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51075 Ergebnisse
In: Women's studies quarterly: WSQ, Band 51, Heft 1-2, S. 233-240
ISSN: 1934-1520
In: La manzana de la discordia, Band 13, Heft 2, S. 117
ISSN: 2500-6738
"Artista plástico caleño y hombre transexual. A lo largo de su trayectoria, ha explorado los conceptos del cuerpo y los cambios que sufre el transexual masculino a raíz de los efectos de la testosterona, hormona que masculiniza a las características de los individuos de sexo femenino. Su experiencia de vida ha marcado su arte, y a través de él, ha forjado la capacidad de inspirar reflexión en el espectador, invitándolo a preguntarse cómo se habitan los cuerpos masculinizados y como se vive la identidad sexual y social de estos individuos. Sin proponérselo, las creaciones de Alie emprenden la admirable tarea de educar por medio del arte visual y fomentar la tolerancia en un contexto poco comprensivo en temas de esta índole. Sus imágenes; material gráfico, dibujo con lápices sanguina y sepia, nos hablan de un hombre que presta su piel para ser efigie de la comprensión, de lo que significa ser humano, vivir y habitar una identidad en la sociedad, ser más allá de la apariencia."
In: Angelaki: journal of the theoretical humanities, Band 22, Heft 2, S. 203-215
ISSN: 1469-2899
Framing Trans Rights
In the wake of marriage equality, opponents of LGBT rights refocused their attention, making transgender rights their main target. To persuade voters to maintain gender identity antidiscrimination protections, LGBT rights campaigns presented trans identity in a specific, but limited, way. These campaigns emphasized gender-conforming transgender individuals—those who adhere to male and female stereotypes—and thereby implicitly reinforced the gender binary. Although LGBT advocates have largely succeeded in their efforts to preserve LGBT rights, their messaging may undermine the movement's broader litigation strategy and subject nonbinary members of the transgender community to greater discrimination and persecution. The trans rights framing choices thus raise questions about how the LGBT movement's advocacy decisions blur the lines between success and failure, advancement and retrenchment. To explain this tension, this Article details the history of marriage equality campaign strategies, drawing on primary source campaign materials to identify how and why LGBT rights groups applied those frames to trans rights, as well as the consequences of those framing choices. This Article then analyzes the motivations behind social movements' framing decisions more broadly to argue for an alternative approach to trans rights advocacy. Framing trans rights is a significant issue that extends far beyond whether a specific city or state maintains or eliminates its gender identity protections. Although framing in an electoral campaign may seem far removed from the work of courts, legislatures, and administrative agencies, this Article demonstrates how porous the boundaries are, such that the frames of the former have a substantial impact on the latter. Drawing on the scholarly literature on acoustic separation, popular constitutionalism, and slippery slopes, this Article explains why LGBT state and local ballot measure contests cannot be separated from the movement's broader strategies. It therefore demonstrates that electoral ...
Nonbinary Trans Identities
In: Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics
"Nonbinary Trans Identities" published on by Oxford University Press.
Echinococcus multilocularis infection in animals
The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) was required to support the European Commission in preparing the review of Regulation (EU) No 1152/2011. In Europe, red fox (Vulpes vulpes) is the main definitive host of the Echinococcus multilocularis (EM) lifecycle. There is no evidence that any other carnivore species can maintain the lifecycle in the absence of red fox, and this makes it to most relevant target species for surveillance. Movement of infected definitive hosts is an important introduction pathway. The knowledge on the geographical distribution of the environmental factors for the persistence of the lifecycle is scarce. In areas where no suitable autochthonous wild canid hosts and no highly suitable intermediate hosts are present, e.g. Malta, establishment of the EM cycle is considered close to impossible. Such countries do not need to carry out surveillance on domestic dogs to substantiate absence of EM in the relevant animal population. Reconsideration of some aspects of the current legislation regarding surveillance activities might be relevant; for example the identification of epidemiologically relevant units should be independent from political borders. Studies to improve the knowledge on epidemiological risk factors should be encouraged to enable risk-based sampling. Echinococcus notification should always be done at species level in order to discriminate between the more severe alveolar echinococcosis and the cystic echinococcosis. Praziquantel is the substance of choice for the treatment of dogs. However, the treatment window should be reconsidered to reduce the risk of re-infection: a general rule is to treat as close as possible to entry into a non-infected country. There is a lack of standardization of the diagnostic methods between laboratories. The diagnostic sensitivity of the tests should be established in accordance to the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) standards for validation. For the time being, the diagnostic sensitivity can be set conservatively to 78%.