Mizoram July - December, 2018 5 Technology Transfer Hon'ble Prime Minister's interaction with SHGs & women groups at ICAR-CRIDA Web telecasting of Hon'ble Prime Minister's interaction with SHGs & Women's groups was organized by Krishi Vigyan Kendra – Ranga Reddy District, ICAR-CRIDA on 12.07.2018 in KVK Campus, Hayathnagar Research Farm, ICAR-CRIDA. About 74 SHG women from four different villages of Ranga Reddy District, Telangana State participated. The Hon'ble Prime Minister's interaction with SHG women emphasized on improving the economic status of farm families through supporting SHG women by strengthening the Self Help Groups. The Prime Minister highlighted about DAY-NRLM programme (Deen Dayal Antyodaya Yojana-National Rural Livelihood Mission). Almost 30 lakh SHG women are being supported under Mahila Kisan Sashakthikaran Pariyojana (MKSP) to promote sustainable agriculture practices and the objective of Mission Antyodaya is to develop poverty free panchayats. Web telecasting of Hon'ble Prime Minister's interaction with SHGs & women's groups Parthenium awareness week organized Training cum awareness programme on integrated management of Parthenium was organized by KVK-CRIDA, Ranga Reddy District on 21st August, 2018. About 50 participants from Agriculture College, farmers, teaching and extension officials attended the programme. Subject matter specialists from KVK-CRIDA highlighted the technical aspects of Parthenium management, invasion of Parthenium in India, plant physiology-spread, impact and harmful effects of weed on crop, composting of weed. Displayed posters and removed weeds from demo plots and office premises of KVK. National nutrition month organized The theme for National Nutrition Month for 2018 was "Go Further with Food". On this occasion, organized 3 training programmes and method demonstrations i.e. (i) Prevention of anaemia – preparation of low cost nutritious recipes on 6th September, 2018, (ii) Value addition to millet products as food security & income generating activity on 11th September, 2018, (iii) Demonstration on dried green leafy vegetables – different recipes to prevent Iron & Calcium deficiency on 18th September, 2018 in KVK adopted villages Gummadivelli, Kolanguda and Nerrapally, for about 291 women. These programmes involved total 291 women, of which 67 were SC /ST, 224 were others. Distributed 200 drumstick plants as part of National Nutrition Week to women of self help groups. National women farmers' day (Mahila Kisan Divas) & technology day National Women Farmers' Day (Mahila Kisan Divas) and Technology Day was organized by Krishi Vigyan Kendra-Ranga Reddy District, ICAR-CRIDA on 15th October, 2018 at Hayathnagar Research Farm with the participation of women farmers from Ranga Reddy district. Dr. V. Maruthi, Head & Principal Scientist, KVK briefed the importance of the day and women's role in agriculture. Dr. K. Sammi Reddy, Director (Acting), ICAR-CRIDA, presided over as Chief Guest and addressed about the women farmers' role in agriculture, drudgery management practices to be followed by women farmers, nutritional disorders and health issues. Dr. Y. G. Prasad, Director, ATARI, Guest of honour, requested the women farmers to utilize skill training programmes of KVK related to dairy and floriculture and NARI (Nutri sensitive agri-resources and innovations) programme of ICAR through KVK. The resource persons Dr. K. Aruna, Professor and Head (Retd.), AICRP (Home Science) informed the women farmers about the health, nutrition, diet, nutritive value of millets and gave a detailed presentation on nutritional disorders and remedies. Sri DGP Sharma, Senior Executive officer, Khadi and Village Industries Commission (KVIC) has explained different schemes in KVIC, loan facilities and Honey production and rearing techniques. Two brochures on Good management practices of chickpea and redgram cultivation, pamphlets on fall army worm in maize, pink bollworm in cotton, hydroponics in fodder cultivation, balanced nutrition diet for livestock were released. Five progressive women farmers and women entrepreneurs from Ranga Reddy District were felicitated on this occasion. National women farmers' day celebration CRIDA - Newsletter 6 World soil day organized ICAR-CRIDA celebrated world soil day on 5th December, 2018 at ICAR- CRIDA under the Chairmanship of Dr. G. Ravindra Chary, Director (In charge), ICAR-CRIDA, Hyderabad. Around 200 participants comprising of students, scientists, technical officers, KVK officials attended the awareness programme. Dr. G. Ravindra Chary explained historical background of World Soil Day, the usage of Soil Health Cards and its interpretation for effective nutrient management in the field crops for sustainable crop yields. Dr. K.L. Sharma, Principal Scientist, educated the participating students about the importance of soils and clarified the doubts raised by the students. The students were sensitized about the importance of soils through demonstrations, posters and exhibits and practical insights to laboratories. On this occasion posters on "Know your soils", "Soil profile" and "Identification of Nutrient deficiencies in Plants and Crops" were displayed for the benefit of the students. Dr. G. Ravindra Chary, Director (In-Charge) addressing students Kisan Diwas organized during Swachhtha Pakhwada KVK-CRIDA, Ranga Reddy District organized one day Kisan Diwas on 23rd December, 2018 as a part of Swachhtha Pakhwada (16-31st December, 2018). Dr. V. Maruthi, Principal Scientist & Head, KVK welcomed the invited farmers from 12 mandals of Ranga Reddy District and enlightened the objectives of the Kisan Diwas. Dr. K. Sammi Reddy, Director (Acting), ICAR-CRIDA, Hyderabad was the Chief Guest. He explained to the farmers about the importance of Swachatha and also emphasized to prepare manure from the wastes generated on farmers' fields. Dr. K. Srinivas, Principal Scientist & OIC, HRF shared experiences on Swachhta initiatives by farmers and civil society officials. Farmers were felicitated based on the initiatives/adoptable measurers expressed during the interaction. SMSs from KVK gave lectures on Good Agricultural Practices in horticulture, agriculture, women empowerment and animal husbandry. Farmers visited demonstration units, exhibition, posters presentation of KVK and gained knowledge. About 107 members including farmers, farm women, ADAs, AOs, AEOs, ATMA officials attended the programme and got handful information with printed literature. Felicitation to farmer during Swachhatha Pakhwada Around 200 farmers including farm women and school going children participated in the awareness campaign of Swachhtha Pakhwada in Farmers First Village. The people were trained in the knowledge about segregation of biodegradable and nondegradable wastes. AICRPs XV Biennial workshop of AICRPAM organized The XVth Biennial workshop of the AICRP on Agrometeorology (AICRPAM) was organized at Regional Agricultural Research Station, University of Agricultural Sciences, Vijayapura, Karnataka during 15-17 November, 2018. Participants of XV Biennial workshop, AICRPAM The objective of the workshop was to review the research progress made during 2017-18 and finalization of the technical program for the year 2018-2020. Monsoon mission II project meeting at ICRISAT Monsoon mission II project meeting was held at ICRISAT, Patancheru, Hyderabad on 10th September, 2018. Dr. Peter Carberry, DG, ICRISAT, Dr. G. Ravindra Chary, Director (In-charge), Dr. P. Vijaya Kumar and Dr. AVM. Subba Rao from AICRPAM, ICAR-CRIDA, Dr. Suryachandra Rao, Associate Mission Director, Shri S.M.D. Jeelani, Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, Pune, Dr. Anthony Whitbread, Research Program Director, Dr. AVR Kesava Rao, Dr. K.P.C. Rao and Dr. D. Ram, ICRISAT July - December, 2018 7 National Innovations in Climate Resilient Agriculture (NICRA) Sixth NICRA Annual Review Workshop Organized A two day Annual Review workshop of National Innovations in Climate Resilient Agriculture (NICRA) was inaugurated by Dr. T. Mohapatra, Secretary, DARE & Director General, ICAR at NASC, New Delhi on 7th August, 2018. Chhabilendra Roul, Special Secretary, DARE & Secretary, ICAR, Shri B. Pradhan, FA & Additional Secretary, DARE & ICAR, Dr. K. Alagusundaram, DDG (Agril. Engg. & NRM I/c), Dr. AK Singh, DDG (Agril. Extn.), Dr. Anand Kumar Singh, DDG (Hort. Science & Crop Sciences I/c), Dr. Joykrushna Jena, DDG (Fisheries), Dr. S Bhaskar, ADG (A, AF&CC), Dr. SK Chaudhari, ADG (SWM), Dr. K Sammi Reddy, Director (Acting), ICAR-CRIDA, Hyderabad and NICRA Expert Committee Members viz., Dr. B Venkateswarlu, Ex-VC,Vasantrao Naik Marathwada Krishi Vidyapeeth Krishinagar, Parbhani; Dr. V Praveen Rao, Vice Chancellor, PJTSAU, Hyderabad; Dr. CL Acharya, Ex-Director, ICAR-IISS, Bhopal; Dr. KK Singh, ADG (Farm Engg.), ICAR; Dr. YS Ramakrishna, ExDirector, ICAR-CRIDA, Hyderabad; Dr. HE Shashidhar, Retired Professor of Genetics, UAS, GKVK, Bengaluru; Dr. RC Upadhyay, Principal Scientist (Retd.) NDRI, Karnal; Dr. AG Ponniah, Ex-Director, ICAR-CIBA, Chennai; Prof. UC Mohanty, Professor IIT, Bhubaneswar; Dr. NK Krishna Kumar, Coordinator, Biodiversity International, New Delhi; Dr. Praduman Kumar, Ex-Head, Economics, IARI, New Delhi, Dr. N. Sudhakar, Ex-Director, ATARI and Dr. H. Senapati, Former Dean, OUAT, Bhubaneshwar, Chairmen of Zonal monitoring teams and Directors of NICRA partner institutes participated in the review workshop. Dr. K. Sammi Reddy, Director (Acting), ICAR-CRIDA presented the highlights of achievements of NICRA Project during the last two years (2016-17 to 2017-18). Various events during sixth NICRA annual review workshop participated in this meeting and discussed on developing a farmer-friendly app and web site for disseminating agromet advisories. AICRPDA centres organized stakeholder consultation workshops Stakeholder consultation workshops were organized in the adopted villages by 9 AICRPDA centres viz. Akola, Arjia, Anantapuramu, Bengaluru, Kovilpatti, Phulbani, SK Nagar, Solapur and Vijayapura to discuss on strengthening the traditional rainfed integrated farming systems (TRIFS). Dr. S. Bhaskar, ADG (A, AF&CC), Dr. G. Ravindra Chary, Project Coordinator (AICRPDA), scientists from AICRPs/ICAR Institutes/ SAUs/KVKs, officials from state line departments, ATMA, NGOs and most importantly farmers participated and gave feedback for identifying component-wise suitable interventions for strengthening traditional RIFSs in the respective agroclimatic zones of the centres. Stakeholder workshop in Sunderpura village, Bhilwara district, Rajasthan on 26.10.2018 Stakeholder workshop in Kalenhalli village, Tumkur District, Karnataka on 13.08.2018 CRIDA - Newsletter 8 Important Visitors Ms. Arnella Trent, Senior Crop Analyst, International Production Assessment Division, U.S. Department of Agriculture / Foreign Agriculture Service along with Mr. Dhruv Sood, Agricultural Specialist from U.S. Consulate, Mumbai visited ICAR-CRIDA on 4th September, 2018 to discuss the cotton crop production, planting area and general assessment of the crop in Telangana State. During their visit information regarding dryland agriculture, soils, watershed management and extension activities was exchanged with them. A total of 1637 students from Karnataka, Tamil Nadu & Andhra Pradesh, 40 Scientists from NAARM, Hyderabad, 283 Agricultural Officers from Tamil Nadu & Telangana and 328 farmers from Karnataka, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh & Tamil Nadu visited ICAR-CRIDA, Hyderabad during the period. Dr. T. Mohapatra in his inaugural address suggested to make the 151 Climate Resilient Villages (CRVs) to CRV Cluster Villages and the need to actively involve State Governments for successful upscaling of CRVs. There were eight Technical sessions under different themes viz., Resilience through Natural Resources Management, Resilience through Crop Improvement and Adaptation, Technology Demonstration Component Session: Lessons from Technology Demonstration and Future Roadmap, Resilience through Adaptation in Horticultural Crops, Pests, Diseases & Pollinators,Assessment of Impacts on Fisheries-Adaptation and Mitigation Options, Vulnerability Assessment, Socio-Economic Impacts and Farm Advisories, Adaptation Strategies for Climate Resilient Livestock Production, Integrated Modeling Framework. Each session chaired by concerned DDGs and co-chaired by NICRA Expert Committee members and concerned ADGs from ICAR, New Delhi. A detailed session-wise recommendations was presented by Dr. M Prabhakar, PI, NICRA, ICARCRIDA, Hyderabad in the plenary session chaired by Dr. K Alagusundaram, DDG (NRM), ICAR. Zonal Monitoring Committee Visits During the period, zonal monitoring committee visits were organized in the KVKs of ATARI zones viz. Guwahati, Barapani, Kolkata, Jodhpur, Jabalpur, Bengaluru and Hyderabad. Zonal monitoring committee's visits to various zones were organized to review the technical progress of different modules like NRM, crop production, livestock & fishery and institutional interventions in the NICRA villages and for making appropriate suggestions for improvement. ZMC with VCRMC members, Dimapur ZMC with VCRMC members, Malda July - December, 2018 9 Visits Abroad Dr. K. Sammi Reddy, Director (Acting), ICAR-CRIDA visited Katowice, Poland to participate in the UNFCCC COP-24/CMP14/ CMA1.3 and to organize the side event at Indian Pavilion at COP24 during 30th November - 5th December, 2018. During the visit, he has organized the Side Event at Indian Pavilion @ COP24 on the theme "Scaling up Adaptation Strategies for Climate Resilient Agriculture" on 5th December, 2018. This side event was Chaired by Dr. Anthony Simons, Director General, World Agroforestry Centre (WAC), Nairobi and Co-Chaired by Prof. N.H. Ravindranath, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru. In this side event Dr. Reddy has presented two papers and Dr. R.S. Sinha, Additional Commissioner (NRM), Department of Agriculture and Farmers' Welfare, Government of India presented a paper. The side event was very successful as about 25 Indian and foreign delegates were present. After thorough deliberations, the following conclusions were drawn, • There is a need to revise the vulnerability atlas of India taking into consideration the dimensions and definition of vulnerability and risk in the recent Assessment Report of IPCC. • NICRA project was successful in establishing 151 model climate resilient villages in 151 vulnerable districts. But there is a need to upscale the climate resilient villages in highly and medium vulnerable districts. • There is a need to scaling up successful IFS models developed for different agro-climatic regions of India by taking into consideration the resources available with farmers. Dr. K. Sammi Reddy organizing side event at Indian Pavilion, COP24, Katowice, Poland Dr. Suseelendra Desai, Principal Scientist (Plant Pathology) participated in the Regional Conference on "Role of Soil and Plant Health Towards Achieving Sustainable Development Goals in Asia-Pacific" held during 20-24 November, 2018 at Bangkok, Thailand. APAARI, Department of Agriculture, Thailand and Indian Phytopathological Society jointly organized the conference and the participants included diverse experts from research, development, extension, policy makers, private sectors, professional societies, civil society organizations and donor organizations, to share specific long-term experiences on the neglect of soil and plant health in the Asia-Pacific region. Dr. Desai was invited to deliver a lead lecture on "Potential impacts of climate change on plant pathogens and biocontrol agents and adaptation strategies". He also chaired a technical session on "Plant health management – case studies" along with Dr. GD Sinniah from Sri Lanka. The conference deliberated on soil and plant health aspects in detail and agreed to formulate a group to address these issues in the years to come. Dr. Desai delivering lecture Dr. K.V. Rao, Principal Scientist (Soil and Water Conservation Engineering), Division of Resource Management visited United Kingdom (UK) to participate in Workshop on "Advancing Drought Monitoring, Prediction and Management Capabilities" during 18th - 20th September, 2018 at Lancaster University, Lancaster, UK . CRIDA - Newsletter 10 Forthcoming Events Sl. No. Title of the event Dates 1. XXVI Biennial Workshop of AICRP for Dryland Agriculture, at AICRPDA Bengaluru Centre, UASB 16-19th January, 2019 2. Republic Day 26th January, 2019 3. National Science Day 28th February, 2019 4. ICAR-CRIDA Foundation Day 12th April, 2019 5. IRC meeting 23-25, April, 2019, 9-10th May, 2019 6. World Environment Day 5th June, 2019 DOE sponsored Model Training Course on "Extension Strategies for Participatory Natural Resource Management in Rainfed Agriculture" Model Training Course sponsored by DOE was organised at ICAR-CRIDA during September 24 - October 1, 2018. Twenty eight officials from eight different states viz., Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Odisha, Tamil Nadu, Goa, Punjab and Karnataka attended the model training course. The course covered various extension strategies of Soil and water conservation measures for enhanced productivity in drylands, Technologies for sustainable NRM in Rainfed areas, Horticulture systems in Rainfed Agriculture for sustainable NRM and enhanced productivity, Enhancing productivity of crops and cropping systems through effective use of natural resources, Farming systems approach for sustainable NRM in drylands, Role of Livestock and their management for enhancing productivity and income in drylands, Gender mainstreaming in NRM, Communication tools and techniques for sustainable NRM. Inaugural session of Model Training Course on "Extension Strategies for Participatory Natural Resource Management in Rainfed Agriculture" ICAR-Short Course on 'Assessment of Vulnerability and Adaptation to Climate Change in Agriculture' A ten day short course on 'Assessment of vulnerability and adaptation to climate change in agriculture', sponsored by the Agricultural Education Division of the ICAR, was conducted during 28th November to 7th December, 2018 at ICAR-CRIDA. The short course has provided the participants with various concepts, approaches and methods used in assessing vulnerability and adaptation. Twenty one participants from five ICAR institutes and eight state agricultural universities participated. A majority of the participants expressed that their expectations from the short course were fulfilled to a large extent. Participants of ICAR Short Course on "Assessment of Vulnerability and Adaptation to Climate Change in Agriculture" KVK Programmes About 34 training programmes were organized during the period July to December, 2018 on different aspects of agriculture, horticulture, animal husbandry, farm mechanization and women empowerment to farmers and farm women from Ranga Reddy district. 1142 farmers and farm women were benefitted from these training programmes. Human Resource Development July - December, 2018 11 Participation in Seminars and Symposia Name of the Personnel Workshop / Seminar / Symposium / Meeting Duration Venue K. Sammi Reddy International Consultation Workshop on Adapting agriculture in semiarid India to a global temperature rise by 1.5 0C. 3-4 October, 2018 WOTR, Pune National Workshop on Sustainability of Indian Agriculture, Natural Resource Perspective with special reference to water. 11 October, 2018 IIWM, Bhubaneswar 83rd Annual Convention of the Indian Society of Soil Science. 27-28 November, 2018 AAU, Anand UNFCCC COP-24 / CMP14 / CMA1.2 Meeting. 30 November to 5 December, 2018 Katowice, Poland G. Ravindra Chary & B.M.K. Raju Brainstorming workshop on "Prioritization of Rainfed Districts in India" organized by NRAA & ICAR-CRIDA. 11-12 December, 2018 NASC, New Delhi C.A. Rama Rao Stakeholders Consultation Meeting on NICRA. 20 July, 2018 NASC, New Delhi Expert consultation meeting for Impact Assessment of the AP Drought Mitigation Project of Govt. of A.P. 14 August, 2018 WASSAN, Hyderabad National Workshop on Promotion of Developing Climate Resilient Villages for Sustainable Food and Nutritional Security. 4-5 October, 2018 MANAGE, Hyderabad 26th Annual Conference of Agriculture Economics Research Association (India) on 'Agriculture and Sustainable Development Goals. 15-17 November, 2018 ICAR-NDRI, Karnal, Haryana Brainstorming meeting conducted by NRAA. 11-12 December, 2018 NASC, New Delhi B.M.K. Raju & R. Nagarjuna Kumar Consultation Meeting on 'Risk and vulnerability of agriculture to climate change: A district level assessment'. 20 July, 2018 NASC, New Delhi B.M.K. Raju 72nd Annual Conference of Indian Society of Agricultural Statistics (ISAS) organized with a broader theme of 'Statistics, Informatics, Engineering Interventions and Business Opportunities: A Road-Map To Transform Indian Agriculture Towards Prosperity' 13-15 December, 2018 ICAR - CIAE, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh Boini Narsimlu International Conference on "Global Water Security for Agriculture and Natural Resources" organized by ASABE USA & ISAE India. 3-6 October, 2018 Hotel, Taj Krishna, Hyderabad R. Nagarjuna Kumar ICAR-ICT Road map. 6 July, 2018 IIMR, Hyderabad National Workshop on Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture: Status and Prospects. 30-31 July, 2018 NASC, New Delhi Josily Samuel and P.K. Pankaj 'Workshop on CLEM-Crop Livestock Enterprise Modelling'. 22-23 October, 2018 ICRISAT, Hyerabad D. Sudheer Indian International Science Festival-Agriculture Conclave. 5 -7 October, 2018 Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh G. Sri Krishna Hands on Training to Master trainers of KVKs on TCS-ICAR-KVK Sandesh. 3 August, 2018 ATARI, Zone X, Hyderabad Training of Trainers for KVKs, SAUs and ICAR institutes. 25-27 September, 2018 PJTSAU, Hyderabad Annual Zonal Workshop of KVKs Zone X 20-22 September, 2018 ATARI-CRIDA G. Nirmala, K. Nagasree & Anshida Beevi C.N. 9th National Extension education Congress on "Climate Resilient Agriculture – Innovations and Technologies" 15-17 November, 2018 CAEPHT, Ranipool, Sikkim CRIDA - Newsletter 12 1. Dr. K. Sammi Reddy, Director (Acting), ICAR – CRIDA was inducted as the Fellow of the Indian Society of Soil Science (ISSS), New Delhi. He received "ISSS Fellow Award" from His Excellency Honorable Governor of Gujarat Shri O.P. Kohli at 83rd Annual Convention of the ISSS held at Anand on 27.11.2018. Dr. K. Sammi Reddy receiving ISSS Fellow Award from Shri O. P. Kohli, Honorable Governor of Gujarat 2. AICRPDA-Vijayapura centre received "ICAR-Vasantrao Naik Award" for Outstanding Research and Application in Dryland Farming Systems for 2017" during ICAR Foundation Day and Award Ceremony on July 16, 2018 at NASC, New Delhi. AICRPDA Vijayapura centre receiving ICAR-Vasantrao Naik Award 3. Dr. G. Ravindra Chary, Project Coordinator (DLA) received "Indian Society of Agronomy Gold Medal Award" on 24.10.2018 during XXI Biennial National Symposium on Doubling Farmers' income through Agronomic Interventions under Changing Scenario at MPUAT, Udaipur, Rajasthan. Dr. G. Ravindra Chary receiving Indian Society of Agronomy Gold Medal Award 4. Dr. G. Nirmala, Principal Scientist (Agril. Extension) & Head, TOT was honored with "SEE Fellow Award" during 9th National Extension Education Congress organized by Society of Extension Education Agra at CAEPHT, Ranipool, Sikkim during 15-17 November, 2018. Dr. G. Nirmala receiving SEE Fellow Award 5. Dr. K. Nagasree, Principal Scientist (Agril. Extension) received "Best Extension Professional Award" during 9th National Extension Education Congress organized by Society of Extension Education Agra at CAEPHT, Ranipool, Sikkim during 15-17 November, 2018. Dr. K. Nagasree receiving Best Extension Professional Award Awards and Recognition July - December, 2018 13 6. Dr. B.M.K. Raju, Principal Scientist (Agril. Statistics) was included as "Member of Task Force" constituted by NRAA, DAC & FW, Govt. of India for 'Prioritization of rainfed districts in India'. 7. Dr. R. Nagarjuna Kumar, Scientist received the "Best Paper Award" for the paper "Spatial Rice Decision Support System (SRDSS) for effective rice crop management", Current Science Vol. 116, No. 3 by IIRR, presented during Annual day Celebrations of IIRR organized at ICAR-IIRR, Hyderabad on 15th December, 2018. 8. Dr. R. Nagarjuna Kumar, Scientist received the "Outstanding Scientist Award 2018" during the International Conference on Agriculture, Horticulture and Food Science held at Hotel Hans, New Delhi during 29-30 December, 2018. 