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3588 Ergebnisse
Working paper
In: Conditions of work digest, Band 11, Heft 1, S. 5-300
ISSN: 0257-3512
I would like to thank Anita Hill and express my deep respect to her for having the courage to shatter the silence on sexual harassment. I am certain that I speak for millions of women in saying that I have been inspired and renewed by her strength and integrity. I have looked forward to addressing you tonight on a critical issue at this very important juncture in our political history. Sexual harassment has captured our attention over the last several weeks and has of course galvanized women in a way that scarcely could have been imagined only a few short months ago. The issue I want to address tonight, however, is at once narrower and broader than sexual harassment. Focusing on the intersections of race and gender, I want to highlight the racial dimensions of sexual harassment of African-American women.
In: Public personnel management, Band 24, S. 339-350
ISSN: 0091-0260
In: Equal opportunities international: EOI, Band 15, Heft 6/7, S. 28-36
ISSN: 1758-7093
A gender war erupted when Anita Hill accused U.S. Supreme Court nominee Clarence Thomas of sexual harassment. These allegations divided Americans and brought sexual harassment to the forefront of issues in the work environment. Suddenly, sexual harassment had to be clearly defined. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission's definition is "Sexual harassment is any unwelcomed sexual advances, requests for sexual favours and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature."(7) The problem, however, lies in the difference of opinons in defining which behaviours constitute sexual harassment. One individual may find a crude joke funny while another individual may find it humiliating. It has been well documented that when employers establish an effective sexual harassment policy, most of the harassment cases can be handled within the company. This eliminates substantial costs that could be incurred by litigation, unproductive management, employee morale, and even community embarrassment. The hallmarks of an effective policy include communication and clarity. The employer should provide the employees with a confidential and retaliation‐proof system to report sexual harassment. This will encourage victims to come forward so the company can correct any current or future problems.
1. Introduction -- 2. Controversies -- Part I -- 3. "A Real Monster" -- 4. "A Predator Preying on Their Prey" -- 5. "Lock Her Up!" -- 6. Disconnected Cases -- Part II -- 7. Harassment Among Consenting Adults -- 8. Quid Pro Quo Sexual Harassment -- 9. Offensive Fun and Games -- 10. Overtly Hostile Verbal Harassment -- 11. Physical Sexual Intrusions -- 12. Delayed Allegations -- 13. Conclusions and Recommendations.
In: Sociological inquiry: the quarterly journal of the International Sociology Honor Society, Band 61, Heft 2, S. 231-241
ISSN: 1475-682X
One explanation of sexual harassment is that it is the result of differences in organizational or individual authority between harasser and victim. A competing conceptualization suggests that much of what is termed sexual harassment is the result of a particular definition of the situation by women possessing nontraditional or feminist gender‐role ideologies. Using a sample of university faculty, students and staff, this study examines the relationship among organizational position, demographic risk factors, and gender‐role ideology on the self‐reported incidence of sexual harassment. The findings show little relation exists between the various risk factors and the report of harassment in this sample.
In: The international journal of sociology and social policy, Band 21, Heft 8/9/10, S. 3-13
ISSN: 1758-6720
Cites sexual harassment as one of the most complex and emotional issues facing the business community. Briefly defines sexual harassment and the circumstances in which it can occur. Looks at the evolution of sexual harassment politics and discusses some landmark case law. Outlines the obligations of employers and provides the guidelines of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Suggests that the best way to avoid potential litigation is to take the issue seriously.
In: Review of public personnel administration, Band 25, Heft 4, S. 325-352
ISSN: 1552-759X
Research has found both age and gender to be significant factors in howemployees evaluate sexual harassment policies. The presence of different perspectives on sexual harassment amongmen and women of different age groupsmay have significant implications for the implementation of sexual harassment policies. To the extent that older employees aremore likely to be in positions of authority or supervision, they are a critical link in the design and implementation of effective policies. Using a survey of 595municipal employees, this article concludes that there are significant age group differences amongmale and female employees regarding perceptions of sexual harassment, attitudes about model policy and procedure, and evaluations of workplace policies. Specific policy recommendations are posed to address these critical employee and supervisor differences.
In: Tel Aviv University Law Review, Vol. 35, 703-746 (2013)
In: Equal opportunities international: EOI, Band 14, Heft 6/7, S. 24-36
ISSN: 1758-7093
Sexual harassment has become an important topic in the past few years. There have been many recent developments that have been shaping and redefining what sexual harassment actually is and how to deal with it in the workplace.
In: Journalism & mass communication quarterly: JMCQ, Band 73, Heft 3, S. 559-581
ISSN: 2161-430X
A survey of 227 women newspaper journalists revealed that more than 60 percent believe sexual harassment is at least somewhat a problem for women journalists; more than one-third said harassment has been at least somewhat a problem for them personally. Two-thirds experience nonphysical sexual harassment at least sometimes, and about 17 percent experience physical sexual harassment at least sometimes. News sources were the most frequent harassers, and harassment ranged from degrading comments to sexual assault._
Both private and public universities in our country and in Latin America are spaces in which institutional culture is generated, one of them is sexual harassment, a situation that is becoming part of daily life in universities; currently movements such as #Niunamenos #Metoo have been generated, collectives that mean that silence is over in the university cloisters and are gaining strength and beginning to require public policies to achieve study environments free of violence especially in regard to sexual violence. Thus, the national government has been issuing important regulations in order to curb violence, regulations that contain obligations for educational institutions, as well as private and public universities to implement. Therefore, in order to curb sexual harassment in higher education institutions, the implementation of internal regulations and norms is required, which to date have been insufficient; the purpose of the imposed regulations is to disarticulate the institutional gender culture, to include the participation of women in greater spaces; As an example we can cite that the current rector of the Dean of America, Universidad Mayor de San Marcos and the academic vice rector of the tricentennial national university of San Antonio Abad del Cusco are women, and in them we can glimpse the implementation of policies in the university cloisters to channel complaints of sexual harassment. The methodology selected for a better treatment and selection of the selected researches was the PRISMA methodology, defining the search engines, the key word of search, the language (Spanish), as well as the region where the researches were carried out, which leads us to have 22 useful researches for this one. As conclusions we can affirm that gender violence is characterized as a social problem, framed in a special system of male domination over women, which generates as a consequence psychological, physical or sexual damage; through actions that cause suffering. This type of gender violence is related to women, ...