Toward the 21st century: Trends in post-Cold War international security policy ; 3rd International Security Forum, 19-21 October 1998, Zurich (Workshop 4)
In: Networking the security community in the information age, (9)
118 Ergebnisse
In: Networking the security community in the information age, (9)
World Affairs Online
In: Page Lecture Series 1913
In: Praeger special studies in international politics and public affairs
In: Journal of mechanism and institution design: JMID, Band 9, Heft 1, S. 55-81
ISSN: 2399-8458
In this paper, we establish conditions for the existence of an equilibrium in the equilibrium flow problem studied by Galichon et al. (2024). The problem nests several classical economic models such as bipartite matching models, hedonic pricing models, shortest-path and minimum-cost flow problems, and time-dependent routing problems.
This revelatory study investigates how changing modes of representing the black female figure were foundational to the development of modern art. Posing Modernity examines the legacy of Edouard Manet's Olympia (1863), arguing that this radical painting marked a fitfully evolving shift toward modernist portrayals of the black figure as an active participant in everyday life rather than as an exotic "other." Denise Murrell explores the little-known interfaces between the avant-gardists of nineteenth-century Paris and the post-abolition community of free black Parisians. She traces the impact of Manet's reconsideration of the black model into the twentieth century and across the Atlantic, where Henri Matisse visited Harlem jazz clubs and later produced transformative portraits of black dancers as icons of modern beauty. These and other works by the artist are set in dialogue with the urbane "New Negro" portraiture style with which Harlem Renaissance artists including Charles Alston and Laura Wheeler Waring defied racial stereotypes. The book concludes with a look at how Manet's and Matisse's depictions influenced Romare Bearden and continue to reverberate in the work of such global contemporary artists as Faith Ringgold, Aimé Mpane, Maud Sulter, and Mickalene Thomas, who draw on art history to explore its multiple voices
The seminar "The European Union and the fragmentation of international trade: a view from Barcelona", organised in collaboration with the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona and with the support of the Barcelona Chamber of Commerce, took place on December 13th, 2023. The experts present provided insights on how the European Union and Barcelona are responding to the fragmentation of international trade.Antoni Segura, the president of CIDOB, introduced the seminar by positing that the liberal international order is splitting into two blocs, one around the United States and the other led by China. These blocs are also beginning to emerge in the system of international trade. The World Trade Organization (WTO) Annual Report 2023 warns of signs of fragmenting international trade along these lines. Commerce between "hypothetical blocs" has grown by between 4% and 6% slower than trade within these blocs since the onset of the war in Ukraine in 2022. The European Union (EU), then, whether it looks east or west, is faced by actors who are undermining the rules-based system of international trade. Oriol Illa, from the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona, said that understanding the EU's response to this international situation is crucial to be able to take public administration decisions in Barcelona as there is a direct and significant relationship between macro and micro policies.The CIDOB seminar began with an opening address from Ignacio García Bercero, a director at the Directorate General for Trade of the European Commission, who explained the EU's response to fragmenting trade. He was followed by a panel of experts who elaborated on the issues highlighted by Mr García Bercero. This briefing provides a summary of the main ideas discussed. Overall, the experts agreed the EU is ready to defend itself from aggressive geo-economic action on the part of third countries, even if that means lowering its trade openness sights. Chinese investment will continue to come to Barcelona, but it may be limited in the tech field.1. EU responseIgnacio García Bercero kicked off the seminar with a review of the current international political instability. He recalled that the EU's goal is to secure strategic autonomy while limiting the fragmentation of international trade as much as possible, even if some degree of fragmentation is inevitable. He also outlined the European economic security strategy, which is based on three pillars: (1) promoting competitiveness and reinforcing the resilience of the single market; (2) protecting itself from external economic coercion; and (3) strengthening partnerships with like-minded countries. EU trade policy supports the pursuit of this strategy through its three lines of work: the multilateral agenda, the bilateral agenda and the development and implementation of a toolbox of "autonomous instruments".At multilateral level, the EU remains committed to the future of the WTO. The WTO is at a critical juncture and faces three possible scenarios. The first is for things to remain as they are where the