9. Dr. Anshida Beevi C.N., Scientist (Agril. Extension) conferred with "Ganga Singh Chauhan Memorial Award-2018" for outstanding research contributions in the field of Extension Education during 9th National Extension Education Congress organized by Society of Extension Education Agra at CAEPHT, Ranipool, Sikkim during 15-17 November, 2018. Dr. Anshida Beevi C.N. receiving Ganga Singh Chauhan Memorial Award 10. Dr. Anshida Beevi C.N., Scientist (Agril. Extension) received "Best Paper Presentation Award-2018" for the paper "Drudgery Reducing Technologies for Women Empowerment in the Rainfed Areas" during 9th National Extension Education Congress 11. Sri Mula Mahender Reddy of KVK, Chandippa village of Ranga Reddy district received "Best Farmer Award" by Aaj Tak News Channel on 24th October, 2018 for outstanding contribution in "Raised Platform / Elevated Animal Shed in Semi-Intensive Goat Farming". Sri. Mula Mahender Reddy receiving "Best Farmer Award" by Aaj Tak News Channel Personnel Information Appointments / Promotions / Transfers / Joining Name and Designation Joined/ Transferred/ Promoted/ Appointed Date w.e.f Transfers/ Joinings Shri Rajkumar Dhakar, Scientist, ICAR-CRIDA Transferred as Scientist, ICAR- IARI, New Delhi 25.08.2018 Dr. B. Krishna Rao, Principal Scientist, ICAR-CRIDA Joined as Director (A&R), WALAMTARI, Hyderabad on deputation (12.09.2018 to 11.09.2021) 12.09.2018 Dr. A. Amarender Reddy, Principal Scientist Transferred to ICAR-CRIDA, Hyderabad 06.09.2018 Smt. D. Lakshmi Aruna Gayathri T-3 (Farm Assistant) 22.12.2018 Shri Bandi Srikanth Goud T-3 (Farm Assistant) 26.12.2018 Shri Awinash Brahamwanshi T-1 (Fieldman) 28.12.2018 Promotions Shri Rajkumar Dhakar, Scientist (Agricultural Physics) Promoted to next higher pay Rs. 7000/- 02.05.2016 Shri G. Venkatesh, Scientist (Agro-forestry) Promoted to next higher pay Rs. 8000/- 01.01.2014 Promoted to next higher pay Rs. 9000/- 01.01.2017 Shri Sarath Chandran M. A., Scientist (Agricultural Meteorology) Promoted to next higher pay Rs. 7000/- 01.01.2018 CRIDA - Newsletter 14 Cultural and Welfare Activities Swachhtha Pakhwada Swachhtha Pakhwada was celebrated by ICAR-CRIDA during 16-31 December, 2018. The date-wise activities set out in the programme were implemented at ICAR-CRIDA main office, Hayathnagar Research Farm, Gunegal Research Farm and surrounding residential areas and in villages, involving all the employees of ICAR-CRIDA, farmers and civil society members, VIPs, media persons. Swachhtha Pakhwada Celebration at farmers first village The concluding function of Swachhtha Pakhwada was organized on 31st December, 2018. A brief account of the Swachhtha Pakhwada activities carried out from 16th – 31st December, 2018 was presented. Prizes for debate and essay writing competitions held during the fortnight were distributed. The event received good media coverage. Vanamahotsavam ICAR-CRIDA Cultural and Recreation Club organized Vanamahotsavam at Hayathnagar Research Farm of the institute on 20th November, 2018. All the CRIDA staff members actively participated in the cultural activities. The events generated great enthusiasm and unity among staff. Director (Acting), ICAR-CRIDA distributing prizes to winners XIV Meeting of ICAR-CRIDA IJSC Second meeting of XIV IJSC was held on 20th October, 2018 in Director's Committee room under the Chairmanship of Dr. K. Sammi Reddy, Director (Acting) and Chairman, IJSC, ICAR-CRIDA. The meeting was attended by following official side members Dr. K.L. Sharma, Dr. R. Nagarjuna Kumar, Sri B.D. Phansal, CAO, Sri A. Srinivasa Murthy, SFAO and Dr. Ravikanth V. Adake, Official side Secretary and Dr. (Smt.) K. Salini, Scientist (Genetics & Plant Breeding) Promoted to next higher pay Rs. 7000/- 15.09.2015 Dr. Prabhat Kumar Pankaj, Sr. Scientist (Livestock Production & Management) Promoted to next higher pay Rs. 9000/- 08.05.2015 Dr. (Smt.) R. Rejani, Sr. Scientist Principal Scientist 30.08.2017 Dr. S. M. Vidya Sekhar, Chief Technical Officer (T-9) Advance increment 03.02.2017 Dr. (Smt.) D. Anantha V. Rao, Chief Technical Officer (T-9) Advance increment 03.02.2017 Shri Ram Kumar, Assistant Chief Technical Officer (T-7-8) Chief Technical Officer (T-9) 24.02.2018 Shri S. Vijaya Kumar, Senior Technical Officer (T-6) Assistant Chief Technical Officer (T-7-8) 25.10.2015 Shri K. Surender Rao, Chief Technical Officer (T-9) Advance increment 03.02.2017 Shri G. Prabhakar, Senior Technical Officer (T-6) Assistant Chief Technical Officer (T-7-8) 03.11.2017 Appointment Dr. K.L. Sharma Appointed as Vigilance Officer 15.11.2018 ICAR-CRIDA extends best wishes to them Retirements Name Designation Date of superannuation Dr. (Smt). K. Usha Rani Assistant Chief Technical Officer 04.10.2018 Shri B. Anjaiah SSS 31.10.2018 Shri Buchaiah Ennapally Senior Technician 30.11.2018 Shri Jainender Assistant Chief Technical Officer 31.12.2018 Our best wishes for happy and peaceful retired life to all of them July - December, 2018 15 BOOK-POST To _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ Published by : Dr. G. Ravindra Chary, Director (Acting), ICAR-CRIDA Editorial Board Chairman : Dr. K. Sammi Reddy, Head, DRM Editors : Dr. (Mrs.) K. Nagasree, Pr. Scientist (TOT) Dr. P. K Pankaj, Senior Scientist (TOT) Dr. R. Nagarjuna Kumar, Scientist, (SDA) Dr. Anshida Beevi C.N., Scientist, (TOT) Hindi Translation : Dr. P.K. Pankaj, Sr. Scientist, (TOT) Dr. S.R. Yadav, Asstt. Director (OL) Secretarial Assistance : Mrs. M.A. Rekha, PA Photo credits : Mr. K. Surender Rao, CTO ICAR-Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture Santoshnagar, Saidabad PO, Hyderabad - 500 059 Ph: 040-24530157/161/163 Fax: 040-24531802 E-mail: Website: staff side members Sri V. Venunath, CJSC Member, Sri B. Krishna, Secretary, Staff side, Sri S. Ratnashankar Rao, Sri D. Srinivas, Sri A. Mallesh Yadav and Sri S. Shankar Reddy. Agenda points were discussed in the meeting. क्रीडा, हैदराबाद में स्वर्गीय श्री अटल बिहारी वाजपेयी जी, भूतपूर्व प्रधानमं त्री, भारत सरकार का प्रथम मासिक श्रद्धांजलि दिवस आयोजित भारतीय कृ षि अनुसं धान परिषद (आईसीएआर) के दिशा-निर्देशानुसार कें द्रीय बारानी कृ षि अनुसं धान सं स्थान (क्रीडा-CRIDA), हैदराबाद के प्रांगण में रविवार दिनांक 16 सितंबर, 2018 को भारत रत्न स्वर्गीय श्री अटल बिहारी वाजपेयी जी, भूतपूर्व प्रधानमं त्री, भारत सरकार को प्रथम मासिक श्रद्धांजलि दिवस के अवसर पर श्रद्धा सुमन अर्पित किए गए। इस अवसर पर आयोजित विशेष कार्यक्रम में कार्मिको को सं बो ं धित करते हुए सं स्थान के निदेशक महोदय डॉ के सम्मी रेड्डी ने स्व. वाजपेयी जी को महान कवि, समाज सेवी, सर्वप्रिय जननेता तथा देश-विदेश में भारत की छवि को निखारने वाला राजनेता बताते हुए उनके सिद्धांतो को अपनाने पर बल ं दिया। आपने स्व. वाजपेयी के सं घर्षों से परिपूर्ण जीवन का उल्लेख करते हुए देश को नई ऊं चाइयो पर प ं हुंचाने हेतु उन्हेंप्रेरणा स्त्रोत बताया। इस कार्यक्रम में डॉ पी के जैन, वैज्ञानिक-एफ, एआरसीआई, हैदराबाद ने मुख्य अतिथि के रूप में पधारकर वाजपेयी जी की प्रसिद्ध इक्यावन कविताओं का सं क्षिप्त परिचय दिया तथा उनकी श्रेष्ठ कविताओ का ं वाचन करते हुए भावार्थ समझाते हुए वर्तमान परिदृश्य में उनकी उपयोगिता को सिद्ध करते हुए उनके उद्देश्यों का अनुपालन करने का अनुरोध देश्यों किया। आपने कौरव कौन कौन पांडव; ऊं चाई के साथ विस्तार भी हो; मुझे इतनी ऊं चाई कभी मत देना; मौत से ठन गई; सामने वार कर फिर मुझे आजमा; बिखरे नीड; सवेरा है मगर पूरब दिशा में; सच्चाई यह है कि; ऊं चाई; आओ मन की गांठें खोलें; नामक कविताओ का ं विस्त रूप से भा तृ वार्थ समझाया। इस विशेष कार्यक्रम का सं चालन डॉ नागार्जुन कु मार, वैज्ञानिक ने, धन्यवाद ज्ञापन डॉ एस आर यादव ने तथा डॉ पंकज कु मार ने कार्यक्रम के आयोजन में विशेष भूमिका निभाते हुए सं पूर्ण सहयोग प्रदान किया। इस अवसर पर सं स्थान के अधिकांश वैज्ञानिक एवं अन्य कार्मिक उपस्थित थे। South zone sports meet ICAR-CRIDA sports contingent comprising 31 participants and 1 CDM participated in the ICAR South Zone Sports Meet - 2018 organized by ICAR-CTRI, Rajahmundry at DSA stadium, Kakinada, Andhra Pradesh during 5th-9th September, 2018. In this tournament, Mr. B. Kiran Kumar, SSS, secured 1st place in javelin throw and Mr. Mukund, Senior Technical Assistant secured 2nd place in cycling. Mr.B. Kiran Kumar receiving 1st prize in Javelin throw Mr. Mukund receiving 2nd prize in cycling Independence day celebrations The 72nd Independence Day was celebrated on August 15, 2018 with pride and patriotic zeal. The Director hoisted the flag and addressed the staff of CRIDA. In this occasion, Director distributed cash awards (CCS & CCRC) to the X class toppers of CRIDA staff children and motivated the staff with his message to work with dedication and boost institute's growth. Director (Acting), ICAR-CRIDA addressing the staff CRIDA - Newsletter 16 Dr. K Sammi Reddy, Director (Acting), ICAR-CRIDA Small Farm Mechanization is the Key for Successful Adoption of Climate Resilient Technologies by Farmers in Rainfed Areas Over the years, the National Agricultural Research System (NARS) has contributed significantly to development and transfer of technologies for a more viable and sustainable rainfed agriculture. Of late, timely farm operations has become an expensive preposition due to shortage of agricultural labour in rainfed areas. To obtain the proper response from the rainfed crops, small farm mechanization is the key to meet the timeliness of operations in quick session for establishment of crop and enhancing inputs and moisture use efficiency. Realizing the fact, CRIDA and AICRP on dryland agriculture have identified small farm mechanization as one of the prioritized research area and made continuous untiring efforts to develop dryland farm implements. So far, CRIDA has developed nearly 23 dryland farm implements which are being widely adopted by rainfed farmers. More than 3 lakh units of CRIDA BBF Planters have been sold to farmers during the last 5-6 years in states of Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Telangana etc. Since about 85% of the rainfed farmers are small and marginal who can't afford to procure farm implements, rainfed farm mechanization is not happening at desired pace. Therefore, CRIDA under its flagship programmes, NAIP and NICRA has conceptualized the Custom Hiring Centre (CHC) and implemented successfully in 151 climate resilient villages (CRVs) of vulnerable districts under NICRA. Suitable farm implements were identified for each CRV through focused group discussions with the farmers pertaining to their farm operations. To oversee the requirements, service and maintenance aspects of these machines, a village climate risk management committees (VCRMC) have been constituted. This approach has showed many positive results in enhancing the crop productivity in climate resilient village clusters due to timely availability of improved implements at affordable cost for the small and marginal farmers in their own village or nearby village. Dr. K. Sammi Reddy, Director (Acting), ICAR-CRIDA From the Director's Desk . निदेशक की कलम से ……… वर्षा आधारित क्षेत्रों में क षेत्रों िसानो द्ं वारा जलवायु समुत्थान प्रौद्योगिकियो को सफलतापू ं र्वक अपनाने में छोटे कृषि यंत्रों कत्रों ी मुख्य भूमिका पिछले कु छ वर्षों में, राषटरीट्य कृ षि अनुसं धान प्रणाली (एनएआरएस) ने अधिक व्यवहार्य एवं टिकाऊ वर्षा आधारित कृ षि के लिए प्रौद्योगिकियो के ं विकास एवं हस्तांतरण में महत्वपूर्ण योगदान दिया है। वर्षा आधारित कृ षि में कृ षि श्रमिको कं ी कमी के कारण कृ षि कार्यों में देरी से कृ षि कार्य अधिक खर्चीला होता जा रहा है। वर्षा आधारित फसलो कं ी सही प्रतिक्रिया के लिए, फसलो कं ी बुआई एवं निवेशो तथा नमी उपयोग ं क्षमता को बढ़ाने के लिए सत्र में समयबद्ध रूप से कृ षि कार्यों को पूरा करने में छोटे कृ षि यंत्रों कत्रों ी प्रमुख भूमिका होती है। इस बात को ध्यान में रखते हुए, क्रीडा एवं अखिल भारतीय समन्वित बारानी कृ षि अनुसं धान परियोजना ने छोटे कृ षि यंत्रों को त्रों प्राथमिक अनुसं धान क्षेत्र के रूप में पहचाना है एवं बारानी कृ षि उपकरणों के विकास में निरंतर अथक प्रयास जारी है। अब तक, क्रीडा द्वारा करीब 23 बारानी कृ षि उपकरणो का ं विकास किया गया है जिन्हें वर्षा आधारित किसानो द्ं वारा व्यापक रूप से अपनाया जा रहा है। महाराष्ट्र, मध्यप्रदेश, तेलंगाना आदि राज्यों में ्यों पिछले 5-6 वर्षों के दौरान क्रीडा बीबीएफ प्लांटरों की 3 लाख से अधिक इकाइयां बेची जा चुकी हैं। करीब 85 प्रतिशत वर्षा आधारित किसान छोटे एवं सीमांत हैं जो कृ षि उपकरणो को खरीद नही ं ं सकते, जिसके कारण वांछित गति से वर्षा आधारित क्षेत्रों में यां क्षेत्रों त्रिकीकरण नही हो पा रहा है। अत: क्रीडा के ं प्रमुख कार्यक्रमो के अंत ं र्गत एनएआईपी एवं निक्रा ने कस्टम हायरिं ग केंद्र की अवधारणा को अपनाते हुए निक्रा के अतिसंवेदनशील जिलो के 151 जल ं वायु समुत्थान गांवो (सीआर ं वी) में इसे सफलतापूर्वक कार्यान्वित किया है। उपयुक्त कृ षि उपकरणो कं ी पहचान प्रत्येक जलवायु समुत्थान गांव के कृ षि कार्य में जुड़ेकिसानो से ं विचारविमर्श के उपरांत की गई है। इन उपकरणो कं ी आवश्यकताओ, से ं वाओं एवं रख-रखाव के विभिन्न पहलूओ को पूरा करने के ल ं िए, गांव जलवायु जोखिम प्रबं धन समितियो (ं वीसीआरएमसी) का गठन किया गया है। इस कदम से कई सकारात्मक परिणाम देखने में आए हैं जैसे कि उनके अपने गांव या समीपवर्ती गांव में छोटे एवं सीमांत किसानो को सही समय पर उन्नत ं उपकरण सस्ती कीमतो पर उपलब् ं ध होने के कारण जलवायु समुत्थान गांवों की फसलो कं ी उत्पादकता में बढ़ोत्तरी हुई है। डाॅ. के . सम्मी रेड्डी, निदेशक (कार्यकारी), भाकृ अनुप-क्रीडा ; Not Available
The involvement of the rural private sector in water supply in Cambodia is unique to the country. The presence of this private sector allows other entities to respond to new demands from people living in the larger villages for household water supply, which the State is not yet able to address. These entrepreneurs operate on a merchant basis, lacking an institutional structure which is still being created. Their business is most often based on pushcart delivering water barrels at the house of villagers or more recently on small piped networks usually distributing raw surface water. Service is rough; the water quality is uncertain, but the users are satisfied with this service, because for them, it constitutes another alternative to the already considerable choice of water supplies available-ponds, wells, boreholes, and rivers. Their demands focus more on a practical objective (a supply in the household) than on a sanitary one, even if surveys show that villagers have a good understanding of health risks associated with water. Through the implementation of 14 small scale water supply systems, the goal was to enhance a qualitative improvement of the water service in some Cambodian small towns through the transformation of rough and informal merchant services to a basic water service supplying drinking water to an extended population under a formal institutional arrangement. The MIREP (Mini Reseaux d'Eau Potable - Small Scale Piped Water Supply System) program, launched in 2001 to transform these very basic initiatives into basic services, began as a pilot project supporting one entrepreneur in the implementation of a small piped water system. In order to move forward, the MIREP program made a choice, in particular linked to its proximity to the Ministry of rural development, to assist the nascent involvement of communes in decentralization, to strengthen provincial power through the process of decentralization, and to respect the cultural heritage of those who devised and financed the project.
There is increasing evidence suggesting that climate change will negatively impact agricultural production in South Asia. Decreased domestic production may make South Asian countries more dependent on imports. The extent to which South Asia will need to increase its imports as a result of climate change will presumably depend on the degree to which the latter will affect domestic output. The effects of climate change on agriculture may well differ substantially for individual South Asian countries and indeed for regions within a given country which can be approximated by food production units. This calls for an analysis of climate change effects on trade flows under alternative trade policy regimes both for agriculture and non-agricultural sectors. The specific objectives of the paper include the following: analyze the extent to which agricultural production in South Asia and elsewhere in the world may be affected by different scenarios regarding climate change; analyze the extent to which changes in domestic production in South Asia resulting from climate change will lead to increased demand for imports by South Asian countries; analyze the effects of increased import demand in South Asia and changing exportable surpluses elsewhere on world market prices of major agricultural commodities consumed in South Asia; to the extent that South Asian governments allow transmission of changes in world market prices to domestic prices, analyze the potential welfare effects of changes in the latter; analyze if, and to what extent, worldwide trade liberalization and implementation of South Asian Free Trade Area (SAFTA) will dampen the effects of climate change on domestic agricultural prices in South Asia. In this context, the report is organized as follows: chapter one gives introduction. Chapter two describes the methodology used - with particular attention to how different models and modeling techniques are linked to produce an as accurate as possible assessment based on state-of-the-art knowledge. Chapter three provides an up-to-date analysis of trade flows and policies, and production patterns for key food products in South Asia to explain the context in which climate change is taking place. Chapter four describes the climate change scenarios and illustrates their consequences for crop yields at a global level and for South Asia - and in particular shows the vulnerability of the region to these changes. Baseline design, simulations, and results are discussed in chapter five. The final chapter six provides a short summary, discusses the limitations of the analysis, and derives suggestions and guidelines for future research.
HapMap imputed genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have revealed >50 loci at which common variants with minor allele frequency >5% are associated with kidney function. GWAS using more complete reference sets for imputation, such as those from The 1000 Genomes project, promise to identify novel loci that have been missed by previous efforts. To investigate the value of such a more complete variant catalog, we conducted a GWAS meta-analysis of kidney function based on the estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) in 110,517 European ancestry participants using 1000 Genomes imputed data. We identified 10 novel loci with p-value < 5 × 10−8 previously missed by HapMap-based GWAS. Six of these loci (HOXD8, ARL15, PIK3R1, EYA4, ASTN2, and EPB41L3) are tagged by common SNPs unique to the 1000 Genomes reference panel. Using pathway analysis, we identified 39 significant (FDR < 0.05) genes and 127 significantly (FDR < 0.05) enriched gene sets, which were missed by our previous analyses. Among those, the 10 identified novel genes are part of pathways of kidney development, carbohydrate metabolism, cardiac septum development and glucose metabolism. These results highlight the utility of re-imputing from denser reference panels, until whole-genome sequencing becomes feasible in large samples. ; 3C. Three-City Study. The work was made possible by the participation of the control subjects, the patients, and their families. We thank Dr. Anne Boland (CNG) for her technical help in preparing the DNA samples for analyses. This work was supported by the National Foundation for Alzheimer's disease and related disorders, the Institut Pasteur de Lille and the Centre National de Génotypage. The 3C Study was performed as part of a collaboration between the Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (Inserm), the Victor Segalen Bordeaux II University and Sanofi-Synthélabo. The Fondation pour la Recherche Médicale funded the preparation and initiation of the study. The 3C Study was also funded by the Caisse Nationale Maladie des Travailleurs Salariés, Direction Générale de la Santé, MGEN, Institut de la Longévité, Agence Française de Sécurité Sanitaire des Produits de Santé, the Aquitaine and Bourgogne Regional Councils, Fondation de France and the joint French Ministry of Research/INSERM "Cohortes et collections de données biologiques" programme. Lille Génopôle received an unconditional grant from Eisai. AGES. Age, Gene/Environment Susceptibility-Reykjavik Study. This study has been funded by NIH contract N01-AG-1-2100, the NIA Intramural Research Program, Hjartavernd (the Icelandic Heart Association), and the Althingi (the Icelandic Parliament). The study is approved by the Icelandic National Bioethics Committee, VSN: 00-063. The researchers are indebted to the participants for their willingness to participate in the study. ARIC. Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities study. The ARIC study is carried out as a collaborative study supported by National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute contracts (HHSN268201100005C, HHSN268201100006C, HHSN268201100007C, HHSN268201100008C, HHSN268201100009C, HHSN268201100010C, HHSN268201100011C, and HHSN268201100012C), R01HL087641, R01HL59367 and R01HL086694; National Human Genome Research Institute contract U01HG004402; and National Institutes of Health contract HHSN268200625226C. The authors thank the staff and participants of the ARIC study for their important contributions. Infrastructure was partly supported by Grant Number UL1RR025005, a component of the National Institutes of Health and NIH Roadmap for Medical Research. This work as well as YL and AK were supported by the German Research Foundation (KO 3598/2-1, KO 3598/3-1 and CRC1140 A05 to AK). ASPS. Austrian Stroke Prevention Study. The research reported in this article was funded by the Austrian Science Fond (FWF) grant number P20545-P05 and P13180. The Medical University of Graz supports the databank of the ASPS. The authors thank the staff and the participants of the ASPS for their valuable contributions. We thank Birgit Reinhart for her long-term administrative commitment and Ing Johann Semmler for the technical assistance at creating the DNA-bank. BMES. Blue Mountains Eye Study. The BMES has been supported by the Australian RADGAC grant (1992- 94) and Australian National Health & Medical Research Council, Canberra Australia (Grant Nos: 974159, 211069, 991407, 457349). The GWAS studies of Blue Mountains Eye Study population are supported by the Australian National Health & Medical Research Council (Grant Nos: 512423, 475604, 529912) and the Wellcome Trust, UK (2008). EGH and JJW are funded by the Australian National Health & Medical Research Council Fellowship Schemes. CILENTO. Italian Network on Genetic Isolates – Cilento. We thank the populations of Cilento for their participation in the study. The study was supported by the Italian Ministry of Universities and CNR 36 (PON03PE_00060_7, Interomics Flagship Project), the Assessorato Ricerca Regione Campania, the Fondazione con il SUD (2011-PDR-13), and the Istituto Banco di Napoli - Fondazione to MC. COLAUS. The CoLaus authors thank Yolande Barreau, Mathieu Firmann, Vladimir Mayor, Anne-Lise Bastian, Binasa Ramic, Martine Moranville, Martine Baumer, Marcy Sagette, Jeanne Ecoffey and Sylvie Mermoud for data collection. The CoLaus study received financial contributions from GlaxoSmithKline, the Faculty of Biology and Medicine of Lausanne, the Swiss National Science Foundation (33CSCO- 122661, 3200BO-111361/2, 3100AO-116323/1, 310000-112552). The computations for CoLaus imputation were performed in part at the Vital-IT center for high performance computing of the Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics. We thank Vincent Mooser for his contribution to the CoLaus study. EGCUT. Estonian Genome Center University of Tartu. EGCUT received financing from FP7 grants (278913, 306031, 313010) and targeted financing from Estonian Government (SF0180142s08). EGCUT studies were covered from Infra-structure grant no. 3.2.0304.11-0312 funded mostly by the European Regional Development Fund, Center of Excellence in Genomics (EXCEGEN) and University of Tartu (SP1GVARENG). We acknowledge EGCUT technical personnel, especially Mr V. Soo and S. Smit. Data analyses were carried out in part in the High Performance Computing Center of the University of Tartu. FamHS. Family Heart Study. The FHS work was supported in part by NIH grants 5R01HL08770003, 5R01HL08821502 (Michael A. Province) from the NHLBI and 5R01DK07568102, 5R01DK06833603 from the NIDDK (I.B.B.). The authors thank the staff and participants of the FamHS for their important contributions. FHS. Framingham Heart Study. This research was conducted in part using data and resources from the Framingham Heart Study of the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute of the National Institutes of Health and Boston University School of Medicine. The analyses reflect intellectual input and resource development from the Framingham Heart Study investigators participating in the SNP Health Association Resource (SHARe) project. This work was partially supported by the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute's Framingham Heart Study (Contract No. N01-HC-25195) and its contract with Affymetrix, Inc. for genotyping services (Contract No. N02-HL-6-4278). A portion of this research utilized the Linux Cluster for Genetic Analysis (LinGA-II) funded by the Robert Dawson Evans Endowment of the Department of Medicine at Boston University School of Medicine and Boston Medical Center. GENDIAN. GENetics of DIAbetic Nephropathy study. The support of the physicians, the patients, and the staff of the Diabetes Zentrum Mergentheim (Head: Prof. Dr. Thomas Haak), the diabetes outpatient clinic Dr Nusser - Dr Kreisel, the dialysis centers KfH Amberg, KfH Bayreuth, KfH Deggendorf, KfH Donauwörth, KfH Freising, KfH Freyung, KfH Fürth, KfH Hof, KfH Ingolstadt, KfH Kelheim, KfH München Elsenheimerstraße, KfH München-Schwabing, KfH Neumarkt, KfH Neusäß, KfH Oberschleißheim, KfH Passau, KfH Plauen, KfH Regensburg Günzstraße, KfH Regensburg Caritas-Krankenhaus, KfH Straubing, KfH Sulzbach-Rosenberg, KfH Weiden, Dialysezentrum Augsburg Dr. Kirschner, Dialysezentrum Bad Alexandersbad, KfH Bamberg, Dialysezentrum Emmering, Dialysezentrum Klinikum Landshut, Dialysezentrum Landshut, Dialysezentrum Pfarrkirchen, Dialysezentrum Schwandorf, Dr. Angela Götz, the medical doctoral student Johanna Christ and the Study Nurse Ingrid Lugauer. The expert technical assistance of Claudia Strohmeier is acknowledged. Phenotyping was funded by the Dr. Robert PflegerStiftung (Dr Carsten A. Böger), the MSD Stipend Diabetes (Dr Carsten A. Böger) and the University Hospital of Regensburg (intramural grant ReForM A to Dr. A. Götz, ReForM C to Dr. Carsten Böger). Genome-wide genotyping was funded by the KfH Stiftung Präventivmedizin e.V. (Dr. Carsten A. Böger, Dr. Jens Brüning), the Else Kröner-Fresenius-Stiftung (2012_A147 to Dr Carsten A. Böger and Dr Iris M. Heid) and the University Hospital Regensburg (Dr Carsten A. Böger). Data analysis was funded by the Else 37 Kröner-Fresenius Stiftung (Dr. Iris M. Heid and Dr. Carsten A. Böger: 2012_A147; Dr. Carsten A. Böger and Dr. Bernhard K. Krämer: P48/08//A11/08). GENDIAN Study Group: Mathias Gorski, Iris M. Heid, Bernhard K. Krämer, Myriam Rheinberger, Michael Broll, Alexander Lammert, Jens Brüning, Matthias Olden, Klaus Stark, Claudia Strohmeier, Simone Neumeier, Sarah Hufnagel, Petra Jackermeier, Emilia Ruff, Johanna Christ, Peter Nürnberg, Thomas Haak, Carsten A. Böger. HABC. Health Aging and Body Composition Study. The HABC study was funded by the National Institutes of Aging. This research was supported by NIA contracts N01AG62101, N01AG62103, and N01AG62106. The genome-wide association study was funded by NIA grant 1R01AG032098-01A1 to Wake Forest University Health Sciences and genotyping services were provided by the Center for Inherited Disease Research (CIDR). CIDR is fully funded through a federal contract from the National Institutes of Health to The Johns Hopkins University, contract number HHSN268200782096C. This research was supported in part by the Intramural Research Program of the NIH, National Institute on Aging. HCS. Hunter Community Study. The University of Newcastle provided $300,000 from its Strategic Initiatives Fund, and $600,000 from the Gladys M Brawn Senior Research Fellowship scheme; Vincent Fairfax Family Foundation, a private philanthropic trust, provided $195,000; The Hunter Medical Research Institute provided media support during the initial recruitment of participants; and Dr Anne Crotty, Prof. Rodney Scott and Associate Prof. Levi provided financial support towards freezing costs for the long-term storage of participant blood samples. The authors would like to thank the men and women participating in the HCS as well as all the staff, investigators and collaborators who have supported or been involved in the project to date. A special thank you should go to Alison Koschel and Debbie Quain who were instrumental in setting up the pilot study and initial phase of the project. HPFS. Health Professionals Follow-Up Study. The NHS/HPFS type 2 diabetes GWAS (U01HG004399) is a component of a collaborative project that includes 13 other GWAS (U01HG004738, U01HG004422, U01HG004402, U01HG004729, U01HG004726, U01HG004735, U01HG004415, U01HG004436, U01HG004423, U01HG004728, RFAHG006033; National Institute of Dental & Craniofacial Research: U01DE018993, U01DE018903) funded as part of the Gene Environment-Association Studies (GENEVA) under the NIH Genes, Environment and Health Initiative (GEI). Assistance with phenotype harmonization and genotype cleaning, as well as with general study coordination, was provided by the GENEVA Coordinating Center (U01HG004446). Assistance with data cleaning was provided by the National Center for Biotechnology Information. Genotyping was performed at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, with funding support from the NIH GEI (U01HG04424), and Johns Hopkins University Center for Inherited Disease Research, with support from the NIH GEI (U01HG004438) and the NIH contract "High throughput genotyping for studying the genetic contributions to human disease"(HHSN268200782096C). Additional funding for the current research was provided by the National Cancer Institute (P01CA087969, P01CA055075), and the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (R01DK058845). We thank the staff and participants of the NHS and HPFS for their dedication and commitment. INGI-CARLANTINO. Italian Network on Genetic Isolates – Carlantino. We thank Anna Morgan and Angela D'Eustacchio for technical support. We are grateful to the municipal administrators for their collaboration on the project and for logistic support. We thank all participants to this study. INGI-FVG. Italian Network on Genetic Isolates – Friuli Venezia-Giulia. We thank Anna Morgan and Angela D'Eustacchio for technical support. We are grateful to the municipal administrators for their collaboration on the project and for logistic support. We thank all participants to this study. 