Background Payments to healthcare providers create a set of economic incentives that influence their behavior, considerations and decision-making. Diagnosis related groups (DRGs) incentivize hospitals to (a) increase the number of cases; (b) increase the income per patient; and (c) reduce costs per patient. For each incentive there may be positive and negative consequences. For example, increasing the number of cases is a positive consequence if the procedures are clinically desirable and appropriate, and if they contribute to reducing waiting times and improving the efficiency of the hospital. However, if the hospital carries out unnecessary or inappropriate procedures, the financial incentive produces a negative result. Responses to economic incentives have important consequences on the patients' clinical outcomes and the providers' financial stability. A principal-agent relationship occurs when one individual (the principal) engages another (the agent), and delegates decision-making power to the agent to perform a service on its behalf. Physicians are perfect agents if they are fully committed to their patients. However, the reality is more complex, and physicians have a range of commitments and considerations, such as their own financial well-being or their organizations' objectives of fiscal equilibrium or profit maximization. Physicians and hospital managers are employed by hospitals and are supposed to act in the interest of their employer. At the same time, they are consulted by patients to make treatment decisions on their behalf. Thus, hospital professionals are "dual agents" because they must reconcile patients' clinical needs and the best treatment available with economic considerations. These simultaneous commitments are sometimes compatible, but may collide or create dilemmas. In some situations, these may result in distorted decision-making or professional burnout, but in others, professionals may be able to fulfill at least some of these considerations. When handled poorly, misaligned considerations may lead to improper care or unbalanced finances. In 2010, the Israel Ministry of Health intensified the adoption of a local variant of DRGs, known as Procedure-Related Group (PRGs) based payments. The main difference between the methods is that while DRGs classify patients based on the main diagnosis, PRGs classify them based on the main procedure performed, and are not adjusted to case-mix or severity of case like DRGs. The PRG reform opened a window of opportunity to study these new economic incentives, and how they impact hospital activities and health professionals' considerations, decision-making, and behavior. The reform created a "natural experiment" that enabled comparison between "before with per diem payments" and "after with PRGs" at various levels. It also made possible a set of interesting comparisons between the Israeli PRG and other countries' DRG-based payments. Objectives This dissertation had four main objectives: 1. To analyze the effects of the PRG reform on hospital activities, as measured by the number of patients and lengths of stay at the ward level. 2. To examine the impact of the introduction of PRG-based payments on average length of stay (ALoS) at the procedure level. 3. To examine the impact of PRG payments from the perspectives of hospital professionals (managers and physicians). Specifically, the goal was to explore which economic incentives were created by the reform, how it affected admission and treatment decision-making, clinical practice, what changes occurred and how hospitals as organizations responded to the payment reform. 4. To examine how hospital professionals work to balance and reconcile clinical and economic considerations in their decision-making in two countries with activity-based payment systems. Methods A mixed-methods design was applied. Sections 5.1 and 5.2, which are quantitative, examined the effect of the adoption of PRGs on hospital activity as measured by number of patients and ALoS. We analyzed inpatient data provided by the Ministry of Health from all 29 public hospitals in Israel between 2005 and 2016. In section 5.1, the observations were made at the level of hospital wards, as proxies for clinical fields. We used difference-in-differences analyses, where the intervention group was surgical wards for which many PRG codes were created between 2010-2013, and the control group was surgical wards for which no PRG codes were created. In section 5.2 the unit of analysis was 14 procedures. We employed a mixed-effects duration analysis approach to address the strictly non-negative and right-skewed ALoS data. We opted for a Bayesian approach to estimate the relative change in ALoS. Since a quantitative analysis may not capture all the impacts of the payment reform, we expanded the data collection and analysis by applying a qualitative approach. In sections 5.3 and 5.4 we examined the perspectives of hospital professionals in terms of the effects of the PRGs' economic incentives and impact. Data were collected through semi-structured in-depth interviews with hospital directors (chief executive officers [CEOs] and chief financial officers [CFOs]), chief physicians and physicians in five Israeli and five German hospitals, purposefully sampled by maximum variation. The interviews were conducted between December 2017 and August 2018 in Israel, and between March and August 2019 in Germany. We interviewed 33 hospital professionals from Israel and 13 from Germany. We used thematic analysis that also involved intercoder reliability and triangulation. Results The findings detailed in section 5.1 revealed that discharges increased more in the control group wards (surgical wards for which no new PRG code was created) than in the intervention wards as a group (surgical wards where many new PRG codes were created). However, a more in-depth analysis of each intervention ward separately indicated that discharges increased in some, but decreased in other wards. The ALoS decreased more in intervention wards from 3.85 to 3.59 days, which represents 6%, compared to 1% in the control group. Difference-in-differences results suggested no causality between the PRG payment reform and changes in inpatient activity. The study reported in Section 5.2 showed that when refining the unit of analysis to procedures (instead of wards), the changes became more visible. Length of stay declined in half of the procedures analyzed, and in particular in six out of seven urological procedures. In these procedures, there was a 14% average reduction in ALoS, which ranged from 11% to 20%. In section 5.3, hospital professionals reported that the payment reform led to organizational changes such as increased transparency due to better reporting of activity and enhanced supervision of activities by the MoH and hospital managers. The interviewees also reported several steps taken in response. These included (1) shifting activities to afterhours and using operating rooms more efficiently to enable increased surgical activity; (2) reducing costs by shortening lengths of stay, as well as cost-consciousness in procurement; and (3) increasing revenues by improving coding and a more judicious selection of procedures. Respondents also reported moderating factors that reduced the effects of the reform. For example, organizational factors such as the public nature of hospitals or the (un)availability of healthcare resources did not always allow hospitals to increase the number of cases treated. In addition, conflicting incentives such as multiple payment mechanisms or the underpricing of procedures tended to blur the incentives of the reform. Finally, managers and physicians noted that they have many other considerations that outweigh economic issues. Compared to managers, clinicians were more careful with the economic incentives in their daily work. Extending the latter conclusion in section 5.3, section 5.4 reports on how hospital professionals, as "dual agents" attempt to re-equilibrate misaligned considerations in Israel and Germany. The focus was on dilemmas between clinical and economic considerations, and strategies to mitigate them. Hospital professionals report many situations in which activity-based payment incentives, proper treatment, and clinical and economic considerations are aligned. In this case, efficiency can be improved; e.g., by curbing unnecessary expenditures, or specializing in certain procedures. When considerations misalign, the hospital professionals identified a range of strategies that can contribute to reducing dilemmas in decision-making or reconciling competing considerations. These included 'reshaping management', such as planning the treatment ahead and improving the coding, and 'reframing decision-making', which involves working with averages and developing toolkits for decision-making. Discussion In this dissertation, we evaluated the direct and indirect impact of PRGs on providers; namely, both the hospital as an organization and its professionals. Through a case study of the hospital payment reform in Israel, we analyzed the economic incentives created and subsequent responses at different levels: the ward, the procedure, the manager and the physician. The quantitative analysis did not suggest causality between the PRG payment reform and changes in inpatient activity at the ward level. However, a more fine-grained analysis at the procedure level found decreases in ALoS in half of the procedures under consideration. This might have freed resources to treat more patients, which may have reduced waiting times. It may have been easier to reduce ALoS in the urological procedures since these had relatively long initial ALoS. The factors that may have hampered the effects of the reform as measured by the number of patients and ALoS emerged to reflect inadequate pricing of procedures, and conflicting incentives created by other co-existing hospital-payment components such as caps and retrospective subsidies. Stretched hospital resources may have also blunted the hospitals' ability to reduce ALoS. Secondly, the findings from the qualitative methodology indicated that PRG payments affected the organizational dynamics of the hospitals and altered decision-making on admission and treatment policies. The findings also unpacked potential explanations to the (apparently) mitigated effects of the payment reform in the quantitative analysis. The perspectives of a range of Israeli hospital professionals at various levels (CEOs, CFOs, ward directors, physicians) helped clarify that the potential effects were moderated by many other factors such as organizational characteristics, conflicting incentives, and other considerations that outweighed the economic issues. These explanations can also account for the inconclusive evaluations of payment reforms in other countries. Finally, the results suggested that the misalignment between economic and clinical considerations may not be necessarily negative if professionals manage to balance and reconcile them. Context is important in determining whether considerations are aligned or not. Reconciling strategies are fragile and can be easily disrupted as a function of the context. Creating toolkits for better decision-making such as clear criteria or clinical guidelines, planning the treatment course in advance to reduce waste, working with averages, and having interdisciplinary teams to think together about ways to improve efficiency can help mitigate the dilemmas of hospital professionals. Different actors had different approaches regarding reconciling strategies. While physicians focused more on the clinical practice and how to solve dilemmas at the patient level (e.g., reducing LoS), chief physicians could take into consideration the entire ward and "work with averages", and CEOs could rethink the coding policy. Yet, professionals in all roles developed strategies to mitigate dilemmas. Similarly, in some cases, actors in the different countries had also different approaches and some reconciliation strategies depended on the context. For example, specialization in specific clinical fields was reported only by German participants in small hospitals. Israeli professionals are more used to work under pressure and resource constraints than their German colleagues, and are therefore less critical about "working faster". Yet, comparing Germany to Israel also highlights the fundamentally similar dilemmas faced by hospital professionals, despite different levels of resources, as well as commonalities in reconciliation strategies Conclusions and recommendations for policymakers Payment reforms for health providers such as hospitals need to consider the entire provider market, available resources, other – potentially conflicting – payment components, and the various parties involved and their interests. When designing and implementing payment reforms for health providers, policymakers need to pay attention to moderating factors that may blunt the reform's intended objectives. Economic incentives are important tools that shape hospital professionals' decision-making, but they are not the only ones. The commitment to the patients, their families, managerial needs and prestige are other considerations that matter. As "dual agents", managers and physicians may face difficult dilemmas when attempting to disentangle these considerations. Decision-makers and managers can help overcome these dilemmas, and support professionals to make optimal clinical and economic decisions. ; Hintergrund Zahlungen an Leistungserbringer im Gesundheitswesen beinhalten eine Reihe von ökonomischen Anreizen, die deren Verhalten, Überlegungen und Entscheidungen beeinflussen. DRGs setzen Anreize für Krankenhäuser, (a) die Anzahl der Fälle zu erhöhen; (b) die Einnahmen pro Patient zu erhöhen; und (c) die Kosten pro Patient zu senken. Alle diese Anreize können sowohl zu positiven als auch zu negativen Konsequenzen führen. Zum Beispiel ist die Erhöhung der Fallzahl eine positive Konsequenz, wenn die Eingriffe klinisch wünschenswert und richtig sind und wenn sie dazu beitragen, die Wartezeiten zu reduzieren und die Effizienz des Krankenhauses zu verbessern. Wenn das Krankenhaus jedoch unnötige oder unangemessene Eingriffe durchführt, dann hat der finanzielle Anreiz eine negative Folge. Eine Prinzipal-Agenten-Beziehung liegt vor, wenn eine Person (der Prinzipal) eine andere Person (den Agenten) beauftragt und dem Agenten die Entscheidungsbefugnis überträgt, eine Aufgabe in seinem Namen durchzuführen. Ärzte sind perfekte Agenten, wenn sie sich voll und ganz für ihre Patienten einsetzen. Die Realität ist jedoch komplexer, und Ärzte haben verschiedene Verpflichtungen und Überlegungen, wie z. B. ihr eigenes finanzielles Wohlergehen oder die Ziele ihrer Organisationen in Bezug auf finanzielles Gleichgewicht oder Gewinnmaximierung. Ärzte und Krankenhausmanager sind bei Krankenhäusern angestellt und sollen im Interesse des Arbeitgebers handeln. Gleichzeitig werden sie von Patienten konsultiert, um Behandlungsentscheidungen in deren Namen zu treffen. Damit sind Angestellte im Krankenhaus "duale Agenten", weil sie die klinischen Bedürfnisse der Patienten und die beste verfügbare Behandlung mit wirtschaftlichen Überlegungen in Einklang bringen müssen. Diese gleichzeitigen Verpflichtungen sind manchmal miteinander vereinbar, können aber auch kollidieren oder Dilemmata erzeugen. In manchen Situationen können Dilemmata zu einer verzerrten Entscheidungsfindung oder einem Burnout führen, aber in anderen Situationen können Angestellte in der Lage sein, die Überlegungen miteinander in Einklang zu bringen. Im Jahr 2010 verstärkte das israelische Gesundheitsministerium die Einführung einer lokalen Variante der DRGs, der Procedure-Related Groups (PRGs) basierten Vergütung. Die PRG-Reform eröffnete die Möglichkeit, die geschaffenen ökonomischen Anreize zu erforschen und zu untersuchen, wie sich diese auf die Aktivitäten der Krankenhäuser und die Überlegungen, Entscheidungen und das Verhalten des medizinischen Personals auswirken. Die Reform schaffte ein "natürliches Experiment", das einen Vergleich zwischen "vorher mit Tagespauschalen" und "nachher mit PRGs" auf verschiedenen Ebenen ermöglicht. Es erlaubt auch einen interessanten Vergleich zwischen der israelischen PRGs mit den DRG-basierten Vergütungssystemen anderer Länder. Zielsetzungen Diese Dissertation hat vier Hauptziele: 1. Die Analyse der Auswirkungen der PRG-Reform auf die Krankenhausaktivitäten, gemessen an der Anzahl der Patienten und der Verweildauer auf Stationsebene 2. Die Untersuchung der Auswirkungen der Einführung von PRG-basierten Vergütungen auf die durchschnittliche Verweildauer auf der Prozedurenebene 3. Die Untersuchung der Auswirkungen der PRG-Zahlungen aus der Perspektive der Krankenhausmitarbeiter (Manager und Ärzte). Insbesondere soll untersucht werden, welche ökonomischen Anreize die Reform schuf, wie sie die Aufnahme- und Behandlungsentscheidungen sowie die klinische Praxis beeinflusste, welche Veränderungen auftraten und wie Krankenhäuser als Organisationen auf die Vergütungsreform reagierten. 4. Die Untersuchung, wie Krankenhausfachkräfte klinische und ökonomische Überlegungen bei ihren Entscheidungen in zwei Ländern mit aktivitätsbezogenen Vergütungssystemen abwägen und miteinander in Einklang bringen. Methoden Ich habe verschiedene Methoden angewandt. Kapitel 5.1 und 5.2 basieren auf quantitativen Analysen und untersuchen den Effekt der Einführung von PRGs auf die Krankenhausaktivität, gemessen an der Anzahl der Patienten und der Aufenthaltsdauer. Wir analysierten stationäre Daten, die vom Gesundheitsministerium aus allen 29 öffentlichen Krankenhäusern in Israel für die Jahre 2005-2016 bereitgestellt wurden. In Kapitel 5.1 waren die Beobachtungseinheiten Krankenhausabteilungen. Wir verwendeten Difference-in-Difference-Analysen, wobei die Interventionsgruppe chirurgische Stationen waren, für die viele PRG-Codes zwischen 2010-2013 erstellt wurden, und die Kontrollgruppe chirurgische Stationen, für die keine PRG-Codes erstellt wurden. In Kapitel 5.2 waren die Einheit der Analyse 14 Prozeduren. Wir verwendeten einen Mixed-Effects-Duration-Analysis-Ansatz, um die streng nicht-negativen und rechtsschiefen Verweildauer-Daten (LoS) zu berücksichtigen. Wir haben uns für einen Bayes'schen Ansatz entschieden, um die relative Veränderung der LoS zu schätzen. Da die quantitative Analyse möglicherweise nicht alle Auswirkungen der Vergütungsreform erfasst, haben wir die Datenerhebung und -analyse durch die Anwendung eines qualitativen Ansatzes erweitert. In den Kapiteln 5.3 und 5.4 wurden die Perspektiven von Krankenhausfachleuten hinsichtlich der Auswirkungen der ökonomischen Anreize und Effekte der PRGs untersucht. Die Daten wurden durch halbstrukturierte Tiefeninterviews mit Krankenhausdirektoren (CEOs und CFOs), Chefärzten und Ärzten in fünf israelischen und fünf deutschen Krankenhäusern erhoben, die gezielt nach maximaler Variation ausgewählt wurden. Die Interviews fanden zwischen Dezember 2017 und August 2018 in Israel und zwischen März und August 2019 in Deutschland statt. Wir befragten 33 Krankenhausmitarbeiter aus Israel und 13 aus Deutschland. Wir verwendeten eine thematische Analyse und bezogen Intercoder-Reliabilität und Triangulation mit ein. Ergebnisse Die Ergebnisse aus Kapitel 5.1 zeigen, dass die Entlassungen auf den Stationen der Kontrollgruppe (chirurgische Stationen, für die kein neuer PRG-Code erstellt wurde) stärker zunahmen als auf den Stationen der Interventionsgruppe (chirurgische Stationen, auf denen viele neue PRG-Codes erstellt wurden). Eine verfeinerte Analyse jeder behandelten Station separat zeigt jedoch, dass die Entlassungen in einigen Stationen zunahmen, in anderen jedoch abnahmen. Die durchschnittliche Verweildauer (ALoS) nahm auf den Stationen der Interventionsgruppe stärker ab. Die Difference-in-Differences-Ergebnisse konnten keine Kausalität zwischen der PRG-Reform und den Veränderungen der stationären Aktivität nahelegen. Kapitel 5.2 zeigt, dass bei einer Verfeinerung der Analyseeinheit auf Prozeduren (anstelle von Stationen) die Veränderungen deutlicher sichtbar sind. Bei der Hälfte der analysierten Prozeduren ging der LoS zurück, insbesondere bei sechs von sieben urologischen Prozeduren. Bei diesen Prozeduren gab es eine durchschnittliche Reduzierung des LoS um 14%, die zwischen 11% und 20% lag. In Kapitel 5.3 berichteten die Krankenhausberufe, dass die Vergütungsreform zu organisatorischen Veränderungen wie erhöhter Transparenz und verbesserter Überwachung führte. Die Befragten berichteten auch über verschiedene Maßnahmen als Reaktion. Dazu gehörten (1) die Verlagerung von Aktivitäten in den Feierabend und die effizientere Nutzung von Operationssälen (OPs), um eine erhöhte chirurgische Aktivität zu ermöglichen; (2) die Reduzierung von Kosten durch Verkürzung der Verweildauer und Kostenbewusstsein bei der Beschaffung; und (3) die Steigerung der Erlöse durch verbesserte Kodierung und Auswahl von Verfahren. Die Befragten berichteten auch von moderierenden Faktoren, die die Auswirkungen der Reform reduzierten. Zum Beispiel erlaubten organisatorische Faktoren wie der öffentliche Charakter von Krankenhäusern oder die (Un-)Verfügbarkeit von Gesundheitsressourcen den Krankenhäusern nicht immer, die Anzahl der behandelten Fälle zu erhöhen. Auch widersprüchliche Anreize unterschiedlicher Vergütungsmechanismen oder die zu niedrig angesetzten Preise von bestimmten PRGs reduzierten die Anreize der Reform. Schließlich berücksichtigen Manager und Ärzte bei ihren Entscheidungen viele unterschiedliche Überlegungen, die die ökonomischen häufig überwiegen. Im Anschluss an die letzte Erkenntnis aus Kapitel 5.3 berichtet Kapitel 5.4 darüber, wie Krankenhausmitarbeiter in Israel und Deutschland als "duale Agenten" zwischen den unterschiedlichen Überlegungen abwägen. Der Fokus lag auf klinischen und ökonomischen Erwägungen und den verwendeten Strategien, um Dilemmata zwischen ihnen zu entschärfen. Krankenhausmitarbeiter berichten von vielen Situationen, in denen die Vergütung Anreize für eine angemessene Behandlung bietet und klinische und wirtschaftliche Überlegungen in Einklang stehen. Dies ist der Fall, wenn die Effizienz verbessert werden kann, z.B. durch die Eindämmung unnötiger Ausgaben oder die Spezialisierung auf bestimmte Verfahren. Für Situationen, in denen die klinischen und wirtschaftlichen Überlegungen nicht übereinstimmen, haben Krankenhausmitarbeiter eine Reihe von Strategien identifiziert, die dazu beitragen können, die gegensätzlichen Überlegungen in Einklang zu bringen. Diese Strategien beinhalten: 'Umgestaltung des Managements', wie z.B. die Planung der Behandlung im Voraus und die Verbesserung der Kodierung; und 'Reframing der Entscheidungsfindung', was die Arbeit mit Durchschnittswerten und die Entwicklung von Tool-Kits für die Entscheidungsfindung beinhaltet. Diskussion In dieser Dissertation habe ich die direkten und indirekten Auswirkungen von PRGs auf die Leistungserbringer untersucht, sowohl auf das Krankenhaus als Organisation als auch auf seine Fachkräfte. Anhand der Fallstudie der Krankenhausvergütungsreform in Israel analysierte ich die geschaffenen ökonomischen Anreize und die nachfolgenden Reaktionen auf verschiedenen Ebenen: der Station, dem Verfahren, dem Manager und dem Arzt. Die quantitative Analyse konnte keine Kausalität zwischen der PRG-Vergütungsreform und Veränderungen der stationären Aktivität auf der Stationsebene aufzeigen. Eine verfeinerte Analyse auf der Prozedurenebene fand jedoch bei der Hälfte der analysierten Prozeduren einen Rückgang der LoS. Dies könnte Ressourcen freigesetzt haben, um mehr Patienten zu behandeln, was die Wartezeiten reduziert haben könnte. Möglicherweise war es einfacher, die LoS bei den urologischen Prozeduren zu reduzieren, da diese ursprünglich relativ lange LoS aufwiesen. Faktoren, die die Auswirkungen der Reform, gemessen an der Anzahl der Patienten und der LoS, behindert haben könnten, sind nicht sachgerecht kalkulierte Preise und widersprüchliche Anreize, die durch andere, nebeneinander bestehende Komponenten der Krankenhausvergütung, wie z. B. Obergrenzen und rückwirkende Zuschüsse, geschaffen wurden. Angespannte Krankenhausressourcen könnten auch die Fähigkeit der Krankenhäuser, die LoS zu reduzieren, beeinträchtigt haben. Zweitens fand ich mit qualitativen Methoden heraus, dass die PRG-Zahlungen die organisatorische Dynamik der Krankenhäuser beeinflussten und die Entscheidungsfindung über die Aufnahme- und Behandlungspolitik veränderten. Die Ergebnisse dieser zweiten Analyse enthüllten auch mögliche Erklärungen für die (scheinbar) uneindeutigen Effekte der Vergütungsreform, die in der quantitativen Analyse berichtet wurden. Durch die Perspektiven von israelischen Krankenhausmitarbeitern aus verschiedenen Ebenen (CEOs, CFOs, Stationsleiter, Ärzte) verstanden wir, dass mögliche Effekte von vielen verschiedenen Faktoren wie organisatorische Eigenschaften, widersprüchliche Anreize und andere Überlegungen, die die wirtschaftlichen überwiegen, beeinflusst wurden. Diese Erklärungen können möglicherweise die Ergebnisse bestehender Evaluierungen von Vergütungsreformen in anderen Ländern erklären, in denen keine signifikanten Effekte festgestellt wurden. Schließlich habe ich gelernt, dass ein (scheinbarer) Konflikt zwischen ökonomischen und klinischen Erwägungen nicht zwangsläufig negativ ist, wenn es den Fachleuten gelingt, sie auszubalancieren und in Einklang zu bringen. Der Kontext ist wichtig, um festzustellen, ob die Überlegungen aufeinander abgestimmt sind oder nicht. Strategien zur Vereinbarkeit sind fragil und können je nach Kontext leicht gestört werden. Die Erstellung von Tool-Kits für eine bessere Entscheidungsfindung, die Planung des Behandlungsverlaufs im Voraus, die Arbeit mit Durchschnittswerten und interdisziplinäre Teams, die gemeinsam über Wege zur Verbesserung der Effizienz nachdenken, können dazu beitragen, die Dilemmata des Krankenhauspersonals zu mildern. Schlussfolgerungen und Empfehlungen für politische Entscheidungsträger Vergütungsreformen für Leistungserbringer wie Krankenhäuser müssen den gesamten Leistungserbringermarkt, die verfügbaren Ressourcen, andere - möglicherweise widersprüchliche - Vergütungskomponenten sowie die verschiedenen beteiligten Parteien und ihre Interessen berücksichtigen. Bei der Gestaltung und Umsetzung von Vergütungsreformen für Leistungserbringer muss die Politik auf moderierende Faktoren achten. Ökonomische Anreize sind wichtige Instrumente, die die Entscheidungsfindung von Krankenhausmitarbeitern beeinflussen, aber nicht die einzigen. Das Engagement für die Patienten, die Bedürfnisse des Managements und das Prestige sind weitere Überlegungen, die eine Rolle spielen. Als "duale Agenten" können Manager und Ärzte vor schwierigen Dilemmata zwischen diesen Überlegungen stehen. Entscheidungsträger und Manager können dazu beitragen, diese Dilemmata zu entschärfen, und die Fachkräfte dabei unterstützen, optimale klinische und wirtschaftliche Entscheidungen zu treffen.
Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) is an emerging multidisciplinary research area that aims to create an ecosystem of different types of sensors, computers, mobile devices, wireless networks, and software applications for enhanced living environments and occupational health. There are several challenges in the development and implementation of an effective AAL system, such as system architecture, human-computer interaction, ergonomics, usability, and accessibility. There are also social and ethical challenges, such as acceptance by seniors and the privacy and confidentiality that must be a requirement of AAL devices. It is also essential to ensure that technology does not replace human care and is used as a relevant complement. The Internet of Things (IoT) is a paradigm where objects are connected to the Internet and support sensing capabilities. IoT devices should be ubiquitous, recognize the context, and support intelligence capabilities closely related to AAL. Technological advances allow defining new advanced tools and platforms for real-time health monitoring and decision making in the treatment of various diseases. IoT is a suitable approach to building healthcare systems, and it provides a suitable platform for ubiquitous health services, using, for example, portable sensors to carry data to servers and smartphones for communication. Despite the potential of the IoT paradigm and technologies for healthcare systems, several challenges to be overcome still exist. The direction and impact of IoT in the economy are not clearly defined, and there are barriers to the immediate and ubiquitous adoption of IoT products, services, and solutions. Several sources of pollutants have a high impact on indoor living environments. Consequently, indoor air quality is recognized as a fundamental variable to be controlled for enhanced health and well-being. It is critical to note that typically most people occupy more than 90% of their time inside buildings, and poor indoor air quality negatively affects performance and productivity. Research initiatives are required to address air quality issues to adopt legislation and real-time inspection mechanisms to improve public health, not only to monitor public places, schools, and hospitals but also to increase the rigor of building rules. Therefore, it is necessary to use real-time monitoring systems for correct analysis of indoor air quality to ensure a healthy environment in at least public spaces. In most cases, simple interventions provided by homeowners can produce substantial positive impacts on indoor air quality, such as avoiding indoor smoking and the correct use of natural ventilation. An indoor air quality monitoring system helps the detection and improvement of air quality conditions. Local and distributed assessment of chemical concentrations is significant for safety (e.g., detection of gas leaks and monitoring of pollutants) as well as to control heating, ventilation, and HVAC systems to improve energy efficiency. Real-time indoor air quality monitoring provides reliable data for the correct control of building automation systems and should be assumed as a decision support platform on planning interventions for enhanced living environments. However, the monitoring systems currently available are expensive and only allow the collection of random samples that are not provided with time information. Most solutions on the market only allow data consulting limited to device memory and require procedures for downloading and manipulating data with specific software. In this way, the development of innovative environmental monitoring systems based on ubiquitous technologies that allow real-time analysis becomes essential. This thesis resulted in the design and development of IoT architectures using modular and scalable structures for air quality monitoring based on data collected from cost-effective sensors for enhanced living environments. The proposed architectures address several concepts, including acquisition, processing, storage, analysis, and visualization of data. These systems incorporate an alert management Framework that notifies the user in real-time in poor indoor air quality scenarios. The software Framework supports multiple alert methods, such as push notifications, SMS, and e-mail. The real-time notification system offers several advantages when the goal is to achieve effective changes for enhanced living environments. On the one hand, notification messages promote behavioral changes. These alerts allow the building manager to identify air quality problems and plan interventions to avoid unhealthy air quality scenarios. The proposed architectures incorporate mobile computing technologies such as mobile applications that provide ubiquitous air quality data consulting methods s. Also, the data is stored and can be shared with medical teams to support the diagnosis. The state-of-the-art analysis has resulted in a review article on technologies, applications, challenges, opportunities, open-source IoT platforms, and operating systems. This review was significant to define the IoT-based Framework for indoor air quality supervision. The research leads to the development and design of cost-effective solutions based on open-source technologies that support Wi-Fi communication and incorporate several advantages such as modularity, scalability, and easy installation. The results obtained are auspicious, representing a significant contribution to enhanced living environments and occupational health. Particulate matter (PM) is a complex mixture of solid and liquid particles of organic and inorganic substances suspended in the air. Moreover, it is considered the pollutant that affects more people. The most damaging particles to health are ≤PM10 (diameter 10 microns or less), which can penetrate and lodge deep within the lungs, contributing to the risk of developing cardiovascular and respiratory diseases as well as lung cancer. Taking into account the adverse health effects of PM exposure, an IoT architecture for automatic PM monitoring was proposed. The proposed architecture is a PM real-time monitoring system and a decision-making tool. The solution consists of a hardware prototype for data acquisition and a Web Framework developed in .NET for data consulting. This system is based on open-source and technologies, with several advantages compared to existing systems, such as modularity, scalability, low-cost and easy installation. The data is stored in a database developed in SQL SERVER using .NET Web services. The results show the ability of the system to analyze the indoor air quality in real-time and the potential of the Web Framework for the planning of interventions to ensure safe, healthy, and comfortable conditions. Associations of high concentrations of carbon dioxide (CO2) with low productivity at work and increased health problems are well documented. There is also a clear correlation between high levels of CO2 and high concentrations of pollutants in indoor air. There are sufficient reasons to monitor CO2 and provide real-time notifications to improve occupational health and provide a safe and healthy indoor living environment. Taking into account the significant influence of CO2 for enhanced living environments, a real-time IoT architecture for CO2 monitoring was proposed. CO2 was selected because it is easy to measure and is produced in quantity (by people and combustion equipment). It can be used as an indicator of other pollutants and, therefore, of air quality in general. The solution consists of a hardware prototype for data acquisition environment, a Web software, and a smartphone application for data consulting. The proposed architecture is based on open-source technologies, and the data is stored in a SQL SERVER database. The mobile Framework allows the user not only to consult the latest data collected but also to receive real-time notifications in poor indoor air quality scenarios, and to configure the alerts threshold levels. The results show that the mobile application not only provides easy access to real-time air quality data, but also allows the user to maintain parameter history and provide a history of changes. Consequently, this system allows the user to analyze in a precise and detailed manner the behavior of air quality. Finally, an air quality monitoring solution was implemented, consisting of a hardware prototype that incorporates only the MICS-6814 sensor as the detection unit. This system monitors various air quality parameters such as NH3 (ammonia), CO (carbon monoxide), NO2 (nitrogen dioxide), C3H8 (propane), C4H10 (butane), CH4 (methane), H2 (hydrogen) and C2H5OH (ethanol). The monitoring of the concentrations of these pollutants is essential to provide enhanced living environments. This solution is based on Cloud, and the collected data is sent to the ThingSpeak platform. The proposed Framework combines sensitivity, flexibility, and measurement accuracy in real-time, allowing a significant evolution of current air quality controls. The results show that this system provides easy, intuitive, and fast access to air quality data as well as relevant notifications in poor air quality situations to provide real-time intervention and improve occupational health. These data can be accessed by physicians to support diagnoses and correlate the symptoms and health problems of patients with the environment in which they live. As future work, the results reported in this thesis can be considered as a starting point for the development of a secure system sharing data with health professionals in order to serve as decision support in diagnosis. ; Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) é uma área de investigação multidisciplinar emergente que visa a construção de um ecossistema de diferentes tipos de sensores, microcontroladores, dispositivos móveis, redes sem fios e aplicações de software para melhorar os ambientes de vida e a saúde ocupacional. Existem muitos desafios no desenvolvimento e na implementação de um sistema AAL, como a arquitetura do sistema, interação humano-computador, ergonomia, usabilidade e acessibilidade. Existem também problemas sociais e éticos, como a aceitação por parte dos utilizadores mais vulneráveis e a privacidade e confidencialidade, que devem ser uma exigência de todos os dispositivos AAL. De facto, também é essencial assegurar que a tecnologia não substitua o cuidado humano e seja usada como um complemento essencial. A Internet das Coisas (IoT) é um paradigma em que os objetos estão conectados à Internet e suportam recursos sensoriais. Tendencialmente, os dispositivos IoT devem ser omnipresentes, reconhecer o contexto e ativar os recursos de inteligência ambiente intimamente relacionados ao AAL. Os avanços tecnológicos permitem definir novas ferramentas avançadas e plataformas para monitorização de saúde em tempo real e tomada de decisão no tratamento de várias doenças. A IoT é uma abordagem adequada para construir sistemas de saúde sendo que oferece uma plataforma para serviços de saúde ubíquos, usando, por exemplo, sensores portáteis para recolha e transmissão de dados e smartphones para comunicação. Apesar do potencial do paradigma e tecnologias IoT para o desenvolvimento de sistemas de saúde, muitos desafios continuam ainda por ser resolvidos. A direção e o impacto das soluções IoT na economia não está claramente definido existindo, portanto, barreiras à adoção imediata de produtos, serviços e soluções de IoT. Os ambientes de vida são caracterizados por diversas fontes de poluentes. Consequentemente, a qualidade do ar interior é reconhecida como uma variável fundamental a ser controlada de forma a melhorar a saúde e o bem-estar. É importante referir que tipicamente a maioria das pessoas ocupam mais de 90% do seu tempo no interior de edifícios e que a má qualidade do ar interior afeta negativamente o desempenho e produtividade. É necessário que as equipas de investigação continuem a abordar os problemas de qualidade do ar visando a adoção de legislação e mecanismos de inspeção que atuem em tempo real para a melhoraria da saúde e qualidade de vida, tanto em locais públicos como escolas e hospitais e residências particulares de forma a aumentar o rigor das regras de construção de edifícios. Para tal, é necessário utilizar mecanismos de monitorização em tempo real de forma a possibilitar a análise correta da qualidade do ambiente interior para garantir ambientes de vida saudáveis. Na maioria dos casos, intervenções simples que podem ser executadas pelos proprietários ou ocupantes da residência podem produzir impactos positivos substanciais na qualidade do ar interior, como evitar fumar em ambientes fechados e o uso correto de ventilação natural. Um sistema de monitorização e avaliação da qualidade do ar interior ajuda na deteção e na melhoria das condições ambiente. A avaliação local e distribuída das concentrações químicas é significativa para a segurança (por exemplo, deteção de fugas de gás e supervisão dos poluentes) bem como para controlar o aquecimento, ventilação, e sistemas de ar condicionado (HVAC) visando a melhoria da eficiência energética. A monitorização em tempo real da qualidade do ar interior fornece dados fiáveis para o correto controlo de sistemas de automação de edifícios e deve ser assumida com uma plataforma de apoio à decisão no que se refere ao planeamento de intervenções para ambientes de vida melhorados. No entanto, os sistemas de monitorização atualmente disponíveis são de alto custo e apenas permitem a recolha de amostras aleatórias que não são providas de informação temporal. A maioria das soluções disponíveis no mercado permite apenas a acesso ao histórico de dados que é limitado à memória do dispositivo e exige procedimentos de download e manipulação de dados com software proprietário. Desta forma, o desenvolvimento de sistemas inovadores de monitorização ambiente baseados em tecnologias ubíquas e computação móvel que permitam a análise em tempo real torna-se essencial. A Tese resultou na definição e no desenvolvimento de arquiteturas para monitorização da qualidade do ar baseadas em IoT. Os métodos propostos são de baixo custo e recorrem a estruturas modulares e escaláveis para proporcionar ambientes de vida melhorados. As arquiteturas propostas abordam vários conceitos, incluindo aquisição, processamento, armazenamento, análise e visualização de dados. Os métodos propostos incorporam Frameworks de gestão de alertas que notificam o utilizador em tempo real e de forma ubíqua quando a qualidade do ar interior é deficiente. A estrutura de software suporta vários métodos de notificação, como notificações remotas para smartphone, SMS (Short Message Service) e email. O método usado para o envio de notificações em tempo real oferece várias vantagens quando o objetivo é alcançar mudanças efetivas para ambientes de vida melhorados. Por um lado, as mensagens de notificação promovem mudanças de comportamento. De facto, estes alertas permitem que o gestor do edifício e os ocupantes reconheçam padrões da qualidade do ar e permitem também um correto planeamento de intervenções de forma evitar situações em que a qualidade do ar é deficiente. Por outro lado, o sistema proposto incorpora tecnologias de computação móvel, como aplicações móveis, que fornecem acesso omnipresente aos dados de qualidade do ar e, consequentemente, fornecem soluções completas para análise de dados. Além disso, os dados são armazenados e podem ser partilhados com equipas médicas para ajudar no diagnóstico. A análise do estado da arte resultou na elaboração de um artigo de revisão sobre as tecnologias, aplicações, desafios, plataformas e sistemas operativos que envolvem a criação de arquiteturas IoT. Esta revisão foi um trabalho fundamental na definição das arquiteturas propostas baseado em IoT para a supervisão da qualidade do ar interior. Esta pesquisa conduz a um desenvolvimento de arquiteturas IoT de baixo custo com base em tecnologias de código aberto que operam como um sistema Wi-Fi e suportam várias vantagens, como modularidade, escalabilidade e facilidade de instalação. Os resultados obtidos são muito promissores, representando uma contribuição significativa para ambientes de vida melhorados e saúde ocupacional. O material particulado (PM) é uma mistura complexa de partículas sólidas e líquidas de substâncias orgânicas e inorgânicas suspensas no ar e é considerado o poluente que afeta mais pessoas. As partículas mais prejudiciais à saúde são as ≤PM10 (diâmetro de 10 micrómetros ou menos), que podem penetrar e fixarem-se dentro dos pulmões, contribuindo para o risco de desenvolver doenças cardiovasculares e respiratórias, bem como de cancro do pulmão. Tendo em consideração os efeitos negativos para a saúde da exposição ao PM foi desenvolvido numa primeira fase uma arquitetura IoT para monitorização automática dos níveis de PM. Esta arquitetura é um sistema que permite monitorização de PM em tempo real e uma ferramenta de apoio à tomada de decisão. A solução é composta por um protótipo de hardware para aquisição de dados e um portal Web desenvolvido em .NET para consulta de dados. Este sistema é baseado em tecnologias de código aberto com várias vantagens em comparação aos sistemas existentes, como modularidade, escalabilidade, baixo custo e fácil instalação. Os dados são armazenados numa base de dados desenvolvida em SQL SERVER e são enviados com recurso a serviços Web. Os resultados mostram a capacidade do sistema de analisar em tempo real a qualidade do ar interior e o potencial da Framework Web para o planeamento de intervenções com o objetivo de garantir condições seguras, saudáveis e confortáveis. Associações de altas concentrações de dióxido de carbono (CO2) com défice de produtividade no trabalho e aumento de problemas de saúde encontram-se bem documentadas. Existe também uma correlação evidente entre altos níveis de CO2 e altas concentrações de poluentes no ar interior. Tendo em conta a influência significativa do CO2 para a construção de ambientes de vida melhorados desenvolveu-se uma solução de monitorização em tempo real de CO2 com base na arquitetura de IoT. A arquitetura proposta permite também o envio de notificações em tempo real para melhorar a saúde ocupacional e proporcionar um ambiente de vida interior seguro e saudável. O CO2 foi selecionado, pois é fácil de medir e é produzido em quantidade (por pessoas e equipamentos de combustão). Assim, pode ser usado como um indicador de outros poluentes e, portanto, da qualidade do ar em geral. O método proposto é composto por um protótipo de hardware para aquisição de dados, um software Web e uma aplicação smartphone para consulta de dados. Esta arquitetura é baseada em tecnologias de código aberto e os dados recolhidos são armazenados numa base de dados SQL SERVER. A Framework móvel permite não só consultar em tempo real os últimos dados recolhidos, receber notificações com o objetivo de avisar o utilizador quando a qualidade do ar está deficiente, mas também para configurar alertas. Os resultados mostram que a Framework móvel fornece não apenas acesso fácil aos dados da qualidade do ar em tempo real, mas também permite ao utilizador manter o histórico de parâmetros. Assim este sistema permite ao utilizador analisar de maneira precisa e detalhada o comportamento da qualidade do ar interior. Por último, é proposta uma arquitetura para monitorização de vários parâmetros da qualidade do ar, como NH3 (amoníaco), CO (monóxido de carbono), NO2 (dióxido de azoto), C3H8 (propano), C4H10 (butano), CH4 (metano), H2 (hidrogénio) e C2H5OH (etanol). Esta arquitetura é composta por um protótipo de hardware que incorpora unicamente o sensor MICS-6814 como unidade de deteção. O controlo das concentrações destes poluentes é extremamente relevante para proporcionar ambientes de vida melhorados. Esta solução tem base na Cloud sendo que os dados recolhidos são enviados para a plataforma ThingSpeak. Esta Framework combina sensibilidade, flexibilidade e precisão de medição em tempo real, permitindo uma evolução significativa dos atuais sistemas de monitorização da qualidade do ar. Os resultados mostram que este sistema fornece acesso fácil, intuitivo e rápido aos dados de qualidade do ar bem como notificações essenciais em situações de qualidade do ar deficiente de forma a planear intervenções em tempo útil e melhorar a saúde ocupacional. Esses dados podem ser acedidos pelos médicos para apoiar diagnósticos e correlacionar os sintomas e problemas de saúde dos pacientes com o ambiente em que estes vivem. Como trabalho futuro, os resultados reportados nesta Tese podem ser considerados um ponto de partida para o desenvolvimento de um sistema seguro para partilha de dados com profissionais de saúde de forma a servir de suporte à decisão no diagnóstico.
This research aims to know the potential effect of Intellectual Capital Performance (ICP) to the intensity of Intellectual Capital Disclosure (ICD). The independent variables used in this research are the components of ICP that consists of Value Added Human Capital (VAHU), Value Added Capital Employed (VACA), and Structural Capital Value Added (SCVA) that is measured by using the Value Added Intellectual Coefficient (VAIC™). While, the dependent variable used in this research is ICD that measured by a disclosure index and relevant scoring system. Company size and leverage are also used in the regression model as moderating variables. One year annual reports (2017) of banking sector companies registered on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) are analyzed in quantitative research type. The samples that listed on the IDX in 2017 are selected by using purposive sampling method with certain criteria and 33 banking sector companies are obtained. The analysis is made by multiple regression analysis and the data testing is conducted by using SPSS 22 and Eviews 9 which previously has been carried out the classic assumption test first. Results of this study indicate that: (1) Simultaneously, ICP component significantly affect ICD. However, each component of VAHU and SCVA does not significantly affect the ICD, only VACA significantly affects the ICD; (2) Simultaneously, with the moderation of company size, ICP does not significantly affect the ICD. Similarly, each component of VAHU, VACA and SCVA does not significantly affect ICD; and (3) Simultaneously, with the moderation of company leverage, ICP significantly affects ICD. 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Máster Universitario en Ingeniería Industrial ; Los deportes extremos, cada día más comunes en la dedicación lúdica del usuario medio, generalmente se caracterizan por aprovechar distintos tipos de energía – como la potencial almacenada en cotas altas de montaña o la energía de las olas – en energía cinética para el disfrute de la sensación de velocidad y adrenalina que, por norma general, transmiten. La necesidad del estudio hacia la innovación de este proyecto surge de las limitaciones actuales de los medios empleados en deportes de deslizamiento como el esquí – similares como el surf, wakeboard, kitesurf, sandboard -. En el caso concreto del esquí, seleccionado como dedicación especial de este estudio el 99,6% la de esquí internacional se distribuye tan solo en 56 países. España se sitúa muy cerca de uno de los principales núcleos de este deporte con más del 45% de afluencia, los Alpes, y además cuenta común importante mercado interior, sin embargo, la cifre de visitantes media en los últimos años a las estaciones españolas no ha superado los 5,5 millones de usuarios – muy lejos de los 56 de Francia o los 28 de Italia -. Tras adquirir los conocimientos sobre patentes, vías para adquirir la protección, su legislación y el procedimiento de solicitud; el estudio se encamina a lograr un salto creativo en la técnica del campo de interés. Este proceso contempla distintas fases de estudio y diseño. Las fases – definidas en el Capítulo 3 de la memoria – siguen el principio de la ingeniería concurrente empleando la sinergia entre metodologías tradicionales de estudio de patentes TRIZ, la valoración cuantitativa de diseños funcionales mediante QFD y el empleo de técnicas modernas de la industria para la síntesis de conceptos a partir de la patentometría (Método de los Escenarios Ponderados). La primera fase, la vigilancia tecnológica, elaborará una base de conocimiento con 367 patentes relacionadas con el campo de la técnica que se pretende desarrollar – en concreto los campos A63C10/11 y A63C5/08 dentro de la clasificación IPC- que son los medios de asistencia motorizados al deporte del esquí. Las patentes se clasificaron de manera cronológica de manera que el proceso permite adquirir una noción de los saltos evolutivos de las soluciones propuestas lo largo de la historia. Se pueden identificar de los estudios extraídos una tendencia creciente en este campo. La reciente influencia de las cámaras de acción y las redes sociales ha generado un boom por la práctica de nuevas actividades y deportes extremos; como consecuencia la acción inventiva recibe un gran impulso. También se analiza los datos geopolíticos de las patentes. determinar el ámbito de protección es un hito clave de la fase de vigilancia. Los resultados del análisis muestran que los principales países donde se busca proteger este tipo de invenciones son EEUU, Alemania, Francia, Japón y en una proporción no tan comparable Canadá y el resto de países europeos. Es cierto que gran parte de las patentes apuntan a un marco mundial o europeo desde un principio, lo que indica que es un mercado muy extenso en cuanto a geografía. Un 15% de las solicitudes proviene de fabricantes mientras que el 85% restante ha sido explotado por el propio inventor o probablemente licenciado a posteriori al mejor postor. Los fabricantes con más solicitudes son Atomic Gmbh, Saroy Engineering, Bibollet SA, Yamaha y Head Sport. Todos ellos son fabricantes con un gran catálogo de productos dedicados al deporte del esquí o similares, y que probablemente puedan verse interesados en la adquisición de una patente como la que se propone en caso de suponer un éxito de mercado. Esto enmarca el proyecto en un escenario ideal para buscar la inversión particular en este tipo de invención. Además, el análisis particular de los productos de estos fabricantes no lleva a ver la magnitud que realizan en I+D, la clase de productos que buscan y las posibilidades de mejora que se pueden incluir en el diseño. Todas las patentes se clasifican en problemas y sub-problemas. El objetivo es centrarse en uno de ellos para el diseño enfocado. Los problemas identificados como principales son: medios de propulsión, maniobrabilidad, versatilidad, seguridad y entrenamiento, estructura y forma y reducción del coste. La conclusión del análisis muestra que un campo que aún presenta capacidad de mejora, la versatilidad de las invenciones en distintos medios – agua, nieve, tierra -. Una vez focalizado el problema se pasa al diseño funcional. Este inicio ya parte de la opinión de usuarios potenciales en cuanto a qué conceptos entienden como funcionalidades necesarias en la invención y su importancia relativa. En base a esto, se construye un modelo de calidad con evaluaciones cuantitativas (QFD) para proponer la mejor estructura funcional. Mediante los métodos TRIZ de descomponen los elementos esenciales de las soluciones. De la descomposición de las soluciones, empleando el Métodos de Escenarios Ponderados para una síntesis de elementos a modo de rompecabezas, se conforman varias soluciones que mejoran las patentes existentes hasta la fecha. La valoración cuantitativa de estas soluciones nos lleva a la toma de decisión por una de ellas. La invención será un sistema de tracción formado por un elemento tractor dron multirrotor, de seis o más rotores accionados por motores de DC; una línea de arrastre y un sistema de control. Dicho sistema de control está conformado por un manillar de dirección, donde se alojan los controles electrónicos a distancia del vuelo del dron y los dispositivos de visualización digital del estatus de la marcha; y por un arnés, unido a la línea de arrastre principal mediante un sistema de liberación rápida en caso de caída o peligro. La línea principal pasa a través de un orificio en el manillar y está anclada a otros dos puntos en los extremos de la barra mediante un sistema regulable en longitud. El paso posterior es adecuar el diseño a un concepto visualmente atractivo y convincente para el usuario. En concreto el elemento de mayor influencia es el mencionado manillar de control. Se emplea el método Kansei para validar un diseño visual a través de síntesis de propiedades físicas y emociones del usuario. Los datos se toman mediante una encuesta en formato electrónico y sobre un set de muestras conceptuales compuesto de bocetos digitales y fotografías. a. Los resultados indican que la inclusión del arnés en el sistema es fundamental para garantizar seguridad. Asimismo, un manillar amplio y horizontal proporciona al usuario sensación de maniobrabilidad y comodidad que otras configuraciones no aportan. El contorneado del agarre, la inclusión de muchos materiales y un acabado cuidado presentan un diseño más atractivo a todos los públicos. Dicha invención fue dimensionada y validada en el Capítulo 7 de la memoria. En éste se calculó la potencia necesaria a desarrollar por un multirrotor de arrastre para tirar de un esquiador en el ascenso de una pendiente a velocidad constante. EL planteamiento estático del problema permite un primer dimensionamiento de los principales componentes del multirrotor, así como una especificación de sus capacidades de carga. En concreto, para el arrastre de un esquiador a una velocidad constante de 5 m/s y en unas condiciones de pendiente y viento desfavorables el empuje necesario en los impulsores se sitúa en torno a los 16kg de fuerza por rotor – con un número mínimo de 8 rotores para aportar redundancia – y una potencia total de 26 KW. El multirrotor tendrá una envergadura aproximada de 2,2m y sus rotores, un diámetro de 85 cm (23 pulgadas). Todo ello teniendo en cuenta un factor de sobredimensionamiento para efectos dinámicos transitorios. La selección de componentes permite elaborar el presupuesto para el prototipo inicial a construir. El prototipo inicial se sitúa en un intervalo de coste entre los 20.000€ y los 30.000€. Valor razonable al compararlo con productos de aplicación similar y prototipos de competidores directos. El cliente al que se enfoca la invención queda muy por encima del gasto medio del usuario (español) en ocio y deporte. El nicho de mercado por tanto deberán ser las grandes corporaciones que gestionan los resorts de esquí y sus actividades, de manera que la innovación pueda introducirse como valor añadido en su modelo de negocio y éstos saquen rentabilidad de la patente a través de su alquiler al usuario final como actividad. Al conocer los costes y el enfoque de ventas, junto con la inversión en la propiedad industrial se puede elaborar un estudio de viabilidad económica para la inversión en el desarrollo de esta patente. En el capítulo 8 se detalla el marco económico propicio para el desarrollo de esta inversión. El método de valoración escogido es un descuento de flujos libres de caja. Los resultados, para la estimación de crecimiento y ventas, ofrecen un VAN por encima de los 100.000 €, una tasa de rentabilidad del 17% superior al retorno exigido por el mercado (11,5%). Teniendo en cuenta que la inversión se realiza hasta el fin de la protección industrial (20 años) el periodo de retorno son 13 años. Con todo ello la solicitud de patente se realizó el día 27 de Enero de 2017se realizó siguiendo las pautas establecidas por la Ley, como se puede observar en el Documento 2 de este proyecto. Se obtuvo el número de solicitud P201700061 para la patente "Sistema de remolque por multirrotor para deportes de deslizamiento". ; Extreme sports, more and more common in the leisure time of the average user, are usually characterized by taking advantage of different types of energy - such as the potential energy stored at high mountain heights or wave energy - in kinetic energy to enjoy the sensation of speed and adrenaline that, as a general rule, these kind of sports transmit. The need for study towards innovation of this project arises from the current limitations of the means employed in sliding sports such as skiing - similar to surfing, wakeboarding, kitesurfing, sandboarding. In the specific case of skiing, selected as the special dedication of this study, 99.6% of international skiing is distributed in only 56 countries. Spain is situated very close to one of the main centers of this sport with more than 45% of influx, the Alps, and also counts with an important domestic market, however the average number of visitors in recent years to the Spanish resorts has not exceeded 5.5 million users - far from the 56 in France or 28 in Italy. After gaining knowledge about patents, ways to acquire protection, its legislation and the application procedure; the study aims to achieve a creative leap in the technique on the field of interest. This process contemplates different phases of study and design. The phases - defined in Chapter 3 of the report - follow the principle of concurrent engineering using the synergy between traditional patent study methodologies TRIZ, the quantitative valuation of functional designs using QFD and the use of modern industry techniques for synthesis of concepts from the patentometry (Method of Weighted Scenarios). The first phase, technological surveillance, will develop a knowledge base with 367 patents related to the field of the technology that is intended to be developed - specifically fields A63C10/11 and A63C5/08 within the IPC classification - which are the means of motorized assistance to skiing. The patents were classified in a chronological way so that the process allows acquiring a notion of the evolution of the solutions proposed throughout the history. A growing trend in this field can be identified from the studies extracted. The recent influence of action cameras and social networks has generated a boom for the practice of new activities and extreme sports; as a result the inventive action receives a great impulse. The geopolitical data of patents is also analyzed. Determining the scope of protection is a key milestone of the monitoring phase. The results of the analysis show that the main countries who seek to protect this type of inventions are the USA, Germany, France, Japan and in a proportion not so comparable Canada and the rest of European countries. It's true that most patents point to a global or European framework from the outset, indicating that it's a very extensive market, geographically. 15% of the applications come from manufacturers while the remaining 85% has been exploited by the inventor himself or probably licensed after the highest bidder. Manufacturers with more applications are Atomic Gmbh, Saroy Engineering, Bibollet SA, Yamaha and Head Sport. All of them are manufacturers with a large catalog of products dedicated to the sport of skiing or similar, and may probably be interested in acquiring a patent like the one proposed, in the case of a market success. This frames the project in an ideal scenario to look for the particular investment in this type of invention. In addition, the particular analysis of the products of these manufacturers does not lead to seeing the magnitude they invest in R&D, the kind of products they are looking for and the possibilities of improvement that can be included in the design. All patents are classified into problems and sub-problems. The goal is to focus on one of them for the focused design. The problems identified as main are: means of propulsion, maneuverability, versatility, safety and training, structure and shape and cost reduction. The conclusion of the analysis shows that a field that still presents capacity for improvement, the versatility of inventions in different media - water, snow, earth. Once focused the problem we move on to functional design. This beginning already derives from part of the opinion of potential users as to what concepts they understand as necessary functionalities in the invention and its relative importance. Based on this, a quality model is constructed with quantitative evaluations (QFD) to propose the best functional structure. Through the TRIZ methods the essential elements of the solutions are decomposed. From the decomposition of the solutions, using the Weighted Scenario Methods for a synthesis of elements as a puzzle, several solutions are formed that improve the existing patents to date. The quantitative evaluation of these solutions leads us to the decision-making of one of them. The invention will be a traction system formed by a multi-rotor driving element, of six or more rotors driven by DC motors; a drag line and a control system. This control system is made up of a steering handle, which houses the remote electronic controls of the flight of the drone and the devices of digital display of the status of the march; and by a harness, attached to the main drag line by means of a quick release system in case of fall or danger. The main line passes through a hole in the handlebar and is anchored to two other points at the ends of the bar by a system adjustable in length. The next step is to adapt the design to a visually attractive and convincing concept for the user. In particular, the most influential element is the mentioned control handlebar. The Kansei method is used to validate a visual design through the synthesis of physical properties and emotions of the user. The data are taken through a survey in electronic format and on a set of conceptual samples composed of digital sketches and photographs. The results indicate that the inclusion of the harness in the system is fundamental to guarantee safety. Also, a wide horizontal handlebar gives the user a feeling of maneuverability and comfort that other configurations do not provide. The contouring of the grip, the inclusion of many materials and a careful finish present a design more attractive to all audiences. The mentioned invention was dimensioned and validated in Chapter 7 of the report. Here was calculated the power the dragging multi-rotor has to develop to pull a skier in the ascent of a slope at constant speed. The static approach of the problem allows a first dimensioning of the main components of the multi-rotor as well as a specification of its load capacities. Specifically, to drag a skier at a constant speed of 5 m/s and under unfavorable slope and wind conditions, the necessary thrust in the impellers is around 16 kg of force per rotor - with a minimum number of 8 Rotors to provide redundancy - and a total power of 26 KW. The multi-rotor will have an approximate span of 2.2m and its rotors, a diameter of 85cm (23 inches). All this taking into account an oversizing factor for transient dynamic effects. The selection of components allows the budget for the initial prototype to be constructed. The initial prototype is in a cost range between €20,000 and €30,000. Fair value when compared to products of similar application and prototypes of direct competitors. The customer to whom the invention is focused is well above the average expenditure of the user (Spanish) in leisure and sports. The market niche should therefore be the large corporations that manage the ski resorts and their activities, so that the innovation can be introduced as added value for their business model and these will make profitability of the patent through their rent to the final user as an activity. By knowing the costs and the approach of sales, together with the investment in the industrial property an economic feasibility study for the investment in the development of this patent can be elaborated. Chapter 8 details the economic framework conducive to the development of this investment. The valuation method chosen is a discount of free cash flows. The results, for the estimation of growth and sales, offer a NPV above 100,000 €, a rate of return of 17% higher than the return demanded by the market (11.5%). Considering that the investment is made until the end of industrial protection (20 years) the return period is 13 years. With all of this, the patent application was made on the 27th of January 2017, and was done following the guidelines established by the Law, as can be seen in Document 2 of this project. Application number P201700061 was obtained for the patent "Sistema de remolque por multirrotor para deportes de deslizamiento".
