In 2013, the Chinese central government launched a war on air pollution. As a new and major source of information, the Internet plays an important role in diffusing environmental news emotion and shaping people's perceptions and emotions regarding the pollution. How could the government make use of the environmental news emotion as an informal regulation of pollution? The paper investigates the causal relationship between web news emotion (defined by the emotional tone of web news) and air pollution (SO2, NO2, PM2.5 and PM10) by exploiting the central government's war on air pollution. We combine daily monitoring data of air pollution at different levels (cities and counties, respectively the second and third administrative levels in China) with the GDELT database that allows us to have information on Chinese web news media (e.g. emotional tone of web news on air pollution). We find that a decrease of the emotional tone in web news (i.e. more negative emotions in the articles) can help to reduce air pollution at both city and county level. We attribute this effect to the context of China's war on air pollution in which the government makes use of the environmental news emotion as an informal regulation of pollution.
We study a model of strategic competition among farmers for land use in an agricultural economy. Each agent can take possession of a part of the collective forest land and convert it to farming. Unconverted forest land helps preserving biodiversity, which contributes to reducing the volatility of agricultural production. Agents' utility is given in terms of a Kreps Porteus stochastic dierential utility capable of disentangling risk aversion and aversion to uctuations. We characterize the land used by each farmer and her welfare at the Nash equilibrium, we evaluate the over-exploitation of the land and the agents' welfare loss compared to the socially optimal solution and we study the drivers of the ineciencies of the decentralized equilibrium. After characterizing the value of biodiversity in the model, we use an appropriate decomposition to study the policy implications of the model by identifying in which cases the allocation of property rights is preferable to the introduction of a land conversion tax.
We study a model of strategic competition among farmers for land use in an agricultural economy. Each agent can take possession of a part of the collective forest land and convert it to farming. Unconverted forest land helps preserving biodiversity, which contributes to reducing the volatility of agricultural production. Agents' utility is given in terms of a Kreps Porteus stochastic dierential utility capable of disentangling risk aversion and aversion to uctuations. We characterize the land used by each farmer and her welfare at the Nash equilibrium, we evaluate the over-exploitation of the land and the agents' welfare loss compared to the socially optimal solution and we study the drivers of the ineciencies of the decentralized equilibrium. After characterizing the value of biodiversity in the model, we use an appropriate decomposition to study the policy implications of the model by identifying in which cases the allocation of property rights is preferable to the introduction of a land conversion tax.
We study a model of strategic competition among farmers for land use in an agricultural economy. Each agent can take possession of a part of the collective forest land and convert it to farming. Unconverted forest land helps preserving biodiversity, which contributes to reducing the volatility of agricultural production. Agents' utility is given in terms of a Kreps Porteus stochastic dierential utility capable of disentangling risk aversion and aversion to uctuations. We characterize the land used by each farmer and her welfare at the Nash equilibrium, we evaluate the over-exploitation of the land and the agents' welfare loss compared to the socially optimal solution and we study the drivers of the ineciencies of the decentralized equilibrium. After characterizing the value of biodiversity in the model, we use an appropriate decomposition to study the policy implications of the model by identifying in which cases the allocation of property rights is preferable to the introduction of a land conversion tax.
We study a model of strategic competition among farmers for land use in an agricultural economy. Each agent can take possession of a part of the collective forest land and convert it to farming. Unconverted forest land helps preserving biodiversity, which contributes to reducing the volatility of agricultural production. Agents' utility is given in terms of a Kreps Porteus stochastic dierential utility capable of disentangling risk aversion and aversion to uctuations. We characterize the land used by each farmer and her welfare at the Nash equilibrium, we evaluate the over-exploitation of the land and the agents' welfare loss compared to the socially optimal solution and we study the drivers of the ineciencies of the decentralized equilibrium. After characterizing the value of biodiversity in the model, we use an appropriate decomposition to study the policy implications of the model by identifying in which cases the allocation of property rights is preferable to the introduction of a land conversion tax.
