Orhan, Zeynep Celik/0000-0002-9424-2339; Serenelli, Aldo/0000-0001-6359-2769; Monteiro, Mario J. P. F. G./0000-0003-0513-8116; Huber, Daniel/0000-0001-8832-4488; Adibekyan, Vardan/0000-0002-0601-6199; Reffert, Sabine/0000-0002-0460-8289; Stock, Stephan/0000-0002-1166-9338; Stassun, Keivan/0000-0002-3481-9052; Cunha, Margarida/0000-0001-8237-7343; Kuszlewicz, James/0000-0002-3322-5279; Lund, Mikkel Norup/0000-0001-9214-5642; Mathur, Savita/0000-0002-0129-0316; Nielsen, Martin Bo/0000-0001-9169-2599; Mosser, Benoit/0000-0002-7547-1208; Pereira, Filipe/0000-0002-2157-7146; Lucas, Miles/0000-0001-6341-310X; miglio, andrea/0000-0001-5998-8533; Ball, Warrick/0000-0002-4773-1017; Basu, Sarbani/0000-0002-6163-3472; Veras, Dimitri/0000-0001-8014-6162; Handberg, Rasmus/0000-0001-8725-4502; Christensen-Dalsgaard, Jorgen/0000-0001-5137-0966; Delgado Mena, Elisa/0000-0003-4434-2195 ; WOS: 000498546800001 ; The Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) is performing a near all-sky survey for planets that transit bright stars. in addition, its excellent photometric precision enables asteroseismology of solar-type and red-giant stars, which exhibit convection-driven, solar-like oscillations. Simulations predict that TESS will detect solar-like oscillations in nearly 100 stars already known to host planets. in this paper, we present an asteroseismic analysis of the known red-giant host stars HD;212771 and HD;203949, both systems having a long-period planet detected through radial velocities. These are the first detections of oscillations in previously known exoplanet-host stars by TESS, further showcasing the mission?s potential to conduct asteroseismology of red-giant stars. We estimate the fundamental properties of both stars through a grid-based modeling approach that uses global asteroseismic parameters as input. We discuss the evolutionary state of HD;203949 in depth and note the large discrepancy between its asteroseismic mass (M-* = 1.23 0.15 MM* = 1.00 0.16 M if in the clump) and the mass quoted in the discovery paper (M-* = 2.1 0.1 M), implying a change >30% in the planet?s mass. Assuming HD;203949 to be in the clump, we investigate the planet?s past orbital evolution and discuss how it could have avoided engulfment at the tip of the red-giant branch. Finally, HD;212771 was observed by K2 during its Campaign 3, thus allowing for a preliminary comparison of the asteroseismic performances of TESS and K2. We estimate the ratio of the observed oscillation amplitudes for this star to be
In the ancient Andes, mercury was mined, retorted, and used for small-scale gold production and cinnabar was used as a part of funeral rites. Colombia's most well-known mercury mine, Mina La Esperanza (Dept. Caldas), closed in the 1960s and now, mercury is acknowledged as a global contaminant by the US Environmental Protection Agency, the US State Department, the United Nations Environmental Program, and many other organizations. Colombia is considered to be one of the top three users of mercury in the world. The government of Colombia is concerned about environmental contamination from mercury releases and has attempted to reduce the use of mercury for small-scale gold mining from140 t/yr to70 t/yr. The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) planned to invest $US1.7 million dollars to help reduce the use of mercury in Colombia. In 2011, Colombia imported mercury from Mexico (23 t) and Spain (21 t) and the mercury was used for small-scale gold mining, chlor-alkali production, and neon lighting. In Remedios, north-central Colombia, and Chocó, western Colombia, alluvial gold (gold-silver-platinum) is being produced by mercury as well as non-mercury or "green-gold" methods. Many of the gold shops where the gold-mercury amalgam is burned have water traps to capture the mercury that is volatilized when the amalgam is burned. In Remedios, simple ball-mills, or entables, also use mercury to amalgamate the fine-grained alluvial gold before burning. Collaboration with Japanese researchers and the efforts of Universidad Nacional de Colombia scientists in Medellín has resulted in reduction in the use of mercury at intermediate-sized gold mines in Depts. Nariño and Antioquia, respectively. In Dept. Chocó, western Colombia, the use of mercury with dredges and sluices, which also cause increased sediment load in the rivers, has decreased. There is one mercury-cell chlor-alkali plant in Colombia and mercury is also imported in fluorescent and CFLs, dental amalgam capsules, thermometers, batteries, light-up kid's shoes and toys; however, no mercury is recycled. Some mercury-containing material may be encapsulated and then placed in landfills. Gold from the small-scale mines has been used to fund guerilla and paramilitary activities. Increased gold prices, to $US1,600 per troy ounce, continue to drive the use of mercury despite the increased mercury prices, to $US3,000 per 34.5 kg flask. Key words: mercury, gold, green gold, environment, retorting, amalgamation ; En Colombia, se encuentran muchos afloramientos de cinabrio, la mena de mercurio. En tiempos prehispánicos, el mercurio fue usado para la minería de oro a pequeña escala y el cinabrio fue usado en rituales funerales. La mina principal de mercurio en Colombia, La (Nueva) Esperanza, Departamento Caldas, fue cerrada en los 1960s.Pero hoy día, agencias internacionales como el U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, el U.S. State Department, y el United Nations dicen que el mercurio es un elemento muy tóxico al medio ambiente y al ser humano. Colombia es uno de los tres lideres mundiales en el uso del mercurio. A causa de los efectos del mercurio en el medio ambiente y en el ser humano, el gobierno Colombiano quiere reducir el uso de mercurio, de 140 t/a hasta 70 t/a. UNIDO (United Nations Industrial Development Organization) quiere invertir $US1.7 millones para reducir el uso de mercurio en Colombia.En 2011, Colombia importó mercurio de México (23 t) y España (21 t) para uso en minería a pequeña escala, producción de cloro, y lámparas con neón. En Remedios, Departamento de Antioquia, en el norte de Colombia y en el Departamento de Chocó en el oriente, se usa mercurio para agarrar oro (Au-Ag-Pt) y tambien se usan métodos sin mercurio para producir "oro verde." Muchos de los talleres de oro tienen trampas, con agua, para retener los vapores de mercurio después de quemar (refogar) la amalgama (Hg-Au). Tambien, en Remedios, Departamento Antioquia, se usan entables, con mercurio para amalgamar el oro fino de los aluviones. Estudios realizados por cientificos japoneses e investigaciónes de los cientificos de la Universidad Nacional (Laboratorio CIMEX) en Medellín han dado como la disminución del uso del mercurio en minas de oro a mediana escala en los Departamentos de Nariño y Antioquia. En el Departamento Chocó, el uso de mercurio con las dragas, que tambien dejan muchos sedimentos de grano fino en los rios, se ha reducido. En Colombia, hay solamente una planta de cloro que tambien usa y recicla mercurio. Colombia no tiene plantas de reciclaje para productos como lámparas fluorescentes, amalgama dental, termómetros, juguetes, y zapatos de niños. Por consiguiente, la mayoria de los residuos con mercurio se disponen en la basura o quizas en los rellenos sanitarios. Tambien, hay evidencia de la explotación de oro en minería a pequeña escala para financiar las actividades de los grupos al margen de la ley. A causa del incremento en los precios de oro, $US1500 por onza troya en 2011, se incrementó el precio de mercurio llegando a un valor de $US3000 por frasco (34.5 kg). AbstractColombia has many occurrences of cinnabar, the ore of mercury, and in the ancient Andes, mercury was mined, retorted from cinnabar, and used for small-scale gold mining. However, La (Nueva) Esperanza, Dept. Caldas, Colombia's most well-known mercury mine, closed in the 1960s. Mercury is acknowledged as a global contaminant by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the U.S. State Department, the United Nations Environmental Program, and many other world organizations and Colombia is one of the top three users of mercury in the world. The Government of Colombia is concerned about environmental contamination from mercury releases and has attempted to reduce the use of mercury for small-scale gold mining from140 t/yr to70 t/yr. The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) planned to invest $US1.7 million dollars to help reduce the use of mercury in Colombia. In 2011, Colombia imported mercury from Mexico (23 t) and Spain (21 t) and the mercury was used for small-scale gold mining, chlor-alkali production, and neon lighting. In Remedios, Dept. Antioquia, in north- central Colombia, and Dept. Chocó, western Colombia, alluvial gold (Au-Ag-Pt) is produced by mercury as well as non-mercury "green gold" methods. Many of the gold shops where the gold-mercury amalgam is burned have water traps to capture the mercury that is volatilized when the amalgam is burned. In Remedios, simple ball-mills, or entables, also use mercury to amalgamate the fine-grained alluvial gold before burning. Collaboration with Japanese researchers and the efforts of Universidad Nacional de Colombia (CIMEX) scientists in Medellín has resulted in reduction in the use of mercury at intermediate-sized gold mines in Depts. Nariño and Antioquia. In Dept. Chocó, the use of mercury with dredges and sluices, which also cause increased sediment load in the rivers, has decreased. There is one mercury-cell chlor-alkali plant in Colombia and some of the mercury is recycled in-plant. Mercury imported in fluorescent and CFLs, dental amalgam capsules, thermometers, batteries, light-up kid's shoes and toys commonly ends up in the wastestream and is not recycled. Some mercury-containing material may be encapsulated and then placed in landfills. Increased gold prices, to $US1,500 per troy ounce in 2011, continue to drive the use of mercury and the rise in mercury prices to $US3,000 per 34.5 kg flask.
