The direction of firm innovation: The contrasting roles of strategic alliances and individual scientific collaborations
In: Research Policy, Band 44, Heft 8, S. 1473-1487
5859 Ergebnisse
In: Research Policy, Band 44, Heft 8, S. 1473-1487
In: NBER Working Paper No. w4960
In: Administrative Science Quarterly, Band 26, Heft 1, S. 93
In: IZA Discussion Paper No. 2741
This book investigates how individual firms in developing countries undertake technological learning and capability building (TCB) efforts and explains why some developing country firms are world-class and others struggle with these important processes. The study concludes that it is internal competencies, such as the ability to manage strategic change and develop coherent systems that enable firms in developing countries to effectively navigate technological frontiers, the network of global suppliers and weak national innovation systems. In particular, the ability to strike a strategic balanc
The literature has identified a number of determinants of energy efficiency measures (EEMs) in firms, such as investment costs, expected profitability, the level of information and firm size. Instead of contributing a comprehensive analysis of this sort this paper theoretically and empirically addresses two questions with important policy implications. First, it has been suggested that energy cost shares positively affect the adoption of EEMs. This is plausible from a management perspective but ignores economic reasoning. Inefficient firms will be less likely to survive as long as they face competition. The association most likely reflects sectoral differences rather than differences in individual firm efficiency. Second, I stress the starkly heterogeneous nature of EEM adoption by presenting the differential impact of firm size and energy audits by sector. ; Es gibt eine Vielzahl von Untersuchungen, die die Determinanten von Energie-Effizienz-Maßnahmen (EEMs) in Firmen, wie zum Beispiel die Höhe der Investitionskosten, die erwartete Kostenersparnis, das verfügbare Know-how und die Firmengröße, analysieren. Statt einer breitangelegten Analyse dieser Art werden in der vorliegenden Studie zwei Teilfragen von hoher wirtschaftspolitischer Relevanz beantwortet. Erstens wird vermutet, dass die Energie-Kostenanteile einen positiven Einfluss auf die Implementierung von EEMs haben. Diese Vermutung ist zwar aus einer betriebswirtschaftlichen Perspektive plausibel, vernachlässigt allerdings grundlegende volkswirtschaftliche Zusammenhänge. Solange ein Mindestmaß an Wettbewerb vorliegt, haben ineffiziente Firmen generell eine geringere Überlebenswahrscheinlichkeit. Der Zusammenhang zwischen Kostenanteilen und der Durchführung von EEMS ist daher wahrscheinlich eher das Resultat sektoraler Unterschiede und nicht das Resultat von Effizienzunterschieden einzelner Firmen innerhalb dieser Sektoren. Zweitens wird gezeigt, dass sich die Determinanten von EEMS in verschiedenen Wirtschaftsbereichen stark voneinander unterscheiden und kaum verallgemeinert werden können.
In: Journal of construction in developing countries, Band 27, Heft 2, S. 63-86
ISSN: 2180-4222
The article assessed the exhibited drivers of mentoring practices in construction professional firms in Nigeria intending to improve how mentoring schemes are implemented in respective construction firms. A survey design was utilised in assessing the level of knowledge, mentoring concept adoption and the exhibited drivers of mentoring relationships in these firms. Quantity surveying firms in Abuja, Nigeria were sampled with a structured questionnaire. Percentage, mean, one-sample t-test and factor analyses were undertaken for the analysis of the data. The study reveals there is a good level of knowledge of mentoring concept but not so much with the adoption in individual firms. This connotes that there is a problem with the adoption of mentoring concept in construction professional firms despite knowledge of the concept by the professionals. Also, the study revealed the exhibited drivers of mentoring practices in construction professional firms. The findings show the exhibited drivers of mentoring practices in construction professional firms and recommendations were proposed to further the adoption and implementation of these drivers to ensure the success of mentoring practices in construction professional firms. This paper reveals the exhibited drivers of mentoring practices in Nigerian construction professional firms and provides areas that require attention for the successful implementation of mentoring schemes in construction firms.