38 INGI-VAL BORBERA. Italian Network on Genetic Isolates – Val Borbera. We thank the inhabitants of the Val Borbera who made this study possible, the local administrations and the ASL-Novi Ligure (Al) for support. We also thank Clara Camaschella for data collection supervision and organization of the clinical data collection, Fiammetta Vigano` for technical help and Corrado Masciullo for building the analysis platform. The research was supported by funds from Compagnia di San Paolo, Torino, Italy; Fondazione Cariplo, Italy and Ministry of Health, Ricerca Finalizzata 2008 and 2011/2012, CCM 2010, PRIN 2009 and Telethon, Italy to DT. IPM. Mount Sinai BioMe Biobank Program. The Mount Sinai BioMe Biobank Program is supported by The Andrea and Charles Bronfman Philanthropies. KORA-F3 and F4. The genetic epidemiological work was funded by the NIH subcontract from the Children's Hospital, Boston, US, (H.E.W., I.M.H, prime grant 1 R01 DK075787-01A1), the German National Genome Research Net NGFN2 and NGFNplus (H.E.W. 01GS0823; WK project A3, number 01GS0834), the Munich Center of Health Sciences (MC Health) as part of LMUinnovativ, and by the Else KrönerFresenius-Stiftung (P48/08//A11/08; C.A.B., B.K.K; 2012_A147 to CAB and IMH.). The Genetic Epidemiology at the University of Regensburg received financial contributions from the BMBF (01ER1206 and 01ER1507). The kidney parameter measurements in F3 were funded by the Else Kröner-FreseniusStiftung (C.A.B., B.K.K.) and the Regensburg University Medical Center, Germany; in F4 by the University of Ulm, Germany (W.K.). Genome wide genotyping costs in F3 and F4 were in part funded by the Else Kröner-Fresenius-Stiftung (C.A.B., B.K.K.). De novo genotyping in F3 and F4 were funded by the Else Kröner-Fresenius-Stiftung (C.A.B., B.K.K.). The KORA research platform and the MONICA Augsburg studies were initiated and financed by the Helmholtz Zentrum München, German Research Center for Environmental Health, by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research and by the State of Bavaria. Genotyping was performed in the Genome Analysis Center (GAC) of the Helmholtz Zentrum München. The LINUX platform for computation were funded by the University of Regensburg for the Department of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine at the Regensburg University Medical Center. LIFELINES. The authors wish to acknowledge the services of the Lifelines Cohort Study, the contributing research centers delivering data to Lifelines, and all the study participants. Lifelines group authors: Behrooz Z Alizadeh1 , H Marike Boezen1 , Lude Franke2 , Pim van der Harst3 , Gerjan Navis4 , Marianne Rots5 , Harold Snieder1 , Morris Swertz2 , Bruce HR Wolffenbuttel6 and Cisca Wijmenga2 1. Department of Epidemiology, University of Groningen, University Medical Center Groningen, The Netherlands 2. Department of Genetics, University of Groningen, University Medical Center Groningen, The Netherlands 3. Department of Cardiology, University of Groningen, University Medical Center Groningen, The Netherlands 4. Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Nephrology, University of Groningen, University Medical Center Groningen, The Netherlands 5. Department of Medical Biology, University of Groningen, University Medical Center Groningen, The Netherlands 6. Department of Endocrinology, University of Groningen, University Medical Center Groningen, The Netherlands MESA. Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis. University of Washington (N01-HC-95159),Regents of the University of California (N01-HC-95160), Columbia University (N01-HC-95161), Johns Hopkins University 39 (N01-HC-95162, N01-HC-95168), University of Minnesota (N01-HC-95163), Northwestern University (N01-HC-95164), Wake Forest University (N01-HC-95165), University of Vermont (N01-HC-95166), New England Medical Center (N01-HC-95167), Harbor-UCLA Research and Education Institute (N01-HC- 95169), Cedars-Sinai Medical Center (R01-HL-071205), University of Virginia (subcontract to R01-HL- 071205) MICROS. Microisolates in South Tyrol study. We owe a debt of gratitude to all participants. We thank the primary care practitioners R. Stocker, S. Waldner, T. Pizzecco, J. Plangger, U. Marcadent and the personnel of the Hospital of Silandro (Department of Laboratory Medicine) for their participation and collaboration in the research project. In South Tyrol, the study was supported by the Ministry of Health and Department of Educational Assistance, University and Research of the Autonomous Province of Bolzano, the South Tyrolean Sparkasse Foundation, and the European Union framework program 6 EUROSPAN project (contract no. LSHG-CT-2006-018947). NESDA. The Netherlands Study of Depression and Anxiety. The infrastructure for the NESDA study is funded through the Geestkracht programme of the Dutch Scientific Organization (ZON-MW, grant number 10-000-1002) and matching funds from participating universities and mental health care organizations. Genotyping in NESDA was funded by the Genetic Association Information Network (GAIN) of the Foundation for the US National Institutes of Health. NHS. Nurses' Health Study. The NHS/HPFS type 2 diabetes GWAS (U01HG004399) is a component of a collaborative project that includes 13 other GWAS (U01HG004738, U01HG004422, U01HG004402, U01HG004729, U01HG004726, U01HG004735, U01HG004415, U01HG004436, U01HG004423, U01HG004728, RFAHG006033; National Institute of Dental & Craniofacial Research: U01DE018993, U01DE018903) funded as part of the Gene Environment-Association Studies (GENEVA) under the NIH Genes, Environment and Health Initiative (GEI). Assistance with phenotype harmonization and genotype cleaning, as well as with general study coordination, was provided by the GENEVA Coordinating Center (U01HG004446). Assistance with data cleaning was provided by the National Center for Biotechnology Information. Genotyping was performed at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, with funding support from the NIH GEI (U01HG04424), and Johns Hopkins University Center for Inherited Disease Research, with support from the NIH GEI (U01HG004438) and the NIH contract "High throughput genotyping for studying the genetic contributions to human disease"(HHSN268200782096C). The NHS renal function and albuminuria work was supported by DK66574. Additional funding for the current research was provided by the National Cancer Institute (P01CA087969, P01CA055075), and the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (R01DK058845). We thank the staff and participants of the NHS and HPFS for their dedication and commitment. NSPHS. The Northern Swedish Population Health Study. The NSPHS was supported by grants from the Swedish Natural Sciences Research Council, the European Union through the EUROSPAN project (contract no. LSHG-CT-2006-018947), the Foundation for Strategic Research (SSF) and the Linneaus Centre for Bioinformatics (LCB). We are also grateful for the contribution of samples from the Medical Biobank in Umeå and for the contribution of the district nurse Svea Hennix in the Karesuando study. RS-I. The Rotterdam Study. The GWA study was funded by the Netherlands Organisation of Scientific Research NWO Investments (nr. 175.010.2005.011, 911-03-012), the Research Institute for Diseases in the Elderly (014-93-015; RIDE2), the Netherlands Genomics Initiative (NGI)/Netherlands Consortium for Healthy Aging (NCHA) project nr. 050-060-810. We thank Pascal Arp, Mila Jhamai, Dr Michael 40 Moorhouse, Marijn Verkerk, and Sander Bervoets for their help in creating the GWAS database. The Rotterdam Study is funded by Erasmus Medical Center and Erasmus University, Rotterdam, Netherlands Organization for the Health Research and Development (ZonMw), the Research Institute for Diseases in the Elderly (RIDE), the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, the Ministry for Health, Welfare and Sports, the European Commission (DG XII), and the Municipality of Rotterdam. The authors are very grateful to the participants and staff from the Rotterdam Study, the participating general practitioners and the pharmacists. We would like to thank Dr. Tobias A. Knoch, Luc V. de Zeeuw, Anis Abuseiris, and Rob de Graaf as well as their institutions the Erasmus Computing Grid, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, and especially the national German MediGRID and Services@MediGRID part of the German D-Grid, both funded by the German Bundesministerium fuer Forschung und Technology under grants #01 AK 803 A-H and # 01 IG 07015 G, for access to their grid resources. Abbas Dehghan is supported by NWO grant (vici, 918-76-619). SAPALDIA. Swiss Study on Air Pollution and Lung Diseases in Adults. The SAPALDIA Team: Study directorate: T Rochat (p), NM Probst Hensch (e/g), N Künzli (e/exp), C Schindler (s), JM Gaspoz (c) Scientific team: JC Barthélémy (c), W Berger (g), R Bettschart (p), A Bircher (a), O Brändli (p), C Brombach (n), M Brutsche (p), L Burdet (p), M Frey (p), U Frey (pd), MW Gerbase (p), D Gold (e/c/p), E de Groot (c), W Karrer (p), R Keller (p), B Martin (pa), D Miedinger (o), U Neu (exp), L Nicod (p), M Pons (p), F Roche (c), T Rothe (p), E Russi (p), P Schmid-Grendelmeyer (a), A Schmidt-Trucksäss (pa), A Turk (p), J Schwartz (e), D. Stolz (p), P Straehl (exp), JM Tschopp (p), A von Eckardstein (cc), E Zemp Stutz (e). Scientific team at coordinating centers: M Adam (e/g), C Autenrieth (pa), PO Bridevaux (p), D Carballo (c), E Corradi (exp), I Curjuric (e), J Dratva (e), A Di Pasquale (s), E Dupuis Lozeron (s), E Fischer (e), M Germond (s), L Grize (s), D Keidel (s), S Kriemler (pa), A Kumar (g), M Imboden (g), N Maire (s), A Mehta (e), H Phuleria (exp), E Schaffner (s), GA Thun (g) A Ineichen (exp), M Ragettli (e), M Ritter (exp), T Schikowski (e), M Tarantino (s), M Tsai (exp) (a) allergology, (c) cardiology, (cc) clinical chemistry, (e) epidemiology, (exp) exposure, (g) genetic and molecular biology, (m) meteorology, (n) nutrition, (o) occupational health, (p) pneumology, (pa) physical activity, (pd) pediatrics, (s) statistics. Funding: The Swiss National Science Foundation (grants no 33CSCO-134276/1, 33CSCO-108796, 3247BO-104283, 3247BO-104288, 3247BO- 104284, 3247-065896, 3100-059302, 3200-052720, 3200-042532, 4026-028099), the Federal Office for Forest, Environment and Landscape, the Federal Office of Public Health, the Federal Office of Roads and Transport, the canton's government of Aargau, Basel-Stadt, Basel-Land, Geneva, Luzern, Ticino, Valais, and Zürich, the Swiss Lung League, the canton's Lung League of Basel Stadt/ Basel Landschaft, Geneva, Ticino, Valais and Zurich, SUVA, Freiwillige Akademische Gesellschaft, UBS Wealth Foundation, Talecris Biotherapeutics GmbH, Abbott Diagnostics, European Commission 018996 (GABRIEL), Wellcome Trust WT 084703MA. The study could not have been done without the help of the study participants, technical and administrative support and the medical teams and field workers at the local study sites. Local fieldworkers : Aarau: S Brun, G Giger, M Sperisen, M Stahel, Basel: C Bürli, C Dahler, N Oertli, I Harreh, F Karrer, G Novicic, N Wyttenbacher, Davos: A Saner, P Senn, R Winzeler, Geneva: F Bonfils, B Blicharz, C Landolt, J Rochat, Lugano: S Boccia, E Gehrig, MT Mandia, G Solari, B Viscardi, Montana: AP Bieri, C Darioly, M Maire, Payerne: F Ding, P Danieli A Vonnez, Wald: D Bodmer, E Hochstrasser, R Kunz, C Meier, J Rakic, U Schafroth, A Walder. Administrative staff: C Gabriel, R Gutknecht. SHIP and SHIP-TREND. The Study of Health in Pomerania. SHIP is part of the Community Medicine Research net of the University of Greifswald, Germany, which is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (grants no. 01ZZ9603, 01ZZ0103, and 01ZZ0403), the Ministry of Cultural Affairs as well as the Social Ministry of the Federal State of Mecklenburg-West Pomerania, and the network 41 'Greifswald Approach to Individualized Medicine (GANI_MED)' funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (grant 03IS2061A). Genome-wide data have been supported by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (grant no. 03ZIK012) and a joint grant from Siemens Healthcare, Erlangen, Germany and the Federal State of Mecklenburg- West Pomerania. The University of Greifswald is a member of the 'Center of Knowledge Interchange' program of the Siemens AG and the Caché Campus program of the InterSystems GmbH. The SHIP authors are grateful to Mario Stanke for the opportunity to use his Server Cluster for the SNP imputation as well as to Holger Prokisch and Thomas Meitinger (Helmholtz Zentrum München) for the genotyping of the SHIP-TREND cohort. TRAILS. TRacking Adolescents' Individual Lives. Trails is a collaborative project involving various departments of the University Medical Center and University of Groningen, the Erasmus University Medical Center Rotterdam, the University of Utrecht, the Radboud Medical Center Nijmegen, and the Parnassia Bavo group, all in the Netherlands. TRAILS has been financially supported by grants from the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research NWO (Medical Research Council program grant GB-MW 940-38-011; ZonMW Brainpower grant 100-001-004; ZonMw Risk Behavior and Dependence grants 60- 60600-98-018 and 60-60600-97-118; ZonMw Culture and Health grant 261-98-710; Social Sciences Council medium-sized investment grants GB-MaGW 480-01-006 and GB-MaGW 480-07-001; Social Sciences Council project grants GB-MaGW 457-03-018, GB-MaGW 452-04-314, and GB-MaGW 452-06- 004; NWO large-sized investment grant 175.010.2003.005; NWO Longitudinal Survey and Panel Funding 481-08-013); the Sophia Foundation for Medical Research (projects 301 and 393), the Dutch Ministry of Justice (WODC), the European Science Foundation (EuroSTRESS project FP-006), and the participating universities. We are grateful to all adolescents, their parents and teachers who participated in this research and to everyone who worked on this project and made it possible. Statistical analyses were carried out on the Genetic Cluster Computer (, which is financially supported by the Netherlands Scientific Organization (NWO 480-05-003) along with a supplement from the Dutch Brain Foundation. WGHS. Women's Genome Health Study. The WGHS is supported by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (HL043851 and HL080467) and the National Cancer Institute (CA047988 and UM1CA182913), with collaborative scientific support and funding for genotyping provided by Amgen. YFS. Young Finns Study. The YFS has been financially supported by the Academy of Finland: grants 134309 (Eye), 126925, 121584, 124282, 129378 (Salve), 117787 (Gendi), and 41071 (Skidi), the Social Insurance Institution of Finland, Kuopio, Tampere and Turku University Hospital Medical Funds (grant 9M048 and 9N035 for TeLeht), Juho Vainio Foundation, Paavo Nurmi Foundation, Finnish Foundation of Cardiovascular Research and Finnish Cultural Foundation, Tampere Tuberculosis Foundation and Emil Aaltonen Foundation (T.L). The technical assistance in the statistical analyses by Ville Aalto and Irina Lisinen is acknowledged. ; Peer Reviewed
FEBRUARY, J900 ■ Gettysbur Mercury CONTENTS. Puzzles and their Value in Men-tal Training, 261 How Obtain Equilibrium be-tween Production and Con-sumption, 265 Scene in the Forest, Orlando Soliloquizing, 271 Education more than a Means of Gaining a Livelihood, 272 A Comparative Study in Ruskin, 274 Editorials 278 Economic Results of Gambling, 279 Results of the Art of Healing,. 282 Public Control of Industries 285 The Power of Ignorance; 292 KAVOR THOSE WHO FAVOR US. For Fine. Printing go to p o ,,0 CARLISLE ST. GETTYSBURG, PA. C. B. Kitzmiller Dealer in Hats, Caps, Boots and . Douglas Shoes GETTYSBURG, PA. J. H. Myers Fashionable Tailor, Clothier and Gents' Furnisher. The best place in town to taaveyourCloth-ing made to order. All workmanship and Trimmings guaranteed. No charge for re-pairs and pressing for one year. Dyeing and Repairing a specialty. Ready-made Clothing the largest stock in town. Up-to-date styles. 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HINDS & HOBLE, Publishers 4-5-13-14 Cooper Institute H. Y. City Schoolbnohs of all publishers atone store. R. A. WONDERS, Corner Cigar Parlors. A full line of Cigars, Tobacco, Pipes, Etc. Scott's Corner, Opp. Eagle Hotel. GETTYSBURG, PA. JOHN M. MINNIGH, Confectionery, Ice, andIee Cpeankjj-* Oysters Stewed and Fried. No. 17 BALTIMORE ST. I .THE. GETTYSBURG MERCURY. Entered at the Postoffice at Gettysburg as second-class matter. VOL. VIII. GETTYSBURG, PA., FEBRUARY, 1900. No. 8 Editor-in-Chief. J. FRANK HEILMAN, '00. Assistant Editors. LUTHER A. WEIGLE, '00. S. A. VAN ORMER, '01. Alumni Editor. REV. F. D. GARLAND. Business Manager. JOHN K. HAMACHER. '00. Assistant Business Manager. CLARENCE MOORE, '02. Advisory Board. PROF. J. A. HIMES, LIT. D. PROF. G. D. STAHLEY, M. D. PROF. J. W. RICHARD, D. D. Published monthly by the students of Pennsylvania (Gettysburg) College. Subscription price One Dollar a year in advance, single copies Fifteen Cents. Students, Professors and Alumni are cordially invited to contribute. All subscriptions and business matter should be addressed to the Business Manager. Articles for publication should be addressed to the Editor. Address THE GETTYSBURG MERCURY, GETTYSBURG, PA. PUZZLES AND THEIR VALUE IN MENTAL TRAINING. [GIES PRIZE ESSAY, FIRST PRIZE.] OF all the powers of the human soul, the imagination is one of the most universal in its application and pleasing in its products, the earliest activity of the infant mind, and the last to cling to old age. Without the exercise of this faculty, the world would be a barren waste of material facts, in which would dwell the human race, passive recipients of objective im-pressions, without the power to revel in the beauties of imaged thought and conception of the Divine. Poetry, philosophy, art, science, invention, religion—all would be lost to mankind. L,ittle wonder, then, that the products of the imagination have ever been present and cultivated among men. The word "puzzle" has been variously defined, and the objects of thought and action to which it may be applied are widely different. But a common ground may be assumed—a puzzle is an invented contrivance, either intellectual or material, mtmllM - 262 THE GETTYSBURG MERCURY. whose solution requires time and ingenuity. It will be seen that the puzzle is pre-eminently the product ot the inventive imagina-tion and in turn its highest application is in the exercise of that power for its solution. Intellectual puzzles are in many senses the most important and also most ancient, being generally cast in the form of riddles. From the earliest times of history we can find evidence of the existence of puzzles, either as a form of intellectual amusement or didactic discipline. Among the Eastern nations obscure forms of expression were the inevitable associates of their symbolical modes of thought. It is certain that such methods of statement were in use among the Egyptians, while several books of riddles exist in old Arabic and Persian. One of the most well-known of puzzles is the riddle which Samson propounded to the Philistines, and many other examples are found in the Bible. The proverbs of Solomon are at times excellent types of the didactic form of the riddle. The parables of the Savior were skillful methods of teaching important truths veiled under an interesting narrative which drew the attention of the crowd, and would be very accept-able to an Eastern mind. In Greece the riddle was a favorite mode of intellectual enter-tainment at symposia. To the active mind of the Greek nothing was more pleasing than a well-directed turn of expression which would give room for play of the imagination. There is abundant evidence of this among their writers. Some of their poets even did not hesitate to write whole books of riddles, and Kleobulus, one of the seven wise men, was especially noted for his composi-tions along this line. The famous riddle of the Sphinx as told in the Oedipus Tyrannus, is probably the best known puzzle of Greek literature, though the most interesting form was a part of their very religious life and character—the oracles of the inspired priests, on which hung sometimes the fate of nations, even of the world. The raveling of such obscurities of expression was a source of the keenest pleasure to the Greek mind, and, while a product of the imagination, was an efficient agent in bringing it to that perfection shown in attic literature, thought and philosophy. The Roman mind, more earnest and grave, found small pleas-ure in these modes of intellectual activity, and very little is known of their use of puzzles until the later republic and empire, when they were introduced with the passion for everything Greek, and ■■■■HH THE GETTYSBURG MERCURY. 263 professional riddle-makers soon began to take a prominent part in their entertainments and banquets. During the middle ages puzzles were cultivated more as a pleasant means of entertainment than for any other purpose, and until recently the same idea has clung to them. Many manu-script and printed editions of collections of puzzles, riddles and conundrums are in existence. Much of their content consists of coarse jests, but there are some real gems of wit and valuable aids to a true estimate of mediaeval life. The Reformation put a stop to this merry jesting for a time, but it soon crept into favor again, and during the eighteenth century the most brilliant minds of Europe were engaged in the intellectual pastime. At the present day puzzles are still in great favor with both young and old, and their educational worth is becoming more and more realized. As a mental training the value of the puzzle lies chiefly in its power of cultivating quickness and strength of the constructive imagination. An obscurity of expression or mechanical con-struction may require time to solve its intricacies, but the mind is certainly the better for having mastered it. All the faculties of memory and imagination are brought into play, and side by side comes development of the reasoning power as we attempt to deduce from our problem its elements, or to arrive by induction at the result of certain assumed forces. These are the things which made the riddle so attractive to the Greek, with his quick imagination and active reasoning power. When we solve a dif-ficult puzzle, we in fact repeat the very processes by which as children we began to learn, for then everything was a puzzle; and in doing so we strengthen the faculties of the mind which are most essential, and besides strength impart to them a facility and quickness of action, which is in itself most valuable. The subject-matter of the puzzle may be another source of con-siderable benefit. The didactic riddles of the East have already been mentioned as examples of what may be taught in this way. A truth given an obscure expression which requires mental effort to unravel will be impressed upon the mind when it has been gained. A mechanical construction whose every portion has been carefully studied with a view to its possible part in the function of the whole, will not soon be forgotten. In this fact alone may be grounded a strong argument in favor of the puzzle's part in mental training. 264 THE GETTYSBURG MERCURY. Puzzles are beginning to play a more and more important part in the education of the child. Almost the first book placed in its hands, "Mother Goose," is full of simple riddles. Froebel's kindergarten method, so generally acknowledged now-a-days, em-bodies the puzzle idea to a great extent, developing as it does the powers of observation, invention and reasoning. As the child passes into school, puzzles of graded difficulty are used for several years, and his toys always include a number of puzzles and games, many of which contain subject-matter of educational value. Many firms now publish educational games, whose benefit to the child will be revealed by even a superficial examination. The use of puzzles may be carried too far, however; for they may be made an end in themselves. Men may become so infatu-ated with the delicacy of reasoning and exhilaration of discovery as to lose sight entirely of the practical use of the mind. So did the School-men of the middle ages, who waged long controversies on trivial and absurd questions merely for sake of the argument. Neither should puzzles take the place of more legitimate means of education, for it must be kept in mind that they are for the more developed merely an intellectual pastime which will benefit instead of harm ; and for the child a means of starting its mind upon the path which it must shortly travel with the more able guides of language, art and science. Puzzles seem to be trivial things, and are so in a certain sense. But they present wonderful capabilities to the student of Psy-chology and the teacher of the child's mind. Used within proper bounds, as a means and not an end, they may become, in devel-opment of strength and facility of the imagination and the reas-oning power, and in didactic force, a powerful factor in mental training. —L. A. W., '00. Hold fast to the Bible as the sheet anchor of your liberties; write its precepts in your hearts, and practice them in your lives. —U. S. Grant. A broken reputashun is like a broken vase—it may be mend-ed, but alwuss shows whare the brak waz.—Josh Billings. THE GETTYSBURG MERCURY. 265 MOW OBTAIN EQUILIBRIUM BETWEEN PRODUCTION AND CONSUMPTION. AS a matter of course, the first thing to consider in searching for a remedy for any evil, whether in economics or else-where, is to seek to find the causes of that evil, and to discover a means of removing these causes. Whether the means proposed be beneficial in other respects or advisable upon other grounds we do not need to inquire in this paper. All that is necessary is to find some measure which gives fair promise of bettering matters in this one department of economic life which we have under consideration, namely, of establishing a more stable and more nearly correct relation between the producer and consumer. Briefly and roughly stated, it seems to us that the whole difficulty arises from the fact that the producer is not able to foretell how much of a demand there will be for his goods and incidental to this, how many of those who create the demand will be able to pay within a reasonable time, provided he is willing to sell on credit. As to the second point, demand un-doubtedly is defined to be how much certain persons are ready to take at a certain price. But we must remember that an enormous part of economic operations are conducted on a credit basis and we cannot overlook this as it exercises such a potent influence in increasing or lowering the demand or supply at any time. For if a man believes the credit of his purchasers is good, he will be willing to sell a greater quantity of goods on credit and at a lower price than if he is doubtful as to their credit, and so we might illustrate further. This second point then is incidental to the first, but it is so important in the view we take of the matter that we mention it at once in connection with what we regard the leading difficulty, namely, the producer's ignorance of the con-sumer's future demand for his goods. For he must anticipate the future. It is possible in so few industries to carry on production by filling orders already filed, that we may almost neglect them. And where there are such, the difficulties which we find elsewhere between producer and consumer do not exist, since they work on a solid basis with regard to the future, and are not compelled to base their output upon a supposed state of the market. In other words, they know 266 THE GETTYSBURG MERCURY. what the market will be and this is the element which is ordinar-ily lacking and which is the cause, as we believe, of the mis-understandings. Now it becomes important to try to answer the question "Why are these producers in ignorance of the future demand for their goods ?" Necessarily an important factor, in all economic life, is the large mass of natural products which are so dependent on the forces of nature, and as it is impossible to control the workings of these to any appreciable extent, the period between the planting for the future and the realization of it, between "seedtime and harvest," must always be one of doubt. It is apparently impossible to control the amount of production in this sphere, and, so far as this operates as an agent in causing misunderstandings between the producer and consumer, we do not attempt to suggest a remedy. As long as it is impossible for a man to know that he can meet a certain demand, even though he is sure that demand will exist, and that impossibility depends on the fact that the agents which cause the uncertainty are beyond human control, the cure seems also to be without the bounds of human power. From this class of cases where there is an impossibility for the producer to tell what supply he can put upon the market, we pass, by almost imperceptible gradations, to cases where the producer needs only know the demand and he can meet it with an ample supply. No doubt there are natural products which lie on the line between these extremes, as, for example, the output of mines which can be regulated to a fair extent, and there are products, not strictly natural, which are very uncertain as to the possible supply, but as a rule the further removed the product is from the soil, the more completely is the extent of its production within the control of man. It is to this class of products that we wish to direct particular attention. Assuming then that the demand could be met if it could be known, we come again to the question "Why cannot the demand be known ?" The producer can find from his table ofstatistics how many producers there are in the same business with him, how large an amount of their products has been sold during the year previous to that one, and the year previous and soon back, and then, by dividing his capital into the total capital invested in the business, he can find how much of that output should belong --. Sira :-:.'; . THE GETTYSBURG MERCURY. 