This PhD dissertation proposes a geopolitical analysis of a centrasiatic transborder region, theFerghana Valley, which is today divided between the Republics of Uzbekistan, Tajikistan andKyrgyzstan.A basis of the research, field trips spread over the past three years enabled the development ofinstruments such as border analysis, analytical cartography, qualitative interviews with experts andinhabitants, and bibliographical research in the Ferghana as well as the Uzbek capital city Tashkent– noticeably at the French Institute for Central Asian Studies (IFEAC). As a complement to thefield trips in Central Asia, a research period in France permitted both a consolidation in geopoliticaltheory at the French Institute of Geopolitics (IFG) of the University of Paris 8-Vincennes, andadditional bibliographical research at the French National Library (BNF).The topic of the research is hence the analysis of power rivalries between "territorial actors" overthe "territorial stake" of the Fergana Valley, a fertile basin of strategical location within the largergeopolitical context of Central Asia. Always a stake disputed by various territorial actors over time,the Fergana Valley now experiences power rivalries from contemporaneous territorial actors firstand foremost on the border and transborder levels.By doing so, the dissertation introduces a new actor in the classical geopolitical pattern of analysis:the cultural regionalism. The dissertation hence offers a detailed presentation of the culturalregionalism as well as an evaluation of its past and current importance.First focusing on the centrasiatic context and the peculiarities which stem from its borders, theintroduction presents the "stake" Fergana and its economic and physical resources which explainits importance as a territory. A rapid summary of the theory of geopolitics follows, with thejustification of the choice of the French Lacostian school as the theoretical frame of this work. Theintroduction closes on a first analysis of the Fergana as a space of border or frontier.First partThe thesis is structured in two main parts. The first, more theoretical, analyses each of the threeterritorial actors which aim for power over the Fergana: the Nation, the Religion, and the CulturalRegionalism. The presentation of the actors, of their respective embodiments and of theirmanifestations within the ferganian territory is organised according to a conceptual rationale; eventsthat occurred simultaneously are thus not considered following a chronological order, butseparately, according to their respective relations with the actors evoked.The first chapter focuses on the actor Nation. By this word we understand not only the effectiveentity of the Nation-State, and its three embodiments (Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan), but alsothe Nation as an ideology which acts upon the territory through nationalistic policies. The force oflegitimation of the actor Nation did certainly not have a neutral role in the rise of this actor in theFerganian landscape, a process which led the Nation to the top of the geopolitical actors' hierarchyin the region. This chapter also analyses the representations of the Fergana which are defined andimplemented by the actor Nation since its birth in the 1920s. In fact, the Fergana valley first becamea transborder region only in these years, through its integration to the Union of the Socialist SovietRepublics (USSR) and its partition between three of the five newly created Socialist SovietRepublics in Central Asia. In the 1990s, following the fall of the USSR and the independence of thethree Republics, the borders which divided the Ferghana stopped being only internal, but becamereal and proper international borders. Among the main representations that this study looks at, aparticular attention is devoted to the study of the national borders , their creation and theirevolution. The chapter also looks at the relations between the different Nation-States, which form aunique actor when they rival against the other territorial actors – the Religion and the CulturalRegionalism –, but three well different ones when they rival among themselves.The second chapter concentrates upon the second territorial actor, the Religion. The Fergana valleyis one of the most pious and practicing region of Central Asia, and the Islamic religion alwaysplayed a major role in the society's administration and organization.The chapter proposes first an analysis of the religion's representations in the Fergana: theautochthonous sufism and its sacred geography within the Fergana valley ; the traditional Islam ofthe soviet times, which became a legal weapon used by Moscow to fight the sufi orthodoxy in theFergana ; the recently appeared wahabbite fundamentalism, imported from Afghanistan, Pakistanand Saudi Arabia following the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1979 and the encounter it inducedbetween the soviet muslims and the afghan mujaheddins.It is then examined how the different variations of the actor opposed themselves to the actor Nation,over the years, for the control over the power and the resources of the Fergana. We look at how thegeopolitical rivalries vary dramatically from the soviet era to that of the independence. A specialattention is devoted to the phenomenon of politization of the actor Religion and the way this led theReligion to endorse a role of protagonist in many of the Fergana's events.The third actor is the Cultural Regionalism. It is hereby referred to the geo-cultural identity of thisregional entity, which persists in spite of nationalistic and religious pressures. In fact, as long as theFergana has existed as a place, it has always constituted a geographical, political and social whole.Although its population has been characterized during the past centuries by high levels ofmultiethnicity and linguistic heterogeneity, this did not prevent the societal amalgamation ofpopulations which always held multiethnicity as normality, and always attributed to each "group" aspecific social role within the system Fergana.Be they of language and culture persian and sedentary, turk and sedentary or turk and nomadic,these populations always shared, each in its own social role, a common life within the region. Thisvery phenomenon is the main characteristic of what we call the Cultural Regionalism of theFergana.However, this equilibrium changes with the loss of political sovereignty of the region and the rise ofnationalism under the soviet sovereignty. This chapter analyzes the main representation of the actorCultural Regionalism over time, and how it took stand against the other territorial actors, especiallythe Nation.Second partThe second part of the dissertation as dedicated to the current manifestations of the territorial actorsin the Fergana valley, particularly in its border zones. This part results from the interviews and fieldobservation undertaken in Central Asia and the Fergana in 2007, 2009 and 2010.The first chapter analyzes the border of this region from a theoretical point of view, especially in thelight of the geostrategical categories of "first line of defence" or "last line of defence".In the context of a transformation of the border from the soviet era to that of the independence, thesecond chapter explores the definition of the centrasiatic border, mainly through the analysis ofborder bureaucracy, control posts and documents required to cross the border. The chapter looks atthemes connected to the commercial transborder relations : how the "three" Fergana still manage tointeract despite growing border rigidity, which social relationships subsist today. The qualitativeinterviews led in the Fergana are a major source in this process of reviewing the difficulties ofpassage and communication within the valley, and of tracking the actual presence of the threegeopolitical actors which play a major role in the border relations and conflicts.The third chapter focuses on the Ferganian urban centres: their history, the relations that theFerganians have with them, et above all the internal and external representations of these centres ina now fully transborder region.The fourth chapter concentrates on the demographical evolutions of the Ferganian population. Upuntil then a land of immigration, the Fergana became a land of emigration following theindependence and the materialization of the borders.The fifth chapter deals with the Ferganian infrastructures, especially the rail and road networks, andtheir relationship of reciprocal influence with the mutation of the borders in the region.The sixth chapter builds on the theoretical interrogations evoked in the introduction of thedissertation and develops a conclusive analysis of the Fergana of the borders nowadays.ConclusionThe conclusion of this research depicts the current Fergana, the relations between the differentgeopolitical actors and underscores the persistence of the actor Cultural Regionalism.It establishes the existence of tremendous changes in the region Fergana from various viewpoints:the Ferganian population has new frames of cultural, political and social reference whoseimportance increased dramatically ; new political forms and cultural structures influenced its selfimage,its very identity: "russian, muslim, ferganian", then "soviet, uzbek (or tajik or kyrgyz),atheist, ferganian", finally "uzbek (or tajik or kyrgyz), secular, ferganian".However, although the territory, its borders and inhabitants changed, and despite the strongobstacles set by the actor Nation, the cultural regionalism succeeded in maintaining itself, byadapting to the new tendencies and ways of interpretation of the Fergana.The conclusion ends with the most recent events of the Fergana, the Andjian massacre in 2005 andthe Osh clash in 2010, which are both analysed in the light of the geopolitical power rivalries whichpersist in the region. ; IntroductionCette thèse de Doctorat propose une analyse géopolitique d'une région transfrontalière de l'Asiecentrale, la vallée du Ferghana, aujourd'hui divisée entre les Républiques d'Ouzbékistan, duTadjikistan et du Kirghizistan.Des séjours sur le terrain répartis sur trois ans ont constitué la base de la recherche, au travers del'analyse des frontières, de la cartographie analytique, d'entretiens qualitatifs avec experts ethabitants, et de recherches bibliographiques dans le Ferghana ainsi que dans la capitale ouzbèkeTachkent – notamment près l'Institut Français d'Etudes sur l'Asie Centrale (IFEAC). Ces périodesde terrain ont été complétées par un séjour de recherche en France, articulé principalement autourd'un approfondissement théorique à l'Institut Français de Géopolitique (IFG) de l'Université ParisVIII-Vincennes et de recherches bibliographiques à la Bibliothèque Nationale de France.L'objet de ce travail est donc l'analyse des rivalités de pouvoir entre les acteurs territoriaux surl'enjeu territorial de la vallée du Ferghana, bassin fertile à la position stratégique dans le contextegéopolitique centrasiatique élargi. Si le Ferghana a toujours constitué un enjeu disputé pardifférents acteurs territoriaux, les rivalités des acteurs actuels jouent aujourd'hui surtout au niveaufrontalier et transfrontalier.Ce faisant, cette thèse introduit un nouvel acteur dans le schéma d'analyse géopolitique classique:le Régionalisme culturel. Le Régionalisme culturel en tant qu'acteur territorial y fait donc l'objetd'une présentation approfondie ainsi que d'une évaluation de son importance passée et actuelle.Concentrée d'abord sur le contexte centrasiatique et les particularités qui découlent de sesfrontières, l'introduction présente ensuite « l'enjeu » Ferghana et ses ressources physiques etéconomiques, qui expliquent l'importance de ce territoire. Elle se poursuit sur un rapide pointthéorique sur la géopolitique et la justification du choix de l'école de pensée géopolitique de YvesLacoste comme cadre théorique de cette recherche, avant de s'achever sur une première analyse del'espace Ferghana à l'aune des catégories de frontières et de confins.Première partieLa thèse est structurée en deux grandes parties. La première, à dominante théorique, analyse à tourde rôle les trois acteurs territoriaux qui rivalisent pour le pouvoir sur le Ferghana: il s'agit de laNation, de la Religion, et du Régionalisme culturel. La présentation des acteurs, de leursdifférentes incarnations et de leurs représentations respectives du territoire ferghanien sont ainsiabordés selon un ordre conceptuel ; des évènements s'étant produits simultanément ne sont ainsipas analysés chronologiquement mais séparément, en tant qu'ils se rapportent aux acteurs évoqués.Le premier chapitre est consacré à l'acteur Nation. Par cette expression nous entendons nonseulement l'entité effective Etat-Nation et ses trois incarnations (Ouzbékistan, Tadjikistan,Kirghizistan), mais aussi la Nation comme idéologie qui agit sur le territoire au travers depolitiques nationalistes. La force de légitimation de l'acteur Nation n'est pas étrangère àl'accroissement de son importance sur ce territoire, qui l'a sans aucun doute mené au sommet de lahiérarchie des acteurs géopolitiques dans cette région. Ce chapitre analyse les représentations duFerghana définies et mises en oeuvres par l'acteur Nation depuis son apparition dans les années1920. La vallée du Ferghana est en effet devenue une région transfrontalière à cette époque, avecson intégration à l'Union des Républiques Socialistes Soviétiques (URSS) et sa partition entre troisdes cinq Républiques Socialistes Soviétiques nouvellement créées en Asie Centrale. Dans lesannées 1990, avec la chute de l'URSS et l'indépendance des trois Républiques, les frontières quidivisaient le Ferghana ne sont plus simplement internes, mais deviennent bel et bieninternationales. Parmi les représentations majeures qui font l'objet d'une étude dans ce chapitre,une attention particulière est portée aux frontières nationales, leur création et leur évolution. Lechapitre s'intéresse également aux relations entre les différents Etats-Nations, qui constituent unacteur unique lorsqu'ils rivalisent contre les autres acteurs territoriaux – la Religion et leRégionalisme culturel – mais aussi trois acteurs différenciés lorsqu'ils se disputent le territoireFerghana entre eux.Le deuxième chapitre est consacré au deuxième acteur territorial, la Religion. La vallée duFerghana est l'une des régions d'Asie centrale les plus croyantes et pratiquantes, et la religionislamique y a toujours eu un rôle important dans la gestion de la société.Ce chapitre propose d'abord une analyse des représentations de la religion dans le Ferghana : lesoufisme autochtone et la "géographie sacrée" des hauts lieux de ce courant de l'Islam dans leFerghana ; l'Islam traditionnel de la période soviétique, devenu une arme légale utilisée parMoscou pour combattre l'orthodoxie soufie du Ferghana ; le fondamentalisme wahabbiterécemment apparu, importé d'Afghanistan, du Pakistan et d'Arabie Saoudite à la suite del'invasion de l'Afghanistan par les Soviétiques en 1979 et de la rencontre qui s'en est ensuivieentre les musulmans soviétiques et les moudjahiddines afghans.Ensuite est examinée la manière dont les différentes variantes de l'acteur Religion se sontopposées, au cours des années, à l'acteur Nation pour le contrôle du pouvoir et des ressources duterritoire Ferghana. Nous y voyons comment la rivalité géopolitique entre deux acteurs varie dutout au tout selon que l'on parle de l'acteur Nation au cours de la période Soviétique ou bien aucours de l'ère ayant succédé à l'indépendance.Une attention particulière est portée au phénomène de politisation de l'acteur Religion et à lamanière dont cette politisation a amené la Religion à assumer un rôle de protagoniste dans denombreux évènements du Ferghana.Le troisième acteur est le Régionalisme culturel. Avec cette expression nous faisons référence àl'identité géo-culturelle de cet ensemble régional, qui persiste malgré les pressions nationalistes etreligieuses. Car aussi loin que remonte son existence en tant que lieu, la vallée du Ferghana atoujours constitué un ensemble géographique, politique et social à part entière. Bien que sapopulation se soit distinguée au cours des derniers siècles par une grande multiethnicité ethétérogénéité linguistique, cela n'a pas empêché un amalgame sociétal de cette population qui atoujours considéré la multiethnicité comme normale, et toujours a attribué à chaque « ethnie » unrôle social déterminé au sein du système Ferghana.Qu'elles soient de langue et de culture persane et sédentaire, de langue et de culture turque etsédentaire, ou bien de langue et de culture turque et nomade, ces populations ont toujours partagé,chacune dans son propre rôle social, une vie communautaire au sein de la région, et ce phénomèneest la caractéristique principale de ce que nous appelons le Régionalisme culturel du Ferghana.Cependant, cet équilibre change avec la perte de souveraineté politique de la région, l'avènementdu nationalisme sous l'action de l'URSS, et la partition de l'espace entre trois Etats nations del'Asie centrale soviétique. Ce chapitre analyse ainsi les principales représentations de l'acteurRégionalisme culturel au cours du temps, et comment il s'est opposé aux autres acteursterritoriaux, en particulier à l'acteur Nation.Seconde partieLa seconde partie de ce travail est dédiée aux manifestations actuelles des acteurs territoriaux dansla vallée du Ferghana, plus spécialement dans ses zones de frontière. Cette partie est le résultat desentretiens et des observations de terrain réalisés en Asie centrale et dans le Ferghana au cours deséjours en 2007, 2009 et 2010.Le premier chapitre analyse la frontière de cette région du point de vue théorique, à la lumièrenotamment des catégories géostratégiques de "première ligne de défense" ou "dernière ligne dedéfense".Dans le contexte d'une modification de la frontière entre l'époque soviétique et celle del'indépendance, le deuxième chapitre approfondit la définition de frontière centrasiatique, autravers principalement de l'analyse de la bureaucratie de frontière, des postes de contrôle et desdocuments requis pour le passage de la frontière. Les thématiques liées aux relations commercialestransfrontalières y sont examinées : comment les "trois" Ferghana parviennent encore à interagirmalgré la rigidité croissante des frontières, quelles relations sociales transfrontalières subsistent ausein du Ferghana d'aujourd'hui. Les entretiens qualitatifs réalisés dans le Ferghana jouent un rôlemajeur pour recenser les difficultés de passage et de communication dans la vallée et déceler, dansles descriptions et jugements recueillis, la présence des trois acteurs géopolitiques qui toujoursjouent un rôle fondamental dans les relations et conflits de frontière.Le troisième chapitre est dédié aux centres urbains du Ferghana : leur histoire, le rapport que lesFerghaniens entretiennent avec eux, et surtout les représentations internes et externes que lescentres urbains assument au sein d'une région désormais tout à fait transfrontalière.Le quatrième chapitre se concentre sur les évolutions démographiques de la population. Jusque làterre d'immigration tout au long des années tsaristes et soviétiques, le Ferghana est devenu uneterre d'émigration avec l'indépendance et la concrétisation des frontières.Le cinquième chapitre s'intéresse au Ferghana des infrastructures, notamment les réseaux ferré etroutier, et leur rapport d'influence réciproque mutations frontalières de cette région.Le sixième chapitre reprend les interrogations théoriques posées dans l'introduction et développeune analyse conclusive sur le Ferghana des frontières aujourd'hui.ConclusionLa conclusion de cette recherche dresse le bilan actuel du Ferghana et des rapports entre lesdifférents acteurs géopolitiques, et observe la persistance de l'acteur Régionalisme culturel.Force est de constater l'existence de changements dans la région Ferghana à différents points devue. La population ferghanienne dispose de nouveaux cadres de référence culturels, politiques etsociaux qui ont pris une importance majeure. Des nouvelles formes politiques et de structuresculturelles ont eu un impact sur son image d'elle-même, sur son identité: "russe, musulmane,ferghanienne", puis "soviétique, ouzbèke (ou tadjike ou kirghiz), athée, ferghanienne", et enfin"ouzbèke (ou tadjike ou kirghiz), laïque, ferghanienne".Cependant, bien que le territoire, ses frontières et la société qui l'habite aient changé, et malgré lesobstacles forts posés par l'acteur Nation, que Régionalisme culturel a réussi à survivre, ens'adaptant aux nouvelles tendances et aux nouveaux modes d'interprétation du Ferghana.La conclusion s'achève sur les évènements les plus récents du Ferghana; massacre d'Andijan en2005 et affrontements à Osh en juin 2010, qui sont analysés à la lumière des rivalités de pouvoirgéopolitique qui persistent encore dans la région.