This thesis contributes to the literature on carbon leakage and competitiveness losses in energy-intensive industries generated by uneven climate policies. After a meta-analysis of modelling studies assessing carbon leakage with or without Border Carbon Adjustments; we use time series econometrics and find no evidence of competitiveness-driven operational leakage due to the European Union Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) for steel and cement. Next, we decompose emissions the European cement sector into seven effects with a Log Mean Divisia Index method, and show that most of the variations can be attributed to the activity effect. Abatement due to the EU ETS is estimated at around 2% between 2005 and 2012 while the amount of "overallocation profits" is assessed at 3.5 billion euros. Further, we demonstrate that the cement industry strategically reacted to the introduction of a new rule supposed to reduce free allocation in low-producing installations. Companies artificially increased production in some plants, generating distortions going against the low carbon transformation in this sector. We finally discuss possible reforms in the EU ETS and advocate for output-based allocation in the short term. ; Cette thèse étudie les fuites de carbone et les pertes de compétitivité dans les industries énergie-intensives générées par des politiques climatiques inégales. Après une méta-analyse des études de modélisations évaluant les fuites de carbone en cas de politique climatique unilatérale avec ou sans Ajustements Carbone aux Frontières, nous utilisons de l'économétrie des séries temporelles pour établir l'absence de preuves de fuites de carbone opérationnelles liés à des pertes de compétitivité dues du Système Communautaire d'Echanges de Quotas d'Emissions (SCEQE)pour le ciment et l'acier. Ensuite, nous décomposons les émissions du secteur cimentier Européen en sept effets avec la méthode Log Mean Divisia Index, et montrons que les variations peuvent être attribuées principalement à l'effet d'activité. Les réductions ...
This thesis contributes to the literature on carbon leakage and competitiveness losses in energy-intensive industries generated by uneven climate policies. After a meta-analysis of modelling studies assessing carbon leakage with or without Border Carbon Adjustments; we use time series econometrics and find no evidence of competitiveness-driven operational leakage due to the European Union Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) for steel and cement. Next, we decompose emissions the European cement sector into seven effects with a Log Mean Divisia Index method, and show that most of the variations can be attributed to the activity effect. Abatement due to the EU ETS is estimated at around 2% between 2005 and 2012 while the amount of "overallocation profits" is assessed at 3.5 billion euros. Further, we demonstrate that the cement industry strategically reacted to the introduction of a new rule supposed to reduce free allocation in low-producing installations. Companies artificially increased production in some plants, generating distortions going against the low carbon transformation in this sector. We finally discuss possible reforms in the EU ETS and advocate for output-based allocation in the short term. ; Cette thèse étudie les fuites de carbone et les pertes de compétitivité dans les industries énergie-intensives générées par des politiques climatiques inégales. Après une méta-analyse des études de modélisations évaluant les fuites de carbone en cas de politique climatique unilatérale avec ou sans Ajustements Carbone aux Frontières, nous utilisons de l'économétrie des séries temporelles pour établir l'absence de preuves de fuites de carbone opérationnelles liés à des pertes de compétitivité dues du Système Communautaire d'Echanges de Quotas d'Emissions (SCEQE)pour le ciment et l'acier. Ensuite, nous décomposons les émissions du secteur cimentier Européen en sept effets avec la méthode Log Mean Divisia Index, et montrons que les variations peuvent être attribuées principalement à l'effet d'activité. Les réductions d'émissions apportées par le SCEQE sont estimées à 2% entre 2005 et 2012 tandis que le montant des"profits de rente"est évalué à 3.5 milliards d'euros. D'autre part, nous démontrons que l'industrie cimentière a réagi stratégiquement à l'introduction d'une nouvelle règle censée diminuer le nombre d'allocations gratuites pour les installations en sous-production. Les entreprises ont augmenté artificiellement la production dans certaines usines, générant des distorsions allant àl'encontre de la transformation bas-carbone du secteur. Enfin, nous discutons de réformes possibles pour le SCEQE et plaidons pour des allocations proportionnelles à la production pour le court terme.