[cat] La "Revolució urbana i drets ciutadans", títol de la tesi, no es pot adscriure a una disciplina acadèmica específica. Crec que predomina la Geografia Urbana, però també hi ha Urbanisme, és a dir intervenció sobre el territori, Política (no confondre amb "ciència política"), és a dir preses de posició al llarg de tots els texts, Sociologia i Dret (cal dir que van ser les primeres disciplines dels meus estudis universitaris) i sempre present una visió històrica. No cal dir que em sento molt més proper al historicisme de Gramsci que al estructuralisme que va marcar molt (excessivament) a la meva generació i que mai m'ha atret, malgrat que en algun dels meus primers treballs, de fa 40 anys, es notés la seva influència. La primera i la segona parts del treball es basa en escrits i reflexions dels darrers anys. En els anys 90 reconec que vaig prioritzar la dimensió positiva de la ciutat, influència especialment deguda als meus 12 anys (1983-95) en el govern de Barcelona. Gradualment he recuperat el "mètode dialèctic" i m'he centrat principalment en les contradiccions dels processos urbans. La primera part és analítica i general i exposa la fallida de les promeses de la revolució urbana de les darreres dècades. Es centra en la ciutat metropolitana o les regions urbanitzades. Inclou també una reflexió sobre l'ensenyament del urbanisme, resultat de la reflexió sobre el màster que he dirigit a partir de l'any 2000 a la UB i després a la UOC. Aquesta part està feta des de la perspectiva relacional entre els poders polítics i els processos urbans en la seva dimensió socio-econòmica a més de territorial. La segona part, a partir de l'anàlisi crítica de l'urbanisme, està feta des de la perspectiva de la relació entre espai públic i moviments socials. La qüestió de l'espai públic, vinculat al dret a la ciutat, ha estat el principal eix de reflexió en els darrers 10 anys. Els annexes (14 entre les dues parts) permeten presentar anàlisis concretes que complementen els texts bàsics. La tercera part consisteix en un sol capítol però molt extens (90 pàgs.), es de redacció molt recent i reprèn els temes del primer capítol a partir de la crisi econòmico-financera iniciada cap els anys 2007-2008, una crisi molt vinculada als processos d'urbanització especulativa i a la borbolla immobiliària. És el capítol més "polític". Els tres annexes que completen aquesta part són també representatius de l'ideari de l'autor i han estat escrits en moments diversos. He afegit un text complementari que ha donat com a resultat un segon volum de 300 pàgines. Una mena d'autobiografia sobre com he après el que sé de les ciutats i he afegit una relació bastant extensa de les publicacions (llibres i articles) i dels treballs (informes, plans o projectes, etc) realitzats al llarg de gairebé 50 anys. L'he titulada "Les meves universitats. Història d'un procés d'aprenentatge". El títol, inspirat en Gorki, ja dóna la pista de que no es tracta d'una "autobiografia intel•lectual". El meu aprenentatge ha estat més al carrer que a les aules, més en la pràctica política i social i també professional de l'urbanisme que en la recerca, més en els viatges que en el sedentarisme obligat per les classes universitàries. Reivindico com mètode de coneixement el que es deriva de la pràctica social, professional i política. Però crec que aquesta vida agitada no m'ha impedit llegir, escriure i fins i tot pensar. Sense menysprear altres formes de coneixement, com el que s'entén actualment en el món acadèmic, reivindico el valor del coneixement derivat de la pràctica i no admeto que se li negui el seu caràcter "científic", si és que les ciències socials es poden qualificar així. En la reflexió sobre la pràctica hi ha també base teòrica, mètode, treball empíric i verificació o avaluació dels resultats. El text de conclusió es titula "L'agonia de la Universitat i la responsabilitat dels intel•lectuals" i és una crítica de la regressió de les ciències socials quan es converteixen en caricatures de les anomenades "ciències dures". ; [eng] "Urban Revolution and citizens' rights", the title of the thesis, can not be assigned to a specific academic discipline. I think it fits into Urban Geography, but also Urban Planning, that is to say intervention on the territory, and Politics (not to be confused with "political science"), i.e. giving points of view in all of the writings, as well as Sociology and Law (these disciplines were my majors at the University) and offers a historical view, present through the text. Needles to say that I always felt closer to Gramsci and his historicism then to structuralism that marked my generation (in excess) and never attracted me, although in my first works, written 40 years ago, one could notice its influence. The first part of the thesis is analytical and general and exposes the failure of the promises of urban revolution of the past decades. It focuses on the metropolitan city or urbanized regions. It also includes a reflection on the way Urbanism has been taught, a result of my experience in the Master course that I directed at the University of Barcelona from 2000 to 2006 and later at Open University of Catalonia. This part is written from a relational perspective between political power and urban processes in their socio-economical and territorial dimension. The second part is based on a critical analysis of urbanism and is written from a perspective of the relationship between public space and social movements. The question of public space, related to the right to the city, has been a principal axis of my thinking in the past 10 years. The annexes (14 altogether), allow us to present a specific analysis that complement the base text. The third part consists of only one chapter, but much longer (90 pages), that has been written quite recently and it returns to the topics from the first chapter now from the perspective of an economic-finance crisis that began in 2007-2008, a crisis whose roots are largely to be found in speculative urbanization and real estate bubble. It is a rather "political" chapter. The three annexes that complete this part are also representative of the author's ideology and have been written at different moments. I also added a complementary text that turned to be a second volume of 300 pages. It is a sort of autobiography about the way I learned what I know about the cities. I also added a long list of my publications (books and articles) and other works (such as apports, plans, projects, etc.) produced in the last almost 50 years.
International audience Based on a comparative study in five countries (Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt and Turkey) since the 1970s, this article studies the methods of designation of Islamist parties. While these are perceived as the representatives of religious conservatism, their names draw on lexical repertoires that are related to two forms of reformism, the Islamism of Nahda and nationalist developmentalism. Their names set out the quest for a development model whose authenticity would rely on a dual desire to implement Islamic norms at the national level and to respond to the demands of local populations. The article shows, however, how, in the absence of such an authentic model, four words from the reformist lexical repertoire (justice, development, freedom and renaissance) are used as "correcting principles". We thus contribute to explaining how the pragmatism of political Islam is practiced according to a three-prong logic, legalism, electoral affirmation and political distinction. ; Cet article interroge les modalités de nomination des partis islamistes autorisés à participer aux élections dans cinq pays (Maroc, Algérie, Tunisie, Égypte et Turquie). Tandis que ceux-ci sont perçus comme les représentants d'un conservatisme religieux, leurs noms puisent dans des répertoires lexicaux forgés par deux formes de réformisme, l'islamisme de la Nahda et le développementalisme nationaliste. Ces noms énoncent la quête d'un modèle de développement dont l'authenticité s'appuierait sur une double volonté de concrétiser des normes islamiques à l'échelle nationale et de répondre aux revendications des populations locales. L'article montre néanmoins comment, en l'absence d'un tel modèle authentique, quatre mots issus du répertoire lexical réformiste (justice, développement, liberté et renaissance) sont employés comme des « principes correcteurs ». Il contribue ainsi à expliquer comment le pragmatisme de l'islam politique se pratique selon un triptyque de logiques légaliste, d'affirmation électorale et de distinction ...
[ES]Emprender el estudio de la traducción como fenómeno histórico y literario requiere, ante todo, de la edición y estudio de los textos que se traducen. En su mayoría estos nos faltan, por lo que María Isabel de Páiz ha reunido en este volumen una serie de prólogos o accesos de algunas obras con el fin de tener un sobrio panorama de las primeras teorías y dificultades de la labor de traducción a partir de las observaciones de los propios traductores de los siglos XIV-XVI. El trabajo de ordenación, localización y clasificación de códices es riguroso. Se agavillan los textos de Paladio, Vegecio, Boecio, Cicerón, Virgilio, la Materia Troyana, Eusebio de Cesarea, César, Dante Alighieri y Epícteto. El volumen se acompaña de una artículo de investigación sobre la labor de traductor de Alfonso Fernández de Madrigal, el Tostado.