267 to him. A simple problem, no doubt, but with no correctness in its application, and why not ? Simply because no one of his fellow producers, nor himself either, will be satisfied with the amount as he would thus work it out, but partly through natural aggressive-ness, partly though a desire to protect himself against aggressive-ness on the part of his competitors, he will seek to produce and to sell a little more than his share. He will devise new means by which he can bring his goods a little more in favor with the pub-lic than his rivals. He will reduce his prices, allowing himself a narrower margin of profits, hoping to make himself even by larger sales. No doubt in this way he will sell more goods than his slower going neighbor and will get some of the trade which would otherwise have gone to him. His neighbor's trade falls off and he finds that he provided for more trade than he is getting and is burdened with an unsalable stock. This is so much idle capi-tal and makes him so much less able to carry on a successful business. This single illustration, on a small scale, though it is, shows the inherent tendency of competition to make uncertain what share of a given demand will fall to a producer's lot. The same amount of goods may be sold, as he had anticipated, but he has not sold his share, for some one has succeeded in selling it ahead of him. We believe, therefore, that competition is the main reason. why the producer cannot foretell what the demand for his goods will be, and as it is this inability to foretell which leads to the mis-understandings between producer and consumer, the natural conclusion is that we should remove competition. We wish to make mention again that we do not argue that this is necessarily a beneficial or advisable means generally. ■ All we are concerned with is the question whether it will tend to remove the misunderstandings we have been speaking of. Of course it is not far to seek a means of accomplishing this. The means have been thrust upon us rather generously during the past few years. The tendency toward industrial combination, seeming to be the logical outgrowth of competition, appears, like Zeus, to threaten the reign of its progenitor. No doubt, it ap-pears startling to those economists who have been accustomed to regard competition with a kind of solemn awe, as containing a remedy for "all the heartaches and the thousand natural shocks 268 THE GETTYSBURG MERCURY. that flesh is heir to ;" but perhaps its partial disappearance may be attended by some results not altogether detrimental. The trust can estimate the demand which it will be called upon to meet. The total demand for a given article during any given period, does not vary through so large a range as to render this estimate one of great uncertainty. No doubt seasons of unusual depression or excitement may render calculations imperfect, but, all in all, the total output which the consumer stands ready to dispose of, is a matter of far higher certainty than the numerous possibilities existing when the producers are multiplied. By the immense amount of capital invested, the trust is better able to adapt itself to an unusual season of excitement or depres-sion. For example, the American Sugar Refining Company a few years ago built a new refinery furnished with the newest techni-cal improvements, to serve only as a safeguard in the case of a suddenly increased demand, or of stoppage in other factories. President Hadley in an article on Trusts, says, " A consoli-dated company has advantages in its power of adapting the amount of production to the needs of consumption. Where several con-cerns with large plants are competing and no one knows exactly what the others are doing, we are apt to have an alternation between years of over-production and years of scarcity, an alter-nation no less unfortunate for the public than for the parties im-mediatety concerned. A wisely managed combination can do much to avoid this. By making its production more even, it can give a constant supply of goods to the consumers and a constant opportunity of work to the laborers; and the resulting steadiness of prices is so great an advantage to all concerned that the public can well afford to pay a very considerable profit to those whose organizing power has rendered such useful service. Morever, the consolidation of all competing concerns avoids many unnecessary expenses of distribution. Under the old sys-tem, these expenses are very great. The multiplication of selling agencies involves much waste. Competitive advertisement is often an unnecessary and unprofitable use of money. Delivery of goods from independent producers, whether by wagon or by rail-road, often costs more than the better organized shipmeuts of a single large concern. All of these evils can be avoided by con-solidation." The same writer compares the trusts with an army, and the THE GETTYSBURG MERCURY. 269 comparison is apt for more purposes than one. The effectiveness with which a thoroughly organized and wealthy trust can meet an unexpected crisis, as compared with a large number of disorgan-ized and quarrelsome companies or individuals,is well paralleled by the difference between the manner in which a thoroughly equipped and organized army will overcome a sudden and severe attack, where a host of stragglers would have been cut to pieces. The very organization constitutes an element of tremendous strength. It must be concluded, we think, then, that trusts, would, or rather do furnish a means by which the future demand for the goods of the producer may be rendered more certain and hence they tend to remove the misunderstandings between the producer and the consumer. And now, how would such a remedy apply when we consider the matter of selling on credit. The man who sells, necessarily is not satisfied merely because he can tell how many goods his cus-tomer will buy. He wants to know how many he can and will pay for. Here in addition to the fact that their superior mastery of all the details of their business renders them more capable of judging of the credit of their purchasers, we seem to find another and very important fact. When competition exists, the producer is all the time seeking to hold out more inducement than his com-petitor. One of the common forms these inducements take is a sale on credit, and then competition arises as to extending the time of credit. Now, when the backbone of competition is broken, the trust no longer needs to use such means to secure purchasers. It stands in a position to dictate, to a great degree, its own terms, and can provide much more fully against dangerous credit than can be done where competition has full play. It is worth while, too, to mention the indirect effects flowing from those above mentioned. As the future is more closely anti-cipated, and as the sales made are more fully realized on than formerly, the financial embarrassments of various producers, under the old regime become a gradually disappearing quantity in the disturbing influences on trade. Of course the increased danger from the possibility of the trust must be omitted, but we believe it is overbalanced by the failures due to competition. When we entered upon the analysis of the causes which ren-dered demand uncertain, we supposed for the time being that the 'JO THE GETTYSBURG MERCURY. demand, if known, could be met. We now return to that point to inquire briefly how the trust would effect that side of the ques-tion, though we have already incidentally touched upon it. Necessarily, one thing which renders uncertain the ability of the producer to meet a given demand is the possibility of dissatis-faction among his employees, leading to a strike. The same argument applies here as applies to selling on credit. The employee is, to a certain extent, able to make more at the kind of work he is engaged in than at any other, for the simple reason that he knows more about it. Now when there are a number of producers in the same business he knows, if he leaves one, he can probably find work with another, while, where there is but one employer, he loses this advantage. But writers on Trusts and Industrial Combinations in the United States agree that the information given by the working-men, themselves, seems to prove that generally a reduction of hours for labor, seldom a reduction of wages and occasionally, an increase, have taken place, especially where the workingmen were well organized themselves. "It is pretty clear that the laborers in centralized undertakings have not been worse off than in decentralized ones." So that it appears that there is less likeli-hood of a strike under such organization than under the decen-tralized form, so that less opposition to the free course of produc-tion would be met with here. And again the indirect results would be beneficial. For, as the demand becomes more certain, and there is less waste from imperfect attempts to meet it, more and more the production of the trust becomes near to a uniform standard and thus tends to give the workmen steady employment at regular wages, which is a strong barrier against a strike on their part. From the direct and indirect results, therefore, of the consoli-dated form of production, we are led to believe that it presents a means of establishing a far better understanding between the pro-ducer and consumer. That in some minor details the result might be otherwise we do not deny, but looking at it in its broad out-lines and confining our attention carefully to theparticularsubject we have under discussion, we conclude that trusts furnish a method for removing much of the friction between the producer and the consumer. 'oo. ItttfSM&B&iSaSB THE GETTYSBURG MERCURY. 271 SCENE IN THE FOREST, ORLANDO SOLILOQUIZING. IS it so that in this guise she sought me? My heart is sick within me. I'll take me back to a wilder region in the forest and there the remainder of my days I'll spend in mourn-ing for my lost love. Aye, virtue is modesty and modesty is a virtue and in that is she lacking. Seek her ? Speak with her ? But strike me dead if I may speak one word with her, I'll write it, fold it, give it to her and fly. 'Twill be a testimony of my love that was, that is no more. She merits now nothing but my scorn. If I had wit, I'd make her blush for very shame, if shame there be in her. But my last breath is drawn. Oh how I loved her to distraction ! I ought to go, but how to move? What is this feeling within me that holds me back ? Is it because the road is long and I am tired. No, 'tis an accursed lingering of that love that once so filled me that I knew naught else. Will it never be in my power to shake it off? 'Twassent from Heaven and not from earth; 'twas given by God and not by man. And yet I'll rid me of it. Can one so unworthy hold my affections thus ? I have a dim vague unrest, can it be removed ? I hear a rustle in the autumn leaves. Ay, here she comes, do I love her yet ? I know not how strong my passion is. I faint from fear. I see her so plain, yet must seem to see her not. She speaks— Enter Ros. and Alia. Ros. (Dressed as a woman.) I am much distressed and faint for succor, must I fall with my true love standing near me and aiding me not ? Alia. Perhaps he sees us not. Shall I go touch him on the arm ? Ros. Yes, ask him if he loves me still. Tell him if when I need it his love fails me it is not love. ' Alia. (Goes up and touches him.) Rosalind has come to seek her lover. Do you not. see her ? She is in need of your aid ? What ails you ? Your eyes look wild and you seem to know me not. Orl. If any of pity exists in your heart for me leave me alone. Alas, I know not what I say; I want you to leave me and yet I fain would have you stay. Ros. (Coming up.) Pray pardon me for calling you my lover, you received it with such melancholy dignity, methinks 272 THE GETTYSBURG MERCURY. you do not half appreciate the honor placed upon you. Can I relieve you of the burden of the title? But why do you look at me thus ? Have I done aught against you ? Orl. I show no bravery by standing before you thus. I would that I could die before your very eyes to let you know what havoc you have wrought. But I leave you now this very minute to go far into the forest, perchance to take of my abode with a shepherd and thus spend my remaining days. I leave yet I stay. I cannot stir an inch, (aside.) Sweet Rosalind, has turned my head, Howl love her! Despite her faults, despite her lack of modesty.' Why came you to me thus? Tell me wished you again with your wiles to torment my morbid feelings. Ah, Rosalind, I still shall call you mine. Ros. Orlando, why did you think so ill of me ? Could you not see in my glowing eyes the story of my love. I would rather have had you woo me but bashful man makes maidens bold and love will find a way. We were parted but I could not abide far from thee. Wherever fate led I followed swayed by love alone. And as the days grow brighter and our hearts grow lighter we shall sing for joy, yes, joy without alloy. EDUCATION MORE THAN A MEANS OP GAINING A LIVELIHOOD. THAT education is a means of gaining a livelihood is a fact that needs no proof. Almost every day we are brought into contact with those who are gaining a comfortable liveli-hood by means of their education. In our day there are many others who are striving to get possession of the same means for no other purpose than that of making a living. It is to be regretted, however, that too many look at education as if it were a mere instrument for easily securing the things which satisfy their physical wants. Through this motive men have lost sight of the real and lasting value of education. I would not say that it is wrong to consider education as a means of gaining a livelihood, but I think that it is a very grievous error to consider education as having no other use or value. Indeed, education without any other purpose than that of a means of gaining a livelihood would be of little value to beings created as we are. THE GETTYSBURG MERCURY. 273 Herbert Spencer in his work on Education says, "In education the question of questions is how to decide among the conflicting claims of subjects and determine the relative values of knowledge. Every one in contending for the worth of any particular order of information, does so by showing its bearing upon some part of life. All effort, either directly or by implication, must appeal to the ultimate test of what use is it?" In other words, the writer affirms that the essential question for us to ponder is "How to live." Not how to live in the mere material sense only, but in the widest sense. The general problem which comprehends every special prob-lem is the right ruling of conduct in all directions, under all circumstances. In what way to treat the body; in what way to treat the mind; in what way to manage our affairs; in what way to bring up a family; in what way to behave as a citizen; in what way to utilize all those sources of happiness which nature supplies—how to use all our faculties to the greatest advantage of ourselves and others—how to live completely! And this being the great thing needful for us to learn, it is, by conse-quence the great aim of education. The leading kinds of activities which constitutes human life are: (1) Those activities which directly minister to self preserva-tion; (2) Those activities which, by securing the necessaries of life, indirectly administer to self preservation; (3) Those activities which are involved in the maintenance of proper social and political relations; (4) Those miscellaneous activities which make up the leisure part of life, devoted to the gratification of tastes and feelings. Is it not education which prepares the individual for direct and indirect self-preservation, for parent-hood, for citizenship, and for the miscellaneous refinements of life? Of course ideal education is complete preparation in all these divisions. Some one has said that education is to the soul what sculpture is to the marble. As the sculpture brings out of the marble the god-like form, the symmetrical proportion, the life-like attitude of the finished and polished statue, so education brings out of man as an animal man, a rational being, making him a complete creature after his kind. To his frame it gives vigor, activity and beauty; to his senses correctness and acuteness; to his intellect, power and truthfulness; to his heart, virtue. r
Transcript of an oral history interview with Linnea "Lin" (Peterson) Westberg conducted by Sarah Yahm at the interviewee's home in Nashua, New Hampshire on February 5, 2015, as part of the Norwich Voices oral history project of the Sullivan Museum and History Center. Lin Westberg was one of the first women to join the Norwich University Corps of Cadets in 1974. Includes discussion of her experiences as a student at Norwich University and her later careers in the Air Force and as a school counselor. ; Linnea "Lin" Westberg (Peterson), NU 1978, Oral History Interview February 5, 2015 Interviewee's home in Nashua, New Hampshire Interviewed by Sarah Yahm Transcribed by C.T. Haywood, NU '12 February 10, 2015 SY: Okay, so let me just start the official interview. I'm here with Linn Westberg. It's—it is February 5th 2015 and I'm at her house in Nashua, New Hampshire. And usually you start an oral history interview from the beginning. So where were you born? LW: I was born in Lowell, Massachusetts. Grew up in Westford, Mass. SY: Excellent LW: Not too far from there. SY: And when you were growing up what did you want to be? LW: Hmm….Originally something in the medical field I think. You know, I didn't really have any great ideas about careers although my mother was pretty, I guess for her time, sort of ahead of the game. She was a lab director of a meteorology lab and she worked for the federal government which back then - so she was sort of the only mom that wasn't in the neighborhood when we were growing up, you know. But I, she managed it kind of like how we all do today. So I think when it was I went to Norwich that I sort of solidified my different goals and career plans. SY: And did you come from a military family? LW: No, that's interesting because I was sort of going through my things when you called a little bit and my dad was not in the military, but both brothers were. So my oldest brother served in the Army, First Lieutenant Jeff Peterson, and unfortunately he was tragically killed while he served at a young age. And he's buried at Arlington. We were just there. My brother—other brother, Greg Peterson, went to Norwich and so he also served. He was in the Army and he did a full career, both active and then as a reserve officer and he retired as lieutenant colonel and he was a helicopter pilot. So… SY: Were they both in Vietnam? LW: Um no, J—my oldest brother, was killed you know while he was on active duty, but not in Vietnam. And then my, the middle brother, 'cause they're quite a bit older than me, the middle brother, he, there's a law where sole surviving sons and daughters do not have to serve if, you know, so he was able to do - he didn't have to go to Vietnam. He was able to fly [clears throat] like he flew in Korea and did things like that, so. And he's a big supporter of Norwich. He went up there on a basketball scholarship and then his son went to Norwich and his wife's sister went to Norwich. So there's sort of this legacy [chuckles] and I think that's pretty common. SY: I think it is too. Do you remember going up and visiting him there? LW: Oh yeah. SY: Yeah what you think? LW: Very much. SY: What was your first impression? LW: So Greg is ten years older than me and I very much, you know, we used to take the old Route 12 up from here before they built all the 89 and everything, and so it was a big trek to go up there. And I distinctly remember going up there that first Parent Weekend with my parents and seeing him at Norwich and you the whole military thing and it really, I mean it really, it was just an amazing thing to see. You know, you'd [he'd] been an athlete in high school went up there on a basketball scholarship, full basketball scholarship, and you know I was kind of enamored with the school but never of thought of it as a place for me at the time. SY: Well, and that's funny 'cause when I interview, I mean I've mostly been interviewing men and I always ask them like, "did you play war as a kid? Did you play military? Did you play army?" And I should ask you that that too. LW: Yeah, I tended to do a lot of kind of boy th— I think I was a tomboy. I remember asking for cap guns and race cars and I never thought really, and I played with all the traditional girl toys too. But yeah I grew up in a neighborhood where there were a lot kids and we went out and we had acorn fights and we played outside for hours at a time. So very, you know sort of busy kind of kinda outdoorsy kinda upbringing. Camping, all those kinds of things. Hiking. SY: So when did you find out that Norwich was taking women? LW: I think it was my senior year. So I had applied to three or four colleges: Wellesley College, which is an all-girls school; Northeastern University that my oldest brother had gone to; and then University of Lowell, which was the local state school. And in, I really wasn't excited about any…I guess it just hadn't hit me and I said to my dad, "I'd like to go up and look at Norwich." And he's like, "No, that's another admissions fee. We're not going up there." And I said, so I kind of begged him and he said, "Alright." So we went up in the [laughs] in the middle of the winter and, 'cause I just remember walking around the campus in the snow. And it hit me right away that's where I was gonna go because I think it was surprisingly, and people are I think who don't know Norwich, it was extremely welcoming environment. So you would think like Wellesley being all-girls or some of these other schools, but I think it's 'cause it's small. So it was about 1500 students and, you know, the professors were friendly. We met the president, and we met the commandant of cadets. It just was, you know, I said, "This is it. This is where I want to go." That's how I ended up there. SY: And did you know you were gonna be in the Corps? LW: No. SY: Okay. LW: No, because women - here were women matriculating prior to me getting there from Vermont College, meaning they were coming over on a bus and taking classes. And then there was a small contingent of women enrolled in the ROTC program who I believe were just kinda coming over for ROTC classes but they weren't in the Corps. So they would wear the uniform one day a week, go to classes, and then back over to Vermont College to live. So sometime between my visit and the spring of my senior year, in that summer, some decisions must have been made. I don't know. Because I got a call over the summer from Colonel John Wadsworth asking me if I wanted to join the Corps of Cadets. I knew, I knew they were women, somehow I knew, because I wouldn't have wanted to do the bus thing from Vermont College. But he asked me if I wanted to join and I said, I mean it was a very quick decis--I said, "Sure, yeah, I'll do that." [chuckle] Honestly, I really had no idea what that meant. I just, I kind of though like everybody was doing it you know. And without like today's social media you weren't connecting with other people so the first I knew was that when I showed up there in August. SY: Did you get this letter? LW: Let me see, "Dear Ms." [chuckles] SY: Yeah, they left it blank, they didn't fill that in, I think it's hilarious. I think that was their prototype. I just found that in the archives yesterday LW: Oh my gosh. SY: in Loring Hart's papers. Pausing to read. SY: But you remember getting a phone call not a letter? LW: I got a phone call, I don't remember this letter actually. SY: Yeah. LW: It could have come, yeah, honestly I don't remember. But I don't know I'd love a copy at some point, that's interesting. SY: Here take it. LW: Oh thank you, SY: It's yours, I have a scan Linn laughs SW: and I just printed it out. I have some other things from the archives too if you want them you can take them. LW: Yeah, that's kind of fun to read, yeah. SY: Yeah. LW: Yeah, I've some newspaper articles too for you. I don't know if you have them, SY: Oh okay. LW: That you can—yeah, sort of the local Vermont papers were kind of interested in what was going on. SY: Oh excellent. LW: Yeah, so I'll share all that SY: Very cool. LW: before you go. SY: So okay, so you show up and you said, "Sure, I'll be in the Corps," right? So then did you have a moment where you were like "what did I get into?" LW: Yeah, definitely. Sort of the first issue was they hadn't told us that everybody showing up was gonna be wearing khaki pants and white shirts. So we showed up in like street clothes. So we already stood out, right, being female. And then to have like really bright clothes, I was like "oh my gosh," you know and then I thought okay this is really interesting. I think my aha moment was definitely in the auditorium or the Plumley Armory when President Hart said, "We'd like to welcome four young women into the freshmen class, Norwich University, you know. 150 years. It was a really nice speech, but we sort of all looked at each other and thought "oh my gosh." SY: Did he make you stand up? LW: I don't remember having to stand up. I just remember feeling really out there, really out there. And my dad was in the back