WTO continues to have a marginal but useful role, though this scenario is unrealistic. The second is further fragmentation of international trade where the WTO plays an even smaller part. The final scenario is a reform of the WTO, increasing its relevance in international trade. Reform must mean that the WTO contributes to goals such as the green transition or sustainable development, agrees new rules on services, digital trade, subsidies and investments, and restores the dispute settlement system. The EU is working to make the reform happen and the next step is to delve deeper into this issue at the upcoming ministerial conference in February. At present, China is more active in the WTO than the United States and has yielded to allow an agreement on fisheries subsidies. But it will be much harder for it to back down on key elements of its agenda such as industrial subsidies.The EU's bilateral agenda continues to be the most ambitious in the world, in contrast to the United States. Recently, the commission has signed agreements or modernisations of agreements with New Zealand, Kenya and Chile, and remains ready to do the same with Mercosur and Mexico, as well as to continue negotiations with India, plus Indonesia and other Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) members. Still, the EU must relax its approach to bilateral negotiations. Rather than negotiating only global agreements, it is necessary to think about other more specific and flexible forms of free trade, like the agreement on investment with Angola or on digital trade with Japan. In addition, it is important to look at how trade policy can interact with other policies such as development or regulatory cooperation. For its trade agreements, the EU thinks in terms of value chains to promote its diversification while ensuring security of supply. It should not limit itself to like-minded countries alone.Lastly, the EU has autonomous instruments that can be classified into three types. The traditional level playing field instruments include its anti-dumping and anti-subsidies tools, to which it has added instruments to control the subsidising of foreign companies operating in the single market, or on reciprocity in public procurement. Regarding the instruments in this first group, effective and vigorous implementation is a must. The second group comprises the European Green Deal instruments like the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) and deforestation or due diligence regulations. These tools help Europe to achieve its decarbonisation goals, but at the same time they have an adverse effect on our relations with developing countries. The ambition is to reconcile the two goals, and one way of doing it could be through trade facilitation. The last group covers economic security tools that include foreign investment and dual-use export controls and the anti-coercion instrument. Unlike the other groups of instruments that require improvements in implementation, the economic security tools require better policy development. That is why the commission will shortly present a proposal for an instrument to control outbound investment. China appears to be more concerned about the autonomous instruments than the United States.In Mr García Bercero's view, EU trade policy has evolved. Now it must not only try to preserve and boost trade multilateralism, as well as further bilateral and regional freed trade agreements, it must also protect the environment and ensure security – for example, through de-risking or reduced dependence on a single supplier for risk products in sectors such as the critical minerals required in new technologies.2. Is this the best response?Oscar Guinea, a senior economist at the European Centre for International Political Economy (ECIPE), opened the panel discussion by criticising the imbalance in trade policy over the last few years. Much greater weight has been given to defensive action (new instruments) recently, rather than going on the front foot (new free trade area agreements), and this has had a negative effect on trade. If the EU is to achieve its goals, to be at the forefront of technology and decarbonisation while maintaining strategic autonomy, it must increase its access to markets and boost its resilience. This requires more ambitious agreements that lower the cost of trade.Jerónimo Maillo, professor of Public International Law and International Relations at CEU University San Pablo, shared some ideas about the new outbound investment screening instrument that the European Commission will propose in 2024. The instrument's main goal is national security, as it will try to prevent key technologies from falling into the hands of rivals. National security is the responsibility of each member state in the EU and, therefore, one would expect a framework instrument, as in the case of the screening of inbound investment, which limits the EU's role to coordination. In terms of its scope, it may well only cover direct investments and those in certain tech areas at first. Some countries like Germany are already drawing up national instruments of this type, so it will require swift action on the part of the EU. In Mr Guinea's view, autonomous instruments – this one included – could increase the EU's