Author's introductionThis review of recent feminist analyses and theorizing of labor markets uses a global lens to reveal the forces shaping gender inequality. The first section introduces the key words of globalization, gender and work organization. Next, I examine gender as embodied labor activity in globalized worksites, and the effects of globalization on gendered patterns of work and life. Putting gender at the center of globalization discourses highlights the historical and cultural variability of gender relations intersecting with class, race and nationality, and highlights the impact of restructuring on workers, organizations and institutions at the local, national and regional as well as transnational levels. Then I turn to look at labor market restructuring through commodification of care, outsourcing of household tasks and informalization of employment to show how these processes shape the complexity of relationships between and the interconnectedness of social inequalities transnationally and in global cities. Place matters when analyzing how service employment alters divisions of labor and how these labor market changes are gendered. Global restructuring not only poses new challenges but also creates new opportunities for mobilization around a more robust notion of equality. The final section explores the development of spaces for collective action and the rise of new women's and feminist movements (e.g., transnational networks, non‐governmental agencies). The study of globalization, gender and employment has broad importance for understanding not only the social causes but also the social consequences of the shift to a post‐industrial society.Author recommendsAcker, Joan 2004. 'Gender, Capitalism and Globalization.'Critical Sociology 30, 1: 17–41.Feminist scholarship both critiques gender‐blind globalization discourses and an older generation of women and development theories. By tracing the lineage of current feminist literature on globalization to women and development research, Joan Acker shows both the continuities and distance traveled from the previous terrain of debate. New feminist scholarship on globalization owes a debt to these important, albeit limited, studies of women at work in Latin America, Africa and Asia, but acknowledges the need to go beyond the category of women to analyze specific forms and cultural expressions of gendered power in relationship to class and other hierarchies. One of the major advances in feminist theory comes under the microscope of Acker's keen analysis when she excavates how gender is both embodied and embedded in the logic and structuring of globalizing capitalism. This extends the case she made in her earlier pioneering research on gender relations being embedded in the organization of major institutions. For the study of globalization, Acker posits that the gendered construction (and cultural coding) of capitalist production separated from human reproduction has resulted in subordination of women in both domains. Acker uncovers the historical legacy of a masculine‐form of dominance associated with production in the money economy that was exported to and embedded in colonialist installation of large‐scale institutions. By the late 20th Century large‐scale institutions promoted images and emotions that expressed economic and political power in terms of new articulations of hegemonic masculinity. As an article outlining debates on the nature of globalization and of gender, it serves as a good introduction to the topic.Chow, Esther Ngan‐Ling 2003. 'Gender Matters: Studying Globalization and Social Change in the 21st Century.'International Sociology 18, 3: 443–460.Chow's introduction to the special issue on 'Gender, Globalization and Social Change in the 21st Century' in International Sociology (2003) reviews the literature on gender and globalization and provides an excellent overview of 'gender matters.' Her definition of globalization captures salient features of the current era. This definition encompasses the economic, political cultural and social dimensions of globalization. Further, she offers a framework for studying the 'dialectics of globalization', as 'results of conflicting interaction between the global and local political economies and socio‐cultural conditions…' A dialectics of globalization is a fruitful approach for studying transformative possibilities. This article could serve as background reading or as part of an introductory section.Arlie Russell Hochschild, Arlie Russell. 2003. 'Love and Gold.' Pp. 15–30 in Global Women: Nannies, Maids and Sex Workers in the New Economy, edited by Barbara Ehrenreich and Arlie Russell Hochschild. Metropolitan Books.Hochschild's chapter in Global Women examines the transfer of traditional women's work to migrant women. Women in rich countries are turning over care work (nannies, maids, elder care) to female migrant workers who can be paid lower wages with few or no benefits and minimal legal protections. This global transfer of services associated with a wife's traditional role extracts a different kind of labor than in prior migrations based on agricultural and industrial production. Emotional, sexual as well as physical labor is extracted in this current phase of globalization; in particular, emotional labor and 'love is the new gold'. Women migrate not only to escape poverty, but also to escape patriarchy in their home countries by earning an independent income and by physical autonomy from patriarchal obligations and expectations. Many female migrants who leave poor countries can earn more money as nannies and maids in the First World than in occupations (nurses, teachers, clerical workers) if they remained in their own country. Thus, migration can be seen as having contradictory effects on women's well‐being and autonomy. This chapter can be used in a section dealing with the specific topic of globalization and care work or in a section introducing the topic of gendered labor activities.McDowell, Linda, Diane Perrons, Colette Fagan, Kath Ray and Kevin Ward. 2005. 'The Contradictions and Intersections of Class and Gender in a Global City: Placing Working Women's Lives on the Research Agenda.'Environment and Planning A 37, 441–461.This group of prominent social geographers from the UK collaborates to great effect in a welcome addition to the literature theorizing the complex articulations of gender and class in global cities. Their detailed research comparing three localities in Greater London is a corrective to the oft‐cited multi‐site study of global cities by Saskia Sassen. They find that Sassen underestimates gains and losses for both men and women in the 'new' economy. Place makes a difference when assessing the impact of women's increased rates of labor market participation on income inequality and patterns of childcare. The article outlines a new research agenda by 'placing' working women's lives at the center of analysis.Parrenas, Rhacel Salazar 2008. The Force of Domesticity: Filipina Migrants and Globalization. New York: New York University Press.Rhacel Salazar Parrenas brings together her influential research on Filipina migrants and extends her path‐breaking ethnographic analysis to include Filipina domestic workers in Rome and Los Angeles and entertainers in Tokyo. David Eng incisively captures the importance of Parrenas's analysis when he states, 'Extracted from home and homeland only to be reinserted into the domestic spaces of the global north, these servants of globalization exemplify an ever‐increasing international gendered division of labor, one compelling us to reexamine the neo‐liberal coupling of freedom and opportunity with mobility and migration'. The book is well suited to illuminate discussions of domesticity and migration, transnational migrant families, the impact of migration laws in 'home' and 'host' countries, and transnational movements among migrant women.Walby, Sylvia. 2009. Globalization and Inequalities: Complexity and Contested Modernities. London: Sage.This book introduces new theoretical concepts and tests alternative hypotheses to explain variation in trajectories of gender relations cross‐nationally. It synthesizes and reviews a vast literature, ranging from the social sciences to the natural sciences to construct a new approach to theorizing the development of gender regimes in comparative perspective. Sylvia Walby seeks to explain the different patterns of inequalities across a large number of countries. The analysis differentiates between neo‐liberal and social democratic varieties of political economy, and makes explicit the gender component of institutions and their consequences. The project builds on Walby's pioneering work on comparative gender regimes, and extends the research by operationalizing empirical indicators for a range of key concepts, and by analyzing links between a wide set of institutions (including economy, polity, education and violence) and how these are gendered in specific ways. As in the past, Walby is not afraid to tackle big questions and to offer new answers. Throughout the book, like in her previous body of research, Walby takes on the question of social inclusion/exclusion and critically interrogates concepts of democracy, political participation, equality and rights. Walby uses a comparative lens to examine the democratic 'deficit' in liberal and social democratic countries, and how migration restructures patterns of inequality and the consequent reconstitution of national and ethnic relations within countries. There is more to the book than abstract theoretical debates. Walby poses and assesses alternative political projects for achieving equality. The book is an original contribution that will likely influence sociology in general and theories of social change in particular.Online resourcesStatus of women in the world: United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM) http://www.unifem.orgUNIFEM was established at the United Nations in order to foster women's empowerment through innovative programs and strategies. Its mission statement summarizes UNIFEM's goals as follows: 'Placing the advancement of women's human rights at the center of all of its efforts, UNIFEM focuses on reducing feminized poverty, ending violence against women; reversing the spread of HIV/AIDS among women and girls; and achieving gender equality in democratic governance in times of peace as well as war'. The website includes information on global initiatives such as zero tolerance of violence against women, the impact of the economic crisis on women migrant workers, and strategizing for gender proportionate representation in Nigeria. Primary documents relevant to women's advancement appear on the website; these include the Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) and the UN Security Council Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and Security. UNIFEM publishes monographs assessing the progress of women around the world. One notable example is the 2005 publication on Women, Work & Poverty by Martha Chen, Joann Vanek, Francie Lund, James Heintz with Renana Jhabvala and Christine Bonner. Gender equity index Social Watch produces an up‐to‐date gender equity index composed of three dimensions and indicators: empowerment (% of women in technical positions, % of women in management and government positions, % of women in parliaments, % of women in ministerial posts); economic activity (income gap, activity rate gap); and education (literacy rate gap, primary school enrollment rate gap, secondary school enrollment gap, and tertiary education enrollment gap). These separate indicators in addition to the gender equity index are arrayed by country. There are 157 countries, representing 94% of the world's population, in the sample. Mapping these indicators across countries presents a comparative picture of the absolute and relative standing of women and gender equity in the world.Focus QuestionsKey words: Globalization1. What is meant by globalization?
a. To what extent is globalization new? Or is globalization another phase of a long historical process? b. Can we differentiate inter‐national (connections between) from the global (inter‐penetrations)?
Feminism and globalization
How do feminist interventions challenge globalization theories (for example the presumed relationship between globalization and homogenization and individualization)? How do different feminisms frame and assess the conditions of globalization around the world?
Gender and globalization
What role do women, and different women, play in the global economy? Are patriarchal arrangements changing as a result of greater economic integration at the world level?
Migration and mobilities
What does Parrenas mean by partial citizenship?
How does it relate to the case of Philippine migrant workers? What is the relationship between 'home' and 'host' nations? How important is a vehicle like the Tinig Filipino in forging 'imagined communities' and new realities?
What is the mix of choice and compulsion in the different migrations mobilities of men and women?
Globalization and politics
Are women subject to the same kinds of legal protections (and regulations) that evolved in earlier periods? Do new flexible production processes and flexible work arrangements undercut such legal protections?
Globalization and collective mobilization
Does globalization open spaces for new women's movements, new solidarities, new subjectivities and new forms of organizing?
Sample syllabusCourse outline and reading assignments Conceptualizing the 'Global' and 'Globalization' Dicken, Peter, Jamie Peck and Adam Tickell. 1997. 'Unpacking the Global.' Pp. 158–166 in Geographies of Economies, edited by Roger Lee and Jane Willis. London: Arnold.Amin, Ash and Nigel Thrift. 1996. 'Holding Down the Global.' Pp. 257–260 in Globalization, Institutions, and Regional Development in Europe, edited by Ash Amin and Nigel Thrift. Oxford: Oxford University Press.Acker, Joan. 2004. 'Feminism, Gender and Globalization.'Critical Sociology 30: 17–42.Background Reading:Gottfried, Heidi. 2006. 'Feminist Theories of Work.' Pp. 121–154 in Social Theory at Work, edited by Marek Korczynski, Randy Hodson, Paul Edwards. Oxford: Oxford University Press.Peterson, V. Spike. 2008. 'Intersectional Analytics in Global Political Economy.' in UberKeruszungen, edited Cornelia Klinger and Gudrun‐Axeli Knapp. Munster: Wesfalisches Dmpfboot.Chow, Esther Ngan‐Ling. 2003. 'Gender Matters: Studying Globalization and Social change in the 21st Century.'International Sociology 18 (3): 443–460.Walby, Sylvia. 2009. Globalization and Inequalities: Complexity and Contested Modemities. London: Sage. Gender and Globalization Gottfried, Heidi. Forthcoming. 'Gender and Employment: A Global Lens on Feminist Analyses and Theorizing of Labor Markets.'Sociology CompassFernandez‐Kelly, Patricia and Diane Wolf. 2001. 'Dialogue on Globalization.'Signs 26: 1243–1249.Bergeron, Suzanne. 2001. 'Political Economy Discourses of Globalization and Feminist Politics.'Signs 26: 983–1006.Freeman, Carla. 2001. 'Is Local: Global as Feminine: Masculine? Rethinking the Gender of Globalization.'Signs 26:1007–1037. Theorizing Politics and Globalization Sassen, Saskia. 1996. 'Toward a Feminist Analytics of the Global Economy.'Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies 4: 7–41.Parrenas, Rhacel Salazer. 2001. 'Transgressing the Nation‐State: The Partial Citizenship and 'Imagined (Global) Community' of Migrant Filipina Domestic Workers.'Signs 26:1129–1154.Bosniak, Linda. 2009. 'Citizenship, Noncitizenship, and the Transnationalization of Domestic Work.' Pp. 127–156 in Migrations and Mobilities: Citizenship, Borders, and Gender, edited by Seyla Benhabib and Judith Resnik. New York: New York University Press.Background Reading:Benhabib, Seyla and Judith Resnik. 2009. 'Introduction: Citizenship and Migration Theory Engendered.' Pp. 1–46 in Migrations and Mobilities: Citizenship, Borders, and Gender, edited by Seyla Benhabib and Judith Resnik. New York: New York University Press. Migrations, Mobilities and Care Hochschild, Arlie Russell. 2003. 'Love and Gold.' Pp. 15–30 in Global Women: Nannies, Maids and Sex Workers in the New Economy, edited by Barbara Ehrenreich and Arlie Russell Hochschild. Metropolitan Books.Hondagneu‐Sotelo, Pierrette. 2001. Domestica: Immigrant Workers Cleaning and Caring the Shadows of Affluence. Berkeley: University of California Press.Parrenas, Richard Salazar. 2008. The Force of Domesticity: Filipina Migrants and Globalization. New York: New York University Press.Pyle, Jean 2006. 'Globalizations, Transnational Migration, and Gendered Care Work.'Globalizations 3(3): 283–295.Qayum, Seemin and Raka Ray. 2003. 'Grappling with Modernity: India's Respectable Classes and the Culture of Domestic Servitude.'Ethnography 4: 520–555. Restructuring and Gender Inequality in Global Cities McDowell, Linda, Diane Perrons, Colette Fagan, Kath Ray and Kevin Ward. 2005. 'The Contradictions and Intersections of Class and Gender in a Global City: Placing Working Women's Lives on the Research Agenda.'Environment and Planning A 37: 441–461.McDowell, Linda. 1997. 'A Tale of Two Cities? Embedded Organizations and Embodied Workers in the City of London.' Pp. 118–129 in Geographies of Economies, edited by Roger Lee and Jane Willis. London: Arnold.Bruegel, Irene. 1999. 'Globalization, Feminization and Pay Inequalities in London and the UK.' Pp. 73–93 in Women, Work and Inequality, edited by Jeanne Gregory, Rosemary Sales and Ariane Hegewisch. New York: St. Martin's Press. Embodiment and Restructuring Halford, Susan and Mike Savage. 1997. 'Rethinking Restructuring: Embodiment, Agency and Identity in Organizational Change.' Pp. 108–117 in Geographies of Economies, edited by Roger Lee and Jane Willis. London: Arnold.Gottfried, Heidi. 2003 'Temp(t)ing Bodies: Shaping Bodies at Work in Japan.'Sociology 37: 257–276. Gender in the Global Economy: Post‐Socialist and Emerging Economies Salzinger, Leslie. 2004. 'Trope Chasing: Engendering Global Labor Markets.'Critical Sociology 30: 43–62.Kathryn Ward, Fahmida Rahman, AKM Saiful Islam, Rifat Akhter and Nashid Kama. 2004. 'The Nari Jibon Project: Effects on Global Structuring on University Women's Work and Empowerment In Bangladesh.'Critical Sociology 30: 63–102Otis, Eileen. 2007. 'Virtual Personalism in Beijing: Learning Deference and Femininity at a Global Luxury Hotel. Pp. 101–123 in Working in China: Ethnographies of Labor and Workplace Transformation, edited by Ching Kwan Lee. Routledge.Background Reading:Ferguson and Monique Mironesco (eds.). 2008. Gender and Globalization in Asia and the Pactific: Method, Practice, Theory. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press. Globalization and Policy Developments Lenz, Ilse. 2004. 'Globalization, Gender and Work: Perspectives on Global Regulation.' Pp. 29–52 in Equity in the Workplace: Gendering Workplace Policy Analysis, edited by Heidi Gottfried and Laura Reese. Lexington Press.Woodward, Alison. 2004. 'European Gender Mainstreaming: Promises and Pitfalls of Transformative Policy.' Pp. 77–100 in Equity in the Workplace: Gendering Workplace Policy Analysis, edited by Heidi Gottfried and Laura Reese, Lexington Press.Fraser, Nancy. 2007. 'Reframing Justice in a Globalizing World.' in Global Inequality, edited by David Held and Ayse Kaya. Polity. Gender and the New Economy Walby, Sylvia, Heidi Gottfried, Karin Gottschall and Mari Osawa. 2006. Gendering and the Knowledge Economy: Comparative Perspectives, Palgrave, See chapters by Sylvia Walby, Mari Osawa, and Diane Perrons.Ng, Cecelia. 2004. 'Globalization and Regulation: The New Economy, Gender and Labor Regimes.'Critical Sociology 30: 103–108. Globalization and Transnational Organizing Ferree, Myra Marx. 2006. 'Globalization and Feminism: Opportunities and Obstacles for Activism in the Global Area.' Pp. 3–23 in Global Feminism: Transnational Women's Activism, Organizing, and Human Rights, edited by Myra Marx Ferree and Aili Mari Tripp. New York: New York University Press.Yuval‐Davis, Nira. 2006. 'Human/Women's Rights and Feminist Transversal Politics.' Pp. 275–295 in Global Feminism: Transnational Women's Activism, Organizing, and Human Rights, Myra Marx Ferree and Aili Mari Tripp. New York: New York University Press.Mohanty, Chandra Talpade. 2006. "Under Western Eyes" Revisited: Feminist Solidarity Through Anti‐Capitalist Struggles.' Pp. 17–42 in Feminism without Borders: Decolonizing Theory, Practicing Solidarity, edited by Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press.