of the room and I was a little worried about him because I was the youngest, my mom had passed away, and I was looking around saying, "oh my God, what's he gonna do?" you know. And he was chatting everybody up and I said, "Okay, he's gonna be fine," and then they marched us up the Hill and you know that's when it really starts. They put you through the whole indoctrination so… SY: And what was— LW: But that didn't seem that unusual because we were just, like they didn't separate us or anything, we were just all part of it. So I didn't feel – and you'd already started, you know, that's where you really begin to connect with the other freshmen. That's really when it starts because you realize you know, okay, the cadre, all these like really mean people and you know when they're not looking you're whispering to each other and you start to connect that way and you know, so. SY: So I somehow thought that women were separated, but you were all tangled, you were all together? LW: Yeah, we were and we weren't. So like that day we were, you know where we went the whole [group went]. But it became pretty apparent that they probably had tried, but hadn't completed like figuring out what we were gonna wear. Because they go, typically freshmen go and they issue your uniforms and so we were getting some uniforms but not all uniforms. SY: Did they cut your hair? LW: We did not have to cut our hair but we had to wear it up. So I came with like hair down to my, you know way down my back, but right away, you know, the Army regulation is above your collar. So we all had long hair and it all had to go up. I think we got white shirts so that improved the whole and whatever we had for pants [chuckles] 'cause the freshmen wore them until they got their uniforms. You wear the khakis. So that was a little bit better but probably one of the biggest challenges was they moved us into Gerard Hall which was the female civilian dorm. And we were put on the top floor upper right corner, upper left corner there, and all the freshmen other women were on the same floor down at the other end of the hall. And that was really weird because we were, you know, going through the whole Rook thing and they weren't. So we'd, you know - but in a way it was we did bond with them as well so it was this dual experience. I mean they were, you know, going out on Friday night and getting dressed up and going out on dates and we couldn't do any of that. So they housed us there for a while and actually our cadre, Nancy whom you've met, and Roberta and Diane Halliday, and there's—I can't think of Mary's last name. So they— SY: Moskos, was it Moskos? LW: That was Roberta Moskos. And Mary - she's in one of the articles - also lived on the floor with us which was also unusual 'cause typically just freshmen males would live to together and maybe a couple of the cadre. And then rest of the upperclassmen would be in the dorm but not on the floor where you're going through that training. So… SY: Yeah it sounds like from when I was talking with Nancy that the relationship between you and the other women who were your cadre was different. LW: Yeah, it was, it was. Yeah I think it was hard for them, yeah this is all in reflection later but I think it was hard for them because they hadn't had full benefit of being freshmen themselves and all that training. But I think they did a really good job trying to do what they were supposed to do. But it was a little more, there was a little more familiarity with them than we would have had certainly with the male cadre. And sometime, maybe November/December, they decided to move us from Gerard Hall over to Patterson Hall and put us in with male freshmen platoon. Got that name right. And so that turned out to be much better because we had, we had freshmen counterparts, males that we were working with every day but we also had sort of these upperclassmen that were supporting us, you know, in addition to like the women cadre. SY: And did you feel sup—'cause I know that the cadre you know that, I mean some of the members of the Corps were like "yay women," and some were not. So how did that play itself out for you? LW: I definitely felt that. For me it was more positive than negative. More support. I think I learned somehow early on that when you're a minority going into that kind of a situation that you somehow, you want to blend to some degree. So, you know, it's much easier to figure things out from within that organization than from trying to fight [chuckles]. Do you know what I mean? So I think I did that, I blended in and I got really active and busy at Norwich. And so then I made a lot of connections and that's how people judge you, based on those personal connections rather than being part of a group. Now people that didn't know us personally, maybe weren't in any classes with us, or that's where you might get a little bit of trouble or they were like from the '50s or something, that whole attitude about women. And there was definitely a few of them floating around. SY: What about professors. Did you feel like the professors welcomed you in their classrooms? LW: Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. My roommate is actually the first woman engineer at Norwich. And so she was in all classes with all males and all those engineering professors. I think she would say they were great, you know, and her classmates were great. My professors were wonderful, very supportive, you know. It's a very stressful year trying to keep up with everything as a freshmen there. You know you have to re—you're just learning so much at once. It's like a double education. You're learning your academic stuff but you're also doing all that military stuff. It's like getting a master's degree in human relations 'cause you're learning all about how people interact, and the way people behave in groups. And it's really - when you're going through you don't recognize it, but later you realize "wow" 'cause you come out. And then when you get to the workforce you're like, "wow that was unbelievable what I learned there." SY: So now that you're a counselor, right? LW: Yeah,. SY: So I'm wondering if you can like take your counselor head and think back on that year. So what was, what sort of psychologically was going on during that Rook year? For you and for everyone? LW: I think, to some degree what went on with us was went on with everybody else. Like we had one girl leave, but there were other freshmen that left, you know, it just wasn't a good fit. Perhaps I think, I—you know oftentimes I look back and go would I do that again? Would I choose to do what I did because it has made everything else so much easier? On the other hand, I look at my kid's college educations and I say, "oh." My husband and I go, "are you kidding me?" They, what do they do with all the free time? They only have like five classes or four. We're thinking they're just you know, so I go "yeah I know, but th—it just," in a lot of ways like a lot more than I've witnessed other people had to do that went to a regular college. So… SY: And what about that sense, 'cause isn't the whole idea of the Rook year to sort of break down individuality and create that sense of a collective. Do you remember that process happening? LW: Very much, yeah. And they absolutely do do that. They take you back to the very the basics, you know… SY: Any anecdotes that you remember, any moments? LW: Oh yeah all that stuff in the halls [chuckles]. Getting dragged out in the middle of the night, having them scream at us. I don't know, you know, going—I think, I don't know, I think I - I remember looking around and looking at the fear on everybody's face because you really, like you think this is real what you're going through. And it's very similar to the military training so it's, it's really in many ways identical I think. But you're dealing with less trained people so and you're dealing with college students meaning age wise as far as being thrown into these leadership positions. So you know, I would say, I remember, I remember walking in the gutter, I remember being pulled out of the meat line a lot which was you know and you had to, they'd scream questions at you from the Norwich Rook Book. But I was a diligent student so I didn't struggle with that, you know reading my book and whatever. There was always somebody else that couldn't answer a question. [laughs] So that was, that was pretty easy. I think the physical stuff was the hardest for me and I found that throughout even when I went into the military because it's really a male model okay? And all they do is sort of cut it back a little bit for women, but it's really designed for men and I think they were trying to figure that out at Norwich. And so in the beginning like when we were running, and when they first put us in the guy platoon to run - and I ran a lot before I went to Norwich 'cause I knew you kind of had to be a little bit in shape - and it was still really hard. So you know the more I got in shape the easier it became, but I could never keep up with the men. So you always felt like a little bit sort of a like a day late and a dollar short. You know what I mean? SY: Did you also feel like you had the responsibility to prove that women could do it? LW: Yes, yeah. But I don't know, you know I think on the other hand I used to think about some of the guys that were having trouble and then thinking like, wow you know 'cause I mean they would they were a little softer on us if we couldn't do it. But they would scream at the guys if they couldn't do it. So that was, so I was very empathetic I think to anybody that struggled because it was just something that was harder for us. It really was. And then you know people were not slouches by any means it's just that it was a different level of fitness than you know I'd been used to certainly. So I think a big, kind of a cool moment for us, we did the Dog River whatever it's called thing, and all of us did really well on that. So we tended to do really well in things requiring stamina and distance and maybe not so well in speed or strength. Certainly I know like my upper body strength, I just didn't have it. Women didn't do push-ups back then, you know, and so, or pull ups or any of that kind of stuff. So I remember that being, that being very challenging and worrying about it like, "Oh my God what if I fall behind? What if I?" You know. That was always weighing on your mind. The other stuff like wearing the uniform, memorizing all of this intellectual pieces were not hard. SY: It was the physical part? LW: It was the physical part. Yeah. SY: Could you talk a little more about that idea of like feeling like you were standing in for a whole group or? LW: You mean like representing women? Yeah I think that's an interesting phenomena and it has made me very sensitive to minorities: religious minorities, racial minorities. Because people tended…I always felt responsible for like whatever I was doing whether it be academically (I know that's ridiculous, but) or how I presented myself is representing not just myself, but like all women. And that's a lot of pressure. So I think, and I think we all kind of felt that way. And I think we also kept an eye on each other like worrying about what they were, other people were doing because particularly we felt super responsible as more women came to Norwich. To make sure, to try to make sure that the path was laid, if you will, and that it was a little bit easier. Because you wanted people to do well, you know, and you didn't want to stand out. You didn't want to, you just wanted to be part of the group, honestly. SY: I'm wondering if you have a memory of like real triumph and a memory of "I want to quit." You know what I'm saying? I would imagine you have both of those. LW: I think that "I want to quit" was they, the whole thing getting recognized thing went on and on [chuckles]. So we did not get recognized till Valentine's Day timeframe. So that started in August and it's like, "Oh my gosh are we ever getting out of the gutter here," you know? It gets to the point where you kind of want to just, you know, be an upperclassmen I guess. And so I think that was like "uh" [sound of frustration] and also when you would see people drop out or struggle or have a hard time that's always very challenging, I think. I loved my classes. I was tired all the time though like you know the professors are trying to keep you awake, because you're up all night doing crazy ridiculous stuff - you know, ironing and doing your brass. I think it's a stamina test in a lot of ways. So I think that's kind of when I was like, "alright." And we did, not my year but subsequent years there were people that would always because it became an option to be a civilian at Norwich. If it wasn't fun people could like [making a noise of pulling the plug] go over to the civilian side, you know. We didn't entirely have that option. I mean I suppose I could have but I was like Norwich is the Corps, you know. Why wouldn't I do that once you're there and you realize that? And then I think probably that same thing I think, you know, graduating from there was a big deal [chuckles]. Graduating with all those guys. That was a pretty, you know, was proud of that. SY: Yeah do you remember how you felt that day? LW: Yeah I was like wow [chuckles], we did this, you know? Three of us made it through from that freshman class. I mean there were only four so that was really good statistics, I think, considering. It was really, every year was groundbreaking if you know what I mean, like women had never held positions of rank, women had never been platoon leaders, women had never commanded a company, women had never, you know, been in ROTC X year. So every year it was the first. So it was wasn't just that first day of Norwich it was all through, so getting through was. But by then, you know, there were women coming behind us so it didn't seem so different. SY: How, was it like to mentor those women coming after you? LW: Well I decided my first year. I, you know, I went back and I didn't and this is another thing that I really learned at Norwich, but coming back I didn't really get involved in sort of the cadre stuff too much. I mean you had to go and apply for these positions and I don't know it was a self-confidence thing but my roommate did, she did and I was like wow I can do that. So I think it was my junior year and I really went for it. I wanted to do like the job that was probably considered the most difficult, and being a platoon sergeant where you're really kind of in charge of a lot of people. And so that, that was, that was a really cool. That was, you know. And that was also the same year, now that was my senior year that - trying to remember. So my senior year I applied to be a company commander and was selected and I've got to tell you you're always sort of like "Am I good enough or they picking me because I'm a woman?" Do you know what I mean? I don't think I felt that way so much but I was always wondering if other people were thinking it [chuckles], "are they doing it because," you know? But I think I earned the respect of my peers so I—once I settled into that and was able to handle it than I felt okay about it, you know? SY: About being? LW: Yeah. SY: In a leadership position? LW: Yeah. SY: And what, I mean I think that something that Norwich does well is it trains people to be leaders to take on leadership roles. So what type of leader did you become, were there models that you were like, "ooh I want be a leader like that" and then other people who you were like, "I don't want to be a leader like that?" LW: Yeah, it's funny you mention that because, um. So when they, so I think I told you my husband's a Norwich grad. So he was actually a junior when I was a freshman and he was one person that I did watch. And it wasn't, it was even before we started dating or any of that, because he was a very sort of honest, you know, just sort of a wonderful supportive person to all of the women. And I thought, but yet he was really respected by everybody. And I think, I think that's the kind of – and he cared about people. So I think that's that perfect blend of a leader, really, somebody who people want to work for because they know that you care about them and you put your, you put them first. And he had actually volunteered to have us in his group. So [chuckles] you know, and so we got to work pretty closely with he and there was… SY: Uh oh hold on. LW: Oh sure, Recording pause and resumes SY: But [coughs] so yeah at the time. So I wonder how your husband felt about women and coming into the Corps? LW: I was asking him I said, "Do you have any memories of this stuff?" I did sort of try to find out like what happened before we came, "Did they train you guys?" He said, "Not much." He felt like it, they weren't really very ready. There was a lot of resistance talked about among the other cadets that he recalls, you know so. I think a lot of the guys that kind of were on our side were the more independent, you know, progressive, kind of thinking kind of people. SY: And what was the resistance about? LW: Women. Just Norwich you know. I think we used to joke "150 years of tradition unmarked by progress." Which really wasn't true because I think they were very progressive in their way. It's just that you sort of you know, I think things happen when things are ready to happen to some degree. I mean women had certainly served in the military, but no woman had gone through a military college prior to what we did. Two years later women were admitted to the service academies and actually we went, we went as a group to West Point and worked with those freshmen. SY: What was that like? LW: They, they were so happy to see us [chuckles]. They were. They had no idea what they gotten into. And I, you know there was a lot of back and forth, I remember because Norwich I think they still send people. There used to be different like, I don't know if history professors set it up, but there were different things you could do, you know, over while you were at Norwich. Or West Point kids, guys would come up to Norwich. And mostly what they experienced is what we experienced and I think we were just there to be supportive. And we talked to the, you know they were actually active Army officers in charge of them. It was very different. It's way more real military. And I came out of there thinking, "Wow you know, Norwich is really a learning lab." I mean they, we didn't have a lot of supervision by Regular Army officers, you know. People were trained, but so you learned as you went, I think, more than having everything spelled out for you. So… SY: Which has its pros and cons, I would imagine? LW: Yeah, well sometimes your—but you know, it's funny, because human behavior is human behavior, you know? But I think they were very watchful to make sure that nothing really negative has, we didn't really have any horrifically negative experiences I would say. At least none that I personally experienced or that would be any different than anyone at a college, you know. But, yeah I would say and it's probably still a problem, I mean how trained is somebody after one year in the Corps of Cadets? You know, so. But I think they're mindful of that and oversee it. I mean, I'm talking about the adults, the staff, the professional staff at the college. And it was helpful to us, they brought in a woman she—she was. she became the Dean of Women. So my first year they brought in a, her job was to kind of I think oversee and look out for us and help with any kind of issue that came up. SY: Oh her name, what was her name? LW: Nunez de Cela. SY: Yeah. LW: Yeah, and actually I have a nice letter from her. SY: Really? LW: Yeah, that I'll show you, SY: I'm wondering if you could read it. Is it long? LW: Where is that letter? [recorder turns off and then turns back on] SY: So let's talk about that letter. LW: Oh, you want me to read the letter? SY: Yeah, yeah I think you should 'cause there's something, it's very respectful and I like the way she talked to you, yeah. LW: Okay, so this is a letter dated February 13, 1975, wow. Dear Private Peterson: At the Recognition Dinner last night I wondered how many of the Rooks, cadre, and staff, realized how different your experiences as Rooks have been from those of the male cadets. Well different they have been no less valid, in many ways yours has been the greatest contribution made to Norwich this year. It is a comfort to follow an established pattern of behavior created by 156 years of tradition. It is a comfort to have leaders who are experienced in guiding new students through the mazes of those behavioral patterns. And finally it is comforting to know exactly where you're headed and what to expect when you arrived there. For you there has no such comfort. From the first you've have had to share the rather awesome responsibilities for the future, not only for your future but also for that of the women who will follow you and of the University as a whole. Your training period demanded maturity from the very first. More than any other Rooks this year you have had the courage and the determination to be first. To make Essayons a reality. As you might well guess the old lady is very proud of you. Best wishes for continued success. Sincerely, Nadine Nunez de Cela, Dean of Women, Assistant Commandant, Norwich University. SY: That's awesome, and she had no military background, did she? LW: I don't think so. SY: Huh, so and what happened to her? LW: [sighs] She was there for a few years. And I was telling you earlier that they decided it would be beneficial to bring in an active Army officer into the ROTC detachment, which was a pretty good move on their part. I will say they were, I think they were forward thinking. I really felt that way. Just, there were always lots of questions everything from well when do you wear this uniform? You know nobody was really familiar with women's uniforms [chuckles]. So I think having somebody there and who had some connections in the Army and who'd been through all of that and in her own way. I mean she was a major at the time, so that was, so I think she's sort of became, I guess you would call it more of the informal. I mean, she was really a regular ROTC instructor but I think her side job was to help us where we needed help and help us pave the path I guess. SY: Yeah [coughs] so did you plan on commissioning? LW: When I was at Norwich, yes. So once I got there I decided that I really liked it, the military lifestyle which I had really had not thought about. There were no role models for women honestly, out there in the world. I mean unless you had a military parent or something, you know. Even though my brothers served it still wasn't something women did in any quantity, and it certainly wasn't in the media. But I really liked the lifestyle once I got through that freshman year and I thought, "Okay, this would be kind of cool," you know, a career. And then, then I met my future husband and he was two years ahead of me and getting a commission in the Marine Corps. So I could not figure out how this was gonna work. So I left the Air Force ROTC program and started to pursue Marine officer commissioning. SY: So what was that like? LW: So it was like, okay I had to go take the officer qualifying test, did all of that which was not easy, because it was definitely a male geared test. [chuckles] It was all like angles and it was a very interesting test. It wasn't anything like the Air Force qualifying test. So that was hard, but I did it. And then so basically I graduated from Norwich and I got married like a week later, and then I left after my honeymoon for Marine Officer Candidate School in Quantico, Virginia. And when I landed there, I realized that this was a first, that no women had gone through Marine OCS with the men. So we were, and prior to that actually I—my husband had connected me with some women and they made it sound like so great, "Oh they teach you how to wear makeup," and "oh you know." It sounded very fluffy. Well it wasn't [laughs]. When I got there it was terrible, oh my gosh it was. I mean they were really out to prove something. So there were fifty women that started with me in this platoon. And imagine I'd already been through Norwich so this was, like the guy was yelling at my ear, but I was like you know that didn't bother me, none of that. The physical stuff was crazy and so each day somebody was getting hurt. So by the third week, like I want to say a third of the women were gone. And so everyday you'd wake up and go it was like okay whose gonna, you know fall off the obstacle course or so. I ended up dislocating my knee which was a minor injury compared to other people. Rehabilitated there and they wanted to cycle me back through and I said, "You know I just don't think I'm cut out. You know I'm not cut out for this." So that was, you know, and then I think I told you a little bit about my story. I later ran into my classmate and decided, you know, I still wanted to serve so went to officer training for the Air Force and I did get commissioned there in June of '80. SY: And it seems like you were like this is crazy I want out. It doesn't seem like you were angsty about it, it doesn't seem like you were like or were you? LW: That I was what? SY: Like you were self-hating about not making through the Marine Corps training? LW: No, I mean, that day I fell off the um, you know, got injured. I was definitely disappointed 'cause I, I thought it was gonna work as far as the two of us being able to be stationed together and you know I still wanted that military career. But I knew that, you know it's interesting because that experience, because there's been lot of conversation later about women serving in combat. And that experience showed me that you have to be a very unusual woman to serve in an infantry combat role. Now, serving in combat can mean a variety of things. You know Air Force pilots are in a plane. It's very different than humping like we were fifty pound packs and rifles and heavy boots and you know you're just smaller physically. The only female that was doing really well was my bunkmate. She was a black belt in karate before she got there. So she was already like super fit. And frankly everybody was like "Get me out. This is like too much." I think they've improved that a lot, you know, I think they learned a lot from that first class. But no I didn't, I was just like, just this isn't… SY: And they weren't rooting for you either? LW: I didn't feel that way. No. SY: Yeah, LW: No. SY: So, okay, so what was the Air Force training like? LW: [laughs] The Air Force is, well physically it's not as demanding. I mean you have to do things like I had to train to run a mile and a half in twelve minutes which is no joke. I had to get up every morning with a bunch of people. You know we would go out and do that and practice. It's a lot of, the Air Force is a huge organization and in a lot of ways I think of it like a business. You're learning all facets of that organization, so it's a lot of classwork actually. You're learning about the mission, you're learning discipline with the marching and the keeping your room clean and all of that. But after Norwich that was a breeze. I mean it was just like go through it, you know. And but there, there were a couple of turning points for me. I had a captain who was my squadron commander and I had applied - so your first six weeks you're sort of in the training mode. Your second six weeks you're in the leadership mode. And you apply for these different positions and I had said, "Oh maybe I'll be the woman liaison officer." So if you can see where women were thinking, okay? And he looked at me and he said, "No," he