bargaining power with China, though he pointed out that this would only be possible if the measures were discretionary rather than automatic.Olga Baus Gibert, deputy head of unit at the Directorate General for International Partnerships of the European Commission, laid out the Global Gateway that seeks to change the EU's relations with developing countries by facing the triple climate, demographic and digital transition together. In Latin America and the Caribbean, for example, this will be achieved with an investment agenda that has clear public policy goals. These projects will be delivered through a "team Europe" approach that includes not just the EU institutions and member states, but also development banks (including the European Investment Bank) and private companies. The Global Gateway can help European industry to export while also helping to limit the impact of the autonomous instruments in third countries. China feels threatened by the Global Gateway as it (unsuccessfully) lobbied Latin American countries to reject a digital partnership with the EU in the framework of the initiative.Luís Pinheiro, senior economist at CaixaBank Research, went next with a presentation on de-risking. He said that when developed countries try to reduce their dependence on certain Chinese products, rather than de-risking triangulation occurs. For example, while trade between the United States and China in certain goods has fallen, US trade with Vietnam in those same products has doubled, and trade between China and Vietnam has increased by 40%. This would suggest that Chinese companies relocate to Vietnam in order to continue exporting to the United States. Thus, rather than de-risking it appears to be leading to a diversion of trade flows and it may make value chains less transparent. In the short term, there is no alternative to China in terms of regional specialisation, though we are witnessing a reconfiguration of value chains, the scale of which is unknown. To paraphrase Deng Xiaoping, we could be looking at "a globalisation with Chinese characteristics".The final speaker on the panel, Josep Maria Gomes, international business developer at the Barcelona Chamber of Commerce, spoke of Barcelona's enduring appeal to investors, especially Chinese investors. There has been an increase in interest from Chinese firms to invest in Barcelona through the creation of their own establishments and trade networks. In addition, they are beginning to want to sell with their brand rather than as others' house brands. Barcelona entrepreneurs have tried to diversify their suppliers by seeking alternatives in India, but they have found that the main suppliers in India are Chinese, making diversification futile.Ignacio García Bercero wanted to close the round of contributions by emphasising that while it is true the balance appears to have tipped in favour of trade defence instruments, that has not been the case as far as the commission's work and effort is concerned. Closing a free trade agreement is a long and arduous process, as is the reform of the WTO. He also pointed out that the EU can only move forward on economic security with more and better coordination and treading very carefully, as it is an issue of national responsibility. On the subject of de-risking, diversification from China's value chains is achievable, but only in the medium term and it only makes sense if it focuses on a small number of products linked to defence and technology.3. ConclusionThe seminar made it clear that the EU has taken steps to defend itself from aggressive geo-economic action, though its goal remains rules-based trade centred around the WTO. What the EU is doing is blocking any attempt by third countries to get their hands on its technology, be it by investing in the EU or by attracting investment from European companies.The EU has no wish to depend on certain strategic products from countries that offer only limited supply guarantees. It also wants to maintain good relations with developing countries. The Global Gateway is a tool that can help achieve both goals and, moreover, foster the internationalisation of companies from Barcelona.Barcelona will continue to receive Chinese investment. Problems will only arise if the targets of investment are tech companies.
Cardiovascular diseases represent the greatest burden of global disease. Spending on cardiovascular diseases is higher than for other diseases, with the majority being spent on drugs. Therefore, these drugs and these diseases are hugely important to health systems, society, and pharmaceutical companies. The Health Impact Fund represents a new mechanism by which pharmaceutical innovators would be rewarded on the basis of the health impact of their new drugs. This review illustrates the concept of the Health Impact Fund using the example of novel anticoagulants for prevention of stroke and thromboembolism in atrial fibrillation. By considering existing data and the current situation for novel anticoagulants, we suggest that epidemiologic data and modeling techniques can be used to predict future trends in disease and the health impact of new drugs. The Health Impact Fund may offer potential benefits to pharmaceutical companies, patients, and governments and warrants proper investigation.