Dottorato di ricerca in Biotecnologie degli alimenti ; Lo smaltimento delle acque di vegetazione dei frantoi oleari costituisce, attualmente, uno dei principali problemi dal punto di vista ambientale, specialmente nei paesi del Mediterraneo dove si concentra la maggior parte della produzione mondiale di olio di oliva. Le acque di vegetazione sono tra i reflui agro-industriali a più alto tasso inquinante a causa del loro elevato carico organico, caratterizzato soprattutto da composti fenolici e polifenolici ad elevata azione antimicrobica e fitotossica. La purificazione biologica delle acque di vegetazione è particolarmente difficile poiché questo refluo presenta solidi in sospensione e un elevato carico organico, in particolare polifenoli con attività biostatica e/o biocida, che riduce fortemente le prestazione degli impianti di depurazione. Di conseguenza, l'impianto deve prevedere due o più stadi di trattamento che rendono la depurazione complessa e costosa. Attualmente, la normativa vigente consente la pratica dello spandimento delle acque di vegetazione sui terreni agrari; nonostante questa risulti, al momento, essere la soluzione migliore sia dal punto di vista pratico che economico, trova attuazione solo se si ha disponibilità di terreni sufficientemente vicini su cui spargere il refluo e comunque deve essere applicata in maniera controllata dal momento che gli eventuali effetti positivi o negativi sulla composizione, sulla carica microbica e la fertilità del terreno sono ancora oggi oggetto di studio. Inoltre, la migrazione di alcuni composti negli strati più bassi del terreno potrebbe causare la contaminazione di eventuali falde acquifere sottostanti con conseguenze per la salute dell'uomo. Negli ultimi anni sono state proposte soluzioni alternative finalizzate a sfruttare questo refluo, in quanto ricco di composti utili. La valorizzazione delle AV mediante il loro impiego per l'ottenimento di prodotti a medio o alto valore aggiunto attraverso processi fisico-chimici o fermentativi, riveste notevole interesse scientifico. Nelle AV sono presenti una grande varietà di biomolecole come acidi organici, polialcoli, zuccheri semplici e complessi e lipidi che le rendono una possibile base per i processi fermentativi. In virtù del contenuto residuo di lipidi, le AV potrebbero rappresentare un ottimo candidato come terreno liquido di crescita per la produzione di lipasi microbiche. Lo scopo della presente tesi di dottorato è stato quello di mettere a punto un processo fermentativo per la valorizzazione delle AV mediante produzione microbica di enzimi, in particolare enzimi lipolitici, ottenendo al contempo un abbattimento, o quanto meno una riduzione, del loro potere inquinante. Esiste una vasta bibliografia in cui viene presa in esame la produzione di lipasi da numerose specie microbiche tra cui Penicillium e Candida e sia il terreno che il processo fermentativo per la produzione di questo enzima è stato ampiamente ottimizzato. Nella maggior parte dei casi, una buona produzione di lipasi microbica prevede l'utilizzo di terreni sintetici piuttosto complessi che sicuramente incidono in maniera significativa sul prezzo finale del prodotto. Inoltre, negli ultimi anni anche la produzione di preparati enzimatici commerciali contenenti lipasi di origine microbica ha avuto un notevole sviluppo. Sigma, Amano, Roche, Novo Nordisk, etc., forniscono preparati lipolititici con varie composizioni e proprietà catalitiche utilizzati in diversi settori: industria alimentare, farmaceutica, dei detergenti e per la produzione di biodiesel. L'innovazione che dovrebbe introdurre questo lavoro è l'opportunità di produrre lipasi microbiche di possibile interesse industriale utilizzando un substrato costituito da un refluo agro-industriale. Con questa idea, si è cercato di mettere a punto un terreno di produzione a basso costo che permettesse di ottenere buoni livelli di attività e contemporaneamente un abbattimento del carico inquinante del refluo finale. In prima battuta, è stato effettuato uno screening di microrganismi (Geotrichum candidum, NRRL 552, 553; Rhizopus sp, ISRIM 383; Rhizopus arrhizus, NRRL 2286; Rhizopus oryzae, NRRL 6431; Aspergillus oryzae, NRRL 1988, 495; Aspergillus niger, NRRL 334; Candida cylindracea, NRRL Y-17506; Penicillium citrinum, NRRL 1841, 3754, ISRIM 118) in grado di crescere sulle acque di vegetazione producendo lipasi. Le produzioni più elevate di enzima sono state ottenute, in condizioni non-ottimizzate, dopo 168 h con Geotrichum candidum NRRL 553 (0,521 U/ml) e Candida cylindracea (0,460 U/ml). Inoltre, livelli di produzione molto interessanti sono stati raggiunti dopo 72 h con i ceppi di Penicillium citrinum (0,365, 0,320 e 0,375 U/ml per NRRL 1841, NRRL 3754 e ISRIM 118, rispettivamente). Questi ceppi sono stati selezionati per valutare, in via preliminare, l'effetto di alcuni fattori sulla produzione di lipasi quali tipologia di AV, utilizzo di vari oli come induttori di attività e impiego di diverse fonti di azoto. Per quanto riguarda la produzione di lipasi da P. citrinum NRRL 1841 su AV, l'attività è stata influenzata in maniera marcata dal tipo di fonte di azoto ma non era aumentata in maniera significativa dall'aggiunta di oli. Nel caso della produzione di lipasi da C. Cylindracea NRRL Y-17506, il cloruro di ammonio e l'olio di oliva rappresentavano rispettivamente la fonte di azoto e l'induttore più adatto; infatti questo ceppo cresciuto in condizioni parzialmente ottimizzate produceva 9,48 U/ml di attività lipolitica dopo 264 h di fermentazione. Successivamente, la produzione di lipasi da P. citrinum NRRL 1841, utilizzando il terreno a base di AV, è stata ottimizzata in beuta valutando l'effetto del pH iniziale, della concentrazione di azoto e di estratto di lievito secondo un approccio multi-fattoriale. La combinazione ottimizzata dal modello è stata la seguente: pH 6,15, 2,7 g/l NH4Cl e 1,1 g/l YE. La produzione massima raggiunta è stata di 1,242 U/ml. Con il terreno così ottimizzato, al fine di ottenere informazioni sul possibile trasferimento di scala del processo, sono stati condotti altri esperimenti in reattori da banco. Allo scopo, sono stati impiegati due tipi di sistemi, un bioreattore ad agitazione meccanica (STR) e uno ad agitazione pneumatica (Air-lift). In entrambi i casi, l'attività lipolitica extracellulare aveva raggiunto il suo picco massimo dopo 192 h di fermentazione. Tuttavia, il massimo di attività è stato significativamente più alto in STR che in Airlift (0,700 vs 0,420 U/ml, rispettivamente). Sebbene tutti i ceppi studiati sono stati in grado di crescere sulle acque di vegetazione e produrre a livelli significativi attività lipolitica, una particolare attenzione è stata riservata a C. cylindracea (noto anche come C. rugosa) per il notevole interesse applicativo della lipasi prodotta da questo lievito. Inizialmente, si è cercato di ottimizzare in beuta la composizione del terreno di produzione (concentrazione dell'olio di oliva, effetto del glucosio, aggiunta di surfactanti e di vari fattori di crescita) e di valutare in via preliminare l'effetto sulla crescita cellulare e sull'attività di alcune condizioni colturali quali velocità di agitazione e aerazione. La migliore composizione del terreno di produzione si è confermata essere quella contenente 3 g/l di olio di oliva, 2,4 g/l di NH4Cl e 0,5 g/l di estratto di lievito, senza l'aggiunta di glucosio e Tween 80. Inoltre, con lo scopo di valutare la fattibilità tecnica di un trasferimento di scala del bioprocesso e approfondire la messa a punto del processo fermentativo sono stati condotti una serie di esperimenti in bioreattore da banco ad agitazione meccanica (STR). In particolare, utilizzando il terreno a base di AV ottimizzato, si è cercato di ottimizzare alcuni parametri quali pH, velocità di agitazione e aerazione. Per quanto riguarda l'effetto della velocità di agitazione e dell'aerazione sulla produzione enzimatica, sono state prese in esame tre velocità di agitazione (300, 500 e 700 giri/min), mantenute fisse durante tutta la fermentazione, e in più è stato condotto un esperimento in cui si è cercato di mantenere la concentrazione dell'ossigeno disciolto nel mezzo superiore al 20% di saturazione facendo variare la velocità di agitazione tra 300 e 800 giri/min. Mentre per valutare l'effetto del pH, sono stati condotti degli esperimenti a pH 6,5 fisso confrontando la produzione con quella ottenuta a pH libero e a pH mantenuto inferiore a 6,5. La massima produzione di lipasi da C. cylindracea è stata ottenuta in bioreattore lavorando a pH libero e ad una velocità di agitazione costante di 500 giri/min (18,50 U/ml) o ad una velocità di agitazione variabile tra 300 e 800 giri/min in modo da assicurare un valore di ossigeno disciolto nel brodo superiore al 20% di saturazione (18,70 U/ml); in quest'ultimo caso, inoltre, la comparsa del picco massimo è stata anticipata nel tempo favorendo così la produttività oraria del bioprocesso. Per quanto riguarda i reattori a 300 e 700 giri/min, la produzione enzimatica è stata di 2,54 e 11,65 U/ml, rispettivamente. Infine, messo a punto il bioprocesso di produzione della lipasi da C. cylindracea coltivata su un terreno a base di AV, si è cercato di identificare il profilo enzimatico del campione grezzo così ottenuto, dal momento che, come è noto dalla letteratura, questo lievito è in grado di produrre fino a sette isoforme ad attività lipolitica. A tale scopo sono stati condotti degli esperimenti di isoelettrofocalizzazione (IEF) analitica. Nel gel sono stati caricati un campione di lipasi commerciale (Tipo VII, Sigma) e due campioni grezzi ottenuti da C. cylindracea coltivata sul terreno a base di AV, prelevati a due tempi fermentativi diversi e corrispondenti ai due picchi di attività lipolitica raggiunti durante le prove in STR (I° e II° picco di massima attività, 48esima e 192esima ora, rispettivamente). Dai risultati ottenuti, è stato osservato che il campione grezzo era costituito da più isoenzimi con attività lipolitica e che il profilo isoenzimatico aveva una sola banda in comune con quello della lipasi commerciale (Typo VII, Sigma) a cui è stato assegnato pI 4,7. Per quanto riguarda il campione prelevato alla 48esima ora, sono state osservate anche una banda piuttosto intensa a pI 5,1 e una tripletta di bande più deboli a pIs di 5,06, 5,0 e 4,9. Durante la fermentazione il profilo isoenzimatico del campione aveva subito delle modifiche: infatti, alla 192esima ora, le bande a pIs 5,1, 5,0 e 4,9 erano scomparse, mentre era comparsa una banda di attività intensa a cui è stato assegnato un pI di 4,5. Infine, in entrambi i campioni grezzi è stata rilevata una banda tenue a pI 3,8. In conclusione, i buoni livelli di attività enzimatica raggiunti dimostrano la fattibilità tecnica di un processo fermentativo finalizzato alla valorizzazione dei reflui oleari mediante la produzione di lipasi, che può avere promettenti utilizzi in varie applicazioni industriali. Comunque, ulteriori fasi di scale-up del processo sono ancora necessarie al fine di poter effettuare una valutazione sulla fattibilità economica del processo. ; The olive mill wastewater (OMW) disposal is, currently, one of the main environmental problems in all olive-oil producing countries, especially in the Mediterranean area. In fact, for its high organic load, phenolic fraction with phytotoxic effects and antimicrobial activity, the OMW is a highly polluted agro-industrial effluent. The biological treatment can be very difficult since solid residues, high organic load and phenols may strongly reduce the depuration efficiency. Consequently, a possible process should include several technological options, physical, chemical and biological, as well as combinations thereof, thus resulting in increased process costs. At the moment, the Italian legislation allows land spreading of untreated olive mill wastewater that is the best economical solution. Application on agriculture soils is a practice which solves partially the problem of OMW disposal. Positive and negative effects on soil composition and fertility are still under study, so that OMW application must be strictly controlled. Land spreading, in fact, may cause serious negative environmental impact regarding, for instance, groundwater contamination. In the last years, alternative solutions have been proposed in view of the use this waste as a source of valuable compounds. Several recent research studies have reported the possibility of OMW valorization to obtain products of actual or potential industrial interest. The presence in OMW of a wide range of biomolecules such as organic acids, polyalcohols, simple and complex sugars and lipids makes it a potential basis for fermentation processes. In this way, OMW could be a putative candidate as a potentially suitable liquid growth medium for the production of microbial lipases by virtue of its residual lipid content. For these reasons, the objective of the present PhD thesis was to assess the suitability of OMW as growth medium for the production of lipases and to set up a related fermentation process that might lead, at the same time, to a low polluting load final effluent. A large number of microbial strains have been screened for lipase production belonging to several fungal genera, Candida and Penicillium in particular. In literature, numerous methods for lipolytic enzyme production are published and medium composition and cultural conditions have been fully optimised. Neverthless, the most frequently used medium is a chemical defined and complex one, significantly affecting the final product costs. Besides, in the last years, a whole range of microbial lipase preparations has been developed. Sigma, Amano, Roche, Novo Nordisk, etc., provide lipolytic preparations with various compositions and catalytic proprierties employed in areas such as detergent pharmaucetic and food industries and biodiesel production. Our innovative approach consists in the trial of producing microbial lipases using an agroindustrial-waste based medium. Our basic idea, in fact, was that of developing a low cost production medium. Firstly, 12 fungal strains belonging to well-known lypolytic species (Geotrichum candidum, NRRL 552, 553; Rhizopus sp, ISRIM 383; Rhizopus arrhizus, NRRL 2286; Rhizopus oryzae, NRRL 6431; Aspergillus oryzae, NRRL 1988, 495; Aspergillus niger, NRRL 334; Candida cylindracea, NRRL Y-17506; Penicillium citrinum, NRRL 1841, 3754, ISRIM 118) were screened for their ability to grow on undiluited OMW and to produce extracellular lipase activity. The highest lipase productions were obtained under non-optimized conditions after 168 h with Geotrichum candidum NRRL 553 (0.521 U/ml) and Candida cylindracea (0.460 U/ml). Interesting production levels were also achieved after 72 h with strains of Penicillium citrinum (0.365, 0.320 and 0.375 U/ml for NRRL 1841, NRRL 3754 and ISRIM 118, respectively). These strains were then selected to study the effect of culture conditions, such as OMW typology, nitrogen sources and inducers, on the enzyme production. With regard to the lipase production by P. citrinum NRRL 1841, the enzyme activity was significantly influenced by nitrogen addition; on the other hand, the addition of oils resulted in a marked increase in biomass without affecting, however, lipase production. Lipase production by C. cylindracea NRRL Y-17506 was significatly favored by ammonium salts and oil addition. This strain growth in OMW medium containing ammonium chloride and olive oil led to an activity peak of 9.48 U/ml after 264 hours of fermentation. In order to optimise lipase production by P. citrinum in OMW-based medium, the combined effect of three variables (i.e, concentration of NH4Cl, yeast extract and initial pH) was assessed using a multi-factorial design with 'optimizer' function of 'Modde 5.0' program. The optimised combination by the model was as follows: pH 6.15, 2.7 g/l NH4Cl e 1.1 g/l extract yeast. The maximum lipase activity was 1.242 U/ml after 192 hour of fermentation. To gain information on the possible up-scaling of the process, further experiments were performed in 3-l laboratory-scale reactors. Specifically, pneumatically agitated (Airlift) and mechanically agitated (STR) reactors were employed using the optimised OMW-based medium. In both cases, the extracellular lipase peaked 192 h after inoculation. Howewer, the maximum activity was significatly higher in STR with respect to the Airlift (0.700 vs 0.420 U/ml, respectively). Of all strains, C. cylindracea appeared to be particularly interesting and was, therefore, used as the model microorganism to further investigate the feasibility of an OMW substrate. Firstly, the optimisation of medium composition was assessed in shaken cultures. In particular, the effects on the lipase production of olive oil concentration (1, 3, 5 e 10 g/l), glucose (5 g/l), Tween 80 (0,5 g/l) and several growth nutrients (yeast extract, malt extract and peptone) addition were studied. The best medium composition was as follows: diluited OMW (1:2), olive oil 3 g/l, NH4Cl 2.4 g/l and yeast extract 0.5 g/l. The glucose and Tween 80 addition negatively affected the production of lipolytic enzyme. Lipase production by C. cylindracea on OMW-optimized medium was subsequently assessed in mechanically agitated bioreactor (STR). To study the agitation influence on enzyme production, a set of experiments was carried out at three impeller speed, 300, 500 and 700 rpm; moreover, an additional experiment was carried out at dissolved oxygen DO > 20% saturation (agitation speed automatically controlled between 300 and 800 rpm). To evaluate the effect of pH, three conditions were compared: free pH; fixed pH (6.5) maintained constant by addition of HCl 4.0 M and NaOH 4.0 M; pH lower than 6.5 controlled with addition of HCl 4.0 M. The maximum lipase productions were obtained with the pH left free to vary, 500 rpm costant agitation speed (18.5 U/ml) and variable agitation speed between 300 and 800 rpm to ensure a dissolved oxygen value upper to 20% (18.7 U/ml); in the latter thesis the onset of enzyme activity was anticipated thus leading to increased bioprocess productivity. At 300 e 700 rpm agitation speed, the maximum lipase productions were 2.54 and 11.65 U/ml, respectively. Finally, to set up the bioprocess of lipase production by C. Cylindracea grown on OMW-based medium, the isoenzymatic profiles of the raw sample was evaluated. This aspect appears to be very interesting since it is known that commercial C. rugosa lipase is a mixture of 3 isoenzymes namenly Lip 1, Lip2 and Lip 3 but the yeast is able to produce up to seven different isoenzymes (Lip 1-Lip 7). Moreover isoenzymatic profiles can depend on media composition and fermentation conditions. With this aim, a set of analitycal isoelectrofocusing experiments were carried out. In the gels, a sample of commercial lipase (Type VII, Sigma) and two raw samples of lipase by C. cylindracea grown on OMW-optimized medium and corresponding to two lipolytic activity peaks (1st and 2nd peak, 48esime and 192esime hour of fermentation, respectively) obtained in STR, were loaded. The results suggest that the raw samples were constituted of more lipolytic isoenzymes with the isoenzymatic profile having only one band in common with that of the commercial lipase (assigned pI 4.7). The sample corresponding to the 1st activity peak showed a strong band at pI 5.1 and a triplette of weak bands at pIs 5.06, 5.0 e 4.9. Moreover, the isoenzymatic profiles changed during fermentation; in fact, the bands at pIs 5.1, 5.0 and 4.9 disappeared and a new strong band at pI 4.5 formed. Finally, in both raw samples a band at pI 3.8 was observed. OMWs valorisation by its use as growth medium for lipase production by C. cylindracea NRRL Y-17506 and P. citrinum NRRL 1841 appears to be possible and promising. Moreover, the investigation for further up-scaling is need to evaluate the economic fattibility of the bioprocess.
Le rapport de soutenance rend tout d'abord hommage à la qualité du dossier présenté à l'appui de la demande de l'habilitation à diriger des recherches: un mémoire substantiel, deux livres (en français et en anglais), une quarantaine d'articles publiés dans des revues reconnues, des contributions originales à des ouvrages collectifs, ainsi que de nombreuses communications à des réunions scientifiques internationales. Les ouvrages d'Albert Doja sont très variés même s'ils sont essentiellement consacrés à l'Albanie et à la région balkanique. Il y a beaucoup de thèmes importants abordés et une quantité significative de propositions. C'est un corpus très riche, plein d'idées intéressantes qui poussent à repenser les concepts de base. Les rapporteurs notent qu'il y a deux thématiques organisent le dossier, celui de la construction culturelle de la personne (morphologie sociale, parenté et relations de genre) et celui des relations interethniques élargies aux champs de la religion, de la nation et de la folklorisation des traditions culturelles et notamment des conflits qu'enclenchent tous ces éléments. Sa thèse de Doctorat qui était en grande partie basée sur les données folkloriques et ethnographiques cherchait à comprendre la constitution de la personne en Albanie en utilisant des bases d'interprétation anthropologique où les influences les plus explicites sont les œuvres de Lévi-Strauss. De la construction de la personne le regard s'est très naturellement porté vers les valeurs et les traits structurels qui façonnent la société albanaise (un système lignager, l'idéologie du sang, l'hypertrophie du sentiment fraternel, le sens de l'honneur, la codification de l'amitié, etc.). Ces approfondissements et ces élargissements de la problématique de départ ont abouti, par touches successives, à un riche tableau où l'étude de la socialisation, de la formation de personne, la nature de la culture régionale, la structure sociale, la construction de l'honneur, les pratiques religieuses par rapport à la distribution linguistiques contribuent à un effort orienté vers une compréhension de la spécificité des sociétés et des cultures albanaises et sud-est européennes. De là il se met à analyser les formes et la dynamique de l'identité ethnique, nationale et le conflit. Son anthropologie représente une excellente combinaison qui devrait être utile dans la recherche régionale. Il s'agit d'une anthropologie sociale et historique des 'traditions' mais dans la mesure où elle se situe dans un balancement entre ethnie et nation on peut considérer qu'il s'agit d'une anthropologie du juste milieu qui d'ailleurs ne sacrifie nullement l'actualité comme en témoignent les analyses consacrées au phénomène des viols ou encore à l'exercice démocratique. Enfin il discute les questions plus contemporaines qui relèvent des transformations politiques et sociales dans la région, l'introduction de la démocratie, la migration et l'intégration. Le mémoire distingue d'ailleurs très bien les champs de recherche et les champs d'implication. Dans ce parcours Albert Doja démontre sa maîtrise de la région du point de vue historique, linguistique et culturelle en même temps qu'il intègre en grande partie ces connaissances dans les discussions théoriques contemporaines dans la discipline. Catherine Quiminal (Professeur, Paris VII) note que ce dossier met en évidence de manière convaincante l'intérêt, pour l'anthropologie, d'aborder des terrains concernant des sociétés du sud-est européen, puisque l'auteur revendique également une démarche comparative peu développée par l'anthropologie de l'Europe. De tels terrains permettent de "passer de l'Autre primitif ou archaïque, conventionnel ou populaire, en situation néo-coloniale ou dans une communauté locale, vers l'étude des processus dynamiques et transactionnels de transformation sociale, de modernisation et de globalisation". Albert Doja y fait état des connaissances historiques, géographiques, ethnologiques concernant la région. Il en restitue de manière critique les conditions de production et de reproduction et les limites. L'histoire des cultures du Sud-Est européen nécessite, selon l'auteur, une nouvelle formulation, un regard orienté sur la construction des identités, les transformations familiales et sociales. Le mode d'analyse proposé pour aborder des sociétés que l'auteur préfère qualifier de "conventionnelles" plutôt que de traditionnelles, s'éloigne volontairement de la monographie d'un groupe artificiellement isolé à la recherche de survivances, pour se focaliser sur les institutions centrales et les valeurs dominantes. Anthropologue né en Albanie, formé en France, ayant un engagement maintenu pendant plusieurs années dans des relations personnelles étroites en Europe du sud-est aussi bien qu'en Europe de l'Ouest, vivant et travaillant depuis de longues années en France, en Grande Bretagne et en Irlande, il se trouve dans une position propice à un type de recherche de terrain diachronique et comparative. Jonathan Friedman (Directeur d'études, EHESS) note également que dans sa tentative de caractériser la région balkanique comme située entre deux complexes de civilisation en réponse aux discussions classiques basées sur la notion de région croisée entre l'orient et l'occident et le réductionnisme que cela peut entraîner, Albert Doja propose de redéfinir la région en termes de frontières plus fluides et de co-existence entre peuples différents. Ici il prend en compte à la fois la culture ou la société dans le sens objectiviste de l'observateur et l'identité culturelle ou ethnique qui est pratiquée dans les interactions entre membres de différentes populations. Sa discussion de la méthode est fort intéressante et reflète le parcours de sa formation. Il insiste sur la nécessité de combiner des méthodes différentes, historiques et comparatives, ethnographie, analyses de textes et recherches sur les documents archivés. Jean Copans (Professeur, Paris V) note que Albert Doja passe d'une folkloristique classique de recueil des traditions à une anthropologie politique ou politologie géostratégique plurinationale. La question est d'importance car on doit se demander quelles sont les méthodologies de terrain les plus adéquates à l'étude des relations interethniques et des valeurs culturelles. Peut-on enquêter directement sur le processus de construction de l'ethnicité, peut-on observer en direct sa genèse interactive ou faut-il attendre un degré de fusion, de formalisation et de verbalisation pour la saisir et puis la déconstruire? Si les africanistes sont obsédés par cette question, pour Albert Doja il s'agit d'une nouvelle théorie, assez subtile et complexe. L'ethnicité est une question de point de vue, de position que redouble ici le problème de l'observation de la violence. L'anthropologie du génocide, de la souffrance et de l'affliction est à la mode mais c'est la mémoire qui joue le rôle central, de même que c'est le processus d'observation qui fournit des réponses empiriques aux nouvelles questions décisives qui mettent en cause les méthodes de la discipline. Michael Herzfeld (Professeur, Harvard University), note également qu'on ne peut qu'être profondément frappé par la grande envergure des observations d'Albert Doja sur l'ethnographie albanaise et par l'érudition qui les soutient. On constate, bien sûr, que les données dont Albert Doja traite sont riches d'informations et d'aperçus. Il est allé bien loin au-delà de la prospective limitée des chercheurs antérieurs à lui. Il a mené de sérieuses enquêtes empiriques et fait preuve qu'il possède suffisamment la capacité de fournir des descriptions nuancées des faits sociaux. Souvent il révèle une sensibilité ethnographique presque éclatante, là où on est peut-être le moins préparé à le rencontrer, comme c'est le cas notamment dans son article sur les problèmes de stabilité au Kosovo, là où une petite scène de tension et de méprise dans un café Internet révèle l'univers du "transnational" dans toute sa complexité. Mais ce qui sauve les analyses des études folkloriques traditionnelles (isolation intellectuelle et stigmatisation par l'association avec des nationalismes exceptionnellement durs et revanchistes) consiste avant tout en deux points forts: sa connaissance, évidemment bien profonde et circonstanciée, de l'histoire des théories les plus importantes en anthropologie sociale d'un côté, et sa méfiance soit du nationalisme soit des critiques souvent trop simplistes avancées par des savants qui n'avaient peut-être pas considéré que le modèle d'une identité construite peut devenir abusive dans le cas où elle sert à soutenir des idéologies identitaires opposées selon la rhétorique de l'opposition entre le faux et le réel. En ce qui concerne le champ des ethnicités comparées de l'Europe, Jean Copans note que des nationalités de l'empire austro-hongrois on glisse à l'ethnicisme avec des intellectuels organiques (et parfois des ethnologues) tout aussi responsables (et coupables!). Michael Herzfeld aussi mentionne les observations d'Albert Doja sur les points de parallélisme entre la politique ethnique et le comportement des savants, pour noter que celle-ci est une comparaison qui a pu achever un très haut niveau d'importance analytique. Le rapporteur est bien d'accord avec les observations d'Albert Doja, car ce qui est d'une importance capitale est le fait qu'il réussit à nous rappeler que les savants font déjà partie de ce qu'ils étudient, qu'ils le veuillent ou non. Il faut souligner que bien que d'autres ethnologues aient déjà établi des rapports, soit historiques, soit formels, entre le nationalisme et l'anthropologie, Albert Doja achève sur ce point une formulation suffisamment généralisable et heuristiquement suggestive pour qu'on puisse en dériver des projets "de terrain" à l'avenir. À ce propos Christian Bromberger (Professeur, Université de Provence) et Jonathan Friedman (Directeur d'études, EHESS) notent tous les deux que les interprétations des violences et des atrocités sexuelles dans les conditions de conflit interethnique pendant les guerres de Bosnie et du Kosovo sont fort intéressantes. Jean Copans (Professeur, Paris-V) estime aussi que l'hypothèse d'Albert Doja sur l'équivalence culturelle des modèles de lecture du viol par la victime et par celui qui l'a perpétré est pertinente. Albert Doja montre comment la pollution du sang dans des sociétés qui en ont érigé la pureté en valeur dominante vise et "amène nécessairement le désordre et l'éclatement du système social et du groupe tout entier". La substitution d'une ligne paternelle externe à la ligne établie par le mariage par l'agression désorganise profondément l'ordre parental de la société locale. Jean-Pierre Warnier (Professeur, Paris V) note à ce propos que les cadres d'analyse proposés par Albert Doja relèvent du structuralisme (Hage, Héritier, Testart, Douglas) en termes de catégories disjonctives et de rituels par rapport aux représentations des humeurs corporelles et à la réalité physique de l'agression–intrusion. Le cadre théorique structuraliste est traditionnellement considéré rebelle à l'analyse politique, mais le mérite d'Albert Doja est de montrer que la "culture" des protagonistes permet de comprendre l'impact ravageur du viol sur la subjectivité des acteurs, situant le viol dans un rapport de force et de pouvoir - pouvoir qui, comme le répétait Michel Foucault, s'adresse toujours au corps dans sa matérialité. Dans ses analyses des causes des viols, Albert Doja est convaincu que l'explication doit être cherchée dans le fait que les valeurs d'honneur sont mises en avant par une sorte d'agencéité (agency) politique et instrumentale. Par ailleurs, les rapports de pouvoir ne sont pas impliqués dans la re-traditionalisation des valeurs. C'est le changement des structures macrosociologiques qui alimente cette re-traditionalisation et c'est l'usage instrumental des valeurs identitaires et des valeurs morales et sociales de l'honneur ou de la religion qui fait que le viol soit aussi efficace comme une arme de purification ethnique. Ainsi on peut suggérer que le viol a une fonction politique immédiate. Jonathan Friedman note qu'un point bien fort dans les recherches d'Albert Doja consiste à démontrer l'importance de l'anthropologie dans la compréhension des conflits contemporains dans la région balkanique. Il démontre que la logique des rapports familiaux, basé sur un modèle fortement patriarcal où l'honneur est central et génératif des feuds (vendetta) qui bloque la résolution des conflits sans la violence. Cette logique lie la production des sujets masculins à la politique ethnique. C'est une contribution importante à une discussion de la guerre qui est souvent limitée à des concepts généraux comme le nationalisme ou les régimes corrompues qui utilisent leurs propres populations pour atteindre des buts privés. Dans sa discussion des rapports complexes entre l'État, les discours nationalistes et la façon dont ils sont assimilés en bas de l'ordre politique, Albert Doja suggère le rôle important de la mondialisation dans le déclenchement de la fragmentation à l'intérieur de l'État-nation. Il discute la façon dont se développent les débats entre Albanais et Serbes à propos du statut historique de Kosovo, où les intellectuels ont joué un rôle important. Certes Albert Doja construit son champ de manière historique, anthropologique et comparative. Même si cette comparaison s'arrête essentiellement aux frontières des Balkans, Jean Copans ajoute toutefois que par ailleurs il nous propose une théorie générale de 1'ethnicité. Il faut donc discriminer entre généralisation et comparaison. Or les sociétés des Balkans sont des sociétés de l'histoire écrite ce qui modifie les perceptions anthropologiques habituelles. Nous ne sommes pas dans le contexte post-colonial habituel mais le choix de propositions cognitivistes ne débouche heureusement pas sur des propositions essentialistes ou instrumentalistes, ni sur des réactions de mode qui mondialiseraient abusivement l'expérience récente des Balkans. Christian Bromberger note à ce propos que l'auteur, traitant du thème des identités, renvoie dos à dos les "primordialistes" et les "instrumentalistes" en notant justement que même si "les attributs culturels tenus pour être la marque distinctive d'un groupe peuvent faire l'objet de transformations, de substitutions, de réinterprétations, cela ne conduit pas à poser que l'identification ethnique peut s'exercer à partir de n'importe quoi". Jonathan Friedman ajoute aussi que la discussion d'Albert Doja sur les rapports entre l'ethnicité instrumentale et primordialiste est importante, même si elle reprend partiellement des discussions connues ailleurs aussi. Le fait que la manipulation de l'identité reste toujours dans des limites encadrées par une espace identitaire qui a ses propres limites implique que l'instrumentalisme est toujours limité et que "on ne peut s'identifier à partir de n'importe quoi". Mais Albert Doja marque un point important quand il soutient que ces deux concepts sont mieux compris si on les considère comme des aspects d'un même phénomène. Jean-Pierre Warnier remarque que la question du pouvoir et des rapports politiques apparaît souvent dans les travaux d'Albert Doja, mais là où il se rapproche le plus d'une analyse politique, c'est dans l'article «The politics of religion». D'un point de vue théorique, il ne semble pas suffisant de renvoyer dos à dos primordialistes et constructivistes, comme le fait pourtant le candidat. C'est l'analyse du pouvoir qui permet de trancher entre les deux, ainsi que l'a suggéré Jean-François Bayart dans son livre L'Illusion identitaire. A cette question concernant le pouvoir, Albert Doja répond que c'est précisément parce la question du pouvoir et des rapports politiques est centrale à l'ensemble de ses travaux qu'on devrait considérer plutôt réducteur de la traiter séparément. Le candidat dit faire une distinction entre pouvoir et politique et qu'il s'intéresse à l'usage instrumental des valeurs morales et sociales de l'identité. Catherine Quiminal note à ce propos que les processus que Albert Doja qualifie de construction identitaire se développent en fonction d'enjeux sociaux et politiques circonstanciés parce que définis par des rapports de force internes aux sociétés considérées et par les relations plaçant ces dernières sous la dépendance d'autres sociétés, rapports et relations qui sont générateurs de domination, de discriminations et de résistances. Ces relations ont sûrement des incidences sur la compréhension de ce que Albert Doja appelle indifféremment dynamique des valeurs culturelles ou dynamique culturelle des valeurs sociales. Christian Bromberger note également l'importance des processus de construction et d'affirmation des identités collectives, ainsi abordées par Albert Doja, dans une région marquée par une forte fragmentation des appartenances confessionnelles. L'auteur souligne le rôle des affiliations religieuses (le bektachisme par exemple) dans la construction des nationalismes et dans les phénomènes de résistance qui ont ponctué l'histoire complexe de l'Albanie et du sud-est de l'Europe. Il analyse, de façon éclairante et à diverses échelles chronologiques, les phénomènes de conversion et de reconversion religieuses dont l'Albanie a été le théâtre. Également fructueuse est pour Michael Herzfeld l'explication que Albert Doja suggère de l'islamisation compréhensive d'une grande partie de la population albanaise. Il étend son modèle aux cas des bosniaques, et on ne peut que regretter qu'il n'est pas encore arrivé à comparer d'autres cas, tel celui de la Crète (où la cruauté des autorités vénitiennes assurèrent leur défaite par les Turcs et donc fournit un cas extrêmement clair de ce que Albert Doja indique pour l'Albanie). Quelle ironie historique que ce soit l'Église catholique qui, par l'oppression des populations orthodoxes, ait déclenché la réaction par lequel l'Islam gagna son importance actuelle en Albanie, même si c'est dans ses aperçus historiques plutôt qu'ethnographiques où Albert Doja semble achever son plus haut niveau de perspicacité! Catherine Quiminal souligne aussi l'hypothèse suivante proposée par l'auteur: "Le développement des pratiques religieuses et des mouvements successifs de conversion et reconversion parmi les Albanais. . . se laisse interpréter comme des expressions de conflit et de protestation, conduisant aux mouvements nationaux et au nationalisme". L'étude de la dynamique de ces mouvements a permis à l'auteur de "comprendre la relativité des conflits politico-religieux et ethnico-nationaux. . . et de mettre la signification des changements d'appartenance religieuse dans la perspective de négociation et de redéfinition des identités sociales". La religion s'ethnicise à des fins de rassemblement. Nation, nationalisme et citoyenneté sont des notions également appréhendées par l'auteur comme constructions identitaires et idéologiques. L'ethnicité est considérée finalement comme "une forme et une métaphore de l'activité et de l'organisation sociale". Jonathan Friedman note aussi que la discussion par Albert Doja de la démocratisation possible de l'Albanie est assez prometteuse, même si elle est encore à ses débuts. Il est d'accord avec l'auteur qui se demande dans quels sens peut se produire une démocratisation dans une société où un affaiblissement de l'État débouche sur un renforcement des rapports parentaux et claniques, où les hiérarchies clientélistes sont à l'ordre du jour ainsi que l'identité du type clanique dominante. Mais on peut aussi suggérer que c'est au contraire les soi-disant institutions démocratiques qui sont adaptées à des stratégies "conventionnelles", semblable à la démocratie africaine (ou du moins congolaise). En fin de compte, les ouvrages d'Albert Doja représentent un corpus marqué d'une vaste érudition qui suscite de nouveaux points de départ pour une ethnologie comparative de la région balkanique. Avant tout, il a trouvé les moyens théoriques pour ériger un pont analytique entre les expériences sociales des gens ordinaires et les structures politiques des entités nationales construites en leur nom et, selon les discours officiels, en accord avec leur vie sociale et culturelle. Pour conclure, le rapport de soutenance revient sur l'originalité du dossier "en rendant hommage au travail accompli par Albert Doja", et souligne "l'intérêt d'une discussion entre anthropologues européanistes et anthropologues des aires culturelles plus traditionnelles de la discipline", aussi bien que "l'impression positive qui se dégage de cette œuvre riche et d'un parcours où chaque étape inaugure un renouvellement des perspectives et des thématiques".
