europe at a dark crossroads: letter from france
In: New politics: a journal of socialist thought, Band 14, Heft 2, S. 8-15
ISSN: 0028-6494
214755 Ergebnisse
In: New politics: a journal of socialist thought, Band 14, Heft 2, S. 8-15
ISSN: 0028-6494
In: Population & sociétés: bulletin mensuel d'information de l'Institut National d'Études Démographiques, Band 484, Heft 11, S. 1-4
Au recensement de 2007, un habitant sur sept réside seul dans son logement en France métropolitaine. Cette proportion a augmenté régulièrement depuis cinquante ans, passant de 6 % en 1962 à 14 % en 2007. Les femmes sont plus nombreuses à résider seules que les hommes. Elles quittent le domicile parental plus jeunes, et se mettent en couple également plus tôt que les hommes ; elles sont une sur cinq à résider seules vers 20 ans. Cette situation se raréfie ensuite jusqu'à atteindre moins de 8 % à 40 ans, avant d'augmenter fortement aux âges plus élevés jusqu'à 55 % à 80 ans. Une personne sur dix recensée comme vivant seule dans son logement ne l'est en fait pas tout le temps : elle peut avoir deux logements et ne résider seule que dans l'un d'entre eux, ou n'avoir qu'un logement mais n'y vivre seule qu'une partie du temps.
In: Contributions to political science
This book examines radical Jihad terrorism in contemporary France and sheds light on the vicious circle of violence, based on reciprocity. Building upon the theoretical heritage of Pierre Bourdieu, the book develops a methodology and a concept of the vicious circle of violence in France, based on three pillars: actors, dynamics, and effects. Discussing the development of global terrorism between the 9/11 attacks and the launch of the European front against global terror in Spain and Great Britain, the book goes on to analyze why France has not been attacked during the 2000s and why it, in turn, became a primary target of terrorist attacks during the 2010s, with a special emphasis on communication theory and the concept of reciprocity. Studying these attacks on the international level, the book offers insights into violent acts of revenge of the radical home-grown jihadists for the French military interventions in four Middle Eastern and North African (MENA) countries, especially Libya and Syria. It further investigates the following growing radicalization of the Muslim community on the national level as a reason for terrorist attacks. Finally, the book sheds light on the reactions from within the French military to these developments, before closing with a presentation of the new political context after the 2022 presidential and legislative elections. Based on empirical evidence and a theoretical background this book will appeal to students and scholars of political science and international relations, as well as policy-makers and practitioners interested in a better understanding of terrorism, French politics, and communication theory.
Introduction: Racial resurrections -- Slavery and the construction of race in France -- Blackwashing slavery: the racial politics of commemoration -- Activist groups and ethnoracial boundaries -- Racial temporality in action -- "We have a history": slavery and Caribbean identities -- Legacies -- Reparations -- Conclusion: race-ing the past and the present -- Methodological appendix
In: Cosmopolitan civil societies: an interdisciplinary journal, Band 9, Heft 2, S. 57-71
ISSN: 1837-5391
Abstract During the first quarter of the 20th Century a small group of black intellectuals, artists, and musicians abandoned the United States for Paris. The rumor was that the French did not believe in racist theories – that France offered blacks social and economic opportunities not available in the States. This paper critically examines that narrative as well as North America's melting pot legend – an expression of the promise of America made popular in 1909 by playwright Israel Zangwill. The stories that we tell about ourselves as a nation are important because our moral sentiments are frequently a product of these narratives. They influence our vision of populations and their circumstances. They serve as starting points for philosophical investigation and critical self-reflection. My intent is not to prove these stories or narratives false but rather, to illustrate how their widespread acceptance has affected people's abilities to recognize, understand, and responsibly address compelling and complex racial problems. What I recommend is the need for an on-going, comprehensive, and critical examination of socially dominant historical narratives.
In: Critique internationale: revue comparative de sciences sociales, Heft 1, S. 145-167
ISSN: 1149-9818, 1290-7839
Since its origins, the doctrines and practices of worker internationalism have been constantly affected by specifically national considerations. By studying the archives of the CFDT and the CGT, one may assess the manner in which French and African labor unions addressed the theme of immigration. In particular, this allows one to examine the considerations that led African labor unions to attempt to exercise control over the demands of Sub-Saharan workers residing in France and the subsequent marginalization of the latter at the hands of French labor unions. More generally, the study underscores the bureaucratization of the French labor movement, which disconnected itself from the social struggles of immigration and thereby contributed to the crisis of labor union representation in France. Adapted from the source document.
In: Birch , S , Allen , N J & Sarmiento-Mirwaldt , K 2017 , ' Anger, Anxiety and Corruption Perceptions : Evidence from France ' , POLITICAL STUDIES , vol. 65 , no. 4 , pp. 893-911 .
This paper assesses the roles of anxiety and anger in shaping people's perceptions of politicians' integrity. Drawing on recent work on the role of affect in shaping political judgment, the paper develops a theoretical model of the anticipated role of anger and anxiety in structuring reactions to allegations of political misconduct. The model is tested on a unique dataset that includes results of an experiment fielded as part of a survey carried out in January 2013 among a representative sample of the French adult population. The analysis finds that those in whom politically dubious actions generate anxiety are more sensitive to contextual details than other respondents, though the role of anger in modulating ethical judgments is less clear-cut, dampening attention to information about negatively-assessed behavior but enhancing attention to information about behavior that is assessed more positively.
In: Revue défense nationale, Band 803, Heft 8, S. 5-9
ISSN: 2117-5969
La Patrouille de France a commémoré le centenaire de l'entrée en guerre des États-Unis au cours d'une longue mission de présentations en vol, démontrant ainsi l'importance du lien stratégique et d'amitié qui unit nos deux pays. C'était aussi la reconnaissance du haut degré d'interopérabilité entre nos forces aériennes.
World Affairs Online
In: Ethnopolitics, Band 9, Heft 1, S. 121-135
ISSN: 1744-9065
In: Risk analysis, Band 18, Heft 6, S. 729-739
ISSN: 0272-4332
1re ptie. Des institutions, depuis les origines de la monarchie jusqu'a Louis XIV. -- 2me ptie. Le duc de Bourgogne et Fénelon. ; Mode of access: Internet.
In: Politique étrangère: PE ; revue trimestrielle publiée par l'Institut Français des Relations Internationales, Band 63, S. 77-92
ISSN: 0032-342X
Organisation du Traité de l'Atlantique Nord (OTAN). Examines France's move toward a junction with NATO, and US attempts at reasserting its leadership in the Alliance, and argues that France will only promote a new division of tasks and responsibilities within NATO if the country has US and NATO support; 1990s, chiefly. Summary in English p. 230.
World Affairs Online