In: Studia europejskie: Studies in European affairs, Band 2023, Heft 4, S. 173-193
Ukraine is currently facing an armed onslaught, the likes of which no European country has struggled with since the Second World War, and it will probably take years to repair the country physically and the population mentally. However, to ensure that the future recovery process does not begin with a return to the past, a thorough analysis of the state of affairs before the intensification of the Russian onslaught in 2022, which began in 2014, is needed. The primary purpose of writing the article is to show, with real examples, the ineffectiveness of the pre-war state-forming function in Ukraine. This analysis indicates why most of the reforms were nullified and which steps must be taken to avoid these problems for the country's correct economic, cultural, and political evolution. Using the Cobb-Douglas function, the relationship between intra-system factors of state formation and the standard of living of the country's population is also established. It is proposed to shape the national concept of the modernisation of the public administration system and its new paradigm and to develop its state-forming model, which will be adequate with regard to Ukrainian realities (including the state post-war) and global trends. Thus, the relevance of the research topic stems from the need to provide practical recommendations for the future, post-war modernisation of the state-forming system in the context of the socio-political and economic development of the country, as well as civil society.
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ermöglicht die Identifizierung der Trendvariablen in allen vier Wellen sowie
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Moralische, religiöse, gesellschaftliche, politische, ökonomische und
soziale Wertvorstellungen der Europäer.
Themen: Glücksgefühle; subjektiver Gesundheitszustand; Gefühle von:
Aufregung oder Interesse, Rastlosigkeit, Stolz aufgrund von
Komplimenten, Einsamkeit, Freude über Vollendung einer Sache,
Langeweile, Wohlfühlen, Depression oder Unzufriedenheit, Traurigkeit
bei Kritik; Gefühlslage des Befragten zu Hause: Entspannung, Angst,
Zufriedenheit, Aggression, Sicherheit; Respekt und Liebe für die
Eltern; Verantwortlichkeit der Eltern für ihre Kinder; wichtige
Erziehungsziele bei Kindern: gute Manieren, Höflichkeit,
Unabhängigkeit, harte Arbeit, Ehrlichkeit, Verantwortungsgefühl,
Geduld, Vorstellungskraft, Toleranz und Respekt für andere,
Führungsrolle, Selbstkontrolle, Sparsamkeit, Beharrlichkeit, religiöser
Glaube, Bescheidenheit, Gehorsam, Loyalität; Rechtfertigung von
Abtreibung bei: gesundheitlichem Risiko für die Mutter, Behinderung des
Kindes, Mutter nicht verheiratet, fehlendem Kinderwunsch;
Freizeitgestaltung: allein, mit der Familie, mit Freunden, an belebten
Orten; Diskussion politischer Themen mit Freunden; politische
Meinungsführerschaft; Mitgliedschaften und ehrenamtliches Engagement
bei: Unterstützung älterer Menschen, religiösen Organisationen,
kulturellen Aktivitäten, Gewerkschaften, Parteien, Menschenrechten,
Umwelt- und Tierschutz, Berufsvereinigung, Jugendarbeit und
Verbraucherschutz; Abneigung gegenüber Leuten mit anderer Einstellung;
Einsamkeitsgefühl; Einschätzung der allgemeinen Hilfsbereitschaft in
der heutigen Zeit; Beschreibung des sozialen Umfelds in der
Nachbarschaft des Befragten: Personen mit kriminellem Hintergrund, von
anderer Hautfarbe, mit Alkoholproblemen, mit emotional instabiler
Persönlichkeit, Immigranten, Links-Extremisten, Rechts-Extremisten, mit