Using data from the Ecuadorian private banking system for the period 2000-2017, this paper analyses macroeconomic and bank specific variables as determinants of credit risk, evaluated through a panel data with random effects. The findings highlight that macroeconomic and financial conditions of the country can explain credit banks quality in Ecuador. In particular, the factors that influence the credit risk in private banking system are the unemployment, government variables, the growth rate of loans, provisions, profitability and size. Keywords: Credit risk, banking system, macroeconomic factors, institutional factors. URL: http://revistas.uta.edu.ec/erevista/index.php/bcoyu/article/view/842 DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.31164/bcoyu.23.2019.842 References: Ahmad, N., & Ariff, M. (2007). Multi-country study of bank. The International Journal of Banking and Finance, 135-152. Alfaro, R., Calvo, D., & Oda, D. (2008). Riesgo de Crédito de la Banca. 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Obtenido de http://repositorio.uchile.cl/bitstream/handle/2250/149796/Urbina%20Poveda%20Myriam.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y Vallcorba, M., & Delgado, J. (2007). Determinantes de la morosidad bancaria en una economía dolarizada. El caso uruguayo. Documentos de trabajo. Banco de España, 1-45. Vera, C., & Titelman, D. (2013). El sistema financiero en América Latina y el Caribe. Financiamiento para el Desarrollo, 1-40. Obtenido de https://repositorio.cepal.org/bitstream/handle/11362/35880/1/LCL3746_es.pdf Vuslat, U. (2016). A dynamic approach to analysing the effect of the global crisis on nonperforming loans: evidence from the Turkish banking sector. Applied Economics Letters, 186-192. Waemustafa, W., & Sukri, S. (2015). Bank Specific and Macroeconomics Dynamic Determinants of Credit Risk in Islamic Banks and Conventional Banks. International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, 476-481. Obtenido de econjournals.com/index.php/ijefi/article/view/1105/pdf
Welcome to the first issue of IASSIST Quarterly for the year 2023 - IQ vol. 47(1). The last article in this issue has in the title the FAIR acronym that stands for Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable. These are the concepts most often focused on by our articles in the IQ and FAIR has an extra emphasis in this issue. The first article introduces and demonstrates a shared vocabulary for data points where the need arose after confusions about data and metadata. Basically, I find that the most valuable virtue of well-structured data – I deliberately use a fuzzy term to save you from long excursions here in the editor's notes – is that other well-structured data can benefit from use of the same software. Similarly, well-structured metadata can benefit from the same software. I also see this as the driver for the second article, on time series data and description. Sometimes, the software mentioned is the same software in both instances as metadata is treated as data or vice versa. This allows for new levels of data-driven machine actions. These days universities are busy investigating and discussing the latest chatbots. I find many of the approaches restrictive and prefer to support the inclusive ones. Likewise, I also expect and look forward to bots having great relevance for the future implementation of FAIR principles. The first article is on data and metadata by George Alter, Flavio Rizzolo, and Kathi Schleidt and has the title 'View points on data points: A shared vocabulary for cross-domain conversations on data and metadata'. The authors have observed that sharing data across scientific domains is often impeded by differences in the language used to describe data and metadata. To avoid confusion, the authors develop a terminology. Part of the confusion concerns disagreement about the boundaries between data and metadata; and that what is metadata in one domain can be data in another. The shift between data and metadata is what they name as 'semantic transposition'. I find that such shifts are a virtue and a strength and as the authors say, there is no fixed boundary between data and metadata, and both can be acted upon by people and machines. The article draws on and refers to many other standards and developments, most cited are the data model of Observations and Measurements (ISO 19156) and tools of the Data Documentation Initiative's Cross Domain Integration (DDI-CDI). The article is thorough and explanatory with many examples and diagrams for learning, including examples of transformations between the formats: wide, long, and multidimensional. The long format of entity-attribute-value has the value domain restricted by the attribute, and in examples time and source are added, which demonstrates how further metadata enter the format. When transposing to the wide format, this is a more familiar data matrix where the same value domain applies to the complete column. The multidimensional format with facets is for most readers the familiar aggregations published by statistical agencies. The authors argue that their domain-independent vocabulary enables the cross-domain conversation. George Alter is Research Professor Emeritus in the Institute for Social Research at the University of Michigan, Flavio Rizzolo is Senior Data Science Architect for Statistics Canada. Kathi Schleidt is a data scientist and the founder of DataCove. The format discussion in the first article is also the point of the second paper on 'Modernizing data management at the US Bureau of Labor Statistics'. The US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) has a focus on time series and Daniel W. Gillman and Clayton Waring (both from the BLS) view time series data as a combination of three components: A measure element; an element for person, places, and things (PPT); and a time element. In the paper Gillman and Waring also describe the conceptual model (UML) and the design and features of the system. First, they go back in history to the 1970s and the Codd relational model and to the standards developed and refined after 2000. You will not be surprised to find here among the references also the Data Documentation Initiative's Cross Domain Integration (DDI-CDI). The mission is: 'to find a simple and intuitive way to store and organize statistical data with the goal of making it easy to find and use the data'. A semantic approach is adopted, i.e. the focus is on the meaning of the data based upon the 'Measures / People-Places-Things / Time' model. Detailed examples show how PPT are categories of dimensions, for instance 'nurse' is in the Standard Occupational Classification and 'hospital' in the North American Industry Classification System. The paper – like the first paper – also refers to multidimensional structures. The modernization described at BLS is expected to be released in early 2023. The third paper is by João Aguiar Castro, Joana Rodrigues, Paula Mena Matos, Célia Sales, and Cristina Ribeiro where all authors are affiliated with the University of Porto. Like the earlier articles this also references the Data Documentation Initiative (DDI) with a focus on the concepts behind the FAIR acronym: Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable. The title is: 'Getting in touch with metadata: a DDI subset for FAIR metadata production in clinical psychology'. Clinical psychology is not an area frequently occurring in IASSIST Quarterly, but it turns out that the project described started with interviews and data description sessions with research groups in the Social Sciences for identifying a manageable DDI subset. The project also draws on other projects such as TAIL, TOGETHER, and Dendro. The TAIL project concerned the integration metadata tools in the research workflow and assessed the requirements of researchers from different domains. TOGETHER was a project in the psycho-oncology domain and family-centered care for hereditary cancer. As most researchers showed to be inexperienced with metadata, they concentrated on a DDI subset that meant that FAIR metadata would be available for deposit. Support for researchers is essential as the they have the domain expertise and can create highly detailed descriptions. On the other hand, data curators can ensure that the metadata follow the rules of FAIR. This was achieved by embedding the Dendro platform in the research workflow, where creation of metadata is performed in an incremental description of the data. The article includes screenshots of the user interface showing the choice of vocabularies. The approach and the adoption of a DDI subset produced more comprehensive metadata than is usually available. Submissions of papers for the IASSIST Quarterly are always very welcome. We welcome input from IASSIST conferences or other conferences and workshops, from local presentations or papers especially written for the IQ. When you are preparing such a presentation, give a thought to turning your one-time presentation into a lasting contribution. Doing that after the event also gives you the opportunity of improving your work after feedback. We encourage you to login or create an author profile at https://www.iassistquarterly.com (our Open Journal System application). We permit authors to have 'deep links' into the IQ as well as deposition of the paper in your local repository. Chairing a conference session or workshop with the purpose of aggregating and integrating papers for a special issue IQ is also much appreciated as the information reaches many more people than the limited number of session participants and will be readily available on the IASSIST Quarterly website at https://www.iassistquarterly.com. Authors are very welcome to take a look at the instructions and layout: https://www.iassistquarterly.com/index.php/iassist/about/submissions Authors can also contact me directly via e-mail: kbr@sam.sdu.dk. Should you be interested in compiling a special issue for the IQ as guest editor(s) I will also be delighted to hear from you. Karsten Boye Rasmussen - March 2023
