Nel romanzo francese degli anni Trenta, il naufragio del senso cui sembra andare incontro la realtà orienta la rappresentazione del personaggio romanzesco secondo due bisettrici opposte e complementari. Da una parte, l'opacizzazione dell'istanza paterna, quando non la sua assenza, dà luogo ad una vera e propria condizione di orfanità; dall'altra, l'eclissi delle radici individuali è implementata da una difficoltà di paternità che sfocia su un vertiginoso complesso di sterilità. Evidenziando l'inconsistenza individuale e storica dei personaggi, la ricorrenza obsédante di queste figure descrive la condizione - insieme inquietante ed euforica - di una generazione scopertasi priva di giustificazioni biologiche, sociali o culturali. In questa prospettiva, l'infittirsi di figure legate al tema dello sradicamento sembra essere surdeterminata da una definitiva esplosione dei paradigmi tradizionali, acuito dai traumi tutti novecentesche della prima guerra mondiale e della rapida osmosi dei codici sociali. Da qui, una letteratura che ben al di là delle convinzioni politiche del singolo autore esprime una visione del mondo oramai piccolo-borghese: una condizione priva dei punti di riferimento tradizionali, come il patrimonio o la proprietà, ma che non riesce ad edificare nuovi valori cui ancorare il proprio status vacillante. Proprio la coscienza di una marginalità individuale e storica costituisce la premessa più evidente di un paradigma della mediocrità, per utilizzare l'espressione con cui Jacques Dubois identifica la generazione letteraria degli anni Trenta. Beninteso, lungi dal definire una problematica sociale o materiale, negli autori più rappresentativi di questa generazione la mediocrità rinvia ad una più complessa esperienza esistenziale che sfocia sull'assoluta vacuità di una traiettoria priva di giustificazioni. L'ambivalenza di ogni costante letteraria permette tuttavia di rovesciare il polo negativo in polo positivo: se la crisi delle tradizionali forme di consistenza polverizza la consistenza dell'individuo, essa si afferma al tempo stesso come un mezzo privilegiato per assegnare un significato nuovo alla parabola individuale. Con gli anni Trenta, questa inversione reattiva si connette all'allestimento di un paradigma romanzesco alternativo: uscendo dalle secche della littérature d'analyse, l'inquietudine si orienta adesso verso problematiche di più ampio respiro, volte a stabilire i fondamenti di una letteratura nuova. La nuova prassi letteraria, rifiutando i connotati estetici e psicologici della generazione precedente, implica la presenza di un'interrogazione sul senso stesso della scrittura, volta a giustificare eticamente e politicamente la propria attività. Va da sé che un tale progetto conoscitivo comporti una nuova idea di soggetto romanzesco, adesso concepito come un'istanza autonoma rispetto ai vincoli tradizionali, e perciò capace di propugnare la condizione di orfanità e sterilità come garanzia di reazione. Alla sterilità del tessuto sociale e intellettuale la generazione degli anni Trenta oppone infatti una concezione autonoma del soggetto, chiamato ad individuare nuclei di senso alternativi rispetto a quelli dominanti: in quest'ottica, l'azione del singolo si carica di significati esplicitamente morali ed esistenziali, volti a veicolare una riflessione sul significato stesso dell'essere al mondo. Proprio la valorizzazione del piano riflessivo alimenta una particolare tipologia di personaggio che, prendendo a prestito la fortunata definizione di Brombert, può essere definito eroe intellettuale, orgogliosamente sganciato dalle tradizionali forme di consistenza. Proponendo un'indagine esistenziale estranea d ogni reificazione sociale o culturale, i moduli romanzeschi degli anni Trenta si orientano dunque, ognuno secondo modulazioni tematico-stilistiche peculiari, verso la rappresentazione di esseri umani privi di un senso aprioristicamente dato. Certo, questa indagine può sfociare nella constatazione inquietante di un horror vacui davanti ad un mondo privo di riferimenti stabili; ma la vertigine di uno scollamento tra l'io e il contesto, lungi dal tradursi in una visione deterministica dell'esistenza, evidenzia la libertà del singolo. Se la rappresentazione della mediocrità pervade la letteratura degli anni Trenta, nei rappresentanti più autorevoli di questa generazione tale tematica viene postulata e trascesa allo stesso tempo: la riduzione ai minimi termini del soggetto costituisce la premessa per l'elaborazione di un nucleo di senso alternativo. Da questo punto di vista, la letteratura degli anni Trenta costituisce l'ulteriore tappa di un processo che, a partire dall'Illuminismo, non si basa tanto sull'adesione ad un senso preesistente quanto sull'elaborazione di significati sostitutivi. In tal senso, il discorso letterario di questa stagione marca una rottura e insieme prova ad aprire nuovi percorsi di senso: a partire da uno scenario generazionale, è dunque interessante analizzare come tale impulso si manifesti nell'opera dei singoli autori, originando un articolato impianto di varianti. Un primo polo è costituito dalla tentazione fascista, fondata su un ripiegamento luttuoso e ideologicamente reazionario: in tal senso, la constatazione di una crisi individuale e generazionale individua nei postulati di razza e virilità l'occasione più feconda di risarcimento. Sia per Drieu La Rochelle che per Brasillach, la celebrazione letteraria del fascismo data 1939, rappresentando l'esito più coerente di una riflessione sul rapporto tra io e mondo che impegna i due autori fin dall'inizio delle loro carriere: a tal proposito, è emblematico che fin dalle primissime opere la rappresentazione del soggetto romanzesco ruoti attorno ad una pronunciata condizione di orfanità e sterilità. In entrambi i casi occorre pertanto rifarsi ad un arco narrativo più esteso, così da mettere in risalto l'evoluzione in senso politico-reazionario di queste problematiche. Nella narrativa di Drieu, la riflessione sulla decadenza francese, investendo i paradigmi borghesi, comporta un'opacizzazione dell'istanza paterna che apre, almeno potenzialmente, ad un processo di emancipazione dal modello generazionale. Tuttavia, l'operazione di autodeterminazione non riesce felicemente: in romanzi come Le Feu follet e Rêveuse Bourgeoisie, la critica ad una borghesia inefficace ed inconcludente si accompagna alla rappresentazione di un soggetto fallimentare, la cui mancanza di aderenza alla realtà impedisce di trasformare costruttivamente la diagnosi in reazione incisiva. Questa insufficienza costitutiva trova un canale privilegiato nella dimensione erotico-sessuale: il palliativo dell'erotismo riporta infatti l'individuo alla propria solitudine, rovesciando la frenesia in stasi. Connotata in tal senso, la quête identitaria dei personaggi larochelliani è costitutivamente condannata alla sterilità: proprio il complesso d'impotenza e sterilità cui sono destinati i personaggi, certifica la posizione marginale del soggetto nel tessuto sociale, dando corpo ai fantasmi di una classe improduttiva che, se non ha più niente da ereditare, non può fondare un ordine autonomo. Vera e propria summa di un itinerario narrativo quasi ventennale, Gilles presenta in maniera più complessa e relata tutte le componenti principali attive nell'opera di Drieu. I temi caratteristici tornano tutti e contemporaneamente, fino a formare un fitto reticolato tematico in cui la condizione di orfanità e sterilità è addirittura esasperata per mettere in risalto la nascita del nuovo soggetto fascista. Ancorando in maniera esplicita orizzonte individuale e orizzonte storico-politico, Gilles porta alle estreme conseguenze quel parallelismo tra crisi del soggetto e decadenza della società che è esplicito e insistito in tutta la sua opera: gli elementi tipici del romanzo individuale si sommano all'affresco ideologico della decadenza francese, con lo scopo di introdurre la professione di fede fascista con cui termina la vicenda. Squalificati i legami verticali in favore del concetto di razza, la condizione di orfanità può adesso essere esibita come un azzeramento euforico su cui elaborare significati autonomi. Ma il progetto di autodeterminazione è ostacolato dalla compromissione con una società malata e disordinata. Ancora una volta, è la dimensione erotico-sessuale ad assumere un ruolo primario per comprendere l'infiltrazione della decadenza nel soggetto: la dispersione erotica, lungi dal favorire un incremento identitario, sfocia su un complesso d'impotenza e sterilità che rischia di appiattire il soggetto sulle coordinate di un'esistenza piccolo-borghese. Sarà proprio l'identificazione con un tessuto sociale sterile e femminizzato a innescare una reazione, culminante con l'adesione al fascismo. L'inconsistenza individuale e storica che orfanità e sterilità trasmettono trova una sublimazione nel fascismo, percepito come unico medium per favorire la rigenerazione di un mondo privo di statura eroica: in una civiltà materialista e massificante, il fascismo non si afferma, più banalmente, solo come una forza di distruzione ma propone una condizione umana più alta ed orgogliosa, fondata su una restaurazione totale dell'uomo e, con esso, di un intero popolo. In questa chiave, il fascismo permette di ritrovare quei valori di forza e virilità frustrati dal contatto con una società civile agonizzante e passiva: la morale dell'azione, restituendo all'individuo la sua dimensione guerriera, consente infatti una dilatazione dell'io che riattiva quella fecondità negata dal piano fisico-biologico. Date le valenze spirituali di cui è caricato, il fascismo celebrato da Drieu assume una valenza meno politico-sociale che mistico-religiosa, capace di restaurare l'animo individuale e la coscienza collettiva. In questo senso, solo il ricorso ad un'istanza politica fortemente liricizzata consente di superare le insufficienze di un'attività intellettuale lontana dal mondo. Nella trasfigurazione estetica del gesto fascista sembra così potersi realizzare il sogno romantico tanto a lungo coltivato da Drieu: armonizzare azione e sogno, attività contemplativa e intervento concreto nella storia. Nell'itinerario narrativo di Brasillach il problema delle radici individuali è posto fin da Le Voleur d'étincelles: per sconfiggere lo sradicamento patito nella dimensione urbana, Lazare Mir deve emanciparsi da una dimensione individualistica e tornare alle regioni incantate dell'infanzia, dove potrà riconnettersi con gli spiriti della famiglia. Attraversando più o meno evidentemente tutta la produzione del decennio, la condizione di orfanità e sterilità raggiungerà il suo culmine ne Les Sept couleurs (1939). Normalmente si tende a mettere in risalto l'elaborazione formale del romanzo, basata sulla compresenza di codici narrativi eterogenei; in realtà, la ricerca di originalità formale è surdeterminata dall'illustrazione di un altro rinnovamento, rappresentata dalla nascita dell'uomo fascista. Attivo fin dal primo romanzo, il meccanismo di opacizzazione delle radici deflagra completamente ne Les Sept couleurs, dove il problema è oramai trattato solo in absentia: le origini che i personaggi precedenti avevano faticosamente cercato di riconquistare sono completamente eliminate. Implementata dalla difficoltà di interpretare costruttivamente un rapporto sentimentale, la condizione di orfanità è infatti sublimata – e nel caso di entrambi i protagonisti maschili - con il ricorso al fascismo. In tal senso, il processo di eradicazione di ogni legame sottintende una critica alla dimensione borghese, principale responsabile della mediocrità sociale e culturale in cui è precipitata la società: l'orfanità e la sterilità cui sono sottoposti i due protagonisti li colloca in una dimensione apertamente anti-borghese, l'unica suscettibile di essere fecondamente rovesciata in fascismo. Alla definitiva mozione di sfiducia verso la generazione dei padri segue l'esaltazione di una giovinezza eroica finalmente chiamata alla responsabilità dell'azione. Il problema della giovinezza, che nella generazione precedente era legato ad istanze erotico-oniriche, si fa dunque collettivo; d'altronde, la contingenza del momento storico impone di rimotivare l'ossessione per la fugacità del tempo in una chiave storico-sociale. Ma il gesto fascista non presuppone un superamento dalla giovinezza in favore della maturità; piuttosto, ne armonizza le istanze più caratteristiche in un ordine superiore che le conferisce una collocazione storica feconda. Enfatizzando il tono vitale e istintivo a discapito del piano razionale-logico, la valutazione estetico-sentimentale del fascismo ha la meglio su ogni disamina teorica: in tal senso, l'analisi del fascismo resa da Brasillach è estranea a qualsiasi approfondimento storico-sociale ma resta ancorata ad una visione lirica che mal si emancipa da un giudizio puramente estetico. Questa pulsione estetizzante comporta un movimento doppio, e solo apparentemente contraddittorio. Da una parte, l'esprit de jeunesse origina un impulso individualista atto a sorpassare il proprio statuto mediocre attraverso dilatazione euforica dell'io; dall'altra, il desiderio di fusione con una collettività più vasta attraverso il recupero dei morti e dello spirito della nazione testimonia la necessità di un ordine superiore che trascenda le esistenze singole e ne assicuri la coesione. Declinando verso gli stilemi dell'epopea, l'esistenza del singolo è garantita proprio dalla partecipazione ad una collettività che, riscattandone l'assenza di legami, lo completa come individuo. Celebrando la possibilità di armonizzare l'io in una pluralità più vasta, Brasillach propone una visione meno pessimistica rispetto a quella del tempo: la rappresentazione di un soggetto senza legami, passivo ai limiti dell'impotenza, trova nel fascismo le ragioni della gioia e della totalità. Al ripiegamento romantico-reazionario, fondato sul culto dei morti e su un'ipervalutazione mitica dell'identità nazionale, si oppone un polo etico, intento a trasfigurare nel valore della libertà e dell'autodeterminazione la condizione di orfanità e sterilità. Nelle opere di Malraux, Nizan e Sartre la crisi del rapporto tra io e mondo è sublimata euforicamente mediante la valorizzazione dell'autonomia individuale: i sottintesi etici che orientano questa tendenza demandano ogni risposta alle potenzialità concrete del singolo, teso a reperire nella dimensione tangibile della propria esperienza i mezzi della propria sostanziazione. In Malraux questa necessità si connette a quella proiezione eroico-avventurosa che è al centro de La Voie royale, dove l'azione si dà come l'unico modo per ribadire il valore autonomo dell'io. Momento di estremo confronto con il proprio essere, l'avventura ha come conditio sine qua non l'estraneità ai codici ritualizzati della società, fondati sulla mitologia borghese della continuità generazionale. Se la crisi dei legami verticali testimonia lo statuto deficitario del soggetto, il malessere resta qui motivo solo implicito, poiché la statura eroica rovescia la condizione di orfanità e sterilità in garanzia di autodeterminazione. Certo, l'eclissi dei valori fondativi espone l'individuo ad una vertigine d'inconsistenza ma, lungi dal risolversi in nichilismo o paralisi, esalta la lotta del singolo contro le forme del destino. Tuttavia, la morte su cui si chiude la parabola di Perken, rivelando l'assurdità dell'esistenza, non farà che consegnare il processo di autocostruzione del sé ad una impasse tanto storica quanto metafisica. Se l'emancipazione dai vincoli tradizionali innesca uno scatto conoscitivo, la dilatazione solitaria dell'io attraverso la proiezione avventurosa resta legata ad una concezione romantico-nichilista che non prevede esiti fecondi. Con La Condition humaine, il gesto eroico evolve da una tensione individualista verso significati etico-politici di valore collettivo. Se il dato di fondo è il racconto delle vicende rivoluzionarie, il testo apre ad una prospettiva più profonda, in cui la dimensione politica è proposta come ancoraggio ai turbamenti di una generazione di déracinés. Ecco perché, nel reticolato tematico del romanzo, la questione del rapporto con il modello paterno continua ad occupare un problema centrale. Tutti i personaggi del romanzo sembrano privi di radici, ma questa problematica concerne da vicino il rapporto tra Gisors e Kyo. Benché i due rappresentino istanze per certi aspetti complementari, ad emergere è un'opposizione inconciliabile: se Gisors incarna una dimensione contemplativa pronta ad alienarsi dalla realtà, Kyo si fonda come individuo grazie all'azione rivoluzionaria. Rifiutando ogni determinismo in funzione di un'esaltazione della scelta, il progetto di autodeterminazione politico-rivoluzionario illustrato da Malraux implica dunque una totale valorizzazione del presente: una volta cadute le tradizionali forme di consistenza, la dedizione ad una causa comune diventa l'unica forma di giustificazione. Proprio l'adesione dell'io ad una comunità più vasta ridisegna l'impianto metaforico cui ubbidisce la rappresentazione della sessualità: la fecondità dell'azione rivoluzionaria può ormai prescindere dalla sete di dominazione erotica cui cedeva la proiezione avventurosa-individualista. Beninteso, non manca la tematizzazione di una sessualità sterile, legata allo scatenamento del desiderio erotico; tuttavia, essa non è legata ai valori rivoluzionari ma a personaggi dediti ad un'impostazione esistenziale dedita all'individualismo. A differenza dei romanzi precedenti, con La Condition Humaine l'energia si espande in un movimento fraterno basato sulla condivisione costruttiva della solidarietà rivoluzionaria: solo in questo caso la sublimazione della propria inconsistenza individuale, cui orfanità e sterilità rimandano, sembra risultare veramente perseguibile. Ad un medesimo indirizzo risponde la parabola romanzesca di Paul Nizan, all'interno della quale la questione dell'orfanità e della sterilità si lega in maniera ancor più esplicita a problematiche politiche e sociali di sinistra. Coerentemente con i postulati che orientano la letteratura degli anni Trenta, i significati etico-politici diventano valori in grado di rimotivare la condizione di un soggetto fluido, privo delle giustificazioni tradizionali: in quest'ottica, la rivoluzione appare non soltanto una possibilità storica e sociale, ma l'unico modo con cui risarcire l'individuo dalla perdita delle tradizionali forme di consistenza legate alla famiglia e allo status sociale. Niente di strano che una simile riflessione sul nesso tra uomo e sfera politica si leghi ad una messa in questione dei legami verticali in quanto la tensione generazionale costituisce un elemento decisivo nel percorso di autodeterminazione politica del soggetto. Antoine Bloyé, romanzo d'esordio di Nizan, costituisce appunto una riflessione sui rischi di ogni percorso slegato da un orizzonte collettivo: attraverso l'ascesa professionale di Antoine, il romanzo restituisce la sterilità individuale e storica di un individuo che sceglie di tradire le proprie origini contadine per conformarsi ad un ideale di vita piccolo-borghese. Con Le Cheval de Troie, il ritratto individuale lascia spazio ad un quadro più ampio che trascende la singolarità in un ritratto collettivo dalle tinte epicizzanti. Pur nell'espansione delle implicazioni tematiche, il problema dei vincoli verticali resta un elemento determinante: in filigrana al nucleo narrativo principale emerge un tema portante, che vede i personaggi separarsi dalle tradizionali forme di consistenza per legare il proprio tragitto ad un impegno etico-politico totalizzante. In questa prospettiva, il processo di emancipazione dai vincoli generazionali costituisce un momento essenziale del processo conoscitivo, ma ancora insufficiente. La coscienza di un'ipoteca tragica gravante sul destino individuale deve costituire solo il primo tassello di un progetto edificante in cui la sterile fascinazione per il nichilismo sia superata attraverso l'adesione ad una causa collettiva. Si tratta di un'aspirazione che si realizza concretamente nei momenti di aggregazione plurale: la fusione nella causa comune sublima la solitudine dei singoli, rifecondando una condizione umana sterilizzata dalla sofferenza. Lo stemperamento delle istanze individuali dentro un quadro collettivo suggerisce la volontà di restituire una nuova epica, per eccellenza integrazione armonica del singolo all'interno di un insieme che lo giustifica e lo trascende: in questo desiderio, è evidente l'aspirazione a una fusione collettiva quasi pre-moderna ma mondata delle implicazioni religiose e rifunzionalizzata in un'ottica esistenziale e politica. Ben presto, la contingenza storico-sociale imporrà a Nizan di ripensare criticamente la possibilità di un collegamento fecondo tra l'io e la storia. Con La Conspiration, il tema della dialettica generazionale viene infatti convogliato all'interno di un'interrogazione autocritica sul malessere di una generazione fluida, priva di solidi punti di riferimento. Il nucleo del romanzo porta la perturbazione nella fluidità del modello familiare ad assumere ancora una volta il ruolo di linea guida all'interno dell'economia narrativa. Ma la sostanziazione dell'individuo, prima garantita dall'aggancio a significati politici costruttivi, è qui rovesciata nella condizione stagnante di una gioventù che non riesce ad agganciare il rifiuto dei valori borghesi a significati collettivi realmente concreti e incisivi. Ultima ed estrema tappa di questo polo, La Nausée di Jean-Paul Sartre descrive un'azione ormai ridotta alla sola dimensione intellettuale. La condizione di orfanità e sterilità è tematizzata fin dall'inizio come un tratto costitutivo di Roquentin, estraneo ad ogni collocazione sociale e collettiva. Da qui, uno statuto solitario su cui si innesta una doppia emarginazione: la prima ha una matrice filosofica e deriva dalla constatazione di una crisi nel rapporto con il mondo fisico; la seconda ha implicazioni sociali, e con odio misto a invidia separa Roquentin dalla classe borghese. Secondo un meccanismo di contaminazione tra assi tematici paralleli frequente nel romanzo, la rivendicazione dell'hic et nunc cui le figure di orfanità e sterilità rimandano assume un significato ideologico-sociale che porta a una contestazione dell'ordine borghese dominante. Se i salauds individuano nella dimensione familiare e nelle tradizioni una giustificazione esistenziale, il progetto di Roquentin mira ad assumere l'esistenza pura attraverso una radicale liberazione dai ruoli. Vincolata alla dimensione soggettiva, l'antropologia di Sartre origina infatti da un processo conoscitivo autonomo, che per definizione non può modellarsi su forme di giustificazioni imposte dai codici tradizionali. Demistificato ogni rapporto di necessità tra l'io e il mondo, l'indagine identitaria di Roquentin assume la contingenza a principio costitutivo dell'essere: sfociando sull'engluement nella coscienza pura, l'esistenza cola nel soggetto liberato dalla sua ipoteca alienante, fino ad invaderlo con la sua fluidità informe. L'indagine cognitiva proposta del romanzo arriva a formulare nell'esistenza l'unica qualità del soggetto, in opposizione alle tradizionali forme di consistenza legate alla famiglia e allo status sociale La celebrazione dell'esistenza come predicato ultimo del soggetto sottintende una libertà che, nella sua radicalità, non conduce tuttavia una euforica sostanziazione del sé ma all'assenza radicale di riferimenti: il momento della nausea apre alla tabula rasa di tutti i valori tradizionali per approdare alla certezza che l'esistenza non corrisponde ad alcune necessità ma solo alla contingenza. La questione della contingenza pone dunque il problema dell'essere umano nel mondo: l'angoscia esistenziale si lega alla constatazione d'una gratuità dell'essere, e quindi all'interrogazione senza risposta sulla propria identità. Ma la scoperta della contingenza non deve essere ridotta alle sue coordinate soggettive: nell'immagine di una Bouville sepolta dalla vegetazione, la gratuità del soggetto si lega all'esistenza gratuita della civiltà occidentale, assumendo un carattere storico e collettivo, oltre che ontologico e soggettivo. Beninteso, nella prassi sartriana la condizione di orfanità e sterilità ha un implicito risvolto etico-positivo: solo attraverso la vertiginosa esperienza del nulla, l'essere umano può mettersi in questione. Solo da questo processo di autonegazione può nascere una volontà di autocostruzione che testimonia d'una reale "libertà" del soggetto. L'analitica fenomenologica sfocia implicitamente su un'etica del soggetto che si fa nella misura in cui accetta di negarsi, riconoscendosi in una concezione dell'essere come perpetuo progetto. Ancora lontano dal legarsi a significati pienamente politici, il progetto su cui si chiude La Nausée si limita alla possibilità di un'opera d'arte che, risarcendo la virilità di Roquentin, possa fustigare la collettività borghese detestata e invidiata. Nella quarta parte si è preso in considerazione un terzo polo, particolarmente diffuso in questa stagione: una letteratura dello smarrimento, in cui la condizione di orfanità e sterilità restituisce un movimento cortocircuitale incapace di elaborare costruttivamente la percezione di un malessere tanto individuale quanto storico. Di questa tendenza, il furor liquidatorio di un Céline non rappresenta che la versione meno rassegnata e più anarchica, e perciò meritevole di essere considerata indipendentemente. Se l'opera di Céline si fa interprete di un'inquietudine generazionale, l'assenza di ogni elaborazione sostitutiva consente infatti di rilevarne lo statuto peculiare: alla possibilità di riscattare la condizione di orfanità e sterilità tramite una progressione identitaria, Céline oppone la visione di una condizione umana immodificabile. Si tratta di un dato che emerge con evidenza nel Voyage au bout de la nuit: muovendosi in un contesto socio-culturale in preda al disordine, Bardamu interpreta una condizione priva di ogni punto di riferimento e dunque condannato ad esperire una precarietà costitutiva. In questo senso, l'opacizzazione delle radici familiari riflette un più generale perturbazione delle istanze sociali o religiose tradizionalmente fondative per l'individuo. Se l'assenza di parametri stabili incrina il rapporto di conoscibilità tra l'io e il mondo, la bulimia esperienziale del personaggio risulta anzi accentuata: tuttavia, il movimento nel mondo, lungi dal suggerire un'acquisizione conoscitiva feconda, non fa che restituire l'ossessiva presenza di una morte che condanna il soggetto alla deflagrazione. Posto sotto l'ombra di un immobilismo metafisico, il romanzo esplicita una doppia tendenza all'anonimato cui è destinato l'individuo: il dominio della morte, lungi dal produrre uno scatto reattivo, è solo l'esito più coerente di quell'azzeramento già garantito dalla latenza di ogni giustificazione. Con Mort à crédit (1936), la crisi dell'istituzione familiare e dello status sociale, che nel Voyage è motivo solo implicito del discorso, viene affrontata alle sue radici: dopo aver illustrato una vasta fenomenologia del negativo, l'intento del romanzo è quello di un'immersione nella storia infantile e adolescenziale del personaggio, volto a recuperare le cause di una visione del mondo così radicalmente improntata al negativo. In effetti, l'accento sulla degradazione del microcosmo familiare è inestricabilmente connesso ad una compromissione con la morte e dunque sintomo di una visione radicalmente disperata. In questo senso, il focus sulla dimensione piccolo-borghese della famiglia resta solo un primo, elementare, livello attraverso cui Céline può veicolare rovelli ontologici di portata più ampia, operando, in maniera ancor più marcata, quello slittamento dal piano sociale a quello metafisico-esistenziale che già era stato l'architrave del Voyage. La riduzione ai minimi termini sociali e ontologici, lungi dal comportare una reazione, si risolve in un blocco che ostacola alla base ogni proposito di apprendistato: di fronte all'aggressività dell'esterno, l'unico progetto è un ripiegamento passivo che, abdicando ad ogni autonomia, si limita ad organizzare un labile calcolo difensivo. Si tratta di una chiusura replicata anche dal microcosmo sessuale, il quale, perduta ogni funzione euforica, obbedisce all'immobilismo che regola l'universo céliniano, tradendo in sé la crisi e non la fondazione dell'identità. Il binomio di orfanità e sterilità rimanda così ad una passiva chiusura al mondo, legata all'assenza di una felice progressione identitaria: lo schema del romanzo di formazione, cui lo scheletro del testo sembra alludere, si è oramai ridotto ad un accumulo disordinato e fallimentare di esperienze cui non soggiace più alcun paradigma interpretativo. In questo polo romanzesco rientra però una seconda linea, all'interno della quale le figure di orfanità e sterilità si legano ad un senso di stagnazione esistenziale caratterizzata dalla chiusura di qualsiasi orizzonte - sia esso intimo, sociale o esistenziale. Da qui, uno scenario particolarmente negativo, in cui lo statuto problematico dell'individuo resta alieno non solo da quella tensione reattiva che, pur nella polarità degli esiti, contrassegna il ripiegamento reazionario e la sublimazione etico-costruttiva, ma anche dall'inesausto moto conoscitivo di un Céline. Sulla base di questi tratti è dunque possibile astrarre un modello romanzesco comune, al quale possono essere ascritte le esistenze dimesse e rinunciatarie tratteggiate da Bove e da Montherlant, così come i pallidi calcoli difensivi che contrassegnano i romanzi di Guilloux, Thérive e Simenon. In questo senso, il crollo delle tradizionali forme di consistenza, lungi dal costituire un momento di fondazione dell'io, rimanda ad una paralisi aliena dal minimo progetto di reazione: se la riduzione dell'individuo alle sue forme minimali sfocia sulla constatazione di un divorzio con il mondo, esso non comporta l'elaborazione di significati sostitutivi ma solo un'involuzione solipsistica. Attraverso differenti modulazioni tematiche e stilistiche, questi romanzi illustrano dunque una ricerca di sostanziazione minata alla base da una duplice perturbazione: da una parte, la svalutazione preventiva dell'azione individuale squalifica ogni possibilità di conoscenza; dall'altra, l'opacizzazione di uno spazio fisico fattosi definitivamente illeggibile invalida il concetto stesso di esperienza. Si tratta di un binomio che, riflettendo una morale del fatalismo, preclude ormai ogni conquista identitaria: se molta letteratura degli anni Trenta ha insistito sulla libertà del soggetto, quest'orizzonte romanzesco sembra riaffermare una morale della predestinazione aliena da ogni spessore storico come da ogni contatto con l'hic et nunc.
En la actualidad, la industria alimentaria está apostando por la incorporación de sustancias naturales a envases alimentarios con el fin de incrementar la perdurabilidad de los alimentos en el mercado. Con estas prácticas se intentan satisfacer las necesidades de los consumidores de tal modo que su uso suponga ventajas tecnológicas y beneficios para el consumidor. Sin embargo, para que una sustancia sea admitida como aditivo debe estar bien caracterizada químicamente y debe superar los controles toxicológicos establecidos por parte de los correspondientes organismos sanitarios debido al desconocimiento del uso de estos componentes y sus posibles consecuencias. Entre las sustancias naturales que se emplean con este fin destacan los AEs, los cuales han sido tradicionalmente utilizados por sus propiedades farmacológicas. En nuestro caso, tanto un extracto del género Allium, denominado comercialmente PROALLIUM AP®, como alguno de sus componentes (PTSO y su análogo PTS) pretenden ser utilizados como antimicrobianos en la industria alimentaria formando parte de envases activos. Como paso previo al estudio de su seguridad se realizó una revisión bibliográfica de los datos de toxicidad disponibles hasta el momento en la literatura científica, tras la cual se puso de manifiesto la ausencia de estudios requeridos en diferentes compuestos con interés en la conservación de alimentos y la disparidad de los resultados disponibles. La evaluación toxicológica realizada en la presente tesis doctoral comenzó con una batería de ensayos tanto in vitro, con células que estarían en contacto con estas sustancias al ser ingeridas, como in vivo, en ratas tras un consumo agudo y crónico, para investigar los posibles efectos tóxicos, destacando los estudios de genotoxicidad, que pueden desencadenarse tras la exposición a PROALLIUM AP®, PTSO y PTS. La relevancia de la información toxicológica de estas sustancias resulta fundamental para su futuro uso ya que constituye un requisito reglamentario por parte de las autoridades competentes antes de su comercialización. Todos estos experimentos dieron lugar a las siguientes publicaciones: GENOTOXICITY ASSESSMENT OF PROPYL THIOSULFINATE OXIDE, AN ORGANOSULFUR COMPOUND FROM ALLIUM EXTRACT, INTENDED TO FOODACTIVE PACKAGING. (Mellado-García y cols., 2015), Food and Chemical Toxicology 86, 365-373. La vía de exposición más importante en el contexto que nos engloba es la vía oral ya que una vez el extracto de PROALLIUM AP® sea incorporado en films en envases activos, PTSO podría ser ingerido por los consumidores. En este trabajo, las células Caco-2 (adenocarcinoma de colon), fueron expuestas a diferentes concentraciones en función de la concentración máxima que migraría del film al consumidor en el peor escenario posible. Los experimentos llevados a cabo incluyen la evaluación de la mutagenicidad de PTSO en diferentes cepas de S. typhimurium (0-20 μM) cada una con características diferentes alteradas genéticamente para presentar mutaciones en los genes implicados en la síntesis de histidina para abarcar un amplio rango de posibles mutaciones. También se estudió la mutagenicidad en las células L5178Y TK+/- de mamíferos (ensayo de MLA), tras la realización de un estudio de citotoxicidad previo, en el que se determinaron las concentraciones de exposición a 4h (0-30 μM) y a 24h (0-20 μM). En el caso del test de Ames, no hubo diferencias significativas en ninguna de las cepas estudiadas en ausencia ni en presencia de S9. Sin embargo, a las 24 h de exposición en el ensayo de MLA se observaron diferencias significativas en el recuento de colonias en el rango de 2,5-20 μM. Por otro lado, PTSO no indujo incrementos en el porcentaje de MN (0-40 μM) en ausencia de S9 a ninguna de las concentraciones ensayadas, pero sí en presencia de la fracción microsómica S9 a partir de 15 μM, indicando la genotoxicidad de su metabolito. Por último, el ensayo cometa (0-50 μM) no mostró rotura ni daño oxidativo en el ADN de las células Caco-2 tratadas. Posteriormente, teniendo en cuenta los resultados contradictorios de genotoxicidad de PTSO in vitro, siguiendo las recomendaciones de la EFSA (EFSA 2011), se procedió al estudio de la genotoxicidad in vivo de PTSO en ratas Wistar, mediante el siguiente trabajo: GENOTOXICITY OF A THIOSULFONATE COMPOUND DERIVED FROM ALLIUM sp.• INTENDED TO BE USED IN ACTIVE FOOD PACKAGING: IN VIVO COMET ASSAYAND MICRONUCLEUS TEST. (Mellado-García y cols., 2016), Mutation Research/Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis, 800-801, 1-11. Se procedió al estudio de la genotoxicidad mediante el ensayo de MN en la sangre de la médula ósea de las ratas Wistar, así como el ensayo cometa en estómago e hígado de las mismas, por ser el primer órgano de contacto en la ingestión de PTSO y el principal órgano de metabolismo de xenobióticos, respectivamente. Este estudio fue realizado administrando a las ratas dosis de 55; 17,4; 5,5 mg/kg p.c. de PTSO. Tras la necropsia, se realizó un estudio histopatológico de ambos órganos, no observándose indicios de genotoxicidad al microscopio óptico ni al microscopio electrónico en las ratas expuestas respecto del control. Solamente, a la concentración más alta ensayada se observó un incremento del almacenamiento de glucógeno en hígado y procesos degenerativos en estómago con vacuolización de las membranas celulares. El estudio se completó con un análisis para determinar la presencia de PTSO mediante cromatografía UHPLC-MS/MS Orbitrap en la sangre de las ratas tratadas, no detectándose PTSO en ningún caso. Por último, para corroborar la ausencia de genotoxicidad en los órganos estudiados previamente, se decidió evaluar la presencia de PTSO en los tejidos empleando la técnica de pirólisis analítica mediante cromatografía gaseosa combinada con un detector de masas (Py-GC-MS). Se demostró la existencia en hígado de derivados del componente principal y dos posibles metabolitos, lo que confirmó el fenómeno de metabolismo de PTSO en el organismo. Tras el estudio de toxicidad aguda de PTSO en ratas, de nuevo siguiendo las recomendaciones de la EFSA (EFSA, 2011), con el fin de completar los resultados de genotoxicidad obtenidos, y dada la escasez de información in vivo, se realizó un ensayo de toxicidad crónica durante 90 días con PROALLIUM AP®. TOXICOLOGICAL EVALUATION OF AN ALLIUM-BASED COMMERCIAL• PRODUCT IN A 90-DAY FEEDING STUDY IN SPRAGUE-DAWLEY RATS. (Mellado-García y cols., 2015), Food and Chemical Toxicology 90, 18-29. El PROALLIUM AP® es un extracto de diferentes componentes presentes en Allium sp. que será incorporado en los films anteriormente mencionados por su actividad antimicrobiana. En este sentido, tras la realización de los ensayos anteriores, debido a la falta de información de este componente y siguiendo las recomendaciones del Comité Científico en alimentación de la Unión Europea, el cual requiere la evaluación de las sustancias usadas en materiales en contacto con alimentos, se realizó un estudio de toxicidad subcrónica oral en ratas Sprague-Dawley por un periodo de exposición por vía oral de 90 días. Para ello se emplearon dosis de 0, 25, 100 y 400 mg/kg/día PROALLIUM AP®. Las ratas fueron sacrificadas y se extrajeron sus órganos (hígado, riñón, intestino, cerebro, timo, epidídimo, glándula adrenal, corazón, testículos/ovarios, pulmones y bazo) y sangre por punción cardíaca. Adicionalmente, las ratas fueron controladas cada semana midiendo el peso, el consumo de agua y comida, y se añadió un estudio histopatológico, bioquímico clínico y hematológico de las ratas expuestas. Las ratas no mostraron signos clínicos de mortalidad dosis-relacionados. Los resultados no mostraron diferencias significativas a ninguna de las concentraciones expuestas respecto del control, en ninguno de los parámetros estudiados. De esta forma, se determinó el NOAEL de PROALLIUM AP® en 400 mg/kg/día, un valor 500 veces superior al de la exposición derivada de su potencial uso en envase activo. Además con el fin de estudiar otro componente OS con potencial aplicación en la industria alimentaria, PTS, al cual se le atribuyen también propiedades antimicrobianas, se realizó la evaluación de la citotoxicidad, mutagenicidad y genotoxicidad in vitro del mismo, en la siguiente publicación: IN VITRO TOXICOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT OF AN ORGANOSULFUR COMPOUND FROM ALLIUM EXTRACT: CYTOTOXICITY, MUTAGENICITY AND GENOTOXICITY STUDIES. (Mellado-García y cols., 2017), Food and Chemical Toxicology 90, 231–240. El objetivo de este estudio fue la realización por primera vez del estudio de la citotoxicidad de PTS en células Caco-2 a 24 y a 48h, determinando su CE50 (280 μM) a través de distintos biomarcadores de viabilidad (RN, MTS, CP). Además se realizó una evaluación de la mutagenicidad en el test de Ames (0-280 μM), en el cual se utilizaron 5 cepas de S. typhimurium. En este ensayo, no se observaron diferencias significativas a ninguna de las concentraciones ensayadas, en presencia o en ausencia de S9. Por otro lado, en el ensayo de MLA, no se observaron diferencias significativas en el ensayo ni tras 4 ni 24h de exposición, demostrando así la ausencia de mutagenicidad. Además de estos ensayos, se realizó una evaluación de la genotoxicidad mediante el test de MN en las células L5178Y TK+/- tanto en ausencia (0-17,25 μM) como en presencia (0-25 μM) de S9. En este ensayo, se detectó un aumento de la frecuencia de células binucleadas con MN a la concentración más elevada ensayada sin S9 (17,25 μM), y a las dos concentraciones más altas con S9 (20-25 μM), mostrando que tanto los metabolitos como el componente original producen genotoxicidad. Por último, se estudió la genotoxicidad mediante el ensayo cometa estándar (0-280 μM) y modificado con enzimas de restricción en células Caco-2. En este caso, solamente se observaron daños en el ADN a la concentración más alta ensayada en el ensayo cometa estándar, mientras que no se observaron daños oxidativos en el ensayo cometa modificado a ninguna concentración. Para concluir, para la realización de esta tesis doctoral, la doctoranda realizó una estancia internacional en el departamento de "SEBIO, Stress Environnementaux et Biosurveillance de milieux aquatiques" en la Universidad de Reims, Champagne-Ardennes, (Francia). Esta estancia se realizó bajo la dirección del Doctor Stéphane Bettoulle, el Doctor Alain Geffard como director del departamento y con la colaboración y supervisión del doctorando Hakim Samai. Tras los resultados obtenidos previamente in vitro, sobre distintos tipos celulares, unidos a los ya realizados anteriormente por nuestro laboratorio sobre PTSO, se decidió aprovechar esta estancia internacional para estudiar la mortalidad celular de las células THP-1 (leucemia monocítica aguda), en estado macrófago, así como el estrés oxidativo y la fagocitosis en la exposición de diferentes concentraciones de PTSOdurante 24h mediante citometría de flujo. Los resultados obtenidos de este experimento dieron lugar a la siguiente publicación: • "DETERMINACIÓN DE LA MORTALIDAD CELULAR, ESTRÉS OXIDATIVO Y FAGOCITOSIS EN MACRÓFAGOS DE CÉLULAS THP-1 MEDIANTE CITOMETRÍA DE FLUJO", Revista Española de Toxicología (pendiente de publicación). En este ensayo se estudió el comportamiento de PTSO en las células THP-1, células de leucemia monocítica humana midiendo la mortalidad celular, el estrés oxidativo y la fagocitosis mediante citometría de flujo. Para ello, las células THP-1 fueron activadas a estado macrófago, obteniéndose un aumento significativo de la mortalidad celular a partir de 60 μM de PTSO. Por otro lado, no se observaron aumentos significativos de la producción de especies reactivas de oxígeno a ninguna de las concentraciones de exposición. Por último, se estudió la fagocitosis utilizando microesferas fluorescentes de látex, que mostraron diferencias significativas a 60 μM de PTSO y a la concentración más alta ensayada (150 μM de PTSO). Además, se estudió la actividad fagocitaria de THP-1 dando como resultados diferencias significativas a 60 μM y a 150 μM. Por último, se determinó el número medio de microesferas fagocitadas por célula, obteniéndose diferencias significativas a las dos concentraciones más altas ensayadas respecto del control negativo (100 y 150 μM) siendo un total de 6 microesferas/célula. Teniendo en cuenta estos resultados, podríamos decir que las concentraciones que pueden llegar a producir efectos tóxicos in vitro son inferiores a las que se esperan puedan llegar al consumidor en el peor escenario posible (37.5 µM de PTSO). ; Currently, the food industry is betting on the incorporation of natural substances into food packaging in order to increase the durability of food in the market. These practices are intended to satisfy the needs of consumers so that their use entails technological advantages and benefits for the consumer. However, in order to admit a substance as an additive, it must be well characterized chemically and must overcome the toxicological assessment established by the corresponding health agencies, due to the lack of knowledge of the use of these components and their possible consequences. Among the natural substances used for this purpose are Essential Oils (EOs), which have traditionally been used for their pharmacological properties. In our case, both an extract of the genus Allium, commercially known as PROALLIUM AP®, as well as some of its components (PTSO and its analog PTS) are intended to be used as antimicrobials in the food industry as part of active packaging. As a preliminary step to the study of its safety, a bibliographical review of the toxicity data available so far was made in the scientific literature. Afterwards, the lack of studies required in different compounds with interest in food preservation and the disparity of available results have been evidenced. The toxicological evaluation carried our in the present Thesis started with a battery of tests both in vitro, with cells that would be in contact with these substances when ingested, and in vivo, in rats after acute and chronic consumption, in order to investigate possible toxic effects, mainly genotoxicity, which may be triggered upon exposure to PROALLIUM AP®, PTSO and PTS. Tre relevance of the toxicological information of these substances is essential for their future use since it is a regulatory requirement by the competent authorities prior to their commercialization. All these experiments has led to the following publications: GENOTOXICITY ASSESSMENT OF PROPYL THIOSULFINATE OXIDE, AN ORGANOSULFUR• COMPOUND FROM ALLIUM EXTRACT, INTENDED TO FOOD ACTIVE PACKAGING. (Mellado-García y cols., 2015), Food and Chemical Toxicology 86, 365-373. The most important route of exposure in our context is the oral route because once the PROALLIUM AP® extract is incorporated into films in active packaging, PTSO could be ingested by consumers. In this work, Caco-2 cells (colon adenocarcinoma) were exposed to different concentrations depending on the maximum concentration that would migrate from the film to the consumer in the worst possible scenario. Experiments carried out in our laboratory included the evaluation of the mutagenicity of PTSO in different strains of S. typhimurium (0-20 μM) each one with different genetically altered characteristics to present mutations in genes involved in histidine synthesis to cover a wide range of possible mutations. Mutagenicity in mammalian L5178Y TK +/- cells (MLA assay) was also studied following a previous cytotoxicity study, in which the exposure concentrations were determined at 4h (0-30 μM) and at 24h ( 0-20 μM). In the case of the Ames test, there were no significant differences in any of the strains studied in the absence or presence of S9. However, at 24 h of exposure in the MLA assay, significant differences were observed in the revertant colonies in the range of 2.5-20 μM. On the other hand, PTSO did not induce increases in the percentage of MN (0-40 μM) in the absence of S9 at any of the concentrations tested, but it did in the presence of the microsomal fraction S9 from 15 μM, indicating the genotoxicity of its metabolite. Finally, the comet assay (0-50 μM) showed that PTSO did not induce DNA strand breaks or oxidative damage in the DNA of Caco-2 cells exposed. Afterwards, considering the contradictory results of PTSO obtained in genotoxicity in vitro, following the recommendations of the EFSA (EFSA 2011), the in vivo genotoxicity of PTSO in Wistar rats was studied in the following work: GENOTOXICITY OF A THIOSULFONATE COMPOUND DERIVED FROM ALLIUM sp.• INTENDED TO BE USED IN ACTIVE FOOD PACKAGING: IN VIVO COMET ASSAY AND MICRONUCLEUS TEST. (Mellado-García y cols., 2016), Mutation Research/Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis, 800-801, 1-11. Genotoxicity was studied by the MN test in the bone marrow in Wistar rats, and with the comet assay in stomach and liver of rats, being the first contact organ in the ingestion of PTSO and the main metabolism organ of xenobiotics, respectively. This study was performed by administering to the rats doses of 55; 17.4; 5.5 mg/kg b.w. of PTSO. After necropsy, a histopathological study of both organs was performed, with no evidence of genotoxicity under optical microscopy or electron microscopy in rats exposed to the control. Only at the highest concentration tested an increase in glycogen storage in liver and degenerative processes in the stomach with vacuolization of cell membranes were observed. The study was completed with an analysis to determine the presence of PTSO by UHPLC-MS/MS Orbitrap chromatography in the blood of treated rats, with no PTSO detected. Finally, in order to corroborate the absence of genotoxicity in the organs previously studied, the evaluation of the presence of PTSO in the tissues using the analytical pyrolysis technique by gas chromatography combined with a mass detector (Py-GC-MS) was carried out. It was demonstrated the existence in liver of derivatives of the main component and two possible metabolites, which confirmed the phenomenon of metabolism of PTSO in the organism. Following the acute toxicity study of PTSO in rats, and again following the recommendations of the EFSA (EFSA, 2011), in order to complete the results of genotoxicity obtained, and given the lack of in vivo information, a test of chronic toxicity for 90 days with PROALLIUM AP® was carried out. TOXICOLOGICAL EVALUATION OF AN ALLIUM-BASED COMMERCIAL PRODUCT IN• A 90-DAY FEEDING STUDY IN SPRAGUE-DAWLEY RATS. (Mellado-García y cols., 2015), Food and Chemical Toxicology 90, 18-29. PROALLIUM AP® is an extract of different components present in Allium sp. This extract will be incorporated into the films mentioned above for their antimicrobial activity. In this regard, following the previous tests, due to the lack of information on this component and following the recommendations of the Scientific Committee on Food of the European Union, which requires the evaluation of substances used in food contact materials. An oral subchronic toxicity study was performed on Sprague-Dawley rats for a 90-day oral exposure period. The doses: 0, 25, 100 and 400 mg/kg/day PROALLIUM AP® were used. Rats were sacrificed and their organs (liver, kidney, intestine, brain, thymus, epididymis, adrenal gland, heart, testicles/ovaries, lungs and spleen) and blood by cardiac puncture were extracted. In addition, rats were monitored weekly for weight, water and food consumption, and a histopathological, clinical and hematological study of the exposed rats was added. Rats showed no clinical signs of dose-related mortality. The results did not show significant differences at any of the concentrations exposed to the control, in any of the parameters studied. In this way, PROALLIUM AP® NOAEL was determined at 400 mg/kg/day, a value 500 times higher than exposure derived from its potential use in active packaging. In addition, in order to study another OS component with potential application in the food industry, PTS, to which antimicrobial properties are also attributed, its in vitro cytotoxicity, mutagenicity and genotoxicity evaluation were performed in the following publication: IN VITRO TOXICOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT OF AN ORGANOSULFUR COMPOUND• FROM ALLIUM EXTRACT: CYTOTOXICITY, MUTAGENICITY AND GENOTOXICITY STUDIES. (Mellado-García y cols., 2016), Food and Chemical Toxicology (in press) The objective of this study was to study for the first of cytotoxicity of PTS in Caco-2 cells at 24 and 48h, determining its CE50 (280 μM) through different biomarkers of viability (RN, MTS, CP). Moreover, an evaluation of the mutagenicity in the Ames test (0-280 μM) was carried out, in which 5 strains of S. typhimurium were used. In this test, no significant differences were observed at any of the concentrations tested, in the presence or absence of S9. On the other hand, in the MLA assay, no significant differences were observed in the assay either after 4 or 24 hours of exposure, thus demonstrating the absence of mutagenicity. In addition to these assays, an assessment of genotoxicity was performed by the MN test on L5178Y TK+/- cells both in the absence (0-17.25 μM) and in the presence (0-25 μM) of S9. In this assay, an increase in the frequency of binucleated cells with MN at the highest concentration tested without S9 (17.25 μM) was detected, and at the two highest concentrations with S9 (20-25 μM), showing that the metabolites as well as the original component produce genotoxicity. Finally, genotoxicity was studied using the standard comet assay (0-280 μM) and modified with restriction enzymes in Caco-2 cells. In this case, only DNA damage at the highest concentration tested in the standard comet assay was observed, whereas no oxidative damage was observed in the modified comet assay at any concentration. For the accomplishment of this doctoral thesis, the Phd student realized an international stay in the department of "SEBIO, Stress Environnementaux et Biosurveillance de milieux aquatiques" in the University of Reims, Champagne-Ardennes, (France). This stay was conducted under the direction of Dr. Stéphane Bettoulle and Alain Geffard (department director) and with the collaboration and supervision of Dr. Hakim Samai. • "DETERMINATION OF CELL MORTALITY, OXIDATIVE STRESS AND PHAGOCYTOSIS IN THP-1 CELL MACROPHAGES BY FLOW CYTOMETRY", Revista Española de Toxicología (pending publication). In this work, the behavior of PTSO in THP-1 cells, human monocytic leukemia cells, was studied by means of cell death, oxidative stress and phagocytosis activity by flow cytometry. For this purpose, THP-1 cells were activated into a macrophage state, resulting in a significant increase in cell death from 60 μM PTSO. On the other hand, no significant production of reactive oxygen species was observed at any concentration. Finally, phagocytosis activity was studied using fluorescent latex microspheres, which showed significant differences at 60 μM of PTSO and the highest concentration tested (150 μM PTSO). The mean number of microspheres phagocytosed per cell was determined, with significant differences obtained at the two highest concentrations tested against the negative control (100 and 150 μM) for a total of 6 microspheres/cell. Taking into account these results, we could say that the concentrations that can produce toxic effects in vitro in lymphocytic cells are lower than those expected to reach the consumer in the worst case scenario (37.5 μM PTSO).