großen Familien, Studenten, allein erziehende Mütter, religiöse
Minderheiten; vertrauenswürdige Person; gegenseitiges Vertrauen
jüngerer Menschen zu älteren; Lebenszufriedenheit allgemein, vor fünf
Jahren und in fünf Jahren; empfundene Freiheit und Selbstbestimmung;
Zufriedenheit mit der eigenen finanziellen Situation; erwartete
finanzielle Situation in 12 Monaten; Arbeitsorientierung und Aspekte
von Arbeitszufriedenheit: gute Bezahlung, wenig Druck,
Arbeitsplatzsicherheit, angesehene Tätigkeit, flexible Arbeitszeit,
Möglichkeit zur Eigeninitiative, viel Urlaub, Erfüllung von Zielen,
Verantwortung, Entsprechung der eigenen Fähigkeiten, nette
Arbeitskollegen, gute Aufstiegschancen, der Gesellschaft dienlich und
Kontakt zu Menschen; Freude, nach dem Wochenende zur Arbeit zu gehen;
Stolz auf geleistete Arbeit; Ausnutzung am Arbeitsplatz; Zufriedenheit
mit der Arbeit; Entscheidungsfreiheit bei der Arbeit; Nutzung von
bezahlten freien Tagen: Suche nach zusätzlicher entlohnter Arbeit,
Fortbildung, Treffen mit Freunden und Familie, zusätzliche Arbeit gegen
die Langeweile, ehrenamtliche Tätigkeit, Hobbys, Leitung eines eigenen
Geschäfts, Entspannung; Gerechtigkeitsempfinden bei unterschiedlicher
Bezahlung zweier Angestellter; Präferenz für Mitbestimmung oder
staatliche Steuerung von Unternehmen; Einstellung zum bedingungslosen
Befolgen von Anweisungen bei der Arbeit; Zufriedenheit mit dem
Privatleben; Übereinstimmen der Ansichten des Partners sowie der Eltern
mit dem Befragten im Hinblick auf: Religion, moralische Standards,
soziale Einstellungen, politische Ansichten und sexuelle Vorstellungen;
ideale Kinderzahl; Einstellungen zum Aufwachsen von Kindern mit beiden
Elternteilen, zur Erfüllung der Frau durch Kinder, zu sexueller
Selbstbestimmung, zur Ehe als überholte Institution, zu allein
erziehenden Frauen, zum Ausleben sexueller Freiheit; wichtige Aspekte
für eine erfolgreiche Ehe: Treue, gutes Einkommen, gleicher sozialer
Hintergrund, Respekt und Anerkennung, religiöser Hintergrund, gute
Unterkunft, politisches Einvernehmen, Verstehen und Toleranz, Abstand
von Angeheirateten, gute sexuelle Beziehung, Arbeitsteilung im
Haushalt, Kinder, gleicher Geschmack und Interessen; akzeptierte Gründe
für eine Scheidung: finanzieller Bankrott, Krankheit,
Alkoholabhängigkeit, Gewalttätigkeit oder Untreue seitens des Partners,
sexuelle Unzufriedenheit, fehlende Liebe, Nicht-Verstehen mit
Verwandten, Kinderlosigkeit, unterschiedliche Persönlichkeiten;
Lebensziele des Befragten; Hauptziel von Gefängnisstrafe; Bereitschaft
für sein Land zu kämpfen; Einschätzung der Kriegswahrscheinlichkeit im
eigenen Land in den nächsten fünf Jahren; erwartete Veränderungen von
Werten wie: materielle Güter, Arbeit, Technologie, Individuum,
Autoritätsgläubigkeit, Familie, einfachem Lebensstil; Einstellung zum
wissenschaftlichen Fortschritt; Politikinteresse; politische
Partizipation: Unterzeichnung einer Petition, Teilnahme an Boykotts,
Teilnahme an genehmigten Demonstrationen, Teilnahme an wilden Streiks,
Hausbesetzung, Vandalismus, körperliche Gewalt; Präferenz für Frieden
oder Gleichheit; Selbsteinschätzung auf einem Links-Rechts-Kontinuum;
gesellschaftliche Grundeinstellungen; Institutionenvertrauen in:
Kirchen, Armee, Bildungssystem, Presse, Gewerkschaften, Polizei,
Parlament, öffentlicher Dienst, große Unternehmen, Justizwesen;
aufgrund unsicherer Zukunft in den Tag hinein leben; Parteineigung;
Parteipräferenz und Parteiidentifikation; tägliche Zeitungslektüre;
Häufigkeit von Fernsehen; Meinung zu Terrorismus; gedankliche
Beschäftigung mit dem Sinn des Lebens; Gefühl über Sinnlosigkeit des