Trotz des erheblichen Ausmaßes der Bodenerosion in vielen Entwicklungsländern ist bislang weitgehend unklar, welches ihre wesentlichen anthropogenen Ursachen sind, und damit auch, wo Politiken und Maßnahmen für den Erhalt der Nahrungs- und Produktionsressource Boden ansetzen sollten. Jenseits unmittelbarer natürlicher und landnutzerischer Ursachen stehen heute sozioökonomische Faktoren im Mittelpunkt der Diskussion, von denen angenommen wird, daß sie die Anbau- und Bodenschutzentscheidungen der Landnutzer und darüber das Ausmaß an Bodenerosion beeinflussen, insbesondere: (i) verstärkte Armut, (ii) zunehmender Bevölkerungsdruck, (iii) verzerrte Agrarpreise, (iv) unangepaßter technischer Fortschritt sowie (v) unsichere Landbesitzverhältnisse. Der Bedeutung dieser Bestimmungsfaktoren wird vorwiegend im Rahmen produktionsökonomischer Ansätze und der Theorie der Induzierten Innovation nachgegangen. Allerdings wird die Wirkung einzelner Ursachen in der Literatur sehr unterschiedlich eingeschätzt. So wird beispielsweise in eher optimistischen Szenarien davon ausgegangen, daß Armuts- und Bevölkerungsdruck langfristig zur Entwicklung und Verbreitung bodenschonender Innovationen führen. In negativen Szenarien überwiegen hingegen Stimmen, die gerade in diesem Druck bei gleichzeitigem Preisdruck die wesentlichen Ursachen für die kurzsichtige Übernutzung des Bodens sehen. Empirische Studien zur Fundierung der kontrovers diskutierten Hypothesen liegen bislang nur für einen jeweils begrenzten lokalen Kontext vor und sind kaum verallgemeinerbar. Vor diesem Hintergrund bieten die Daten der ersten weltweiten Erhebung zum Stand der Bodenerosion (GLASOD, UNEP/ISRIC, 1991) nunmehr die Möglichkeit, sozioökonomische und landnutzerische Determinanten der Bodenerosion auf überregionaler Ebene empirisch zu untersuchen. Anhand der Aggregation und Analyse der im GLASOD enthaltenen Informationen wird zunächst deutlich, daß Afrika und Südostasien flächenmäßig mit jeweils rd. 4,5 Mio km2 am meisten zur Degradation durch Bodenerosion und Nährstoffverluste[1] in Entwicklungsländern beitragen, während der Anteil erodierter Fläche an der jeweiligen Gesamtfläche des Subkontinents[2] in Südwestasien (37%), Mittelamerika und Südostasien (jeweils rd. 25%) am höchsten ist. Extrem stark erodierte Länder finden sich v.a. in Mittelamerika und Afrika: In El Salvador, Haiti und Costa Rica sind zwischen 60% und 90% der jeweiligen Landesfläche betroffen. In Afrika sind vor allem die nord- und westafrikanischen Sahelländer Tunesien, Mauretanien, Libyen, Niger, Burkina Faso und Mali, im Osten die Hochlandstaaten Burundi und Rwanda sowie schließlich die Kapverdischen Inseln, besonders stark erodiert (40% bis 80% der Landesfläche). Wassererosion hat den größten Anteil an der Erosionsfläche, in Mittelamerika und Südostasien sind sogar mehr als 70% der erodierten Fläche von Wassererosion betroffen. Für die empirische Analyse der Zusammenhänge zwischen Bodenerosion und möglichen Bestimmungsfaktoren wird ein exploratives, ökonometrisches Vorgehen auf Grundlage nationaler Daten gewählt[3]. Die spezifische Aufeinanderfolge verschiedener Korrelations-, Faktoren- und Regressionsanalysen wird der großen Anzahl in Frage kommender Indikatorvariablen für mögliche Erosionsdeterminanten sowie den zu erwartenden Problemen der Multikollinearität und Modellspezifizierung in besonderem Maße gerecht. Letztere ergeben sich einerseits aus anzunehmenden Abhängikeiten unter verschiedenen Erosionsdeterminanten. Andererseits macht der latente Charakter[4], den die aus einem mikroökonomischen Kontext abgeleiteten Erosionsursachen auf aggregierter Ebene haben, es notwendig, für jede der angenommenen Determinanten verschiedene, u.U. korrelierte Indikatorvariablen zu definieren, was zusätzlich Kollinearität bedingt. Für Bodenerosion werden auf der Basis der national aggregierten GLASOD-Daten verschiedene Erosionsindizes definiert, die prinzipiell den von Wasser- und Winderosion sowie durch Nährstoffverluste betroffenen Anteil der nutzbaren Landesfläche wiedergeben. Die Datengrundlage für mögliche Erosionsdeterminanten wird ausgehend von Datensammlungen internationaler Organisationen für den Zeitraum 1961-1990 zusammengestellt. Für eine große Anzahl der in der Literatur diskutierten sozioökonomischen, landnutzerischen und auch natürlichen Rahmenbedingungen können repräsentative Indikatorvariablen definiert werden. Mangels geeigneter Indikatoren und Daten bleiben allerdings die Art und Sicherheit der Landbesitzverhältnisse unberücksichtigt. Insgesamt umfaßt die Datengrundlage rund 150 Variablen. Die Ergebnisse der Einfachkorrelationsanalysen zwischen den Erosionsindizes und möglichen Determinanten dienen einer ersten Einschätzung der Zusammenhänge. Sie zeigen, daß länderübergreifend insbesondere Variablen des Bevölkerungsdrucks sowie der durchschnittliche Waldanteil mit dem Ausmaß Bodenerosion in Zusammenhang stehen. Die Abholzungsraten in den 80er Jahren sind vor allem mit dem Ausmaß der Wassererosion korreliert. Bei Betrachtung der Länder mittleren Klimas[5] können Zusammenhänge mit Variablen nachgewiesen werden, die die Landnutzungsintensität und die Ausdehnung der tatsächlichen Nutzfläche in Relation zur potentiellen Nutzfläche wiedergeben. Weiterhin stehen in der mittleren Klimazone tendenziell sinkende Produzentenpreise für Agrarprodukte in Zusammenhang mit dem Ausmaß der Erosion. Erwartungsgemäß ist die Bedeutung natürlicher Faktoren für einzelne Erosionsformen und Klimazonen charakteristisch. Insgesamt scheinen Variablen, die das Ergebnis einer vermutlich längerfristigen Entwicklung wiedergeben, mehr Bedeutung für das Ausmaß der Erosion zu haben als solche, die Veränderungen im Referenzzeitraum 1961-1990 erfassen. Anhand verschiedener Faktorenanalysen für 62 Variablen und 73 Länder mit annähernd vollständigen Datensätzen können sodann strukturelle Zusammenhänge unter der Vielzahl möglicherweise relevanter Erosionsdeterminanten aufgedeckt und die Variablenanzahl auf Grundlage dieser Zusammenhänge auf eine geringere Anzahl weitgehend voneinander unabhängiger Größen reduziert werden. Es zeigt sich, daß die Struktur der Variablen durch etwa zehn gut interpretierbare Faktoren bei rd. 75% erklärter Gesamtvarianz klar wiedergegeben werden kann, und daß diese Faktoren auch bei Variation der Ausgangsvariablen sowie der Faktorextraktions- und Rotationsmethode stabil bleiben. Bemerkenswert ist, daß viele der Faktoren einen deutlichen Bezug zu den in der Literatur diskutierten Wirkungsketten unter möglichen Erosionsdeterminanten haben. So werden in dem für die Erklärung der Gesamtvarianz wichtigsten Faktor Variablen gebündelt, die die langfristige Intensivierung der Landnutzung im Zusammenhang mit strukturellem Bevölkerungsdruck und begrenzter Verfügbarkeit landwirtschaftlich nutzbarer Flächen erfassen. Weitere wichtige Faktoren beziehen sich auf strukturelle Armut in Verbindung mit erhöhtem ländlichen Bevölkerungswachstum; auf die mit Bevölkerungsdruck einhergehende langfristige wie auch rezente Expansion der landwirtschaftlichen Nutzfläche und Abholzung von Naturwald; auf Entwicklungswege, die eher auf die Produktion hochwertiger Produkte statt auf eine Flächenexpansion abzielen. Für die Preisentwicklung im Referenzzeitraum kann anhand einer Faktorenanalyse mit reduzierter Länderanzahl[6] gezeigt werden, daß ein Zusammenhang zwischen langfristig geringen oder negativen Preiszuwächsen im Agrarsektor und dem Faktor "Rezente Abholzungsraten" besteht. Um die relative Bedeutung dieser Faktoren für Bodenerosion zu quantifizieren, werden schrittweise Regressionsanalysen mit Bodenerosion als abhängiger Variablen und ausgewählten Repräsentantenvariablen für jeden Faktor als angenommenen unabhängigen Variablen durchgeführt[7]. Es lassen sich drei besonders relevante anthropogene Entwicklungen identifizieren, anhand derer das Erosionsausmaß bis zu rund 75% erklärt werden kann: (1) die langfristige, historische Ausdehnung der landwirtschaftlichen Nutzfläche auf Kosten des Waldbestandes in Zusammenhang mit einem Gesamtbevölkerungsdruck, der gegen Ende der 80er Jahre die agrar-ökologische Tragfähigkeit überschreitet; (2) die rezente Abholzung von Naturwald, die in Zusammenhang mit dem Wachstum der Gesamtbevölkerung zu sehen ist. Hier scheinen weniger der Druck der Agrarbevölkerung und die Ausdehnung der landwirtschaftlichen Nutzfläche - also die Produktionsseite - im Vordergrund zu stehen, als vielmehr der Druck der Nachfrageseite, in Kombination mit einem tendenziell sinkenden Agrarpreisniveau, das den Expansionsdruck auf das Land verstärkt hat. (3) Die langfristige, bevölkerungsdruckinduzierte Intensivierung der Agrarproduktion, vor allem durch Umwandlung von Dauergrünland in Ackerland, verkürzte Brachezeiten und erhöhte Viehbesatzdichten. Ein weiteres Ergebnis ist, daß in keinem Fall ein wesentlicher Einfluß von Armut auf das landesweite Ausmaß der Bodenerosion nachgewiesen werden kann - wie bereits die Ergebnisse der Einfachkorrelationsanalysen für immerhin 15 verschiedene Armutsindikatoren vermuten lassen. Es bestehen Unterschiede in den Erklärungsmustern für verschiedene Erosionsformen und Klimazonen. Die rezenten Abholzungsraten haben für Wassererosion, insbesondere in Ländern der extrem humiden Klimazone, herausragende Bedeutung. Zusätzlich zu den Faktoren (1) und (2) ist die Intensität der landwirtschaftlichen Produktion (3) vor allem für Wassererosion und in Ländern der mittleren Klimazone von Bedeutung. Hier ist auch die negative Wirkung einer sinkenden Agrarpreisentwicklung am stärksten. Gleichzeitig gilt hier: je eher der eingeschlagene Entwicklungsweg auf die Produktion hochwertiger Produkte im Gegesatz zur reinen Flächenexpansion abzielt, desto geringer ist das Erosionsausmaß. Für das Ausmaß der Winderosion und der Degradation durch Nährstoffverluste hingegen sind insbesondere die agroklimatischen Bedingungen ausschlaggebend. Die als erosionsrelevant identifizierten anthropogenen Rahmenbedingungen sind mit zentralen theoretischen Hypothesen konsistent. Fraglos gehören sie eher zu den Größen, deren kurzfristige Beeinflussung durch politische Maßnahmen schwierig ist. Dennoch können folgende Ansätze für eine Schwerpunktsetzung bei der Gestaltung von Politikmaßnahmen zur wirksamen Erosionsverminderung abgeleitet werden: Die Reduktion des Bevölkerungsdrucks durch eine an die natürlichen Bedingungen und relativen Faktorknappheiten angepaßte Erhöhung des Produktionspotentials, gerade auch in Regionen mit relativ niedrigem Potential. Eine stärkere Fokussierung auf Forstpolitiken bzw. auf eine Regulierung der kommerziellen Nutzung von Wäldern, vor allem in humiden Klimazonen. .Eine selektive, langfristig angelegte Verbesserung der incentive-Struktur für bodenschonende Produkte und Anbaumethoden über wirtschaftspolitische Eingriffe sowie durch verbesserte institutionelle und rechtliche Rahmenbedingungen. Von Politiken zur Armutsbekämpfung ist hingegen nicht zu erwarten, daß sie maßgebliche Impulse zur Verminderung der Bodenerosion geben können. Es muß jedoch immer präsent bleiben, daß arme Landnutzer sicherlich am stärksten und häufig existentiell von Erosionsschäden betroffen sind. Die Qualität zukünftiger Forschungsbemühungen auf globaler Ebene wird vor allem von der zukünftigen Datenverfügbarkeit und -qualität bestimmt: Für den Stand der Bodenerosion sind Informationen für verschiedene Zeitpunkte erforderlich; für anthropogene Erosionsdeterminanten eröffnen georeferenzierte Daten der Forschung gänzlich neue Perspektiven. Parallel zu überregionalen Analysen sind weitere lokale, sub-nationale Studien unbedingt notwendig, um umfassend zu ergründen, warum und welche Landnutzer die Ressource Boden in einem konkreten sozioökonomischen Kontext degradieren. Fußnoten: [1]Neben der Wasser- und Winderosion wird eine weitere Degradationsform, der Verlust von Nährstoffen und organischer Substanz, mitberücksichtigt und vereinfachend mit "Nährstoffverluste" bezeichnet.[2]Gemeint ist die nutzbare Landesfläche, Ödland ausgenommen. [3]Georeferenzierte Daten liegen derzeit für sozioökonomische Erosionsdeterminanten noch nicht vor.[4]D.h. Größen, von denen a priori nicht bekannt ist, wie sie beobachtet und gemessen werden können. [5]Dies sind Länder, in denen weder extrem aride noch extrem humide Bedingungen vorherrschen. [6]Für die entsprechende Variable liegen nur Daten für 56 Länder vor.[7]Umgekehrte Wirkungen der Erosion auf die als unabhängig angenommenen anthropogenen Variablen sind im Betrachtungszeitraum - bis auf die Armutswirkung starker Erosion - unwahrscheinlich. ; By the end of this century, soil erosion has reached an alarming extent in many developing countries. Still, uncertainty prevails regarding the human-induced causes of soil erosion. In consequence, many efforts to design efficient anti-erosion policies and instruments remain erratic. The actual discussion about human-induced causes of soil erosion focusses on socioeconomic factors that assumably influence the land users´ decisions on agricultural production and soil protection, and, hence, the degree of soil erosion. The most frequently discussed factors are: (i) poverty, (ii) population pressure, (iii) biased agricultural prices, (iv) the introduction of inadequate technical innovations and (iv) insecurity of land tenure. They are basically deduced from and discussed on base of production theory and the theory of induced innovation. Nevertheless, the different views on the importance to be assigned to the single factors are quite controverse. For example, in a rather optimistic scenario, it is argued that poverty and population pressure lead to the development of soil-conserving innovations in the long run. On the other side, poverty and population pressure, in combination with falling agricultural prices, are assumed to lead to a short-termist overuse of the soil. Empirical evidence that supports some of the controverse hypotheses on the causes of soil erosion is restricted to local studies based on local data on soil erosion, their results can hardly be generalized. In this context, the spatial data compiled within the global assessment of human-induced soil degradation (GLASOD; UNEP/ISRIC, 1991) for the first time permits a large-scale empirical analysis of socioeconomic and landuse factors relevant to erosion. By aggregating the information of the GLASOD data, countries and regions whith marked soil erosion can be identified. While Africa and Asia most contribute to the extent of soil erosion and the loss of nutrients[8] in absolute terms (4,5 mio sqkm each), it is in Southwest Asia (37%), Central America and Southeast Asia (25% each), where the proportion of of the land area - excluding wastelands - that is affected reaches the highest levels. Looked at on a national level, countries with an extreme extent of soil erosion are to be found in Central America and Africa: In El Salvador, Haiti and Costa Rica, 60 to 90 percent of the land area[9] are affected. In Africa, Sahelian Countries as Tunesia, Mauretania, Libya, Niger, Burkina Faso and Mali, as well as the eastafrican highlands of Burundi and Rwanda, and also Cape Verde show the highest proportions of eroded land area2 (40 to 80 %). Water erosion is the most widespread type of erosion, in Central America and Southeast Asia it even contributes with about 70% to the area affected by erosion and the loss of nutrients1. The methodological approach chosen for the empirical analysis of human-induced causes of soil erosion is an explorative, econometric one, based on national cross-country data[10]. A specific combination of correlation analyses, factor analysis, and regression analysis is designed, that can handle the great number of possible indicators for the assumed causes of erosion, and cope with related problems of multicollinearity and model specification. Those problems result from supposed interrelationships among different human-induced causes of soil erosion. At the same time, many of the causes of erosion have a latent character when considered on a national level[11], since they are deduced from a microeconomic context. This makes it necessary to define various indicator variables for each of them, which, again, implies additional multicollinearity. On the basis of the aggregated GLASOD data, a set of operational variables for soil erosion is defined. They basically indicate the proportion of a country´s degradable land area (i.e. land area minus wastelands) that is eroded through wind, water, or degraded by the loss of nutrients and organic matter by the end of the 80´s. In turn, the database for possible determinants of erosion is compiled departing from standard international data sets for the time span 1961-1990. Representative indicators can be defined for many of the causative factors discussed in literature, as well for socioeconomic ones, as for landuse, and also for natural factors. They are adapted in a way that they not only best fit and capture the hypothesized determinants, but also the ecological and timely dimension of the analysis. One important field that is not covered is land tenure. The resulting database comprises about 150 variables for possible causative factors, with a varying number of country-data available. The results of correlation analyses between the indicator variables for soil erosion and for possible causative factors facilitate a first assesion of relevant relationships. They show, that variables that quantify population pressure and the proportion of forested area are correlated with soil erosion for all countries. Deforestation rates in the 80´s are especially related to water erosion. Considering only countries without extreme climatic conditions[12] correlations are found between soil erosion and variables for the intensity of land use and the degree of expansion of the agricultural frontier. Producer price declines for relevant agricultural products are also found to be correlated with soil erosion in these countries. Corresponding to theoretical assumptions, the importance of different natural factors vary for different types of erosion and climatic zones. Altogether, variables that express structural conditions and can be regarded as the outcome of historical, long-term developments, seem to have stronger correlation with the extent of soil erosion than variables that quantify changes that took place within the time span under consideration, 1961 to 1990. The next methodological step consists in different factor analyses for 62 of the variables that express possible causative factors and for 73 countries with approximatively complete data sets. The principal objectives are to detect structural interrelationships among the multitude of variables and to reduce their number on the basis of these interrelations, in a way to obtain a set of variables that are largely independent of each other. It turns out that the structure of the 62 variables under consideration can clearly be reproduced by about 10 factors, with about 75% of their total variance being explained. These factors prove to be robust with respect to changes in the set of included variables, and in the methods of extraction and rotation. It is noteworthy, that many of the identified factors refer to cause-effect relationships that are discussed in literature. For instance, the factor that explains the greatest part of total variance, combines variables that quantify the long-run intensification of land use with others that stand for structural population pressure and a limited buffer for the expansion of the agricultural area. Other important factors relate to structural poverty, in combination with high rates of rural population growth; to the long-term and recent deforestation and to total population pressure; to development paths that aim at sopisticated animal procuction and permanent culture rather than at a mere expansion of the agricultural area. Other factors stand for the prevailing natural conditions. Based on a factor analysis for a reduced number of countries, it can be shown that declinig aggregate agricultural producer prices[13] are associated with the factor ´recent deforestation rates´. To quantify the relative importance of the identified factors, stepwise regression analyses are then carried out, with soil erosion as the dependent variable and selected representative variables for each of the factors as presumed independent variables[14]. Three human-induced factors, or developments, show to have particular relevance for the extent of soil erosion, that they can explain to up to 75%: (1) the long-run historical expansion of the agricultural frontier at the expense of the forested area, in combination with a population pressure well above the corresponding supporting capacities in the 80´s; (2) recent deforestation rates in conjunction with total population growth. This effect can rather be associated with a growth of demand for agricultural and forestral products and declining agricultural prices than with pressures directly resulting from agricultural population and expansion; (3) the long-run intensification of land use, mainly throug the conversion of permanent pastures to arable land, the shortening of fallow periods, and the increase of animal densities. This type of intensification is associated with and possibly induced by high structural population pressure in agricultural areas. Another important result is that poverty seems to have minor impact on the extent of soil erosion at the aggregate, national level. None of the included variables that represent the factor ´poverty´ shows a significant relative impact, neither in the models for the sum of erosion nor for specific types of erosion or climatic zones. This fact supports the low correlation coefficients for altogether 15 different poverty indicators that were calculated in the context of simple correlation analysis. Specific models for specific types of erosion and climatic zones show that there exist characteristic patterns of explanation for each type and zone. Recent deforestation rates and the associated features (factor (2))are particularily important in the explanation of water erosion, especially in countries with predominant humid climate. The impact of production-intensity in terms of factor (3) is specific for water erosion, and for countries without extreme climatic conditions, together with the factors (1) and (2). This is also where the negative effect of declinig agricultural prices appears to be strongest. At the same time, the development of sopisticated animal procuction and the growth of the area under permanent culture in contrast to a mere expansion of the agricultural area seem to be favourable to the soil in this context. In the explanation of wind erosion and loss of nutrients, natural factors are in the foreground. The identified, human-induced pressures related to long-term population growth, intesification, agricultural price decline and recent deforestation are consistent with important theoretical hypotheses. Those pressures are clearly not of the type that can be overcome over night through political intervention. Nevertheless, they lead to the following areas of intervention that should be given priority in the design of policy measures for the reduction of soil erosion: A reduction of population pressure through an increase in site-specific production potentials, based upon innovations that match the prevailing agro-ecological and economic conditions. Special attention should be given to low potential areas.A stronger focus on forest policy and the regulation of commercial forest use especially in the humid zone.A selective, long-term improvement of economic incentives for the production of soil-conserving crops with soil-conserving methods, by means of economic policy as well as through improved institutional conditions. Policies that aim at the reduction of poverty can not be expected to play a decisive role in the reduction of soil erosion. In spite of that, it is most necessary that policy makers keep in mind that the poor certainly are most affected by and vulnerable to erosion damages. At a global scale, the quality of future research on the topic will largely be determined by data availability and quality: concerning soil erosion, information at different points in time is necessary; for anthropogenic factors, spatial datasets will bring a new dimension into scientific research. Parallel with global analyses, further in depth local studies are necessary for a comprehensive and detailed insight into why and which land users degrade the resource they depend on in a specific socioeconomic context. footnotes: [8]The loss of nutrients and organic matter, independent of soil erosion, is also considered and is abbreviated with the term ´loss of nutrients´ in this text. [9]Again, it is the land area excluding wasteland that is being referred to. [10]Spatial data sets are not avaiable yet for socioeconomic factors related to soil erosion. [11]I.e. it is not known a priori, how these causes can be measured and quantified. [12]I.e. countries without predominant arid, hyper-arid or humid agroclimatioc conditions. [13]The availability of data for the variable in cause is limited to 56 coutries. [14]Reciprocal effects that soil erosion might have on anthropogenic factors are not very likely to occurr within the considered time span, except a possible increase of poverty due to erosion.