[EN] The advanced state of land degradation affecting more than 3,200 million people worldwide have raised great international concern regarding the sustainability of socio-ecological systems, urging the large-scale adoption of contextualized sustainable land management. The agricultural industrial model is a major cause of land degradation due to the promotion of unsustainable management practices that deteriorate the quality of soils compromising their capacity to function and deliver ecosystem services. The consequences derived from land degradation are especially devastating in semi-arid regions prone to desertification, where rainfall scarcity and irregularity intensifies crop failure risks and resource degradation, compromising the long term sustainability of these regions. ; Regenerative agriculture (RA) has recently gained increasing recognition as a plausible solution to restore degraded agroecosystems worldwide. RA is a farming approach foreseen to reverse land degradation, increase biodiversity, boost production and enhance the delivery of multiple ecosystem services by following a series of soil quality restoration principles and practices. Despite its promising benefits, RA has been limitedly adopted in semiarid regions. Major reasons explaining this seemingly incongruous mismatch are the scarce and contrasting empirical data proving its effectiveness, top-down research approaches and lack of farmer involvement in agroecosystem restoration projects and decision-making, and the generally slow response of soils to management changes in semiarid regions, which may delay the appearance of visible results discouraging farmers from adopting RA. ; In the high steppe plateau of southeast Spain, an on-going process of large-scale landscape restoration through adoption of regenerative agriculture was initiated in 2015. The high steppe plateau is one of the European regions most affected by land degradation and desertification processes and represents one of the world´s largest areas for the production of rainfed organic almonds. In 2015, local farmers created the AlVelAl association with the support of the Commonland Foundation, business entrepreneurs, regional governments, and research institutions, and started to apply RA at their farms. The objective was to restore vast extensions of degraded land for increasing the productivity and biodiversity of their agroecosystems, increasing the resilience to climate change, generating job opportunities and enhancing social cohesion in the region, in a time frame of 20 years following Commonlands´ 4-Returns approach. However, the limited empirical information supporting RA effectiveness, the lack of reference examples in the region, and the slowness with which visible ecological restoration processes usually occur in semi-arid regions were considered major obstacles hindering RA adoption in the region. To effectively address this knowledge gap, support farmers and expedite RA adoption, this research proposed horizontal research fostering the creation of learning communities between farmers and researchers, putting together local and scientific knowledge to improve the understanding of RA. This thesis presents a participatory monitoring and evaluation research (PM&E) applying a combination of social and ecological methods to evaluate the potential of PM&E to enhance knowledge exchange between farmers and researchers on Regenerative Agriculture in the context of the high steppe plateau. The aim of this thesis is twofold: on one hand, to increase the understanding on RA impacts, on the other hand, to evaluate the potential contribution of PM&E to enable social learning and contribute to the adaptation and long term adoption of RA in the high steppe plateau and semiarid regions in general. To facilitate PM&E of the impacts of sustainable land management and agricultural innovations like RA, Chapter 2 presents a participatory methodological framework that guides the identification and selection of technical and local indicators of soil quality, generating a monitoring system of soil quality for PM&E by farmers and researchers. The methodological framework includes the development of a visual soil assessment tool integrating local indicators of soil quality for farmers´ monitoring. The framework consists of 7 phases: 1) Definition of research and monitoring objectives; 2) Identification, selection and prioritization of Technical Indicators of Soil Quality (TISQ); 3) Identification, selection and prioritization of Local Indicators of Soil Quality; 4) Development of a visual soil assessment tool integrating LISQ; 5) Testing and validation of the visual soil evaluation tool; 6) Monitoring and assessment of sustainable land management impacts by researchers and farmers using TISQ and the visual soil evaluation tool respectively and; 7) Exchange of monitoring results between all involved participants, and joint evaluation of impacts. ; To facilitate PM&E of RA in the steppe highlands, Phases 1 to 5 were applied through a series of participatory methods including a first meeting with AlVelAl board members for the definition of research objectives, farm visits, participatory workshops, and conducting formal and informal interviews, among others. Technical indicators of soil quality were identified, selected and prioritized by researchers through an extensive literature review and ad-hoc expert consultation with expertise in soil quality assessment and monitoring. Local indicators of soil quality were identified, selected, prioritized and validated by farmers in two participatory workshops. The co-developed visual soil assessment tool, named the farmer manual, was tested and validated during the second workshop. Local indicators selected by farmers focused mostly on supporting, regulating and provisioning ecosystem services including water regulation, erosion control, soil fertility and crop performance. Technical indicators selected by researchers focused mostly on soil properties including aggregate stability, soil nutrients, microbial biomass and activity, and leaf nutrients, covering crucial supporting services. The combination of local and technical indicators provided complementary information, improving the coverage and feasibility of RA impact assessment, compared to using technical or local indicators alone. The methodological framework developed in this chapter facilitated the identification and selection of local and technical indicators of soil quality to generate relevant monitoring systems and visual soil assessment tools adapted to local contexts, thus improving knowledge exchange and mutual learning between farmers and researchers to support the implementation of RA and optimize the provision of ecosystem services. Implementation of RA usually happens gradually due to socioeconomic, informational, practical, environmental and political constraints Thus, RA adoption by farmers, in practice, translates into different combinations of RA practices, with a diversity of management, based on farmer capabilities, environmental conditions, and expected restoration results. ; To help the design, adoption and implementation of most effective RA practices to optimize the restoration of agroecosystems, Chapter 3 presents the impacts of the different combinations of RA practices implemented by participating farmers on crucial soil quality and crop performance indicators using previously selected technical indicators of soil quality over a period of 2 years. This chapter corresponds to the application of phase 6 of the methodological framework developed in Chapter 2. RA impacts were assessed in 9 farms on one field with regenerative management and one nearby field with conventional management based on frequent tillage, that were selected together with farmers. Fields were clustered under regenerative management based on the RA practices applied and distinguished 4 types of RA treatments: 1) reduced tillage with green manure (GM), 2) reduced tillage with organic amendments (OA), 3) reduced tillage with green manure and organic amendments (GM&OA), and 4) no tillage with permanent natural covers and organic amendments (NT&OA). The impacts of RA compared to conventional management were evaluated by comparing physical (bulk density and aggregate stability), chemical (pH, salinity, total N, P, K, available P, and exchangeable cations) and biological (SOC, POC, PON, microbial activity) properties of soil quality, and the nutritional status of almond trees (leaf N, P and K). Our results show that GM improved soil physical properties, presenting higher soil aggregate stability. We found that OA improved most soil chemical and biological properties, showing higher contents of SOC, POC, PON, total N, K, P, available P, exchangeable cations and microbial respiration. RA treatments combining ground covers and organic amendments (GM&OA and NT&OA) exhibited greater overall soil quality restoration than individual practices. NT&OA stood out for presenting the highest soil quality improvements. All RA treatments maintained similar crop nutritional status compared to conventional management. We concluded that RA has strong potential to restore the physical, chemical and biological quality of soils of woody agroecosystems in Mediterranean drylands without compromising their nutritional status. Furthermore, farming management combinations of multiple regenerative practices are expected to be more effective than applying individual RA practices. ; In parallel to researchers´ assessment of RA impacts, farmers assessed RA impacts in their farms by using the farmer manual jointly developed in participatory workshops. Chapter 4 presents the RA impact results from farmers´ assessment, and documented farmers´ insights, in the third year of PM&E, on the visual soil assessment process using the farmer manual, and on PM&E outcomes regarding the facilitation of participation and learning processes. This chapter corresponds to the application of phase 6 and phase 7 of the methodological framework developed in Chapter 2. Farmers´ visual soil assessment indicated regenerative agriculture as a promising solution to restore degraded agroecosystems in semiarid Mediterranean drylands, although observed soil quality improvements were relatively small compared to conventional management, and more time and efforts are needed to attain desired restoration targets. The monitoring results on RA reported by farmers were complementary to researchers´ findings using technical indicators of soil quality. Farmers' evaluation of the research project highlighted the PM&E research as an educational process that helped them look differently at their land and their restoration efforts and facilitated the creation of relationships of support and trust, learning and capacity building that are fundamental conducive conditions to enhance farming innovation efficiency and adoption. Farmers confirmed that generating spaces for farmer-to-farmer diffusion of knowledge and on-farm experiences is a key driver to expedite farming testing and adoption of innovations. Farmers insights revealed the need to actively involve them in all decision making phases of VSA tools and support them in initial implementation, in order to develop tools that meet farmers´ needs, to enhance VSA tool adoption, and facilitate reaching restoration goals. Furthermore, farmers´ evaluation of the farmer manual suggested the need to reinforce the multipurpose usefulness and potential benefits of collectively recording restoration progress in a systematized way, to enhance VSA tool adoption. Farmers´ insights on the PM&E research reinforces the importance of developing learning communities of farmers and researchers that provide a platform for exchange of experiences and support, as a crucial factor to favor social learning and support the adoption of long-term agricultural innovations. The success of PM&E research for agroecosystem restoration can be improved by integrating iterative phases where farmers can evaluate and adjust research activities and outcomes. We concluded that the process of PM&E that leads to enhanced social capital, social learning and improved understanding of restoration efforts has as much value as the actual restoration outcomes on the ground. Social learning is considered an important precondition for the adoption of contextualized sustainable land management and farming innovations like RA. The main objective of involving farmers and researchers in PM&E of RA was to enable social learning for enhanced understanding of RA impacts and support adoption of RA. Although there is a growing body of literature asserting the achievement of social learning through participatory processes, social learning has been loosely defined, sparsely assessed, and only partially covered when measured. Confirming that a participatory process has favored social learning implies demonstrating that there has been an acquisition of knowledge and change in perceptions at individual and collective level in the people involved in the participatory process, and that this change in perceptions has been generated through social relations. ; Chapter 5 presents an assessment of how the PM&E research process enabled social learning by effectively increasing knowledge exchange and understanding of RA impacts between participating farmers and researchers, and multiple stakeholders of farmers´ social networks. Occurrence of social learning was assessed by covering its social-cognitive (perceptions) and social-relational (social networks) dimensions. This chapter discusses the potential of PM&E to foster adoption and out-scaling of sustainable land management and farming innovations like RA by promoting the generation of information fluxes between farmers and researchers participating in PM&E and the agricultural community of which they form part. To assess changes in farmers´ perceptions and shared fluxes of information on RA before starting the PM&E and after three years of research, we applied fuzzy cognitive mapping and social network analysis as graphical semi-quantitative methods. Our results showed that PM&E enabled social learning amongst participating farmers who strengthened and enlarged their social networks on information sharing, and presented a more complex and broader common understanding of regenerative agriculture impacts and benefits. This supports the idea that PM&E thereby creates crucial preconditions for the adoption and out-scaling of RA. This study was one of the first studies in the field of natural resource management and innovation adoption proving that social learning occurred by providing evidence of both the social-cognitive and social-relational dimension. Our findings are relevant for the design of PM&E processes, agroecosystem Living Labs, and landscape restoration initiatives that aim to support farmers´ adoption and out-scaling of contextualized farming innovations and sustainable land management. We concluded that PM&E where the democratic involvement of participants is the bedrock of the whole research process and the needs and concerns of the farming community are taken as the basis for collaborative research represents a great opportunity to generate inclusive, engaging, efficient, and sound restoration processes and transitions towards sustainable and resilient agroecosystems. ; ES] El avanzado estado de degradación de la tierra que afecta a más de 3.200 millones de personas en todo el mundo ha suscitado una gran preocupación internacional con respecto a la sostenibilidad de los sistemas socio-ecológicos, instando a la adopción a gran escala de manejos sostenibles de la tierra, adaptados a los diferentes contextos. El modelo agrícola industrial es uno de los principales causantes de la degradación de la tierra debido a la promoción de prácticas agrícolas insostenibles que deterioran la calidad de los suelos, comprometiendo su capacidad de funcionamiento y de prestación de servicios ecosistémicos. Las consecuencias derivadas de la degradación de la tierra son especialmente devastadoras en regiones semiáridas propensas a procesos de desertificación, donde la escasez y la irregularidad de las lluvias intensifican la degradación de los recursos naturales y el riesgo de malas cosechas, comprometiendo la sostenibilidad de estas regiones a largo plazo. Recientemente, la agricultura regenerativa (AR) ha ganado un reconocimiento cada vez mayor como solución plausible para restaurar agroecosistemas degradados de todo el mundo. La AR es un enfoque agrícola que se prevé puede revertir la degradación de la tierra, aumentar la biodiversidad, incrementar la producción y mejorar la prestación de múltiples servicios ecosistémicos mediante el seguimiento de una serie de principios y prácticas de restauración de calidad del suelo. A pesar de los prometedores beneficios de la AR, este enfoque agrícola ha sido adoptado de forma muy limitada en regiones semiáridas. Las principales razones que explican su limitada adopción son: la escasez de datos empíricos que demuestran su efectividad, la información contradictoria que ofrecen dichos datos, los enfoques verticales (top-down), la falta de inclusión, participación y toma de decisiones de las agricultoras/es en los proyectos de restauración de agroecosistemas, y la generalmente lenta respuesta de los suelos en regiones semiáridas a los cambios de manejo, lo que puede retrasar la aparición de resultados visibles y desalentar a agricultoras y agricultores a adoptar la AR. En el altiplano estepario del sureste español se inició en 2015 un proceso de restauración de ecosistemas a gran escala mediante la adopción de la AR. El altiplano estepario es una de las regiones europeas más afectadas por procesos de degradación y desertificación de la tierra, y representa una de las mayores extensiones del mundo de producción de almendras ecológicas en secano. En 2015, agricultoras y agricultores locales crearon la asociación agroecológica AlVelAl con el apoyo de la Fundación Commonland, empresas, gobiernos regionales e instituciones de investigación, y comenzaron a aplicar AR en sus fincas. Su objetivo es restaurar grandes extensiones de tierras degradadas, mejorar la productividad y la biodiversidad, aumentar la resiliencia de sus agroecosistemas al cambio climático, generar oportunidades de empleo y mejorar la cohesión social en la región en el plazo de 20 años, siguiendo el enfoque de 4 retornos de la Fundación Commonland. Sin embargo, la escasez de datos e información que respalden la efectividad de la AR, junto con la falta de ejemplos de referencia en la región y la lentitud con la que los procesos de restauración ecológica suelen ocurrir en regiones semiáridas, fueron considerados grandes obstáculos para promover la adopción de la AR en la región. ; Para abordar de manera efectiva la falta de conocimiento sobre los impactos de la AR y apoyar a la comunidad agrícola a mejorar y acelerar su adopción, son necesarios enfoques de investigación horizontales que fomenten la creación de comunidades de aprendizaje entre agricultoras/es e investigadoras/es, aunando el conocimiento local y científico para mejorar el conocimiento sobre la AR. Esta tesis presenta una investigación de monitorización y evaluación participativa (MEP) donde aplicamos una combinación de métodos sociales y ecológicos para evaluar el potencial de esta metodología de investigación en la mejora del intercambio de conocimientos entre agricultoras/es e investigadoras/es sobre la AR en el contexto del altiplano estepario. El objetivo de esta tesis es doble: por un lado, mejorar el conocimiento de los impactos de la AR y, por otro lado, evaluar la contribución de la MEP en facilitar procesos de aprendizaje social, contribuyendo a una mejor adaptación y adopción a largo plazo de la AR en el altiplano estepario en particular, y en regiones semiáridas en general. Combinar el conocimiento científico y local se vuelve un imperativo en procesos de MEP para mejorar la adopción de innovaciones agrícolas, siendo especialmente relevante en regiones semiáridas que típicamente responden lento a cambios de manejo, lo que suele dar lugar a bajas tasas de adopción de dichas innovaciones. Para ello es necesario generar sistemas de monitorización de calidad del suelo y sostenibilidad de los agroecosistemas que integren el conocimiento de agricultoras/es e investigadoras/es, y estén adaptados al contexto donde se aplican las innovaciones. ; Para facilitar la MEP de los impactos de manejos sostenibles e innovaciones agrícolas como la AR, el Capítulo 2 presenta un marco metodológico que guía la identificación y selección de indicadores técnicos y locales de calidad del suelo, conformando un sistema de monitorización para la evaluación participativa de la AR por parte de investigadoras/es y agricultoras/es. El marco metodológico incluye el desarrollo de una herramienta para la evaluación visual del suelo integrando indicadores locales de calidad de suelo para el monitoreo por parte de las agricultoras/es. El marco metodológico consta de 7 fases e incluye: Fase 1) Definición de objetivos de investigación y monitorización; Fase 2) Identificación, selección y priorización de Indicadores Técnicos de Calidad del Suelo (TISQ); Fase 3) Identificación, selección y priorización de Indicadores Locales de Calidad del Suelo (LISQ); Fase 4) Desarrollo de una herramienta de evaluación visual del suelo integrando LISQ; Fase 5) Puesta en práctica y validación de la herramienta de evaluación visual del suelo; Fase 6) Monitorización y evaluación de los impactos de los manejos implementados por parte de investigadoras/es y agricultoras/es, usando los TISQ y la herramienta de evaluación visual del suelo respectivamente y; Fase 7) Intercambio de los resultados de monitorización entre las participantes y evaluación conjunta de los impactos. Para facilitar la MEP de la AR en el altiplano estepario, se desarrolló este marco metodológico y fueron aplicadas las fases 1 a 5 a través de una serie de metodologías participativas que incluyeron una primera reunión con los miembros de la junta directiva de la asociación AlVelAl para la definición conjunta de objetivos de investigación, visitas a las fincas de las agricultoras/es participantes, el desarrollo de talleres participativos, y la realización de entrevistas formales e informales, entre otras. Las investigadoras/es participantes en la MEP identificaron, seleccionaron y priorizaron indicadores técnicos de calidad del suelo a través de una extensa revisión de literatura científica y la consulta ad-hoc a expertas/os con experiencia en monitorización y evaluación de calidad de suelos. Las agricultoras/es participantes identificaron, seleccionaron, priorizaron y validaron indicadores locales de calidad del suelo en dos talleres participativos. La herramienta de evaluación visual del suelo desarrollada conjuntamente, que denominamos Cuaderno de Campo, fue puesta en práctica y validada durante el segundo taller participativo. Los indicadores locales de calidad de suelo seleccionados por las agricultoras/es se enfocaron principalmente en la evaluación de servicios ecosistémicos de apoyo, regulación y abastecimiento, e incluyeron indicadores de regulación hidrológica, control de la erosión, fertilidad del suelo y rendimiento de los cultivos. Los indicadores técnicos de calidad del suelo seleccionados por las investigadoras/es se consistieron en propiedades fisicoquímicas y biológicas del suelo, incluyendo los indicadores: estabilidad de agregados, nutrientes del suelo, biomasa y actividad microbiana, y nutrientes foliares, y cubriendo importantes servicios ecosistémicos de apoyo. La información complementaria generada al combinar indicadores locales y técnicos de calidad de suelo permite ampliar la cobertura, viabilidad y efectividad en la MEP de los impactos de la AR, en comparación con usar de manera individual indicadores técnicos o indicadores locales. El marco metodológico desarrollado en este capítulo facilitó la identificación y selección de indicadores locales y técnicos de calidad del suelo para generar sistemas de monitorización y herramientas de evaluación visual de suelo relevantes y adaptadas a los contextos locales, lo que permite mejorar el intercambio de conocimientos y el aprendizaje mutuo entre agricultoras/es e investigadoras/es para apoyar la implementación de la AR y optimizar la provisión de servicios ecosistémicos. ; La implementación de la AR por parte de agricultoras/es generalmente ocurre de forma gradual debido a limitaciones socioeconómicas, informacionales, ambientales y políticas. Por ello, la adopción de la AR por parte de agricultoras/ es, se traduce en diferentes combinaciones de prácticas regenerativas y diversidad de manejos determinados por factores socioeconómicos, las capacidades de las agricultoras/es, las condiciones ambientales, y los resultados de restauración que se esperan conseguir. Para ayudar al diseño, adopción e implementación de las prácticas de AR más efectivas para optimizar la restauración de agroecosistemas degradados en ambientes semiáridos, el Capítulo 3 presenta la evaluación de los impactos de diferentes combinaciones de prácticas regenerativas implementadas por las agricultoras/es participantes en la MEP usando los indicadores técnicos de calidad de suelo y de rendimiento del cultivo previamente seleccionados. Este capítulo corresponde a la aplicación de la fase 6 del marco metodológico desarrollado en el capítulo 2. Este capítulo presenta la evaluación de impactos de la AR realizada durante dos años en 9 fincas, donde fueron seleccionados, junto con las agricultoras/es participantes, un campo con manejo regenerativo y un campo cercano con manejo convencional bajo laboreo frecuente (CT). Los campos bajo manejo regenerativo fueron agrupados en base a las prácticas de AR aplicadas, y se diferenciaron 4 tipos de tratamientos regenerativos: 1) laboreo reducido con abono verde (GM), 2) laboreo reducido con enmiendas orgánicas (OA), 3) laboreo reducido con abono verde y enmiendas orgánicas (GM&OA), y 4) no laboreo con cubiertas naturales permanentes y enmiendas orgánicas (NT&OA). Se evaluaron los impactos de la AR con respecto al manejo agrícola convencional comparando las propiedades físicas (densidad aparente y estabilidad agregada), químicas (pH, salinidad, N, P, K total, P disponible y cationes intercambiables) y biológicas (SOC, POC, PON, actividad microbiana) de la calidad del suelo y el estado nutricional de los almendros (N, P y K foliares). Nuestros resultados mostraron que el tratamiento GM mejoró las propiedades físicas del suelo, presentando una mayor estabilidad de agregados. Encontramos que el tratamiento OA mejoró la mayoría de las propiedades químicas y biológicas del suelo, mostrando mayores contenidos de SOC, POC, PON, N, K, P total, P disponible, cationes intercambiables y actividad microbiana. Los tratamientos regenerativos que combinaron cubiertas naturales o abonos verdes con enmiendas orgánicas (GM&OA y NT&OA) exhibieron una mayor restauración general de la calidad del suelo en comparación con los tratamientos con prácticas individuales (GM y OA). El tratamiento NT&OA destacó por presentar las mayores mejorías en la restauración de la calidad del suelo comparado con el manejo convencional. Todos los tratamientos regenerativos mantuvieron un estado nutricional de los almendros similar al manejo convencional. Concluimos que la AR tiene un gran potencial para restaurar la calidad física, química y biológica de los suelos en agroecosistemas de leñosos en el semiárido Mediterráneo sin comprometer el estado nutricional de los cultivos. Es de esperar que los manejos que incluyen múltiples prácticas regenerativas sean más efectivos en la restauración de la calidad del suelo que los manejos con prácticas regenerativas individuales. ; Paralelamente a la evaluación de los impactos de la AR por parte de las investigadoras/es, las agricultoras/es evaluaron los impactos de la AR en sus fincas, utilizando la herramienta de evaluación visual del suelo (Cuaderno de campo), desarrollada conjuntamente en los talleres participativos. El Capítulo 4 presenta los resultados de la evaluación de los impactos de la AR por parte de las agricultoras/es. También presenta las observaciones y la evaluación por parte las/los agricultores, realizadas en el tercer año desde el inicio de la MEP, sobre el proceso de evaluación visual del suelo usando el Cuaderno de Campo, así como sobre el impacto de la MEP en facilitar procesos de participación y aprendizaje en las agricultoras/es participantes. Este capítulo corresponde a la aplicación de las fases 6 y 7 del marco metodológico desarrollado en el Capítulo 2. La monitorización por parte las agricultoras/es mostró que la AR tiene potencial para restaurar agroecosistemas degradados en el semiárido Mediterráneo, aunque las mejoras observadas sobre la calidad del suelo fueron relativamente pequeñas con respecto al manejo convencional, siendo necesario más tiempo y mayores esfuerzos para alcanzar los objetivos de restauración deseados. Las pequeñas mejoras en la calidad del suelo documentadas por las agricultoras/es fueron complementarias a los hallazgos obtenidos por las investigadoras/es usando indicadores técnicos de calidad de suelo. Las agricultoras/es destacaron la MEP como un proceso de aprendizaje que les ayudó a ver sus suelos y sus esfuerzos de restauración de manera diferente, y que facilitó la creación de relaciones de apoyo y el desarrollo de habilidades en ellas/os, los cuales son requisitos fundamentales para fomentar la eficiencia y la adopción de innovaciones agrícolas. Las agricultoras/es confirmaron que la generación de espacios que favorecen el intercambio de conocimientos entre agricultoras/ es, así como las experiencias agrícolas en finca (in situ), son un factor clave para fomentar la experimentación y adopción de innovaciones agrícolas por parte de la comunidad agrícola. Además, las observaciones realizadas por las participantes revelaron la necesidad de involucrar activamente a las agricultoras/es en todas las fases de diseño y toma de decisiones en el desarrollo de herramientas de evaluación visual del suelo con el fin de generar herramientas que satisfagan sus necesidades. Junto con ello, se dedujo que el apoyo del equipo investigador a las agricultoras/ es en las primeras implementaciones de dichas herramientas puede contribuir a mejorar su adopción, facilitando que las usuarias/os consigan los objetivos de restauración deseados. Asimismo, la evaluación del Cuaderno de Campo por parte de las agricultoras/es indicó la necesidad de reforzar la utilidad multipropósito y los beneficios potenciales de registrar de forma sistematizada y colectiva los progresos de restauración, con el fin de aumentar la adopción de estas herramientas por parte de las usuarias/os a las que van dirigidas. La evaluación de la MEP por parte de las agricultoras/es refuerza la importancia de desarrollar comunidades de aprendizaje entre agricultoras/es e investigadoras/es que proporcionen una plataforma para el intercambio de experiencias y de apoyo en el proceso de investigación, lo cual es considerado un factor crucial para favorecer el aprendizaje social y apoyar la adopción de innovaciones agrícolas a largo plazo. Este capítulo concluyó que el éxito de las investigaciones enfocadas a la restauración de agroecosistemas puede incrementar mediante la integración de fases iterativas en las que agricultoras/ es puedan evaluar y ajustar las actividades y los resultados de investigación. Los procesos de MEP, que contribuyen a mejorar el capital social, el aprendizaje social y a generar una mayor comprensión de los esfuerzos de restauración, tienen tanto valor como los propios resultados de restauración sobre el terreno. ; El aprendizaje social es considerado un prerrequisito crucial para la adopción de manejos sostenibles e innovaciones agrícolas adaptados a los diferentes contextos. El objetivo principal de desarrollar una investigación de MEP involucrando a investigadoras/es y agricultoras/es en el altiplano estepario fue permitir el aprendizaje social para lograr una mejor comprensión de los impactos de la AR y así mejorar su adopción. Aunque existen cada vez más investigaciones científicas que afirman que los procesos participativos fomentan el aprendizaje social, este concepto ha sido definido de forma muy diversa, ha sido rara vez evaluado, y ha sido abordado de manera parcial sin cubrir su dimensión cognitiva y su dimensión relacional. Establecer que un proceso participativo ha favorecido el aprendizaje social, implica demostrar que se ha generado una adquisición de conocimientos y que se ha producido un cambio en las percepciones, a nivel individual y a nivel colectivo, de las personas implicadas en el proceso, y que este cambio de percepciones ha sido generado gracias al establecimiento de relaciones sociales, de intercambio de información y experiencias. El Capítulo 5 evalúa cómo la MEP de la AR en el altiplano estepario favoreció el aprendizaje social en las agricultoras/es participantes, mejorando la comprensión de los impactos de la AR al aumentar de manera efectiva el intercambio de conocimientos entre ellas/os, con las investigadoras/es participantes, y con otras personas que forman parte de sus redes sociales. Este capítulo presenta resultados necesarios para probar si la MEP de la AR favoreció el aprendizaje social en las agriculturas/es participantes, evaluando tanto la dimensión social-cognitiva (percepciones) como la dimensión social-relacional (redes sociales) del aprendizaje social. Además, en este capítulo se discute el potencial de la MEP para favorecer la adopción de manejos sostenibles e innovaciones agrícolas a gran escala gracias a fomentar la generación de flujos de información entre las agricultoras/es participantes y la comunidad agrícola de la que forman parte. Utilizamos el mapeo cognitivo difuso (fuzzy cognitive mapping) y el análisis de redes sociales como métodos gráficos semi-cuantitativos para evaluar los cambios de percepciones y de flujos de información compartidos por las agricultoras/ es sobre la AR, antes de empezar la MEP y después de transcurridos tres años de investigación. Nuestros resultados mostraron que la MEP favoreció el aprendizaje social en las agricultoras/es participantes, quienes fortalecieron y ampliaron sus redes sociales de intercambio de información sobre AR, presentando un conocimiento más complejo, común y amplio de los impactos y beneficios de la AR. De esto modo, se demostró que la MEP genera prerrequisitos cruciales para mejorar la adopción de la AR. Este estudio fue uno de los primeros en el ámbito del manejo sostenible de recursos naturales e innovaciones agrícolas que demuestra empíricamente el favorecimiento del aprendizaje social a través de procesos de investigación participativa, proporcionando evidencias tanto en su dimensión social-cognitiva como en su dimensión social-relacional. Nuestros hallazgos tienen una gran relevancia para el diseño de procesos de MEP, como pueden ser los living labs y otras iniciativas de restauración de ecosistemas, que tengan como objetivo apoyar, fortalecer y fomentar la adopción por parte de las comunidades agrícolas de manejos sostenibles e innovaciones agrícolas adaptadas a los diferentes contextos. Las investigaciones de MEP, donde la participación democrática de las/ os participantes y las necesidades de las comunidades agrícolas son consideradas centrales en el proceso de investigación, representan una gran oportunidad para generar procesos inclusivos, atractivos, eficientes y transiciones sólidas hacia agroecosistemas sostenibles y resilientes a largo plazo. ; This research was conducted within the PhD program "Natural Resources and Sustainable Management" in the research team on Agroecology, Food Sovereignty and Commons of the University of Córdoba (Spain), and the Soil and Water Conservation Research Group of the Centre for Applied Soil Science and Biology of the Segura, of the Spanish National Research Council (CEBAS-CSIC), and supported by a PhD fellowship of La Caixa Foundation (ID100010434) (LCF/BQ/ES17/11600008) Chapter 4 - This work was supported by "la Caixa" Foundation (ID100010434) through a PhD fellowship to RLS (LCF/BQ/ES17/11600008), and by the projects DECADE (Séneca Foundation, 20917/PI/18), and XTREME (Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation PID2019-109381RB-I00/AEI/10.13039/501100011033). Chapter 5 - This work was supported by "la Caixa" Foundation (ID100010434) through a PhD fellowship to RLS (LCF/BQ/ES17/11600008), and by the projects DECADE (Seneca Foundation, 20917/PI/18), XTREME (Ministry of Science and Innovation PID2019-109381RB-I00/AEI/10.13039/501100011033) and COASTAL (EU H2020 grant agreement N° 773782). For the Portuguese co-authors, this work was partially funded by National Funds through FCT - Foundation for Science and Technology under the Project UIDB/05183/2020. ; Chapter 2 - This chapter was published as: Luján Soto, R., Cuéllar Padilla, M., and de Vente, J. 2020. Participatory selection of soil quality indicators for monitoring the impacts of regenerative agriculture on ecosystem services. Ecosystem Services, 45, 101157. 3 - This chapter was published as: Luján Soto, R., Martínez-Mena, M., Cuéllar Padilla, M., and de Vente, J. 2021. Restoring soil quality of woody agroecosystems in Mediterranean drylands through regenerative agriculture. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 306, 107191. 4 - This chapter is a preprint version adapted from: Luján Soto, R., de Vente, J., and Cuéllar Padilla, M. 2021. Learning from farmers´ experiences with participatory monitoring and evaluation of regenerative agriculture based on visual soil assessment. Journal of Rural Studies (in review)Chapter 5 - This chapter is adapted and published as: Luján Soto, R., Cuéllar Padilla, M., Rivera Méndez, M., PintoCorreia, T., Boix-Fayos, C., and de Vente, J. 2021. Participatory monitoring and evaluation of regenerative agriculture to enable social learning, adoption and out-scaling. Ecology & Society. ; Peer reviewed
A través de la realización de este trabajo, pretendo poner en perspectiva el derecho de acceso a la información pública en relación con el derecho a la intimidad y otros derechos con los cuales coexiste en la actualidad; partiendo de la tesis que en éste momento la tendencia en América - contraria a la Europea - es la primacía del derecho de acceso a la información pública, como una consecuencia lógica derivada del Derecho General de Libertades que toda persona debe tener, bajo la premisa de que nadie está obligada a hacer o no hacer, lo que la ley expresamente no manda o prohíbe, principio recogido en muchas constituciones y particularmente en la salvadoreña. En el desarrollo del mismo, tomo también en cuenta la relación que este nuevo derecho fundamental, que ha sido reconocido como tal por la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos, tiene con otros derechos como el de la intimidad, plasmado en muchas legislaciones sobre todo Europeas y desarrollado a través de sendas Leyes de Regulación de Datos Personales; puesto que la Libertad es un derecho indudablemente mucho más general, el cual debe prevalecer sobre otros derechos asimiles o consecuentes, con los cuales por supuesto debe interrelacionarse, pues ningún derecho es totalmente absoluto, estando de acuerdo en que debe tener algunas limitantes, pero en todo caso la regla general debe ser la publicidad y no la intimidad, pues estos tiempos de pujanza de las tecnologías de la información, el Internet y la globalización de las actividades de toda naturaleza, nos obligan a legislar tomando en consideración las nuevas realidades, recordemos que el derecho es cambiante, nunca estático, y precisamente hemos visto como el mundo se debatió (y aún quedan graves secuelas), en una crisis económica generada por los grandes conglomerados financieros, lo cual ha traído como consecuencia no solo cuantiosas pérdidas de dinero, sino la pérdida de confianza en la Banca internacional, que vendió y repartió por todo el mundo paquetes de acciones, bonos, títulos valores y carteras de créditos sin ningún respaldo, basados en la confianza, lo cual desde mi perspectiva personal se debió en parte a que no se analizó o divulgó adecuadamente y en forma oportuna la información sensible al respecto que estaba a disposición, se prestó dinero para generación de hipotecas, bajo una ficción legal producida por el sector Inmobiliario-Bancario, a personas que no tenían capacidad de pago, ya que en forma irresponsable no se analizó la información crediticia bajo criterios técnicos reales. Vemos también como se desquebraja y se pone en peligro la Unión Europea, por la poca transparencia sobre el manejo de la información de las finanzas por parte de algunos gobiernos de la Zona Euro. Durante mis veinticinco años de ejercicio profesional de la Abogacía y el Notariado en mi querido país El Salvador, siempre tuve la aspiración de especializarme en la rama del Derecho Constitucional, no solo por ser la Constitución la ley primaria y fundamental de la cual derivan todas las leyes de un país, sino por su esencial naturaleza cambiante en aras de adecuarse permanentemente a las continuas e incesantes transformaciones sociales, sobre todo en estos tiempos de avances tecnológicos y de información vertiginosa que transita por la intranet. Ello ha producido cambios substanciales en el espectro tradicional de derechos fundamentales, hasta dar cabida a nuevos derechos y garantías que paulatinamente fueron adquiriendo más protagonismo y rango constitucional. Acorde con lo anterior, pretendo también brindar un aporte a mi país, sobre las nuevas realidades y tendencias de ese derecho fundamental de acceso a la información pública, para que se vea reflejado en la ley o sus posibles reformas futuras; tomando en cuenta que la mayoría de países de Latinoamérica y particularmente de Centroamérica, ya aprobaron una Ley de Acceso a la Información Pública; que estamos en un proceso, aunque lento, de integración económica en la región; que no tenemos prácticamente Banca nacional, sino que estamos sujetos a las regulaciones y convenios de la Banca internacional; que somos un Estado dolarizado, siendo nuestro referente los Estados Unidos con su "freedom information Act"; por lo que mal haríamos en no regular este derecho fundamental y desarrollarlo en una normativa secundaria, en forma clara y armónica con otros derechos que deban respetarse, acorde obviamente con nuestra realidad y cosmovisión nacional, pero por sobre todo poniendo nuestra mirada en el futuro, con la visión de legislar ante un nuevo panorama mundial, un nuevo derecho emergente, que no dudo que prevalecerá ante otros ya conocidos, que deberán sucumbir o ceder ante la preeminencia de éste. En la sinergia social actual, la publicidad debe ser la regla general y la intimidad la excepción, ya que el interés público, colectivo y del pueblo debe prevalecer sobre el interés individual o particular. Eso es lo que pretendo transmitir, y ojala que este modesto esfuerzo investigativo pueda contribuir a ello, en aras que los Diputados de la Asamblea Legislativa, que son los que finalmente aprueban las leyes de conformidad con la Constitución salvadoreña, puedan tener un referente, y ya sea que compartan o no mi posición, puedan tomar una mejor decisión a la hora de aprobar el contenido de la Ley o sus reformas futuras, tomando en cuenta toda la información necesaria para beneficio de los que los eligieron, a los que finalmente se deben, ese pueblo que voto por ellos y que confía en que tomarán las mejores decisiones para bien de las futuras generaciones. Asimismo, espero que también pueda servir a otros colegas estudiosos del derecho en otros países que aún no han aprobado una Ley similar o que se encuentren en la fase de discusión y análisis de su respectivo Anteproyecto. A mi juicio, no debemos cometer el mismo error que han cometido otros países de incorporar en una misma ley o en un mismo texto, el derecho de acceso a la información pública y el derecho a la intimidad junto con el consecuente habeas data, sino que deben ser regulados separadamente, en cuerpos normativos diferentes, pero en una forma armónica y clara; de ser posible en forma paralela y con vigencia simultánea, a fin de evitar contradicciones, pero como dije antes, tomando en cuenta la nueva realidad mundial y regional, partiendo de la idea que la información pública es un bien público, propiedad de todos, lo cual implica que el secreto sólo será aplicado a lo estrictamente necesario, estableciéndose de forma previa y clara cuál es la información reservada, cuales son los criterios para esa clasificación, así como los procedimientos y autoridades ante quienes se pueda impugnar la decisión de calificar la información como reservada, en otras palabras, aplicando el principio de favorecimiento a una actividad de interés público, y desarrollando como lo ha sido en el caso de El Salvador, el Art.246 de la Constitución que establece precisamente en su Título IX, Alcances y Aplicación, que la Constitución prevalecerá sobre todas las leyes y reglamentos y que "el interés público tiene primacía sobre el interés privado". Desde mi visión, cualquier Ley de regulación de datos debe de ser pensada y redactada en armonía con el derecho a la libertad, anteponiendo el interés público y el principio de máxima publicidad en materia de acceso a la información; es decir, partiendo de la base que la regla general debe ser la publicidad y no la reserva indiscriminada o difusamente delineada. La Carta Magna de El Salvador al igual que la mayoría de constituciones, reconoce el derecho a la Libertad como uno de los derechos primordiales y fundamentales de la persona en su Art.2 Cn ESA, y lo ubica en el tercer lugar, después del derecho a la vida y a la integridad física y moral; y, muy por delante del derecho a la seguridad, al trabajo, a la propiedad y posesión, al derecho al honor y la intimidad personal. Por su parte, la jurisprudencia del máximo Tribunal de Justicia de El Salvador, emitida a través de la Sala de lo Constitucional reconoce y ha dejado claramente sentado ese principio general del derecho a las libertades, como un derecho general, que no debe tener más limitaciones aparte de buscar la armonía con otros derechos, y que debe ampliamente protegerse y manifestarse a través del derecho de libertad de acceso a la información, de libertad de expresión y divulgación, de libertad empresarial, de libertad de credo o religión, etc.; pues el contenido de la Libertad, es para el máximo tribunal salvadoreño, la posibilidad de actuar conforme a lo permisible por las normas jurídicas. El ejercicio del derecho a la Libertad, debe por tanto ser entendido como una condición para que el individuo pueda desarrollar libremente sus facultades propias; y la mejor manera de hacerlo es asegurando este desenvolvimiento, a través de permitirle que se dirija espontáneamente y a su manera, afrontando las consecuencias y riesgos, en tanto no afecte el derecho legal de otro. CONTENIDO. Planteamientos Jurídicos. Mi primer planteamiento se resume en una sola pregunta: ¿Qué derecho debe prevalecer: El de libertad de acceso a la información pública, o el de la intimidad a través de la protección de datos personales?". A mi juicio es el primero, por derivar del derecho general de Libertad, y por las razones que más adelante expondré, el cual ha emergido con toda su fuerza ante la nueva realidad económica y social que vive el mundo. La clave está en qué entendemos por información personal o confidencial y como la hemos regulado en nuestras legislaciones, si lo hemos hecho conociendo sus límites y con base al principio de máxima publicidad o no. El segundo planteamiento: ¿Es la libertad de acceso a la información pública, un derecho fundamental o es un valor superior? Sostengo que ambos, depende si está regulado en cada país y de cómo esté regulado, si es derecho positivo y vigente, si está referido a tratados internacionales que generalmente están por encima de las normas, también conocidas como Supra constitucionales; pero en todo caso, el valor superior libertad es raíz y base de los derechos humanos, que constitucionalizados se vuelven fundamentales. Encontrándose este nuevo derecho humano concretamente anclado en el derecho de Libertad de Expresión, por cuanto siendo su raíz y comprendiendo las facultades de: pedir, investigar, recibir y transmitir, o sea, dar o divulgar informaciones de toda índole, por cualquier medio o procedimiento de su elección, sin limitación de fronteras y sin injerencia de las autoridades, éste ha dado origen a nuevos derechos en el espectro internacional, entre ellos, el derecho a saber, a saber la verdad, y el derecho a acceder al Internet. Este último, fue precisamente reconocido en Mayo de 2011 como derecho humano fundamental por Frank La Rue, relator especial de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la protección de la Libertad de Expresión e Información. Lo cual genera una nueva polémica, sobre cómo regular el mismo, por tratarse el Internet de un mundo virtual, sin territorios, ni fronteras, marcado por la abundancia de informaciones, en vez de limitaciones y "sin materialidad", lo cual no se puede regular eficazmente con nuestros principios jurídicos y filosóficos naturales o usuales. Obviamente la Tesis aborda otros cuestionamientos y temas de interés relacionados con el derecho de libertad de acceso a la información, entre ellos, si es un derecho de libertad Opcional o Autónomo, si es un derecho de libertad como tal o de prestación, etcétera; igualmente abordamos la realidad que se vive en los países que ya han implementado una ley de la materia para analizar y compartir sus experiencias; si prevalece el principio de máxima publicidad o divulgación de la información pública o si por el contrario sigue prevaleciendo la protección de datos personales; la cultura de la transparencia y del acceso a la información o la cultura del secreto, lo privado o lo prohibido. Metodología Utilizada. La metodología utilizada es la Analítica Comparativa, analizando el contexto mundial, contraponiendo el viejo mundo con el nuevo mundo, es decir la realidad Europea que es muy diferente a la Americana; la "freedom information act", es decir la libertad de información en manos del Estado por pertenecer al pueblo, versus la regulación y protección de datos personales que constan en archivos públicos; en otras palabras, el derecho de acceso a la información pública en contraste con el derecho a la intimidad. Para ello, me he apoyado en el análisis del espectro económico, social y jurídico mundial, y en el proceso acelerado y vertiginoso de promulgación de leyes de acceso a la información pública y de transparencia del Estado, suscitado en el mundo entero y particularmente en toda Latinoamérica, de la cual hacemos un pequeño recorrido; para luego pasar al contexto centroamericano en proceso de integración económica, siendo las últimas leyes de acceso a la información pública aprobadas, la de nuestra vecina República de Guatemala y la de El Salvador, promulgada en el año 2011 y que entró en vigor a partir de Mayo de 2012, cuya ley era necesaria y conveniente, siendo que la misma surgió a través de un proceso de discusión y cabildeo con los diferentes actores, sectores involucrados, fuerzas vivas, sociales, económicas y políticas del país, incluyendo el análisis de dos borradores de proyectos de ley que fueron discutidos por los diferentes partidos políticos en la Asamblea Legislativa juntamente con el Reglamento respectivo; por lo que es muy oportuno hablar de este tema; esperando que esta modesta investigación académica pueda servir de algún aporte no solo en mi patria, el pulgarcito de América, El Salvador; sino a otros países que aún no regulan este derecho, que lo han hecho recientemente, o que incluso han promulgado ya leyes cuya vacatio legis está pendiente o que han sido promulgadas pero aún no han entrado en vigencia plena, como es el caso de España, a la cual también obviamente nos referiremos, que ya cuenta con una Ley de acceso a la información pública, denominada en sentido amplio: Ley 19/2013, de 9 de diciembre, de transparencia, acceso a la información pública y buen gobierno. LOS OBJETIVOS PRINCIPALES DE LA TESIS SON. 1. Poner en perspectiva ambos derechos: el de libertad de acceso a la información pública y el de la intimidad; pues los dos deben ser objeto de regulaciones específicas en todos los países del hemisferio. Pero de conformidad con mi tesis cualquier ley de regulación de datos personales o reforma, debe ser pensada y adecuada al principio de máxima publicidad en materia de información. 