This paper argues that the formulation of policy, at whatever level, to whatever scale or scope, is any different to the myriad of processes involved in strategic planning within and between organisations, and the attendant decision making processes that abound in such an environment (Hage, 1980; Hickson, 1987; Thompson, 1967; Weick, 1976). Those forces that impact upon organisations are precisely the same forces that impact upon policy making groups who are themselves 'organisations' (or institutions), whether actual or representative. This provides a startign point for considering a synthesis between various models or paradigms. The argument continues, that program theory and the program logic model can incorporate and synthesise theories from elsewhere that, in turn, usefully inform and develop programme theory and program logic. A 'hierarchical' model is presented to explore the linkages between the components and 'simple' processes of theory, programme theory, logic modelling, organisational functioning, policy, and the consequent impact. It is hoped that this model can be used as a framework to: (a) determine which components are essential to give the policy external validity, credibility, implementability, and so on; and (b) provide a common point of reference for policy makers, stakeholders, and evaluators.
The article aims to evaluate the effectiveness of the Clean Air Priority Programme and to establish possible threats to its success. The National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management's programme constitutes an important element of the government programme that goes by the same name. This study, with the aid of an institutional-legal, decision-making and quantitative analysis will undertake to answer the following research questions: (1) can the realisation of the aim formulated in this programme result in an improvement of air quality in Poland?; (2) what, if any, barriers stand in the way of achieving the programme's aims?; (3) does the Clean Air Programme require further changes? On account of the high energy consumption of Polish homes, which typically results in their owners heating them with the cheapest fuels, emitting significant amounts of pollution, should the programme aims be assessed positively? In the process of discussions however, three types of barriers have come to light: (1) those related to the effective distribution of funds, (2) difficulties arising from programme frameworks that potential beneficiaries might encounter, and (3) potential limitations in the access to EU funding. On account of threats to the success of the programme that have been identified, it is expected that further changes to its functioning will be introduced as well as the ring-fencing of funds for thermo-modernisation and change of heating systems. ; Celem artykułu jest ocena efektywności programu priorytetowego "Czyste Powietrze" oraz określenie ewentualnych zagrożeń dla jego powodzenia. Program Narodowego Funduszu Ochrony Środowiska i Gospodarki Wodnej stanowi istotny element rządowego programu o tej samej nazwie. W artykule, przy zastosowaniu analizy instytucjonalno-prawnej, decyzyjnej i ilościowej, podjęto próbę odpowiedzi na następujące pytania badawcze: 1) czy realizacja sformułowanego w programie celu może przełożyć się na poprawę jakości powietrza w Polsce?; 2) czy i jakie bariery stoją na drodze do osiągnięcia celu programu?; 3) czy program "Czyste Powietrze" wymaga kolejnych korekt? W związku z wysoką energochłonnością jednorodzinnych budynków mieszkalnych w Polsce, która zazwyczaj prowadzi do wykorzystania przez ich właścicieli najtańszych i emitujących dużo zanieczyszczeń paliw do ogrzewania, cele programu należy ocenić pozytywnie. W toku przeprowadzonych rozważań wykazano jednak, że ich realizacja ograniczona jest trzema rodzajami barier: 1) związanymi ze sprawną dystrybucją środków; 2) trudnościami dla potencjalnych beneficjentów wynikających z konstrukcji programu; 3) potencjalnymi ograniczeniami w dostępie do finansowania ze środków unijnych. W związku ze zidentyfikowaniem zagrożeń dla powodzenia programu, należy oczekiwać wprowadzenia dalszych zmian jego funkcjonowania oraz zabezpieczenia środków na finansowanie termomodernizacji i wymiany źródeł ogrzewania.