Lebens; Gedanken über den Tod; Meinung zu Gut und Böse in jedem
Menschen; Reue empfinden; Dinge, für die es sich lohnt sein Leben zu
riskieren: Land, Leben eines anderen, Gerechtigkeit, Freiheit, Frieden,
Religion; Einstellung zu Gut und Böse sowie Religion und Wahrheit;
Konfession; Kirchgangshäufigkeit; Religiosität; Kirche als Antwort auf:
moralische Fragen, Probleme im Familienleben, spirituelle Bedürfnisse;
Wichtigkeit von Religion in der Zukunft; Glaube an: Gott, Leben nach
dem Tod, Seele, Hölle, Himmel, Sünde, Reinkarnation, Teufel; Glaube an
Gott oder spirituelle Lebensenergie; Wichtigkeit von Gott im Leben;
Kraft und Trost durch Religion; Bedürfnis nach Gebet und Meditation;
Zustimmung oder Ablehnung der einzelnen Zehn Gebote durch den Befragten
und die meisten Menschen; übersinnliche Erlebnisse: sich mit jemand
weit entfernten verbunden fühlen, weit entfernte Ereignisse wahrnehmen,
mit einem Toten in Kontakt getreten, Nähe zu einer mächtigen
Lebenskraft; Veränderung der Sichtweise auf das Leben durch ein
übersinnliches Ereignis; Beziehung zwischen den Eltern in der
Jugendzeit des Befragten; Verbundenheit des Befragten zu den beiden
Elternteilen; strenge Erziehung durch die Eltern; moralische
Wertvorstellungen: Einstellung zur Inanspruchnahme nicht zustehender
staatlicher Leistungen, zu Schwarzfahren, Steuerhinterziehung, Annehmen
von Bestechungsgeld, Homosexualität, Prostitution, Abtreibung,
Scheidung, Euthanasie, Selbstmord, unerlaubte Benutzung von Fahrzeugen,
Konsum leichter Drogen, Lügen, Ehebruch, Geschlechtsverkehr unter
Minderjährigen, politisches Attentat, Hehlerei, Behalten von gefundenem
Geld, Gewalt gegen die Polizei, Fahrerflucht bei Schaden an einem
geparkten Fahrzeug, Drohungen gegen Streikbrecher, Töten aus Notwehr;
Häufigkeit und Menge des eigenen Alkoholkonsums im Vergleich zu
anderen; Einschätzung der Ernsthaftigkeit des Konsums illegaler Drogen
und Alkoholismus im Lande; Einordnung in eine geographische Gruppe;
Demographie: Geschlecht; Geburtsjahr; Alter des Befragten;
Familienstand; Kinderzahl; Haushaltsgröße; Zahl der Personen im
Haushalt 18 Jahre und älter; Zahl der Personen im Haushalt in
verschiedene Altersgruppen; Alter bei Ende der Ausbildung;
Zusammenleben mit den Eltern; Haus oder Wohnung; Erwerbsstatus;
Haushaltsvorstand; Wohnstatus; Beruf; Betriebsgröße;
Gewerkschaftsmitgliedschaft des Befragten oder des Partner; Beruf des
Haushaltsvorstands; sozioökonomischer Status des Befragten; Einkommen;
Ortsgröße; Art der Wohnung; ethnische Zugehörigkeit.
Zusätzlich verkodet wurde: Land; Region; Vertrauenswürdigkeit des
Befragten; Gesamteindruck des Befragten; Gewichtung.
Research Letter Introduction: Measures to limit the spread of COVID-19, such as movement restrictions, are anticipated to worsen outcomes for chronic conditions such as hypertension (HTN), in part due to decreased access to medicines. However, the actual impact of lockdowns on access to medicines and HTN control has not been reported. Between March 25 and June 30, 2020, the Government of Uganda instituted a nationwide lockdown. Health facilities remained open, however motor vehicle transportation was largely banned. In Ugandan public health facilities, HTN services are offered widely, however the availability of HTN medicines is generally low and inconsistent. In contrast, antiretrovirals for people with HIV (PWH) are free and consistently available at HIV clinics. We sought to evaluate the impact of the lockdown on access to medicines and clinical outcomes among a cohort of Ugandan patients with HTN and HIV.