2. Promover que la regla general en materia de información en poder del Estado, debe ser la publicidad, y la excepción, lo reservado, lo clasificado, lo secreto. 3. Esta tesis pretende exhortar a los países que no cuentan con una legislación al respecto, o que solo cuentan con leyes de regulación de datos, que legislen sobre el tema en forma armónica y consecuente con la nueva realidad económica mundial, tomando en consideración las experiencias vividas por otros países que han avanzado más sobre este derecho fundamental. 4. Señalar con claridad que todo Estado está en la obligación de transparentar la actuación de sus gobiernos y de sus funcionarios, poniendo a la disposición de los ciudadanos que los eligieron, toda la información relativa a su gestión, pues un pueblo que no tiene acceso a la información, no puede considerarse verdaderamente democrático. 5. Impulsar una cultura de transparencia, combate a la corrupción e impunidad que conlleve la creación o reforma de leyes de acceso a la información pública eficaces y positivas, que permitan cambiar el entorno y realidad actual de muchos países en la búsqueda de una verdadera democracia, dejando atrás la cultura de la opacidad y el secretismo de la cosa pública. 6. Finalmente, exhortar que de una forma u otra, según la realidad jurídica y cosmovisión de cada país, se considere a la libertad de acceso a la información pública, como un derecho humano fundamental, positivo y vigente; se modernicen y sometan a la nueva tendencia y realidad mundial de transparencia en la gestión pública y de acceso a la información; o en todo caso, reconozcan la prevalencia de los tratados internacionales que regulan la materia; y, consideren a este nuevo derecho como un valor superior, necesario e imprescindible para el desarrollo democrático, económico, social y de cambio generacional. PRINCIPALES APORTACIONES DE ESTA TESIS A LA CIENCIA JURÍDICA: NOVEDADES, AVANCES. El objetivo principal de mi investigación y análisis, es provocar una reflexión objetiva y sosegada en torno a qué derecho debe tener primacía en la actualidad: el de libertad de acceso a la información pública o el derecho a la intimidad, a través de la protección de datos. Lo novedoso es que la gente en la actualidad quiere estar más informada, difunde, transmite por medios tecnológicos, aparatos electrónicos con mayor capacidad de almacenamiento, obviamente también comparte y busca más información, para crearse opinión y tomar mejores decisiones en todos los aspectos de su vida, por lo que se trata de un cambio de mentalidad, un cambio generacional, pasar de la cultura del secreto y la opacidad a la cultura de la información y la transparencia, en donde la regla general debe ser el libre acceso a la información y la excepción lo confidencial o prohibido, y todo ello representa un verdadero desafío para el legislador y sobre todo para los aplicadores de las leyes y los juzgadores, quienes deben adaptarse a esa nueva realidad social mundial. Si bien ningún derecho es absoluto y debe tener límites, en mi opinión debe prevalecer el derecho de libertad o en todo caso el valor superior Libertad, origen y fin de toda sociedad democrática y propia de la naturaleza del hombre que desea vivir en desarrollo. Sin información no hay democracia ni desarrollo de los pueblos; en los países en los que sus ciudadanos no tienen acceso a la información, prevale la ignorancia, la corrupción, la impunidad y la falta de transparencia, en otras palabras no hay desarrollo. Pienso que cualquier ley o reforma de ley, que verse sobre tales materias, debe ser pensada en base al principio fundamental y rector, que debe ser el principio de máxima publicidad o de máxima divulgación de la información. Por ello, es importante establecer mediante conceptos claramente definidos, qué debemos entender y cómo debemos aplicar esos conceptos y principios que rigen el acceso a la información pública; qué debemos considerar como información de carácter personal, confidencial o reservada, para no dejarlo al arbitrio interpretativo del funcionario; igualmente, qué tipo de información requiere el consentimiento previo y expreso de su titular, y cual no requiere tal consentimiento, tal como ya lo han hecho otros países como Argentina y Uruguay, que incluso lo tienen claro y plenamente definido, paradójicamente en leyes de protección de datos personales. Se dice que una fe sin hechos no transforma, igualmente una ley sin los recursos necesarios para su implementación no funciona, es ineficaz, por ello para que el derecho sea objetivo se deben de otorgar los recursos económicos, técnicos, humanos y de cualquier otra índole, suficientes para su cumplimiento, adoptando toda una plataforma tecnológica que permita que el Estado cumpla con su obligación prestacional de dar la información; aparte de implementar las medidas y mecanismos de control ciudadano, capaces de garantizar la participación exclusiva de funcionarios probos, que rindan cuentas de su gestión de los bienes públicos, en especial permitiendo a los ciudadanos que ejerciten su derecho de pedir la información, sin necesidad de legitimar un interés particular, simplemente por tener el derecho a saber. Hay que tener en cuenta que las legislaciones sobre la materia deben adaptarse, adecuarse reformarse o implementarse, en perfecta sintonía con los Convenios Internacionales de Derechos Humanos, que forman parte de la legislación internacional, los cuales han ido cambiando o se han ido ampliando, y que, al haber sido aprobados y/o ratificados por los países miembros, entran a formar parte del ordenamiento jurídico de los países, por lo que están obligados a su implementación a través de leyes o reformas, a fin de que se tornen en derecho positivo y a la vez vigente; y no tener que esperar que se haga forzosamente a través de sentencias de tribunales internacionales, como sucedió con el caso de Chile. Esa es la disyuntiva y preeminencia de derechos que pongo en perspectiva (el acceso a la información o la intimidad), en el entendido que es mejor haber tomado una decisión errónea después de haber analizado y accedido a toda la información posible, disponible y permisible al alcance de nuestras manos, que no haber tomado ninguna, por falta de Libertad de acceso a la información, en un mundo que se caracteriza por ser generador por excelencia de cada vez más novedosas tecnologías de la Información. Otra aportación importante, está en destacar que esta clase de regulación debe abarcar no solo a instituciones del Estado, ya sea de gobierno, autónomas, de capital mixto, concesionarios de servicios públicos o subsidiadas por el Estado, sino también a las empresas privadas o particulares que estén prestando o en el futuro se dedicarán a prestar servicios de información en general. A manera de ejemplo, ya existe información estadística recopilada en redes sociales como Facebook y twiter, sobre servicios, quejas ciudadanas, etc, que son de interés de las Municipalidades para conocer el grado de satisfacción de los habitantes y del trabajo del ayuntamiento, que posteriormente se traducirán en votos favorables o desfavorables, de aprobación o desaprobación de su gestión y de su posible reelección o no. Me declaro abiertamente PRO acceso a la información, pues creo que a pesar de todo, y de cualquier crítica que pueda existir, válida o no, tener acceso a la información pública tiene y traerá más beneficios que perjuicios a los pueblos democráticos. Otro aporte importante del trabajo, es el análisis y resumen que hago del derecho comparado sobre libertad de acceso a la información pública, tanto de legislaciones como de jurisprudencia, contraponiendo a Europa con América, y haciendo un recorrido sucinto por los países más representativos de Latinoamérica, que incluye el área centroamericana y por su supuesto mi propio país, El Salvador, sin dejar de abordar a la madre patria España. Al respecto de América, es pertinente destacar la reciente implementación de una nueva generación de leyes de avanzada, como el caso de México, donde se aprobó el 4 de Mayo de 2015, la Ley General de Transparencia y Acceso a la Información Pública, una ley de orden público y de observancia general en toda la República, que crea toda una política, un sistema y una plataforma nacional de transparencia. El derecho es cambiante y debe adaptarse a las nuevas realidades, por lo que el derecho a la libertad de acceso a la información pública ha generado a su vez el nacimiento de nuevos derechos, como el derecho al internet, el derecho a saber, a saber la verdad, etc, siendo para mí lo más importante para asegurar el éxito de cualquier Ley, crear una verdadera cultura de transparencia y de acceso a la información, tanto de carácter pública como privada, lo cual garantiza todo un sistema democrático de control ciudadano, de pesos y contrapesos, fomenta la rendición de cuentas de los funcionarios públicos, la libertad de expresión y de información, es decir, la transparencia como medio eficaz de combatir la corrupción y la impunidad en cualquier sociedad o Estado, que realmente busque el desarrollo de su pueblo y consolidación de su democracia. CONCLUSIONES. a) Estimo, que no podemos tomar buenas decisiones, ya sea como personas, empresas, conglomerados, instituciones internacionales, Estados o Unión de Estados, si no tenemos acceso a la información pública necesaria, adecuada, conveniente y oportuna, incluyendo aquella información personal que no requiere el consentimiento previo y expreso de su titular o que se ha vuelto pública a través de medios masivos de comunicación. b) Las leyes de datos personales deben estar enfocadas y tener como finalidad la regulación y control de la información personal, pero no deben limitar el derecho de acceso a esa información, excepto cuando se traten de datos sensibles, protegidos por ley expresa y clara, pues se tiende a confundir a priori, de que toda esa información es prohibida. c) Ambos derechos: el de Libertad de Acceso a la Información y a la Intimidad, son derechos fundamentales de la persona humana, pero no son derechos absolutos, sino relativos en cuanto no riñan entre sí, por lo que deben legislarse en forma positiva, sistemática y armónica. d) Considero, según ésta propuesta, que no deben utilizarse normativas que quieran proteger la intimidad o imagen de las personas para limitar el derecho de acceso de información, sino que la regulación de ambas materias deben de pensarse de manera conjunta, coordinada y plenamente consensuada, partiendo del hecho de que la publicidad debe ser la regla general y no la excepción. e) Es conveniente legislar qué tipo de información no requiere el consentimiento expreso de su titular, como sería el caso de datos provenientes de fuentes públicas de información, tales como: registros, archivos o publicaciones en medios masivos de comunicación, información periodística o referencias de prensa; o de listados cuyos datos se limiten a: nombres y apellidos, documento de identidad o registro único de contribuyente, nacionalidad, estado familiar, nombre del cónyuge, régimen matrimonial, fecha de nacimiento, domicilio y teléfono, ocupación o profesión, etc.; o se trate de datos recabados para el ejercicio de funciones o deberes, constitucional o legalmente regulados; o que se deriven de una relación contractual del titular de los datos y sean necesarios para su desarrollo y cumplimiento; o, finalmente, hayan sido recabados por personas físicas o jurídicas, privadas o públicas, para su uso exclusivo o de sus asociados o usuarios y por supuesto, para fines lícitos. f) El derecho de libre acceso a la información pública, es un derecho humano fundamental, vital para el ejercicio de la libertad de expresión y pensamiento, es un instrumento en el combate de la corrupción, indispensable para fortalecer la democracia y fomentar la participación y control ciudadano, además de ser una herramienta para sostener el principio de legalidad de la actuación de los funcionarios públicos. g) Es conveniente que esta legislación especial sobre acceso a la información pública, este confiada, en cuando a su implementación y fiscalización, a un ente regulador independiente, autónomo y apolítico, incluso en lo económico. h) En el ámbito del derecho mercantil y como parte del Derecho a la Libertad Empresarial, existen datos de relevancia pública, que permiten la formación crítica de las personas a las que van destinadas y que son considerados como asuntos de interés general, entre ellos, el análisis del riesgo, de suma importancia en el comercio moderno, que requiere conocer aquella información judicial, crediticia o de prensa, que asegure una adecuada decisión financiera o mercantil y, sobre todo, una inversión razonablemente confiable. i) En lo relativo a excepciones al acceso a la información, acceso parcial, deber de motivación y control de las resoluciones denegatorias, la regla general en un Estado democrático ha de ser el de respetar el principio de máxima publicidad o sea, la del mayor acceso posible a la información pública, de manera que cualquier posible denegación de acceso debe interpretarse siempre de forma restrictiva, y sobre la base de excepciones legalmente estipuladas claramente en la Ley. j) De acuerdo a esta Tesis, el Estado tiene la obligación de elaborar versiones públicas de los documentos confidenciales o restringidos a su cargo, pues a la luz del principio de máxima publicidad, la declaratoria de reserva, secreto o confidencialidad debe reducirse a su mínima expresión; debiendo tomar las medidas adecuada para prevenir y sancionar las conductas deliberadas o negligentes, que favorezcan la obstrucción injustificada al derecho de acceso a la información en manos gubernamentales. k) Las empresas que prestan servicios de información, también conocidas como burós, deben estar protegidas por ese derecho de libertad de acceso a la información, pues ellas nacieron como una necesidad del sistema financiero para reducir costos de la evaluación del riesgo. La apertura y modernización de los sistemas financieros y la baja en los costos de informática y comunicaciones, permite la existencia de estos burós, los cuales deben ser incorporados y estar claramente regulados en la Ley. l) Los burós o empresas de servicios de información o analizadoras de riesgo, no solamente propician el desarrollo y agilidad en las transacciones financieras y bursátiles, sino que indirectamente coadyuvan a detectar lavado de dinero y activos, actividades de narcotráfico, trata de personas, contrabando de mercaderías y otras actividades ilícitas, minimizando riesgos consecuentes. m) La falta de acceso a la información, trae consigo la mala toma de decisiones, pues a mayor y mejor información, mejores decisiones. La falta de acceso a la información limita las posibilidades de negocios, pues no permite evaluar correctamente el riesgo. Consecuentemente, la falta de acceso a la información, también restringe el crédito interno de un país. n) Los países cuyos ciudadanos todavía no cuentan con libre acceso a la información pública, en realidad no son enteramente democráticos y, consecuentemente, estimo que no podrán alcanzar un verdadero desarrollo socio económico. o) El derecho a la información es indispensable para fomentar la cultura de transparencia, y debe aplicar tanto a instituciones públicas como privadas con base al principio de máxima divulgación o publicidad. Todo ello, en defensa del valor superior libertad y de la primacía de este nuevo derecho humano fundamental de acceso a la información pública. Finalmente, no puedo dejar de mencionar que al participar del Programa de Doctorado en Derecho Constitucional, de la Universidad de Castilla La Mancha, he tenido la oportunidad de ampliar mis conocimientos con catedráticos y maestros de gran trayectoria y reconocimiento en España, no solo por su labor docente, sino también académica y científica en el desarrollo de temas de gran trascendencia en el conglomerado de profesionales, especialistas y verdaderos maestros de derecho Constitucional Español, que están sentando jurisprudencia en los Tribunales Constitucionales de la Unión Europea, lo cual me ha abierto una ventana de conocimientos que me permiten no solo comparar la legislación constitucional salvadoreña con la Española, que por cierto está ejerciendo mucha influencia en la Sala de lo Constitucional de la Corte Suprema de Justicia de El Salvador, sino ir más allá, para entender adecuadamente que se está haciendo en el continente Europeo, sobre temas tan trascendentales como los Derechos Humanos, que han sido plasmados y reconocidos en Tratados y Convenios Internacionales; particularmente en torno a este nuevo derecho fundamental, que tiene sus raíces en la libertad de expresión. Así como las nuevas tendencias y jurisprudencia, que ha surgido del Tribunal Europeo de Derechos Humanos y de la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos; lo cual me permite tener una visión más amplia y aplicar lo que pueda ser útil a nuestra realidad e idiosincrasia, transmitiendo las vivencias y experiencias a otros que aún no han regulado este derecho, están en el camino de implementación de una Ley o están aún pensando en hacerlo, para que no cometan los mismos errores o hagan las rectificaciones o reformas pertinentes.
Every year, through mass drug administration (MDA), hundreds of millions of the world's poorest people receive a single annual dose of one or more drugs to eliminate certain parasitic worm or bacterial infections. Some of these infections, mostly prevalent in tropical areas, have traditionally been neglected from the public health and research point of view. These conditions, collectively known as the neglected tropical diseases (NTDs), still cause, at the cusp of the second decade of the 21st century, a significant amount of morbidity and mortality. The existing control measures for NTD have an enormous potential, although there are still some challenges that require further investigation. For some diseases, alternative strategies may be needed, including longer duration of MDA programmes or modified drug regimens. For other diseases, such as yaws, the work must start almost from scratch, since little has been achieved in terms of control of this disease in the past 50 years. Although eight NTDs affect the region, two diseases pose a major public health problem in the South Pacific Islands, namely yaws and lymphatic filariasis and are the basis for his thesis. These two infections were selected for a number of reasons. First, they affect the South Pacific region disproportionately. Secondly, little research has been conducted in the past years. And third, but more importantly, several epidemiological, technological and historical factors make these two diseases amenable to elimination. Safe and effective tools and interventions to achieve these targets are available and concerted efforts to scale them up are likely to lead to success. Yaws is one of the most neglected of the NTDs. Yaws was one of the first diseases to be targeted for eradication on a global scale, efforts which almost led to the disease disappearance as a result of a massive treatment program started in the 1950s. After the successful eradication campaigns the primary health care systems were supposed to give the last push towards eradication of yaws. However a combination of various factors including poor political commitment and limited funding resulted in a progressive abandonment of efforts and the resurgence of the disease. Every new case of yaws was the disappointing confirmation that the public health world had missed a great opportunity. Today yaws has resurged in many tropical areas and presents new challenges including its unknown epidemiological situation, the attenuated clinical forms of the disease, a poor awareness and knowledge among health care workers, the lack of knowledge about the effectiveness of classic treatment with penicillin and, an obvious need for research into simplified administration schemes or new antibiotic treatments, particularly oral ones. There is an enormous knowledge gap regarding current reliable epidemiological information about the disease. Certainly we know little about the burden in the three Melanesian countries where the disease is highly endemic, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands and, Vanuatu. In Solomon Islands and Vanuatu there are indications that Yaws is widespread and prevalent, but we know that the diagnosis is unreliable. This takes us to the next point, what does a diagnosis of yaws mean? Overall the natural history of the disease in this era, where it is often subject to inadequate antibiotic pressure, is very unclear. Some authors have suggested that yaws appears to be attenuated in both Solomon Islands and Vanuatu. They state that bone involvement in yaws is now rare and implies that yaws is a mild disease not requiring efforts for elimination. However, the first paper of this thesis describes the epidemiology of yaws in Lihir Island (Papua New Guinea, PNG) and shows a high rate of classical primary ulcers (almost 60%) and significant bone and periosteal involvement (more than 15%), suggesting that "attenuation" is not an important issue. When we look at the diagnostic criteria for yaws, signs and symptoms alone are still used often in many areas to diagnose the disease. This reliance on clinical findings was the result of the difficulty of performing serological tests in remote areas. Today, available rapid serological tests are simple, rapid, inexpensive and useful for guiding confirmation of cases, making them adequate tools for the diagnosis and monitoring of the disease. The clinical diagnosis of yaws is complicated because its clinical manifestations may be unspecific. Thus, it is possible that a significant proportion of yaws cases may in fact have been falsely diagnosed. We show, in the first article, that in our experience only 60% of the cases with a clinical suspicion of yaws were finally confirmed by serologic tests. Therefore, a proper diagnosis of yaws requires the interpretation of clinical findings with reference to laboratory results and the epidemiologic history of the patient. Serological testing in yaws is not only important for diagnostic accuracy, but also is very helpful in defining the disease's evolution and eventual cure after treatment. Rapid plasma regain (RPR) titres should decline within 6-12 months, becoming negative in less than 2 years. The second article of this thesis combines a clinical and serological approach to assess the response after treatment with benzathine benzylpenicillin, and it identifies an overall 20% treatment failure. This could be related to resistance to the antimicrobial drug used or to re-infection caused. The distinction between re-infection and true resistance to antibiotic treatment is difficult to make but these failures are worrisome. This article also proposes a multivariate model performed to identify independent determinants of failure that affected the outcome after treatment. The risk for reinfection caused by repeated contact with infected children seems to be a pivotal predictor of failure. Low baseline titters (<1:32) of RPR are also an important and independent predictor of failure, possibly as a result of the greater difficulty in resolving chronic infections which are usually accompanied by low titters. With yaws re-emerging, the development of new strategies against this infection aimed at simplifying its treatment and potentially re-focussing strategies towards its eradication seems essential. Injectable penicillin is still effective but management with an oral drug that can be easily administered on a large scale should be the preferred method for treatment. To date, there had been no studies that directly compared the efficacy of penicillin with any of the potentially alternative agents shown to work in the treatment of the non-venereal treponematoses. The fourth paper in this thesis has shown that a single-dose of oral azithromycin is non-inferior to benzathine benzylpenicillin for the treatment of yaws in children in PNG. In an open-label randomised trial, at 6-month follow-up, 96% of patients treated with azithromycin were cured, as were 93% in the benzathine benzylpenicillin group. The prospects of eliminating and eventually eradicating yaws may now be enhanced by the use of a single-dose of oral azithromycin in mass drug administration campaigns. Community based mass administration of azithromycin has been widely used in many locations for the control of trachoma, which, like yaws, is a disease of poor rural communities in developing countries, and has been used in a more limited way to control granuloma inguinale and outbreaks of venereal syphilis. Elimination of yaws and lymphatic filariasis in the South-Pacific Islands is now considered biologically feasible and programmatically attainable. The Global Programme to Eliminate Lymphatic Filariasis (GPELF) has expanded quickly to reach the target of elimination by 2020. On the other hand the strategy to eliminate yaws is again at the centre of discussions and given that infected humans are the only source of disease, its eradication could be achieved within a very relatively short time. The fifth article of the thesis comprehensively reviews antimicrobial treatments and elimination strategies against yaws. In order to control yaws and push it towards elimination, we propose to move away from penicillin to azithromycin and use mass treatment campaigns of the entire population in endemic communities irrespective of the prevalence. Also, to make sure all cases are tracked down and treated, strict follow-up measures and selective mass treatment will be required until zero case prevalence is reached. Importantly, we suggest testing the principle of interrupting transmission in pilot implementation studies, including prevalence surveys to assess the impact of the intervention and macrolide resistance monitoring which in our opinion will be essential evaluation tools to guide us towards a sustainable elimination. Lymphatic filariasis (LF), caused by the mosquito-borne nematode Wuchereria Bancrofti, is a major public-health problem in the Melanesian countries. Annual MDA over five years is currently the WHO's recommended strategy to eliminate lymphatic filariasis. This approach aims to suppress microfilaraemia in infected individuals and bring the infection below a threshold that leads to interruption of transmission. However theoretical work and clinical field experience has highlighted how the ecological diversity between different endemic regions can result in elimination thresholds that vary between local communities. This means that the duration required might be different for different areas. Other variables have also been previously identified as potentially having an influence on the outcome of the program, including baseline prevalence of infection, vector density or the treatment coverage. The last article of this thesis provides data about the impact of a five-year filariasis control program in Papua New Guinea. The findings reported support this strategy for areas with low-to-moderate rates of transmission in regions where anopheline mosquitoes transmit this infectious disease. Additional measures or longer periods of treatment may be necessary in areas with a high rate of transmission. The experience acquired on Lihir Island in MDA programs during the campaigns for the elimination of filariasis, will be very valuable when implementing a pilot strategy for yaws control. Also, in the near future it might be important to link yaws mass treatment with other mass programmes to increase efficiency. The plan for elimination of lymphatic filariasis in PNG was approved as a pilot project in 2005 but the program still needs to be extended to the total of 20 provinces in the country where filariasis is endemic. In this context, an integrated approach to NTD control could represent an important global public health solution in PNG and other South Pacific Islands. Little has been achieved in the past decade in NTDs. We are now in a good position to translate into policies the results of our research projects. A new elimination policy for yaws around the azithromycin pillar has been sketched a WHO consultation meeting held in Morges, Switzerland last March. In the intentions of the organization, a last global mass campaign to tackle yaws should permit to reach zero cases in 2017, and the subsequent certification of worldwide interruption of transmission by 2020. ; Cada año, a través de la administración masiva de medicamentos (MDA), cientos de millones de personas, las más pobres del mundo, reciben una dosis única de uno o más medicamentos para eliminar ciertas infecciones, parasitarias o bacterianas. Algunas de estas infecciones, frecuentes sobre todo en las zonas tropicales, han sido tradicionalmente desatendidas desde el punto de vista de salud pública e investigación. Estas enfermedades, conocidas comúnmente como las enfermedades tropicales desatendidas (ETD), aún causan, en el inicio de la segunda década del siglo 21, una cantidad significativa de morbilidad y mortalidad. Las medidas de control actuales para ETDs tienen un enorme potencial, pero todavía existen algunas cuestiones que requieren investigación. Para algunas de estas infecciones, son necesarias estrategias alternativas, incluyendo una mayor duración de los programas de MDA o regímenes modificados de medicamentos. Para otras enfermedades, como la enfermedad de pián, el trabajo debe comenzar casi desde cero, ya que poco se ha logrado, en términos de control de esta enfermedad, en los últimos 50 años. Aunque ocho ETDs afectan a la región, dos enfermedades constituyen un problema importante de salud pública en las Islas del Pacífico Sur, a saber: el pián y la filariasis linfática y son la base de esta tesis. Estas dos infecciones fueron elegidas por muchas razones. En primer lugar, afectan a la región del Pacífico Sur de forma desproporcionada. En segundo lugar, pocas investigaciones se han llevado a cabo en los últimos años. Y en tercer lugar, pero lo más importante, varios factores epidemiológicos, tecnológicos e históricos hacen que estas dos enfermedades sean susceptibles de eliminación. Existen armas terapéuticas seguras y eficaces para lograr este objetivo, y esfuerzos coordinados para ejecutar los programas de control pueden conducir al éxito. El pián es una de las más olvidadas de las ETDs. Ésta fue una de las primeras enfermedades en ser objetivo de erradicación a escala global. Los esfuerzos de un programa de tratamiento masivo, que se inició en la década de 1950, casi llevaron a la desaparición de la enfermedad. Después de las exitosas campañas de erradicación, los sistemas de salud de atención primaria debían dar el último empujón hacia la erradicación del pián. Sin embargo, una combinación de varios factores, incluyendo un pobre compromiso político y una financiación limitada, dieron como resultado el abandono progresivo de los esfuerzos y el resurgimiento de la enfermedad. Cada nuevo caso de pián era la decepcionante confirmación de que el mundo de la salud pública había perdido una gran oportunidad. Hoy la enfermedad de pián ha resurgido en muchas áreas tropicales con nuevos desafíos: una situación epidemiológica desconocida, formas clínicas atípicas o atenuadas, poco conocimiento de la enfermedad entre el personal sanitario, la falta de datos acerca de la eficacia del tratamiento clásico con penicilina inyectable y la necesidad de desarrollar esquemas terapéuticos simplificados o investigar en nuevos tratamientos antibióticos, en especial de administración oral. Actualmente hay una enorme brecha de conocimiento entorno a la información epidemiológica fiable sobre la enfermedad. Ciertamente, sabemos poco acerca de la incidencia en los tres países melanesios, donde la enfermedad es altamente endémica, Papúa Nueva Guinea (PNG), Islas Salomón y Vanuatu. En las Islas Salomón y Vanuatu, las cifras de incidencia son muy altas lo que demuestra que el pián es una enfermedad frecuente y ampliamente extendida, pero sabemos que el diagnóstico no es muy fiable. Esto nos lleva al siguiente punto: ¿Cuáles son los criterios diagnósticos del pián? En general, la historia natural de la enfermedad en la época actual, donde la bacteria es objeto de presión antibiótica inadecuada, no es muy clara. Algunos autores han escrito que el pián parece presentar manifestaciones "atenuadas" en las Islas Salomón y Vanuatu. Afirman que la afectación ósea en el pián es poco frecuente, lo que implica que el pián es una enfermedad leve que no requeriría esfuerzos para su eliminación. Sin embargo, el primer trabajo de esta tesis describe la epidemiología del pián en la Isla de Lihir (Papúa Nueva Guinea) y muestra una alta tasa de úlceras primarias clásicas (casi el 60% de casos) y una afectación significativa del hueso y periostio (más del 15%) que sugiere que la "atenuación" no es un tema importante. Cuando nos fijamos en los criterios diagnósticos, únicamente signos y síntomas todavía se utilizan en muchas áreas para el diagnóstico de la enfermedad. Esta confianza en los hallazgos clínicos fue el resultado de la dificultad de realizar pruebas serológicas en las zonas remotas. Hoy en día, las pruebas serológicas rápidas son simples, rápidas, económicas y útiles para orientar la confirmación de los casos. El diagnóstico clínico del pián es complicado debido a que sus manifestaciones pueden ser inespecíficas. Así, es posible, que una proporción significativa de los casos de pián puedan haber sido falsamente diagnosticados. En el primer artículo, presentamos que, en nuestra experiencia, sólo el 60% de los casos con sospecha clínica de pián fueron finalmente confirmados por pruebas serológicas. Por lo tanto, un diagnóstico adecuado del pián requiere la interpretación de los hallazgos clínicos con referencia a los resultados de laboratorio y la historia epidemiológica de los pacientes. Las pruebas serológicas en el pián no sólo son importantes para el diagnóstico de la enfermedad, también son muy útiles en la definición de curación después del tratamiento. En la prueba de la Reagina plasmática rápida (RPR) los títulos deben descender a los 6-12 meses, llegando a ser negativa en menos de 2 años. El segundo artículo de esta tesis combina un enfoque clínico / serológico para evaluar la respuesta a bencilpenicilina benzatina, e identifica una tasa de fracaso terapéutico del 20% a los 12 meses del tratamiento. Esto podría estar relacionado con resistencia al fármaco antimicrobiano, o bien indicar una re-infección por re-exposición. La distinción entre la re-infección y la resistencia verdadera al tratamiento es difícil, pero estos fracasos terapéuticos son preocupantes. En este artículo se describe un modelo multivariante realizado para identificar los factores determinantes del fracaso terapéutico. El riesgo de re-infección causado por el contacto repetido con otros niños infectados parece ser un predictor fundamental de fracaso. También es un factor de riesgo, los títulos basales bajos (< 1:32) de RPR. Este último factor podría estar relacionado con la mayor dificultad para resolver infecciones crónicas (en estadio secundario), habitualmente acompañadas de títulos bajos. Con la enfermedad de pián re-emergiendo, el desarrollo de nuevas estrategias contra la infección para hacer más fácil los esfuerzos de erradicación es esencial. La penicilina inyectable sigue siendo eficaz, pero el tratamiento con un fármaco por vía oral que pueda ser fácilmente administrado a gran escala es el método preferido para el tratamiento, prevención y finalmente eliminación en todas las regiones endémicas del mundo. Hasta la fecha, no ha habido estudios que comparen directamente la eficacia de la penicilina con cualquiera de los agentes alternativos en el tratamiento de las treponematosis no venéreas. El cuarto artículo de esta tesis ha demostrado que una dosis única de azitromicina por vía oral no es inferior a la bencilpenicilina benzatina intramuscular, para el tratamiento del pián en niños en Papúa Nueva Guinea. En un ensayo abierto, aleatorio, el 96% de los pacientes tratados con azitromicina estaban curados a los 6 meses de seguimiento, al igual que el 93% en el grupo de bencilpenicilina benzatina. Las perspectivas de finalmente erradicar el pián son ahora mayores, mediante el uso de una dosis única de azitromicina oral en campañas masivas de tratamiento. El tratamiento masivo con azitromicina ha sido ampliamente utilizado para el control del tracoma, que, al igual que el pián es una enfermedad de comunidades rurales pobres de países en desarrollo. También se ha utilizado de una manera más limitada para controlar el granuloma inguinal y brotes de sífilis venérea. En general, el uso de azitromicina ha demostrado ser seguro, y de hecho ha habido beneficios inesperados de salud en algunos programas. La eliminación del pián y la filariasis linfática en las Islas del Pacífico Sur se considera ahora biológicamente factible y operacionalmente alcanzable. El Programa Global para Eliminar la Filariasis Linfática (GPELF) se ha expandido rápidamente para alcanzar la meta de eliminación en el año 2020. Por otro lado la estrategia para eliminar el pián es nuevamente centro de atención. Además, dado que los seres humanos infectados son la única fuente de la enfermedad, su eliminación podría lograrse en un plazo relativamente corto. El quinto artículo de la tesis revisa de forma integral el tratamiento con antimicrobianos y las estrategias de eliminación contra el pián. Con el fin de controlar el pián hasta la erradicación, se propone pasar de la penicilina a la azitromicina, y el uso de campañas de tratamiento masivo de toda la población en todas las comunidades endémicas. Además, para asegurar que todos los casos son encontrados y tratados, serán necesarias medidas estrictas de seguimiento y tratamiento masivo selectivo hasta llegar al objetivo de cero casos clínicos. Es importante destacar que el principio de interrupción de la transmisión se debe probar en estudios piloto, incluyendo estudios de prevalencia, para monitorizar el impacto de la intervención, y también la valoración de resistencia a macrolidos, que en nuestra opinión, serán herramientas fundamentales que nos guíen en el camino hacia una eliminación sostenible La filariasis linfática (FL), causada por el nematodo Wuchereria bancrofti, es otro de los grandes problemas de salud pública en los países de la Melanesia. Un curso de MDA anual, durante cinco años, es la estrategia que la OMS recomienda para eliminar la FL. Este enfoque tiene como objetivo suprimir la microfilaremia en los individuos infectados y disminuir los niveles de infección por debajo de un umbral que conduzca a la interrupción de la transmisión. Sin embargo, trabajo teórico y experiencia práctica clínica han puesto de relieve cómo la diversidad ecológica, entre diferentes regiones endémicas, puede resultar en que los umbrales de eliminación varíen en diferentes comunidades. Esto significa que la duración requerida podría ser diferente para diferentes áreas. Algunas variables que han sido previamente identificadas como potenciales determinantes en el resultado de un Programa para la eliminación de FL (PELF) son la prevalencia basal de infección por filariasis, la densidad de vectores (mosquitos) o la cobertura del tratamiento en la población. El último artículo de esta tesis, proporciona datos sobre el impacto de un PELF de cinco años en PNG. Los resultados obtenidos apoyan la estrategia descrita para las zonas con baja a moderada tasas de transmisión en regiones donde mosquitos anofelinos transmiten la infección (pe. Melanesia, África). Medidas adicionales o períodos más largos de tratamiento pueden ser necesarios en áreas con una alta tasa de transmisión. La experiencia adquirida en la Isla de Lihir en los programas de tratamiento masivo durante las campañas para la eliminación de la filariasis, será muy valiosa en la aplicación de una estrategia piloto para el control del pián. Además, en un futuro próximo podría ser importante vincular los programas para el control del pián con otros programas de tratamiento masivo (por ejemplo, filariasis) para aumentar la eficiencia y reducir los costos. El plan para la eliminación de la filariasis linfática en PNG fue aprobado como proyecto piloto en 2005 en la provincia de Milne Bay. El programa todavía tiene que ser extendido a un total de 20 provincias en el país, donde la filariasis es endémica. En este contexto, un enfoque integrado para el control de enfermedades tropicales olvidadas podría representar una importante solución global de salud pública en PNG. Poco se ha logrado en la última década en enfermedades tropicales desatendidas. Ahora estamos en una buena posición para traducir los frutos de nuestra investigación en políticas de salud. Durante una consulta celebrada en la sede de la OMS en Ginebra el pasado mes de marzo, ya se ha esbozado una nueva política de eliminación para el pián que toma como pilar el tratamiento con azitromicina. La intención de la OMS es que una última campaña global debe permitir llegar a cero casos de pián en 2017, y la posterior certificación de la interrupción de la transmisión en todo el mundo en el año 2020.