said, "I want you to apply to be the wing commander," which was the top job and I was like, "Oh you're kidding. I can't do that." He goes, "Yes you can." He said, "I've been watching you for six weeks. That's definitely what you should do." So it took somebody else to tell me that I could do that. And I applied and I got the second position. And so that was that was, that was very conf—that was a huge confidence builder. So, but Norwich had kind of laid the groundwork and then here I was in another situation and it was that person that kind of reached out to me. And so I learned that that's like, I like to do that for people. SY: Yeah, and so have you done that for people? LW: Yes, tried, to, where I see strengths you know you try to point it out. That's how we learn. We learn from other people and how they treat us, right? SY: Yeah it's true, LW: When you think about it yeah, so…. SY: So tell me about your career in the military, so where'd you go next? LW: So then they to another school, so I became. I went to a school Biloxi, Mississippi and I had gone into the Air Force from Guam because that's where my husband was stationed with the Marine Corps, and really wanted to go back there obviously. So this short, small window that opened when I went in was to put officers into flight squadrons to sort of deal with all the administrative details that needed to be dealt with. So that so I went to a school to learn how to be an ex— they called an executive officer and I showed up on the island of Guam for my first assignment at Andersen Air Force Base, walked in with my orders to do that. And they're like "Oh we already have a guy here that's doing it. We're gonna send you over to the maintenance squadron." So I spent a year and a half working in B-52 maintenance squadron which I loved. I loved being on flight line. That was fabulous you know. SY: So did you learn how to fix B-52s? [laughs] LW: No, but all the guys in the squadron that's they did. And women. So I was more, you know as an officer you oversee all of that but you're not turning the actual wrench yourself, you know. So but I just loved it. You're up early, you know, watching the planes take off, watching the guys load them. And making sure that they have everything they need to do their job basically. That's sort of. And while I was there I had an opportunity to work for a general officer, I became a general's, what they call an aide-de-camp. So I worked for him and that was a first, you know, and that was kind of an unusual job I think. So I traveled with him and his entourage, I guess you could call it, and got to do. And I went into the office and became a protocol officer. So we handled all the visiting dignitaries. I got to meet like George Bush, and congressmen would come through. Because this was a big airstrip in the middle of the ocean and they had to refuel so we entertained them all as they came through. But that was fun. SY: And were you living on base with your—? LW: Ah no, yeah we lived, my husband was stationed at the Marine Corps barracks. I was stationed at Andersen and we lived in the middle at the Naval Hospital housing. So we lived with all the Navy doctors and nurses, and dentists and… SY: And I would imagine you had sort of a weird position, like I wonder how you interacted with sort of the Army wives on base. LW: That's…. SY: Weird? LW: Yeah. Ah yes. Well it, not so much on the Air Force base but the mar— so I was part of the Marine Officers' wives club [laughs]. So I would go to work and do my Air Force thing but I loved all these women and so, you know, we had a great time. It was very international group of women, all nationalities that these Marines had met in their assignments all over the world. We just had a great time. Everybody is young, no kids. But we did all traditional wifely things you know. Became very, very, close-knit to that group, as well as all the Air Force people so it was sort of the best of both worlds. And we loved our medical neighbors. It was a fun two years. A lot of good traveling 'cause you're very close to everything in the Far East. So and then from there I went to, I wanted to just, my husband was getting out of the service so I just wanted to find a big city to be stationed in so he could start his career. So we ended up in Denver and he started a civilian career and I worked there in an Air Force training squadron and kind of worked my up to become a squadron commander there which was a great job, because I learned how to be in charge of large groups of people trying to accomplish a mission. That was fun. The location was fun, the people were fun, so I really enjoyed that. Once again had a, you know, some female experiences if you want to call it that. I came in, when I was first assigned there, there was a black first sergeant and he was tough. And I could tell he was like "uch" a woman, and he made some comment like, "Oh I don't think I really want to work for a woman," and I said, "What if I said to you, I don't want to work for black guy?" And he was really taken aback. I don't think, I don't know what he expected from me but we after that we hit it off perfectly [laughs]. It was just I came at him the way he came at me and he knew I wasn't going to fool around and he took care of me and watched my back. You always say that about a good NCO, they watch your back. Even planned my promotion ceremony so, you know, but it was. But I knew how to handle him because of Norwich, you know. I knew, like I don't know what another woman would have done in that situation coming in cold not having worked with all men for four years at Norwich. SY: So what is the skillset? Is it just being direct? Is it just being clear? Is it not being bullied, like what is it? LW: Yeah I think its self-confidence, the way you present yourself that people respect. Yes, and it's also not being bullied. Frankly [clears throat], it's really easy and it's not just for women, but it's really easy to get taken advantage of or get pushed around. It's recognizing when that's happening and asserting yourself and sticking up for yourself and that's nothing that I was born with, I learned all of that. I mean I tell my students now in class, you know I told them 'cause I teach a guidance class, that, you know, the way you present and carry yourself is really how you're gonna be treated. You're gonna be treated the way you demand to be treated, so don't let people do that to you. And that held true in business. Let's face it business is still majority of men and it held true in the military. It holds true everywhere I think, so you know. SY: Yeah, did you see other women [coughs]. Sorry, did you see other women when you were in the service who like didn't have that skillset? Did you see women being bullied or harassed or situations like that? LW: You know it's funny I definitely dealt with some difficult situations, but the few that I dealt with did not involve military women. It was some civilian women. But, you know, I came right to their aid if I thought I saw something going on that was inappropriate, and made sure it was handled and taken care of and made it clear that it wasn't gonna be happening. And I think that makes a big difference, you know. I think most women that are in the military going through the training gives them a pretty good skillset, you know. Unless they have come to the military with issues or something, but the training, meaning mental health problems or other things like that. I think for the most part you know the training is good and it teaches you know teaches you those things like how to, how to lead, how to take care of yourself, how to do what you need to do. SY: Yeah, that makes a lot of sense. I'm just gonna go look at my questions. LW: Sure. SY: While I'm doing that why don't you tell me about the Iranian students? LW: Yes, so the Iranian students came in I want to say around 1980 , so I would have been like a sophomore, junior. And they came in in a pretty large number. I mean, and they came in with you know a lot of money. It's really interesting to drop these - they were young, college age kids - in the middle of Vermont. And they really didn't, it was interesting, I think it was true culture shock for them to have, because what happened was my senior I had a, I was a company commander so I had a lot of the Iranian students in my company. And at first they were like "aah" you know they didn't want anything to do with women being in charge of anything. But they came around because they didn't have a choice. But then you know the whole overthrow then they disappeared. And I'm trying to remember when that happened. And they left all of their belongings. SY: Were you there when that happened? LW: Yeah. SY: It was '80 I think . LW: 1980, yeah and some of them defected. I mean some of them went to Canada, some just disappeared into Vermont and I think some went back. SY: Do you remember, I hear there was like a flea market where they were selling all their stuff, do you remember that day? LW: They didn't, a lot of it was left [chuckles]. I mean they left very expensive stuff in their rooms and just left, you know. I think the ones that were afraid and didn't want to go back they didn't care, they were just out of there. But yeah, I'm sure it was, you know, I'm sure. I didn't buy anything but I'm sure there, I'm sure that probably did happen. But yeah, I remember some kids driving Corvettes and you know they were there on full scholarship with big stipends and obviously were the crème de la crème you know. You didn't get out of the country and go to school in another country then if you weren't somebody, so. SY: And what about the Iranian women cadets? Did you know any of them? LW: I did not, that must have been after me or something because I don't remember any women being there, unless I'm just… SY: I think there were a couple, LW: Were there? SY: But maybe just a couple. LW: Yeah that I don't remember. SY: Yeah, yeah and I think they were also integrating their, the navy there. so yeah. LW: Oh okay. SY: Did you know Bizhan? LW: No. SY: That's interesting. He was, I think he was supposed to be class of '80 LW: Okay. SY: He now runs FacOps at Norwich. LW: Oh! SY: He happened to have, he had a different visa than the other cadets because he was like, "I don't think I want to be in the navy anymore," so he was technically out of the navy. LW: Oh. SY: He was able to stay, LW: When this all happened? SY: Right, when everybody else left, yes. LW: Okay. SY: He watched all his friends leave. And do you remember the news of that when you were on campus? LW: You know Norwich, there was never any news [laughs], It was, you were in a bubble, you know. So I think what we knew was what we witnessed and saw and people told us, and I don't remember reading about it, and we certainly didn't have televisions in our rooms [laughs] or anything or you know. We had WNUB but… SY: Right, but that's— LW: Pretty isolated. SY: Yeah, it's funny when I've been interviewing the Vietnam era folks they say the same thing. And it drove them crazy. LW: Laughs SY: They were like I'm - LW: What's going on? SY: going to go there and I don't know what's happening [coughs]. I guess I'm wondering how your Norwich education affects your life today. LW: Well it has affected my life ever since being, um, time management, huge, how to get a lot done in a short amount of time. I think knowing what's important meaning like I watch people get upset and stressed a lot at work about things that I don't think are that worth worrying about. Because I always go to that place like, 'cause over the years when you serve in them military you meet a lot of people that did serve in very unsavory conditions, or had family who had died, or you just heavy duty stuff and so I kind of look at the world from a different perspective and I think it started at Norwich. It helps me in my work every day because I think my perspective is just, you know, I think. One thing that's been interesting, I think my years in business were easy because of Norwich, because what I know about working with males which is different, it really is, behaviorally, the way they think. …But of course I met my wonderful husband. You know I always say that's why I went to Norwich [laughs]. SY: To get your M-r-s. [in a joking tone]. LW: Well no, I had no intention of really. You know there were women that dropped out and got married and I was like "I would never do that. Never." And, but no just the fact that I met him and we're married all these years later, it's just been a wonderful marriage and so I was lucky 'cause I look at it like when I said to my dad that day, "No," I begged him "let me go look at it." You know I did meet Jim there, so that's huge. SY: That's huge. LW: That affects my life everyday [chuckles]. SY: So, okay, so you were in the military for a while. LW: Yup. SY: And then when did you retire? LW: So I did eight years. So in 1988 I got out and I was stationed at Hanscom Air Force Base, that was my last assignment. And I had crossed trained into, like at the end when I was in Denver I said "I need to find a career that I can do on the outside." And my colonel let me go to Contracting Officer School which is a great program. I mean I went to a lot of different schools to become a contracting officer, and did that at Hanscom. So I did like major weapons systems acquisition which is very transferable to the outside. Got out mostly because I had had my first child. I still loved the work but the Air Force had said they'd wanted me to go to Air Command and Staff College at Maxwell Air Force Base, and it's a ten month school, and I just I couldn't leave my son for ten months and go down there. So I said, "Okay, now's the time I'm getting out." Stayed home with him but then was able to take those skills and I worked at a engineering company for quite a while, eight years I guess doing contract negotiation for them. So, you know and did the whole mother juggle thing [chuckles]. SY: Yup, and when did you retrain to be a counselor? LW: A counselor? So when my second child came along it got a little more challenging for me to balance everything the way I wanted to do it. So I stayed home with my daughter Caroline. I guess I worked for a couple of years and then was home with her. So when she got into late middle school I decided—then I was like okay I'm going to go back to work here. What do I really want to do now? Researched a bunch of things, decided to take a course and just see if I enjoyed it, and just fell in love with the field. I think if Norwich had had psychology I would have majored in that but they didn't have that major. And so went back and that was great because I was still home, but I was going to school, and then when she went to high school I was able to find a position as a school counselor. That's what I'm doing now. SY: And you love it. LW: I do. SY: Excellent! LW: Yeah, yeah. SY: One other question, LW: Yeah. SY: And then I don't know if I have any other real questions, you know again I've been reading these books and memoirs by women in the academies. And they talk about this push and pull between sort of trying to blend in and trying to sort of seem as masculine as possible and also wanting to be seen as feminine and as like a potential partner and how did you juggle that? LW: I never wanted to be masculine. Like I always knew I was, you know I never really, but it, but it's a struggle. You know so there's the physical traits in how you carry yourself, but there's also just the, kind of the way you think and the way you approach the world. There's masculine and feminine, right, ways to and I think I just tried to stay true to myself I think in who I was. You know but I mean, yeah, the uniforms were not attractive [chuckles] you know? And the civilian girls always looked so awesome! We were like "Oh my God where'd they ever find these shoes, these black tie shoes?" We would laugh about it/ You had to have a lot of like self-confidence, you really did, because c'mon, you know? SY: And when you went to the Regimental Balls were you allowed to wear dresses or did you have to wear your uniforms? LW: That's interesting 'cause I think it was my first year that I went we were allowed to wear dresses. And I had to borrow a dress 'cause I didn't, you know, from one of the civilian women. She had beautiful gowns and so we all got one from her I guess. But then I was looking through my yearbook and there's a picture of me and I think they changed the rules and we had to wear, and we weren't happy about that. But yeah you know, you're yeah the same but different, let's face it, right? You know I certainly didn't want to wear that Army uniform to the Junior Week or whatever it was, but we all did, you know? SY: Right, of course. LW: Yeah. And I, the pictures [chuckles] so here you go again. So I was on the like the court they picked a queen and I mean, I can't—I don't know if they still do all that. SY: Oh, right I meant to ask you about that. You were Homecoming Queen? LW: Homecoming Queen, yeah. But the picture's of me in the uniform so I'm like was I really picked or was that [laughs] but yeah so that I believe… SY: Who was Homecoming King? LW: Well that, that was different, the All-American Homecoming Queen thing that was, I'm, George Turner, do you know that name? So he was like I think he was head of public relations or something. His wife was the librarian for a number of years. Big sports enthusiasts. SY: I do know that name. I do know him, yes. LW: He wrote a nomination for that and so there were fifty college women. We all came together. It was a pretty cool experience actually and went to Florida and were in the Orange Bowl Parade and the whole. But that was, it was more, it wasn't like, I didn't have to do anything to get that let's put it that way. [laughs] I didn't win anything or achieve anything. I think it was, you know, hey take the opportunities though when you get them, right sometimes. SY: Right, yeah, exactly. So then there are just some questions like do you think about service? Did Norwich teach you to think about service? Do you think about this idea of the citizen soldier? If these are ideas you relate to, great. If they're not ideas you relate to that's fine [laughs]. LW: No they're ideas that I relate to. That's the first thing they talk to you about, and you don't know what that is. Today kids do. Then I think we did it, you know my parents had me in Girl Scouts, and going to church and all of those things, but you didn't conceptualize that that was being a good citizen. And the whole idea of a citizen soldier, which is really the foundation of Norwich, and absolutely carried that all the way through. That is part of being in the military. It's who you are and so raised our kids that way. We're both that way. I just think it's part of yeah, you know. And it becomes ingrained in you like that's how you believe and want to live your life. It's part of you know, it's part of what's important and in fact I think somewhere in the museum there's a beautiful plaque and it—I took a picture of it when I was up there. But that's what it was, you know, to be able to serve that's what it is. That's what service means being in the service. SY: And did you, I wonder if you feel like your job now is similar in terms of service, do you feel that way? LW: Oh yeah, I look at my job actually as a paid volunteer job. So even when I wasn't working, and that's how I actually had to convince them to take me in my interviews because I hadn't worked for a number of years and breaking back into the work force. But I said, I haven't been sitting at home, this is what I've done which was everything from I mean, involved in a lot of fundraising and different things. And so yes this is, this is something I would do even if they weren't paying me. So yeah, it's that kind of work and I'm fortunate to be able to do it you know. SY: Yeah, absolutely. LW: Yeah. SY: So any last thoughts? LW: No, I'm just, you know, every year when I go up I'm happy to see more women in the Corps of Cadets. And I'm happy to see, you know, that they've had a regimental commander. Like women to me appear very blended in. I always love watching them in the parade and I try to catch up with them when I'm there and just say, "How is, what's going on, what's it like, what's it like for you?" They're always shocked when I tell them [laughs] I'm in the first class of women, you know, and they have a lot of questions. They're curious, really curious about that. And I always look for the girls with the white name tags, 'cause I know they're freshmen, you know at least the Rooks. If I go up for like an Alumni Weekend just to check in they're like "really" 'cause I think it's in the Rook Book or something, I don't know. SY: I wonder if when we do this exhibit if we should have an event which is an opportunity for women in the Corps now to talk to previous women in the Corps. LW: Oh yeah, that would be great. SY: That would be great. I think, I think I'm gonna suggest this to my boss tomorrow, 'cause I think that would be fabulous 'cause I think there's probably a real hunger to talk about it and have a sense of how things have changed and how they're the same and… LW: Oh yeah, yeah, absolutely, there's a lot of people out there that you know I think Norwich is truly I mean my first job out of the military I got through a Norwich connection. It's just the way the college is and I think the more anyway you can connect. And I think even women going into business out of there or into education or into nursing or into engineering there's alum that have gone before them that are willing to, you know, to help them out so yeah that would be kind of fun. SY: Yeah that would be great. LW: Kind of fun, yeah, SY: That would be, that would be exciting I think. Okay cool, I'm gonna press stop but…
Oral history interview with William Warren Steele, conducted by Jennifer Payne at Norwich University in Northfield, Vermont, on 12 September 2013, as part of the Norwich Voices oral history project of the Sullivan Museum and History Center. William "Bill" Steele was a member of the Norwich University Class of 1959; his interview includes discussion of his classmates and his memories of Norwich University as well as his later career and his family history. ; 1 William Steele Oral History Interview Interview Date: Interview Location: Sullivan Museum & History Center, Norwich University Interviewed by Jennifer K. Payne Transcribed by Thomas H. King III JENNIFER PAYNE: This is Jennifer Payne with the Norwich Voices Oral History Project. Today's date is September 12, 2013 and we're at the Sullivan Museum and History Center and I'm with Bill Steele. Welcome. WILLIAM STEELE: Thank you. JENNIFER PAYNE: Can you give me your full name please. WILLIAM STEELE: William Warren Steele. JENNIFER PAYNE: And where were you born? WILLIAM STEELE: I was born in - we lived in Roxbury but I was born in Montpelier in 1937. JENNIFER PAYNE: Ah-ha, ok. Do you have a nickname? WILLIAM STEELE: Bill JENNIFER PAYNE: Ok. What made you decide to choose Norwich? WILLIAM STEELE: Mainly it was family history. We didn't have a lot of guidance in those days about possibilities of college and all that, and my grandfather, two uncles, my father, and my cousin had all gone to Norwich. So it was sort of expected that a male Steele would go to Norwich and so that's where I went and also Norwich had a great influence over Montpelier in those days. My junior varsity high school football coach was a Norwich man. My girl's father was a Norwich man. Norwich sort of permeated Montpelier. So it was sort of a no-brainer I would go to Norwich and I did. JENNIFER PAYNE: Oh. So you were class of 59? WILLIAM STEELE: Class of 59, yeah. JENNIFER PAYNE: And what was your major? WILLIAM STEELE: Electrical Engineering. JENNIFER PAYNE: Who was your roommate? WILLIAM STEELE: Well my freshmen year it was Dick Thayer and Tom Turner. We were in Alumni Hall and I wouldn't have missed that for the world. It was a fire trap, but it was a lot of fun and Tom and Dick were my roommates. We were all three engineering majors. Dick later on changed to business I think, but we were all in one room for that freshmen year and I wouldn't have missed the Alumni Hall experience for the world. 2 JENNIFER PAYNE: What was it about, what was it about it exactly? Were there, was there anything that you remember doing there that you liked? WILLIAM STEELE: It was an old, old building, and as I say a fire trap, and because it was a fire trap there was no sprinkler system or anything in those days. It was all very old wood, dried out, painted probably 30 times, and so if a fire had ever started it would have gone pretty fast. So in our rooms we had, in front of the window, we had a high stool and on that stool was a bucket and we had to keep that bucket full of water all the time, and that was inspected to make sure no algae was forming so we had to take the bucket down and clean it out and refill it with water every day to make sure that didn't happen. So it was pretty basic in those days. But I made a lot of friends there, ah, Dick and Tom, and Pier Mapes. I think Jack Joyce was with us in those days. Friends that have lasted up over the years. JENNIFER PAYNE: That's wonderful. Were you in a fraternity? WILLIAM STEELE: No, no. Fraternities then, oh I think about a third of the Corps, when I talk about the Corps I'm talking about total student body, because if you were in Norwich you were in the Corps. So about a third of the Corps belonged to the six fraternities. The other two thirds of us did not. It was, it cost 12 dollars a month which wasn't insignificant in those days, and I only had 20 to begin with. So that, and also when I got to Norwich I didn't know what fraternities were. I had no background in any of this and as a result when they started talking about pledging and rushing and that kind of thing, I didn't have the foggiest idea what they were talking about. So the fraternity experience sort of passed me by and when Ernie Harmon got rid of the fraternities a few years after I graduated I wasn't too sorry. There was a lot of, Ernie Harmon thought that fraternities did not belong in a military school, and I think in retrospect that I agreed with him. JENNIFER PAYNE: Wow. Did you play any sports? WILLIAM STEELE: I played intramural baseball and that, that was it. And that was my freshmen year. After that I was not sports inclined. JENNIFER PAYNE: What activities did you do? WILLIAM STEELE: My freshmen year, you know when you're a freshmen you do everything. After that you do nothing [laughing], particularly when you're an electrical engineer because your total focus was on getting through the engineering curriculum. But my freshmen year I belonged to the Glee Club, which was sort of fun. We did some traveling. And I belonged to the Drill team and that was a lot of fun and we did traveling with that also. JENNIFER PAYNE: Oh wow. What did you do to relax? WILLIAM STEELE: I think - our entertainment, most of it was pretty regulated. You know we started in the morning would be rousted out, we'd march down to breakfast, we'd come back and then it was time to get your room cleaned up and get ready to go to your first class. Then in the evening it was back to the barracks and then almost immediately go down for dinner, and then when you came back from dinner it was study. So most of that was pretty regulated. I can 3 remember the one really bright spot relaxing time during the week was when we went down to Harmon Hall in the basement where there was the only TV on campus and we would watch Air Power [on Sunday Nights] 1. That was the big thing, was watching Air Power and it was all air power from the Second World War of course. And that was the big bright spot. There were some other things, I mean we did do some things in Montpelier, some social things in Montpelier. But the, but Montpelier was a little difficult. Most of us did not have cars. So if you wanted to go into Montpelier for something normally you hitchhiked. And so I hitchhiked back and forth many a time. JENNIFER PAYNE: Right up Rt.12. WILLIAM STEELE: Yup JENNIFER PAYNE: Wow. Do you remember any songs? If you were in the Glee Club did you, do you remember any songs from your year? WILLIAM STEELE: Oh there was one that the faculty really liked: "There is Nothing Like a Dame" from South Pacific. And that was great, a whole bunch of guys of a mens school isolated and everything. The faculty thought that, that was most appropriate. So we sang that. Of course everyone sang "On the Steps of Jackman." I'm not sure that anybody sings that anymore because it's sort of outdated. JENNIFER PAYNE: How does it go? Do you… WILLIAM STEELE: It was, oh I remember it well. JENNIFER PAYNE: Would you? WILLIAM STEELE: Of course, "On the steps of Jackman, crying like hell, lies a new born baby. Can't you hear that son of bitching bastard yell? Oh who could be the father? Maybe it's you. Just another bastard son of old NU." [Laughing] JENNIFER PAYNE: That was wonderful. WILLIAM STEELE: Well you know it's sort of out of date now, but because of the sexual revolution and everything else, but back in those days there was sort of an image of a Norwich guy getting lose, impregnating some local girl, and then bugging out and hiding back in the Corps. And the idea of, you know, we talked about it but I never saw it happen, but we talked about lining the Corps up and having the girl troop the line up and down with a baby in her arms, looking for the offending cadet. So that was the kind of image that went on in those days, and the idea of a girl bringing the baby and putting it on the steps of one of the barracks, which Jackman was then. It was Headquarters Company. That was sort of an image that everyone was in favor of. Interesting thing, during our 50th anniversary, which was just 4 years ago, we were all lined up on the steps of the new Jackman, and when we were lined up for the picture being taken somebody started singing "On the Steps of Jackman" and the whole class sang it. 1 Added at the request of William W. Steele '59. 