This thesis contributes to the literature on carbon leakage and competitiveness losses in energy-intensive industries generated by uneven climate policies. After a meta-analysis of modelling studies assessing carbon leakage with or without Border Carbon Adjustments; we use time series econometrics and find no evidence of competitiveness-driven operational leakage due to the European Union Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) for steel and cement. Next, we decompose emissions the European cement sector into seven effects with a Log Mean Divisia Index method, and show that most of the variations can be attributed to the activity effect. Abatement due to the EU ETS is estimated at around 2% between 2005 and 2012 while the amount of "overallocation profits" is assessed at 3.5 billion euros. Further, we demonstrate that the cement industry strategically reacted to the introduction of a new rule supposed to reduce free allocation in low-producing installations. Companies artificially increased production in some plants, generating distortions going against the low carbon transformation in this sector. We finally discuss possible reforms in the EU ETS and advocate for output-based allocation in the short term. ; Cette thèse étudie les fuites de carbone et les pertes de compétitivité dans les industries énergie-intensives générées par des politiques climatiques inégales. Après une méta-analyse des études de modélisations évaluant les fuites de carbone en cas de politique climatique unilatérale avec ou sans Ajustements Carbone aux Frontières, nous utilisons de l'économétrie des séries temporelles pour établir l'absence de preuves de fuites de carbone opérationnelles liés à des pertes de compétitivité dues du Système Communautaire d'Echanges de Quotas d'Emissions (SCEQE)pour le ciment et l'acier. Ensuite, nous décomposons les émissions du secteur cimentier Européen en sept effets avec la méthode Log Mean Divisia Index, et montrons que les variations peuvent être attribuées principalement à l'effet d'activité. Les réductions d'émissions apportées par le SCEQE sont estimées à 2% entre 2005 et 2012 tandis que le montant des"profits de rente"est évalué à 3.5 milliards d'euros. D'autre part, nous démontrons que l'industrie cimentière a réagi stratégiquement à l'introduction d'une nouvelle règle censée diminuer le nombre d'allocations gratuites pour les installations en sous-production. Les entreprises ont augmenté artificiellement la production dans certaines usines, générant des distorsions allant àl'encontre de la transformation bas-carbone du secteur. Enfin, nous discutons de réformes possibles pour le SCEQE et plaidons pour des allocations proportionnelles à la production pour le court terme.
This thesis contributes to the literature on carbon leakage and competitiveness losses in energy-intensive industries generated by uneven climate policies. After a meta-analysis of modelling studies assessing carbon leakage with or without Border Carbon Adjustments; we use time series econometrics and find no evidence of competitiveness-driven operational leakage due to the European Union Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) for steel and cement. Next, we decompose emissions the European cement sector into seven effects with a Log Mean Divisia Index method, and show that most of the variations can be attributed to the activity effect. Abatement due to the EU ETS is estimated at around 2% between 2005 and 2012 while the amount of "overallocation profits" is assessed at 3.5 billion euros. Further, we demonstrate that the cement industry strategically reacted to the introduction of a new rule supposed to reduce free allocation in low-producing installations. Companies artificially increased production in some plants, generating distortions going against the low carbon transformation in this sector. We finally discuss possible reforms in the EU ETS and advocate for output-based allocation in the short term. ; Cette thèse étudie les fuites de carbone et les pertes de compétitivité dans les industries énergie-intensives générées par des politiques climatiques inégales. Après une méta-analyse des études de modélisations évaluant les fuites de carbone en cas de politique climatique unilatérale avec ou sans Ajustements Carbone aux Frontières, nous utilisons de l'économétrie des séries temporelles pour établir l'absence de preuves de fuites de carbone opérationnelles liés à des pertes de compétitivité dues du Système Communautaire d'Echanges de Quotas d'Emissions (SCEQE)pour le ciment et l'acier. Ensuite, nous décomposons les émissions du secteur cimentier Européen en sept effets avec la méthode Log Mean Divisia Index, et montrons que les variations peuvent être attribuées principalement à l'effet d'activité. Les réductions d'émissions apportées par le SCEQE sont estimées à 2% entre 2005 et 2012 tandis que le montant des"profits de rente"est évalué à 3.5 milliards d'euros. D'autre part, nous démontrons que l'industrie cimentière a réagi stratégiquement à l'introduction d'une nouvelle règle censée diminuer le nombre d'allocations gratuites pour les installations en sous-production. Les entreprises ont augmenté artificiellement la production dans certaines usines, générant des distorsions allant àl'encontre de la transformation bas-carbone du secteur. Enfin, nous discutons de réformes possibles pour le SCEQE et plaidons pour des allocations proportionnelles à la production pour le court terme.