n the last centuries, Humankind has lived sourced by fossil fuels and under a linear economic perspective based on extractive activities, environmental depletion and lack of circularity. Ironically, what goes around, comes around. The prevailing paradigm of production-consumption-waste (take-make-dispose) that excluded the environmental perspective was wrong. How production and consumption patterns are settled nowadays, have repercussions in all the spheres (economy, society and the environment). Consequently, the world is currently facing significant challenges that affect all the people: Climate Change, energy security, increasing electricity demand, economic growth and employment creation are among the top concerns today. They are present in the national agendas as reflected in the Sustainability Development Goals (SDGs) to achieve sustainability resilience and, ultimately, welfare. The economy and energy systems strongly condition these goals. Regarding the former, production processes now are more distant due to globalisation, information and communication technologies (ICT), offshoring and the international trade growth, and have made that production and consumption develop through complex global value chains (GVC) with different countries that produce different parts of a final product that is eventually consumed elsewhere. The Covid19's pandemic is a recent example of how the GVC phenomenon has propagated the economic shocks across sectors and countries (via lockdowns, upstream bottlenecks, dependencies and transportation problems). Understanding how GVC behave is fundamental to describing the dependencies and networks that define today's world economy. Hence, GVC become the backbone of this thesis. Concerning the later, energy coming from fossil fuels is still mainstream. This fact hinders the efforts to fight against Climate Change, which implies meeting the Paris Agreement goals. Countries are committed to reducing their greenhouse gases emissions for the year 2030. The strategy to achieve the mitigation goals needs a low carbon economy and energy transition path, so countries worldwide have launched national policy packages to increase renewable energy sources (RES). However, two main issues arise: on the one hand, these green investments planned are insufficient. On the other side, the required energy transition may impact other aspects of sustainability and resilience that imply both synergies and trade-offs between SDGs and social and economic spheres of sustainability that should be assessed. Furthermore, world energy demand is expected to increase. In developing countries, growth is dramatic. For example, the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region grew at a rate of 6-8% per year in the past years. It is expected to triple by 2030. Developing countries face the same challenges as developed ones, departing from a disadvantaged position (in terms of technology, labour skills and capital endowments, institutional robustness, and political priorities). In this context, an energy transition towards decarbonisation, focused on developing regions, plays cardinal importance in the thesis. Renewable electricity ensures climate protection and energy security, as well as employment opportunities, economic growth and human welfare. It becomes part of the solution to today's problems to achieve sustainability. With Covid19, the future of energy and the global value chains is uncertain. The debate about the virtues GVC and the dependencies in the production process obviously affect the citizens' health and safety and have implications for international trade and investment (renewables included). Policymakers responsible for taking today's critical investment decisions need complete analysis and evidence of their choices' broad impacts. This is the main objective of the thesis. Aiming to depict the current functioning of the production processes focused on RES deployment, this document covers the insertion of developing regions in GVC (their role, insertion and implications), through socioeconomic and environmental indicators, and policy recommendations. The present thesis, entitled "Sustainability assessment of green investments on the path to the energy transition and the decarbonisation of the economy. The importance of global value chains", is structured in six chapters: Chapter 1 introduces the two intertwined concepts present in the whole document: energy and the global value chains. Chapters 3 to 5 deal with these two concepts at different levels (regional, national and local, respectively). It also presents the main research questions and lists the work performed up to the present date. Chapter 2 links RES deployment and value chains through a common methodological framework: the input-output analysis. It is a widely used way to measure GVC and sustainability impacts related to investments such as renewables. One of the main advantages of this method is its ability to account for a wide range of dimensions in the three spheres of sustainability along with detailed full inclusion of the GVC, including both direct and indirect effects. However, one of the main shortcomings of this methodology is the lack of data available for developing regions: many countries are not covered in the main multi-regional input-output (MRIO) databases, hindering the measurement of GVC in regions like South America or Africa. Chapter 3 addresses data shortcomings by using a regional input-output table (RIOT). Chapter 3 analyses South America's role in GVC through the Koopman, Wang and Wei (KWW) decomposition. The KWW scheme is extended to explain the limitations when using a RIOT. A novel adaptation of the KWW gross exports decomposition scheme, suitable for any RIOT, is created to this end. The implications of using a RIOT are assessed. Besides, the results are complemented with those obtained using a Multiregional Input-Output (MRIO) table. It is confirmed the low insertion of South America in GVC and its upstream position as a provider of intermediate goods and services: imported content in South American exports comes primarily from outside the region, and only Uruguay is vertically integrated. Finally, using a RIOT is not recommended for a complete sustainability analysis when MRIO tables are available. In chapter 4, Mexico's green investments for the period 2018-2030 are assessed in terms of value added, employment, materials, land use, water and CO2eq emissions in a multiregional input-output framework. These green investments are expected to account for nearly an increase of 1%, both GDP and employment, in Mexico and scheduled mitigation of around 63 Mt CO2eq, once the new facilities are fully deployed. Nevertheless, the deployment and operation, and maintenance phases will increase the emissions (0.82%), the water and material footprint (0.19 and 0.9%, respectively) and the land use (0.19%) with a substantial share of the positive and negative effects leaked outside the country borders. We compare the results with the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) proposal, aligned with the COP21 goals. If additional RES to meet the Paris Agreement is deployed in Mexico, GDP and employment are estimated to almost triple concerning the national package assessed. Chapter 5 presents a sustainability assessment of concentrated solar power (CSP) hybridisation with biomass technology to be installed in Tunisia. Environmental impacts have been assessed by Life Cycle Analysis (LCA). For socioeconomic impacts, an MRIO analysis was used to estimate the production of goods and services, value added and employment creation. Regarding the results, the system reports 22 gCO2eq per kWh. The most critical component in terms of emissions is the gasifier system, due to biomass transport. Socioeconomic results show significant impacts on Tunisia's employment creation, coming essentially from the operation and maintenance (O&M) phase. The multiplier effect of the direct investment in producing goods and services amounts to 2.4 (3.5 accounting induced impacts). Domestic value added in investment is low, only 28.9% of the overall value added created. Thus, increasing the national content of the investment stage would bring additional local benefits. Using extended MRIO, CO2 emissions have also been calculated, and the CO2 emission differences with both methodologies are discussed. This thesis concludes with some final remarks regarding the importance of RES deployment in achieving the Paris Agreement and some of the Agenda 2030 goals while identifying how GVC affect these green investments, especially in developing countries. GVC potential weaknesses and the benefits of fostering local RES components niches should be considered to create policy actions. Finally, brief comments on current and future research lines include exploring other technologies such as carbon capture, storage and use (CCUS), capital endogenisation and methodological hybridisations to contribute to identifying the benefits of green investments in the way to sustainability.
Current power systems have remained qualitatively similar to how the were in the last century, especially with respect to the interaction with the end-users. Though present global challenges are putting pressure and questioning their architecture. The increasing demand for electricity - that has become an essential commodity, fundamental for all activities of today's lifestyle - coupled with the concerns about climate change and the need to improve the quality and reliability of the provision urge a modernization of the network. A modernization that needs: to be low carbon, to be reliability and security improving, and to develop new models of customer relationship. Indeed, the thesis deals with important issues that are today in the limelight, such as: i) the importance of the electricity sector in the implementation of climate change mitigation strategies, ii) the innovation of the electricity network as a strategy for reducing emissions, iii) the design of new policies of management of renewable energies and of the new services available, iv) the need to actively involve the users of the network into new styles of consumption / production of energy. All of this is evaluated in a context of evolving energy policies, where the relative long-term importance of the different power generating technologies is changing, especially after the recent events in Japan. The thesis aims at demonstrating the need to promote a qualitative transformation in the system architecture of the "grid" to make it suitable for managing the complexity of the economic scenarios and advanced services that characterize the emerging "knowledge society", in compliance with the objectives of environmental sustainability and in response to concerns about global climate change. Indeed, because of these concerns and of social and political acceptability