4 JENNIFER PAYNE: Oh I wish I could have been there for that. WILLIAM STEELE: [Laughter] That's a, yeah too bad they didn't have a microphone. JENNIFER PAYNE: That would have been great. Oh boy. Who was your favorite instructor at Norwich? WILLIAM STEELE: Oh that's easy. His name was Martin Webb. And at the end of our sophomore year we were told that we were gonna really be brought into line because we had coming our junior and senior year a new professor and his name was Martin Webb. He was 42 years old, he was a full Colonel in the Army, had been selected for Brigadier General at the age of 42, which is pretty fast, and then had taken a physical, had a heart condition and so the Army tossed him out. And he decided to come to Norwich, which was a military school, to do his teaching. So we, the other professors had instilled fear in us to this guy was going to come and really crack the whip. Well he came and that was not the way he operated at all. He took us under his wing, and he was the greatest example of a man I think that I have ever met. He did everything right. I can remember we were very proud when we had winter carnival of most things because he was there, he was our professor, and he was real full of carnival. And he had the most expensive class A uniform dress blues that I have ever seen. In those days we thought it cost $300 which would probably be like $1500 or $2000 now. Very good material and of course tailored to fit him exactly. Martin Webb took care of us and he made sure, he tried to make sure that we were properly trained for what we were going to do and of course a lot of us went into the Army. And so what he would do, which was illegal because the drinking age then was 21, he would have Sunday afternoon receptions at his house, and he would be dressed in his dress blues, and his wife Silvia would be in a hostess gown, and they would have our class, which was only 8 people, our senior class, out to their house for h'ordeuvres and drinks. And I didn't really realize it at the time, but what he was doing was grooming us for the social life of the Army. It was just one of those things that he took on, and then I think within a year of the time I graduated and went out to New Mexico I got a letter from Colonel Webb, and he had found a job that he thought I might be interested in, in Vermont. And of course I already had a job at White Sands Missile range so I wasn't interested in that. It just shows that even after we graduated he was looking out after us. Yeah one of the finest men I ever met. I came back five years after I graduated, they had an engineering symposium, and we were, some of us graduates were going to talk to the undergraduates at Norwich. And I came back for that, and Martin Webb had died within a few months before that. That bad heart of his that got him thrown out of the Army finally caught up with him and he had collapsed and died and so that was sort of sad. But he was the best professor that I ever saw, and the finest man I ever met. JENNIFER PAYNE: That's wonderful. What was your least favorite class at Norwich? WILLIAM STEELE: [Laughing] Advanced mathematics. And it was, and the reason I tell myself now was probably because the professor, well he probably knew his subject better than any other professor knew his subject at Norwich. He was a mathematician. He knew, he had worked with Einstein during the Second World War on the Atomic Bomb as I understand it. Brilliant guy, but could not relate to students, and could not teach, and we all had a lot of 5 problem in his class. I won't mention his name, but we all had a lot of problem in his class and I did especially. So yeah that was my least favorite of all classes. JENNIFER PAYNE: What do you remember most about being a rook? WILLIAM STEELE: [Laughing] I guess, because I had not assumed great responsibility yet from my life there was a certain freedom that came from that. And there was a certain, ah, nice sense that came with the organization and the discipline and the regularity of Army life. It was very comforting. You knew where you were, you knew what your status was, you knew what to do, you know who to go at certain times, and that was pretty comforting most of the time. And then again because I hadn't grown up at the time, I didn't have the sense of responsibility that I probably should have had. So that was a pretty good year. I liked that. Also I made a lot of friends that year that have been friends ever since. JENNIFER PAYNE: But was there, was there, was the part that you didn't like, was it, was there anything you didn't like about being a rook or? WILLIAM STEELE: Yeah, you couldn't have a car. You were with, at that time our total enrollment was about 700. So you had 700 cadets isolated in a very small town with no car. So there wasn't, a social life was sort of possible if you had the money and could find the transportation. Other than that it was a little difficult. JENNIFER PAYNE: How were you disciplined, when you were, if you were ever disciplined? WILLIAM STEELE: [Laughing] Oh I certainly was. Can almost be an expert on that. I'm not sure about the way it's done now, but in those days 99% of the discipline was done by the Cadet Corps itself. It was done by Cadets. The faculty and the staff played almost no part in it whatsoever. The battalion and regimental disciplinary boards, which was the highest level of discipline, could exact any punishment up to and including suspension for three years. Now if your offence required expulsion, then the faculty came into it or the staff came into it and I think actually the president came into it for final approval. But other than that it was all students. But I have a story for an exception to that, which was made in my case [Laughing] when the faculty got involved in it. I don't know if you're familiar with the name of Maurice Smith? JENNIFER PAYNE: Yes WILLIAM STEELE: Maurice Smith, I think he died within the last couple of years. JENNIFER PAYNE: Maurice Smith? WILLIAM STEELE: Maurice Smith yeah. JENNIFER PAYNE: He's a 102. WILLIAM STEELE: He's a 100 and he's still alive then, ok. Let me tell you a story about Maurice Smith [laughter]. He was at that time a Lieutenant Colonel and an Assistant Commandant of Cadets. I had a cousin who was class of '33, valedictorian of '33, who was a very good close friend of Maurice Smith. And my cousin came to Norwich for a Middlebury game once. Well my cousin who was pretty wild, anyway, and he, when he came he stayed with 6 Maurice Smith. So before he left for the game, he and I were going to sit at the game together, before he left for the game he filled up his flask with Maurice Smith's scotch and brought it to the game and then insisted that we sit on the Middlebury side. Well I was in my Cadet uniform so that wasn't entirely proper but he was my much older cousin so I went with him and we sat on the Middlebury side. And of course all of the Norwich side was looking over across the field at us, and my cousin bought a blanket which he put in our laps presumably to keep warm. But about every 15 minutes would take the blanket and we'd throw it up over our heads and we'd pass that flask back and forth. And well of course Maurice Smith was looking across as the Assistant Commandant of Cadets, was looking across the field and he could see all of this and he knew that he had a Cadet illegally drinking his scotch. [Laughter] So now the next story I'm going to tell you, I have no proof that there is a connection, but I think that there was. A month or two later during winter carnival I was the Officer of the Day and I went ahead and did my duties and everything. About two days after that I received a letter from Maurice Smith with 7 first class charges on it, some of which had a grain of truth to them, some of which had no truth at all to them. But any one of which could have gotten me kicked out of Norwich or at least suspended. So I had to sit down as a 20 year old cadet and, and type out an official letter responding to all of these charges. Which I did, and several days went by, and finally -. In those days the mess hall was one big room with tables for 10 people and everyone was served the same food. And in the corner was what was called the crow's nest which was were the Cadet Commander and his Exec. Officer sat. And it was quite tall, there's stairs going up to it. So I was called up to the crow's nest and I was told by the Cadet Exec. Officer that Colonel Smith had referred the whole matter to them, for them to adjudicate. So the Exec. Officer said "we have decided that if you would agree, we will give you 12 demerits and the whole thing will go away." Well in those days you were allowed 12 demerits a month before you had to start walking tours, and seniors very rarely got demerits for anything. So I said "Ok I'll take the 12 demerits and we'll call it even." [Laughing] So that's the only time that I can really remember personally when anybody other than a member of the Cadet Corps got involved in disciplinary action and I think I know the reason why. [Laughter] JENNIFER PAYNE: Wow and that would be, the reason was because? WILLIAM STEELE: Because I was drinking his Scotch in front of him and he couldn't do anything about it [Laughing]. JENNIFER PAYNE: What was the hardest part of attending Norwich? WILLIAM STEELE: The hardest part? Well you know you're a kid when you're in college, and you don't have a great perspective about the outside world and what's going to happen. And I think one of the things I worried most about was how well I would be prepared to go out and do a job of electrical engineering. It turned out that was the least of my worries. Norwich prepared me very, very well. I've met people from lots bigger colleges and people with advanced degrees that I could compete with very easily. So Norwich did very well for me, but I did worry some about that when I was a cadet. And I think that and just passing all the courses was, and when I say passing all the courses, in engineering in those days, and it was changed thank god, in engineering in those days all you had to do was to pass every course. That's all. There was no 7 grade point average requirement. So if you got - you could conceivably graduate with a 1.0, having got a D in every course. Martin Webb, the aforementioned Colonel Webb, the year after I graduated he became the head of the department, and he changed that and he said he was going to change that. Because what was happening, it was very difficult to get a 1.0. I mean we flunked out. I think we had over 30 electrical engineers my freshmen year and we graduated 8 or 7 I think. So it was very difficult to get that 1.0 and, but when we got out nobody knew all about that. So our low grade point average was put up against people from other schools who had perhaps a 2.5 average, and it was very difficult when we got started. Well Colonel Webb changed that. He made a higher grade point average as being required and made it somewhat easier for it to get that higher grade point average. JENNIFER PAYNE: Wow. What would say is the most important thing that Norwich taught you? WILLIAM STEELE: Discipline, organization, I think without question. And, and it stays with me today. It's something that has helped me all my life and it's just part of me now, so. JENNIFER PAYNE: What did, what did "I Will Try" mean to you as a student? WILLIAM STEELE: Nothing. It meant, well I shouldn't say nothing. As, I meant it has obvious connotations that you will try, you will exert an effort and all that. But aside from that it didn't mean a whole lot. Later on it meant something far more than that. It meant, whether or not it was a good motto or not and I never thought it was particularly imaginative, but it was historical. I think it was Truman Ransom that said that and it was picked up. But later on it became just about good or bad. It became about Norwich tradition and to me that became very important, still is very important. JENNIFER PAYNE: So how do you think, let's see, I want to talk about your professional life so tell me what happened after you left Norwich and how you got to be an engineer. WILLIAM STEELE: What happened was I had no job when I graduated from Norwich. My mother was living in New York City at the time so I went down to spend a couple weeks down there tramping up and down the streets of New York City finding if, I remember Aramco, Arabian American Oil Company was one company that I interviewed with. Didn't really know how to do an interview and it was a little difficult for engineers to get jobs. It was just one of those low points. But my father who was in the Army and stationed at White Sands Missile Range gave me a two week vacation as a graduation present, a two week vacation in New Mexico, in the great southwest. So I flew down there and stayed two weeks and I arrived there with 40 dollars and 40 pounds of luggage, 'cause 40 pounds of luggage was what those old propeller driven airplanes would take. And I stayed two weeks and I loved it. I loved the weather. I'd wake up early in the morning, it was, it's high altitude down there, 3/4000 feet, and the weather is perfect day after day after day. And I decided I wanted to stay so I cashed in my return trip plane ticket and got another 40 dollars for that and that lasted me another couple weeks, and then I had to get a job. So I got a job there with civil service at White Sands Missile Range. That was pretty much what my career was from then on. 8 JENNIFER PAYNE: What did you do, what did you do for White Sands Missile Range? WILLIAM STEELE: Well I started out in the television division which was doing special television set ups, for instance - of course a missile range, like any test range, tests Army materials, Army systems. And some systems when you test them you have to surveill them with television, and so we designed that kind of system. For instance there was a hot/cold chamber that we would put the material into. We had to design a television system that would withstand the heat and the cold so we could put it in there and take a look at that material from the outside while it was being tested. There's another one, a centrifuge, which was a big spinning thing, and we mounted a camera on the very center of that pointing straight out the arm toward the material being tested. So you could view that as it went around. JENNIFER PAYNE: Wow. WILLIAM STEELE: So then another job that I had was, we were doing a drone test out at Yuma Proving Ground, which was several hundred miles away over in Arizona. And I was sent over there in order to put in a television system that would provide surveillance of the drones when they were on the launch pad and as they launched. JENNIFER PAYNE: Wow, very interesting. WILLIAM STEELE: It was that kind of thing. Then after that I went into meteorology. JENNIFER PAYNE: Really? WILLIAM STEELE: Yeah, we had a big meteorological group and engineering division that would build data collection systems for the meteorologists. So I did that for several years and after that I went to work for Astrodata Corporation, one private industry which built timing systems. And then they went bankrupt so I was out of work and after that I ended up, in 1972, I ended up in Yuma Proving Ground. And at Yuma Proving Ground I got some really, I got two wonderful opportunities there. And the first one was - laser technology had begun essentially in 1960, that's the first time they got laser action and some actual light out of a laser rod. So this was then 12 years later when I went to Yuma Proving Ground, and they were about to be sent a laser radar to be evaluated. And so I got there at the right time and I was assigned that job. And it was the first general purpose laser tracking system in the Department of Defense. So I got a chance to do the evaluation of that, to buy some more. It turned out to be terribly successful. Then in 1973 I think it was, I was sitting talking to my boss, and an Air Force Lieutenant Colonel appeared at the door. And he said "My name is Val Denninger and I'm looking for a place to test a new navigation system." Well we had never tested a navigation system before, but laser tracking systems were ideal for doing that because what would happen - you'd put the navigation system on board an aircraft to tell you where the navigation system said the aircraft was, and then you would track the aircraft with laser trackers which would tell you where it really was. So my boss was a smart guy and so he asked a couple of questions on how does it work and so on and so forth. And we didn't know whether that - this guy had a great line, and we didn't know how much of his line was a little hokey and how much was real. So my boss asked him, he said, "At what level are, is that project being funded every year?" And Val told us, 9 I've forgotten the number but it was huge. 100 million or something like that which in 1972 was a lot of money. And we said, my boss said "First of all come in and sit down and close the door." Because every test range is looking for a lot of test work to do, it's our living. And the next question he asked was "And what do you call this system?" And Val said, "We call it the global positioning system, the GPS." And at that point we really got interested and it turns out that the dollar value that Val had given us included putting up all those satellites. That's what made it so big. So at that point we decided we really wanted that system. And we were a little tiny range, Yuma Proving Ground is not a large range at all, and we were in competition with White Sands Missile Range, which was huge, and Edwards Air Force base. So we decided we were the only ones that had operating lasers at that point, or had one operating laser at that point. So we sat down, they had the money, we had the will, and they fed us a lot of money for software development to buy more laser trackers and everything else and we just turned our work force into preparing to test the GPS. And sometime along, I've forgotten when maybe 1974, we were officially selected as the primary test range for the GPS and I was assigned as the range product engineer for that. And my job was then to coordinate all of the facilities for Yuma Proving Ground for testing this new thing, and so that was a great challenge. I'm probably the only person you'll ever meet that can tell you exactly how the GPS works and how it determines your location. It's a mathematical process. So I got to do that for I think, we flew the first test flight of a C-130 aircraft in 1976, and after that we were still testing the global positioning system up until I left Yuma Proving Ground in 1985. So that was an absolutely wonderful opportunity to get involved in something that turned out to be very big. JENNIFER PAYNE: Wow that's amazing. That's, you mentioned the 4 generals that were in your class. WILLIAM STEELE: Yes JENNIFER PAYNE: And it's just amazing how your class and your colleagues have just been involved in such incredible projects. GPS is so big. WILLIAM STEELE: Yes, yes. And the 4 generals, the 4 general officers and our class was I think 153, and the 4 general officers, first of all lightning. As far as I know we had only had one 4 star general before our class and that was I.D. White in the class of 1922, interestingly enough a classmate of my father's when he went to Norwich. And I think Sully Sullivan was the second 4 star we got, and lightning really struck because he was made Chief of Staff of the Army, I think 1990 to 1994. Then about the same time Bill Streeter became the Commander of the Military District of Washington, which included Arlington Cemetery and Fort Myer down there, some other things. We had Don Edwards who was, for about 16 years I think, the Adjutant General of the State of Vermont. And then we had Dick Durgens who was a Brigadier General. So we had 4 general officers out of the class and as well as Pier Mapes who was president of NBC television for affiliates. JENNIFER PAYNE: Amazing. Who were your family members? What are their names of your family members that were here? I would like to get them on the record. 10 WILLIAM STEELE: Oh ok. My grandfather was the first one that went here. He went here for only a year and he took pre-, he took law here. And he was then the class of 1882 I think. JENNIFER PAYNE: He's that Fredrick Steele? WILLIAM STEELE: Yes JENNIFER PAYNE: Ok WILLIAM STEELE: Yeah, he was class of 1882. He went here for one year and then came under the influence of Dr. Mayo downtown in Northfield. And Dr. Mayo was a homeopathic physician and my grandfather then decided he would be a homeopathic physician. So he went to Hahnemann Medical School in Chicago for two terms. Came back, studied under Dr. Mayo for a while, and then moved down to Gaysville which is in the township of Stockbridge Vermont and practiced there from 1883 to 1903. And then he moved to Montpelier and, to ease up his workload. But I don't think it eased up his workload a whole lot. When he was in Gaysville he was always looking at the south end of a horse going north you know, because he was going around to Bethel and to Springfield and all those towns around there in a buggy, and he wanted to ease that up a little bit. So he moved to Montpelier, moved to 152 Main Street. Now when he was in Stockbridge he was the State Representative from Stockbridge to the State House of Representatives. And then he was elected as the senator from Windsor County, and did most of his work in the Vermont state legislature on medical things. Then when he moved to Montpelier of course he was in Washington County. He was then elected to the Vermont senate from Washington County, senator from Washington County. And in those days they had three kinds of medicine and one was allopathic, which is what we would call today regular medicine. And then there was homeopathic medicine, which today has sort of degenerated into wheat germ and that kind of thing, but in those days they did everything. They delivered babies mostly, and they set limbs. It was before abdominal surgery so there wasn't any of that, but surgery on the limbs and everything they did, and everything else. And then there was eclectic medicine, and eclectic medicine was based on Native American medicine. And those three were the three that were recognized in the state of Vermont. Well at that time I think my grandfather had come to the conclusion that allopathic medicine was the way to go, and of course he was right in retrospect. And so he joined the Allopathic Medical Society and participated in that and when he was in the legislator he came to the conclusion that you ought not to have three kinds of medicine, you ought to have one kind of medicine. So he sponsored legislation that passed easily, probably based on some other states' legislation. I don't know that I'm guessing. But what it did was set up a board of two allopaths, two homeopaths, and one eclectic medicine practitioner to set up one set of standards for practicing medicine. And that passed easily in both houses, was signed into law by the government, by the governor, and became the basis for what is now state boards for medicine in Vermont. JENNIFER PAYNE: Wow. WILLIAM STEELE: And that was my grandfather. Wonderful guy, my hero because in his will he left me enough money to go to college for four years [laughter] which solved that problem in those days. The second one to go here was my uncle, whose name also Fred Elton Steele, he was 11 Fred Elton Jr. And he went here I think for three years and then transferred down to a medical school in Baltimore and finished up his medicine there. I think he graduated sometime around 1903 or 1904. And both of those guys - of course medicine was a little bit simpler then - both of them were M.D.s, they were both surgeons, and they were both psychiatrists. In fact my grandfather was the first psychiatrist in Vermont and used to make trips down to Brattleboro to the retreat down there to treat the patients down there. And in those days they had no standards for psychiatry or anything else. He showed an interest, was willing to take the time, so he became a psychiatrist. My uncle had psychiatric training and he became a psychiatrist. Worked with the Veterans Administration for years, ending up down in Northampton, Mass. JENNIFER PAYNE: Wow. WILLIAM STEELE: Then the third one that went here was my uncle Edwin Harrington Steele. And he got his education he started out as an electrical engineer I found out years later, and then got interrupted because we had the First World War and he was pulled out or joined and went over to France as a corporal and fought in the First World War. And then when he came back he entered Tufts and became a dentist. And when he became a dentist he married a fellow dentist and they moved to Waterbury, Vermont and practiced from probably 1924 or so until his death in 1977 I think. Had a practice in Waterbury, yeah. JENNIFER PAYNE: Wow, that's a long career. WILLIAM STEELE: [My father, Warren Brooks Steele, was the fourth member of the family to go to Norwich entering in the Class of '22. The reason for his departure three years later is a little mysterious. He was not suited to the academic life and that probably had something to do with his departure. His claim was always that it had something to do with the Mount Home