This thesis contributes to the literature on carbon leakage and competitiveness losses in energy-intensive industries generated by uneven climate policies. After a meta-analysis of modelling studies assessing carbon leakage with or without Border Carbon Adjustments; we use time series econometrics and find no evidence of competitiveness-driven operational leakage due to the European Union Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) for steel and cement. Next, we decompose emissions the European cement sector into seven effects with a Log Mean Divisia Index method, and show that most of the variations can be attributed to the activity effect. Abatement due to the EU ETS is estimated at around 2% between 2005 and 2012 while the amount of "overallocation profits" is assessed at 3.5 billion euros. Further, we demonstrate that the cement industry strategically reacted to the introduction of a new rule supposed to reduce free allocation in low-producing installations. Companies artificially increased production in some plants, generating distortions going against the low carbon transformation in this sector. We finally discuss possible reforms in the EU ETS and advocate for output-based allocation in the short term. ; Cette thèse étudie les fuites de carbone et les pertes de compétitivité dans les industries énergie-intensives générées par des politiques climatiques inégales. Après une méta-analyse des études de modélisations évaluant les fuites de carbone en cas de politique climatique unilatérale avec ou sans Ajustements Carbone aux Frontières, nous utilisons de l'économétrie des séries temporelles pour établir l'absence de preuves de fuites de carbone opérationnelles liés à des pertes de compétitivité dues du Système Communautaire d'Echanges de Quotas d'Emissions (SCEQE)pour le ciment et l'acier. Ensuite, nous décomposons les émissions du secteur cimentier Européen en sept effets avec la méthode Log Mean Divisia Index, et montrons que les variations peuvent être attribuées principalement à l'effet d'activité. Les réductions d'émissions apportées par le SCEQE sont estimées à 2% entre 2005 et 2012 tandis que le montant des"profits de rente"est évalué à 3.5 milliards d'euros. D'autre part, nous démontrons que l'industrie cimentière a réagi stratégiquement à l'introduction d'une nouvelle règle censée diminuer le nombre d'allocations gratuites pour les installations en sous-production. Les entreprises ont augmenté artificiellement la production dans certaines usines, générant des distorsions allant àl'encontre de la transformation bas-carbone du secteur. Enfin, nous discutons de réformes possibles pour le SCEQE et plaidons pour des allocations proportionnelles à la production pour le court terme.
Reduction in energy dependancy and emissions of CO2 via renewables targeted in the European Union energy mix and taxation system, might trigger the production of bioenergy production and competition for biomass utilization. Torreed biomass could be used to produce second generation biofuels to replace some of the fuels used in transportation and is also suitable as feedstock to produce electricity in large quantities. This paper examines how the CO2 price aects demand of torreed biomass in the power sector and its consequences on the protability of second generation biofuel units (Biomass to Liquid units). Indeed, the protability of the BtL units which are supplied only by torreed biomass is related to the competitive demand of the power sector driven by the CO2 price and feed-in taris. We propose a linear dynamic model of supply and demand. On the supply side, a prot-maximizing torreed biomass sector is modelized. The model aims to represent the transformation of biomass into torreed biomass which could be sold to the renery sector and the power sector. A two-sided (demanders and supplier) bidding process led us to arrive at the equilibrium price for torreed biomass. The French case is used as an example. Our results suggest that the higher the CO2 price, the more stable and important the power sector demand. It also makes the torreed biomass production less vulnerable to uncertainty on demand coming from the rening sector. The torreed biomass co-ring with coal can oer a near-term market for the torreed biomass for a CO2 emission price lower than 20 euros/tCO2, which can stimulate development of biomass supply systems. Beyond 2020, the demand for torreed biomass from the power sector could be substituted by the rening sector if the oil price goes up whatever the CO2 price.