This book offers a contrastive, corpus-illustrated study of modal adverbs in English and Polish. It adopts a functional perspective on modal adverbs, and focuses on their interpersonal, textual and rhetorical functions in the two languages. The items under analysis (e.g. certainly, probably, evidently, clearly) are categorised differently in Anglophone and Polish linguistics, which is why this book also provides some insights into the treatment of modality and modal adverbs in English and Polish studies, thus contributing to the discussion of the ways in which such concepts as modal adverb, modal particle and discourse marker are understood across different languages and different linguistic traditions. It draws its examples from two monolingual corpora (the British National Corpus and the National Corpus of Polish), and the English-Polish parallel corpus Paralela. ; This project is financed from the grant received from the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education under the Regional Initiative of Excellence programme for the years 2019-2022; project number 009/RID/2018/19, the amount of funding: PLN 10 947.15. It has also received financial support from the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education under subsidy for maintaining the research potential of the Faculty of Philology, University of Białystok. ; ; Agata Rozumko is an Assistant Professor of English and English-Polish Contrastive Linguistics in the Institute of Modern Languages at the University of Bialystok. 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El objeto principal de este trabajo de investigación es el debate sobre la justificación de la pena en el pensamiento de Jorge Enrique Zavala Baquerizo (1922-2014), como el autor más representativo de las ciencias penales y criminológicas y ponderado como "el más destacado penalista de la segunda mitad del siglo XX" y uno de los más altos valores de la democracia ecuatoriana. En primer lugar, abordamos la cuestión desde la perspectiva que exige este tipo de investigación. Para ello, exponemos algunas cuestiones particulares sobre la selección y definición del tema, planteamiento y formalización del problema, hipótesis, pregunta de la investigación o punto de partida, objetivos generales y específico, justificación metodológica, justificación práctica, una pincelada del Ecuador como un país intercultural y pluricultural, un resumen profesional del doctorando, el marco teórico y metodológico de la investigación, antecedentes, estado del arte o de la cuestión, definiciones conceptuales, bibliografía preliminar y cronograma. En segundo lugar, presentaremos este tema en la formación y progreso de la figura vital de Zavala como punto de partida, incluyendo sus manifestaciones, como heredero de la cultura liberal radical ecuatoriana, analizando las causas del mismo, su desarrollo y consecuencias; trataremos de establecer cuáles son los factores que inciden en la construcción de su ideario, en concreto, aquellos procedentes de la académica, de la docencia, de la doctrina jurídica, de la política, entre otros. En tercer lugar, expondremos el desarrollo de este tema en Zavala y la cuestión analítica de académico y docente, producción intelectual y publicaciones, jurista y político, presentando algunas tesis de su concepción del derecho, del individuo y de la sociedad. Finalmente, abordamos unas breves conclusiones en las que pretendemos revelar y dar más voz a nuestro autor, dar más a conocer y promocionar su obra ante la comunidad científica internacional, para esclarecer algunas cuestiones centrales sobre el problema de la justificación de la pena desde la perspectiva del autor. La finalidad perseguida en esta investigación que se presenta como tesis doctoral es sobre todo la de exponer el pensamiento jurídico y político de Jorge Enrique Zavala Baquerizo, respetado como el más eminente jurista y político de la segunda mitad del siglo XX en Ecuador. No hemos pretendido realizar un estudio de todo su pensamiento sino que nos centramos en ciertos aspectos esenciales de su filosofía jurídica como son el concepto, el fundamento y los fines de la pena. Lo primero que tratamos es la relación que para Zavala se da entre el castigo y la pena, observándose que para él coexiste una continuidad entre ambos saberes considerados en la sistematización de su aquilatada obra jurídicopenal, que merece ser rescatada de los garfios del olvido, tanto por su valor ético, como por su valor histórico. Dentro de este contexto, la ciencia jurídica y la filosofía del derecho también son para el maestro ecuatoriano dos formas necesarias y complementarias para comprender la realidad de los fines de la pena. Luego del abordaje de este itinerario, nos introducimos en la cuestión sobre el concepto, el fundamento y los fines del castigo o pena defendidos por el autor. El trabajo intelectual y político de Zavala se distingue por sus valores éticos fundamentales y su defensa de la racionalidad, así como por un gran bagaje epistémico y cultural que, sin duda, le permitió adoptar posiciones nada comunes en el liberalismo radical de su época, así como comprender los problemas del velasquismo y de las dictaduras emergidos antes, durante y después de los años 70. En la misma se pone al descubierto la axiología jurídica en relación con su formación humana dentro del contexto de una estructura lógico-filosófica, cuya expresión se manifiesta a través de una relación armónica en el seno de la actividad humana y su concreción e inserción en la cultura jurídica, política y académica ecuatoriana. En esta propuesta académica partimos de la premisa mayor de que la obra científica, académica y política de Zavala tiene un propósito, el de vislumbrar una imagen más evidente de él y su argumento humanista. De esta forma hay que revelar y dar voz a Zavala, dar a conocer y exponer su obra, como objetivos específicos de esta investigación. Por último, hemos prestado mucha atención a los autores y doctrinas que consideramos influyeron de una manera decisiva en el pensamiento de nuestro autor. El trabajo de investigación sobre el itinerario jurídico y político de Jorge Enrique Zavala Baquerizo, está estructurado en cinco capítulos bien diferenciados, a saber: En el capítulo primero se muestran los aspectos en concreto que han motivado el desarrollo de este estudio partiendo de la situación del problema que se presenta en la comunidad científica al reconocer al profesor Jorge Enrique Zavala Baquerizo, como el más destacado penalista de Ecuador en la segunda mitad del siglo XX y uno de los valores más altos de la democracia ecuatoriana. Se presentan las preguntas y los objetivos de la investigación, así como las decisiones metodológicas realizadas para diseñarla. Y, además, cuenta con el cronograma y organización de esta tesis doctoral. En el capítulo segundo centramos una mirada poliédrica a la biografía de Zavala Baquerizo como punto de partida, incluyendo una referencia de su itinerario personal e intelectual: grandes cosas; una breve caracterización social, política y económica del Ecuador durante el siglo XX y algo del XXI; el pensamiento político-social de Jorge Enrique: ideología y política social, posición ideológica y la quinta parte del siglo XXI, una caracterización económica, aproximación a los valores e influencia de Alfaro en Zavala. Se examinan aspectos relevantes sobre la sistematización de la obra científica del autor de nuestro estudio. En el capítulo tercero se expone la justificación axiológica de la pena, en el que se sistematiza la obra del autor. Esta relación ofrece nuevos elementos enriquecedores del debate gracias al análisis de distintas variables y factores que inciden en la problematización del contenido, fundamentación crítica y el discurso iusfilosófico-penal sobre el fundamento y las finalidades de la pena, que se constituyen en componentes ineludibles. En el capítulo cuarto se realiza el análisis teórico del capítulo anterior y se construye una formulación teórica atribuida al autor. Aquí se estudian algunas cuestiones generales en el ideario de Zavala Baquerizo, el concepto castigo-pena y su finalidad, y se concluye con los enfoques de los juristas Nicolás Castro Benites, Edmundo Durán Díaz y Guillermo Bossano Valdivieso, distinguidos profesores y contemporáneos del ilustre profesor ecuatoriano. En el capítulo quinto se discuten resultados y reflexiones finales con lo que se deja constancia de las conclusiones y aprendizajes obtenidos de la investigación, permiten avizorar futuras líneas de investigación. Y, finalmente, optamos por una exposición axiológica del discurso que promueva en lenguaje sencillo el itinerario del ilustre autor ecuatoriano –como jurista, docente, publicista y político–, capaz de generar la atención de lectores hispanoparlantes que, a fin de cuentas, son aliados estratégicos para, sin duda, dar voz a Zavala Baquerizo en la comunidad científica. Como bien se sabe, las conclusiones son constructos teóricos a través de los cuales se exponen aquellos datos confirmatorios o limitaciones finales de la investigación, es decir, son las ideas de cierre de la investigación ejecutada a fin de colaborar con el acervo académico. Por lo tanto, de acuerdo con la discusión de resultados que se constaron entre en el capítulo segundo, tercero y cuarto de esta tesis doctoral y de acuerdo con la metodología empleada y particularmente el diseño de la investigación, las conclusiones son las que se exponen a continuación. A pesar de la falta de información, es posible vislumbrar la inteligencia poliédrica de Jorge Enrique Zavala Baquerizo en su itinerario personal e intelectual que incide positivamente en su formación individual, razón por la cual se destaca como buena persona, ciudadano ejemplar, maestro de las ciencias penales y criminológicas, publicista, excelente padre, ecuatoriano ilustre. No obstante, nosotros compartimos como discípulo sus enseñanzas; mucho más que simples enseñanzas, en realidad son un torrente impresionante de ideas que parecen liberarse luego de un largo cautiverio para apoderarse de nuestras mentes, como aquel hombre modelado en la mística suprema que llega a la profundidad de las cosas y de los hechos. De este modo, se identifica que las cuestiones y los escenarios que incidieron en el pensamiento y obra de Jorge Enrique Zavala Baquerizo objeto de estudio, demuestran con mayor seguridad y frecuencia que son la docencia universitaria, el ejercicio profesional de penalista y criminólogo, la publicación de su obra aquilatad y la política lo que le permite ocupar diversos cargos públicos de elección popular, tales como consejero, diputado, vicepresidente de la república y presidente del H. Congreso Nacional, entre otros cargos importantes. De igual forma, creemos importante tener en consideración la descripción de la sistematización de la obra jurídica y científica del profesor Jorge Enrique Zavala Baquerizo, especialmente, La pena, en donde no es evidente únicamente el penalista, sino que razona y escribe el iusfilósofo. En definitiva, se percibe que la pena es un mal, y debe ser administrada con prudencia, con mesura, sin perder jamás el punto de vista imprescindible de que vaya dirigida contra seres humanos e impuesta por otros seres humanos, de manera que el autor tiene interés por los mensajes de humanización patrocinados por Voltaire y Montesquieu, que se yuxtaponen a su pasión y erudición de escribir sobre las ciencias penales y criminológicas. Es apasionante decir que el castigo es tan antiguo como la humanidad y la historia del castigo es historia también de la crueldad humana. En consecuencia, la crueldad humana es tan antigua como la humanidad. Así, el autor en su obra desarrolla y sustenta su teoría que bautizamos como castigo-pena. Dentro del análisis expuesto, es posible percibir las revelaciones de juristas como León Roldós Aguilera, Alfonzo Zambrano Pasquel, Hernán Pérez Loose, Víctor Hugo Sicouret Olvera, Lenin Arroyo Baltán, entre otros, cuyas orientaciones jurídicopenales son consecuencias de las enseñanzas de Jorge Enrique Zavala Baquerizo, que lo distinguen y posicionan de modo individual como el más destacado penalista ecuatoriano. No obstante, nosotros compartimos por experiencia y convicción las revelaciones hechas por los juristas en el presente informe. En conclusión, todos podemos realizar un itinerario personal e intelectual si contamos con las herramientas adecuadas para ello, en este caso, es posible indicar que a través de los instrumentos metodológicos de investigación se determina que Jorge Enrique Zavala Baquerizo es el más destacado penalista ecuatoriano de la segunda mitad del siglo XX y uno de los valores más altos de la democracia ecuatoriana, debido a su larga trayectoria académica como docente de derecho penal y derecho procesal penal en las universidades ecuatorianas, el libre ejercicio profesional, la publicación de su abundante obra jurídica y científica, así como la política. Efectivamente, se cumple con la expectativa trazada en los cinco objetivos específicos de esta investigación, lo que nos permite establecer la construcción del objetivo general y la demostración de las preguntas iniciales o hipótesis de investigación. Como consecuencia de lo expuesto en el informe, hemos de refutar las hipótesis o preguntas iniciales de investigación, afirmando que las cuestiones específicas que influyen en el reconocimiento del profesor Jorge Enrique Zavala Baquerizo como el más destacado penalista de la segunda mitad del siglo XX y uno de los más altos valores de la democracia ecuatoriana, son las de jurista, docente, publicista y político, todo cuanto se encuentra debidamente documentado. Y fue un penalista modelado en la mística suprema que lo llevó al fondo de las cosas y de los hechos. Para lograr este cometido queda en evidencia la relación causa efecto, las pruebas que son analizadas de manera lógica y se verifica las consecuencias deducidas a partir de la hipótesis de esta investigación. Se delimita con cuidado las generalidades respaldadas en las pruebas pertinentes, por lo tanto, en el informe final no existen contradicciones, incongruencias o enunciados confusos, vagos o exagerados. En efecto, se aprecia también que las opiniones, inferencias y contrastación de la hipótesis, no se confunde con los hechos investigados. Las referencias bibliográficas que más contribuyen en las contrastación de los hechos son la obra de Jorge Enrique; la obra escrita sobre Zavala, particularmente, las opiniones de los juristas contemporáneos de Zavala como Nicolás Castro Benites, Edmundo Durán Díaz y Guillermo Bossano Valdivieso, así como también las obras y opiniones afectivas de los juristas discípulos y amigos del profesor ecuatoriano: Roldós Aguilera, León (2014); Pérez Pimentel, Rodolfo (2014); Zambrano Pasquel, Alfonzo (2014); Pérez Loose, Hernán (2014); Rodríguez Vicéns, Antonio (2014); Echeverría Gavilanes, Enrique (2014); Sicouret Olvera, Víctor Hugo (2014); Solís, Jeremy (2014); y, Arroyo Baltán, Lenin T. & Albert Márquez, José J. (2018), entre otros. Además, para comprobar este objetivo se relacionaron los hallazgos del Análisis de la teoría de la pena en la obra de Jorge Enrique Zavala Baquerizo. Un enfoque desde el saber criminológico y su influjo dogmático en el foro jurídico penal ecuatoriano (Trabajo Final de Máster, presentado en la Universidad de Córdoba, en septiembre de 2016), realizado por el autor de estas líneas y dirigido por el Dr. José J. Albert Márquez –profesor de Filosofía del Derecho de la Universidad de Córdoba–. Y, finalmente, logramos establecer un nexo cognoscitivo entre el profesor Jorge Zavala Baquerizo, y los profesores Luigi Ferrajoli y Juan Bustos Ramírez, por cuanto, entre ellos confluye derecho penal (garantismo penal), filosofía del derecho, derechos humanos y, además, son de izquierda, tal como hemos señalado en el devenir del discurso de esta tesis doctoral. ; The main purpose of this research paper is the debate on the justification of the penalty in the thinking of Jorge Enrique Zavala Baquerizo (1922-2014), as the most representative author of criminal and criminological sciences and weighted as "the most prominent criminalist of the second half of the twentieth century" and one of the highest values of Ecuadorian democracy. First, we address the issue from the perspective required by this type of research. To do this, we present some particular questions about the selection and definition of the topic, approach and formalization of the problem, hypothesis, research question or starting point, general and specific objectives, methodological justification, practical justification, a brushstroke of Ecuador as a country intercultural and pluricultural, a professional summary of the doctoral student, the theoretical and methodological framework of the research, background, state of the art or issue, conceptual definitions, preliminary bibliography and schedule. Secondly, we will present this theme in the formation and progress of the vital figure of Zavala as a starting point, including its manifestations, as heir to the Ecuadorian radical liberal culture, analyzing its causes, its development and consequences; We will try to establish what are the factors that influence the construction of your ideology, specifically, those coming from academics, teaching, legal doctrine, politics, among others. Thirdly, we will present the development of this topic in Zavala and the analytical question of academic and teacher, intellectual production and publications, jurist and politician, presenting some theses of his conception of law, of the individual and of society. Finally, we discuss some brief conclusions in which we intend to reveal and give more voice to our author, to make his work more known and promoted before the international scientific community, to clarify some central questions about the problem of justification of punishment from the perspective of the author. The purpose of this research presented as a doctoral thesis is above all to expose the legal and political thinking of Jorge Enrique Zavala Baquerizo, respected as the most eminent jurist and politician of the second half of the twentieth century in Ecuador. We have not intended to conduct a study of all your thinking but we focus on certain essential aspects of your legal philosophy such as the concept, the basis and the ends of the penalty. The first thing we are dealing with is the relationship that Zavala has between punishment and punishment, observing that for him a continuity coexists between both knowledge considered in the systematization of his quarrelsome legal work, which deserves to be rescued from the hooks of oblivion, both for its ethical value, as for its historical value. Within this context, legal science and the philosophy of law are also for the Ecuadorian teacher two necessary and complementary ways to understand the reality of the ends of the sentence. After approaching this itinerary, we introduce ourselves to the question about the concept, the basis and the purposes of the punishment or punishment defended by the author. The intellectual and political work of Zavala is distinguished by its fundamental ethical values and its defense of rationality, as well as by a great epistemic and cultural background that, without a doubt, allowed it to adopt positions not common in the radical liberalism of its time, thus how to understand the problems of Velasquism and the dictatorships that emerged before, during and after the 70s. In it, legal axiology is revealed in relation to its human formation within the context of a logical-philosophical structure, whose expression is manifests through a harmonious relationship within human activity and its concretion and insertion in the Ecuadorian legal, political and academic culture. In this academic proposal we start from the main premise that the scientific, academic and political work of Zavala has a purpose, to glimpse a more evident image of him and his humanist argument. In this way we must reveal and give voice to Zavala, publicize and expose his work, as specific objectives of this research. Finally, we have paid close attention to the authors and doctrines that we believe had a decisive influence on the thinking of our author. The research work on the legal and political itinerary of Jorge Enrique Zavala Baquerizo, is structured in five distinct chapters, namely: The first chapter shows the specific aspects that have motivated the development of this study based on the situation of the problem that arises in the scientific community by recognizing Professor Jorge Enrique Zavala Baquerizo, as the most prominent criminal in Ecuador in the second half of the twentieth century and one of the highest values of Ecuadorian democracy. The questions and objectives of the research are presented, as well as the methodological decisions made to design it. And, in addition, it has the schedule and organization of this doctoral thesis. In the second chapter we focus a polyhedral look at the biography of Zavala Baquerizo as a starting point, including a reference to his personal and intellectual itinerary: great things; a brief social, political and economic characterization of Ecuador during the twentieth century and some of the twenty-first; Jorge Enrique's political-social thought: ideology and social policy, ideological position and the fifth part of the 21st century, an economic characterization, approximation to the values and influence of Alfaro in Zavala. Relevant aspects of the systematization of the scientific work of the author of our study are examined. In the third chapter the axiological justification of the sentence is exposed, in which the author's work is systematized. This relationship offers new enriching elements of the debate thanks to the analysis of different variables and factors that affect the problematization of the content, critical foundation and the iusphilosophical-criminal discourse on the foundation and the purposes of the penalty, which are inescapable components. In the fourth chapter the theoretical analysis of the previous chapter is carried out and a theoretical formulation attributed to the author is constructed. Here some general questions are studied in the ideology of Zavala Baquerizo, the punishment-punishment concept and its purpose, and it concludes with the approaches of jurists Nicolás Castro Benites, Edmundo Durán Díaz and Guillermo Bossano Valdivieso, distinguished professors and contemporaries of the illustrious Ecuadorian professor. In the fifth chapter, final results and reflections are discussed, which records the conclusions and lessons learned from the research, allowing us to anticipate future lines of research. And, finally, we opted for an axiological exposition of the discourse that promotes in simple language the itinerary of the illustrious Ecuadorian author -as a jurist, teacher, publicist and politician-, capable of generating the attention of Spanish-speaking readers who, after all, are allies strategic to undoubtedly give voice to Zavala Baquerizo in the scientific community. As is well known, the conclusions are theoretical constructs through which those confirmatory data or final limitations of the research are exposed, that is, they are the closing ideas of the research carried out in order to collaborate with the academic heritage. Therefore, according to the discussion of results that were recorded in the second, third and fourth chapters of this doctoral thesis and in accordance with the methodology used and particularly the design of the research, the conclusions are those that are exposed to continuation. I. In spite of the lack of information, it is possible to glimpse the polyhedral intelligence of Jorge Enrique Zavala Baquerizo in his personal and intellectual itinerary that positively affects his individual training, which is why he stands out as a good person, exemplary citizen, teacher of criminal and criminological sciences, publicist, excellent father, illustrious Ecuadorian. However, we share his teachings as a disciple; much more than simple teachings, in reality they are an impressive torrent of ideas that seem to be released after a long captivity to seize our minds, like that man modeled on the supreme mysticism that reaches the depth of things and facts. II. In this way, it is identified that the issues and scenarios that influenced the thinking and work of Jorge Enrique Zavala Baquerizo object of study, demonstrate with greater security and frequency that they are university teaching, the professional practice of criminal and criminologist, the publication of his aquilatad work and the This policy allows him to hold various public positions of popular election, such as counselor, deputy, vice president of the republic and president of the H. National Congress, among other important positions. III. Similarly, we believe it is important to take into account the description of the systematization of the legal and scientific work of professor Jorge Enrique Zavala Baquerizo, especially, La Pena, where not only the criminalist is evident, but he reasons and writes the iusphilosopher. In short, it is perceived that the penalty is an evil, and must be administered with prudence, with restraint, without ever losing the essential point of view that it is directed against human beings and imposed by other human beings, so that the author has interest in the humanization messages sponsored by Voltaire and Montesquieu, which juxtapose their passion and erudition to write about criminal and criminological sciences. It is exciting to say that punishment is as old as humanity and the history of punishment is also history of human cruelty. Consequently, human cruelty is as old as humanity. Thus, the author in his work develops and supports his theory that we baptize as punishment. IV. Within the above analysis, it is possible to perceive the revelations of jurists such as León Roldós Aguilera, Alfonzo Zambrano Pasquel, Hernán Pérez Loose, Víctor Hugo Sicouret Olvera, Lenin Arroyo Baltán, among others, whose legal orientations are consequences of the teachings of Jorge Enrique Zavala Baquerizo, which distinguish it and position it individually as the most prominent Ecuadorian criminalist. However, we share from experience and conviction the revelations made by the jurists in this report. V. In conclusion, we can all make a personal and intellectual itinerary if we have the appropriate tools for this, in this case, it is possible to indicate that through the methodological investigation instruments it is determined that Jorge Enrique Zavala Baquerizo is the most prominent criminalist Ecuadorian of the second half of the twentieth century and one of the highest values of Ecuadorian democracy, due to his long academic career as a teacher of criminal law and criminal procedural law in Ecuadorian universities, free professional practice, the publication of his abundant legal and scientific work, as well as politics. Indeed, the expectation set in the five specific objectives of this investigation is fulfilled, which allows us to establish the construction of the general objective and the demonstration of the initial questions or research hypotheses. As a result of what is stated in the report, we have to refute the initial hypotheses or research questions, stating that the specific issues that influence the recognition of professor Jorge Enrique Zavala Baquerizo as the most prominent criminal of the second half of the 20th century and one of the highest values of Ecuadorian democracy, are those of jurist, teacher, publicist and politician, everything is properly documented. And he was a criminal modeled on the supreme mysticism that took him to the bottom of things and facts. To achieve this task, the cause-effect relationship, the evidence that is analyzed in a logical way and the consequences deduced from the hypothesis of this investigation are evidenced. The generalities supported by the relevant evidence are carefully defined, therefore, in the final report there are no contradictions, inconsistencies or statements that are confusing, vague or exaggerated. Indeed, it can also be seen that the opinions, inferences and contrast of the hypothesis are not confused with the facts investigated. The bibliographical references that contribute most to the contrast of the facts are the work of Jorge Enrique; the written work on Zavala, particularly the opinions of Zavala's contemporary jurists such as Nicolás Castro Benites, Edmundo Durán Díaz and Guillermo Bossano Valdivieso, as well as the works and emotional opinions of the jurist disciples and friends of the Ecuadorian professor: Roldós Aguilera, León (2014); Pérez Pimentel, Rodolfo (2014); Zambrano Pasquel, Alfonzo (2014); Pérez Loose, Hernán (2014); Rodríguez Vicéns, Antonio (2014); Echeverría Gavilanes, Enrique (2014); Sicouret Olvera, Víctor Hugo (2014); Solís, Jeremy (2014); and, Arroyo Baltán, Lenin T. & Albert Márquez, José J. (2018), among others. In addition, to verify this objective the findings of the Analysis of the theory of the penalty in the work of Jorge Enrique Zavala Baquerizo were related. An approach from the know criminological and its dogmatic influence in the Ecuadorian criminal legal forum (Master's Final Project, presented at the University of Córdoba, in September 2016), carried out by the author of these lines and directed by Dr. José J. Albert Márquez –professor of Philosophy of Law of the University of Córdoba–. And, finally, we managed to establish a cognitive link between professor Jorge Zavala Baquerizo, and professor Luigi Ferrajoli and Juan Bustos Ramírez, because, among them, criminal law (criminal guarantee), philosophy of law, human rights and, in addition, are on the left, as we have pointed out in the future of the discourse of this doctoral thesis.
Consists of thesaurus used in indexing the public papers of Leonor K. Sullivan, housed in the Saint Louis University School of Law Library. ; SAINT LOUIS UNIVERSDY GE JK1323 1952 .S34 1989 c.3 THE HONORABLE Leo nor K. (Mrs. John B.) Sullivan A Guide to the Collection St. Louis University Law Library Saint Louis University Schoo( of Law 3700 Lirufeff B(vd., St. Louis, MO 63108 LEONOR K. SULLIVAN 1902-1988 A Guide to the Collection Researched and prepared by: Joanne C. Vogel Carol L. Moody Loretta Matt LAW LIBRARY ST. LOUIS UNIVERSITY 3700 LINDtLL BLVD. ST. LOUIS, MO 63108 Copyright 1989 Saint Louis University Law Library 00 ' ()) THE HONORABLE LEONOR K. SULLIVAN 1902-1988 TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Portrait of Leonor K. Sullivan II. Biography III. Sullivan Plaques and Awards IV. The Leonor K. Sullivan Collection V. List of Subject Headings LEONOR K. SULLIVAN Leonor K. Sullivan, the first woman from Missouri to serve in the United States House of Representatives, was born Leonor Alice Kretzer, August 21, 1902, in St. Louis. She attended public and private schools in St. Louis, including Washington University. Prior to her marriage, Mrs. Sullivan pursued a business career and eventually became the director of the St. Louis Comptometer School. She married Missouri Congressman John B. Sullivan on December 27, 1941, and served as his administrative assistant and campaign manager until his death in January, 1951. Following her husband's death, Mrs. Sullivan unsuccessfully attempted to win the local Democratic party's nomination to succeed Congressman Sullivan in the special election. The seat was lost to a Republican candidate. In 1952, Leonor K. Sullivan running on her own, without party support, defeated six opponents in the primary election to become the Democratic nominee for the Third Congressional District. In the general election, she defeated her Republican opponent and recaptured the seat once held by her husband. Mrs. Sullivan represented the Third Congressional District until her retirement in 1976. While in Congress, Leonor K. Sullivan was known as a champion of consumer issues and she had a key role in enacting legislation to improve the quality of food. The Poultry Inspection Law and the Food Additives Act are just two of her important triumphs. As chairman of the Subcommittee on Consumer Affairs of the House Committee on Banking and Currency, Mrs. Sullivan was responsible for the Consumer Credit Protection Act of 1968, which included the Truth in Lending Act, and the Fair Credit Reporting Act of 1970. Mrs. Sullivan also authored the original food stamp plan to distribute government surplus food to the needy and she worked to solve the housing problems in our cities. At the time of her retirement, she was the senior member of the House Committee on Banking, Currency, and Housing. She was a member of the National Commission on Food Marketing, 1964-66; the National Commission on Mortgage Interest Rates, 1969; the National Commission on Consumer Finance, 1969-72; and she helped found the Consumer Federation of America in 1966. Mrs. Sullivan served as chairman of the House Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries. Her support of the American Merchant Marine earned her the American Maritime Industry's Admiral of the Ocean Seas Award (AOTOS) in 1973. The men and women who served in the Coast Guard and the Merchant Marine continuously honored Mrs. Sullivan for her support, understanding, and dedication. Always active in waterways projects, she fought to allow the 51 year old DELTA QUEEN to continue as an overnight excursion vessel. Mrs. Sullivan's work as chairman of the Subcommittee on Panama was especially important as she became involved with the political, economic, and social challenges of the Canal Zone and the people who lived and worked there. Leonor K. Sullivan worked hard for St. Louis. She sponsored legislation to fund the development of the Jefferson National Expansion Memorial on the St. Louis Riverfront, to keep St. Louis a well managed port city on the Mississippi trade route, and to preserve the buildings so important to the history and heritage of St. Louis. Wharf Street has been renamed Leonor K. Sullivan Boulevard to honor her support of the Gateway Arch project and the Jefferson National Expansion Memorial. Following her retirement, Mrs. Sullivan returned to her river bluff home which overlooked the Mississippi River. She remained active in civic affairs, serving on numerous boards and committees. She became a director of Southwest Bank, chairman of the Consumer Advisory Council to the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, a member of the Board of Directors of Downtown St. Louis, Inc., a member of the Lay Advisory Board of Mount St. Rose Hospital and Rehabilitation Center, and she sponsored a consumer award program through the Better Business Bureau. Mrs. Sullivan was always in demand as a featured speaker at business, educational, and social functions. In 1980, Mrs. Sullivan married Russell L. Archibald, a retired vice president of the American Furnace Company. Mr. Archibald died March 19, 1987. Leonor K. Sullivan died, in St. Louis, on September 1, 1988. SULLIVAN PLAQUES AND AWARDS The Sullivan Collection includes many awards, citations, plaques, letters of recogn1tlon, pictures, and other memorabilia. During her career, Mrs. Sullivan received over 200 awards, some of which are permanently displayed in the Law Library. 1. Missouri State Labor Council, AFL-CIO - a proclamation designating Leonor K. Sullivan as organized labor's First Lady. Presented September 8, 1976. 2. Robert L. Hague Merchant Marine Industries Post #1242 - Distinguished Service Citation for Mrs. Sullivan's work as Chairman of the House Merchant Marine and Fisheries Committee. 3. Oceanographer of the Navy - presented by RADM J. Edward Snyder, Jr., USN, Special Assistant to the Under Secretary or the Navy. 4. Panama Canal Gavel - made from one of the original beams of the Governor's House, the gavel was presented to Mrs. Sullivan by Governor W. E. Potter as a "token of appreciation for demonstrated interest in the Panama Canal and the Canal Zone Government." 5. Consulting Engineers Council of Missouri - expresses appreciation for Mrs. Sullivan's concern and understanding of the role of the consulting engineer. 6. St. Louis Democratic City Central Committee - Special Award recognizes Leonor K. Sullivan's "dedicated service to the people of Missouri, the United States of America, and the Democratic Party . ," presented September, 19, 1976. 7. Consumer Federation of America - CFA Distinguished Public Service Award, June 14, 1972. 8. Reserve Officers' Association, Missouri - President's Award recognizing Mrs. Sullivan's service to the nation during her 24 years in Congress. 9. American Waterway Operators, Inc. - recognizes Mrs. Sullivan's " . Instrumental Role in the Development of the Inland Waterways of the United States." I 0. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, St. Louis Section - 1976 Civic A ward for Outstanding Contributions to Communities and Nation during 24 years in the House of Representatives, May 11, 1976. 11. Federal Land Banks 50th Anniversary Medal - " . awarded in 1967, to Leon or K. Sullivan for outstanding contributions to American Agriculture." 12. St. Louis Board of Aldermen - Resolution #101 (March 12,1976) honoring Mrs. Sullivan for her 24 years in Congress. 13. Human Development Corporation of Metropolitan St. Louis - Certificate of Recognition, September 29, 1978. 14. Older Adults Special Issues Society (OASIS) - Confers honorary membership upon Leonor K. Sullivan, August 22, 1974. 15. National Health Federation - Humanitarian Award, October 11, 1958 - especially recognizes Mrs. Sullivan's efforts for protective legislation against injurious additives in food and beverages. 16. U.S. Merchant Marine Academy, Kings Point, New York - an award presented to Mrs. Sullivan by the Alumni of Kings Point. 17. American Numismatic Association - a 1972 award presented to Mrs. Sullivan for her generous support. 18. Official Hull Dedication for New Steamboat - replica of the dedication plaque unveiled by Mrs. Sullivan in Jeffersonville, Indiana, November 11, 1972. Hull 2999 was the official designation of the new passenger riverboat being built for the Delta Queen Steamboat Company. The dedication also recognized Leonor K. Sullivan's successful legislative efforts on behalf of the DELTA QUEEN. 19. Jewish War Veterans of the United States, Department of Missouri - 1963 Americanism Award for "her unselfish devotion and untiring efforts on behalf of all Missourians regardless of race or creed." 20. National Marine Engineers' Beneficial Association, AFL-CIO - recognizes Mrs. Sullivan's service and support of the U.S. Merchant Marine, February 26, 1975. 21. Child Day Care Association - 1973 award for sponsoring child welfare legislation. 22. St. Louis Democratic City Central Committee - 1973 Harry S. Truman Award. 23. Seal of the Canal Zone Isthmus of Panama - a wooden copy of the Seal "presented in appreciation to Hon. Leonor K. Sullivan . " Canal Zone; Masters, Mates, and Pilots Association; National Maritime Union; Central Labor Union; Joint Labor Committee, 1969. 24. Atlantic Offshore Fish and Lobster Association - recognizes Leonor K. Sullivan's efforts to preserve and protect the Northwest Atlantic Fishing Industry, June, 1973. 25. Photographic portrait of President and Mrs. Johnson inscribed to Leonor K. Sullivan. 26. Photographic portrait of Lyndon Johnson inscribed to Leonor Sullivan. 27. Photographic portrait of Hubert H. Humphrey inscribed to Congressman (sic) Leonor K. Sullivan 28. H.R. I 0222 - Food Stamp Act of 1964 - first page of the engrossed copy of the bill, signed by John McCormack, Speaker of the House. 29. St. Louis University School of Law - Dedication of the New Law School, October 17-18, 1980 - recognizes Mrs. Sullivan's leadership gift. 30. West Side Baptist Church Meritorious Achievement Award, 1974. 31. Inaugural visit to St. Louis of the MISSISSIPPI QUEEN, July 29, 1978. 32. Gold-framed reproduction of a portrait of Mrs. Sullivan which hangs in the Longworth House Office Building. 33. Flora Place Association, November 4, 1976 - an award recognizing Mrs. Sullivan's 24 years in Congress. 34. St. Louis Police Relief Association, July 24, 1974. 35. St. Louis Argus Distinguished Citizen's Award, 1978. 36. George M. Khoury Memorial Award- "Woman of the Year," February 2, 1974. 37. Distinguished Service to the United States Coast Guard, February, 1976. 38. National Association of Mutual Insurance Agents - Federal Woman of the Year, October 12, 1974. 39. Chief Petty Officers Association, United States Coast Guard - Keynote speaker at Sixth Annual Convention, October 7-12, 1974, in St. Louis, MO. 40. Home Builders Association - Distinguished Service A ward, November 7, 1970. 41. Young Democrats of St. Louis - Distinguished Service Award, 1964. 42. Bicentennial Year Award, 1976 - a Waterford crystal bell and base presented to Mrs. Sullivan during the nation's Bicentennial. 