issues of nuclear power, as we know it today, the energy scenarios for the next few decades see the emergence of an increasingly important role for renewable energy sources. The general assumption of the thesis is that such a change in the sources of production is likely to cause a major qualitative leap in the power grid. This transformation may induce the evolution of the electricity grid from a classical architecture, top-down and hierarchical, to a more innovative architecture, that will configure the grid (more and more) as a "social ecosystem", able to include the empowerment of all its stakeholders and to enhance, in particular, the more active role of all users of the new network services. To demonstrate and operationalize the complex nature of this change and the emerging trends, the thesis is organized into three integrated papers that develop and disentangle the system effects of the two technologies that today seem to be at the basis of the possible evolution: Super-Grids and Smart-Grids. The analysis will be conducted using a qualitative-quantitative methodological approach through simulations for both technologies and their integration. The first paper - New electricity generation networks and climate change: the economic potential of national and trans-national super-grids powered by Concentrated Solar Power - develops the analysis of Super-Grids. More in detail, it analyses the system effects and the technological and economic opportunities of transmitting large amounts of electricity over long distances, for the stabilization of anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases, with particular attention to the resulting geopolitical dynamics. The analysis is conducted using the simulation platform WITCH, an Integrated Assessment Model (IAM), able to compare this option with other mitigation opportunities, in a framework of intertemporal optimization of resources. In particular, the focus is on the production of electricity from concentrated solar power (CSP) in areas of high solar intensity in places located far from demand centres and, until now, not economically advantageous. The quantitative analysis focuses on the electricity supply made available by the Super-Grid - both domestically and for export/import - evaluating their economic, technological and CO2 mitigation potentials. We have analyzed, in particular, the EU-MENA trade case, though, the results can be expanded qualitatively to consider also the North-South European energy axis, extending the analysis of the geopolitical implications. The second paper - Smart-Grids and Climate Change. Consumer adoption of smart energy behaviour: a system dynamics approach to evaluate the mitigation potential - develops the analysis of Smart-Grids. More in detail, it analyses the system effects of engaging with consumers. More specifically, it looks at the impacts of allowing consumers to: (i) manage more actively and consciously their consumption patterns; (ii) participate to innovative contracting; (iii) generate electricity for own consumption and /or to inject into the grid. Particular interest is directed to the increase in variety of user behaviour (shift, demand response, home automation, generation), caused by the implementation of Smart-Grids, which allows: (i) to form new relationships among actors of the network, (ii) to trigger new processes of "micro production" for energy self-sufficiency to be integrated into the network; and to (iii) improve the management and optimization of the power network. In short, to transform the network into a "sensitive network" capable of opening new organizational spaces/times of action. The analysis is conducted by means of simulations of the adoption dynamics of "smart energy behaviours" by citizens, using the methodology of System Dynamics (J. Forrester) to address the complexity of the dynamics involved. The quantitative analysis focuses on the power supply made available by the change in consumption patterns and by domestic generation, in a "energy self-sufficiency" perspective and on the impacts in terms of demand, system costs and opportunities for mitigation. The qualitative analysis studies the organizational transformations, and the social and cultural evolutions induced by the new interactivity with the end-user The concept of Smart Grid connects the power system to the emerging qualitative transformations and scenarios of the "Knowledge Society" and its newly empowered "Smart Prosumer". In the third paper - Super & Smart Grid integrated investment scenarios: Green Sustainable Energy Management Strategies & Scenarios - the complex effects of Super and Smart Grid are analysed together. The paper is divided in two parts: the first one where Super and Smart Grids are integrated in one simulation environment to conduct an in-depth economic analysis, and the second part where they are jointly evaluated and compared considering the effects of the innovation of the electricity grid on different levels: environmental, technological, economic, organizational, social and geopolitical, by means of the GEMS (Green Energy Management Strategies foe sustainable scenarios) multi-level evaluation function: GEMS = (Env, Tech, Ec, Org, Soc, GeoP). The proposal is to identify an approach for the analysis and management of the various strategies of green energy generation, that is able to grasp the complexities and interactions of the multiple effects induced by the different options. The quantitative analysis focuses on the integration of the power supply made available jointly by Super and Smart Grids. The qualitative analysis has investigated the new dynamics of empowerment among all the stakeholders involved and the possible impacts on various levels. The synergies of system integration, related to the potential mix of Super and Smart Grids, to manage the evolution of green electricity are also analysed. Concluding, the thesis started with a substantial economic and computational approach, and then was expanded to take into account qualitative aspects that govern the dynamics of the complex "social ecosystem" in play. In synthesis, we analyze the quali-quantitative system effects induced by the impact of the innovation processes in the power network, in an energy market that is not able, alone and in a classical economic perspective, to jointly optimize aspects concerning the environment, technology, organizational structures, economics, society and geopolitics, that are put into play by the introduction of these technological options. These tools are also needed to manage the inevitable conflicts of interest that will arise with the change. We propose an approach "beyond grid parity", in the sense that we aim at analyzing a broader concept of "costs", to: (i) identify the paths of evolution of the electrical system in the scenarios of the knowledge society, (ii) the nature and extent of the processes involved, and (iii) to assess the feasibility of accepting the challenge of a low-carbon economy based on renewable energy.
These complète en allemand : Konflikte um Wasser in Marokko: ökologische und soziopolitische Konfliktursachen sowie Möglichkeiten der Konflikttransformation (Résumé long en français de 73 pages) ; Water scarcity increasingly provokes conflicts with often violent tendencies. As water management is determined by socio-political structures, governance plays a key role in the emergence and resolution of these conflicts. Based on a case-study of water conflicts in Morocco, the key objective of the present study is to understand how different political, ecological and socio-economic factors interact in the dynamics of these disputes. The first of the nine chapters introduces the topic by reviewing the possibilities of measuring water scarcity and its impact. This is done by exploring the situation in the MENA-region, and by analysing the security implications at the international level as well as in the context of broader security concepts. The second chapter evaluates the value of three theoretical approaches to the study of water conflicts: common pool resources theories, environmental security approaches, and conflict research. On the basis of this assessment, the third chapter presents a specific analytical and methodological approach by adapting theories of conflict transformation to the study of water conflicts. Four working hypotheses are developed regarding the root causes of water conflicts, the type of farmers most affected and the potential for mediation. Chapters 4 and 5 analyse potential root causes of water conflicts in Morocco. Chapter 4 concludes that the political system with the particular role of the king and his alliances with rural elites is challenged by the lack of legitimacy of democratic institutions, the increasing influence of civil society and religious actors, and the emergence of new economic elites. Chapter 5 analyses water and agricultural policies in Morocco and concludes that water scarcity, the effects of trade liberalisation, and incomplete decentralisation processes contribute to increasing social disparities and may fuel conflict. Chapters 6 and 7 analyse the case of water conflicts in the Souss region in Southern Morocco. The region is highly affected by water scarcity. At the same time, it is of strategic importance to the export-oriented, lucrative citrus fruit production. In this context, the study analyses the increasing marginalisation of small farmers and the problems of public water management, which is challenged by influential private investors and illegal drilling. It also examines the pilot project ElGuerdane for water mobilisation and distribution through a public-private partnership in irrigation. The analysis reviews the project's technical and financial aspects, and its political and environmental implications. Chapter 7 introduces a typology of water conflicts developed on the basis of the author's field research. It then presents the results of the empirical investigations including a large number of expert interviews, the study of six cases of water conflicts, and about 100 standardised interviews with farmers. The chapter concludes that an important marginalisation process of small farmers takes place in the valley, reveals that these farmers are also more often affected by conflicts over irrigation and drinking water, and examines the success of different mediators in this context. Chapter 8 points to the significance of these results for larger socio-political