Abstrak Karya sastra merupakan miniatur dari dunia nyata, dimana sebuah karya sastra biasanya mengungkap beberapa masalah yang berkaitan dengan makhluk hidup termasuk isu-isu tentang hubungan manusia dengan alam. Manusia lebih cenderung melakukan kerusakan pada lingkungan daripada menjaganya, hal ini menyebabkan kehancuran bumi beserta isinya. Hal ini tergambar pada novel The Road karya McCarthy dimana lingkungan yang menjadi setting utamanya hancur berantakan. Lansekapnya tertutup oleh abu yang berterbangan. Dan ketika salju turun, ia berwarna abu-abu. Langitnya juga terlihat gelap. Oleh sebab itu, ada beberapa masalah yang berhubungan dengan kehancuran bumi yang tergambar pada novel yang kemudian memunculkan dua dasar pertanyaan (1) bagaimana kehancuran bumi digambarkan dalam novel The Road karya McCarthy? Dan (2) bagaimana kehancuran bumi memberikan dampak terhadap karakter utama dalam novel The Road karya McCarthy?. Untuk melihat masalah ini perlu teori yang pas yang biasa disebut ecocriticism. Ecocriticism melihat kehancuran bumi sebagai hasil dari tingkah laku manusia terhadap lingkungan misalnya: eksploitasi dan colonialisasi. Seperti yang dikatakan Lawrence Buell bahwa kondisi lingkungan itu ditentukan oleh manusia. Ecocriticism adalah suatu istilah yang berada dibawah payung postcolonialism dimana seorang postcolonialist meyakini bahwa kolonialisasi mempunyai campur tangan dalam penghancuran bumi. Para penjajah merasa percaya diri untuk mengeksploitasi bumi karena dianugrahi kekuatan oleh modernism. Untuk mendapatkan analisis yang jelas, skripsi ini menggunakan metode descriptive quality dimana kualitas data menjadi poin utama daripada jumlah data. Jadi, terlihat jelas bahwa kehancuran bumi terjadi diseluruh lapisan lingkungan; yaitu atmosfer, permukaan tanah, dan laut. Seluruh atmosfer dipenuhi oleh abu, debu dan karbon, tanahnya terkikis, tandus dan gundul, dan lautnya berubah menjadi abu-abu. Kehancuran bumi ini juga memberikan kesuraman tersendiri kepada tokoh si bapak dan si anak. Mereka harus melalui hidup yang keras, susah untuk bernafas, susah untuk menemukan sesuatu yang bisa dimakan dan secara mental mereka selalu takut akan ancaman-ancaman dari kehancuran bumi. Kata Kunci: kehancuran bumi, ecocriticism, postcolonialism, modernism. Abstract Literary work is a miniature of larger world or reality, whereas a literary work reveals some problems related to humans being including issues of human relationships with the environment. Humans tend to do damage to the environment rather than maintaining it, thus it causes devastation of earth. It is reflected in McCarthy's the road where the environment is devastated. The landscape save the ash on the wind, and when the snow falls, it is gray. The sky is also dark. Therefore, there are some problems of knowledge about how the devastation of earth portrays in the novel, which are delivered to two main questions of (1) How is devastation of earth depicted in Cormac McCarthy's The Road? and (2) How does devastation of earth give impacts to the main characters in Cormac McCarthy's The Road?. In case to observe these problems, it needs a suitable theory which called ecocriticism. Ecocriticism sees the devastation of earth as the result of humans' behaviour such as exploitation and colonialism of the environment, as Lawrence Buell says that the condition of the environment is determined by humans. Ecocriticism is under umbrella term of postcolonialism in which postcolonilist believes that colonization has intervention in devastating the earth. Colonizer is encouraged to exploit the nature because of power that is given by modernism. To get a clear analysis, this thesis uses descriptive quality method; it means the quality of the data becomes the reference to work rather than the quantity of the data. Thus, it is seen clearly that devastation of earth happened in the whole layers of environment; atmosphere, land and sea. The atmosphere is occupied by ash, dust and carbon, the land has eroded and barren and the sea have changed into gray. This devastation also gives a misery to the father and the son as the main characters. They have to undergo hard life; hard to breathe, hard to find food and mentally they are haunted by the devastated earth's threatens. Keywords: devastation of earth, ecocriticism, postcolonialism, modernism. INTRODUCTION Humans often feel indifferent toward nature. For them, nature is something considerably as a 'mystic' thing, when it goes right, humans forget it, when it goes wrong, they worry it. People tend to prefer natural environments more than built environments, and built environments with water, trees, and other vegetation more than built environments without such features (Kaplan & Kaplan, 1989). On the other word, humans tend to permit the nature walks down by itself. They seem to just let it flow without thinking how to keep and maintenance the nature. The study of humans' relation with nature which is known as ecology was begun since years ago when humans lived in harmony with the nature. However, in line with development the nature also changes. Unfortunately, this natural changes brings devastation on earth, as Donald Hughes says that looking back to our historical ecology, Humans have related in multiple ways to the Earth's systems; some of these ways promise a sustainable balance with them, while others are destructive (Hughes, 2001: 269). Historically, through devastation of earth Humans have made major changes in their environments. This is happened almost in the whole surface, as Hughes says that devastation of earth has happened in every historical period and in every part of the inhabited Earth (2001: 1). In order to observe those processes of change that affect the relationship, ecologist studies the mutual effects that other species, natural forces, and cycles have on humans, and the actions of humans that affect the web of connections with non-human organisms and entities (id. at 4.). This ecologist's study shows that devastation of earth is the result of humans' behaviour toward environment. This bad behaviour has changed the environment that will bring devastation to the humans themselves. Humans seemingly don't care of the environment. Severity, humans tend to be more destructive. It forces some Ecocritics who concern in literary study and environment in late nineteenth criticized humans' behaviour toward nature. This criticises show how important avoiding that kind of behaviour toward nature which brings devastation of earth merely, it signed that the study of literature which related to the environment has to be discussed. There were in fact some isolated calls for an ecologically oriented criticism during the 1970s (Rigby, vol 2: 2). However, it was not until the end of the twentieth century that the study of literature and the environment was finally recognized as 'a subject on the rise'. In studying of literature, humans ordinarily focus on the relation between humans and others (society) or between humans and themselves (psychology), whereas, the relation between humans and environment actually is tightly connected. Unfortunately, the study of literature which related to the earth was often forgotten, whereas, the study of literature which related to the environment is greatly important. The study of environment is not merely observing of the nature or nonhumans aspect but it tends to study the relation among nature, earth and the humans themselves. Human actually is a part of environmental system, and therefore the environment has the crucial role in humans life in which it is become the main point of literary study. In some respects, it is perhaps not surprising that the study of literary texts should be coupled with such forgetfulness of the earth. Thus it is needed a study of humans' relation and environment. The study of literature and environment got a full attention when modern era begun to destruct the environment. Since last decade ago, especially years ago, humans consciously realized the impacts of their behaviour toward nature, moreover when they become crazier of invention, exploration and exploitation of the nature. Surely, this impact is indirectly causing ecological changes. However, actually what people do about their ecology depend on what they think about themselves in relation to things around them. Human ecology is deeply conditioned by beliefs about our nature and destiny (White 1996, 6). It can be imagined when humans were only thinking about themselves and forgetting the nature or they were just considering their needs without considering the nature needs, it can be ascertained that the nature will vanish and be extinct. This idea or thought about indifference toward nature is criticized by the Ecocritics. Ecocriticism maintains that literature may be approached in a way that examines humans as part of an ecosystem; they are neither master nor slave to it, but simply one part of an intricate system. Literature and environment truly can't be separated each other. Moreover, Lawrence Buell argues in his book The Truth of Ecology as quoted by Dana Philip that literature would be environmental. It would evoke the natural world through verbal surrogates, and would thereby attempt to bond the reader to the world as well as to discourse (Philip, 2003: 7). It can be assumed that through the literary work, the reader will be brought to the environmental world and devastation of earth. Indirectly, literature causes the reader's interpretation of the environment. Thus, it is important to understand the relation between humans and environment through literary work. It needs to notice that ecology is not a slush fund of fact, value, and metaphor, but a less than fully coherent field with a very checkered past and a fairly uncertain future (Philip, 2003: 45). By understanding the relation between humans and environment, it is beneficial to determine the act effectively on the impact of natural destruction and to integrate knowledge and actions. The study of literature and environment works in tandem in determining humans' perception and interpretation toward nature. As Lawrence Buell says that literature and environment studies must make their case for the indispensableness of physical environment as a shaping force in human art and experience, and how such an aesthetic works (2001: 9). It can be assumed that environmental interpretation is a humanistic inquiry. In other word, what people think about nature, and how they have expressed those ideas is what people interpret of the nature. Generally what people expressed the idea of the nature is a Realistic depiction of the world. Thus, it needs a tool to see this depiction. Surely Ecocriticism is a proper tool to see the depiction of the world. Ecocriticism is the most suitable binoculars to telescoped ecological issue and ecological changes in such literary work, as Sheryl Glotfelty (1996: xviii) says that Ecocriticism is the study of the relationship between literature and the physical environment, Ecocriticism takes an earth-centered approach to literary studies. Only Ecocriticicism observes the relation between humans and nonhumans aspects. What Ecocritics do, in short, is attempting to discover nature as absence, silence in texts, and construe environmental representation as a relevant category of literary (Buell, 2005: 30). Ecocriticism encourages the changing of canonisation through entering literary works which carry up natural issue. Ecocriticism ecologically oriented critique of the way in which Nature is constructed in certain canonical texts. Environmental literature constitutes the third way in which Ecocriticism recasts the canon. According to Lawrence Buell (1995, 7-8), an environmentally oriented work should display some characteristics; first, the nonhuman environment is present not merely as a framing device but as a presence that begins to suggest that human history is implicated in natural history. Second, the human interest is not understood to be the only legitimate interest. Third, Human accountability to the environment is part of the text's ethical framework. The last, some sense of the environment as a process rather than as a constant or a given is at least implicit in the text. In such literary work; Cormac McCarthy's The Road the nature as the setting represents ecological changes. Surely, this change causes devastation of earth. Nothing is more miserable on earth but devastation. The world which is the closest place we live at is not convenient again when it was devastated. Thus, literary and environment has interrelation that cannot be separated. Then, it is important to analyze such literary work through Ecocriticism. Ecological issue commonly represented by the presence of natural thing such as; tree, land and also circumstance in the novel which it become the setting. In other word, ecological issue become a centre point of setting. One of great writers in narrating the setting is Cormac McCarthy. Not only known as a king of the setting, McCarthy also has known as famous environmental setting as Addy Haddock (a writer of McCarthy's bibliography) says that his ability to provide eloquent descriptions with smoothly rolling darker undertones and poetically dismal nuances makes him become a writer with powerful setting. Thus, McCarthy is a right author referenced as a study of Ecocriticism. Indirectly, McCarthy's proficient is caused by his settled at a barn near Louisville, Tennessee. All the stones he gathered, all the wood he cut and kiln dried by himself to renovate his small house. Seemingly, McCarthy's life is not far away from the nature. Years later, after marrying fellow student Lee Holleman in 1961, he and she moved to a shack with no heat and running water in the foothills of the Smoky Mountains outside of Knoxville. These experiences of life sharpen his idea toward nature. McCarthy reveals that he is not a fan of authors who do not deal with issues of life and death; it can be assumed that his writing tends to be explored issues of life including devastation of earth. Recalling blithely the months he spent without electricity in a house in Tennessee. Without money, and he had run out of toothpaste and he was wondering what to do when he went to the mailbox and there was a free sample. It made him become more sensitive facing the nature and more respect it. In 2006, McCarthy writes The Road that grants him a change to be interviewed by Oprah Winfrey. Surely, this interview related to his writing especially devastation of earth and won Pulitzer Prize for fiction. McCarthy told Winfrey that related several stories illustrating the degree of outright poverty he endured at times during his career as a writer. He also states that his novel; The Road inspired when he was standing at the window of a hotel in the middle of the night, his son asleep nearby, he started to imagine what El Paso might look like 50 or 100 years in the future. He just had this image of these fires up on the hill. It shows the condition of the nature at the time which the hill was fired up. McCarthy can be categorized as a weird person. People usually gathered with other people who have same hobby or pleasure. However, it doesn't apply for McCarthy. As a writer, he doesn't like to gather with other writer. He would rather hang out with physicists or scientist than other writer. He does not know any writers and much prefers the company of scientists. No doubt if his knowledge of nature is rich. His knowledge of the natural world is vast and includes many of the Latin names of birds and animals. His pleasure gathering with physicists and scientist caused by his interest in science and environment, by absorbing the intelligence scientists, he realizes that in 100 years the human race won't even be recognizable. For him, what physicists did in the 20th century was one of the extraordinary flowerings ever in the human enterprise, which would much prefer to befriend a scientist than another writer. Most of McCarthy's novels are portraying about life or reality which many of them associated to ecological issue. In 1985, Blood Meridian was published. Blood Meridian portrays the desolate and indifferent 1850s Texas-Mexico borderlands. The extreme violence which takes place comments implicitly on both the environment and human nature. The novel's full title- Blood Meridian, or The Evening Redness In The West- is indicative of the novel's portrayal of the environment. A relationship between location, nature and violence is created in the symbolism of the sun as a "blood meridian". To call McCarthy's environments as constructed in Blood Meridian simply violent is an unsatisfactory conclusion. What is more appropriate and evident in the text is that man is inherently violent and the indifference of nature to this creates an amoral setting. In 1979, McCarthy published his fourth novel, Suttree. In short, Suttree tells the reader about a man named Cornelius Suttree, a fisherman, disillusioned scholar, alcoholic, nihilist, existentialist and transcendentalist. The attention to detail identified earlier in Suttree is telling in terms of his relationship with his environment. Generally, to an Ecocritical reading Suttree shows that, stripped of societal anthropocentrism, man is forced to reassess his relationship with nature. It could be said that McCarthy's prose style is often atavistic (anti-civilization, anti-materialism, anti-industrialism, anti-progress and pro-Nature) in that it both reflects natural processes and often appears primitive, stripped of culture. In 1973, Child of God was published. It was inspired by actual events in Sevier County. Child of God begins with Lester Ballard's dispossession from his parent's house. McCarthy's description of Ballard's lone nomadic wandering after he inadvertently burns down his squat uses the same free indirect discourse. Child of God can also be described as an existential text, particularly for the authenticity of its protagonist. Lester Ballard's atavistic tendencies bring him closer to an animalistic level. From those all of McCarthy's novels, The Road which was published in 2006 by Vintage book publisher is the most representative novel which is related to the study of Ecocriticism. The novel is generally thick of environments' issue. The issue for instance is the fire of woods that happened along the country which give the reader an image of burned land, ash and dust everywhere and so on. Because of this reason, the writer felt that The Road is interested to be analyzed through ecological critics. In short, the novel portrays a journey of father and son as the main character in a burned land in America. The issue of devastation of earth becomes the centre point of interest which grasps the whole setting of the novel. The Road brings the readers onto 'the future' in as much as it is set in a time after an ambiguous 'end' has occurred and society has collapsed. The reverse of the most recent reissue claims that it is the first great masterpiece of the globally warmed generation. It is also the first of McCarthy's novels to have provoked Ecocritical study. This wide appeal to the novel relies strongly on its environmental themes. The use of allusion to genre and form elsewhere in McCarthy's novels can be said to universalise his appeal but in The Road the key concern is the 21st century's most immediate global problem; the irrevocable damage global industrial capitalism is doing to our environment. It is difficult to read The Road without feeling the overwhelming cumulative force of the novel's desolation, and this desolation is most prominently present in the landscapes McCarthy portrays. The setting is almost entirely bereft of life; the little that is found is often malign humanity. The Road greatly represents a study of Ecocriticism. It portrays the colourless world because of devastation of earth. This devastation issue is common object of the Ecocriticism study. The Road continually reminds us of the bleakness of the landscape in the earth. As readers, we only experience bright colours through the characters' dreams or memories, if someone happens to bruise or bleed, or through fire or flare guns. The rest of the time we see a gray ash covering the landscape. As a reality, our landscape is actually green and natural. However, The Road shows the possibility of devastation of earth when humans did devastation to the nature and they can't live in harmony with the nature. Therefore, there is no doubt that The Road becomes the most influencing novel toward environment. It proves from the acclaim written in the novel by George Monbiot, an environmental campaigner that says "It could be the most important environmental book ever. It is a thought experiment that imagines a world without a biosphere, and shows that everything we value depends on the ecosystem." According to the brief story in background of the study that gives perception about the devastation of earth in the novel, it appears two questions as the problems: 1. How is devastation of earth depicted in Cormac McCarthy's The Road? 2. How does devastation of earth give impacts to the main characters in Cormac McCarthy's The Road? METHOD The used method is descriptive quality; it means the quality of the data becomes the reference to work rather than the quantity of the data. Besides, a technique is needed to understand the data. Technique of interpretation must be used to interpret and analyze the data. Through interpretation the analysis can be worked. Interpretation is a crucial step that has to do before analyzing the data. Then, extrinsic approach is used as an approach toward the analysis in which environment belongs to it. According to method above, the first thing that has to do is collecting data. In collecting data this research focuses on reading and documentation. Reading novel. In this step, novel becomes the object of the research. The novel is entitled The Road, written by Cormac McCarthy. To collect the correctly data, it needs reading more than once, because to get interpretation, it needs understanding all contents completely with all possibilities both intrinsically and extrinsically. Inventorying data. This step is collecting data through noting the quotations related to the statement of the problems and objectives of the study, it is including in words, sentences, and discourse that can represent devastation of earth in Cormac McCarthy's The Road. Thus, all data that will be analyzed are started and sourced through the novel's contents. Classification data. It is appropriate to the statements of the problems about devastation of earth in Cormac McCarthy's The Road. Tabling the data. It is to simplify reading the data and classify data that is used in the analysis for the readers. Continuously, the selected data or the collected data, which are related to the statements of the problems and the objectives, are analyzed through Ecocriticism in depicting the devastation of earth and its impacts to the main characters in Cormac McCarthy's The Road. MODERNISM The word "modern" closely means to up-to-date, abreast of the times, and going beyond the past in more than a temporally or chronologically literal sense (Greenberg, 1979; 2). Marshall Breman as quoted Jan Rada defines modernism as a trend of thought that affirms the power of human being to create, improve, and reshape their environment, with the aid of scientific knowledge technology and practical experimentation (2008; 6). Breman then argues that modernism is as any attempt by modern men and women to become subjects as well as objects of modernization, to be modern is to find ourselves in an environment that promises us adventure, power, joy, growth, transformation of ourselves and the world-and, at the same time, that threatens to destroy everything we have, everything we know, everything we are (Berman, 1982; 5; 14). The development of modernism emerged two poles that confront each other; science and technology and natural degradation. As Helena J. Keler explanation that the image of 'creative destruction' is very important to understanding modernity precisely because it derived from the particular dilemmas that faced the implementation of the modernist project. This destruction of a holistic universe in the modern era shatters the conception of human beings and societies as total entities, instead inaugurating an era characterized by a never-ending process of internal ruptures and fragmentations within itself (Keler, 2005: 4). According to Horkheimer and Adorno as quoted by Helena, modern capitalist society is engaged in a pattern of domination: the domination of nature by human beings, domination of nature within human beings, and this system of domination is driven by fear of the human and nonhuman unknown the Other (Keler, 2005: 3). Movement of modernism manifests itself in the self-destructive nature of symbolism: when pushed to its logical extreme, the symbolist aesthetic starts to forgo any notion of an organic, necessary relationship between signifier and signified, and simply imposes a particular motif as an arbitrary symbol of something else (Hutchinson, 2011; 58). Modernism often demonstrates the destructive rather than constructive nature. Modernists argue that the ecologically destructive projects are not viable because of climate change but modernism movement (Johnston, 2012: 207). Specifically, Barbara Rose Johnston states that Human conduct that contributes to the destruction of our ecological balance. Such interpretations of environmental change, however, can have undesirable effect of deflecting responsibility, since blame is placed on a cycle of time about which a person can do nothing (Johnston, 2012: 212). Global environmental change, which spans natural sciences, policy and development studies, is currently experiencing its first waves. Perhaps it is time to recognize that already some people are getting their feet wet. On what criteria should one decide to retreat to higher ground or stick it out unmoved until the tide turns. Modernism challenges the modern project of understanding global environmental change and doing something about it when it causes problems (Blaikie, 1996: 81). According to Piers M. Blaikie, modernism First, it challenges all embracing world views or 'meta narratives' which tend to be highly teleological and assume the validity of their underlying assumptions and their claims. Thus, the role of environmental scientists in policy making as 'talking truth to power' and as the only rational and legitimate brokers between the 'real' environment and the rest of us, is rejected. Second, it challenges the tendency that is more pronounced in areas of global environmental change where the local hands on experience of the environment (land degradation, desertification and biodiversity). Third, it challenged that reality is socially constructed. An epistemology which builds models of society and environment with causal connections is challenged by one which is constituted as a series of descriptive accounts according to different actors' perceptions (Blaikie, 1996: 81). Modernism encourages people and countries to over-exploit natural resources, and contribute to reductions in spending on social and environmental welfare (Huckle, 1999: 36). Moreover, environmental reductions being blamed on the impact of foreign cultural domination this has allegedly eroded and damaged the 'essential harmony' between humans and nature (Mawdsley, 2001: 96). Evernden contends that the second instrumental vision of control and domination over nature is the historical product of modernity, more specifically of Renaissance, when a new mode of knowledge, based on reason and experimentation replaced the medieval search for knowledge as contemplation and wisdom (1992). This argument is supported that Modernity is thus responsible for creating Nature by abstracting from nature, and with it a whole history of conquest and domination comes to be enacted. In the words of C. S. Lewis: "We reduce things to mere Nature in order that we may "conquer" them. We are always conquering Nature because "Nature" is the name for what we have, to some extent, conquered" (Lewis, 1978: 42). Latest, Environmental problems and other risks encompass less than the globally catastrophic. More and more disaster experts, development agencies, and citizens' groups are supporting that the globalisation is largely responsible for such human misery (Huckle, 1999: 36). Modernism signed by the development science and technology (Somerville, 2006: 17-18). Further, given the increasing production by technologically advanced capitalism of risks that threaten us all ironically that technology induced catastrophes and environmental disasters (Simon Cottle, 1998: 8). Since the Enlightenment, technology, especially science-based technology, has offered the promise of a better world through the elimination of disease and material improvements to standards of living. On the other hand, resource extraction, emissions of dangerous materials, and pollution of air, water, and soil have created conditions for unprecedented environmental catastrophe and have already caused irreversible damage to the biosphere (Vergragt, 2006: 7). Ironically, the persisting contradictions between a better life created and supported by technology for the wealthy few, also caused the increasing environmental degradation and persistent poverty for the vast majority calls for a deeper exploration and understanding of the nature. Philip J. Vergragt then, states that technology will support and enhance a "good life" for all of its citizens, in both rich and presently poor countries, without compromising the Earth's ecosystem or the prospects of later generations (Vergragt, 2006: 8). Thus, science and technology which shaped to the sophistication give man a power to colonize the earth. POSTCOLONIALISM Environmentalism in post-colonial discourse has its beginnings in Alfred Crosby's account of the impact of European incursions into the Americas and the Pacific (Ashcroft, 2000: 71). This incursion of course destructs not only the country; physical building and ideology but also the environment and nature. The conquest and colonization of so many extra-European environments produced irreversible changes in land use, in flora and fauna and frequently damaged beyond repair traditionally balanced relations between indigenous communities and their environments, a relationship unlike that of their conquerors crucial to their understanding of their 'being' as of the land rather than merely on it (Ashcroft, 2000: 71-72). He adds that imperial incursions and colonization have been regarded as environmentally destructive, yet as Richard Grove argues, the perception of what had already been lost in Europe, the sense of intrinsic connection between the 'more-than-human' and the human, and thus the urgency of environmental preservation became strikingly evident in Europe's colonies, particularly in the late nineteenth century. Much environmentalism in theory and practice has emanated from former imperial centres such as Europe and the United States. While belated recognition of the crucial importance of other forms of life on earth is both welcome and necessary, its export and sometimes imposition on postcolonized cultures invites the obvious charge of hypocrisy and generates resentment against former imperial states which