43. Cardinal Newman College - Mrs. Sullivan's Cardinal Newman College Associates membership certificate presented during her tenure as Chairman, Board of Trustees, November 3, 1981. THE LEO NOR K. SULLIVAN COLLECTION Before her retirement, Leonor K. Sullivan made arrangements to donate her congress ional papers, correspondence, and memorabilia to St. Louis University Law Library. Mrs. Sullivan chose St. Louis University Law Library because her husband, Congressman John B. Sullivan (1897 -1951 ), was a graduate of the law school, having received his LL. B. degree in 1922, and his LL. M. degree in 1923. In 1965, Mrs. Sullivan founded a scholarship at St. Louis University for young women interested in studying political science. The collection covers Mrs. Sullivan's 24 years in the U.S. House of Representatives and is arranged according to her own subject headings. In this way, the materials provide insight into the way her office files and correspondence were organized. Mrs. Sullivan was known as one of the hardest working members of Congress and the wealth of materials in her collection attests to this. She had a tremendous concern for the average American family and much of her work dealt with their needs. Mrs. Sullivan often said the · best legislative ideas came from constituents, so she read every letter ever sent to her. Not only did she learn how the voters felt about current issues, but where there were problems which needed to be current issues. Papers from Leonor K. Sullivan's years as a member of the House Merchant Marine Committee and the Banking and Currency Committee provide background information for much of the legislation proposed during the period. Mrs. Sullivan was known as a consumer advocate long before such a position was popular and her efforts to improve the quality of food, drugs, and cosmetics are well documented. Materials are also available on Mrs. Sullivan's struggle for credit protection for the consumer, truth-in-lending, and fair credit reporting. Mrs. Sullivan was a strong supporter of the American Merchant Marine, the U.S. supervision of the Panama Canal, and the development of America's inland waterways. Her collection includes in-depth information on all these areas. Local St. Louis concerns are well represented in Leonor K. Sullivan's papers. She spent untold hours on the development of the Gateway Arch, the Jefferson National Expansion Memorial, and the port of St. Louis. She worked hard to maintain and increase the river traffic which is so important to St. Louis. After her retirement, Mrs. Sullivan continued to receive letters from former constituents and friends. She was active in civic affairs and her opinion on current issues was frequently solicited. The collection includes newspaper clippings, letters, and personal materials from this post-retirement period. Persons interested in using the Leonor K. Sullivan Collection should contact Joanne C. Vogel or Eileen H. Searls at St. Louis University Law Library, (314)658-2755. Written requests for information may be sent to: St. Louis University Law Library Leonor K. Sullivan Collection 3700 Lindell Blvd. St. Louis, MO 63108 Arthritis Research Arts Arts and Humanities see also Grants--National Endowment for the Arts Grants-- National Endowment for the Humanities Assassination of John F . Kennedy see Kennedy, John F. - -Assassination Assassinations--Select Committee to Investigate see Select Committee to Investigate Assassinations Atlantic Convention Atlantic Union Atomic Accelerator Laboratory Atomic Bomb--Fallout Shelter see a/ SO Nuclear Weapons-- Radioactive Fallout Atomic Energy see also Nuclear Energy Nuclear Weapons Auto Inspection Safety Auto Insurance Auto Insurance and Compensation Study Automotive Industry Automotive Transport Research and Development Act Aviation see a/ SO Airlines, Airport and Airway B-1 Program Development Act Airports Civil Aeronautics Board Concorde Supersonic Tra nsport Federal Aviation Administration Banking and Currency Committee Banking and Currency Committee-- Aluminum Penny Bill Banking and Currency Committee--Area Redevelopment Program Banking and Currency Committee Failures see a/so Independent Bankers Association of America Banking and Currency Committee- -Bank Holdings Company Act see a/so Banking and Currency Committee-Citicorp Banking and Currency Committee--Bank Holding Company Issues Banking and Currency Committee--Bank Lobbying Banking and Currency Committee--Bank Mergers 83nking and Currency Committee- -Bank Protection Act of 1968 Banking and Currency Committee- -Bank Safety Regulations Banking and Currency Committee--Bank Security Measures Banking and Currency Committee--Banking Act of 1965 Banking and Currency Committee -- B a nk i11~ Changes Banking and Currency Committee- Bankruptcy B:mking and Currency Committee--Taxation Banking and Currency Committee--Trust Activities Ban king and Currency Committee-- Certificates of Deposit Banking and Currency Committee--Citicorp see also Bank Holding Company Banking and Currency Committee-- Committee Business Banking and Currency Committee-Committee Notices Banking and Currency Committee-- Conferee Banking and Currency Committee-Congressional Record Entries Banking and Currency Committee-Consumer Credit see also National Commission on Consumer Finance Banking and Currency Committee-Correspondence with Boyd Ewing Banking and Currency Committee--Credit Information Ban king and Currency Committee-- Credit Union Financial Institutions Act Banking and Currency Committee--Credit Unions see also General Accounting Office- - Credit Unions Banking and Currency Committee- - Credit Unions--Insurance on Deposits Banking and Currency Committee- - Credit Unions--National Credit Union Bank Bill Banking and Currency Committee--Credit Uses Reporting Act of 1975 Banking and Currency Committee- - Debt Collection Banking and Currency Committee -- Defense Production Act see a[ so Joint Committee on Defense Production Banking and Currency Committee-Democratic Caucus Banking and Currency Committee-Disclosure Act Banking and Currency Committee-- Economic Development Act ee a[ SO Economic Development Banking and Currency Committee-- Economic Stabilization Act --Amendments B3nking and Currency Committee -- Economic Stabilization Act -- Correspondence Banking and Currency Committee-- Economic Stabilization Act--Mark-Up Session Banking and Currency Committee-- Economic Stabilization Subcommittee Banking and Currency Committee-- Emergency Financial Assistance Act see a[ so Banking and Currency Committee- lntergovermental Emergency Assistance Act Banking and Currency Committee--New York City-- Correspondence Banking and Currency Committee--New York City- -Legislation Banking and Currency Committee--Energy Conservation Legislation see also Energy Conservation Banking and Currency Committee--Export Control see a/so Export Administration Act Export Control Act International Trade Commission Banking and Currency--Export/Import Bank Banking and Currency Committee- -FINE Study (Financial Institutions and the Nation's Economy) Banking and Currency Committee- -FINE Study--Hearings Banking and Currency Committee--Farmers Home Administration- Low Interest Loans Banking and Currency Committee-- Financial Reform Act of 1976 Banking and Currency Committee--Gold Backing and Federal Reserve Notes Banking and Currency Committee- -Gold Price Banking and Currency Committee- Insurance see also Insurance Banking and Currency Committee-Interamerican Bank see also Agency for International Development Banking and Currency Committee--Interest Rates see also Interest Rates Banking and Currency Committee--Prime Interest Rate Banking and Currency Committee- -Savings and Loans- - Interest Rates Banking and Currency Committee-- Interest Rates-- Hearings Banking and Currency Committee- Intergovernmental Emergency Assistance Act see a/so Banking and Currency Committee-Emergency Financial Assistance Act Banking and Currency Committee- International Banking Act Banking and Currency Committee-- International Development Association Banking and Currency Committee-- International Monetary Policy see a/ o Banking and Currency Committee- - Monetary Policy Banking and Currency Committee--Laws of the State of Missouri Relating to Banks and Trust Companies Banking and Currency Committee-Lockheed Case Banking and Currency Committee-Monetary Policy see also Banking and Currency Committee-International Monetary Policy Banking and Currency Committee-Subcommittee on Domestic Monetary Policy Banking and Currency Committee-- Mortgage Interest Rates see also Federal National Mortgage Association Banking and Currency Committee-Mortgage Interest Rates--District of Columbia Banking and Currency Committee-Mortgage Interest Rates--Hearings Banking and Currency Committee--Mutual Savings Banks Banking and Currency Committee--National Commission on Productivity and Work Quality Banking and Currency Committee--National Consumer Cooperative Bank Act see also Consumer Interest--Miscellaneous Banking and Currency Committee--National Consumer Cooperative Bank Act see a/so Consumer Interest--Miscellaneous Banking and Currency Committee--New York City-Correspondence see also Banking and Currency Committee- Emergency Financial Assistance Banking and Currency Committee--New York City- - Legislation see also Banking and Currency Committee-Emergency Financial Assistance Banking and Currency Committee--NOW Account Banking and Currency Committee--One Bank Holding Company Bill Banking and Currency Committee--One Bank Holding Company Bill- -Clippings Banking and Currency Committee--One Bank Holding Company Bill- - Committee Information Banking and Currency Committee--One Bank Holding Company Bill--Letters Banking and Currency Committee--One Bank Holding Company Bill--Reports from Interested Groups Banking and Currency Committee--One Dank ll nlclinR c: . np:111y Bill-- Reports from Other Agencies Banking and Currency Committee--Penn Central see a/so Railroad Legislation Banking and Currency Committee--Prime Interest Rates see a/so Interest Rates Banking and Currency Committee--Record Maintenance in Banking Institutions Banking and Currency Committee-- Recurring Monetary and Credit Crisis Banking and Currency Committee-- Reven ue Bonds Banking and Currency Committee--Safe Banking Act Banking and Currency Committee- - St. Louis Banking Banking and Currency Committee-- Savings and Loan Companies see a/so Housing-- Savings and Loans Housing--Savings and Loans Bill Housing--Loans Banking and Currency Committee- -Savings and Loan Companies-Holding Companies Banking and Currency - - Savings and Loan Companies-- Interest Rates see a/so Interest Rates Banking and Currency Committee--Interest Rates Banking and Currency Committee-- Savings and Loan Companies-Investigation Banking and Currency Committee--Silver Banking and Currency Committee--Small Business see a/so Sma ll Business Administration Poverty Program-- St . Louis Small Business Development Center St . Louis--Small Business Administration Banking and Currency Committee- - Steering Committee Banking and Currency Committee-Subcommittee on Domestic Monetary Policy ,,,.,. also Banking and Currency Committee- Monetary Policy Banking and urrt!ncy Committee--Swiss Bank Accounts Uanking and Currency Committee--Taxing of National Banks Banking and Currency Committee- - Variable Interest Rate Mortgage Loans Bankrupt see Banking and Currency Committee -Bankruptcy Barge Lines see also Federal Barge Lines Dccf Research and Information Act n ct•J" Ucllcr Communities Ad see Housing--Better Communities Act Bicentennial Civic Improvement Association see a/ SO American Revolution Bicentennial Bicentennial Civic Improvement Bicentennial Coinage see also Coinage Bicentennial Material Billboards Association-- Clippings see Highways-- Beautification- - Billboards Birth Control see also Family Planning Illegitimacy Population Growth Sex Education Black Lung Act see also Coal Black Militants see Militants Mine Safety Act see also Negroes--Black Militants Bl ackman's Development Center Blind see also Handicapped Blood ::,ee Health -- Blood Banks Blumeyer P roject see Housing-- Blumeyer Project Boating see also Coast Guard Boggs , Hale Bookmobile National Safe Boating Week Recreation see Education --Bookmobile Books Sent to Libraries and Schools see also Lib raries Bowlin Project see Housing -- Bowlin Project for the Elderly Braceros see National Commission on Food Marketing Bracero Study Brazil see Foreign Affairs- - Brazil Bretton Woods Agreement Bride's Packet see Publications --Packets for the Bride Bridges see Martin Luther King Bridge Buchanan, Mrs. Vera Budget see also Management and Budget, Office of Budget and Impoundment Control Act Budget Material Building Sciences Act see Housi ng-- Building Sciences Act Bur"r'u of Standards see Food and Drug Administration--Bureau of Standards Bus Service see also Transi t -- Bi- State Business and Professional Women's Clubs see also Women's Organizations Busing see Education- - Busing Buy American Act Care see Foreign Affairs--Care Cabanne Turnkey Project see Housing--Cabanne Turnkey Project Calley, William L. Cambodia see Foreign Affairs - -Cambodia Campaign Conference for Democratic Women see a/so Women in Politics Campaigns Campus Riots see also Education--Campus Unrest Cancer see a/ SO Medical Insurance for Radiation Treatment Cannon Dam see Conservation--Cannon Dam Capital Punishment Capitol- - United States Carpentry see Housing--Building Sciences Act Catalog of Federal Assistance Programs Cattle see Food and Drug Administration- -Cattle Cemeteries see National Cemeteries Census see also Population Growth Central Intelligence Agency Century Electric Company see National Labor Relations Board-Century Electric Company Chain Stores see National Commission on Food Chamber of Commerce Cha rities Marketing- -Chain Stores Child Abuse and Neglect Child and Family Services Act see a/so Comprehensive Child Development Act Child Care see Poverty Program--Day Care Centers see also Poverty Program--Head Start Centers Poverty Program- -St. Louis Day Care St. Louis Day Care Child Protection Act Children , Youth , Maternal, and Infant Health Care Programs Chile see Foreign Aff:1irs--Chile Chirm sec Foreign Affairs--Red China China's Art Exhibit Cigarette Advertising Cities see Urban Affairs see a/so Housing--Urban Renewal Revenue Sharing Citizenship see Immigration -- Naturalized Citizens City Planning see a/ 0 Urban Affairs Civil Aeronautics Board see a/so Federal Aviation Administration Aviation Civil Air Patrol Civil Defense see also Emergency Preparedness Missouri--Disaster Area Civil Rights- -Clippings see also Integration Militants Negroes--Black Militants Negroes--National Assocation for the Advancement of Colored People Civil Rights- -Discharge Petition Civil Rights-- Equal Employment Opportunity see a/so Equal Employment Opportunity Equal Opportunity Civil Rights- -Equality for Women see a/so Women- -Equal Rights Amendment Civil Rights-- Housing see a/so Housing--Fair Housing Housing--Open Negroes--Housing Civil Rights- -Ireland's Roman Catholics Civil Rights--Legislation Civil Rights--Mississippi Seating Civil Rights --Pro Civil Rights-- Webster Groves Incident Civil Service Health Benefits Civil Service Legislation see also Federal Employees Civil Service Retirement Clara Barton House Clean Air Act see also Air Pollution Pollution Coal see a/ SO Black Lung Act Energy Crisis Mine Safety Act Mineral Resources Coal Mine Surface Area Protection Act see a/ so Mining Coal Slurry Pipeline Act Coal Tar Products see Food and Drug Administration- - Hair Dye Coast Guard see also Boating National Safe Boating Week Coastal Areas see a/so Outer Continental Shelf Lands Coca-Cola Bottling Company Cochran Apartments see Housing--Public Housing-Cochran Apartments Coinage Sl!l' a/ SO Bicentennial Coinage National Stamping Act Colleges and Universities see Education- - College Loan Program see a/so Schools--College Debate Color Additives see Food and Drug Administration--Color Additives Commemorative Postage Stamp for Jeannette Rankin Commemorative Stamps see a/so Kennedy, John F . First Day Cover Issues see Food and Drug Administration-Cranberries Creating a Joint Committee to Investigate Crime Credit Unions see Banking and Currency Committee- Credit Unions see a/so General Accounting Office- - Credit Unions Crime--Bail Reform Act Crime--General see a/so J oint Committe to Investigate Crime Juvenile Delinquency Law Enforcement Assistance Administration Prisons Crime--Gun Control Crime--Riots see a/so Housing--Insurance--Riots Crime--Riots- - Clippings Crime- - Switch - -Blades Cruelty to Animals Current River see Conservation--Current River Power Line Customs Bureau Cyprus see Foreign Affairs - -Cyprus Czechoslovakia see Foreign Affairs--Czechoslovakia Daily Digest see Panama Canal--Daily Digest Dairy Products see Milk see a/so Food and Drug Administration-Milk Dams see Lock and Dam 26 Conservation- - Cannon Dam Danforth Foundation see a/ 0 Foundations Darst- -Webbe Public Housing see Housing- - Public Housing--Darst-Web be Davis- -Bacon Act see Labor- - Davis-Bacon Day Care Centers see Poverty Program--Day Care Center see a/ 0 Poverty Program--St. Louis Day Care St. Louis Day Care Daylight Savings Time Deafness see Hearing Aids Death with Dignity Debt Ceiling Bill See a/so Goverment Debt National Debt Decontrol of Certain Domestic Crude Oil see a/so Oil Leases Defense ee a/ 0 Nation:1l Defense Defense Appropriations see a/ SO Military Construction Appropriation Bill Military Expenditures Military Pay Military Procurement Defense Contracts See a/so Federal Government Contract Legislation Military Procurement Defense Mapping Agency Sl!£' n/so Aeronautical Chart and Information Center Defense Production Act see Banking and Currency Committee-Defense Production Act .\Ce a/ so Joint Committee on Defense Production Defense Production, Joint Committee see Joint Committee on Defense Production Delta Queen Delta Queen-- Clippings Delta Queen--Correspondence Delta Queen- -Extend Exemption Delta Queen/Mississippi Queen--Clippings Delta Queen/Mississippi Queen-- Correspondence Democratic City Central Committee Democratic Clubs Democratic Coalition Party Democratic Convention--1972 Democratic Convention--1976 Democratic National Committees Democratic Organizations Democratic Party see a/so Banking and Currency Committee-Democratic Caucus Campaign Conference for Democratic Women Democratic State Committees Democratic Cities see Housing- - Democratic Cities Dental Health see Health--Dental Deodorant see Food and Drug Administration-Deodorant Department of Housing and Urban Development see Housing- -HUD Department of Labor see Grants--Department of Labor--St . Louis Department of Peace see Peace, Dept. of Department of the Interior see Grants--Department of the Interior-- St. Louis Department of Transportation see Grants--Department of Transportation-- St. Louis Desoto-- Carr Project see Housing- - Desoto-Carr Project Detention see Emergency Detention Act Development Bank ·ce Housing--Na tional Development Bank Diabetes Research see a/so National Diabetes Advisory Board Diet Foods see Food and Drug Administration--Diet Foods Digestive Diseases :,ee National Digestive Disease Act of 1976 Direct Popular Election of the President Disabled American Veterans see Veteran's Organizations Disarmament see also Arms Control Postal Boutique Commission of Consumer Finance see National Commission on Consumer Finance Commission on Federal Paperwork Commission on Food Marketing sec National Commission on Food Marketing Commission on History and Culture :see Negroes-- Commission on History and Culture Commission on Neighborhoods see National Commission on Neighborhoods Committee on Political Education see Political Education, Committee On Committee on P opulation Crisis see Population Crisis Committee Committee on Standards of Official Conduct Committee Reform Commodity Exchange Act see also Re- Pricing Commodities Commodity Futures see a/so Re- Pricing Commodities Common Cause Communications see also Federal Communications Commission Communism Radio Telecommunications Television Community Development Act Community Services Administration Comprehensive Child Development Act see a/so Child and Family Services Act Comprehensive Employment and Training Act see also Employment Compton--Grand Association see Housing Compton-Grand Association Comptroller General of the United States Concorde Supersonic Transport see also Aviation Concentrated Industries Anti - Inflation Act see also Inflation Congress- - 91st Congress--9lst--Senate Subcommittees Congress- -92nd Congress- -93rd Congress--94th Congress--94th--Majority Rpt . Congress--94th--Member's Pay Raise see a/ so Congressional and Civil Service P ay Raise Congress- -Committee on House Administration Congress-- Economic Committee see J oint Economic Committee Congress-- House Beauty Shoppe Congress--House Budget Committee Congress- - House Unamerican Activities Committee see a/ so Internal Security Congress- - Redistricting SC'(' Missou ri - - Redistricting Congress--Rules of Congressional and Congress--Scandals see a/ 0 Powell, Adam Clayton Congressional and Civil Service Pay Raise see a/ o Congress- - 94th- -Member Pay Raise Federal Pay Raise Congressional Fellowship Congressional Office--Payroll Congressional Pay Raise Congressional Record Inserts see a/so Jefferson National Expansion Memorial Congressional Record Inserts Congressional Reorganization see a/ 0 Legislative Reorganization Act of 1970 Congressional Travel Conservation --Cannon Dam see a/so National Park Service Parks Conservation --Current River Power Line Conservation --Eleven Point River Conservation-- Harry Truman Dam Conservation- -Lock Dam 26 see Lock and Dam 26 Conservation--Meramec Basin Conservation--Meramac Park Reservoir Conservation- -Meramac Recreation Area Conservation- -Mineral Resources see Mineral Resources Conservation --Miscellaneous see a/so Recycling Waste Conservation- - Recreation Area Conservation--Redwood National Park Conservation--Upper Mississippi River National Recreation Area see a/so Upper Mississippi River Basin Commission Conservation-- Water Resources see a/so Water Resources Planning Act Conservation-- Wild Rivers Conservation - - Wilderness Conservation -- Wildlife .\ee a/ :so Lacey Act Constitutional Changes Consumer Credit see Banking and Currency Committee--Consumer Credit see also National Commission on Consumer Finance Right to Financial Privacy Act Consumer In terest Miscellaneous see a/so Banking and Currency Committee- National Consumer Cooperative Bank Act National Commission on Food Marketing-- Consumer Information Publications-- Packet for the Bride Consumer Prod uct Information Bulletin see a/so Publications- -Consumer Product Information Copyright Legislation Copyrights Cosmetics see Food and Drug Administration- - entries Cosmetologists see National Hairdressers and Cosmetologists Cost of Living Council Cost of Living Task Force Council of Catholic Women see a/so St. Louis Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women Women-- Organizations Cranberries Diseased Pets District of Columbia see also Home Rule-- District of Columbia Doctors see Immigration--Foreign Doctors see a/so Education--Nurses and Medical Students/Medical Schools Health Manpower Bill Douglas, William 0 . see Impeachment (Justice Douglas) Draft Dru'g Abuse see a/so Alcoholism, Narcotics Drug Abuse Office and Treatment Act Drug Advertising Drug Cases Drug Cost Drug Legislation Drug Regulation Drug Testing and New Drugs Drugs, Baby Asprin Drugs, Chemical Names Drugs, Factory Inspection Drugs, Habit- Forming Drugs, Interstate Traffic Drugs, Krebior:en see a/so Krebiozen Drugs, Strontium 90 see a/so Strontium 90 Drugs, Thalidomide see also Thalidomide Earthquakes East - West Gateway Coordinating Council see a/so St. Louis--East West Gateway Coordinating Council East St. Louis Convention Center Ecology see also Environmental Education Act Economic Committee see Joint Economic Committee Economic Development see a/so Banking and Currency-- Economic Development Act Economic Development Administration see a/so Grants--Economic Development Administration Economic Program Economic Summit Conference Economics--Joint Economic Committee see Joint Economic Committee Editorials--KMOX-TV see Radio and T elevision --Editorials Education see a/ so Schools Ed ucntion --Adult see a/ SO Adult Education Missouri - -Adult Education Act Education--Aid to Parochial Schools see a/so Aid to P arochial Schools Education --Federal Aid to Education Parochial Schools Education- - Aid to Private Schools See a/ 0 Aid to Private Schools Education --Federal Aid to Education Private Schools Education--Appropriations Education -- Bookmobile see a/ 0 Bookmobile Libraries Education--Busing see also Busing Integration Education--Campus unrest see also Campus riots Militants Education -- Clippings see ah;o Schools - - Clippings Education--College Loan Program see a/so Colleges and Universities Education--Higher Education Education--St udent Aid Bill Loans- - Student Student Loans Education- -Elementary and Secondary see also Schools Education--Federal Aid to Education see a/so Education--Aid to Parochial Schools Education-- Student Aid Bill Federal Aid to Education Education-- F ederal Charter for Insurance and Annuity Association see ah;o Insurance Education -- Food and Nutrition Program see a/ SO School Lunch Program School Milk Program Education--HEW Appropriations see also Health , Education and Welfare Education--Higher Education see also Education-- College Loan Program Education --Student Aid Bill Higher Education Missouri -- University Education- - Miscellaneous see also Quality Education Study Education--National Defense Education Act see a/so National Defense Education Act Education- - Nurses and Medical Students see also Doctors Heal t h Manpower Bill Medical Education Medical Schools Nurse Training Act Nurses Education-- Residential Vocational Education see also Education- - Vocational Education Vocational Education Education--Student Aid Bill see also Education- - College Loan Program Education--Higher Education Education --Federal Aid to Education Loan-- Student Student Loans Education --Tax Deductions for Education see a/ SO Taxes- - Deduction for Education of Dependents Education- - T eachers Corps see a/ ·o Teachers Corps Education-- Upward Bound Branch see also Upward Bound Education--Vocational Education see also Vocational Education Educational Grants Grants - - Educational Grants--HEW-- Public Schools Egypt see Foreign Affairs--Egypt Eisenhower, Dwight David Eisenhower College Elderly see also Aging National Institute on Aging Older Americans Act Elderly-- Employment Opportunities see also Employment Opportunities for the Elderly Older Americans Act Elderly - - Housing see Housing--Bowlin Project for the Elderly see also Housing--Elderly Election Laws see Missouri--Election Laws Election Reform see also Voting Rights Act Election Reform--Post Card Registration see alSO Post Card Registration Voter Registration Elections Commission Electoral College see also Direct Popular Election of the President Electric and Hybrid Research, Development and Demonstration Act of 1976 ee also Energy Conservation and Electric Power Electricity see Lifeline Rate Act Conversion Act of 1976 Elementray and Secondary Education Eleven Point River see Conservation- -Eleven Point River Elk Hills Oil Reserve see also Oil Leases Emergency Detention Act see also Detention Emergency Employment see also Employment Emergency Livestock Credit Act See a/so Agriculture Emergency Rail Transportation Improvement and Employment Act See Railroads--Emergency Rail Transportation Improvement and Employment Act Emergency Rooms see Medical Emergency Transportation and Services Act Emergency Security Assistance Act Emergency Telephone Number see a/ 0 Nine One One Emergency Unemployment Compensation Assistance ·ee a/so Unemployment Compensation Emergency Utility Loans and Grants for Witerizing Homes see a/ o Utility Loans Employment See a/ 0 Comprehensive Employment and Training Act Immigration Labor entries Manpower Minimum Wage Unemployment Employment- - Equal Opportunity Employment of the Handicapped see also Handicapped Labor--Handicapped Workers Employment Opportunities for the Elderly see Elderly --Employment Opportunities Endowment for the Arts see Grants--National Endowment for the Arts Endowment for the Humanities see National Endowment for the Humanities Energy-- Correspondence Energy Conservation see also Banking and Currency Commission--Energy Conservation Federal Power Commission Natural Gas Act Protection of Independent Energy Conservation and Conversion Act of 1976 see also Electric & Hybrid Research, Development & Demonstration Act of 1976 Energy Crisis SC'e also Coal Fuel for Cars Gas and Gasoline and Oil Allocations Oil Imports Oil Leases Energy Crisis-- Correspondence Energy Crisis--Material Energy Excerpts Energy Independence Act of 1975 Energy- - Information & Material see also Arctic Gas Project Energy Research and Development Environmental Education Act see also Ecology Environmental Pesticide Control Act of 1976 see alSO Pesticides Environmental Policy Act Environmental Protection Agency see also Grants--Environmental Protection Agency-- St. Louis Equal Employment see a/so Civil Rights- -Equal Employment Opportunity Minority Groups Women--Employment Opportunities Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Equal Opportunity see a/so Civil Rights-- Equal Employment Opportunity Equal Pay for Equal Work !:>Cl! also Women--Employment Opportunities Equal Rights- - Clippings Equ al Rights for Women see a/so Women--Equal Rights--Material Equal Time ee a/ ·o Federal Communications Commission Euclid Piau Radio Television see Housing--Euclid Plaza Excess Property see Missouri - - Excess Property see Federal Excess Property Executive Reorgan ization Export Administration Act see a/so Banking and Currency--Export entries Export Control Act see a/so Banking and Currency Committee -Export Control FBI see Federal Bureau of Investigation FCC see Federal Communications Commission FDIC see B & C Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Fair Labor Standards Act see Labor--Fair Labor Standards Fair Plan see Insurance --Fair P lan Fair Trade see also Trade--Expor ts and Imports Fallout Shelters see Atomic Bomb--Fallout Shelters see Nuclear Weapons--Radioactive Fallout Family Assistance Act see also Welfare Welfare--Family Support Family Assistance Material and Clippings See a/so Welfare--Clippings Family Assistance Plan Family Fare see Publications--Family Fare Family Planning see a/ so Birth Control Illegitimacy P opulation Growth Sex Education Family Planning Services Act Family Week see National Family Week Farm Bill see Agriculture--Farm Bill Farm Workers see also Agriculture National Commission on Food Marketing--Bracero Study Federal Advisory Committee Act Federal Aid to Education see Education --Federal Aid to Education Federal Aviation Administ ration see also Aviation Civil Aeronautics Board Federal Barge Lines see a/ so Barge Lines Federal Buildi ngs see a/ so Public Buildings Federal Bureau of Investigation Federal Communications Commission see also Communications Equal Time Radio and Television Television Federal Deposit Insurance Corp see also FDIC Federal Employees See a/ SO Civil Service Legislation Federal Excess Property see a/so Excess Property Missouri --Excess Property Fede ral Government Contract Legislation see a/so Defense Contracts Federal Home Loan Bank Board Federal Housing Administration see Housing-- Federal Housing Administration Federal Judical Center see also J udiciary Federal Land Bank of St. Louis see also Land Bank Federal National Mortgage Association see a/so Banking and Currency--Mortgage Interest Rates Mortgages and Interest Rates Federal Pay Raise see a/so Congressional and Civil Service Pay Raise Federal Power Commission see a/so Energy Conservation Fuel and Energy Resources Commission Lifeline Rate Act Federal Reserve System Federal Trade Commission Federal Voting Assistance Program see a/so Voter Registration Federation of Independent Business see National Federation of Independent Business Feed Grain see a/so Agriculture Food and Drug Administration-- Grain Grain Purchases Fetal Experimentation see Health , Education and Welfare--Fetal Experimentation Fi nancial Disclosure see a/so Right to Financial Privacy Act Financial Institutions Act Fire Protection see a/so National Academy for Fire Prevention & Central Site Selection Board Fish and Fish Products see a/so Food and Drug Administration-Fish Fish Inspection Food and Drug Administration-- Trout Trout see a/so Inspection , Food Fl ag Day Flood Control Meat Inspection Poultry Inspection see a/so St. Louis- - U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Flood, Daniel J. Upper Mississippi River Basin Commission see P anama Canal--Correspondence- - Flood, Daniel J . Flood Insurance Program see a/so Insurance--Flood National Flood Insurance Program Flood Protection Project see also St. Louis--U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Floods see a/so Missouri - - Disaster Area Missouri- - Flood National Flood Insurance Program Rivers Fluoridation of Water Fonda, Jane Food see also Agriculture National Commission of Food Marketing P oultry Food and Drug Administration Index Code Food and Drug Administration Appropriations Food and Drug Administration-- Botulism Food and Drug Administration--Bread Prices Food and Drug Administration--Bureau of Standards Food and Drug Administration --Cattle-General Food and Drug Administration- -Cattle-Legislation Food and Drug Administration--Color Additives Food and Drug Administ ration-Confectionery Food and Drug Administration - -Copy of Bill Food and Drug Administ ration - -Cranberri•·> Food and Drug Administ ration -- DeodorauL Food and Drug Administration -- Diet Foods see a/ o Nut rition Food and Drug Administration --Eye Make-up Food and Drug Administration--Facial Creams Food and Drug Administration-- Fish Flour Food and Drug Administ ration--Food Additives Cases See a/ 0 Addi tives Food and Drug Administration -- Food Additives -- General ee also Nutrition Food and Drug Administration- - Food Additives-- Legislation Food and Drug Amdinistration-- Freezone Food and Drug Administration-- General Commentary Food and Drug Administration-- General Information Food and Drug Administration -- General Letters Food and Drug Administration-- Grain see a/ 0 Feed Grain Food and Drug Administration--Hair Dye Food and Drug Administration -- Hair Preparations Food and Drug Administration -- Hai r Remover Food and Drug Administration- - Hair Sprays Food and Drug Administration -- Ice Cream Food and Drug Administration -- Investigation Food and Drug Administration-- Legislation Food and Drug Administration- - Lipsticks Food and Drug Administration--Medical Devices see Medical Device Amendments Food and Drug Administration--Milk Food and Drug Administration-- Miscellaneous Food and Drug Administration- - Nail Polish Food and Drug Administration--Packaging Food and Drug Administration--Packaging (Wax) Food and Drug Administration--Pesticide Cases Food and Drug Administration--Pesticide Legislation and General Information Food and Drug Administration--Pesticides Food and Drug Administration-Preservatives Food and Drug Administration--Pre- testing Food and Drug Administration-- Request for Copy of Research Food and Drug Administration--Soap Food and Drug Administration--Special Dietary Foods see also Nutrition Food and Drug Administration--Sun-tan Lotion Food and Drug Administration--Trout Food and Drug Administration--Vaporizers Food and Drug Administration--Varnish Food and Drug Administration--Vitamin Supplements see a/so Nutrition Food and Drug Administration- - Water see also Water Food Assistance Act see Foreign Aid- -Food Assistance Act Food Crisis see a/ SO Agriculture Food for Peace Hunger and Malnutrition Nutrition Population Crisis Committee Population Growth Right to Food Resolution see also Agriculture Food Prices see also Agriculture Food Stamp Plan 1954--Bills see a/ SV Agriculture Hunger and Malnutrition Food Stamp Plan 1954--Comments and Criticism Food Stamp Plan 1954-- Correspondence Food Stamp Plan 1954--Food Surplus Food Stamp Plan 1954--St. Louis Food Stamp Plan 1954--Speeches and Testimony Food Stamp Plan 1955--Correspondence and Legislation Food Stamp Plan 1955--Food Surplus Food Stamp Plan 1956--Bills and Hearings Food St amp Plan 1956--Commodity Credit Corp. Food St amp Plan 1956- - Correapondence, Speeches, Testimony Food Stamp Plan 1956- - Food Surplus Distribution Food Stamp Plan 1956--Personal Letters Food Stamp Plan 1957-- Bills Food Stamp Plan 1957--Correspondence Food Stamp Plan 1957--Food Surplus and Food Stamp Plan Food Stamp Plan 1957--Hearings Food Stamp Plan 1957--Speeches Food Stamp Plan 1957--Testimony Food Stamp Plan 1958--Activities Carried on Under PL 63 -4RO Food Stamp Plan 1958--Bills Food Stamp Plan 1958--Comments and Criticism Food Stamp Plan 1958--Correspondence Food Stamp Plan 1958--Hearings and Reports Food Stamp Plan 1958--Personal Letters Food Stamp Plan 1958- - Speeches and Testimony Food Stamp Plan 1958--Study and Procedure Food Stamp Plan 1959- - Bills Food Stamp Plan 1959--Comments and Criticism Food Stamp Plan 1959--Congressional Record Entry Food Stamp Plan 1959--Correspondence Food Stamp Plan 1959-- Hearings and Reports Food Stamp Plan 1959--Personal Letters Food Stamp Plan 1959--Releases Food Stamp P lan 1959-- Speeches and Testimony Food Stamp Plan 1959- -Studies and Procedure Food Stamp Plan 1960- -Activities Carried on Under PL-480 Food Stamp Plan 1960-- Bills, Hearings, Reports Food Stamp Plan 1960-- Correspondence Food Stamp Plan 1960-- Personal Letters Food Stamp Plan 1961-- Correspondence and Clippings Food Stamp Plan 1961--Personal Letters Food Stamp Plan 1962--Bills, Correspondence, Testimony Food Stamp Plan 1962-- Clippings Food Stamp Plan 1962--Personal Letters Food Stamp Plan 1963--Bills Food Stamp Plan 1963--Comments and Criticism Food Stamp Plan 1963--Correspondence Food Stamp Plan 1963- - Hearings Food Stamp Plan 1963-- Releases Food Stamp Plan 1963--Speeches Food Stamp Plan 1963--Studies and Procedures Food Stamp Plan 1964--Appropriations Food Stamp Plan 1964--Bills Food Stamp Plan 1964--Comments and Criticism Food Stamp Plan 1964--Correspondence Food Stamp Plan 196-t -- Hearings Food Stamp Plan Hl64 --Minority Views Food Stamp Plan 1964--Releases Food Stamp Plan 196-t -- Speeches Food Stamp Plan 196-t -- Studies and Procedures Food Stamp Plan 1965 --Appropriations Cut Food Stamp Plan 1965- - Correspondence Food Stamp Plan 1965 - -District of Columbia Food Stamp Plan 1965--Expansion Food Stamp Plan 1965--Kinlock MO Food Stamp Plan 1965 --Missouri Food Stamp Plan 1965--Personal Letters Food Stamp Plan 1965--St. Louis MO Food Stamp Plan--Legislative History Food Stamp Plan--Miscellaneous Statistics Food Stamp Plan--Petition 1967 Food Stores see National Commission on Food Ford Foundation see also Foundations Ford, Gerald Marketing- -Chain Stores see Nixon, Richard M.-- Pardon Foreign Affairs--Amnesty Foreign Affairs--Angola Foreign Affairs- -Brazil Foreign Affairs--CARE Foreign Affairs--Cambodia see a/so Moratorium War Protest Foreign Affairs--Chile Foreign Affairs-- Cyprus Foreign Affairs- - Czechoslovakia Foreign Affairs-- Egypt see also Foreign Affairs - -Middle East Foreign Affai rs - - General Countries Foreign Affairs-- Genocide Treaty Foreign Affairs- - Indochina Foreign Affairs -- Israel see a/ 0 Foreign Affiars --Middle East Foreign Affairs-- Israel-Arab War see a/so Foreign Affairs- -Middle East Foreign Affairs - -Jordan see also Foreign Affairs--Middle East Foreign Affairs --Lebanon see a/so Foreign Affairs--Middle East Foreign Affairs --Middle East see also Foreign Affairs- - Egypt Foreign Affairs -- Israel Foreign Affairs -- Israel Arab War Foreign Affairs --Jordan Foreign Affairs--Lebanon Oil Imports Foreign Affairs- -Mid-East Sinai Pact Foreign Affairs --Non-Proliferation Treaty Foreign Affai rs --Peru Foreign Affairs- - Pueblo Foreign Affaris- -Puerto Rico see a/ SO Puerto Rico Foreign Affairs--Red China Foreign Affairs--Republic of China see Republic of China Foreign Affairs -- Rhodesia Foreign Affairs - - Soviet Union Foreign Affairs--Turkey Foreign Affai rs --United Nations Foreign Affairs -- United Nations Development Program Foreign Affairs -- Vietnam ee a/ SO Missing in Action Prisoners of War Select Committee to Investigate Missing in Action Foreign Affairs -- Vietnam- - Mrs. Sullivan 's Voting Record (as of 1972) see a/so Sullivan, L.K. Voting Record Foreign Affairs Legislation Foreign Aid Foreign Aid- - Food Assistance Acl Foreign Policy Foreign Visitors Forest Park Blvd. Turnkey Project see Housing--Forest Park Blvd. Turnkey Project Forestry Legislation see also Lumber Fort San Carica see Jefferson National Expansion Memorial--Building a Replica of Fort San Carlos Foster Grandparents see Poverty Program--Foster Grandparents Foundations see also Ford Foundation Danforth Foundation Grants Grants--National Science Foundation National Science Foundation Four Freedoms Study Group Franchises Franchising Practice Reform Act Freedom of Information Act see also Sunshine Bill Freedom of the Press see also Newspapers Radio Television Fuel and Energy Resources Commission see a/so Energy Conservation Federal Power Commissron Fuel for Cars see also Energy Crisis Gas and Gasoline and Oil Allocation Fur see also Laclede Fur Co. GAO see General Accounting Office GPO see Government Printing Office GSA see General Services Administration Gambling see also Lotteries Gas--Laclede Gas see also Natural Gas Gas--Natural Gas and Gasoline and Oil Allocation see also Energy Crisis Fuel for Cars Gateway Arch see Jefferson National Expansion Memorial General Accounting Office General Accounting Office--Credit Unions see also Banking and Currency--Credit General Electric General Motors Unions General Services Administration see also Grants--General Services Administration- - St . Louis Genocide Treaty see Foreign Affairs--Genocide Treaty Georgetown University Gerontology Cold Star Wives Goldenrod Showboat see Jefferson National Expansion Memorial- -Showboat Goldenrod Government Debt see also Debt Ceiling Bill National Debt Government Insurance Government Operations Government Printing Office Government Regional Offices Government Reorgani~:ation Program see Reorganiution Program Grace Hill Area see Housing--Grace Hill Grading, Meat see Meat Grading Grain Purchases ee also Agriculture Feed Grain Grand Canyon see Conservation--Grand Canyon Grandparents, Foster see Poverty Program--Foster Grandparents Grants see also Foundations National Science Foundation Grants- - Clippings Grants-- Dept. of Housing and Urban Development see Housing- - St . Louis--Grants from HUD Grants-- Department of Labor--St . Louis Grants-- Department of the Interior- -St. Louis and MO Grants-- Department of Transportation--St. Louis see also Transportation Grants - -Economic Development Administration- - St. Louis see also Economic Development Administration Grants-- Educational see also Educational Grants Learning Business Centers Grants- -Environmental Protection Agency-St. Louis Grants--General Services Administration -St. Louis Grants- - Health, Education and Welfare-- Miss& uri Grants--HEW--Public Schools Grants--HEW--St. Louis Grants--HEW--St. Louis University Grants--HEW-- Washington University see also Washington University Grants to Hospitals G r·an ts- - Housing see Housing-- St. Louis- - Grants from HUD Grants--Law Enforcement Assistance Administration -Missouri ee also Law Enforcement Assistance Administration Grants--Law Enforcement Assistance Administratiou - - SL . Louis see also Law Enforcement Assistance Administration Gran ta--M any Sou rcea-- Colleges Grants--Many Sources- -Missouri Grants--Many Sources--St. Louis University Grants--Many Sources--Universities Grants--Many Sources- -University of Missouri Grants--Many Sources- - Washington University see also Washington University Grants- - Miscellaneous Grants--National Endowment for the Arts see also Arts and Humanities Grants--National Endowment for the Humanities see also Arts and Humanities Grants--National Science Foundation see also National Science Foundation Foundations G ranta--OEO- - Missouri Poverty Program--Office of Equal Opportunity Grants- -Post Office--St. Louis see also Postal Service St . Louis - -Post Office -Operations Grants--Roth Study Grocery Stores see National Commission on Food Marketing--Chain Stores Guam Guatemalan Earthquake Gun Control see Crime--Gun Control HUAC See Congress-- House Unamerican Activities Committee Hair Car Products see Food and Drug Administration H ai rd ressers see National Haridressers and Cosmetologists Halpern, Seymour see Resignations Handicapped see also Blind Herman, Philip Employment of the Handicapped Labor--Handicapped Workers see Panama Canal--Correspondence-Harry Flannery Herman, Philip See Radio and Television- -Harry Flannery Harry Truman Dam See Conservation--Harry Truman Dam Hatardous Material see a/so Transportation -- Dept. of Proposed Regulations Hazardous Occupational Safety and Health Act see a/ 0 Mine Safety Act Occupational Safety and Health Administration Head Start Center See Poverty Program--Head Start Centers Health -- Blood Banks Sl!<' (1/ SO Medical Care Health--Dental Health and Welfare Council of Greater St. Louis see a/ SO Welfare Health Education and Welfare see also Grants--Health Education and Welfare- -Missouri Housing--Public--HEW Task Force Health, Education and Welfare--Fetal Experimentation see also Human Experimentation Health Insurance see a/so Medical Insurance for Radiation Treatment National Health Insurance Health Insurance for the Unemployed see a/so Unemployment Health Legislation see a/so National Health Care Act Health Manpower Bill see also Education--Nurses and Medical Health, Mental Students Immigration--Foreign Doctors Manpower Nurse Training Act !!JI!<' Mental Health Health Program Health- - Polio Vaccine Health Security Act Hearing Aids Higher Education see a/so Education -- Higher Education Higher Education Act Highway Beautification see a/so Anti--Billboard Law High way-- Clippings Highway Patrol ee Missouri- -Highway Patrol Highway Safety see a/so National Bicentennial Highway Safety Year Highway Through St. Louis see a/so St . Louis Highways Highway Trust Fund Highways see a/so Martin Luther King Bridge High ways- - Beautification-- Billboards The Hill see Housing--The Hill Hill-Burton Act see Hospitals--Hill-Burton Historic Preservation see a/so National Historic Preservation Act HolidaJ.s see a SO Kennedy, John F, Holiday Home Owners Mortgage Loan Corp see Housing--Home Owners Mortgage Loan Corp Home Rule--D.C. see a/ SO Distict of Columbia Hospitals- - Closing ·ee a/ so Public Health Services Hospi tals Hospitals--Emergency Rooms ee Medical Emergency Transportation and Services Act Hospitals--General Hospitals--General MAST Program Hospitals- - Grants see Grants--Hospitals Hospitals- -Hill-Burton Hospitals- -Non-profit House Administration, Committee on House Beauty Shoppe see Congress. House Beauty Shoppe House Budget Committee House Un - American Activities Committee see also Congress. House Un-American Acitivities Comm1 Ll ee Household P ets Housing Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968 see also Housing--HUD Housing--Anonymous letters Housing--Arson-- Clippings Housing--Better Communities Act Housing Bills Housing Bills- - Letters Housing--Bingham's Bill Housing--Blumeyer Project Housing- - Blumeyer Project--Clippings Housing-- Bowlin Project for the Elderly Housing- - Building Sciences Act see also Lumber Housing--Cabanne Turnkey see also Housing--Forest Park Blvd Turnkey Project Housing--Turnkey Projects Housing- -College Loan Programs Housing- - Community Development Block Grants Housing--Compton Grand Association Housing--CR Excerpts Housing- -Correspondence- -Out of State Housing-- Demonstration Cities Housing- - Dept. of Community Developmt!IIL Housing--DeSoto- Carr Housing-- Elderly see also Nursing Homes Housing--Emergency Housing--Energy Conservation see also Energy Conservation Housing- - Euclid Plan Housin~r - -Fair Housing see also Civil Rights--Housing Housing- - Open Housing- - Fair House Enforcement in Missouri Housing- -Federal Housing Administration Housing--Forest Park Blvd .--Turnkey Project see also Housing- -Cabanne Turnkey Project Housing- -Turnkey P rojects Housing-- General Housing- -Grace Hill Housing- -The Hill Housing- -Home Owners Mortgage Loan Housing- -HUD Corps. see also Housing and Urban Development Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968 Houiang--St. Louis -Applications to Jill f) Housing- -St. Louis - -Grants from HUD Housing--Missouri-- Grants from HUD Housing--HUD- - Consolidated Supply Program Housing--HUD --Housing Material Housing- -Housing Authoriution Act Housing-- Inspection Housing-- Insurance--Riots see also Crime- -Riots Insurance Housing-- Jeff- Vander-Lou Housing--KMOX Editorials see also Radio and Television Editorials Housing--Laclede Town Housing--Laclede Town-- Clippings Housing-- LaFayette Square Housing- - LaSalle Park Housing-- Lead Paint Housing-- Lead Poisoning see also P oisons Housing-- Loans see also Banking and Currency- -Savings and Loan Entries Interest Rates Housing--Low Income see also Housing-- President's Task Force on Low Income Housing Poverty Program- -General Housing--Mansion House Housing--Maryville Housing--Mill Creek Valley Housing--Miscellaneous Clippings Housing--Miscellaneous Letters Housing--Missouri Housing--Mobile Homes Housing- -Model Cities Housing- -Model Cit ies- - Clippings Housing--Mullanphy Project Housing--National Development Bank Housing--National Housing Act Housing-- National Tenants Organir;ation Housi ng--Negro see also Civil Rights--Housing Housing--Open Negroes- - General Housing- - Neighborhood F acilities Grant Housing- -Newcastle Project Housing- -O'Fallon Housi ng- -Ombudsman Housi ng- -Open see also Civil Rights--Housing Housing--Fair Housing Negroes- -Housing Housing--Open- -Against (District) Housing-- Open- -For (District) Housing- -Open--Against (Out of District) Housing--Open--For (Out of Dist rict) Housing- -Open- -Clippings Housing- -Operation Breakthrough Housing--Operation Breakthrough-- Clippings Housing--Operation Rehab ee also Housing-- Rehabilitation Housing--Rock Springs Rehabilitation Association Housing Panel Housing- - Para Quad Housing--Peabody- -Clippings Housing--President's T ask Force on Low Income Housing see also Housing--Low Income Housing Program Cute Housing--Public Housing Bills Proposed Housing-- Public Housing--Cochran Apts.