processes in the country and reveals four key trends characterising the changes in the relationships between society, king and government. Furthermore, the perspectives for water conflict transformation and the need for further research are developed. The last chapter presents a practical concept for enhancing conflict sensitivity in the water sector and for preventing violent escalation of tensions. It proposes three overall objectives in this regard: (a) understanding water conflicts as factors of socio-political (de-)stabilisation; (b) identifying conflict potentials and supporting transformation processes; and (c) dealing constructively with water conflicts. Concrete measures are proposed for the implementation of each of these objectives. Finally, the conclusion reviews the main challenges in the study of water conflicts and summarises the key findings. ; La pénurie croissante en eau douce provoque de plus en plus souvent des conflits parfois violents. Compte tenu de la forte influence des structures sociopolitiques locales sur la gestion de l'eau, l'émergence et le traitement des conflits, au delà du contexte environnemental, sont surtout une question de gouvernance. Le travail présent cherche à répondre aux trois questions de recherche centrales suivantes : (1) Quelles sont les causes politiques, écologiques et socio-économiques structurelles de l'émergence et de l'escalade des conflits autour de l'eau ? (2) Quelles sont les possibilités de médiation, de prévention et de transformation de ces conflits que nous pouvons développer sur la base des connaissances acquises à travers l'étude de cas? Et (3) comment une étude de cas locale peut-elle contribuer au développement d'une approche théorique plus générale et quels enseignements pour l'approche méthodologique pouvons-nous en tirer? L'objectif essentiel de ce travail est de comprendre, à l'exemple du Maroc, comment différents facteurs politiques, sociaux, économiques influencent l'émergence et le déroulement des conflits autour de l'eau. L'étude est organisée en neuf chapitres. Dans un premier temps, nous introduisons la thématique et l'état de la recherche. Au delà de l'impact de la pénurie en eau dans la région du Proche et Moyen Orient et de l'Afrique du Nord nous analysons également le rôle politique particulier de l'agriculture irriguée et les implications sécuritaires de la pénurie. Le deuxième chapitre évalue l'état de la recherche dans trois domaines proches de notre problématique : la recherche sur la sécurité environnementale, les théories de la gestion des biens communs, et la recherche sur les conflits. Sur la base de notre constat des forces et des faiblesses des théories existantes, nous développons notre approche d'analyse et méthodologique et présentons nos hypothèses de travail (chapitre 3). Celles-ci assument qu'une combinaison de processus de marginalisation écologique et socio-économique provoque les conflits autour de l'eau. Nous présumons aussi que le succès d'initiatives de médiation dans ces conflits dépend de la légitimité des intervenants, et que les organisations locales jouent un rôle important à cet égard. Les chapitres 4 et 5 sont consacrés à l'analyse des structures politiques et socio-économiques du Maroc dans le but d'identifier de potentielles causes structurelles de conflits. Le système politique et la position particulière du roi ainsi que ses alliances traditionnelles avec les élites rurales se trouvent au centre du quatrième chapitre. Nous concluons que le système socio- politique marocain se trouve aujourd'hui dans un processus de mutation conditionné par la faible légitimité des institutions démocratiques, la popularité croissante des acteurs de la société civile mais aussi de groupements religieux, et l'émergence d'une nouvelle élite. Le cinquième chapitre se concentre sur les changements dans la politique de l'eau et de l'agriculture et des conflits potentiels qui en résultent. Nous identifions la pénurie en eau, la libéralisation économique, une décentralisation inachevée et les grandes disparités entre les zones rurales et urbaines comme problèmes cruciaux et potentiellement conflictuels du développement rural. L'étude de cas dans la zone du Souss au Sud du Maroc se trouve au centre des chapitres 6 et 7. Dans le sixième chapitre, nous analysons la situation paradoxale de la simultanéité d'une forte dégradation des ressources eau et terre dans la région d'une part, et de son importance stratégique pour les cultures agricoles hautement rentables d'autre part. Dans ce contexte, nous étudions également la marginalisation croissante des petites exploitations agricoles ainsi que les problèmes de la gestion de l'eau. Par ailleurs, nous analysons le projet pilote d'un partenariat public-privé pour l'irrigation. Au-delà de l'étude du montage financier et technique de ce projet, nous révélons également ses implications politiques et environnementales. Dans cette étude de cas, nous avons procédé à l'étude de sources bibliographiques mais surtout aussi à de nombreuses enquêtes de terrain. Le septième chapitre introduit d'abord notre typologie des conflits autour de l'eau et présente ensuite les résultats des enquêtes. Nous concluons entre autres qu'un profond décrochement entre petites et grandes exploitations agricoles a eu lieu dans les dix dernières années et qui s'accentue encore aujourd'hui. Par ailleurs, nous révélons la fréquence de l'affectation des petites, moyennes et grandes exploitations par différents types de conflits d'eau et évaluons le succès de différents médiateurs. Finalement, sur la base de ces données et compte tenu de l'impact du projet de partenariat public-privé, nous évaluons le potentiel de conflits présent et à venir dans cette région. Dans les chapitres 8 et 9, nous tirons les conclusions de notre étude de cas. Nous présentons premièrement les enseignements méthodologiques et analysons ensuite les tendances majeures concernant la continuité et le changement des relations entre la société marocaine, le gouvernement et le roi. Nous concluons le huitième chapitre par une analyse des possibilités d'une transformation des conflits autour de l'eau. Le neuvième et dernier chapitre présente un concept pratique pour l'évaluation et la prévention des conflits autour de l'eau. Dans ce but, nous développons trois principes suivis d'une série de mesures pour leur mise en oeuvre: (1) le développement et la réalisation d'une compréhension globale de la politique de l'eau, (2) un meilleur diagnostic des conflits autour de l'eau et de leurs causes structurelles, ainsi que le soutien à leur transformation, et (3) une modification de la manière d'appréhender les conflits, orientée vers leur potentiel innovateur et de coopération. Finalement, nous résumons les résultats principaux de notre travail, signalons les défis essentiels liés aux conflits de l'eau à l'avenir et proposons des pistes de réflexion pour de nouvelles recherches dans ce domaine.
These complète en allemand : Konflikte um Wasser in Marokko: ökologische und soziopolitische Konfliktursachen sowie Möglichkeiten der Konflikttransformation (Résumé long en français de 73 pages) ; Water scarcity increasingly provokes conflicts with often violent tendencies. As water management is determined by socio-political structures, governance plays a key role in the emergence and resolution of these conflicts. Based on a case-study of water conflicts in Morocco, the key objective of the present study is to understand how different political, ecological and socio-economic factors interact in the dynamics of these disputes. The first of the nine chapters introduces the topic by reviewing the possibilities of measuring water scarcity and its impact. This is done by exploring the situation in the MENA-region, and by analysing the security implications at the international level as well as in the context of broader security concepts. The second chapter evaluates the value of three theoretical approaches to the study of water conflicts: common pool resources theories, environmental security approaches, and conflict research. On the basis of this assessment, the third chapter presents a specific analytical and methodological approach by adapting theories of conflict transformation to the study of water conflicts. Four working hypotheses are developed regarding the root causes of water conflicts, the type of farmers most affected and the potential for mediation. Chapters 4 and 5 analyse potential root causes of water conflicts in Morocco. Chapter 4 concludes that the political system with the particular role of the king and his alliances with rural elites is challenged by the lack of legitimacy of democratic institutions, the increasing influence of civil society and religious actors, and the emergence of new economic elites. Chapter 5 analyses water and agricultural policies in Morocco and concludes that water scarcity, the effects of trade liberalisation, and incomplete decentralisation processes contribute to increasing social disparities and may fuel conflict. Chapters 6 and 7 analyse the case of water conflicts in the Souss region in Southern Morocco. The region is highly affected by water scarcity. At the same time, it is of strategic importance to the export-oriented, lucrative citrus fruit production. In this context, the study analyses the increasing marginalisation of small farmers and the problems of public water management, which is challenged by influential private investors and illegal drilling. It also examines the pilot project ElGuerdane for water mobilisation and distribution through a public-private partnership in irrigation. The analysis reviews the project's technical and financial aspects, and its political and environmental implications. Chapter 7 introduces a typology of water conflicts developed on the basis of the author's field research. It then presents the results of the empirical investigations including a large number of expert interviews, the study of six cases of water conflicts, and about 100 standardised interviews with farmers. The chapter concludes that an important marginalisation process of small farmers takes place in the valley, reveals that these farmers are also more often affected by conflicts over irrigation and drinking water, and examines the success of different mediators in this context. Chapter 8 points to the significance of these results for larger socio-political processes in the country and reveals four key trends characterising the changes in the