RECENSIONI: Peter Sloterdijk, Zorn and Zeit. Politisch-psychologischer Versuch
In: Iride: filosofia e discussione pubblica, Band 20, Heft 50, S. 195
ISSN: 1122-7893
531 Ergebnisse
In: Iride: filosofia e discussione pubblica, Band 20, Heft 50, S. 195
ISSN: 1122-7893
In: Blätter für deutsche und internationale Politik: Monatszeitschrift, Band 44, Heft 11, S. 1345-1349
ISSN: 0006-4416
In: Canadian journal of political science: CJPS = Revue canadienne de science politique : RCSP, Band 43, Heft 3, S. 545-564
ISSN: 0008-4239
In: Forum Kommune: Politik, Ökonomie, Kultur, Band 27, Heft 6, S. 12
ISSN: 0723-7669
Abstract: According to the criticisms of Slavoj Žižek and Alberto Toscano, Peter Sloterdijk"s recent work contains an anti-egalitarian and anti-universalist discourse that is inherent to a Nietzschean concept of politics based on a hierarchy of affects instead of universal ideas. Although it is true that the clinical problem of ressentiment constitutes the ethical core of Sloterdijk"s interest in "psychopolitics", it implies much more than an instrument of interpreting radical politics as an irrationality or pathology. In fact, picking up the arrow first shot by Nietzsche and then by Deleuze, Sloterdijk"s work is important and original precisely because it provides us with a clinical focus on the affective infrastructure of the present that does not facilitate the moral self-gratification of the democratic Right. His entire work should rather be read as an attempt to speak and act without ressentiment and in this way to explore the practical conditions of a politics that escapes from the alternative of liberal versus communist as it prevails in contemporary critical theory. This is demonstrated through a detailed study of Sloterdijk"s development of, and political answers to, the problem of ressentiment, beginning with the Critique of Cynical Reason and continuing until the Spheres-trilogy and his recent essays on the temporal structure of rage and zealotry.
In: Cadernos Nietzsche, Band 36, Heft 2, S. 13-48
ISSN: 2316-8242
Resumo O artigo apresenta as influências de Nietzsche no século XX, tanto das vanguardas artísticas como as filosóficas de Heidegger e Sloterdijk, estas no contexto da crise do humanismo. Visa, com isso, mostrar que é possível encontrar uma resistência da filosofia nietzschiana ao humanismo póshumanista proclamado por Sloterdijk. Com efeito, a tecnologia contemporânea não seria o lugar por excelência para banir os hábitos de um pensamento calculador, o qual, por sua vez, na tentativa de regressar com segurança de um lugar de costume, gera atitudes românticas e conservadoras. Em vez disso, a arte contemporânea fornece sugestões mais interessantes sobre as margens e resíduos inassimiláveis do humano, e isso vem no rastro das pegadas da réplica nietzschiana à antiga pretensão metafísica de que o logos (agora o tecno-logos) anule a parte selvagem e maldita de nossa animalidade humana.
In: Revista Tecnologia e Sociedade, Band 6, Heft 10
ISSN: 1809-0044
In: Esprit, Band Juin, Heft 6, S. 10-21
Le contribuable invité à sauver les banques et à combler les déficits publics va-t-il accepter les hausses fiscales qui s'annoncent ? Un large débat qui a eu lieu en Allemagne après une contestation de cette solidarité par le philosophe Peter Sloterdijk illustre les résistances qui vont apparaître. Mais pourquoi ce philosophe, en dénonçant le « vol fiscal », dit-il intervenir au nom d'une « économie du don » et comment comprendre sa défense paradoxale de la solidarité ?
In: Revista Espiga, Band 23, Heft 47, S. 72-92
ISSN: 2215-454X
Este ensayo filosófico, que se enmarca en el paradigma cualitativo y documental, se realiza una exploración del concepto de posthumanismo, guiado por las contribuciones de tres pensadores prominentes: Rosi Braidotti, Peter Sloterdijk y Roberto Marchesini. Utilizando la hermenéutica como metodología interpretativa, el ensayo aborda los textos escritos de estos autores para desentrañar y comprender sus ideas. El posthumanismo, como marco filosófico, desafía las fronteras del humanismo clásico, replanteando la posición del ser humano en relación con la naturaleza y la tecnología junto con otras entidades significativas. En este contexto, las conexiones e interacciones con el ambiente, los sistemas tecnológicos, así como otros seres vivos se vuelven fundamentales en la construcción de la identidad y la experiencia humana. A través de un análisis de las obras de Braidotti, Sloterdijk y Marchesini, el ensayo revela cómo el posthumanismo actúa como una crítica incisiva del antropocentrismo, al igual que de los humanismos tradicionales, ofreciendo una perspectiva renovada y crítica sobre la ética y la condición humana en nuestra era contemporánea.
World Affairs Online
World Affairs Online
In: Obščestvo: filosofija, istorija, kulʹtura = Society : philosophy, history, culture, Heft 12
ISSN: 2223-6449
The study represents the author's interpretation of the concept by P. Sloterdijk. The spherological approach allows us to expand the boundaries of human understanding through the convergence of psychology, phenomenology and philosophical anthropology. The origins of spherology as an element of vital geometry could be found in Antique Philosophy and is further represented in culture reflecting the fundamental aspects of human existence. P. Sloterdijk's spherological concept allows us to explore the dimension of internal spatiality of a person reconstructing the concept of intimacy. Microspherology and macrospherology are becoming modes of human existence, and spherological topology takes place as a space of intimacy solely. The phenomenon of sphere-formation is considered by P. Sloterdijk through the prism of extrapolation of the natural to the artificial. In fact, the need to recreate a comfortable protective space is a way of self-preservation, which is immanently inherent in a person. The process of sphere-formation is a reconstruction of the first spherological defense obtained from pre-personal dyadic experience. Since spherological spaces are constituted by subjects, the philosophical question about man within the framework of spherology is the decentralization of the individual and the recultivation of implicit dyadic connections. The spherological approach allows us to re-evaluate the formation of society history, the development of art and the morphology of human thinking.
In: Sociétés: revue des sciences humaines et sociales, Band 131, Heft 1, S. 41-49
ISSN: 1782-155X
Cet article prend pour objet les relations entre technologie et humanité dans l'œuvre du philosophe Peter Sloterdijk. Pour ce faire, une place de choix est accordée au renversement qu'opère Sloterdijk à propos de la question de l'humanisme dans l'œuvre de Martin Heidegger. L'article se concentre sur des points de divergences qui sont à même de souligner l'originalité de la pensée de Sloterdijk ainsi que sa contribution à de plus larges discussions relatives aux transmutations opérées par la technologie. Une attention particulière sera accordée au concept d'« anthropotechnique(s) », compris comme une série de processus, de techniques par lesquels les humains tissent l'espace de leur existence.
In: Le débat: histoire, politique, société ; revue mensuelle, Band 180, Heft 3, S. 98-111
ISSN: 2111-4587
In: Blätter für deutsche und internationale Politik: Monatszeitschrift, Band 44, Heft 11, S. 1350-1352
ISSN: 0006-4416