-- Clippings Housing--Public Housing-- Darst-W ebbe Public Housing Housing- -Public Housing- -Darst- Web be Clippings Housing- - Public Housing-- General- - Clippings Housing--Public Housing--General Letters Housing--Public--HEW Task Force see also Health, Education,&: Welfare Housing--Public Housing--Kosciuksko St. Housing- - Public Housing- -Mailing List Housing--Public Housing- - Neighborhood Gardens Housing- - Public Housing- -Pruitt- lgoe Housing--Public Housing- - Pruitt - Igoe-Clippings Housing- - Public Housing-- Pruitt- lgoe-Proposals Housing- - Public Housing-- Rent Strike-see also Strikes Clippings Housing--Public Housing- -Rent Strike-- Reports Housing--Public Housing--Reports Housing--Red Tape Housing- -Rehabilitation see also Housing-- Operation Rehab Housing--Rock Springs Rehabilitation Association Housing-- Rent Supplements Housing-- Reports and Materials Housing-- Rock Springs Rehabilitation Association see also Housing--Operation Rehab Housing-- Rehabilitation Housing- - St. Louis Housing--St. Louis-- Applications to HUD see also Housing--HUD Housing- -St. Louis--Area Expeditar Housing--St. Louis--Code Enforcement Housing--St. Louis- -Code Enforcement-- Clippings Housing-- St. Louis--Grants from HUD see also Housing--HUD Housing- -St . Louis Housing and Land Clearance Authority Housing- - St. Louis Housing Plan Housing-- St. Louis Meeting Housing-- St. Louis-- Workable Program Housing -- Savings and Loans See a/ 0 Banking and Currency Committee- Savings and Loan Companies Housing- - Savings and Loan Bill see also Banking and Currency Committee-Savings and Loan entries Housing- - Section 8 Housing-- Section 22l(d)(2) Housing- - Section 221(d)(3) Housing-- Section 221(h) Housing- - Section 235 Housing- - Section 236 Housing- -Section 701 Housing- -Soulard Area see a/so National Historic Preservation Act Housing--South Broadway Housing-- South Side Housing- - State of Missouri Housing-- State of Missouri- - Grants from HUD see also Housing--HUD Housing--Subcommittee Notices Housing - -Ten Park Improvement Association Housing- -Town House Project Clippings Housing-- Turnkey Projects see a/so Housing- - Cabanne Turnkey Project Housing- - Forest Park Blvd Turnkey Project Housing- -Turnkey Projects--Clippings Housing--Twelfth and Park Housing-- Union--Sarah Housing-- Urban Reports Housing-- Urban Renewal Housing-- Urban Renewal- - Clippings Housing-- Urban Renewal-- Letters Housing- -Urban Renewal--Material Housing-- Vaughn Area- - Clippings Housing-- Villa de Ville Housing- -Washington University Medical Housing-- Wellston Housing--West End Center Housing--West End- - Clippings Housing- - West Pine Apartments Human Development Corporation see Poverty Program- - Human Development Corporation see also Poverty Program- - St. Louis Human Development Corporation Human Experimentation see also Health, Education and Welfare-- Fetal Experimentation Humanities see National Endowment for the Humanities Hunger and Malnutrition see a/so Food Crisis ICC Food Stamp Plan entries Right to Food Resolution see Interstate Commerce Commission Ice Cream see Food and Drug Administration--Ice Cream Ill egitimacy see also Birth Control Immigration Family Planning Sex Education ee a/so P opulation Growth Employment Immigration and Naturalir.ation Service Immigration-- Foreign Doctors Immigration- -Material Immigration--N aturalir.ed Citizens Immunity (Nixon) Against see also Nixon, Richard Milhouse Immunity (Nixon) For Immunity (Nixon) Out of State Impeachment (Justice Douglas) see also Supreme Court Judiciary Impeachment see also Nix on , Rich ard M Impeachment- -Against Impeachment Bill Impeachment-- Clippings Impeachment-- For Impeachment --Not Answered Impoundment Control/ Spending Ceiling Independent Bankers Association of America see also Banking and Cu rrency Committee-Bank-- Entries Independent Business Federation see Nation al Federation of Independent Business Independent Meat P ackers see also Meat P ackers Indians see also Minority Groups Indochina see Foreign Affai rs-- Indochina Industry Funds Inflation see also Concentrated Industries Anti- Infl ation Act Inflation--House Resolution Inspection--Food see F ish Inspection see also Meat Inspection Poultry Inspection Institute of Psychiatry see Missouri-- Instit ute of Psychiatry Insurance see also Banking and Currency Committee- Insurance Education- - Federal Charter for Insu rance and Amminty Association Goverment Insurance Housing--Insurance- -Riots Insurance Coverage for Women see also Women Insurance--Fair Plan Insurance - -Floods see National Flood Insurance P rogram Insurance, Health see Health Insurance Insurance--No Fault Insurance--Shoppers Guide Integration see also Civil Rights entries Education --Busing Negroes - - entries Interest Rates ee also Banking and Currency Commitr.·c Interest Rates Banking and Currency Committee--Prime Interest Rate Banking and Currency Committe--Savings and Loan Interior (Dept. Of} Interior (Dept . of}--Oil Shale Program see also Energy Crisis Oil Leases Intelligence, Select Committee See Select Committee on Intelligence Internal Security see also Congress--House Unamerican Activities Committee Wire Tapping and Bugging Intern ational Development Association see Banking and Currency Committee-International Development Association International Security Assistance and Arms Export Control Act see also Arms Control Internation al Trade Commission see also T rade--Exports and Imports In ternat ional T rade Subcommittee Not ices In te rstate Commerce Commission see also Movers of Household Goods Interstate Horseracing Act In terviews see also News Releases--Radio Press Comments Press and News Reporters Intra-Ut erine Devices see Medical Device Amendments Invi tations Israel see Foreign Affairs--Israel Jeanette Rankin see Commemorative Postage Stamp for Jeanette Rankin J efferson Barracks J efferson Barracks- - Landmark Status J efferson Barracks--National Cemetery Memorial Chapel J effe rson Barracks Park J efferson Nation al Expansion Memorial see also Lewis and Clark National Park Services St. Louis- -Arch St . Louis--Jefferson Nation al Expansion Memorial Jefferson National Expansion Memorial- - Bills J efferson Nat ional Expansion Memorial- Brochure J efferson Nat ional Expansion Memorial-Budget Material Jefferson National Expansion Memor ial-Building a Replica of Fort San Carlos J efferson Nat ional Expansion Memorial-Clippings J efferson Nat ional Expansion Memorial-Congressional Record Inserts J effe rson National Expa nsion Memorial-Dedication Jefferson National Expansion Memorial-File for Hearing J effe rson Nat ional Expansion Memorial-Ground Breaking Ceremonies Jefferson National Expansion Memorial-Releues, etc. J efferson National Expansion Memorial-River Music Barge J efferson National Expansion Memori al-Showboa t Goldenrod J effe rson National Expansion Memorial-Testimony of Mrs. Sullivan Jefferson National Expansion Memorial - Visitors Center Jeff-- Vander-Lou see Housing--Jeff- Vander-Lou Jewish War Veterans see also Veterans' Administration Job Training Program see also Labor- -Manpower Development and Training Poverty Program- - St. Louis Job Corps Center St. Louis Job Corps Center Johnson, Lyndon Baines Joint Committee on Defense Production See also Banking and Currency Committee-- Defense Production Act Joint Committee to Investigate Crime see also Crime- - General Joint Economic Committee Jordan see Foreign Affairs--Jordan Judge Oliver see Oliver, Judge Judiciary see also Federal Judicial Center Impeachment (Justice Douglas) Supreme Court Justice Department Junior Village Juvenile Delinquency see also Crime--General Prisons KMOX see Radio and Television entries see also Housing KMOX Editorials News Releases--Radio KWK, Radio Station see Radio Station KWK Kansas-Texas RR see Missouri-Kansas-Texas RR Kennedy, John F . Kennedy, John F .--Assasination Kennedy, Jonn F .- -Eulogies Kennedy, John F .- -Holiday see a/ so Holidays Kennedy, John F .--Inaugural Address Kennedy, John F .--First Day Cover Issues see a/so Commemorative Stamps Kissinger, Henry see also State, Dept. of Kluxzynski Federal Office Building Korea see Foreign Affairs --Korea Koscuisko St. see Housing--Public--Kosciusko St. Krebiozen see Drugs, Krebiozen Labor see a/ 0 Employment Entries National Labor Relations Board -- Century Electric Company Postal Union Recognition Railroads - -Shopcraft Unions Strikes Unions Labor- - Davis-Bacon Labor-- Fair Labor Standards Labor-- Farm Labor See also Agriculture Labor--Handicapped W orkera see also Employment of the Handicapped Handicapped Labor Legislation see also Right to Work Labor--Manpower Development Training see also Job Training Corps Center Poverty Program--St. Louis Jobs Corps Center St. Louis Job Corps Center Labor Organizations--AFL-CIO Labor Orgnaizations--Misc. Labor- -Railroads see Railroads--Shopcraft Unions Labor- - Situs P icketing Labor Unions--Homes for the Aged Labor-- Workmen's Compensation Laws Lacey Act see also Conservation--Wildlife Laclede Fur Company Laclede Gas see Gas--Laclede Gas Laclede Town see Housing- - Laclede Town Lafayette Square see Housing--Lafayette Square Land Bank see Federal Land Bank of St . Louis Land Clearance see Housing--St. Louis Housing and Land Clearance Authority Land Management Organic Act Land Use Bill--Against Land Use Bill- - For LaSalle Park see Housing--LaSalle Park Lead Poisoning see Housing-- Lead Poisoning Law Enforcement Assistance Administratiom see also Crime--General Grants--Law Enforcement Assistance Administration Missouri--Highway Patrol League of Women Voters see also Voters Women Learning Business Centers see also Grants--Educational Unemployment Lebanon see Foreign Affairs- - Lebanon Legal Aid Society see also Crime--General Legal Services Corporation Legislative Activities Disclosure Act Legislative Proposals Legislative Reorganization Act of 1970 see also Congressional Reorganization Lettuce see National Commission on Food Marketing--Lettuce Study Lewis and Clark see also Jefferson National Expansion Memorial Libraries see also Bookmobile Books sent to Libraries and Schools Education--Bookmobile Libraries--Depository Library Extension, Congressional Library of Congress Library Services Lifeline Rate Act see a/so Energy Conservation Federal Power Commission Union Electric Company Lincoln Sesquicentennial Commission Loans--Student see Education- - College Loan Program see a/so Education--Student Aid Bill Lobby Groups Lobbying Local Public Works Capital Development and Investment Act see a/so Public Works Lock and Dam 26 at Alton, Ill. Lock and Dam 26--Clippings Lockheed Corp. see Banking and Currency Committee-Lockheed Case Lotteries see also Gambling Low Income Housing see Housing--President 's Task Force on Low Income Housing Lumber see a/ 0 Forestry Legislation Housing--Building Sciences Timber Supply Lumber Preservation Legislation see a/so T imber Supply Harry Lundeberg School see a/so Maritime Academies MAST Program MIA see Missing in Action See a/ SO Foreign Affairs -- Vietnam Magna Carta Select Committee to Investigate Missing in Action see a/so American Revolution Bicentennial Malpractice see Medical Malpractice Claims Settlement Assistance Act Management and Budget, Office of see also Budget Manpower see also Employment Labor- -Manpower Development and Training Health Manpower Bill Poverty Program-- Office of Economic Opportunity Mansion House Maritime Academies see a/ so Harry Lundeberg School Martin Luther King Bridge see a/ 0 Highways St. Louis- -Highways Maryville see Housing--Maryville Meals on Wheels see also Aging Meat Grading ee Grading, Meat Meat Imports see a/so Trade--Imports and Exports Meat Inspection see also Fish Inspection Inspection, Food Poultry Inspection Meat Inspection Bill Meat Inspection--St. Louis Independent Packing Company Meat Packers see a/so Independent Meat Packers Medical Care see a/so Health entries National Health Care Act Medical Device Amendments Medical Education see Education--Nurses and Medical Students see a/so Medical Schools Military Medical Schools Medical Emergency Transportation and Services Act Medical Insurance for Radiation Treatment see also Cancer Health Insurance Medical Malpractice Claims Set tlement Assistance Act Medical Schools see also Education--Nurses and Medical Students Mental Health Health Manpower Bill Nurse Training Act see also Health- -Mental Meramec Basin News Stories see also Conservation Meramec Basin or River see Conservation--Meramec Entries Merchant Marine see Harry Lundeberg School see also Coast Guard Maritime Academics Metric System Metropolitan Youth Commission see a/so Youth Affairs Middle East see Foreign Affairs- - Middle East Militants see also Civil Rights-- Clippings Education--Campus Unrest Negroes--Black Militants Military Construction Appropriation Bill see also Defense Appropriations Military Expenditures see a/so Defense Appropriations Military Medical School Military Pay see alSO Armed Forces Defense Appropriations Military Procurement see a/so Defense Appropriations Defense Contracts Military Retirement Milk see a/so Agriculture FDA--Milk Mill Creek Valley see Housing--Mill Creek Valley Mine Safety Act see a/so Black Lung Act Coal Hazardous Occupational Safety and Health Act Mining Mine Safety and Health Act Mineral Resources see also Coal Minimum Wage see a/so Employment Wage and Price Controls Mining see a/so Coal Mine Surface Area Protection Act Mine Safety Act Missouri Bureau of Mines Mink Ranchers Minority Groups see also Equal Employment Indians Negroes--Minority Groups Women Miscellaneous Organintions see a/so National Organintions Questionable Organizations Missiles see Nike Base Aeronautics and Space Arms Control Missini in Action ee also Foreign Affairs --Vietnam Missing in Action, Select Committee to Investigate ee Select Committee to Investigate Missing in Action Mississippi Queen see Delta Queen/Mississippi Queen Missouri, State of Missouri --Adult Education Act see a/ 0 Education--Adult Missouri--Area Redevelopment Missouri, Bureau of Mines see also Mining Missouri --Disaster Area see also Civil Defense Floods Missouri - - Election Laws see a/so Missouri-- Redistricting Missouri --Excess Property see a/so Federal Excess Property Missou ri - - Flood see also Floods National Flood Insurance Program Missouri -- Grants see Grants entries Missouri --Highway Patrol see a/ 0 Law Enforcement Assistance Administration Missouri--Housing see Housing--Missouri Missouri - - Institute of Psychiatry Missouri --Kansas-Texas RR see a/ o Railroad entries Missouri --Motor Vehicles Missouri -- Ozarks Regional Commission Missouri - - Redistricting ee al o Missouri --Election Laws Redistricting Missouri - - Sesquicentennial Miaaouri - - State Politics see a/ SO St. Louia-- Politica Women in Politics Missou ri State Society Missouri-- University see also Education- -Higher Education Grants--Many Sources-University of Missouri Missouri-- Missouri A Missouri B Missouri C-Com Missouri Con-Dept. of D Missouri Dept. of EMissouri Dept of F-G Missouri H Missouri 1-N Missouri 0-P Missouri 0 -Z Mobil Homes see Housing- - Mobil Homes Model Cities see Housing--Model Cities Moratorium see a/so Foreign Affairs--Cambodia Foreign Affairs-- Vietnam Mortgages and Interest Rates see a/so Banking and Currency Committee-Variable Interest Mortgage Rates Federal National Mortgage Association Movers of Household Goods see also Interstate Commerce Commission Mullanphy Project see Housing- -Mullanphy Project NAACP see Negroes - - National Association for the Advancement of Colored People NLRB ee National Labor Relations Board- Century Electric Company National A-National H see also Miscellaneous Organiroations National !- National Q National R-National Z National Academy for Fire Prevention and Central Site Selection Board see a/ SO Fire Prevention National Aeronautics and Space Act see also Aeronautics and Space--Space Program National Air Guard Employment see a/so National Guard National Association for the Advancement of Colored People see Negroes--National Association for the Advancement of Colored People National Bicentennial Highway Safety Year see also American Revolution Bicentennial Highway Safety National Cemeteries (Jefferson Barracks) National Cemeteries . ee Jefferson Barracks National Cemetery Memorial Chapel National Center for Women ee also Women National Commission of Consumer Finance Appendices ee al 0 Banking and Currency Committee-Consumer Credit National Commission on Consumer Finance Chapter I National Commission on Consumer Finance Chapter II National Commission on Consumer Finance Chapter Ill National Commission on Consumer Finance Chapter IV National Commission on Consumer Finance Chapter VI National Commission on Consumer Finance Chapter VIII National Commission on Consumer Finance Chapter IX National Commission on Consumer Finance Chapter X National Commission on Consumer Finance Chapter XI National Commiaaion on Consumer Finance Chapter XII National Commission on Consumer Finance--Clippings National Commission on Consumer Finance-Correspondence National Commission on Consumer Finance--Press Kat National Commission on Consumer Finance-- Speeches National Commission on Consumer Finance- -Studies National Commission on Food Marketing see also Agriculture National Commission on Food Marketing -Attempt to Form Commission see also National Commission on Food Marketing- - Creation of the Commission National Commission on Food Marketing-Background Material National Commission on Food Marketing-Congratulatory Notes to Mrs. Sullivan National Commission on Food Marketing-- Hearings National Commission on Food Marketing-Bracero Study see also Farm Workers National Commission on Food Marketing-Chain Stores National Commission on Food Marketing-Clippings National Commission on Food Marketing-Commission Meetings National Commission on Food Marketing · Consumer lnformata on see a/ SO Consumer Interest - - Miscellaneous National Commission on Food Marketing- Correspondence National Commission on Food Marketing-Creation of the Commission See al;o,o Batuibak Commission on Food Marketing- -Attempts to Form the Commission National Commission on Food Marketing- Formal Interviews National Commission on Food Marketing-General Info National Commission of Food Marketing-Individual Views of the Report National Commission on Food Marketing-Lettuce Study National Commission on Food Marketing-Press Releases National Commission on Food Marketing-Questionaire Correspondence National Commission on Food Marketing-Report Status National Commission on Food Marketing-Speeches National Commission on Food Marketing-Staff Changes National Commission on Food Marketing-Staff Selection National Commission on Food Marketing National Commission on Food Marketing-Chapter 13 of Final Report National Commission on Neighborhoods National Commission on Productivity see also Banking and Currency entries National Consumer Cooperative Bank Act see Banking and Currency Commission-- National Debt National Consumer Cooperative Bank Act see also Debt Ceiling Bill Government Debt National Defense see a/ SO Armed Services Defense National Defense Education Act see Education- -National Defense Education Act National Development Bank see Housing--National Development Bank National Diabetes Advisory Board see also Diabetes Research National Digestive Disease Act of 1976 National Endowment for the Arts see Grants--National Endowment for the Arts National Endowment for the Humanities see Grants--National Endowment for the Humanities National Energy and Conservation Corporation see also Energy Conservation National Family Week National Federation of Independent Business see also Small Business Administration National Flood Insurance Co see also Flood Insurance Program Floods Missouri--Flood National Good Neighbor Day National Guard see also Air Guard Armed Services National Air Guard Employment National Hairdressers and Cosmetologists National Health Care Act see also Health Legislation Medical Care National Health Insurance Health Insurance National Historic Preservation Act Historic Preservation Housing--Operation Rehab Housing- - Soulard Area National Housing Act see Housing--National Housing Act National Institute on Aging see also Aging Elderly Older Americans Act Select Committee on Aging National Labor Relations Board- - Century Electric Company see also Labor National Opportunity Camps National Park Service see a/so Conservation entries Jefferson National Expansion Memorial Parks National Safe Boating Week see also Boating Coast Guard National Saint Elizabeth Seton Day National Service Corps see a/so Peace Corps National Science Foundation see a/so Foundations Grants--National Science Foundation National Stamping Act see also Coinage National Summer Youth Program see Poverty Program- - National Summer Youth Program National Tennants Organization see Housing--National Tenants Organization Natural Gas see a/so Energy Conservation Laclede Gas Natural Gas Act see a/so Energy Conservation Natural Gas Act--Amendments Naturalized Citir.ens See Immigration --Naturalir.ed Citizens Negroes --Black Militants see also Civil Rights--Clippings Militants Negroes--Commission on History and Culture Negroes - - General see a/so Housing--Negroes-- Integration Negroes--Minority Group see a/so Minority Groups Negroes-- National Association for the Advancement of Colored People ee a[ SO Civil Rights entries Neighborhood Facilities Grant see Housing- -Neighborhood Facilities Grant Neighborhoods ee National Commission on Neighborhoods See a/so National Good Neighbor Day National Historic Preservation Act Nerve Gas see a/so Arms Control New York City Financial Crisis See Banking and Currency Committee-- Emergency Financial Assistance Act Newcastle Project see Housing-- Newcastle Project News Releases --Radio see a/so Interviews Press and News Reporters Presa Comments Radio Radio and Television--Press Releases and Interviews Sullivan, Leonor K., Press Releases Sullivan, Leonor K., Publicity Newspaper Preservation Act Newspapers see a/so Pulitr;er, Joseph Freedom of the Press Nike Base see a/so Arms Control Nine One One see Emergency Telephone Number Nixon, Richard M see also Agnew, Spiro T . Immunity (Nixon) Impeachment Vice President Watergate Nixon, Richard M.- -Pardon, Against Nixon, Richard M.--Pardon, For Nixon, Richard M.--Transition Allowance No-Fault Insurance see Insurance--No- Fault Noise Control Act Nuclear Energy see a/so Atomic Energy Energy Crisis entries Panama Canal- - Nuclear Technology Nuclear Non- Proliferation Treaty see Foreign Affain-- Non- Proliferation Treaty Nuclear Weapons see a/su Arms Control Atomic Bomb--Fallout Shelters Atomic Energy Weapons Nuclear W capons--Radioactive Fallout see a/so Atomic Bombs--Fallout Shelters Nuclear Weapons- -Testing Nurse Training Ad see a/so Education--Nurses Medical Students Health Manpower Medical Schools Nurses see a/so Education--Nurses and Medical Students Nursin!{ Homes see also Housing--Elderly Aging Nut rition see a/so FDA--Diet Foods OEO FDA--Special Dietary Foods FDA--Vitamin Supplements Food Crisis ee Grants--OEO-- Missouri see also Poverty Program entries OSHA see Hazardous Occupational SafeLy and Health Act see a/so Occupational Safety and Health Administration Obscene Literature Obscenity Occupational Safety and Health Administration see a/ SO Hazardous Occupational Safety and Health Act O'Fallon Area see Housing--O'Fallon Office of Economic Opportunity see Granta--OEO--Miuouri see a/so Poverty ProiJ'am--Office of Economic Opportunity Office of Management and Budget see Management and Budget, Office of Office of Technology Alleaament see a/so Technology Aaaeasment Office Official Gazette-- List Oil lmporta see also Energy Crisis Oil Leases Foreign Affairs--Middle East Trade--Imports and Exports ee a/ 0 Elk Hills Oil Reserve En rgy Crisis Interior (Dept. of) - - Oil Shale Program Older Americans Act ee a/ o Aging Oliver, Judge Olympic Games Olympics Ombudsman Elderly- -Employment Opportunitiea Nation I Institute on Aging Select Committee on Aging see Housing--Ombudsman Omnibus Operation Breakthrough see Housing- - Operation Breakthrough Opportunity Camps see National Opportunity Campa Outer Continental Shelf Landa see a/ o Coaat Coa~tal Area~ Overseaa Private Investment Corporation Onrk Lead Company Onrka Regional Commisaion Ozone Protection Act Pow·. ee Foreign Affaira-- Vietnam P cemakers See Medical Device Amendments Pacific Air Routes ee a/ 0 Airlines Panama Canal- - Clipping• Panama Canal--Congressional Record Jnaerta Panama Canai--Corr apondence-Armatrong, Anthony Pan am a Canal--Correspondence--Flood, Daniel J Panama Canal--Correspondence--General Panama Canal Correspondence--Harman, Philip Panama Canal Correspondence- - Raymond , David Panama Canal--Daily Digest Panama Canal--Finance Panama Canal--Hearings Panama Canal--Inspection Visit Panama Canal-- Legislation Panama Canal--Legislative Correspondence Panama Canal--Living Conditions Panama Canal --Military Penonnel Panama Canal--Miscellaneous and Reports Panama Canal--Nuclear Technology see also Nuclear Energy Panama Canal- -Operations Panama Canal--Panama and Treaty Panama Canal--Sea Level Canal Study Commission-Correspondence Panama Canal--Sea Level Canal Study Commission--Legislation Panama Canal--Sea Level Canal Study Commission--Reports P anama Canal Tolla Pam- medica see Medical Emergency Transportation and Services Act P ara-quad Housing see Housing- -Para-quad P ardon of Richard Nixon see Nixon, Richard M. --Pardon Parks see a/so Conservation entries National Park Service P arochial Schools see Education- -Aid to Parochial Schools Passports Patents Peabody Area see Housing--Peabody--Clippings Peace Corpa see also National Service Corps Peace, Dept. of Penn Central Railroad ee Banking and Currency Committee--Penn Central P ension Plan Pension Reform Peru see Foreign Affain--Peru Pesticides see Environmental Pesticide Control Act of 1976 ee a/so FDA--Pesticide entries Pets see Household Peta Photograph Request see Sullivan, Leonor K.--Photograph Request Physicians--Malpractice ee Medical Malpractice Claims Settlement Assistance Act Poelker, J ohn H see also St. Louis--Mayor Poisons see a/ so- -Housing--Lead Poisoning Polio Vaccine see Health --P olio Vaccine Political Education, Committee On Politics see Missouri --State Politica see also St. Louis--Politics Women in Politics Pollution Sl!£' a/so Air Pollution Clean Air Act Solid Waste P ollution Water Pollution Pollution--Noise see Noise Control Act Pollution--Solid Waste see Solid Waste Pollution see also Air Pollution Water Pollution Poor People 's Campaign Pope John XX:IIl Population Crisis Committee see also Food Crisis Population Growth see also Birth Control Census Family Planning Food Crisis Immigration Sex Education Portraits--Presidents see Presidents' P ortraits Post Card Registration see a/so Election Reform--Post Card Registration Voter Registration Post-Dispatch see Pulitzer, Joseph Newspapers Post Office Closings Post Office Department Post Office Regulations Postage Increase Postal Boutiuqea see also Commemorative Stamps Postal Clippings Postal Legislation Postal Pay Raise Postal Rate Commission Postal Rates Postal Rates --REA Postal Reform Legislation Postal Reform Material Postal Reorganization and Salary Postal Service Adjustment Act see a/so Grants--Post Office-- St . Loui£ Postal Strike see also Strikes Postal Union Recognition see a/ so Labor Unions Potato Bill Poultry- - Application to Make St. Louis see a/ o Food Poultry Indemnity Bill Poultrr Inspection see a/. 0 Fish Inspection Meat Inspection Poverty Program- -Clippings Poverty Program--Day Care Center see also Poverty Program-- Head Start Centers Poverty Program- -St. Louis-Daycare St. Louis Day Care Poverty Program- - Foster Grandparents Poverty Program--General see also Housing--Low Income Poverty Program--Head Start Centers see a/so Poverty Program--Day Care Centers Poverty Program--St. Louis -Day Care Centers St. Louis Day Care Poverty Program--Human Development Corporation see also Poverty Program--St. Louis-Human Development Corp Poverty Program--Material Poverty Program--Micellaneous Poverty Program--National Summer Youth Program see also Poverty Program--Summer Youth Program Summer Youth Employment and Recreation Poverty Program--Office of Economic Opportunity see also Grants--OEO--Missouri Labor--Manpower Development and Training Manpower Poverty Program--Office of Economic Opportunity-Amendments Poverty Program--Office of Economic Opportunity--Cuts Poverty Program--St. Louis--Day Care see also Poverty Program--Day Care Centers Poverty Program- - Head Start Centers St. Louis Day Care Poverty Program--St. Louis Human Development Corporation see a/so St. Louis Human Development Corp. Poverty Program--St. Louis Job Corps Center see also Job Training Program Labor--Manpower Development and Training St. Louis Job Corps Center Poverty Program--St. Louis Small Business Development Center see also Banking and Currency-- Small Business Administration St. Louis--Small Business Administration Small Business Administration Poverty Program--St. Louis Workers Poverty Program--Summer Youth Programs see also Poverty Program--National Summer Youth Program Summer Youth Employment and Recreation Poverty Program--Total Bay Project Poverty Program- - VISTA Powell , Adam Clayton see also Congress--Scandala Prayer in School see Religion- - Prayer in School Preservatives see Food and Drug Adminislralion-- Preserv atives President Ford see Nixon, Richard M.--Pardon President Johnson see Johnson, Lyndon Baines President Kennedy see Kennedy, John Fihgerald President Nixon see Nixon, Richard M Presidential Pardon see Nixon, Richard M.,--Pardon Presidents' Portraits President.' Task Force on Low Income Housing see Housing--President'• Taak Force on Low Income Housing "Presidio 27" see also Armed Service• Press Comments see a/so Interviews News Releaaes --Radio Preas and News Reporters Sullivan, Leonor K.--Press Releases Sullivan, Leonor K.-- Reaction to Presidenti al Statements Press and News Reporters see a/ SO Interviews Price Freeze News Releases--Radio Press Comments Sullivan, Leonor K.-- Press Releases Sullivan, Leonor K.--Reaction to Presidental Statements see also Wage and Price Controls Prisoners of War See Foreign Affaire --Vietnam Prisons ee also Crime- - General Juvenile Deliquency Privacy See a/so Right to Financial Privacy Act Private Schools See Education--Aid to Private Schools Productivity See Banking and Currency Committee-National Commission on Productivity Protection of Independent Service Station Operators see also Energy entries Pruitt - Igoe See Housing--Public Housing-- Pruitt - lgoe Public Buildings see alSO Federal Buildings Public Health Service Hospitals see also Hospitals --Closing Public Housing See Housing--Public Housing Public Relations See also FDA--Cranberries Public Works see a/ 0 Local Public Works Capital Development and lnveatment Act Publications--Consumer Product Info See al 0 Consumer Product Information Bulletin Publications-- Family Fare Publications-- Packet for the Bride see a/so Consumer Interest --Miscellaneous Publications Request Publications Request for Seal Plaques Pueblo Affair see Foreign Affairs--Pueblo Puerto Rico see a/so Foreign Affaire--Puerto Rico Pulitzer, Joseph see also Newspapere Quality Education Study see also Education--Miscellaneous Queen Isabella Questionable Organizations see also Miscellaneous Organizations REA see Postal Rates--REA ROTC see Reserve Officere Training Program Radiation Treatment see Medical Insurance for Radiation Treatment Radio see a/ SO Communications Equal Time Federal Communications Commission Freedom of the Press News Releases- -Radio Sullivan, Leonor K.--Publicity Radio and Television--Clippings Radio and Television Correspondence Radio and Television Editorials see a/so Housing--KMOX Editorials Radio and Television--Harry Flannery Radio and Television--Press Releases and Interviews see also Sullivan, Leonor K.--Press Releases News Releases--Radio Radio and Television--Broadcasts which Demean Radio Station KWK Radioactive Fallout see Nuclear Weapons-- Radioactive Fallout Rail pax Railpax--Material and Information Railroad Brotherhoods and Organizations see a/ SO Railroad Strikes Railroads--Shopcraft Unions Strikes Unions Railroad Legislation see also Banking and Currency Committee-Penn Central Missouri-Kansas and Texas RR Railroad Passenger Service ee a/so Railroads--Discontinuance of Passenger Trains Railroads-- Rail fax/ Amtrak Railroad Retirement Legislation Railroad Safety Railroad Strikes see a/so Railroad Brotherhoods and Organizations Railroads- -Strikes Strikes Railroads see Miuouri-Kanau Texas RR see also Bankinc and Currency CommiLLee-Penn Central Rock Island Railroad Railroads--Discontinuance of Paasanger Tram Serv1ce see also Railroad P aaaencer Service Railroad•-- Rail pax/ Amtrak Railroads--Emercency Rail T ransportation Improvement and Employment Act Railroada--Railpax/ Amtrak see also Railpax Railroad P aaaenger Service Railroada--Discontinuance of Passenger T rain Service Railroads- - Strikea see also Railroad Brotherhoods and Organir.ations Railroad Strikes Strikes Unions Railroads - -Sbopcraft Unions see also Labor Rat Cont rol R ilroad Brotherhoods and Organir.ations Uniona Strike• see a/ 0 St. Louis Rat Control Raymond, David see Panama Canal - - Correspondence -Raymond, David Recipes Recreat ion ee a/ SO Boating Recycling Waste ee also Conservation --Misc. Red China Energy Conservation Solid Wute Pollution See Foreicn Affai re -- Red China Redistricting See a/so Missouri --Redist ricting Redwood National Parka see Conservation Redwood Nat ional P ark Referrals Regulat ion Q see Banking and Currency Commission -Citicorp Rehabilit ation See Housing- - Rehabilitation See a/so Housinc- -Operation Rehab Housing- - Rock Springs Rehabilitation Association Religion Religion -- Prayer in School Renegotiation Act of 1951 Rent Strikes see Housing--P ublic Housing--Rent Strike Rent Supplements See Housing--Rent Supplements Reorganir.ation P rogram Re-- Pricing Commodities ee a/so Commodity Exchange Act Commodity Futures Republic of China See For ign Affairs-- Republic of China Republican National Convention Reserve Officers Training Program Resignations Retirement :;ee Military Retirement see a/so Railroad Retirement Legislation Revenue Sharing see a/so Urban Affairs Revenue Sharing Information Rhodesia see Foreign Affairs- - Rhodesia Richards- -Gebaur Air Force Base see a/ SO Air Force Re.location to Scott AFB Rice see Agriculture--Rice Bill Right to Food Resolut ion see a/so Food Crisis Hunger and Malnutrition Right to Financial Privacy Act see a/so Consumer Credit Financial Disclosure Privacy Right to Work ee a/ ·o Labor Legislation Riots see Crime- -Riots ee a/so Housing--Insurance --Riots Rivers ee Floods Missouri--Flood National Flood Insurance Program Robinson- -Patman Act see a/ 0 Anti--Trust Laws Rock Island Railroad Rock Spring Rehabilitation Association see Housing--Rock Springs Rehabilitation Association Roth Study see Grants- -Roth Study Rural Development Act Rural Electr ification Administration Russia ·ee Foreign Affairs- - Soviet Union SALT Safe Drinking Water Act Safety - -Highway see Highway Safety Safety- -Railroad see Rai lroad Safety Sailors see Harry Lundeberg School see a/so Maritime Academies Saint Elizabeth Seton see National Saint Elir.abeth Seton Day St . Joesph 's Hospital St . Louis A-Me St . Louis My-Z Saint Louis St . Louis - -Airport see a/ 0 Airports St . Louis - -Arch see J effe rson National Expansion Memorial St. Louis- -Aldermanic Affairs St. Louis Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women see Council of Catholic Women St. Louis Area Council of Governments St . Louis--Banking see Banking and Currency--St. Louia Banking St . Louis Beautification Commia1ion St. Louis Bicentennial St. Louis--Bi-State Development Agency St. Louis--Bi-State Re(ional Medical Program St. Louis Board of Aldermen St. Louis Board of Education St. Louis- -Board of Education- -Property at 4100 Forest Park Ave St. Louis- -Board of Election Commiasioners St. Louis--Boards of Directors of Local St. Louis Bridges St. Louis Cardinal• Companies St. Louis - -Challenge of the 70's St. Louis - -City- County Consolidation St. Louis- -City Employees St. Louia--Civil Defenae St. Louis- - Clippings St. Louis--Comptroller's Report St. Louis- -Consumer Affairs Board see also Conaumer St. Louis Consumer Federation St . Louis Convention Center St. Louis Convention Piasa Land St. Louis - - Coroner St . Louis County St. Louis County- - Clippings St. Louis Courthouse St. Louis Day Care ee a/ 0 Poverty Program- -Day Care Centers Poverty Program- -Head Start Center Poverty Program--St. Louis Day Care St. Louis - -Dea Perea Project St. Louis--Downtown St . Louis - -East - West Gateway Coordinating Council see East - West Gateway Coordinating Council St. Louis--Federal Building St. Louis-- Federal Building- -Clippings St . Louis --Gateway Army Ammunition St. Louis--Grants see Grants- - Entries Plant St. Louis--Health & Welfare Council see Health & Welfare Council of Greater St. Louia St. Louis--Highwaya See a/so Highway through St. Louis Martin Luther King Bridge St . Louis Housing see Housing- - St . Louis entries St. Louis Housing and Land Clearance Authroity ·ee Housing-- St. Louis and Land Clearance Authority St . Lou1s Housing Code Enforcement See Housing--St . Louis Code Enforcement St . Louis Housing Plan see Housing- -St . Louis Housing Plan St. Louis Human Development Corporation see Poverty Program--St . Louis Human Development Corp. ee a/ 0 Poverty Program- -Human Development Corp. St. Louis Independent Packing Company see Meat Inspection--St . Louis Independent Packing Company St. Louis- - Indian Cultural Center St. Louis--Jefferson National Expansion Memorial see Jefferson National Expansion Memorial St. Louis Jobs Corps Center see also Job Training Program Labor--Manpower Development and Training Poverty Program--St. Louis Jobs Corps Center St. Louis--Labor Relations--St. Louis Plan St. Louis Layoffs St. Louis Levee St. Louis- -Mansion House see Mansion House St. Louis--Mayor see also Poelker, John H St. Louis- -Mayor- -Clippings St. Louis--Mayor's Council on Youth St. Louis --Municipal Opera St . Louis--National Museum St. Louis--National Park System St . Louis- -Old Post Office Building see a/so St. Louis Federal Building St. Louis Ordinance Plant see a/so St. Louis--Gateway Army Ammunition St. Louis--Parks St . Louis--Police St . Louis--Politics see a/so Missouri- -State Politics Women in Politics St . Louis --Port St. Louis--Port--Clippings St. Louis - -Port--Correspondence St. Louis Post- -Dispatch see Pulitr;er, Joseph Newspaper St . Louis Post Office--Curtailment of Service St . Louis--Post Office Discontinuance of Railway Post Office Service St . Louis Post Office--Operations see also Grants--Post Office--St. Louis St. Louis Post Office--Postal Data Center St . Louis --Poverty Program see Poverty Program--St. Louis entries St. Louis Public Service Employment St . Louis Rat Control see also Rat Control St. Louis Regional Industrial Development Corp. St . Louis Residential Manpower Center St . Louis--Revenue Sharing ee a/so Reven'ue Sharing St. Louis- -Savings and Loan Associations ee a/ so Banking and Currency Committee-Savings and Loan St. Louis School Lists St. Louis School Tax St . Louis Senior Citizens see also Elderly St . Louis -- Small Business Administration see a/so Banking and Currency--Small Business Administration Poverty Program--St. Louis Small Business Development Center Small Business Administr:oL1on St. Louis--Solomon Rooks St. Louis--Symphony St. Louis- - Union Station St. Louis--U.S. Army St. Louis--U.S. Army--Automates Logistics Management Agency St. Louis--U.S. Army Aviation Research Center St. Louis--U.S. Army Aviation Systems Command St. Louis--U.S. Army Corps of Engineers see also Flood Control Flood Protection Project St. Louis U.S. Army Corps of Engineers-Correspondence St. Louis U.S. Army Corps of Engineers- Newsletters St. Louis--U.S. Army Corps of Engineers-North St. Louis Harbor St. Louis--U.S. Army Corps of Engineers-Installations St. Louis--U.S. Army Corps of Engineers-Material Command St. Louis- - U.S. Army Mobility Equipment Center St. Louis--U.S. Army Publications Center St. Louis--U.S. Army Reserve St. Louis- - U.S. Army Support Center St. Louis- - U.S. Department of Agriculture Laboratory St. Louis--U.S. Medical Laboratory St. Louis--U.S. Military Installations St. Louis--U.S. Military Personnel Record Center St. Louis Records Center St. Louis University St. Louis University--Agency for International Development St. Louis University--Commemorative Stamp St. Louis University--Fordyce Conference St. Louis University--Grants see Grants- -HEW- - St. Louis University see al 0 Grants--Many Sources--St. Louis University St. Louis University Medical School St. Louis University--One Hundred Fiftieth Anniverary of Its Founding- -Resolution St. Louis University - - Scott Shipe Case St. Louis Witholding Tax Sales Representative Protection Act Salk Vaccine see Health--Polio--Vaccine Savings and Loan Companies see Banking and Currency Committee-Savings and Loan ee a/so Housing--Savings and Loan Scholarships and Fellowships School Lunch Program see also Education--Food and Nutrition Program School Milk Program see a/so Education--Food and Nutrition School Students Schools Program see a/ o Education entries Schools--Chrisiian Brothers ROTC Program Schools--Clippings see also Education--Clippings Schools--College Debate Topic Schools--Exchange Students Schools- -Grants see Grants--HEW- -Public Schools--High School Debate Topic Schools- - Integration see Integration Schools--Junior College District School Prayer see Religion --Prayer in Schools Schoir Investigation Scullin Steel Sea Level Canal see P anama Canal--Sea Level Canal Study Commission Seals see Publications Request for Seal Plaques Secret Service Securities Securities and Exchange Commission Security Assistance and Arms Export Control Act Security Contract Guards Select Committee on Aging see also National Institute on Aging Older Americana Act Select Committee on Intelligence Select Committee to Investigate Assaainations Select Committee to Investigate Missing in Action see also Foreign Affairs--Vietnam Select Committee to Reform Congress see also Congress Selective Service Separation of Presidential Powers Series E Bonds Sesquicentennial of Missouri see Missouri--Sesquicentennial Seaton, Elizabeth see National Saint Elizabeth Seton Day Seven Day War see Foreign Affairs--Israel-Arab War Sex Education see also Birth Control Family Planning Illegitimacy Population Growth Shoe Imports Shoe Workers Silver . see Banking and Currency Committee- Silver Situs Picketing Against Situs Picketing For "Slug" Law see a/so Banking and Currency Coins Small Boat Owners see a/ so Boats Small Business Administration . see also Banking and Currency ~ommlttee-Small Buamess National Federation of Independent Business Poverty Program--St. Louis Small Business Devl. Center St. Louis- -Small Busm h Administration Smnll Businese Growth and Job Creation Act Smithsonian Snoapers Sonp see Food and Drug Admini1tration--Soap Soccer Team Social & Rehabilitation Services Social Security--ADC Social Security--Amendments Social Security--Benefits at Age 72 Social Security--Deduction for Education Social Security--Dis bility Social Security--Divorced Widows Social Security--Earning Limitations Social Security- - Equipment Rental & Purchase Social Security--General Social Security- - Health Insurance Social Security--Hospitallnaurance see also Social Security--Medicaid Social Security- - Include Qualified Drugs Social Security- - Increased Benefits Social Security-- Derr--Milla Social Security- -King/ Anderson Social Security- - Legislation Social Security Legislation--ADC Social Security-- Limitations on Earnings Social Security--Material and Reports Social Security--Medicaid see also Socinl Security- - Hospital Insurance Social Security--Medicare Social Security- - Medicare- -Clippings Social Security- -Medicare- -Coverage of Cancer Test Social Security- - Medicare for Physicians Social Security--Medicare-- Independent Laboratoriea Social Security- - Medicare- -Newaletter from HEW Social Security- - Medicare--Nursing Homes see a/so Nursing Homes Social Security--Medic re--Optometric and Medical Vision Care Soci al Security- -Medicare- -Profeseional Standards Review Organization Social Security- -Medicare- - Prescription Drugs Social Security--Medicare Reform Act Social Security- -Miniaters Social Security--Old Age Assistance Social Security--Old Age Insurance Social Security--Petitions Social Security Programs Social Security -- Proof of Age Social Security--Public As1istance see a/so Welfare Social Security --Reader'• Digest Soci al Security --Reducing Age Limit Social Security--Retirement at 62 Social Security--Supplementary Benefits Social Security--Widow'a Benefit• Social Service Regulations Soft Drink lnduatry Solar Energy Information Solar Heating Legislation Solid Waate Pollution see also Air Pollution Soula.rd Area Pollution Recycling Wute Water Pollution ee Housing-- Soulard Area South St. Louis see Housing--South Broadway see a/so Housing--South Side Soviet Jews--Foreign Affairs Soviet Union see Foreign Affairs--Soviet Union Space--Apollo 11 Space- - Apollo 13 Space Program see a/so Aeronautics and Space National Aeronautics and Space Act Space Program-- Russian Spanish Pavilion Special Prosecutor Spending Ceiling Sports Stamps ee Commemorative Stamps Postage lncreaae Postal Boutique Stamps, Food see Food Stamp Plan State, Dept. of ee also Kissinger, Henry State Department Authorization Bill State Dept.--Danny the Red's . . . Stockpile Strikes see also Housing-- Public Housing- - Rent Stip Mining Strontium 90 Strikes Labor Entries Postal Strike Railroad Brotherhoods and Organizations Railroads- -Strikes Taft-Hartley Billa see Drugs, Strontium 90 Student Loans see Education -- College Loan Program see a/ so Education- -Student Aid Bill Student Militants see Militants Subsidy Programs Sugar Act Sullivan, Leonor K.--Appointmenta Sullivan, Leonor K.--Billa Sullivan, Leonor K.--Conferee Appointments Sullivan, Leonor K.--Congressional Record Items Sullivan, Leonor K.- -Dura Letter Sullivan, Leonor K.--Election Material Sullivan, Leonor K.--House Subcommittees Sullivan, Leonor K.--lnterviews Sullivan, Leonor K.--lnvitations see Invitations Sullivan, Leonor K. - -Letters Sent in Multiple Copies Sullivan, Leonor K. --Letters to Other Members of Congress Sullivan, Leonor K.-- &en Sullivan, Leonor K.--Oftlce AdmiaiHra&ioa Sulliv n, Leonor K.--P Req t SullivM, Leonor K - -Por&raU Sullivan, Leonor K.- -P ~ Jg(IU see also Praa and • lleponen PreMCommeau Radio aad Televiaion --P . a.~a . aad lntervie a Sulliv n, Leonor K.--P.- Rele UNil-66 Sullivan, Leonor K.--P.- lUI•- Ul67-72 Sullivan, Leonor K -- P.- 1•- UI73- Sullivan, Leonor K.--PubllcitJ see also e • Rele --Radio Radio Sullivan, Leonor K.--Qu.UOnn.U. Sullivan, Leonor K.--R.edpee see Recipea Sulliv n, Leonor K.--Rerernb see Referrala Sullivan, Leonor K.--Scholanhip A arcl Sullivan, Leonor K.--Reaction ~ Presidential St tementa see a/ 0 Praa Commenta Preu and e 1 Reporters Sulhv n, Leonor K --Speech Inform tion R.equ . t Sullivan, Leonor K --Speech., Sulliv n, Leonor K --Speech., on the Floor ol the House Sullivan, Leonor K.--Speech., to Outaide Groupa Sullivan, Leonor K.--Tatimony Before CommiuSuJUvan, Leonor K.--Tributa Upon Retirement Sullivan, Leonor K.--Votinc Record See a/ 0 Foreicn Afrain--Vietnam- -Mn. Sullivan'• Voting Record Sullivllll, Leonor K.