Cemetery next to Norwich. According to his story, he snuck out one night and rearranged the letters on the cemetery sign to read "Hope On Me" Cemetery and was expelled. No matter which story is true, he worked at several odd jobs but joined the National Guard where he received his commission when 21 through correspondence courses. He was called to active duty as a major in 1940 to be the Executive Officer of Selective Service in Vermont. In 1943 he was promoted to Lieutenant Colonel and sent to the China/Burma/India theater and then at the end of the war he took command of the Tokyo Ordnance Depot in japan where his family joined him. In 1953 and now a Colonel he was riffed as part of a plan to reduce the number of reserve officers who had left their civilian jobs to be in the Army. He reverted to Master Sergeant until 1960 when he retired as Colonel.]2 WILLIAM STEELE: Yeah. And then the [fifth] one that went to Norwich was Fred Elton Steele III, and he was very active with Norwich until he died. He was in his 90s when he died. And he was valedictorian of the class of '33 and became, went into the Army around the Second World War. Then he went teaching, he went to teach at the Merchant Marine Academy at King's point on Long Island and got some sort of a Naval commission down there. Taught down there for a long time and eventually moved back up to Montpelier at 40 Liberty Street and taught up at Vermont College until his retirement. And then there was me. And that was, that was, there was 2 Added at the request of William W. Steele '59.12 one other thing that I found out - in my class of 1959 was an Ed Steele from Waterbury. And we knew each other of course, we knew each other's name was Steele, and that was about it. He was a business major and a good athlete, basketball player, and we graduated and run off. And I don't know, it's probably about 10 years ago I got a call and "Is this Bill Steele?" I said "Yeah." "This is Karen Steele." I said "Yeah." [laughter] And she said, "From Waterbury." I said, "You must be a relative of Ed's." And she said, "Yes I'm his wife." And I says "good" and she said, "I'm calling because I'm doing genealogical research." And I said "Are you going to tell me that Ed and I are related." And she said, "yeah you're third cousins." So whenever I'm in Vermont I usually stay with Ed and Karen for, for three days or so and we do genealogical research, so. JENNIFER PAYNE: That's wonderful. Um. What advice would you give a Rook today about how to survive and thrive? WILLIAM STEELE: How to survive? [Laughing] JENNIFER PAYNE: Yeah. WILLIAM STEELE: How to survive at Norwich? JENNIFER PAYNE: And survive, yeah, survive at Norwich. WILLIAM STEELE: At Norwich? JENNIFER PAYNE: Or in the world, either. WILLIAM STEELE: If I had it to do over again, I would be, I would take the military aspect of Norwich very seriously. I would do my very best at developing myself as a leader, because Norwich offers you a magnificent opportunity to do that. I would advise anyone to enjoy Norwich but don't forget why you're here, to study hard because your grade school and high school academic record tend to get lost, but your college record doesn't. it follows you all the rest of your life and I would advise people to study very hard and to take full advantage of the leadership opportunities that Norwich offers. I didn't do any of that, but that's what I would advise. [Laughing] JENNIFER PAYNE: So what does "I Will Try" mean to you now? WILLIAM STEELE: Mainly to me it means tradition. It means Norwich tradition and I think Norwich traditions are terribly important, ought to be paid attention to. A lot of them have gone by the wayside and I'm sorry to see that. After we left, I don't know I think it might have been sometime in the 1980s, "I Will Try" was changed I think to "Essayons" and then changed back to "I Will Try." I don't think that should have ever been changed. I never liked "I Will Try" as a particularly good motto but it's tradition, it's been around since a, for a long time. Also something that was changed was our sports teams were always known as the Horsemen. It was the Norwich Horsemen and we had banners with a Cadet on a jumping horse and that kind of thing. That was changed to the Cadets. Norwich is not West Point, it's not supposed to be West Point, it wasn't founded as a West Point. It was founded for citizen soldiery, not professional soldiery, and I think that that Horsemen should have been kept. And if anybody, if anybody questioned that in this day, when women have been admitted to Norwich - something I was fully 13 in favor of and so was everyone else, well I'll deal with that in just a second - but if anyone were to complain well the Horsemen is gender specific, I'd just say the term Horsemen, if you look in the dictionary it's not gender specific, it can apply to women just like chairmen can. And I think it should have been kept and I would very much like to see it changed back. Now a word on, on women being admitted to Norwich. From my perspective Norwich has always followed the Army, it prepares people for the Army. And when the Army changed from brown shoe to black shoe, Norwich changed from brown shoe to black shoe. When the uniform changed, Norwich in my day used the regular Army uniform just with Norwich insignia, which was a great advantage because when the seniors graduated they would take off their class strip and the Norwich brass and they would have their first uniform, which was a great advantage for a poor second lieutenant coming out of Norwich. And I was sorry to see them change that also. When the regular Army changed their phonetic alphabet. See I was in Easy Company, which the next year became Echo Company. From the old, it changed from the old Abel, Baker, to Alpha, Bravo phonetic alphabet. Norwich changed and when the Army changed and admitted women it was within the Norwich tradition and practice to follow what the Army did. If you're going into an Army with women and you're going to have to deal with whatever problems and opportunities come along with that, you'd better be trained for it and Norwich does that. And I have always been so proud of Norwich, and I brag about Norwich all the time, because places like West Point and VMI and the Citadel all have had big problems and resistance to admitting women. And at Norwich it just happened without any ripple, it was accepted, we went on from there. And I thought that that had to do a lot with the fact that the command structure at Norwich was seamless. It was seamless from the president of Norwich down to the Cadet Corporal. We were all part of the same disciplinary administrative function. There wasn't any big dividing line between the student body and the responsibilities of the faculties and staff. So when the president said we will have women at Norwich, everybody saluted the flagpole and said "yes sir" and we had women at Norwich. JENNIFER PAYNE: Is there anything else you would like to add? Anything else you'd like to say? WILLIAM STEELE: Just that, that when I graduated from high school I had very little experience or knowledge of the opportunities of various colleges and all that. And I ended up at Norwich as much from family tradition as anything else. If I had it to do all over again I would still go to Norwich, and I would go to Norwich for the discipline, and the order, and all that kind of thing that it taught. Because I have never seen any other school that taught it like Norwich did, and taught the assumption of responsibility at such an early age. Because, as I mentioned before, Cadets exercise all the discipline in the Corps of Cadets or virtually all of it and I haven't seen any other school that did that, and that taught you at a very early age. In fact I was talking with one of our ex Cadet Colonels and he said you know there are a lot of Cadet Colonels that never have had as much responsibility, real responsibility, again in their career as they did that senior year as the Commander of Cadets. JENNIFER PAYNE: Really? 14 WILLIAM STEELE: So, yeah that what I think was really great about Norwich and why I would go back. JENNIFER PAYNE: That's wonderful. Thank you so much. WILLIAM STEELE: Well thank you for having me. It's been fun. JENNIFER PAYNE: I really enjoyed this. I'm going to hit the stop button. [She turns the microphone back on] JENNIFER PAYNE: There we go, you're on, ok. So tell me about General Sully. WILLIAM STEELE: Sully? Sully at that age was a very interesting guy because he didn't seem to have a whole lot of direction. He was a member I think of Sig Ep fraternity and a lot of his social life and everything was based around Sig Ep. He was not particularly good academically as I remember it, and, surprisingly enough, he was a Rook for his first year as we all were and a buck private for the next three years. He never made corporal, never made sergeant, never made officer. And, again didn't seem to have a whole lot of direction. He, his plans were, as I remember it, and I think the year book says that his plans were to go into business when he got out of Norwich. And instead of course he went on to be Chief of Staff. So, but one thing I found that was very interesting, we would be sitting around deciding what to do at say on Saturday afternoon we'd decide what to do on a Saturday night. And we'd say, well should we go to a movie, should we go down to Burlington to UVM to the basketball game or something, and we'd discuss it and Sully wouldn't say anything. And we finally say ok let's go to the basketball game down in Burlington. And then everyone would turn around and say "What do you think Sully? is that ok?" [Laughing] So, although he never adopted leadership role in the Corps of Cadets he had an enormous amount of charisma and leadership just built into him which I always thought made him Chief of Staff of the Army. And then when he was Chief of Staff he came to El Paso, to Fort Bliss, and gave a speech there and I was in the audience and what he told, he was speaking to people that might be the parents of people entering the Army, and he said "Don't worry if your kid is not a born leader. Give him to us in the Army and we will teach him leadership." And I thought that I've never been able to relegate two things, that this guy who was probably the most natural born leader I ever met in my life, would say "It's not necessary to have any of that, we'll just teach it to you." JENNIFER PAYNE: Huh. WILLIAM STEELE: So, yeah, Sully worked in the mess hall and in those days we would march down to the mess hall in formation, go in, there were table for ten people a piece all through the mess hall and we would be assigned a table and we would sit there. Senior Cadet, Cadet with the most rank at the table would be the table Commandant. All of the, or the Cadet Commander and his Exec. sat in a very elevated platform with stairs going up to it called the crow's nest in one corner of the mess hall. And typically what would happen is that announcements would be made when everyone was there, corps would be called to attention, announcements would be made, and then grace would be said. And then as soon as grace was said the doors from the kitchen would open and the waiters would come out with these carts with terrines on them and you 15 might, you'd have a terrine of mashed potatoes for instance and a terrine of corn and maybe a platter of breaded veal or something. One for each table and they would be but on the table, and the table Commandant would take his share and pass it on down. And one of the great things about Norwich was it was the table Commandant's job to make sure that the rook at the end of the table got as much food as all of the people proceeding him. So it was very, very good training for officers that whose primary responsibilities was to take care of the men, and that meant the privates as well as the subordinate officers. And Sully was one of those waiters. And as I remember it he was a waiter for four years. He was well known as the waiter, and the waiters did not go to formation, they left their last class and went right to the mess hall to get ready. And then they left the mess hall and went to their next class in the afternoon. And I think as I remember it for that they got free meals, they didn't have to pay the board part. So that's what I remember about Sully mostly. He roomed in Goodyear Hall on the third floor I think his senior year. I was, about the only time I ran into him was then because I was on the first floor of Goodyear. I was in the MP's for three years at Norwich and that's where, that's why I would run into him most of the time. And the other guy that I remember of course was Pier Mapes and Pier became - NBC Television had I think 11 presidents. Tt was under GE and they would have a president, they had a president for programming and they had a president for finance and a president. Pier Mapes became the president for affiliates. And I know the last time I saw him he said "Bill you're from El Paso." I said "Yes." He says "KTSM right?" I said "Yeah that's the NBC affiliate." So he knew all of those, but in college Pier was a tall gangly guy. Not athletic, not coordinated enough to be athletic, but the friendliest and nicest and least affected person that I ever met. Really good guy. He was in our company which was Easy Company our freshmen year and that's where I got to know him best, and then we both belonged to the Episcopal Church and did a lot of that work together in school. But Pier was a cheerleader, and Pier came from a family of money I think, in fact I know he did. And when he was a cheerleader he showed up dressed as a cheerleader out of the 1920s. He had a real raccoon skin coat and a megaphone and he would lead cheers doing that and I can remember when we were freshmen, we're sitting down talking in the evening ya know and Pier said "You know to be successful in business you don't have to be smart, and you don't even have to work real hard." He says, "but you have to make sure that you don't make any enemies, that you get along with everyone." And that's sort of what Pier did and later on, I mean 45 years later on, not too long ago, I had an occasion to call Pier to ask him about something. I've forgotten what it was and I said, "Pier do you remember what you told me when we were freshmen, 18 years old in college?" He said "no" and I told him you don't have to be smart to get along in business, you don't have to work real hard but you have to get along with everybody. He says "No I don't remember that," he says, "but ya know he said I was pretty smart as a kid wasn't I?" I said "Yeah I found out later on you were." So yeah that was what I remember best about Pier. Pier, I googled Pier and I found out I think his father's name was Pier Mapes also and his father was also a big executive with NBC and I believe when NBC got the contract to broadcast the Miss America contest his father had something to do, was in charge of that. And he decided that the Miss America contest ought to have a theme song. And so he went out and he contracted out 16 to have someone write a theme song for Miss America and that's where the "There she goes Miss America" came from. I think that was Pier's father that did that. JENNIFER PAYNE: Oh my gosh. Wow. WILLIAM STEELE: Good guy. I saw him at the 50th reunion 4 years ago. Still the same guy, still totally unaffected, one of the nicest guys you'll ever meet. Smart guy too. JENNIFER PAYNE: I have to ask you 'cause you mentioned it a couple times, the food. How was the food, how was the chow when you were here? WILLIAM STEELE: Well [laughing] I thought it was good. Of course food when you are told what to eat, you're going to get lots of complaints, so of course there were lots of complaints. But by and large I thought it was very good. Standard meals, scrambled eggs and cream chip beef on toast and, and uh for breakfast. Yeah I thought it was very good and with the regulation that went on at the tables everybody got enough to eat. We didn't have it like it is now where you go in and select what you want and eat pizza three times a day if you want it. We were fed good balanced meals and so that along with. But one thing we did not have then that they have now, Norwich has improved greatly by the way since then. We did not have a whole lot of exercise. When you were a freshmen you were given calisthenics I think one day a week, something like that, not very much and that was about it. And there were no, there was no equipment. There was no weight room or any of that. No swimming pool. So when we had a chubby little fellow come in to the Corps of Cadets, four years later he would graduate as a chubby little fellow. We didn't have nearly the emphasis on health and fitness that they do now because the Army didn't. The Army did not have that. I was in Japan right after the Second World War - 1946, 1947 - and living on an Army post and a lot of those soldiers were grossly out of shape. Not in good shape at all and when the Korean war happened, 1950 I think it was, those were the troops they sent over to fight. And those troops were not in condition to fight and that's why they got slaughtered. And I think now the Army is emphasizing fitness a great deal more and so is Norwich and that's a great advantage. We had no fitness room, we had no swimming pool. You could go down and run around the track if you wanted to and that was about it. JENNIFER PAYNE: Wow. WILLIAM STEELE: Yeah. Other advantages that they have now - we had no laundry then at Norwich. To get your laundry done you can have it done one of two ways: in the basement of Harmon Hall they had a laundry counter. You would take your laundry down give it to them, they would ship it downtown and your laundry would be done downtown and then shipped back and you would pick it up in Harmon Hall. The other way you could do it, they had a standard tin box with straps around it and you could put your dirty laundry in there and send it home and have mom do it and send it back. And a lot of people did that. JENNIFER PAYNE: Really? 17 WILLIAM STEELE: And when I got out of Norwich I sent a letter back and said you know you've really got to get laundry facilities there. And so I got sort of a letter that was designed to put me off and but I noticed a few years later they had installed laundry facilities here. The other thing we didn't have was multiple ROTC types. We had Army ROTC. JENNIFER PAYNE: That was it. WILLIAM STEELE: That was it. And our Cadets, we had one or two that took their commissions in another service, I'm not sure how that worked. But they didn't have Air Force, Navy, Marine Corps, they didn't have any of that. It was just plan Army ROTC. We did have one thing that I think they've done away with. If you were a very good military person, got good marks, good recommendations and everything you would become a DMS which was a Distinguished Military Student. If you were a DMS in ROTC you could take a regular Army commission. You wouldn't be reserve it would be regular Army, and I think they've done away with that. I think the regular Army is strictly West Point graduates now, that's my understanding. JENNIFER PAYNE: You grew up a little while in Japan. Was your dad in the Military? WILLIAM STEELE: Yeah he was in the Military, shipped over to command Tokyo Ordinance Depot right after the war. We went over in November of 1946 which is about less than a year and a half after the war, everybody had 15 months after the war ended and we were some of the first dependents over there. JENNIFER PAYNE: Really? WILLIAM STEELE: Which meant well there was a school, so when I went to school I went to school with English kids and Australian kids and all that. I skipped school a lot and [laughing] because I found a way to get around it. But, that was it. I spent most of my time, my entertainment, I was 9 years old when I went over and 10 when I came back, but most of my time was spent in what was the Red Cross Club, became the Service Club, which was for enlisted. And they had pool tables and ping pong tables and things like that and free coffee all the time. So that's where I spent all my time. We would go to the post, my father would go to his office and I would go to the club, and maybe meet for lunch, and then I'd go back to the club and spend all my time there. Learned how to drink coffee there at nine years old [laughing]. And later on, things were pretty wild then and my parents, my father was a Lieutenant Colonel then and he and my mother went for a vacation to, with a stop at Hong Kong, and to the Philippines. But the three of us stayed there right outside of Tokyo, and a Captain and his wife came and lived in the house and sort of babysat for us. Which was pretty wild because they, let's see we drank beer, I was 9 years old, we drank beer. I learned how to drink beer, my sisters had mixed drinks, they were 11 and 13. They were older so they had mixed drinks. I had beer. We smoked, I learned how to play poker, and was not a bad poker player when I was 9/10 years old. So it was pretty wild bringing up and most of my friends were Japanese. I spoke no Japanese. They spoke no English. Didn't make any difference we still played together and all that. The house we lived in was beautiful. It was a college president's house. The living conditions were incredible because the occupational Army took over things like that. So we had a two story stone house, and this is for a Lieutenant Colonel, with manicured lawns and manicured everything outside. 18 JENNIFER PAYNE: Nice. WILLIAM STEELE: That's where we lived. We had, for a family of five we had 7 servants. We had Mama San who was the chief maid and then she had her 13 year old daughter who was my buddy then, and she lived there also. Then there were 3 maids. And I'm not sure there's an upstairs maid and a downstairs maid and maybe a kitchen maid or something. There were three maids, and then there was the boiler man who was sort of the handyman and he took care of the boiler that heated the house and took care of everything else around. And then the last one was the cook. Always had trouble with the cook because the cook, we had two or three cooks and they all had short tempers and threw pots and pans around and all that. But, so we had 7 servants for a family of 5 over there. JENNIFER PAYNE: Oh my gosh. WILLIAM STEELE: It was pretty, pretty interesting. The biggest event I can remember there was my father and the whole family being invited to the Chinese Embassy for a big party and [laughing] I think I was 10 by this time, by the time this happened. So I went and the Japanese serving girls didn't know any different, they were taught to do certain things and that's what they did. And I was on my third martini by the time my mother figured out what I was doing. So after a couple martinis I had to dress like an adult and I saw this beautiful Chinese girl in a red gown and I decided that I wanted to dance with her so I went over asked her to dance. And she indulged me, we danced as best as I could. It was fun. Yeah I remember that evening very well. But there were no rules, an occupational Army doesn't worry about too many rules and too many standards. It was a pretty wild year. Then I came back to the United States in the 5th grade and all of a sudden it was culture shock all over again [laughing] and I couldn't do all the stuff. I really had to study, make up for a misspent year in Japan having played hooky from school at least half the time. JENNIFER PAYNE: Did you play poker at Norwich? WILLIAM STEELE: No, No I never played poker after Japan to speak of. I played pretty good poke, but it was everybody played poker which meant that you didn't have to be that good at it. But when I came back then the poker games were sort of dominated by people who were really good at it and you didn't, either you should get really good at it or you should stay away from it. And I found that out I think one lesson and that was it for poker, so. JENNIFER PAYNE: Sounds like it was a very interesting year. WILLIAM STEELE: Yes it was a very interesting year. Yeah it taught me that if you're going to be in a war, you'd better win because you're a lot better off if you win then you are if you lose. And the Japanese, one of the reasons we had so many servants is because the Japanese economy was destroyed. A great deal of Tokyo was destroyed. You know we fire bombed them with the Doolittle Raid. [Coughs] Excuse me. And so one of the things the American occupation was doing was hiring as many Japanese as possible so they would not starve to death. I can remember, I'm one of the few people I know who actually saw Douglas McArthur. Because if you think of that you know a lot of people have seen Eisenhower and the other Generals from the 19 Second World War, but McArthur was sort of scarce. And the reason he was is because during a great deal of his career he was in the Philippines sort of remote, and then after the Second World War, and then of course Second World War he was in the South Pacific. After the Second World War he moved, his office was in the Dai-Ichi building in the middle of downtown Tokyo. So he was out of the country most of the time, that's why nobody had seen him. But I can remember seeing him once and all the stories about him were true. He was the most dramatic actor that you ever saw in your life. And we were traveling along, we'd gone to downtown Tokyo to do some shopping. And of course we were using an Army Jeep and I was the 9 year kid so my mother sat in the front seat beside the driver, my two sisters sat in the two rear seats, and then I sat on the ground or on the floor with my feet down by the gear shift and my back up against the back seat. And all of a sudden we got stopped, and the reason we got stopped is that when Douglas McArthur came to work in the morning everything stopped. The traffic was stopped. And so I sort of heisted myself up so I could see out the front window and here came a line of what must have been, oh probably six motorcycles with lights flashing, and then at least two cars, and then motorcycle escort in back. And this was McArthur arriving for work at the Dai-Ichi building. And his car stopped, they let him out, of course still with all the flashing lights around. They had a line of MPs on either side of the sidewalk going up to the Dai-Ichi building, and crowds of Japanese, I mean must have been 20 or 30 deep, just wanting to get a glimpse of McArthur. And so he got out and he had the, the crushed hat with the 50 mission crush on it that he always wore, all he did he took the grommet out of it so the sides sort of drooped down, and the corn cob pipe and he was a tall, tall guy anyway. And no mistaking who it was and he stood up in between that line of MP's into the Dai-Ichi building and of course the MP's dispersed and the escort dispersed and we were allowed on. But it was quite a dramatic scene and my understanding was that scene went on every single morning he went to work [laughing] and whereever he went. JENNIFER PAYNE: Wow. WILLIAM STEELE: He was quite something. I don't think he did a, frankly a good job of commanding because he was in charge of all of those troops in Japan and let them get totally out of shape because nobody expected another war to come along. And I think now that we've learned our lesson and I think that the Army will not make that mistake again, but they certainly did then. There's no question who was in command of Japan. McArthur was in command. Everyone knew it, he made sure that everyone knew it [laughing]. JENNIFER PAYNE: Wow that a good story.Yeah. Wow, anything else? WILLIAM STEELE: No I think that's it this time. JENNIFER PAYNE: Ok, alright no that's good, that's really good.