More than half the population of Iran is under the age of seventeen, but despite these more than 30 million children and adolescents, social scientists know little about their experiences, culture, or history.This ignorance is a reflection of what social scientists deem important. The dismissive attitude toward research with children is similar to earlier attitudes toward research with women: at best women were quantified and described. Most social scientists were male, seeing women from a male point of view. Out of the innocent arrogance that a male-dominated science breeds in its practitioners, women's own culture was largely ignored; "culture" was male culture. This changed only when women social scientists started to look at women through their own eyes.
En los últimos veinte años la ya precaria situación de los dos pueblos guaraníes viviendo en el Estado Federal Mato Grosso do Sul (Brasil) aún ha empeorado drásticamente. Empezando en los años 30 del siglo XX por el asentamiento forzado en pequeñas reservas, que hoy en día están sobrepobladas en muchos casos, se ha añadido la destrucción completa del ecosistema regional. Estas intervenciones masivas han provocado problemas profundos en la organización política, social y económica de los guaraníes. Sin embargo, en los últimos ocho años no ha sido demarcada ni una de las tierras que según la constitución corresponden a estos grupos indígenas que no cesan de luchar por la legalización de sus tierras. La autora nos ofrece una reflexión sobre las circunstancias problemáticas, la búsqueda de los guaraníes por una nueva orientación y el fenómeno de la violencia dirigida hacia ellos mismos. ; The precarious situation of the two Guaraní peoples living in the Brazilian State of Mato Grosso do Sul has grown steadily worse over the last 20 years. Since the 1930s they have been obliged to settle in small and by now mostly overpopulated reservations, following the complete destruction of the regional ecosystem. These massive interventions led to far-reaching problems in the political, social and economic organisation of the Guaraní. Nevertheless, during the last eight years not even one of the territories corresponding to the many groups fighting for their constitutional land rights, has been actually demarcated. The author reflects on these problems, the Guarani's efforts to regain orientation and the phenomenon of violence turned against themselves.
In: Legal issues of economic integration: law journal of the Europa Instituut and the Amsterdam Center for International Law, Universiteit van Amsterdam, Band 29, Heft 1, S. 1-6
The paper presents an aerodynamic analysis of a one-seat ultralight (UL) tailless aeroplane named L2k, with a very complicated layout. In the first part, an autostable airfoil with a low moment coefficient was chosen as a base for this problem. This airfoil was refined and modified to satisfy the design requirements. The computed aerodynamic characteristics of the airfoils for different Reynolds numbers (Re) were compared with available experimental data. XFOIL code was used to perform the computations. In the second part, a computation of wing characteristics was carried out. All calculated cases were chosen as points on the manoeuvring and gust envelope. The vortex lattice method was used with consideration of fuselage and winglets for very complicated wing geometry. The PMW computer program developed at IAE was used to perform the computations. The computed results were subsequently used for structural and strength analysis and design.
Reale Investitionen sind mit einer Vielzahl unterschiedlicher Entscheidungen verbunden. Diese Entscheidungen hängen in hohem Maße voneinander ab. Die anfängliche Investitionsentscheidung muß die Möglichkeit, nachfolgende Entscheidungen treffen zu können, berücksichtigen. Diese Tatsache wird dann besonders relevant, wenn Einzahlungen aus Investitionsprojekten erst in ferner Zukunft erwartet werden, wenn also zwischen der anfänglichen Investitionsentscheidung und dem Absatz von Produkten eine lange Zeitspanne liegt. In diesem Fall spielt Unsicherheit über Preise, Nachfrage oder Verhalten von Wettbewerbern und die Möglichkeit, darauf reagieren zu können, eine wichtige Rolle. Mit dem sequentiellen Charakter von Investitionsentscheidungen unter Unsicherheit beschäftigt sich der Autor. Dazu werden Modelle entwickelt, die auf optionspreis- und spieltheoretischen Erkenntnissen beruhen und damit sowohl die Unsicherheit über Preise und Nachfrage als auch das Verhalten von Wettbewerbern in die Analyse miteinbeziehen können. Aus diesen Modellen lassen sich zahlreiche Erkenntnisse ableiten, die für die weitere Entwicklung der Investitionstheorie von erheblicher Bedeutung sind
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