--Workinc Woman of the Year Award Summer Youth Employment and Recre tton see a/ 0 Poverty Program--National Summer Sun T n Lotion Youth Procram ee Food and Drug Adminiatration--Sun Sunshine Bill Tan Lotion See a/so Freedom of Information Act Superaonic Tranaport Supplemental Security Income Supreme Court see a/ o Impeachment (J uatice Douglu) Judiciary Surplua Property Swiss B nk Account. .see Banking and Currency- -Swiu Bank Account• Synthettc Fuela Loan Guarantee Bill Tart-Hartly Ad Taft -Hartly Billa see Strikea Tariffa Tariffa -- Canadian Tar~ffa -- Koken Comp niea, Inc. Tanff•--Reciprocal Trade Tariffa- -Shoe Import. Tariffa- -Shoe lmporta Congreaaion I Record lnHrtl and Background M teriala Tax IUbate ee a/ o Internal Revenue Service Tax a.duction Ad Tax Reform T:.x nerorm Correapondence Tax IUform- -Material Tax Study Legialation Taxa- -Airline Taxa--Airport Taxa--City Eaminp Tax Taxa- -Clippinp Taxa--Deduction for Dependent. Taxa--Deduction of Education of Dependents .)ee a/so Education--Tax Deduction for Education Taxea--Dividenda Taxea--Eatate Taxea--Exciae Taxea--Excise Can Taxes-- Excise Handbap Taxea- -Exise- -Truckl Taxe•·-Gu Taxea--Gu and Oil Depletion TI\Xet--Home Owners Tax Deductions Taxn-- lncome Taxa- -Single Persons Taxes-- Income Taxa Taxes-- Inspection of Tax Returns Taxes- - lnve•tment Tax Credit Taxn- -Mi•cellaneou• Taxes- -Municipal Bonds Taxes--Prnidential Election Campaign Taxn- -Self-Employed Person Taxe1--State Taxation of Interstate Commerce Taxes- -Surtax Taxes--Transportation of Household Goods Teachera Corps ee Education--Teacher'• Corps Teacher '• Ret irement Teamsters Teamsters- -Monitorship Teamsters - -Strike• Technology Asseament Office see a/ SO Office of Technology Aueasment Telecommunication• ee a/ o Communication• Telephone Rates Television ee a/ so Communications Equal Time Federal Communications Commi1sion Freedom of the Preas Televiaion and Radio Programa Television--CBS-- Selling of the Pentagon Televi1ion-- Education Television --Educational Television--KTVI Ten Park• Improvement Auociation see Housing--Ten Park Improvement Aaaociation Tennants' Organization see Hou•ing-- National Tennenta' Organization Thailidomide see Drugs, Thalidomide Thanks Youa Thomas J efreraon Day Till, Emmet Timber Supply see a/ o Lumber Lumber PreaervaLion Le(ialalion Total Boy Project see Poverty Program--Total Boy Program Tourism-- Legislation Town House Project see Housing- -T own Houae Project-Clipping Toxic Substances Control Act Trade--Imports and Exports ee a/ 0 Fair Trade Trade Bill International Trade Commiuion Oillmporta Trade- - Import/Export Clippinp Trade--Import/Export Rhodnian Chrome Trade Reform Act Trade--Shoe Import Trading Stamps Transit- - Bi- State ee a/ SO Bus Services Transit- - Bi-State Meeting Transit --Mass Transit- -Maaa- - St. Louis Transition Allowance for Rich rd Nixon see Nixon, Rich rd M.--Transition Allowance Transportation see a/so Grants-- Dept. of Transportation-St. Louis Transportation, Dept. of-- Proposed Regulations see a/ 0 Har;ardous Material Transportation Trust Fund Transportation- -Miscellaneous Treasury Treasury Bonds Troublemakers Truck Bill Trout See Food and Drug Administration--Trout Truman , Harry S.--Medal of Honor Truman, Harry S.--Memorial Scholarship Fund Turkey See Foreign Affai rs--T urkey Turnkey Projects see Housing--Cabanne T urnkey Project see also Housing--Forest Park Blvd Turnkey Project Housing--Turnkey Projects Twelfth and Park Area see Housing--Twel fth and P ark Unemployment 1.'1! also Employment Health Insurance for the Unemployed Learning Business Centers • Unemployment Compenaation see a[ 0 Emerg ncy Unemployment Compenaation Aesistance Unemployment Compensation Form Letter and Material Unidentified Flyinc Objecta Union Electric Company See a/ 0 Lifeline Rate Act Union - Sarah Area see Housing- - Union- Sarah Unions ~l'e a/so Labor Entriee United Nations Poetal Union Recognition Railroad Brotherhoods and Organisations Railroads- -Strikes Railroads--Shopcrart Unions see Foreign Affairs- - United Nations United Nations--Reception United States- - Dept. of Agriculture U.S. Forces Oversea& United States Information Agency United Steel Workers of America University of Missouri see Missouri- - University Upper Missippi River Baain Commission see a/so Conservation--Upper Missisaippi River National Recreation Area Flood Control Upward Bound see Education-- Upward Bound Urban Affairs see a/ 0 City Planning Revenue Sharing Urban Coalition Urban League Training Program Urban Renewal ee Housing- -Urban Renewal see also Housing--Rehabilitation USS Pueblo see Foreign Affairs--Pueblo Utility Regulation ee Lifeline Rate Act Utility Loans see Emergency Utility Loans VISTA see Poverty Program--VISTA Vaporir;ers see Food and Drug Administration-- Vaporir;ers Varnish see Food and Drug Administration--Varnish Vaughn Area see Housing--Vaughn Area Veteran 's Administration see also Jewish War Vetrans Veterans ' Administration- - St. Louis Regional Office Veterans ' Benefits--Miscellaneous Veterans' Day Veterans' Employment Legislation Veterans--GI Bill Veterans --General Veterans Hospitals Veterans Hospitals --Closing Veterans Hospital-- Cochran Veterans Hospital- - Cochran--Admissions Waiting List Veterans Hospitals- - Consolidation of Outpatient Clinic Veterans of Foreign Wars see Veterans ' Organisations Veterans Hospitala--Harry S. Truman Memorial Hospital Veterans Hospitals--Jefferson Barracks Veterans Hospitala--Jeffenon Barracks- Admissions Waiting List Ve ~erana Hoapitala- -Miacellaneoua Veterana' Hoapitali- - Nunin& Horne Care for V eteran• Veterans--St. Louia Conaolidation Veterana' - - Houainc Ve ~erans '-- Lecialation Veteran• - -Military Retirement Veterans-- National Cemeteriea see also Jefferaon Barraclu Veterans-- National Life lnauranee Service Veterans Orcanir.ationa Veterana Penaiona Veterans P naiona- - Miacellaneoua Veterans Pensiona- -Spaniah American War Widowa Veterans Penaiona--War Widowa Veterans Pensiona- -World War I Vice President see a/ SO Agnew, Spiro Nixon, Richard M. Vietnam see Foreign Affain- -Vietnam Vietnam--Miaaing in Action Vietnam--Prisionen of War see also Foreign Mfain Villa de Ville see Houaing-- Villa de Ville Vitamin Supplement• see Food and Drug Adminiatration -- Vitamin Supplement• Vocational Education see also Education--Residential Vocational Education Education- - Vocational Education Vocational Rehabilitation Voter Registration see also Election Reform--Post Card Voters Registration Federal Voting Assistance Program See also League of Women Voters Voting Age Voting Rights Act see also Election Reform Wage and Price Controls see also Minimun Wage Price Freer:e War Claims War Claims--Foreign War Insurance War Powers War Protest see Foreign Mfain--Vietnam see a/so F oreign Affaira--Cambodia Washington D.C. see District of Columbia Washington University see also Grants--HEW--Washington D.C. Grants--Many Sources-Washington University Washington University Medical Center see Housing--Washington University Medical Center Water see also Food and Drug Administration -Water Water Diveraion of the Misaiuippi River to Texas Water Flouridation :,ee Flouridation of Water Water Pollution see a/so Air Pollution Pollution Solid Waste Pollution Water Pollution Laboratory Water Resources Planning Act see Conservation--Water Resources Water,ate ee at so Nixon, Richard M Waterway User Changes see a/so Lock and Dam 26 Weapons see Arms Control see also Disarmament Nerve Gas Nuclear Weapons Nuclear Weapons--Testing Weather Weatherir.ation Assistance Act Welfare see also F amily Assistance Health and Welfare Council of Greater St . Louis Welfare-- Clippings ee also Family Assistance Material and Clippings Welfare--Family Support see also Family Assistance Act Wellston, MO see Housing--Wellston West End see Housing- -West End West Pine Apartments see Housing--West Pine Apartments Wheat Research and Promotion White House Conference on Aging White House Conference on Children White House Releases by President Wild Rivers Bill see Conservation--Wild Riven Wilderness see Conservation-- Wilderness Wire T apping and Bugging see also Internal Security Women see also Advisory Council on Women's Educational Programs Anthony, Susan B. Insurance Coverage for Women League of Women Voters Minority Groups National Center for Women Women--Clippings Women- - Commissions on the Status of Women Women- -Employment Opportunities see also Equal Employment Equal Pay for Equal Work Women--Equal Rights Amendment see also Civil Rights--Equality for Women Women--Equal Rights--Clippings Women- - Equal Rights- - Congressional Material Women- - Equal Rights--Correspondence Women - - Equal Rights--Material Women--Higher Education Women in Military Academies Women in Politics see also Campaign Conference for Democn&ic Women Miaouri- -Sta&e Poli\ica St. Louia--Politica Women in Politica--Requ.ta for Jnfonnation Women in Public Service Women--Jnaurance see Jnaurance Covenc• for Women Women--International Women'• Year Women--Media Editorall and Repli• Women--Neweletten Women--Orcaniaatione see also Bueineu and Prof-ional Women'• Club Council of Catholic Women Workmen'• Compeneation Lawa see Labor- - Workmen'• Compeneation Lawa World Affaire Council World Federation Y oun1 Adult Coneervation Corpe Youn, American• for Freedom Youn& Democrat. of St. Louia Youth Affain see a/so Metropolitan Youth Commiuion Youth Appreciation Week Youth Camp Safety Act Youth Opportunity Unlimited 220-002738559 sro
[spa] La promoción de la autonomía personal, se establece como elemento clave para garantizar el envejecimiento activo. La familia es a menudo el sistema social encargado de atender a los adultos mayores cuando estos no pueden valerse por sí mismos; proporciona vínculos afectivos, relacionales y emocionales necesarios para garantizar el bienestar del adulto mayor. Para garantizar la calidad de vida en el adulto mayor, se deberán considerar tanto las atenciones a su salud, como las atenciones que faciliten el mantenimiento de la estabilidad familiar. Es por ello, por lo que este sistema, requerirá de habilidades relacionales y sociales que les permitan afrontar con éxito los cambios del envejecimiento; cambios que impactarán sobre la convivencia, las relaciones entre sus miembros y sobre cada uno de los miembros en sí. Para apoyar a las personas y familias a que mantengan un papel activo en la promoción de la autonomía y de la salud de sus miembros, se enfatizará en el empoderamiento, proceso por el cual se alienta a desarrollar las habilidades de cuidado individual, familiar y social. En este sentido, los estilos de afrontamiento adaptativo, han demostrado ser el motor de mejora de la adaptabilidad a los cambios del envejecimiento, posibilitar la adecuada gestión de conflictos y potenciar la resiliencia familiar. Los programas de competencias familiares basados en la evidencia han demostrado ser una estrategia eficaz y efectiva para desarrollar las habilidades de relación familiar promotoras de la resiliencia. No obstante, entre los principales puntos débiles para la eficacia de la implementación de este tipo de programas, se identifican las dificultades para mantener la implicación familiar a lo largo del proceso; se refiere tanto a las dificultades para la captación y retención familiar al inicio del proceso, para el mantenimiento del compromiso familiar a lo largo de las sesiones y de las dificultades para salvar las barreras para la participación. Esta tesis doctoral nace en el marco del Proyecto de Investigación "Validación del Programa de Competencia Familiar Universal 10-14 en España (EDU2016-79235-R - I+D relativa a las Ciencias Sociales financiada con FGU)". La presente tesis doctoral se dirigió, inicialmente a evaluar cuáles son las técnicas que dan mejores resultados de adherencia al programa, en respuesta al objetivo 4 del Proyecto de Investigación que se operativiza en "Evaluar la adherencia de las familias participantes, a lo largo de las sesiones que componen el programa". Dado que la evidencia indica que el trabajo sobre las habilidades de comunicación, habilidades sociales, las estrategias de afrontamiento familiar, las competencias en cuidadores y adultos mayores relacionadas con los cuidados eficaces, la autoestima u autoeficacia, entre otras destrezas sobre las que trabaja el Programa de Competencia Familiar, promueven la autonomía y ayudan a prevenir las situaciones de dependencia, se decidió realizar una adaptación de sus contenidos, pues el Programa de Competencia Familiar, se orienta a la intervención socioeducativa con y entre progenitores y menores de edad. Hasta el momento no se había definido una intervención socioeducativa que permitiera el trabajo preventivo de potenciales dinámicas familiares disfuncionales vinculadas a la aparición de situaciones de dependencia y cronicidad. Las versiones anteriores del Programa de Competencia Familiar han demostrado su eficacia a largo plazo en los principales factores que componen la dinámica familiar positiva (resiliencia, comunicación, organización y cohesión familiar, disciplina positiva y otros factores) (Orte et al., 2015) y dadas las variables sobre las que trabaja, las características - práctica basada en la evidencia- y las evidencias siguientes: 1. La relación entre la carencia de apoyo social y familiar, de relaciones sociales, problemas de comunicación y la influencia del entorno sobre los procesos de pérdida de autonomía y aceleración del adelanto hacia formas de dependencia severa. 2. La carencia de garantía del derecho recogido al artículo 1 de la Ley 39/2006, de disponer de recursos de promoción de autonomía y la carencia de atención a las recomendaciones nacionales e internacionales en cuanto al envejecimiento activo. Se procedió a adaptar el Programa de Competencia Familiar dados sus resultados probados en la mejora de las estrategias de afrontamiento familiar, la mejora de las dinámicas familiares y de los factores de protección tanto familiar como individual en cada uno de sus miembros. El Programa de Competencia Familiar Universal-Auto se diseñó en torno a las mismas herramientas y estructura que el Programa de Competencia Universal. Se tomó como referencia el mismo objetivo genérico - trabajar sobre las pautas de comunicación y de relación familiar-, aunque con un objetivo final diferente: lograr promover las dinámicas familiares que permitan un funcionamiento óptimo de cada uno de sus miembros, en su caso, para promover el envejecimiento activo. Mediante un conjunto de intervenciones socioeducativas aplicadas en el ámbito familiar, se promueve la permanencia de la persona en situación de dependencia en su entorno familiar bajo condiciones de bienestar y calidad de vida. Además, se refuerzan las medidas de prevención primaria y secundaria de las situaciones de dependencia al dirigirse a familias con adultos mayores sin dependencia o con síntomas incipientes de la misma. Se diseñó el programa y sus materiales, se formó a un conjunto de trabajadoras sociales del Plan Individual de Atención (PIA) de la Fundació d'Atenció i Suport a la Dependència i de Promoció de l'Autonomia Personal de la Direcció General de Dependència del Govern Balear, para su implementación y se aplicó, en 2019 sobre una muestra de 75 familias de diferentes espacios territoriales de Palma de Mallorca. Se inició un segundo pilotaje en 2020, nuevamente sobre una muestra de 75 familias, que tuvo que verse interrumpido a raíz de la declaración del estado de alarma por la COVID-19, el 14 de marzo de 2020. El estudio contó con un diseño cuasi-experimental con evaluaciones pre-post de los participantes en el programa. Los instrumentos de medición de los efectos del programa sobre las familias objeto de estudio e intervención, se realizó mediante cuestionarios validados para su aplicación sobre dicha población. Se adaptaron a las características de la población objeto de investigación y, previo al inicio del programa se informó a los participantes sobre sus derechos y se les facilitó una hoja de consentimiento informado. Específicamente los instrumentos fueron: el Cuestionario de Pfeiffer, para identificar los síntomas de demencia no diagnosticados en cribaje inicial, la Escala de Recursos Sociales (OARS), para evaluar los niveles de apoyo social, el Cuestionario de Función Familiar (APGAR) para evaluar la dinámica y funcionamiento familiar, el Cuestionario de Calidad de Vida en la Vejez en los Diferentes Contextos, para evaluar los niveles de calidad de vida de las personas mayores participantes, la Escala de Depresión Geriátrica – Test de Yesavage, para evaluar los niveles de depresión en adultos mayores, los Cuestionarios de satisfacción de participantes, para evaluar el nivel de satisfacción de las familias con los contenidos, formadores y resultados del programa y el Cuestionario de evaluación y seguimiento para que las formadoras pudieran evaluar la idoneidad de los contenidos del programa para su implementación y evolución de los participantes en cada una de las sesiones. Se rediseñaron los instrumentos de evaluación, preparando un único cuestionario con las principales informaciones y escalas de evaluación de resultados, adaptando las informaciones a sus destinatarios y con las medidas de evaluación pertinentes para cada colectivo de evaluación, formando un cuestionario para familiares, uno para adultos mayores, un cuestionario de evaluación de progreso de los participantes, un cuestionario de evaluación de las sesiones de las familias, un cuestionario para evaluar las sesiones de cuidadoras, otro para la evaluación de las sesiones de adultos mayores y un cuestionario de satisfacción. El análisis de los datos cuantitativos se centró en los resultados de los factores y escalas considerados para cada uno de los instrumentos, de acuerdo con las hipótesis de la investigación. El análisis se realizó con SPSS 25. Se realizó un análisis descriptivo de cada una de las escalas consideradas, de acuerdo con los protocolos establecidos por instrumento, estableciendo los resultados grupales y diferenciando los resultados por variable. Se realizó un análisis de diferencias de medias (t-test) y pruebas no paramétricas (U de Mann- Whitney), comprobando diferencias (pre-post, entre grupo cuasi-experimental y control y la variable sexo mediante comprobaciones basadas en el análisis de varianza: MANOVA), reproduciendo la secuencia de análisis para cada una de las etapas de toma de datos. Por otro lado, se analizaron los resultados de las estrategias de captación, identificadas en las revisiones sistemáticas y aplicadas en el primer pilotaje de PCF-Auto, el análisis de la adherencia, mediante el control de la asistencia y la participación, analizando el seguimiento de las indicaciones y recursos conductuales introducidos por el programa, mediante el seguimiento de las recomendaciones por parte de los participantes a corto y medio plazo, se analizó la fidelidad de las formadoras en la aplicación del programa, y se analizó la valoración del programa y la satisfacción participante. Se contrastaron las hipótesis iniciales por medio del estudio de las variables dependientes, según el resto de variables consideradas, realizando un estudio individual y relacional de las variables explicativas. Los resultados muestran la consecución adecuada de la validación del contenido del programa, aunque se requieren ciertas modificaciones identificadas en las evaluaciones. La evaluación de la eficacia del programa en la evitación o retraso de riesgos muestra ser positiva en las diferentes áreas de relación evaluadas, aunque estadísticamente significativa (p<0.05) en algunas de ellas. En relación a la eficacia del programa en el desarrollo de competencias familiares y de relación social, se identifica también una mejora estadísticamente significativa en las escalas APGAR y OARS relativas a la relación y apoyo social. Se observan mejoras en los resultados de la escala de cohesión familiar, aunque se requiere la ampliación de los tiempos en los que se imparten los contenidos de la sesión 3 para mejorar la asimilación de los contenidos relativos a la cohesión familiar. También se identifica una mejora de los recursos de afrontamiento familiar, fundamentales para mejorar la autonomía de sus miembros. Estos resultados son evaluados por la escala de resiliencia, la cual muestra cambios estadísticamente significativos (p<0.05). Los resultados de la adherencia no fueron positivos dado que se perdió aproximadamente el 50% de la muestra tras la primera sesión. Es probable que como se indican entre los cambios recomendados por los formadores, se requiera que las Trabajadoras Sociales citen a domicilio a los potenciales participantes para facilitar los cuestionarios previamente a dar inicio al programa. En la primera sesión los participantes mostraron síntomas de cansancio al tener que rellenar los cuestionarios de evaluación pre, requiriendo aproximadamente 1 hora para realizarlos. Muchos de ellos mostraban carencia de destrezas de lectura y escritura y requerían que los formadores dedicaran un tiempo exclusivo para cada uno de los participantes, lo que supuso problemas luego para poder dar exitosamente los contenidos necesarios a impartir en la sesión 0. Otro problema identificado en cuanto a la citación telefónica fue el hecho de cometer errores en la captación. En la sesión 0 se identificaron perfiles de personas que no cumplían con las características inicialmente previstas y necesarias para el adecuado aprovechamiento de los contenidos del programa (personas que habían desarrollado síntomas suficientemente importantes de demencia como para suponer una limitación en la adquisición de contenidos, personas con problemas de hipoacusia que requerían de un formador constantemente a su lado para captar las pautas del formador y que mostraban dificultades para interactuar con el resto de participantes…). Luego y como era de esperar, hubo un cierto volumen de bajas que se vincularon al empeoramiento de los síntomas de salud y/o a hospitalizaciones. La implicación y participación mostró ser positiva en los resultados de evaluación por participante. De facto, tras la sesión 0 se mantuvieron la casi totalidad de las familias participantes hasta el final de la aplicación del programa. La mayor parte de participantes pidieron una segunda versión de PCF-U-Auto por los resultados que identificaron en sus hogares y familias. Los centros residenciales pidieron adaptar el programa a las necesidades de las residencias para poder disponer del programa en un futuro. La evaluación de la adherencia, mostró la necesidad de implementar estrategias para incentivar la realización de las prácticas para casa, dado que constituyen una parte importante de la asimilación de contenidos del programa. Los resultados de satisfacción mostraron ser muy positivos. En esta tesis doctoral, se definieron las técnicas de implicación familiar aplicadas en intervenciones familiares de prevención de riesgos. Los resultados de las revisiones sistemáticas indicaron la necesidad de considerar técnicas de implicación relativas a las familias, al formador, al programa y a la organización, para garantizar la eficacia de los resultados de los programas familiares, en relación a la participación y mantenimiento de las familias a lo largo de las sesiones de los programas. Estos resultados se demuestran en las dos primeras revisiones sistemáticas publicadas en Octaedro y en Social Work and Social Sciences Review. Por otro lado, se adaptó el Programa de Competencia Familiar, en su versión universal, a las necesidades de las familias con adultos mayores, con el objetivo de promover su autonomía, envejecimiento activo y calidad de vida. Para la adaptación, se realizó, previamente, un estudio observacional descriptivo, dirigido a definir las variables sociodemográficas, de salud, de apoyo social, de dependencia y las relativas a la interacción entre cuidador-adulto mayor. Se aplicó el análisis de conglomerados para definir los perfiles de la población dependiente y adaptar el diseño del programa conforme a las necesidades definidas en el estudio. Paralelamente, se realizó un vaciado de planes, programas, protocolos, guías y documentos oficiales de las diferentes autonomías españolas y de los principales entes internacionales en materia de envejecimiento y dependencia, para identificar (1) las variables familiares que promueven la autonomía (2) medidas de promoción de autonomía implementadas. Una vez, definido (1) el perfil de adultos mayores con dependencia, (2) las variables familiares que inciden sobre la autonomía de los adultos mayores y (3) las medidas de promoción de autonomía implementadas, se diseño el Programa de Competencia Familiar-Auto y se procedió a realizar un primer pilotaje. En cuanto al procedimiento seguido para el pilotaje, un total de 16 trabajadoras sociales de la Fundació d'Atenció i Suport a la Dependència y de Promoció de l'Autonomia Personal de les Illes Balears - Direcció General de Dependència fueron formadas (10h.) por profesorado de la Universidad en los contenidos –fundamentación teórica y práctica- del PCF-U-Auto. Durante dos semanas, se seleccionaron un conjunto de personas beneficiarias de la Prestación Económica para Cuidados en el Entorno Familiar (PECEF) del Gobierno Balear, por parte de las Trabajadoras Sociales de referencia habilitadas para aplicar el PCF-U-Auto; el principal requisito de cribado fue que hubieran recibido la valoración de Grado I dentro de los 6 meses inmediatamente anteriores a la selección. El objetivo era evitar incluir en la muestra a personas cuyas valoraciones requirieran de actualización al haber contraído más síntomas de dependencia. La muestra por el pilotaje se constituyó de 5 grupos de ±15 familias por grupo: un grupo en Manacor, uno en Inca y tres en Palma –Santa Catalina/Son Espanyolet, Ciutat Antiga y Son Cladera- conformando una muestra inicial de 75 familias. Del análisis de un primer pilotaje, se identificó como determinados factores sociales y familiares incluyen, de manera significativa, (p ≤ 0.05) sobre las situaciones de dependencia, permitiendo delimitar propuestas de intervención para aplicar en el Programa de Competencia Familiar-Auto. Destacaron los cambios significativos en la dinámica familiar (funcionalidad familiar (APGAR), t = -2,426, p = 0,018*, d = 0,307; resiliencia familiar, t = -2,283, p = 0,026*, d = 1,007) y los cambios significativos en los adultos mayores (recursos sociales (OARS): t = - 2,032, p = 0,046*, d = 0,445; valoración situación social: p = 0,055*; valoración relaciones sociales: p ≤ 0,05 en relación con los nietos y con los vecinos). Conclusivamente, queda demostrada la efectividad del PCF-Auto en la respuesta a la necesidad de medidas de promoción de autonomía y de envejecimiento activo en adultos mayores, indicada por los principales entes nacionales e internacionales, leyes y estudios sobre envejecimiento y dependencia. El PCF-Auto confirma su validez como herramienta preventiva de situaciones de dependencia mediante el trabajo sobre el ámbito familiar. ; [cat] La promoció de l'autonomia personal, s'estableix com a element clau per a garantir l'envelliment actiu. La família és sovint el sistema social encarregat d'atendre als adults majors quan aquests no poden valer-se per si mateixos; proporciona vincles afectius, relacionals i emocionals necessaris per a garantir el benestar de l'adult major. Per a garantir la qualitat de vida en l'adult major, s'hauran de considerar tant les atencions a la seva salut, com les atencions que facilitin el manteniment de l'estabilitat familiar. És per això, per la qual cosa aquest sistema, requerirà d'habilitats relacionals i socials que els permetin afrontar amb èxit els canvis de l'envelliment; canvis que impactaran sobre la convivència, les relacions entre els seus membres i sobre cadascun dels membres en si. Per a fer costat a les persones i famílies al fet que mantinguin un paper actiu en la promoció de l'autonomia i de la salut dels seus membres, s'emfatitzarà en l'apoderament, procés pel qual s'encoratja a desenvolupar les habilitats de cura individual, familiar i social. En aquest sentit, els estils d'afrontament adaptatiu, han demostrat ser el motor de millora de l'adaptabilitat als canvis de l'envelliment, possibilitar l'adequada gestió de conflictes i potenciar la resiliència familiar. Els programes de competències familiars basats en l'evidència han demostrat ser una estratègia eficaç i efectiva per a desenvolupar les habilitats de relació familiar promotores de la resiliència. No obstant això, entre els principals punts febles per a l'eficàcia de la implementació d'aquesta mena de programes, s'identifiquen les dificultats per a mantenir la implicació familiar al llarg del procés; es refereix tant a les dificultats per a la captació i retenció familiar a l'inici del procés, per al manteniment del compromís familiar al llarg de les sessions i de les dificultats per a salvar les barreres per a la participació. Aquesta tesi doctoral neix en el marc del Projecte de Recerca "Validació del Programa de Competència Familiar Universal 10-14 a Espanya (EDU2016-79235-R - I+D relativa a les Ciències Socials finançada amb FGU)". La present tesi doctoral es va dirigir, inicialment a avaluar quines són les tècniques que donen millors resultats d'adherència al programa, en resposta a l'objectiu 4 del Projecte de Recerca que s'operativiza en "Avaluar l'adherència de les famílies participants, al llarg de les sessions que componen el programa". Atès que l'evidència indica que el treball sobre les habilitats de comunicació, habilitats socials, les estratègies d'afrontament familiar, les competències en cuidadors i adults majors relacionades amb les cures eficaces, l'autoestima o autoeficàcia, entre altres destreses sobre les quals treballa el Programa de Competència Familiar, promouen l'autonomia i ajuden a prevenir les situacions de dependència, es va decidir realitzar una adaptació dels seus continguts, perquè el Programa de Competència Familiar, s'orienta a la intervenció socioeducativa amb i entre progenitors i menors d'edat. Fins al moment no s'havia definit una intervenció socioeducativa que permetés el treball preventiu de potencials dinàmiques familiars disfuncionals vinculades a l'aparició de situacions de dependència i cronicitat. Les versions anteriors del Programa de Competència Familiar han demostrat la seva eficàcia a llarg termini en els principals factors que componen la dinàmica familiar positiva (resiliència, comunicació, organització i cohesió familiar, disciplina positiva i altres factors) (Orte et al., 2015) i donades les variables sobre les quals treballa, les característiques -pràctica basada en l'evidència- i les evidències següents: 1. La relació entre la manca de suport social i familiar, de relacions socials, problemes de comunicació i la influència de l'entorn sobre els processos de pèrdua d'autonomia i acceleració de l'avançament cap a formes de dependència severa. 2. La manca de garantia del dret recollit a l'article 1 de la Llei 39/2006, de disposar de recursos de promoció d'autonomia i la manca d'atenció a les recomanacions nacionals i internacionals quant a d'envelliment actiu. Es va procedir a adaptar el Programa de Competència Familiar donats els seus resultats provats en la millora de les estratègies d'afrontament familiar, la millora de les dinàmiques familiars i dels factors de protecció tant familiar com individual en cadascun dels seus membres. El Programa de Competència Familiar Universal-Auto es va dissenyar entorn de les mateixes eines i estructura que el Programa de Competència Universal. Es va prendre com a referència el mateix objectiu genèric - treballar sobre les pautes de comunicació i de relació familiar-, encara que amb un objectiu final diferent: aconseguir promoure les dinàmiques familiars que permetin un funcionament òptim de cadascun dels seus membres, en el seu cas, per a promoure l'envelliment actiu. Mitjançant un conjunt d'intervencions socioeducatives aplicades en l'àmbit familiar, es promou la permanència de la persona en situació de dependència en el seu entorn familiar baix condicions de benestar i qualitat de vida. A més, es reforcen les mesures de prevenció primària i secundària de les situacions de dependència en dirigir-se a famílies amb adults majors sense dependència o amb símptomes incipients d'aquesta. Es va dissenyar el programa i els seus materials, es va formar a un conjunt de treballadores socials del Pla Individual d'Atenció (PIA) de la Fundació d'Atenció i Suport a la Dependència i de Promoció de l'Autonomia Personal de la Direcció General de Dependència del Govern Balear, per a la seva implementació i es va aplicar, en 2019 sobre una mostra de 75 famílies de diferents espais territorials de Palma. Es va iniciar un segon pilotatge en 2020, novament sobre una mostra de 75 famílies, que va haver de veure's interromput arran de la declaració de l'estat d'alarma per la COVID-19, el 14 de març de 2020. L'estudi va comptar amb un disseny quasiexperimental amb avaluacions pre-post dels participants en el programa. Els instruments de mesurament dels efectes del programa sobre les famílies objecte d'estudi i intervenció, es va realitzar mitjançant qüestionaris validats per a la seva aplicació sobre aquesta població. Es van adaptar a les característiques de la població objecte de recerca i, previ a l'inici del programa es va informar els participants sobre els seus drets i se'ls va facilitar una fulla de consentiment informat. Específicament els instruments van ser: el Qüestionari de Pfeiffer, per a identificar els símptomes de demència no diagnosticats en cribratge inicial, l'Escala de Recursos Socials (OARS), per a avaluar els nivells de suport social, el Qüestionari de Funció Familiar (APGAR) per a avaluar la dinàmica i funcionament familiar, el Qüestionari de Qualitat de Vida en la Vellesa en els Diferents Contextos, per a avaluar els nivells de qualitat de vida de les persones majors participants, l'Escala de Depressió Geriàtrica – Test de Yesavage, per a avaluar els nivells de depressió en adults majors, els Qüestionaris de satisfacció de participants, per a avaluar el nivell de satisfacció de les famílies amb els continguts, formadors i resultats del programa i el Qüestionari d'avaluació i seguiment perquè les formadores poguessin avaluar la idoneïtat dels continguts del programa per a la seva implementació i evolució dels participants en cadascuna de les sessions. Es van redissenyar els instruments d'avaluació, preparant un únic qüestionari amb les principals informacions i escales d'avaluació de resultats, adaptant les informacions als seus destinataris i amb les mesures d'avaluació pertinents per a cada col·lectiu d'avaluació, formant un qüestionari per a familiars, un per a adults majors, un qüestionari d'avaluació de progrés dels participants, un qüestionari d'avaluació de les sessions de les famílies, un qüestionari per a avaluar les sessions de cuidadores, un altre per a l'avaluació de les sessions d'adults majors i un qüestionari de satisfacció. L'anàlisi de les dades quantitatives es va centrar en els resultats dels factors i escales considerats per a cadascun dels instruments, d'acord amb les hipòtesis de la recerca. L'anàlisi es va realitzar amb SPSS 25. Es va realitzar una anàlisi descriptiva de cadascuna de les escales considerades, d'acord amb els protocols establerts per instrument, establint els resultats grupals i diferenciant els resultats per variable. Es va realitzar una anàlisi de diferències de mitjanes (ttest) i proves no paramètriques (O de Mann- Whitney), comprovant diferències (pre-post, entre grup quasiexperimental i control i la variable sexe mitjançant comprovacions basades en l'anàlisi de variància: MANOVA), reproduint la seqüència d'anàlisi per a cadascuna de les etapes de presa de dades. D'altra banda, es van analitzar els resultats de les estratègies de captació, identificades en les revisions sistemàtiques i aplicades en el primer pilotatge de PCF-Auto, l'anàlisi de l'adherència, mitjançant el control de l'assistència i la participació, analitzant el seguiment de les indicacions i recursos conductuals introduïts pel programa, mitjançant el seguiment de les recomanacions per part dels participants a curt i mitjà termini, es va analitzar la fidelitat de les formadores en l'aplicació del programa, i es va analitzar la valoració del programa i la satisfacció participant. Es van contrastar les hipòtesis inicials per mitjà de l'estudi de les variables dependents, segons la resta de variables considerades, realitzant un estudi individual i relacional de les variables explicatives. Els resultats mostren la consecució adequada de la validació del contingut del programa, encara que es requereixen unes certes modificacions identificades en les avaluacions. L'avaluació de l'eficàcia del programa en l'evitació o retard de riscos mostra ser positiva en les diferents àrees de relació avaluades, encara que estadísticament significativa (p < 0.05) en algunes d'elles. En relació a l'eficàcia del programa en el desenvolupament de competències familiars i de relació social, s'identifica també una millora estadísticament significativa en les escales APGAR i OARS relatives a la relació i suport social. S'observen millores en els resultats de l'escala de cohesió familiar, encara que es requereix l'ampliació dels temps en els quals s'imparteixen els continguts de la sessió 3 per a millorar l'assimilació dels continguts relatius a la cohesió familiar. També s'identifica una millora dels recursos d'afrontament familiar, fonamentals per a millorar l'autonomia dels seus membres. Aquests resultats són avaluats per l'escala de resiliència, la qual mostra canvis estadísticament significatius (p < 0.05). Els resultats de l'adherència no van ser positius atès que es va perdre aproximadament el 50% de la mostra després de la primera sessió. És probable que com s'indiquen entre els canvis recomanats pels formadors, es requereixi que les Treballadores Socials citin a domicili als potencials participants per a facilitar els qüestionaris prèviament a donar inici al programa. En la primera sessió els participants van mostrar símptomes de cansament en haver d'emplenar els qüestionaris d'avaluació pre, requerint aproximadament 1 hora per a realitzar-los. Molts d'ells mostraven manca de destreses de lectura i escriptura i requerien que els formadors dediquessin un temps exclusiu per a cadascun dels participants, la qual cosa va suposar problemes després per a poder donar reeixidament els continguts necessaris a impartir en la sessió 0. Un altre problema identificat quant a la citació telefònica va ser el fet de cometre errors en la captació. En la sessió 0 es van identificar perfils de persones que no complien amb les característiques inicialment previstes i necessàries per a l'adequat aprofitament dels continguts del programa (persones que havien desenvolupat símptomes prou importants de demència com per a suposar una limitació en l'adquisició de continguts, persones amb problemes d'hipoacúsia que requerien d'un formador constantment al seu costat per a captar les pautes del formador i que mostraven dificultats per a interactuar amb la resta de participants…). Després, i com era d'esperar, va haver-hi un cert volum de baixes que es van vincular a l'empitjorament dels símptomes de salut i/o a hospitalitzacions. La implicació i participació va mostrar ser positiva en els resultats d'avaluació per participant. De fet, després de la sessió 0 es van mantenir la gairebé totalitat de les famílies participants fins al final de l'aplicació del programa. La major part de participants van demanar una segona versió de PCF-Auto pels resultats que van identificar en les seves llars i famílies. Els centres residencials van demanar adaptar el programa a les necessitats de les residències per a poder disposar del programa en un futur. L'avaluació de l'adherència, va mostrar la necessitat d'implementar estratègies per a incentivar la realització de les pràctiques per a casa, atès que constitueixen una part important de l'assimilació de continguts del programa. Els resultats de satisfacció van mostrar ser molt positius. En aquesta tesi doctoral, es van definir les tècniques d'implicació familiar aplicades en intervencions familiars de prevenció de riscos. Els resultats de les revisions sistemàtiques van indicar la necessitat de considerar tècniques d'implicació relatives a les famílies, al formador, al programa i a l'organització, per a garantir l'eficàcia dels resultats dels programes familiars, en relació a la participació i manteniment de les famílies al llarg de les sessions dels programes. Aquests resultats es demostren en les dues primeres revisions sistemàtiques publicades en Octaedro i en Social Work and Social Sciences Review. D'altra banda, es va adaptar el Programa de Competència Familiar, en la seva versió universal, a les necessitats de les famílies amb adults majors, amb l'objectiu de promoure la seva autonomia, envelliment actiu i qualitat de vida. Per a l'adaptació, es va realitzar, prèviament, un estudi observacional descriptiu, dirigit a definir les variables sociodemogràfiques, de salut, de suport social, de dependència i les relatives a la interacció entre cuidador-adult major. Es va aplicar l'anàlisi de conglomerats per a definir els perfils de la població dependent i adaptar el disseny del programa conforme a les necessitats definides en l'estudi. Paral·lelament, es va realitzar un buidatge de plans, programes, protocols, guies i documents oficials de les diferents autonomies espanyoles i dels principals ens internacionals en matèria d'envelliment i dependència, per a identificar (1) les variables familiars que promouen l'autonomia (2) mesures de promoció d'autonomia implementades. Una vegada, definit (1) el perfil d'adults majors amb dependència, (2) les variables familiars que incideixen sobre l'autonomia dels adults majors i (3) les mesures de promoció d'autonomia implementades, es dissenyo el Programa de Competència Familiar-Auto i es va procedir a realitzar un primer pilotatge. Quant al procediment seguit per al pilotatge, un total de 16 treballadores socials de la Fundació d'Atenció i Suport a la Dependència i de Promoció de l'Autonomia Personal dels Illes Balears - Direcció General de Dependència van ser formades (10h.) per professorat de la Universitat en els continguts –fonamentació teòrica i pràctica- del PCF-Auto. Durant dues setmanes, es van seleccionar un conjunt de persones beneficiàries de la Prestació Econòmica per a Cures en l'Entorn Familiar (PECEF) del Govern Balear, per part de les Treballadores Socials de referència habilitades per a aplicar el PCF-Auto; el principal requisit de garbellat va ser que haguessin rebut la valoració de Grau I dins dels 6 mesos immediatament anteriors a la selecció. L'objectiu era evitar incloure en la mostra a persones les valoracions de les quals requerissin d'actualització en haver contret més símptomes de dependència. La mostra pel pilotatge es va constituir de 5 grups de ±15 famílies per grup: un grup a Manacor, un a Inca i tres a Palma –Santa Catalina/Son Espanyolet, Ciutat Antiga i Son Cladera- conformant una mostra inicial de 75 famílies. De l'anàlisi d'un primer pilotatge, es va identificar com determinats factors socials i familiars inclouen, de manera significativa, (p ≤ 0.05) sobre les situacions de dependència, permetent delimitar propostes d'intervenció per a aplicar en el Programa de Competència Familiar-Auto. Van destacar els canvis significatius en la dinàmica familiar (funcionalitat familiar (APGAR), t = -2,426, p = 0,018*, d = ,307; resiliència familiar, t = -2,283, p = 0,026*, d = 1,007) i els canvis significatius en els adults majors (recursos socials (*OARS): t = -2,032, p = 0,046*, d = ,445; valoració situació social: p = 0,055*; valoració relacions socials: p ≤ 0,05 en relació amb els néts i amb els veïns). Conclusivament, queda demostrada l'efectivitat del PCF-Auto en la resposta a la necessitat de mesures de promoció d'autonomia i d'envelliment actiu en adults majors, indicada pels principals ens nacionals i internacionals, lleis i estudis sobre envelliment i dependència. El PCF-Auto confirma la seva validesa com a eina preventiva de situacions de dependència mitjançant el treball sobre l'àmbit familiar. ; [eng] The promotion of personal autonomy is established as a key element to guarantee active aging. The family is often the social system in charge of caring for older adults when they are unable to fend for themselves; provides affective, relational and emotional bonds necessary to guarantee the well-being of the elderly. To guarantee the quality of life in the elderly, both health care should be considered, as well as care that facilitates the maintenance of family stability. That is why this system will require relational and social skills that allow them to successfully face the changes of aging; changes that will impact on coexistence, the relationships between its members and on each of the members themselves. To support individuals and families to maintain an active role in promoting the autonomy and health of their members, emphasis will be placed on empowerment, a process by which individual, family and social care skills are encouraged. In this sense, adaptive coping styles have proven to be the engine for improving adaptability to aging changes, enabling proper conflict management and enhancing family resilience. Evidence-based family competencies programs have proven to be an efficient and effective strategy for developing resilience-promoting family relationship skills. However, among the main weaknesses for the effectiveness of the implementation of this type of programs, the difficulties to maintain family involvement throughout the process are identified; It refers both to the difficulties for family recruitment and retention at the beginning of the process, for the maintenance of family commitment throughout the sessions and the difficulties to overcome the barriers to participation. This doctoral thesis was born within the framework of the Research Project "Validation of the 10-14 Universal Family Competence Program in Spain (EDU2016-79235-R - R&D related to Social Sciences financed with FGU)". This doctoral thesis was initially aimed at evaluating which are the techniques that give the best results of adherence to the program, in response to objective 4 of the Research Project that is operationalized in "Evaluating the adherence of participating families, throughout the sessions that make up the program". Since the evidence indicates that the work on communication skills, social skills, family coping strategies, skills in caregivers and older adults related to effective care, self-esteem or self-efficacy, among other skills that the Program works on of Family Competence, promote autonomy and help prevent dependency situations, it was decided to adapt its contents, since the Family Competence Program is oriented towards socio-educational intervention with and between parents and minors. Until now, a socio-educational intervention had not been defined that would allow the preventive work of potential dysfunctional family dynamics linked to the appearance of situations of dependency and chronicity. Previous versions of the Family Competence Program have demonstrated its long-term effectiveness in the main factors that make up positive family dynamics (resilience, communication, family organization and cohesion, positive discipline and other factors) (Orte et al., 2015) and given the variables on which it works, the characteristics - evidence-based practice - and the following evidence: 1. The relationship between the lack of social and family support, social relationships, communication problems and the influence of the environment on the processes of loss of autonomy and acceleration of progress towards forms of severe dependency. 