In: Freiberger Dissertationen online 301
In: Journal of intercultural management: the journal of Spoleczna Akademia Nauk, Band 7, Heft 1, S. 43-58
ISSN: 2543-831X
In recent decades economic integration and globalization processes facilitate the firms' internationalization. The main determinants of that process are divided into three categories - internal factors, external factors and personal characteristics of an entrepreneur. The latter is considered to be the most important and will be the research subject in this article. The objective of this paper is to analyze the determinants of firm internationalization on the individual level and to verify whether entrepreneurial traits of the founder are indeed important for the internationalization. The research is based on the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor data, using which we employ independent sample t-test and one-way ANOVA analyses to test the hypotheses. The results show that the only variable which determines international orientation of a company is the level of education of an entrepreneur. All other characteristics of an entrepreneur do not correlate with international orientation of a firm. Results obtained make important contribution to entrepreneurship research - they show significant shift in international entrepreneurship trends - internationalization is getting more available, less risky and more natural for entrepreneurs of different ages, backgrounds and individual characteristics. Findings may be useful for further international entrepreneurship research.
In: Advances in international management 17
The decade long period of slow growth in Japan has raised provocative questions relating to theory development in international management. Japans "lost decade" has led to changes in both overall strategy and to increased variety in individual firm responses to slower growth. The combination of internal changes in the Japanese domestic business environment and external changes in the international environment has generated strong incentives for Japanese firms to seek new ways to structure and compete. These adjustments have necessitated changes not only in the management of Japanese firms domestically, but in overseas markets as well. This volume includes contributing chapters from authors based in Asia, Europe, and North America to examine how Japanese firms have responded to the challenge of a slower domestic economy and a more competitive international economy. Articles were selected to address three aspects of this issue: adaptation to domestic environmental changes, adjustments in inter-organizational relations, and the experience in foreign MNCs in Japan and Japanese MNCs abroad.
In: European journal of family business, Band 14, Heft 2, S. 172-187
ISSN: 2444-877X
This study examines nepotism's direct and indirect effects on family firms, considering several critical factors mediating individual and organizational aspects. Specifically, on a sample of 387 family firms in the Middle East region, we investigate the mediating role of commitment, engagement and job satisfaction in the relationship between nepotism and turnover intention. Using a structural equation modelling methodology to test our propositions empirically, results corroborate the pivotal mediating effects in elucidating how nepotism affects turnover intention. Our paper adds depth and nuances to this complex phenomenon in the context of strong familial influence in business development.
In: Human resource management journal: HRMJ ; the definitive journal linking human resource management policy and practice, Band 34, Heft 4, S. 879-903
ISSN: 1748-8583
AbstractDrawing on human capital theory, we explore the impact of global mobility on individuals and their employing firms. We also investigate the role of cultural distance between workers who move across country borders and the local culture, and the role that HRM may play to improve capitalizing on global talent mobility. We use a big data set comprising the entire population in one country, including about 30,000 expatriates from 143 countries employed by 15,000 firms, over 11 years of data covering about 100,000 observations on expatriates and 80,000 on their firms. Our findings support the existence of positive impact of global firms on performance (6.7% higher revenues after labor costs) and individuals' wages (10%–20% higher salaries). Both relationships are statistically and economically significantly influenced by cultural distance for the performance of global firms, leading to HRM implications.
This paper evaluates the impact of fiscal incentives on firm performance in the Dominican Republic. In recent years, the Dominican government has approved several new corporate tax benefits. While the literature on value-added tax incentives is extensive, the impact of corporate tax incentives is less well studied and is the subject of an ongoing debate. Using firm-level panel data from 2006 to 2015, this analysis uses fixed- and random-effects models to examine the relationship between corporate tax incentives and selected firm-level performance indicators. The results reveal that corporate income tax exemptions positively impact the performance of individual firms in the Dominican Republic, but uneven tax treatment across firms distorts competition in the industrial sector, with negative effects on overall economic productivity.