relationships between society, king and government. Furthermore, the perspectives for water conflict transformation and the need for further research are developed. The last chapter presents a practical concept for enhancing conflict sensitivity in the water sector and for preventing violent escalation of tensions. It proposes three overall objectives in this regard: (a) understanding water conflicts as factors of socio-political (de-)stabilisation; (b) identifying conflict potentials and supporting transformation processes; and (c) dealing constructively with water conflicts. Concrete measures are proposed for the implementation of each of these objectives. Finally, the conclusion reviews the main challenges in the study of water conflicts and summarises the key findings. ; La pénurie croissante en eau douce provoque de plus en plus souvent des conflits parfois violents. Compte tenu de la forte influence des structures sociopolitiques locales sur la gestion de l'eau, l'émergence et le traitement des conflits, au delà du contexte environnemental, sont surtout une question de gouvernance. Le travail présent cherche à répondre aux trois questions de recherche centrales suivantes : (1) Quelles sont les causes politiques, écologiques et socio-économiques structurelles de l'émergence et de l'escalade des conflits autour de l'eau ? (2) Quelles sont les possibilités de médiation, de prévention et de transformation de ces conflits que nous pouvons développer sur la base des connaissances acquises à travers l'étude de cas? Et (3) comment une étude de cas locale peut-elle contribuer au développement d'une approche théorique plus générale et quels enseignements pour l'approche méthodologique pouvons-nous en tirer? L'objectif essentiel de ce travail est de comprendre, à l'exemple du Maroc, comment différents facteurs politiques, sociaux, économiques influencent l'émergence et le déroulement des conflits autour de l'eau. L'étude est organisée en neuf chapitres. Dans un premier temps, nous introduisons la thématique et l'état de la recherche. Au delà de l'impact de la pénurie en eau dans la région du Proche et Moyen Orient et de l'Afrique du Nord nous analysons également le rôle politique particulier de l'agriculture irriguée et les implications sécuritaires de la pénurie. Le deuxième chapitre évalue l'état de la recherche dans trois domaines proches de notre problématique : la recherche sur la sécurité environnementale, les théories de la gestion des biens communs, et la recherche sur les conflits. Sur la base de notre constat des forces et des faiblesses des théories existantes, nous développons notre approche d'analyse et méthodologique et présentons nos hypothèses de travail (chapitre 3). Celles-ci assument qu'une combinaison de processus de marginalisation écologique et socio-économique provoque les conflits autour de l'eau. Nous présumons aussi que le succès d'initiatives de médiation dans ces conflits dépend de la légitimité des intervenants, et que les organisations locales jouent un rôle important à cet égard. Les chapitres 4 et 5 sont consacrés à l'analyse des structures politiques et socio-économiques du Maroc dans le but d'identifier de potentielles causes structurelles de conflits. Le système politique et la position particulière du roi ainsi que ses alliances traditionnelles avec les élites rurales se trouvent au centre du quatrième chapitre. Nous concluons que le système socio- politique marocain se trouve aujourd'hui dans un processus de mutation conditionné par la faible légitimité des institutions démocratiques, la popularité croissante des acteurs de la société civile mais aussi de groupements religieux, et l'émergence d'une nouvelle élite. Le cinquième chapitre se concentre sur les changements dans la politique de l'eau et de l'agriculture et des conflits potentiels qui en résultent. Nous identifions la pénurie en eau, la libéralisation économique, une décentralisation inachevée et les grandes disparités entre les zones rurales et urbaines comme problèmes cruciaux et potentiellement conflictuels du développement rural. L'étude de cas dans la zone du Souss au Sud du Maroc se trouve au centre des chapitres 6 et 7. Dans le sixième chapitre, nous analysons la situation paradoxale de la simultanéité d'une forte dégradation des ressources eau et terre dans la région d'une part, et de son importance stratégique pour les cultures agricoles hautement rentables d'autre part. Dans ce contexte, nous étudions également la marginalisation croissante des petites exploitations agricoles ainsi que les problèmes de la gestion de l'eau. Par ailleurs, nous analysons le projet pilote d'un partenariat public-privé pour l'irrigation. Au-delà de l'étude du montage financier et technique de ce projet, nous révélons également ses implications politiques et environnementales. Dans cette étude de cas, nous avons procédé à l'étude de sources bibliographiques mais surtout aussi à de nombreuses enquêtes de terrain. Le septième chapitre introduit d'abord notre typologie des conflits autour de l'eau et présente ensuite les résultats des enquêtes. Nous concluons entre autres qu'un profond décrochement entre petites et grandes exploitations agricoles a eu lieu dans les dix dernières années et qui s'accentue encore aujourd'hui. Par ailleurs, nous révélons la fréquence de l'affectation des petites, moyennes et grandes exploitations par différents types de conflits d'eau et évaluons le succès de différents médiateurs. Finalement, sur la base de ces données et compte tenu de l'impact du projet de partenariat public-privé, nous évaluons le potentiel de conflits présent et à venir dans cette région. Dans les chapitres 8 et 9, nous tirons les conclusions de notre étude de cas. Nous présentons premièrement les enseignements méthodologiques et analysons ensuite les tendances majeures concernant la continuité et le changement des relations entre la société marocaine, le gouvernement et le roi. Nous concluons le huitième chapitre par une analyse des possibilités d'une transformation des conflits autour de l'eau. Le neuvième et dernier chapitre présente un concept pratique pour l'évaluation et la prévention des conflits autour de l'eau. Dans ce but, nous développons trois principes suivis d'une série de mesures pour leur mise en oeuvre: (1) le développement et la réalisation d'une compréhension globale de la politique de l'eau, (2) un meilleur diagnostic des conflits autour de l'eau et de leurs causes structurelles, ainsi que le soutien à leur transformation, et (3) une modification de la manière d'appréhender les conflits, orientée vers leur potentiel innovateur et de coopération. Finalement, nous résumons les résultats principaux de notre travail, signalons les défis essentiels liés aux conflits de l'eau à l'avenir et proposons des pistes de réflexion pour de nouvelles recherches dans ce domaine.
How diversity initiatives end up marginalizing Arab Americans and US Muslims One of Donald Trump's first actions as President was to sign an executive order to limit Muslim immigration to the United States, a step toward the "complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States" he had campaigned on. This extraordinary act of Islamophobia provoked unprecedented opposition: Hollywood movies and mainstream television shows began to feature more Muslim characters in contexts other than terrorism; universities and private businesses included Muslims in their diversity initiatives; and the criminal justice system took hate crimes against Muslims more seriously. Yet Broken argues that, even amid this challenge to institutionalized Islamophobia, diversity initiatives fail on their promise by only focusing on crisis moments.Evelyn Alsultany argues that Muslims get included through "crisis diversity," where high-profile Islamophobic incidents are urgently responded to and then ignored until the next crisis. In the popular cultural arena of television, this means interrogating even those representations of Muslims that others have celebrated as refreshingly positive. What kind of message does it send, for example, when a growing number of "good Muslims" on TV seem to have arrived there, ironically, only after leaving the faith? In the realm of corporations, she critically examines the firing of high-profile individuals for anti-Muslim speech—a remedy that rebrands corporations as anti-racist while institutional racism remains intact. At universities, Muslim students get included in diversity, equity, and inclusion plans but that gets disrupted if they are involved in Palestinian rights activism. Finally, she turns to turns to hate crime laws revealing how they fail to address root causes. In each of these arenas, Alsultany finds an institutional pattern that defangs the promise of Muslim inclusion, deferring systemic change until and through the next "crisis."
Die folgenden Links führen aus den jeweiligen lokalen Bibliotheken zum Volltext:
La construcción del futuro. Los retos de las Ciencias Sociales en México, fue el lema del Cuarto Congreso Nacional de Ciencias Sociales celebrado en la ciudad de San Cristóbal de Las Casas del 24 al 28 de marzo del 2014 bajo la convocatoria del Consejo Mexicano de Ciencias Sociales (COMECSO) y con una gran acogida de académicos, investigadores, funcionarios y estudiantes de todo el país. Esta publicación es un producto de dicho evento académico y constituye un esfuerzo por responder a sus objetivos respecto a la socialización de los resultados de las ciencias sociales. ; Educación para la sustentabilidad: un desafío para las facultades y escuelas de negocios en México, de Gabriela Monforte García, Edgar González Gaudiano y Andreas M. Hartmann, 6; Los aportes de las Ciencias Sociales al programa Ingeniería en Desarrollo Agroforestal de Chapingo, de Mauricio Macossay Vallado , José Antonio Ávila Dorantes e Hipólito Mendoza Castillo, 21; La reforma curricular de la Universidad Autónoma de Tlaxcala: cambios, presiones, influencias y respuesta local, de Blanca Margarita Andrea Padilla Mendoza y Moisés Mecalco López, 32; Innovación curricular desde la formación de competencias profesionales en un contexto intercultural: caso de la Universidad Intercultural de Chiapas, de José Bastiani Gómez, María Jane Rivas Damián y José Alfredo López Jiménez, 42; Reforma educativa: la empresarización de la sociedad como biopolítica, de Raúl Enrique Anzaldúa Arce, 60; Virtualización y privatización educativa: una estrategia para la desaparición de la escuela, de Miguel Ángel Escalante Cantú y Etel Garrido Cruz, 70; México en la sociedad del conocimiento. Políticas educativas y aplicación de Tecnologías de información y comunicación que contribuyen a la innovación científico-educativa, de Emmanuel Álvarez Hernández, 79; Similitudes y diferencias en los procesos de socialización juvenil a través de las redes virtuales y presenciales, de Iván Alonso Díaz Mora y José Alberto Flores Solano, 92; Una exploración al significado social del like y su papel en las relaciones interpersonales de los jóvenes colimenses, de Rafael Alejandro Márquez Munguía y Aideé Consuelo Arellano Ceballos, 106; TICs, educación y jóvenes de secundaria. Un estudio sobre sociabilidad y la construcción de la identidad de las relaciones interactivas en jóvenes de secundaria pública mexicana. Caso Hermosillo, Sonora, de Carlos René Contreras Cázarez y Gustavo Adolfo León Duarte, 117; El estatus de la profesión médica: perspectivas sociológicas, de María del Pilar González Amarante, 131; La educación en México en tiempos del neoliberalismo: retos y reflexiones frente a la privatización y el desempleo, de Vidal Antonio Sánchez Blancas, Paul Iván González Loranca y Miguel Ángel Flores Peralta, 142; Comunidad profesional de aprendizaje como estrategia de formación docente, de Norma Liliana Galván Meza, 153; Transformaciones socioculturales en la educación media superior en México y nuevas expresiones de la desigualdad escolar, de Jesús Aguilar Nery, 165; Socialización política, manipulación y pérdida de identidad cultural. Realidad del sistema de educación básica en México, de Monserrat Barrón, 178; Interculturalidad, educación superior y exclusión social de grupos vulnerables en México, de Liberio Victorino Ramírez y Rocío Ángeles Atríano Mendieta, 182; Educación en contextos de encierro. Análisis de las prácticas educativas del centro Casa de Medio Camino, de María Eugenia Bové Gimenez, María Belén Itza Griego, Leticia Lueiro Caredio y Cecilia Morel Batista, 197; Proyecto desde el enfoque sur para la conformación de un Observatorio Político Cubano en Internet (OPCI), de Ángel Rodríguez Soler y Eddy Mac Donal Torres, 208; El buen maestro, imaginario que articula identidades. El caso de los docentes de telesecundaria que laboran en el municipio de Huehuetla, Hidalgo, de Linda Aglae Hinojosa Morán, 209; El prestigio docente: una búsqueda por recuperar la conciencia histórica, de Lorena Aguirre Rodríguez, 221; Extensión universitaria y alternativas pedagógicas en la Universidad Latinoamericana, de José Agustín Cano Menoni, 232; Educación tradicional indígena e identidad étnica: construyendo el stalel jkuxlejaltik en Nuevo San Juan Chamula, Las Margaritas, Chiapas, de Ramón Pérez Ruiz, 245; ¡Maestro sólo le encargo los ojos! Cultura escolar y relaciones de poder en el aula, de Brenda del Carmen Nápoles Espinoza, 255; Calidad educativa una lectura desde la pedagogía crítica, de Juan Martínez Flores, 267; Hacia la construcción de un concepto de cultura política universitaria, de Norma Ávila Báez y María Cristina Recéndez Guerrero, 278; La implementación del Programa Nacional de Inglés en Educación Básica: un estudio de caso en el noroeste, de Ruth Roux Rodríguez, 289; El proceso educativo contemporáneo en la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de Colima, de Angélica Yedit Prado Rebolledo, Amado Ceballos Valdovinos, Jessica Lizeth Guillén Lucatero y Maritza Galván Santiago, 297; Educar en el uso responsable de las nuevas tecnologías, de Jaime Rubio Acosta, 308; La formación del profesorado de licenciatura en el uso de multimedia en el proceso de integración Curricular de las TIC, de Alma Beatriz Grajeda Jiménez, 312; Sociedad tecnología e internet vs. desempleo violencia y desinformación, en tiempos de globalización, de Alicia Medina Carrera, 318; El blog y las interacciones virtuales en México, Centroamérica y El Caribe, de Ramón Abraham Mena Farrera, 334; Sociedad de la información: los datos y las tendencias, de Jordy Micheli Thirion, 343; Análisis crítico de la relación tendencial entre desarrollos científico, económico y humano en México, de Karla Graciela Cedano Villavicencio, Karla Fernanda Ricalde C. y Manuel Martínez Fernández, 352; Propuesta de un modelo de vinculación para el estado de Sinaloa, de Alonso Bajo, José Mateo Bastidas Morales y Arturo Retamoza López, 370; Prácticas discursivas y paradigmas en construcción. La visión de de la comunidad ingenieros sobre la innovación tecnológica y el entorno urbano en México, (1930-1946), de Francisco Javier Delgado Aguilar, 383; Factores que influyen en el número de investigadores en varios países, de José Luis Escobedo Sagaz, 398; Panorama de la física en México: visión de este campo a los 30 años de la creación del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores, de Leobardo Eduardo Contreras Gómez, Miguel Ángel Pérez Angón y Eduardo Robles Belmont, 410; La construcción epistemológica del SIDA en la ciencia, de Karla Daniela Hernández García, 421; La industria del software y las cadenas globales de valor: nuevas configuraciones de crecimiento de las regiones, de Daniel Montes Pimentel y Rolando Javier Salinas García, 433; Técnicas de aprendizaje e innovación de las empresas del sector metal-mecánico y su impacto en la integración a empresas líderes de la localidad, de Martha Estela Díaz Muro, Gil Arturo Quijano Vega, Azucena Ochoa Vega y Ana Silvia López Millán, 442M; Evolución e integración regional del sector aeroespacial en México, de Juana Hernández Chavarria, 456; Innovación como resultado del aprendizaje organizacional en la Unidad Politécnica para la Educación Virtual del Instituto Politécnico Nacional, de Carolina Morales Moreno y María del Pilar M. Pérez Hernández, 477; Democratización de la ciencia. Elementos para su caracterización, de Patricia Elena Ojeda Enciso, 489; El trabajo científico: una perspectiva psicosocial, de Javier Zavala Rayas, 504; Ciencia, tecnología e innovación para la inclusión social. Nuevos enfoques académicos y nuevos paradigmas de políticas públicas, de Rosalba Casas, Juan Manuel Corona y Roxana Rivera, 515; La construcción de la red biómica con una perspectiva social, de Carlos Alejandro Martínez Páramo, Homero Arriaga Barrera, Rafael Padilla Becerra y Beatriz Utrilla Sarmiento, 528; Análisis bibliométrico de tesis de posgrado: la producción de la Maestría en Ciencias de la Educación y del Doctorado en Psicología y Educación de la Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro, de Rocío Adela Andrade Cázares, Sara Miriam González Ramírez y María del Carmen Guadalupe Díaz Mejía, 542; Contratación de académicos, desigualdad laboral que afecta la articulación docencia-investigación, de María del Carmen Díaz Mejía , Luis Rodolfo Ibarra Rivas y Patricia Roitman Genoud, 558; La emergencia de las comunidades académicas en las universidades de nueva creación. Un enfoque morfogenético, Gustavo Rojas Bravo, 572; Desigualdades tardías: origen social y elección de destinos nacionales y extranjeros para estudiar el doctorado, de Mónica López Ramírez, 585; De la revolución verde a la evolución verde. Innovación en tecnológica en el trigo del valle del Yaqui, Sonora (1945-2013), de Álvaro Bracamonte Sierra y Iris Valenzuela Gastelum, 599; Trayectoria de vida y propensión a innovar: dos variables correlacionadas. Experiencia con productores de cacao en el Soconusco, Chiapas, de Flor Azucena Hernández Rivera, 610; Los efectos de las características de la estructura de una red sobre el desempeño en innovación de las empresas acuícolas: el caso Sonora, de Lydia Venecia Gutiérrez López y Jorge I. León Balderrama, 624; Innovación tecnológica de productores en áreas de alta marginación para incrementar la producción de cultivos básicos en Yucatán, México, de José Gabriel Berdugo Rejón, 648; Uso, adaptación y creación de recursos materiales para lograr aprendizajes significativos, de Nelly del Carmen Córdova Palomeque y María Soledad Eleanor Arellano Quintanar, 655; La implementación de las TIC en la Universidad, de Yolanda Jacqueline Ortega Ayón, 666; Proyecto formativo como estrategia de aprendizaje autónoma utilizando plataforma para el desarrollo de competencias, de Leonor Antonia Espinoza Núñez y René Rodríguez Zamora, 680; Alfabetización digital para jóvenes en rezago educativo, de Norma Isabel Medina Mayagoitia, 694; Aproximaciones a un modelo de políticas diferenciadas para el desarrollo de capacidades en CTI en los estados y regiones mexicanas, de María Antonieta Saldívar Chávez y Eliana Alejandra Arancibia Gutiérrez, 707; Trayectorias en la construcción de espacios para el desarrollo y transferencia de ciencia, tecnología e la innovación para el desarrollo económico y social: la instalación del PIIT y de la CIC en Monterrey, de Eduardo Robles Belmont y Sergio Marco Antonio Luna Ochoa, 730; El papel de los parques científicos y tecnológicos en los sistemas regionales de innovación. Análisis de algunos casos en México y Colombia, de María Elena Giraldo Palacio, 741; Equipamiento y uso de TIC en la educación básica: una brecha difícil de superar, de Daniel Eudave Muñoz, María Guadalupe Muñoz Macías y Margarita Carvajal Ciprés, 760; El desarrollo de las tareas de investigación en el contexto actual de las instituciones de educación superior, de Judith Pérez-Castro y Martha E. Campos Huerta, 772; Educar científicos, límites y potencialidades, de Luis Rodolfo Ibarra Rivas, María del Carmen Díaz Mejía y Sara Miriam González Ramírez, 785; Gestión pedagógica y políticas públicas en Brasil, de Paulo César Dias de Moura, 797; La paradoja de la integración: cadenas globales y fronteras de conocimiento, de Héctor B. Fletes Ocón, 807; La innovación en algunos sectores industriales en México: una perspectiva desde la producción de conocimiento patentado, de Rodrigo Armando Guerrero Castro, 820; Trayectorias de las académicas en la UNAM e incursión en el Sistema Nacional de Investigadores, de Alma Rosa Sánchez Olvera, 836; Educación laica, la reforma pendiente en el sistema educativo mexicano, de Sergio Pérez Sánchez, 848; La formación continua del profesor de educación primaria. Una alternativa a la política educativa, de Rubén Madrigal Segura, 857; La práctica docente del profesor en administración en el proceso de reforma universitaria, de Lizeth Gloria Xochicale Martínez, 869; El pensamiento sobre ciencia, tecnología y sociedad de Amílcar Oscar Herrera durante las décadas del ´60 y ´70 del siglo XX, de Ivian Cruz Rodríguez y Adianez Fernández Bermúdez, 884.