2. The lack of guarantee of the right included in article 1 of Law 39/2006, to have resources to promote autonomy and the lack of attention to national and international recommendations regarding active aging. We proceeded to adapt the Family Competence Program given its proven results in improving family coping strategies, improving family dynamics and both family and individual protection factors in each of its members. The Universal-Auto Family Competence Program was designed around the same tools and structure as the Universal Competence Program. The same generic objective was taken as a reference - to work on communication and family relationship patterns - although with a different final objective: to promote family dynamics that allow an optimal functioning of each of its members, where appropriate, to promote active aging. Through a set of socio-educational interventions applied in the family environment, the permanence of the person in a situation of dependency in their family environment is promoted under conditions of well-being and quality of life. In addition, primary and secondary prevention measures for dependency situations are reinforced by targeting families with older adults without dependency or with incipient symptoms of it. The program and its materials were designed, a group of social workers from the Individual Care Plan (PIA) of the Fundació d'Atenció i Suport a Dependencia i de Promoció de l'Autonomia Personal of the General Directorate of Dependency of the Govern Balear, for its implementation and it was applied, in 2019 on a sample of 75 families from different territorial areas of Palma de Mallorca. A second pilot was started in 2020, again on a sample of 75 families, which had to be interrupted as a result of the declaration of the state of alarm by COVID-19, on March 14, 2020. The study had a quasi-experimental design with pre-post evaluations of the participants in the program. The tools for measuring the effects of the program on the families under intervention were carried out using validated questionnaires for their application on said population. They were adapted to the characteristics of the population under investigation and, prior to the start, participants were informed about their rights and provided with an informed consent form. Specifically, the instruments were: the Pfeiffer Questionnaire, to identify the symptoms of dementia not diagnosed in the initial screening, the Social Resources Scale (OARS), to evaluate the levels of social support, the Family Function Questionnaire (APGAR) to evaluate the dynamics and family functioning, the Questionnaire of Quality of Life in Old Age in Different Contexts, to evaluate the levels of quality of life of the elderly participants, the Geriatric Depression Scale - Yesavage Test, to evaluate the levels of depression in older adults, the participant satisfaction questionnaires, to evaluate the level of satisfaction of families with the contents, trainers and results of the program and the evaluation and follow-up questionnaire so that the trainers could evaluate the suitability of the contents of the program for their implementation and evolution of the participants in each of the sessions. The evaluation of the tools were redesigned, preparing a single questionnaire with the main information and results evaluation scales, adapting the information to its recipients and with the pertinent evaluation measures for each evaluation group, forming a questionnaire for relatives, one for adults, a questionnaire for evaluating the progress of the participants, a questionnaire for evaluating the family sessions, a questionnaire for evaluating the caregiver sessions, another for evaluating the sessions for the elderly, and a satisfaction questionnaire. The analysis of the quantitative data focused on the results of the factors and scales considered for each of the instruments, in accordance with the research hypotheses. The analysis was carried out with SPSS 25. A descriptive analysis of each of the scales considered was carried out, according to the protocols established by instrument, establishing the group results and differentiating the results by variable. A mean difference analysis (t-test) and nonparametric tests (Mann-Whitney U) were performed, checking differences (pre-post, between quasi-experimental group and control and the sex variable by means of checks based on the analysis of variance: MANOVA), reproducing the analysis sequence for each of the data collection stages. The results of the recruitment strategies, identified in the systematic reviews and applied in the first piloting of PCF-Auto, the analysis of adherence, through the control of attendance and participation, analyzing the follow-up of the indications and behavioral resources introduced by the program, by following the recommendations by the participants in the short and medium term, the fidelity of the trainers in the application of the program was analyzed, and the evaluation of the program and satisfaction were analyzed competitor. The initial hypotheses were contrasted by means of the study of the dependent variables, according to the rest of the variables considered, carrying out an individual and relational study of the explanatory variables. The results show the adequate achievement of the validation of the content of the program, although certain modifications identified in the evaluations are required. The evaluation of the adherence, showed the need to implement strategies to encourage the realization of practices at home, since they constitute an important part of the assimilation of program content. The satisfaction results proved to be very positive. In this doctoral thesis, family involvement techniques applied in family risk prevention interventions were defined. The results of the systematic reviews indicated the need to consider involvement techniques related to the families, the trainer, the program and the organization, to guarantee the effectiveness of the results of the family programs, in relation to the participation and maintenance of families throughout the program sessions. These results are demonstrated in the first two systematic reviews published in Octaedro and in Social Work and Social Sciences Review. On the other hand, the Family Competence Program, in its universal version, was adapted to the needs of families with older adults, with the aim of promoting their autonomy, active aging and quality of life. For the adaptation, a descriptive observational study was previously carried out, aimed at defining the sociodemographic, health, social support, dependency variables and those relating to the interaction between the caregiver and the elderly. Cluster analysis was applied to define the profiles of the dependent population and adapt the program design according to the needs defined in the study. At the same time, a drafting of plans, programs, protocols, guides and official documents of the different Spanish autonomies and of the main international entities on aging and dependency was carried out, to identify (1) the family variables that promote autonomy (2) measures to promote autonomy implemented. After defining (1) the profile of dependent older adults, (2) the family variables that affect the autonomy of older adults, and (3) the implemented measures to promote autonomy, the Family Competency Program was designed. The first piloting was carried out. Regarding the procedure followed for the piloting, a total of 16 social workers from the Fundació d'Atenció i Suport a la Dependencia y de Promoció de l'Autonomia Personal de les Illes Balears - Direcció General de Dependencia were trained (10h.) By University professors in the contents –theoretical and practical foundation- of the PCF-U-Auto. During two weeks, a group of beneficiaries of the Economic Benefit for Care in the Family Environment (PECEF) of the Balearic Government were selected by the reference Social Workers authorized to apply the PCF-U-Auto; the main screening requirement was that they had received the Grade I assessment within the 6 months immediately prior to selection. The goal was to avoid including in the sample people whose assessments required updating due to having contracted more symptoms of dependence. The pilot sample consisted of 5 groups of ± 15 families per group: one group in Manacor, one in Inca and three in Palma – Santa Catalina / Son Espanyolet, Ciutat Antiga and Son Cladera- forming an initial sample of 75 families. From the analysis of a first piloting, it was identified how certain social and family factors include, in a significant way, (p ≤ 0.05) on dependency situations, allowing to define intervention proposals to apply in the Family-Auto Competence Program. Significant changes in family dynamics (family functionality (APGAR), t = -2.426, p = 0.018 *, d = 0.307; family resilience, t = -2.283, p = 0.026 *, d = 1.007) and significant changes in older adults (social resources (OARS): t = -2.032, p = 0.046 *, d = 0.445; assessment of social situation: p = 0.055 *; assessment of social relationships: p ≤ 0.05 in relation to grandchildren and with the neighbors). Conclusively, the effectiveness of PCF-Auto in responding to the need for measures to promote autonomy and active aging in older adults is demonstrated, indicated by the main national and international entities, laws and studies on aging and dependency. The PCF-Auto confirms its validity as a preventive tool for situations of dependency through work on the family environment.
This chapter uses the First International Symposium on Language for Specific Purposes (LSP) keynote address titled "Theory and Method in Translation Studies (TS) and Business Language Studies (BLS): Illustrative Considerations for LSP in American Higher Education and Beyond" as a springboard to continue the theoretical BLS cartography initiated in "Business Language Studies in the United States: On Nomenclature, Context, Theory, and Method." It does so with a triple purpose: (1) to begin to fill in what was omitted from the original BLS mapping, (2) to extend the nomenclature proposal and disciplinary coverage, as manifested within a general theoretical framework, beyond that of the initial BLS content domain, and (3) to encourage the formation of post-UAB symposium LSP Theory Development Working Groups to further develop the theoretical cartographies and narratives, which the gathering era of global LSP will require in American higher education. The overarching goal is to encourage collaboration to devise a useful, informative, and adaptable general Non-English Language for Specific Purposes (NE-LSP) theoretical model that accounts for (1) what is already being done while (2) serving as a catalyst and predictor for future NE-LSP developments. It is not at all far-fetched to say in 2012 that US foreign language programs, departments, and institutions that do not embrace non-English LSP will be on the wrong side of curricular and pedagogical history in secondary and higher education as we go deeper into the LSP era of the 21st century. This affirmation presupposes the basic and applied research-intrinsic and extrinsic-that underlies, informs, and is derived from how NE-LSP is used or intended to be used, a general theory of which will more firmly anchor LSP in higher education as a crucial field of scholarly inquiry. ; To cite the digital version, add its Reference URL (found by following the link in the header above the digital file). ; CONTINUING CARTOGRAPHY Scholarship and Teaching on Languages for Specific Purposes (2013) 2 Continuing Theoretical Cartography in the Language for Specific Purposes Era Michael S. Doyle University of North Carolina at Charlotte Abstract: This chapter uses the First International Symposium on Language for Specific Purposes (LSP) keynote address titled "Theory and Method in Translation Studies (TS) and Business Language Studies (BLS): Illustrative Considerations for LSP in American Higher Education and Beyond" as a springboard to continue the theoretical BLS cartography initiated in "Business Language Studies in the United States: On Nomenclature, Context, Theory, and Method." It does so with a triple purpose: (1) to begin to fill in what was omitted from the original BLS mapping, (2) to extend the nomenclature proposal and disciplinary coverage, as manifested within a general theoretical framework, beyond that of the initial BLS content domain, and (3) to encourage the formation of post-UAB symposium LSP Theory Development Working Groups to further develop the theoretical cartographies and narratives, which the gathering era of global LSP will require in American higher education. The overarching goal is to encourage collaboration to devise a useful, informative, and adaptable general Non-English Language for Specific Purposes (NE-LSP) theoretical model that accounts for (1) what is already being done while (2) serving as a catalyst and predictor for future NE-LSP developments. It is not at all far-fetched to say in 2012 that US foreign language programs, departments, and institutions that do not embrace non-English LSP will be on the wrong side of curricular and pedagogical history in secondary and higher education as we go deeper into the LSP era of the 21st century. This affirmation presupposes the basic and applied research—intrinsic and extrinsic—that underlies, informs, and is derived from how NE-LSP is used or intended to be used, a general theory of which will more firmly anchor LSP in higher education as a crucial field of scholarly inquiry. Keywords: Business Language Studies (BLS), BLS cartography, Language for Specific Purposes (LSP), method, nomenclature, theory (intrinsic and extrinsic), theory development working groups Introduction A prolegomenal theory of non-English Business Language Studies (NE-BLS) has been outlined in "Business Language Studies in the United States: On Nomenclature, Context, Theory, and Method," in which an initial mapping provided a general theoretical overview of the BLS interdisciplinary topography that requires further exploration and ongoing development in order "to anchor the field more adequately in American higher education" (Doyle, 2012a, p. 105). At the groundbreaking First International Symposium on Language for Specific Purposes (LSP), hosted by the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) on April 13–14, 2012,1 a reminder was issued that pressing aspects of this preliminary cartography include its momentary omissions and blind spots in regards to other discourse domains and related features that remain to be adequately addressed within a general theory of LSP and NE-LSP, which itself must become more fully developed. This provisionality is similar to the future-oriented reminder in Alvord CONTINUING CARTOGRAPHY Scholarship and Teaching on Languages for Specific Purposes (2013) 3 Branan's (1998) "Preface: Part I" in the paradigmatic volume sponsored by the American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese (AATSP), Spanish and Portuguese for Business and the Professions, when, scaffolding his forecast on the pioneering work of Grosse (1985) and Grosse and Voght (1990), he predicted that the development of the yet-to-be-named BLS2 "movement will spread, as it has already begun to do, to all the professions: medical and health care, social work, law, science, and technology" (p. 5). Branan's prediction has recently been corroborated in "Evolution of Languages for Specific Programs in the United States: 1990–2011" by Long and Uscinski (2012), whose most recent findings, an update of Grosse and Voght (1990), show that "the sophistication and variety of [LSP] offerings have become deeper and more focused in response to broader needs" (p. 173), and that, while "business language [BL] courses remain the most common type of LSP courses," non-English "LSP courses are now more widely distributed across different professions" and languages (175–176). They confirm that LSP is now "solidly established as another curricular option, beside literature, cultural studies, and linguistics, in institutions where students demand it" (173).3 Indeed, within NE-LSP-BL, Spanish for business and international trade, for example, "has evolved from curricular margin to mainstay" and "has moved from being an occasional, boutique or exotic course offering to a new status as an established, regular, and even core SSP [Spanish for Specific Purposes] feature in many Spanish programs today" (Doyle, forthcoming). Within this general NE-LSP context in American higher education, this follow-up article uses the UAB First International Symposium keynote address titled "Theory and Method in Translation Studies (TS) and Business Language Studies (BLS): Illustrative Considerations for LSP in American Higher Education and Beyond"4 as a springboard to continue the provisional theoretical BLS cartography initiated in Doyle's (2012a) "Business Language Studies in the United States" with a triple purpose in mind: (1) to begin to fill in what was omitted from the original BLS mapping, (2) to extend the nomenclature proposal and disciplinary coverage, as manifested within a general theoretical framework, beyond that of the initial BLS content domain, and (3) to encourage the formation of post-UAB symposium LSP Theory Development Working Groups to further develop the theoretical cartographies and narratives that the gathering era of global LSP will require in American higher education. The mapping remains provisional and awaits ongoing refinement by content- and situation-based instruction NE-LSP specialists in "more complex sites of engagement" (to adapt Bowles's phrase) of the various subject matter domains themselves (Bowles 2012, p. 48). Taking BLS theory as a starting point, this article proposes that the original cartography of this particular LSP subdiscipline, itself based on LSP-Translation (Doyle, 2012a, p. 105), be extended to include mappings of other prominent NE-LSP domains in the United States, such as LSP-Medical and Health Care, LSP-Education, LSP-Legal (Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice), LSP-Engineering, LSP-Science, LSP-Technology, and LSP-Agriculture, among others that may currently exist or be in various developmental or anticipatory stages. As the theoretical cartography broadens to cover an array of LSP domains, a distinct and desirable possibility is that eventually, taken together, the domain mappings, developed and regulated by specialists in the various subdisciplinary regions, can serve as the aggregate basis from which to extract, extrapolate, and confirm a more general map for NE-LSP itself as it undergoes its fuller maturation process within American higher CONTINUING CARTOGRAPHY Scholarship and Teaching on Languages for Specific Purposes (2013) 4 education. This maturation will surely continue,5 as all language usage can be defined as LSP one way or another, either narrowly (e.g., for specific disciplines, professions, or communicative work situations) or more broadly and less traditionally (e.g., LSP-Literature; i.e., the specific use of language for literary studies and criticism, or even the supposedly more general LSP of being able to engage in tourism or to socialize and "hang out" informally in a language, which in itself undoubtedly constitutes a specific cultural, ethnographic, pragmatic, and sociodialectal use of language). Any university program of study, for example, may be considered as a cognate specialization in the LSP of that particular content domain (e.g., to major or specialize in business, medicine, law, engineering, education, psychology, or philosophy is to engage in mastering the specific languages and discourses of those fields). It is anticipated that a belated, general (and perhaps generally accepted) theory may emerge from a distillation of the sum of its LSP domain parts. Both intellectual and pedagogical outcomes promise a more rigorous and thicker articulation of a general NE-LSP intrinsic theory that draws from and renourishes extrinsic, applied theory. In this manner, pedagogy and praxis become overtly theory based by definition and methodological DNA—that is what they are in essence6—in their responsiveness to the need for continuous development as LSP domains evolve to meet the demands of society. Bowles (2012) reminds us that a key challenge to research informing pedagogy and praxis (and, it is understood, reciprocally and symbiotically to pedagogy and praxis informing theory-based research: see Figure 1) —in sum, to intrinsic and basic research that extend themselves into extrinsic and applied LSP— resides in the fact that LSP practitioners must resolve issues of translating the increase in LSP "analytical insights and research data into instructable materials" (p. 44). Theoretical considerations are crucial to LSP because they more firmly anchor this recently emerging field of scholarly inquiry and pedagogical methodology in higher education, a locus characterized by the ongoing development, analysis, and refinement of core theory and method. Figure 1. LSP theory informs pedagogy and praxis, and LSP pedagogy and praxis inform theory, as well as each other. Continuing the Provisional Theoretical Cartography of LSP-BLS The definition offered previously for the NE-LSP subfield of BLS is that it is "a major empirical sub-discipline of LSP whose objective is to examine and predict how languages are, may, or should be used to conduct business in various communicative situations and cultural contexts" (Doyle, 2012a, p. 109). This core definition encompasses the crucial ethnographic and multimethod considerations identified by Bowles (2012) "as a way of narrowing the product/process gap" (i.e., the LSP researcher "who views discourse as a CONTINUING CARTOGRAPHY Scholarship and Teaching on Languages for Specific Purposes (2013) 5 product" vs. the practicioner/user for whom such discourse "is an ongoing process") (p. 52). The prolegomenal mapping of BLS's theoretical terrain, as BLS has been and is currently being developed in the United States, can now be continued. In Figure 2, the original Provisional Map of Business Language Studies (Doyle, 2012a, Figure 2, p. 111) is revisited, now within a general NE-LSP paradigm, with a dividing line heuristically separating intrinsic and extrinsic theory, although these nourish each other and together they feed into a general theory of BLS. This separation will allow for additional cartographic detail, which appeared originally only in the narrative for the "Descriptive Theory" and "Provisional or Partial Theory" regions of the map (Doyle, 2012a, p. 110), to be provided for each theoretical side. That is, the earlier core description, which now needs to become more granular and thicker both in terms of narrative and cartographic representation, is included in Figures 3 and 4. Figure 2. Provisional Map of Business Language Studies (LSP-BLS) within a general NE-LSP-XYZ theoretical paradigm and with heuristic dividing line between intrinsic and extrinsic theory. (XYZ = any given LSP content domain) (Doyle, 2012a, p. 111). Figure 3, which addresses the pure or intrinsic theory aspect of BLS, now incorporates graphically the core explanation of (1) the descriptive theory considerations identified in the earlier narrative as product, function, or process oriented, and (2) the provisional or partial general theory considerations identified in the same earlier narrative as medium-, area-, rank-, discourse type-, time-, and problem-restricted elements (Doyle, 2012a, p. 110). CONTINUING CARTOGRAPHY Scholarship and Teaching on Languages for Specific Purposes (2013) 6 Figure 3. Provisional Map of Business Language Studies with core explanations of descriptive theory and general theory (provisional) (Doyle, 2012a, p. 112). Figure 4, which addresses the applied or extrinsic theory aspect of BLS, now incorporates and further develops the formerly separate graphic depicting methods and methodology in business language (BL) pedagogy as well as sources of information and research for other applied theory considerations, such as course and curriculum development, assessment of learner outcomes, faculty training, and BLS policy. Applied theory represents the area of BLS where most of the theory-based research to date has taken place (Doyle, 2012a, pp. 105, 111). With this, an ongoing theoretical mapping of NE-BLS in the United States continues to fill in what was not covered or dealt with earlier in as integrative a manner. The goal of providing a useful, general BLS theoretical cartography can benefit only from the forthcoming insights of additional researchers who are interested in contributing to the overall BLS objective: "to examine and predict how languages are, may, or should be used to conduct business in various communicative situations and cultural contexts" (Doyle, 2012a, p. 109). Such a collective benefit is also potentially the case as the NE-LSP theoretical mapping project extends its disciplinary coverage in the US beyond that of the point-of-departure focus on the BLS content domain. CONTINUING CARTOGRAPHY Scholarship and Teaching on Languages for Specific Purposes (2013) 7 Figure 4. Provisional Map of Business Language Studies including BL methods and methodology as well as other applied theory considerations. Extending Nomenclature and Provisional Theoretical Cartography from BLS to Other NE-LSP Domains The nomenclature Business Language Studies (BLS) has been proposed as a "more serviceable and academically communal name—a more rigorous toponymic identity—by which to identify itself as a theory-based field of scholarship" within LSP (Doyle, 2012a, p. 105). This has been done because, for academic and political reasons in higher education, nomenclature "encapsulates and stimulates further articulation and validation of the intellectual foundations—theory, method, and methodology—upon which a discipline or subdiscipline builds itself through a pragmatic and constructivist (shared and learner-centered) epistemology" (Doyle, 2012a, p. 106). Furthermore, nomenclature "identifies a scholarly forum in which to explore further and refine underlying intellectual assumptions (metareflection) as well as principles (derived from fundamental, basic, pure, or intrinsic research) that inform and upon which pedagogy and praxis (applied or extrinsic research) may subsequently be based" (Doyle, 2012a, p. 106). BLS may prove useful as a model for more broadly theorizing NE-LSP, such that the "studies" nomenclature may be applied productively to other content domains, which addresses the critical intercultural communication needs of our representative professional schools in the United States via a movement from Business Language Studies (NE-BLS) to, for example, Medical and Health Care Language Studies (NE-MHCLS), Legal Language Studies (NE-LLS), Education Language Studies (NE-EDLS: e.g., the rising importance of using Spanish, Vietnamese, Chinese, etc., administratively and pedagogically in K–16 settings), CONTINUING CARTOGRAPHY Scholarship and Teaching on Languages for Specific Purposes (2013) 8 Engineering Language Studies (NE-EGLS), Scientific Language Studies ( NE-SCLS), Technical Language Studies ( NE-TLS), and Agriculture Language Studies ( NE-AGLS), among others. The point is that NE-LSP domains such as these constitute essential areas for effective cross-cultural communication in today's global economy, in which the vast majority of the world does not do its daily living and work in English, and in the increasingly multicultural and multilingual US itself. The word "studies," a rubric broadly adopted in US higher education for interdisciplinary areas of investigation and pedagogy, seems custom-made for LSP and its XYZ content domains. As Lafford (2012) elaborates, "studies" indicates "a field that calls on the expertise of many disciplines for its realization" (p. 6). The definition of BLS, which represents an example of any NE-LSP domain (XYZ), may be extended and adapted to serve as a suitable vehicle for other NE-LSP domains such as those listed above. Figure 5 demonstrates the slight adjustments required initially, but always in need of ongoing (and definitive) regulation and refinement by specialists within the respective content domains. As seen previously, the NE-LSP subfield of BLS is "a major empirical sub-discipline of LSP whose objective is to examine and predict how languages are, may, or should be used to conduct business in various communicative situations and cultural contexts." Definitional adaptations would replace the phrasing "to conduct business" with wording apposite to each NE-LSP-XYZ discourse domain, as in "for medical, health care, and nursing purposes," "for legal and criminal justice purposes," or "for engineering purposes." Figure 5 provides a definitional template that may be useful for the NE-LSP nomenclature and theory agenda. Figure 5. Prolegomenal, definitional template for various (XYZ) NE-LSP studies (S) domains. Within the LSP mapping of a general theory of NE-LSP-XYZ (XYZ = Medical, Legal, etc.), the Descriptive and Provisional content of the Pure Theory (Intrinsic) terrain presented for BLS in Figure 3 would need to be shifted to the different domains being considered, that is, from BLS to MHCLS, LLS, EDLS, EGLS, etc. For example, the business language (BL) in Pure Theory → Descriptive → Product Oriented in the wording "[d]escribes or compares diachronically and synchronically existing and past BL texts and scenarios" would be modified accordingly to any other XYZ content domain (e.g., MHCL, medical and health care language; LL, legal language; etc.) under consideration, as indicated in Figure 6: CONTINUING CARTOGRAPHY Scholarship and Teaching on Languages for Specific Purposes (2013) 9 Figure 6. Pure Theory → Descriptive → Product oriented adjustments for various (XYZ) NE-LSP studies (S) domains. Similar adaptations would be LSP domain-matched throughout as warranted for other descriptive paradigm components (e.g., Function Oriented, Process Oriented, as well as in the Provisional cartography sections of Medium-Restricted, Area-Restricted, etc.). A corresponding LSP-XYZ adaptation would apply as well to other components of the theoretical modeling, as in the case of the Applied Theory → Pedagogy → Methods/Methodology consideration. Figure 7 anticipates what this particular adaptation might look like initially, with the expectation that LSP domain specialists will refine and regulate the mapping. Figure 7. Applied Theory → Pedagogy → Methods/Methodology adjustments for various (XYZ) NE-LSP studies (S) domains. The overarching goal is to collaboratively devise a useful, informative, and adaptable general NE-LSP theoretical model that accounts for (1) what is already being done (e.g., initially in NE-LSP-BLS) while (2) serving as a catalyst and predictor for future NE-LSP developments. A goal is also to more solidly secure the NE-LSP field theoretically in US higher education, an anchoring project that remains a continuing priority (Doyle, 2012A; Fryer, 2012; Lafford, 2012). CONTINUING CARTOGRAPHY Scholarship and Teaching on Languages for Specific Purposes (2013) 10 The Potential of Post-UAB Symposium LSP Theory Development Working Groups and Beyond The third purpose of this article is to propose for consideration the opportune formation of post-UAB First International Symposium theory development working groups to collaborate on the further development of the theoretical cartographies and narratives that the gathering era of global LSP—a new curricular and research status quo—will require in US higher education and beyond. The synergetic work of these LSP Theory Development Working Groups (TDWG), at (although not restricted to) future UAB-initiated symposia on Language for Specific Purposes, with a near-term focus on shoring up pure and intrinsic LSP theory, will cooperate with the more developed and ongoing research in applied theory, new directions for which can also be proposed and pursued by the symbiotic TDWGs (in intrinsic and extrinsic theory). Ideally, the TDWGs would complement the parallel creation of additional symbiotic working groups, such as an LSP Content Development Working Group (CDWG) and an LSP Methodology Development Working Group (MDWG), among others that might be identified as essential to a better understanding and advancement of LSP. The UAB-initiated theory, content, and methodology working groups could also meet to pursue and share their ongoing research and development at other professional meetings, such as the annual conference of the federally-funded Centers of International Business Education and Research (CIBERs), annual gatherings of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL), the AATs (American Associations of Teachers of French, German, and Spanish and Portuguese), the Chinese Language Teachers Association (CLTA), the Modern Language Association of America (MLA), and the American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL), among others, as well as extending their efforts internationally in a global LSP dialogue and collaboration that should be pursued more vigorously and purposefully than ever before. The formation of such LSP working groups in core developmental areas—theory, content, and methodology—represents a consequential opportunity for UAB to extend its LSP leadership beyond the groundbreaking First International Symposium. As Symposium Director Lourdes Sánchez-López (2012) has written in her colloquium epilogue, "Because of the discussions that took place during and after the symposium, we believe that we may have prepared a solid ground for something larger, collaborative and long-lasting with strong national and international repercussions" and "[c]ollaboration, integration and unity are key elements for the success of our growing field" (no pagination). The UAB Symposium could serve as a prelude to an International Year of LSP, to be coordinated globally among scholars and to herald a concerted and sustained International Decade of LSP. This would serve to galvanize an integrative, long-term commitment to LSP development during which "the field of LSP can truly 'come of age'" (Lafford, 2012, p. 22). In this promising context, the UAB Symposium may even help trigger the creation of an American Association of Languages for Specific Purposes (AALSP), along the lines of the European Association of Languages for Specific Purposes,7 or even a more global International Association of Languages for Specific Purposes (IALSP). In any event, as a result of ongoing interest forums, such as the UAB Symposium, future surveys of the "Evolution of Languages for Specific Programs in the United States" will have the greatest potential ever to confirm LSP as a curricular status quo and mainstay. CONTINUING CARTOGRAPHY Scholarship and Teaching on Languages for Specific Purposes (2013) 11 Conclusion In 2012, it is not at all far-fetched to say that US foreign language programs, departments, and institutions that do not embrace non-English LSP will be on the wrong side of curricular and pedagogical history in secondary and higher education as we advance further into the LSP era of the 21st century. This affirmation presupposes the basic and applied research (intrinsic and extrinsic) that underlies, informs, and is derived from how NE-LSP is used or intended to be used. Ongoing fruitful work in theory and method, which should contribute to improved curricula, pedagogy, and teaching materials, must be pursued as essential to the maturation of the field. Notes 1 The conference theme was "Scholarship of Teaching and Learning" and featured inter-national presenters in a broad array of LSP sessions (see Conference Director, Lourdes Sánchez-López, and the Organizing Committee (Brock Cochran, Malinda Blaire O'Leary, Yahui Anita Huang, John Moore, Sheri Spaine Long, Susan Spezzini, Rebekah Ranew Trinh, and Mike Perez) are to be commended for planning and hosting the informative event. 2 Doyle addresses the issue of LSP-BLS title and taxonomy twelve years later, in 2012, in "Business Language Studies in the United States: On Nomenclature, Context, Theory, and Method." 3 See "Table I: Types of Languages in the United States Currently Offered Across Languages and Professions During the 2010–2011 Academic Year" (Long and Uscinski, 2012, p. 176). The Grosse and Voght (1990) survey showed that LSP was already well-established in the national curriculum and pedagogy at "all sizes and types of four-year institutions. . .at private and public institutions. . .fairly evenly distributed among small, medium and large institutions" (p. 38). 4 Delivered by Doyle on April 14, 2012, the keynote address focused on two theoretical considerations: (1) that those engaged with LSP-Translation, especially its pedagogy, be "good utopians" who are well grounded in the extensive bibliography on translation theory (descriptive, prescriptive and speculative) and method, and (2) that those engaged in LSP-Business Language Studies (BLS) further articulate and develop its intrinsic theoretical aspects in order to complement the extensive work already done in extrinsic and applied BLS, given that the development of methods and methodology has far outstripped theoretical considerations per se, the latter of which are now warranted to more adequately anchor the field in American higher education. These are bookend theoretical concerns in that the first, in the field of translation, deals with an abundance of theory, dating back several millennia, which should not be ignored when praxis and pedagogy occur; the second, in the field of BLS, considers the lack of articulated theory upon which praxis and pedagogy are based. 5 Regarding this maturation process, Lafford (1991) has written that "the field of (non-English) LSP in the United States needs to follow the lead of the fields of CALL [computer-assisted language learning], Translation Studies, and ESP/EAP [English for Specific Purposes/English for Academic Purposes] all over the globe in order to become recognized as a valuable subfield of applied linguistics and to take its rightful place in the CONTINUING CARTOGRAPHY Scholarship and Teaching on Languages for Specific Purposes (2013) 12 academy. At that point, the field of LSP can truly 'come of age' and Grosse and Voght's (1991) initial optimism over the position of LSP in the FL [foreign language] curriculum finally will be realized" (22). Long and Uscinski (2012) also conclude that the maturation is ongoing, as the Grosse and Voght "optimistic, almost euphoric hopes for the reenergizing and internationalization of the US education system (and LSP's role in that process) have yet to be fully realized" (188). Long and Uscinski "predict a continued steady presence ["maturation"] of LSP in university curricula for years to come" (188). 6 Doyle (2012a) reminds us that "methods and methodology, of course, presuppose a theory, regardless of whether it is fully developed and articulated" (108–109). 7 Created in 1992, it is an "association of European University professors specialised in languages for specific purposes" whose "objective is that of fostering and promoting both the research into and teaching of modern languages as regards their applications to science and technology" ( References Bowles, H. (2012). Analyzing languages for specific purposes. Modern Language Journal, 96, 43–58. Branan, A. G. (1998). Preface: Part I. In T. B. Fryer & G. Guntermann (Eds.), Spanish and Portuguese for business and the professions (pp. 3–5). Lincolnwood, IL: National Textbook Company. Doyle, M. (Forthcoming). Business Spanish in the United States: Evolution, methodology, and markets. In Cuadernos de Asociación de Licenciados y Doctores Españoles en EEUU (ALDEEU). Doyle, M. (2012a). Business language studies in the United States: On nomenclature, context, theory, and method. Modern Language Journal, 96, 105–121. Doyle, M. (2012b). Theoretical foundations for translation pedagogy: Descriptive, prescriptive, and speculative (in defense of the 'good utopian'). Association of Departments of Foreign Languages (ADFL) Bulletin, 42(1), 43–48. Doyle, M. (2012, April). Theory and method in translation studies (TS) and business language studies (BLS): Illustrative considerations for LSP in American higher education and beyond. Keynote address presented at the First International Symposium on Language for Specific Purposes, University of Alabama at Birmingham. European Association of Languages for Specific Purposes. Retrieved September 4, 2012, from Fryer, B. (1998). Faculty training opportunities in language for international business. In B. Fryer & G. Guntermann (Eds.), Spanish and Portuguese for business and the professions (pp. 167–187). Lincolnwood, IL: National Textbook Company. Fryer, B. (2012). Languages for specific purposes business curriculum creation and implementation in the United States. Modern Language Journal, 96, 122–139. Fryer, B., & Guntermann, G. (1998). Spanish and Portuguese for business and the professions. Lincolnwood, IL: National Textbook Company. Grosse, C. (1985). A survey of foreign languages for business and the professions at US colleges and universities. Modern Language Journal, 69, 221–226. CONTINUING CARTOGRAPHY Scholarship and Teaching on Languages for Specific Purposes (2013) 13 Grosse, C. (2001a). Global managers' perceptions of cultural competence. Global Business Languages, 6, 25–39. Grosse, C. (2001b). Mexican managers' perceptions of cultural competence. Foreign Language Annals, 34, 334–340. Grosse, C., & Voght, G. (1990). Foreign language for business and the professions at US colleges and universities. Modern Language Journal, 74, 36–47. Grosse, C., & Voght, G. (1991). The evolution of languages for specific purposes in the United States. Modern Language Journal, 75, 181–195. Grosse, C., & Voght, G. (2012). The continuing evolution of languages for specific purposes. Modern Language Journal, 96, 190–202. Holmes, J. S. (2000). The name and nature of translation studies. In L. Venuti (Ed.), The translation studies reader (pp. 172–185). London: Routledge. Kelm, O. Orlando Kelm. Retrieved June 19, 2012, from Lafford, B. (2012) Languages for specific purposes in the United States in a global context: Commentary on Grosse and Voght (1991) revisited [Special Issue]. Modern Language Journal, 96, 1–27. Long, M., & Uzcinski, I. (2012). Evolution of languages for specific purposes programs in the United States: 1990–2011. Modern Language Journal, 96, 173–189. Sánchez-López, L. First international symposium on languages for specific purposes (LSP). Retrieved June 23, 2012, from
The article analyzes the inventory of burials with psalia in the cultures of the Bronze Age of steppe Eurasia. The collection, where the fi rst version of this article was submitted, had not been published for several years. During this period the authors continued to monitor the situation, noting both the new studied complexes and the new literature. A long-prepared collection has recently been released, but the accumulated data has allowed to propose an expanded version of the article, which is based on the information from 106 burial complexes. Based on the collected complexes, the authors attempt to determine the social status of the people buried with psalia. Information about the burials with psalia of several cultures (Sintashta, Petrovskaya, Potapovskaya, Alakulskaya, Pokrovskaya, Don-Volga Abashevskaya) or cultural entities (Nurtai complexes, Zeravshan version of the Bactrian-Margian archaeological complex) was collected by the authors. Throughout the new version of their work, the authors verify which of their conclusions have passed the test over the time period, however short it may be, and make adjustments in their earlier assumptions. After an analysis of the obtained information the authors concluded that the more burials with psalia are introduced into scientifi cdiscourse, the more questionable is the hypothesis that these artifacts primarily mark the carriers of military function who fought on chariots. The harness located in the grave was a token of a high social status of the deceased, but the person did not necessarily belong to a military function. ; В статье анализируется инвентарь погребений с псалиями в культурах эпохи бронзы степной Евразии. Сборник, куда был направлен первый вариант данной статьи, не печатался несколько лет. За это время авторы, продолжая следить за ситуацией, отмечали как исследованные новые комплексы, так и новую литературу. Долго лежавший сборник недавно вышел, но накопившаяся информация позволила предложить расширенную версию статьи, которая опирается на данные 106 погребальных комплексов. На основе собранных комплексов авторы пытаются выяснить общественное положение людей, которых погребали с псалиями. Собрана информация о погребениях с псалиями нескольких культур (синташтинская, петровская, потаповская, алакульская, покровская, доно-волжская абашевская) или культурных образований (нуртайские комплексы, зеравшанский вариант Бактрийско-Маргианского археологического комплекса). По ходу новой версии своей работы авторы проверяют, какие из их выводов выдержали проверку пусть небольшим, но временным промежутком и вносят корректировки в свои же более ранние построения. 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