International audience ; The publisher version can be found at : ABSTRACT This paper aims to develop a method which estimates the amounts of household waste disposed (HWD) by rural localities in floodplains of rivers from subcarpathian sector (Bistrița, Cracău, Ozana) and also from coridor valleys sector of Moldova and Siret rivers. This approach takes into the consideration the average distance between the outer limits of buil-up area (village) and floodplain (river) in order to calculate the specific indicators. This method is applied for 2003 and 2010 with a view to highlight the potential impact of illegal dumping on rivers sectors from extra-Carpathian region between pre-accession and post-accession periods. Poor waste management facilities from rural areas lead to this bad practice which prevailed during 2003-2009. Recent improvements in this sector, particularly after the closure of rural dumpsites (16 July 2009) will mitigate this environmental threat which it is also specific to others rural regions from Romania.
We study a model of strategic competition among farmers for land use in an agricultural economy. Each agent can take possession of a part of the collective forest land and convert it to farming. Unconverted forest land helps preserving biodiversity, which contributes to reducing the volatility of agricultural production. Agents' utility is given in terms of a Kreps Porteus stochastic dierential utility capable of disentangling risk aversion and aversion to uctuations. We characterize the land used by each farmer and her welfare at the Nash equilibrium, we evaluate the over-exploitation of the land and the agents' welfare loss compared to the socially optimal solution and we study the drivers of the ineciencies of the decentralized equilibrium. After characterizing the value of biodiversity in the model, we use an appropriate decomposition to study the policy implications of the model by identifying in which cases the allocation of property rights is preferable to the introduction of a land conversion tax.
International audience ; Poor waste management facilities led to uncontrolled waste disposal on improper sites in the proximity of human settlements particularlyin rural areas. This bad practice prevailed in all rural regions until 16 July 2009 when these garbage dumps should be closed and rehabilitatedaccording to Government Decision number 345/2005 which comply the Landfill Directive 1999/31/EC. The paper aims a spatialanalysis of waste indicators concerning the rural dumpsites at administrative territorial units on national, regional and local scale.These data are correlated to geographical conditions reflecting spatial patterns in their distribution across and within Romanian counties.The role of geographical conditions is revealed at local scales in these spatial patterns due to a low coverage rate of rural communities towaste collection services. Such analysis supported by field observations is necessary for a proper understanding of illegal waste disposalissue. Rural regions are still exposed to such bad practices polluting the local environment. ; Impianti di gestione mal gestiti hanno portato allo smaltimento illegale dei rifiuti in siti localizzati in prossimità degli insediamentiumani, particolarmente nelle zone rurali. Questa cattiva pratica ha prevalso in tutte le regioni rurali fino al 16 luglio 2009, quandoqueste discariche devono essere chiuso e riabilitate secondo la normativa del governo nr. 345/2005 che è conforme alla direttivasulle discariche 1999/31/CE. La carta si propone un'analisi spaziale degli indicatori dei rifiuti riguardante discariche rurale presso unitàamministrative territoriali su scala nazionale, regionale e locale. Questi dati sono correlati alle condizioni geografiche e riflettono i modelli spaziali nella loro distribuzione all'interno di contee rumene e tra le stesse. Il ruolo dei fattori geografici si rivela su scala locale in tali modelli spaziali a causa di un basso tasso di copertura delle comunità rurali da parte dei servizi di raccolta rifiuti. Tale analisi, supportate ...
International audience ; The paper examines the per capita waste generation rates from from rural areas of Neamț County (Romania) using thematic cartography. Geographical approach of this issue is difficult because the lack of a geostatistic database at commune scale. Spatial analysis of waste indicators reveals several disparities between localities. Comparability of data between communes located in various geographical conditions must be carrefully made according to local waste management systems. Several dysfunctionalities are outlined in order to compare these results, on the one hand, between localities and on the one hand, between recent years. Geographical analysis of waste generation rates is imperative for a proper monitoring of this sector. Data from 2009, 2010 and 2012 shows that rural waste management is in a full process of change towards a more organized, stable and efficient system.