having degraded their own and their colonies' environments in the 'interests' of progress and 'development' now encourage (or impose) the theory and practices of environmental preservation on other peoples (Ashcroft, 2000: 72). This also frequently creates division within post-colonized cultures themselves, where, for instance, peoples are moved off their traditional lands to make way for game parks, essentially for the benefit of wealthy tourists. Demands for the 'global' preservation of endangered species frequently clash with the policies of post-colonized governments eager to use their regained environmental sovereignty in the interests of a modern capitalism from which it is difficult for them to escape. Devastation of earth has highlighted how human–environmental vulnerabilities are amplified not only by anthropogenic climate change but also by the capitalist exploitation of natural resources (Carrigan, 2005: 1). Harmful environmental conduct exposes several broader dimensions such as the nation's ability to use its resources as determined by domestic political processes, such as; it changes the natural forest microclimates that have been transformed into new microclimates increasing sunlight and lowering humidity (Nazzal, 2005: 6). The ecological crisis is not merely an isolated event but has its roots in the modern materialistic civilization that makes man becomes the butcher of earth (Huggan and Tiffin, 2010: 1). They argue that one way out of this morass is to insist that the proper subject of postcolonialism is colonialism, and to look accordingly for colonial/imperial underpinnings of environmental practices in both colonising and colonised societies of the present and the past (Huggan and Tiffin, 2010: 3) Colonialism greatly changed the environmental condition of colonized country. Alfred W. Crosby (Crosby 1986) as quoted by Aschroft describes the ways in which the environments of colonized societies have been physically transformed by the experience of colonial occupation, imperialism/colonialism not only altered the cultural, political and social structures of colonized societies, but also devastated colonial ecologies and traditional subsistence patterns (Ashcroft, 2000: 69). Indirectly, colonization influences ecological changes in the past which cause ecological destruction in the present day. More importantly, based on Crosby statement in Aschroft explain that introduced crops and livestock not between colonizer and colonized country only supported conquering armies and colonizing populations, radically colonizer altered the entire ecology of the invaded lands in ways that necessarily disadvantaged indigenous peoples and annihilated or endangered native flora and fauna (2000: 69). Arguably this has led to one of the most profound ecological changes the world has seen. Colonization or colonialism can be defined as the conquest and control of other people's land and goods (Loomba, 2005: 8). Colonialism means a conquest which is done by the west or European and American country toward Asia and Africa by exploitation the land, surely it causes natural destruction. Elleke Boehmer has defined colonialism as the settlement of territory, the exploitation or development of resources, and attempts to govern the indigenous inhabitants of occupied lands (Boehmer as qtd. in McLeod 2000: 8). The term colonialism is important in defining the specific form of natural exploitation that developed with the expansion of Europe over the last 400 years (Ashcroft, 2000: 40). With the end of the cold war, global infatuation with neoliberal economics has intensified the peripheralization of the South along economic, political, social, cultural and natural lines (Geeta Chowdhry and Sheila Nair, 2002: 1). Postcolonial critique bears witness to those countries and communities - in the North and the South (Bhabha, 1994: 6). The assumption of postcolonial studies is that many of the wrongs, if not crimes, against nature are a product of the economic dominance of the north over the south (Young, 2001: 6). Thus, the Norh represents the West and the South represents the East. Postcolonialism sees the natural destruction on the South as the impacts of colonization The northern environmentalism considered as the rich (always potentially vainglorious and hypocritical) and the southern environmentalism considered as the poor (often genuinely heroic and authentic) (huggan and Tiffin, 2010: 2). However, northern needs of the natural need were supplied from the south in the name of colonization. Colonialism granted imperial powers the rights to arrogate and exploit the territory of a subject people as well as to appropriate unlimited property rights, post-colonial states acted quickly to regain control over their natural resources both through expropriation of foreign property interests and through the legal arena (Nazzal, 2005: 10). Colonialism, through both practice and discourse, has separated man from his natural surroundings and has given him a false idea about the meaning of nature: on the contrary, nature is not there to be plundered, but to be cared for, tended and made to yield its produce. Then, Man is ennobled by the relationship with the environment, by his power to make things grow and watch over their growth, but the reverse also holds true: devastation returns man to his primitive condition. It is not surprising when the the nature did reverse destruction to the humans. It is the result of what they do exploit to the nature. On the other world, man as the colonizer has colonized the earth which caused the devastation of earth. (Chrisman and Williams, 1994: 1–20). Thus, postcolonialism can be considered as umbrella term of ecocriticism in which it criticizes the relation between human and nature including criticizing humans' behaviour precisely humans' exploitation toward nature. ECOCRITICISM Humans truly can't be separated with environment. human beings are engaged in the eternal search for connection, for that which connects us to others and for that which connects us to ourselves, culture, language, history, belief systems, social practice, and other influences on human development are as much a part of place as the physical landscape one crosses (Dreese, 2002; 2-3). She emphasizes that environmental factors play a crucial role in the physical, emotional, and even spiritual configurations that determine our ideas of who we are. All human beings develop their own sense of place through life that determines why they love certain regions or feel utterly alien in others. The study of relations between humans and environment called ecology. Lawrence Buell defines ecology as the study of the interactions between organisms and the environment (Buell, 2005; 139). Meanwhile, Glen A Love defines ecology as not as merely a study of the relationship between organisms and their living and nonliving environment but also a combination of science and a sense of responsibility for life (2003; 37-38). Ecology as Lawrence Buell say above is drawn in the life circle; the life processes of many organisms put into their surroundings environment whose presence of other organism affects the life processes of these and other organisms sharing the same environment. When these processes are cut by such destruction, e.g. chemical by-products of the life processes of one species (or occupational group) are harmful to another species; the relationship between the two species is "antagonistic." Increased population density increases the probability of antagonistic interactions (Catton, 1994: 80). It is essential to be aware of the environmental damage which caused by ecological changes. The development of humans' ecology slowly damages the environment. The ecology of human development involves the scientific study of the progressive, mutual accommodation between an active, growing human being and the changing properties of the immediate settings (Bronfenbrenner, 1979: 21). Imbalance fine relations between humans and environment emerged a critic called ecocritic or ecocriticism (Buell, 2005; 2). John Elder as quoted by Dana Philip says that The science of ecology confirms the indivisibility of natural process: each feature of a landscape must be understood with reference to the whole, just as the habits of each creature reflect, and depend upon, the community of life around it (1999; 581). Ecology when it counts as science tends to be a lot more reductive, thus many of the core concepts of ecology once notable for their expansiveness have in recent years been cut down to size, made more particular, or abandoned altogether. It now appears that even the ecosystem concept may not be valid biologically, but valid concept or not, an ecosystem is primarily a theoretical entity, and therefore could never be the reality that somehow underwrites poetry, even if that poetry is of the good old-fashioned, supposedly "organic" sort (Philip, 1999; 582). By that kind of reason, Elder argues that culture too may be understood organically: it is the field of relationship between organisms and, as such, a complex organism in its own right (Philip, 1999; 582). Ecology is not merely bound to science and technology, but also moral and politic. Greg Garrard assumes that ecology itself is shifting and contested, the emphasis on the moral and political orientation of the ecocritic and the broad specification of the field of study are essential (2004; 4). Problems of ecology are features of our society, arising out of our dealings with nature, from which we should like to free ourselves, and which we do not regard as inevitable consequences of what is good in that society (Garrard, 2004; 5). Lynn white, Jr argues in his article on Cheryll Glotfelty's The Ecocriticism reader: landmark in literary ecology that environmental crisis is fundamentally a matter of the beliefs and values that direct science and technology and dominating attitude toward nature (1996; 4). Discoveries in ecology and cellular biology revolutionize our sense of self, teaching us that there is no such thing as an individual, only an individual-in-context (Neil Evernden, 1996; 93). Discoveries of course get much of invention. Unconsciously, humans' behaviour (ex: exploitation) toward environment was changed. Industrial Revolution affected humanity's conception of its relationship to nature, warning that technology has created the false illusion that we control nature, allowing us to forget that our "unconquerable minds" are vitally dependent upon natural support systems (Harold Fromm, 1996; 31) Ecocritic or Ecocriticism is an umbrella term, used to refer to the environmentally oriented study of literature and (less often) the arts more generally, and to the theories that underlie such critical practice (Buell, 2005; 138). Cheryll Glotfelty simply writes the definition, ecocriticism is the study of the relationship between literature and the physical environment, ecocriticism takes an earth-centered approach to literary studies (1996: xviii). Ecocriticism might succinctly be defined as study of the relation between literature and environment conducted in a spirit of commitment to environmental praxis (Lawrence Buell as quoted by Dana Philip, 1999; 583). Ecocriticism is, then, an avowedly political mode of analysis, ecocritics generally tie their cultural analyses explicitly to a 'green' moral and political agenda. In this respect, ecocriticism is closely related to environmentally oriented developments in philosophy and political theory (Greg Garrard, 2004; 3) Ecocentrism is more compelling as a call to fellow humans to recognize the intractable, like-it-or-not interdependence that subsists between the human and the nonhuman and to tread more lightly on the earth than it is as a practical program (Lawrence Buell, 2005, 102). Ecological criticism shares the fundamental premise that human culture is connected to the physical world, affecting it and affected by it. Ecocriticism takes as its subject the interconnections between nature and culture, specifically the cultural artefacts of language and literature (Cheryll Glotfelty, 1996; xix). The majority of ecocritics, whether or not they theorize their positions, look upon their texts of reference as refractions of physical environments and human interaction with those environments, notwithstanding the artifactual properties of textual representation and their mediation by ideological and other socio-historical factors (Lawrence Buell , 2005; 30). Literary theory, in general, examines the relations between writers, texts, and the world. In most literary theory "the world" is synonymous with society-the social sphere. Ecocriticism expands the notion of "the world" to include the entire ecosphere or nonhuman, which is physical environment. Several things that have to be seen are: • Transforming this concept becomes social movement that will bring the humans into conscious of the equality between human and their environment and doesn't consider the nature into binary opposition between dominate and dominated. • Ecocriticism encourages the changing of canonisation through entering literary works which carry up natural issue. • Ecocriticism is not only an approach but also a pendadogis tool. • Ecocriticism connects the literary study with the earth to see how is the relation between humans and earth where they stand (Cheryll Glotfelty, 1996, xxii) The majority of ecocritics, whether or not they theorize their positions, look upon their texts of reference as refractions of physical environments and human interaction with those environments, notwithstanding the artifactual properties of textual representation and their mediation by ideological and other sociohistorical factors (Buell, 2005; 30). It can be assumed that Ecocrtiticism sees the text as the refraction of physical environment. Another denigrates attempts to recuperate realism as restricting the field of environmental writing, as ludicrously foreshortened in focus ("its practitioners . . . reduced to an umpire's role, squinting to see if a given depiction of a horizon, a wildflower, or a live oak tree is itself well painted and lively"), and in any case bogus, since "mimesis presumes the sameness of the representation and the represented object" (Phillips 2003: 163–4, 175). Buell has added that this is a conviction that contact (or lack ofcontact) with actual environments is intimately linked, even if not on a one-to-one basis, with the work of environmental imagination, for both writer and critic (Buell, 2005; 31). Ecocriticism can explore what we can call a discursively manipulated nonhuman world in literature, and discuss how it gets marginalized or silenced by, or incorporated into the human language (Legler, I997: 227). Nonhuman environment must be represented as an active presence and player within the text made some astute readers inclined to be sympathetic of the environment (Buell, 2005: 51). The task of ecocriticism, then, is to formulate a conceptual foundation for the study of interconnections between literature and the environment. Literature can be perceived as an aesthetically and culturally constructed part of the environment, since it directly addresses the questions of human constructions, such as meaning, value, language, and imagination, which can, then, be linked to the problem of ecological consciousness that humans need to attain. Within this framework, ecocritics are mainly concerned with how literature transmits certain values contributing to ecological thinking (Glotfelty, 1996: xxi). Ecocriticism offers researcher a way how to analyze such literary work through three steps. First is seeing the representation of nonhuman aspect. This first step is looking how is the nature like rice field, village, wilderness, forest, sea, beach, hill, mountain, valley, river, animal (or treatment toward animal) and city environment pictured in the text. Second is seeing the accusation toward ecology issues. The second step destructs how the natural issue is portrayed with the different way. For instance, the nature is pictured as an inconvenient place again for humans because of the emergence the new value; technology, capitalism, extinction of local knowledge, and development of building which is not oriented to the environment. Last is taking part of text's ideology. In this case examines the relations between writers, texts, and the world. This third step is seeing and taking part of the ideology that contains in the text. How the author's view and commitment toward the nature (Cheryll Glotfelty, 1996, xix). DEVASTATION OF EARTH Those all theories mentioned above are related to the word "devastation" which happened on earth. Modernism granted colonizer a power to devastate the earth in which postcolonialism and ecocriticism tend to criticize that devastation. Certainly, what is actually the meaning of devastation of earth? The word "devastation" itself according to Merriam-Webster dictionary means the state or fact of being rendered nonexistent, physically unsound, or useless. In other word, devastation is deterioration, destruction, vanishing of the earth through depletion of resources such as air, water and soil. Devastation of earth can be defined as a destruction of ecosystems and the extinction of wildlife. Devastation of earth is a term used to describe a situation in which a part of the natural environment (the earth) is devastated or damaged. According to Shakhashiri, earth is areas of land as distinguished from sea and air (2011: 1). It means that the earth is composed by three parts; land, sea and air. Thus, it can be ascertained that if the devastation happened on earth, it will strike those all of earth's parts. The devastation which strikes the air will harm the condition of air in the atmosphere or known as devastated atmosphere, devastation which strikes the land will harm the condition of the soil and change it into erode and barren, and devastation which strike the water will contaminate the clean water into the dirty one. The earth as mentioned above that composed from three parts; certainly those each parts have a role. Land is the surface of the earth where the creatures are growing and developing; the plantations (trees) grow well, the animals breed and the humans dwell the life. Air is the mixture of gases which surrounds the Earth in which it contains a lot of vital substances such as oxygen and ozone. And water is a clear liquid, without colour or taste, which falls from the sky as rain and is necessary for animal and plant even human life. Water is also available in the river and sea. All of those parts of the earth greatly have advantage when it states in the normal/natural condition. However, when it was devastated, the earth turns into less natural and more miserable. That is the picture of the devastation of earth. DEPICTION OF DEVASTATION OF EARTH The devastation of earth as Hughes says has happened in every historical period and in every part of the inhabited Earth (2001: 1). It means that devastation of earth happened in the whole surface of the earth. Devastation has stroked the whole environment; atmosphere, land, and sea. Postcolonialism argues that colonialism has an intervention on devastating the earth. Colonialism has devastated the earth as Ashcroft says that the conquest and colonization of so many extra-European environments produced irreversible changes in land use, in flora and fauna and frequently damaged beyond repair traditionally balanced relations between indigenous communities and their environments (2000: 71-72). He adds that imperial incursions and colonization have been regarded as environmentally destructive. Devastation of earth happened over earth. It means that devastation happened on land, atmosphere and sea. The land has changed into gullied, eroded and barren. This changing surely as the impact of devastation of earth which is done by the colonizer in colonizing the land. Everything which stands on the land has changed, There was no reborn flora and fauna in McCarthy's The Road. However, the presence of the flora and fauna is the rest of the previous world. Indeed these flora and fauna have changed as the impact of colonialism. Flora in McCarthy's The Road is dominated by the trees. However, most of the trees have changed into gray, dark and black. It is so pathetic when the father and his son faced the standing black trees and they realized that it changes. Horribly, it seems like ghost of trees. The changing of the trees is not underlined on the changes of its colour but also its presence. It means that the trees are not only changing into dark and black with its standing but also there are many trees which die and fall to the ground. The changes of fauna can be seen when the father and his son was camp in the forest and listening for any sound, it draws that the bird has changed its behaviour by holding migratory to circle the earth. The birds can no longer life in harmony with the environment by occupying the forest. It is caused the changing of trees which turn into dead. Thus, it forces the birds to change themselves. Other fauna changing draws when the father who found an odor of cows. However, the cows are extinct since years ago. He asked to himself whether the cows are really real or not. He finally realized that it is extinct. It shows that the cows are changed from the presence to absence. The burning of a certain thing; such as the trees, surely produces a residue or combustion. It can be carbon and ash. It can be imagined how large the amount of ash will be produced if the whole land of forest were burned. Certainly, the ash will cover everything that has seen. A horrible fire of forest has produced a horrible ash too till everything is covered by ash. The ash has moved along the wind till it covered the city and everything in the city, The fire of forest makes the amount of ash become uncontrolled. The moving of ash filled the air and atmosphere in which it makes everything coloured covered by ash and dust. Hence, everything becomes colourless. The ash changes the landscape become gray. It can be assumed that the graying landscape is no other causing by the moving ash. The occupying of ash in the atmosphere makes the day become unseen and dark. The result of the residual combustion is not ashes merely, but also carbons that harm the environment. Ash and carbon both fill and occupy the atmosphere. As the greenhouse effect idea, that the ash and carbon also dust which in a large amount and uncontrolled in atmosphere will form a mantle which wrapped out the whole of earth. This causes our sight of the sky become dark and gray.The sky and cloud are devoured with ash. The cloud becomes ashen and gray. Severity, the ash and carbon have contaminated everything in the air including the sea water vapor. Then, the result is clouds of ash. Ash and dust have affected the form of the cloud to become gray. Probably its content has been also affected. When the clouds changes into gray, it can be predicted that the rainwater which come down from the clouds will also be gray. It is supported with the presence of the ash mantle that wrapped up the earth. Certainly, everything which come down from the sky; rainwater has to pass this mantle, consequently the rain water will be coloured as gray by the ash mantle. The ash mantle has coloured the rain water. The rainwater which drips down to the earth is seen as the gray sheets of rain. Rainwater that is usually used by humans to fulfil their needs such as to irrigate the fields has been contaminated by ash and carbon so that its contents no longer can be used for the benefit of man. Consequently, there will be no crops and there will be no natural food. Mantle of ash has blanketed the earth during the unknown time. As described above that everything which fell from the sky will pass this mantle so that everything will be contaminated by it. The result, everything which fell will be gray. After several days the father and his son watched the gray sheets of rain, the weather quickly changes into snowy. Everyone knows as it has seen that snow is falling from the sky. The snow actually is similar to the rain, including their formed and their fell. The sea water vapor which is formed into cloud in the sky will fall as the rainwater, however, because of the extreme/cold weather, the rain water freeze into ice and it changes into snow that is white and soft. This falling snow of course has to pass the mantle of ash and it changes into gray. The next devastation of earth is turned to everything which lay on the surface of the earth covered by darkness as the ash effect. Everything stands in the earth turned to be black such as the dead trees which burned by fire forest, and the rain water and snow which fell as gray turn into black in the land. The dead trees which burned by fire forest surely create a black view of trees. The trees which burned in incompletely will make an appearance of burnt and black trees. The rainwater and snow which are grey in their falling turned to be black in the land. The large number of those rainwater and snow gathered as one in the ground create a new colour, more intense and black. The gray flakes which fell down turned to the dark slush. Dark slush can be assumed as the slush which is thicker than a flake. Thus, the slush which is as the result of flakes changes into black. It is also applied in the rainwater; the water in the land is not the whole from the rainwater, some from the river and so on. However, the thick rainwater which fell down in gray proved that its water is dominated to black water. the slush which is melted flows through the ash and turned to the black water. THE IMPACTS OF DEVASTATION OF EARTH ON FATHER'S ATTITUDE Living and dwelling in such devastated earth surely give impacts to the humans who walk over it. The father and his son reveal those kinds of impacts. The father who lived before and after unknown disaster seems undergoing a lot of impacts. It is different with his son who born after that disaster. He tends to be innocent, only watch and observe what his father did. There was an idea to end the life when the father still lived with his woman. She always forces him to end their life because there was nothing else to do in the ruined world. However, the father keep his believe that humans have to struggle. The experience of dwelling the life before the unknown disaster made him stronger. The father realized that what the environment did to him is the result what the humans did to the environment, as Lawrence Buell says that human culture is connected to the physical world; nature and environment, affecting it and affected by it. In other word, humans have affected the environment and have been affected by environment. The woman forces him because they lived in unusual life, they lived like zombie. The devastation of earth causes their life as like as zombie or walking dead in a horror film which the father and his son have a role as the victims. They have to avoid even to face the zombie to keep alive. Dwelling the life in such devastated earth; the air was filled by the ash and dust forces them to wear a mask. The devastated earth; unfriendly air forces him to wear mask (canister mask) and even wear biohazard suit. As the affection of the devastated earth, the father and his son have to worry their life, Mostly he worried about their shoes. Worrying is something that the father in his son has to do. There is no certainty living in such ruined world. It is a common thing for them to worry anytime, worrying of food and shoes. Food is essential thing to keep alive. It is the reason why they worry of food. If they can't find some foods, it means they will die. The shoes are important stuff to hold a journey. As explain before that the weather extremely changes a while. Few days were raining, and another was snowing. Shoes keep the father in his son feet to keep away from coldness and freezing which can take their life. The weather is extremely cold. It is not surprising that the weather turns to colder and colder. The weather has changed anytime; sometime it rains and often snow. The coldness of weather doesn't only force them to eat the food that already fermented as above but also threaten their life. The coldness is very extremely danger for them. Moreover it is pictured that the cold can crack the stone and takes their life off. In such condition surely makes them hard to breathe because in the coldness the air contains thin oxygen. Dwelling the life in such devastated earth actually makes him aware of surrounding even the weather. The sounds like forest fire, fallen trees, and so on makes his ears disturbed and consequently he has to keep awake. Living in such devastated earth makes him to be more aware toward everything that threatens them. The father and his son have experienced many kinds of problems. Everything that happened to him does not break his spirit to keep alive even when they are in starving. He always believes that he would find something to eat. the father always optimistic dwelling life. the devastated earth makes him become more optimistic. Struggle is a must to do to find another thing to be eaten to keep the life. Keep trying is the key for the good guys who living in the ruined environment. By keeping trying, they can survive dwelling the life in such environment. Keep trying is not enough to live in such devastated earth. Always suspect the possibility that may happen has to be done, because no one knows what will happen, but the threat of nature always happen all the time. Thus, another thing that has to do is to remain vigilant about the environment. The devastated earth forces him to become "cautious, watchful" and always "on the lookout". He believes that no one expect a trouble. However, living in the devastated earth, the thing that has to do is to always expect it. Thus he was always wary of something bad that may happen. Nothing can be expected from the nature. The father always believed it. He no longer agrees if people prepare something for tomorrow. Although he always optimistic of what he did, he never believed it. For him, even though he's preparing for tomorrow, he doesn't believe that the nature will prepare for him. What the father believes that is now or tomorrow is the same. This belief keeps the father spirit to face his following days. As a father he would often feel the pain. Physically, he is ill of facing the devastated earth. And mentally, he is ill of the feeling of bearing the responsibility as a father who is responsible for the survival of his son and his own life. However nature should never take the life of his son. He would bet his life for the life of his son. Often he complains to himself about his illness. He pretends as tough man in front his son but actually he felt tremendous pain. It's just that he does not want his son to know. THE IMPACTS OF DEVASTATION OF EARTH ON SON'S ATTITUDE Being born in the devastated earth which the unknown disaster has swept it surely affects the son's behaviour toward environment. The greyscale image of environment has saved well in his mind that forces him to expect something else, something in colour. When they continue their journey, the son had found some crayons. These crayons change his mind that something left on earth in colour. Thus, environment is not filling of gray merely. The crayons seem like a hope for