The article aims to evaluate the effectiveness of the Clean Air Priority Programme and to establish possible threats to its success. The National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management's programme constitutes an important element of the government programme that goes by the same name. This study, with the aid of an institutional-legal, decision-making and quantitative analysis will undertake to answer the following research questions: (1) can the realisation of the aim formulated in this programme result in an improvement of air quality in Poland?; (2) what, if any, barriers stand in the way of achieving the programme's aims?; (3) does the Clean Air Programme require further changes? On account of the high energy consumption of Polish homes, which typically results in their owners heating them with the cheapest fuels, emitting significant amounts of pollution, should the programme aims be assessed positively? In the process of discussions however, three types of barriers have come to light: (1) those related to the effective distribution of funds, (2) difficulties arising from programme frameworks that potential beneficiaries might encounter, and (3) potential limitations in the access to EU funding. On account of threats to the success of the programme that have been identified, it is expected that further changes to its functioning will be introduced as well as the ring-fencing of funds for thermo-modernisation and change of heating systems. ; Celem artykułu jest ocena efektywności programu priorytetowego "Czyste Powietrze" oraz określenie ewentualnych zagrożeń dla jego powodzenia. Program Narodowego Funduszu Ochrony Środowiska i Gospodarki Wodnej stanowi istotny element rządowego programu o tej samej nazwie. W artykule, przy zastosowaniu analizy instytucjonalno-prawnej, decyzyjnej i ilościowej, podjęto próbę odpowiedzi na następujące pytania badawcze: 1) czy realizacja sformułowanego w programie celu może przełożyć się na poprawę jakości powietrza w Polsce?; 2) czy i jakie bariery stoją na drodze do osiągnięcia celu programu?; 3) czy program "Czyste Powietrze" wymaga kolejnych korekt? W związku z wysoką energochłonnością jednorodzinnych budynków mieszkalnych w Polsce, która zazwyczaj prowadzi do wykorzystania przez ich właścicieli najtańszych i emitujących dużo zanieczyszczeń paliw do ogrzewania, cele programu należy ocenić pozytywnie. W toku przeprowadzonych rozważań wykazano jednak, że ich realizacja ograniczona jest trzema rodzajami barier: 1) związanymi ze sprawną dystrybucją środków; 2) trudnościami dla potencjalnych beneficjentów wynikających z konstrukcji programu; 3) potencjalnymi ograniczeniami w dostępie do finansowania ze środków unijnych. W związku ze zidentyfikowaniem zagrożeń dla powodzenia programu, należy oczekiwać wprowadzenia dalszych zmian jego funkcjonowania oraz zabezpieczenia środków na finansowanie termomodernizacji i wymiany źródeł ogrzewania.
Not Available ; People's participation in watershed management programmes is an important strategy of government of India for making watershed programmes successful. Participation of local beneficiary farmers is mandatory in planning, implementation and maintenance of watershed development projects as per common guidelines issued by Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India. National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) has launched holistic watershed development programmes on 2nd October, 2006 to help farmers in the six distressed districts of Vidarbha region of Maharashtra in India. Therefore, there is a need to know the level of participation by the local people in government sponsored watershed management programmes. The study was conducted during 2011 – 2012 in this Vidarbha region of Maharashtra to measure the extent of people's participation in NABARD Supported Holistic Watershed Development Programme (NSHWDP). In this paper a detailed structured three-point-continuum schedule was developed by the investigators regarding various aspects of participation by local people in soil and water conservation for watershed management programme. People's Participation Index (PPI) was also designed to compute the extent of people's participation. Data for this study was gathered through personal interviews from farmers of six selected districts in Vidarbha region of Maharashtra. Findings of this study indicated that the extent of people's participation in planning was 63.7 per cent, in implementation was 57.7 per cent and in maintenance was 75.1 per cent. It shows that the extent of people's participation in NSHWDP in the six distressed districts of Vidarbha region of Maharashtra was moderate during watershed programme planning and implementation phases, whereas, high level of participation was exhibited during maintenance phase. ; Not Available
Not Available ; People's participation in watershed management programmes is an important strategy of government of India for making watershed programmes successful. Participation of local beneficiary farmers is mandatory in planning, implementation and maintenance of watershed development projects as per common guidelines issued by Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India. National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) has launched holistic watershed development programmes on 2nd October, 2006 to help farmers in the six distressed districts of Vidarbha region of Maharashtra in India. Therefore, there is a need to know the level of participation by the local people in government sponsored watershed management programmes. The study was conducted during 2011 – 2012 in this Vidarbha region of Maharashtra to measure the extent of people's participation in NABARD Supported Holistic Watershed Development Programme (NSHWDP). In this paper a detailed structured three-point-continuum schedule was developed by the investigators regarding various aspects of participation by local people in soil and water conservation for watershed management programme. People's Participation Index (PPI) was also designed to compute the extent of people's participation. Data for this study was gathered through personal interviews from farmers of six selected districts in Vidarbha region of Maharashtra. Findings of this study indicated that the extent of people's participation in planning was 63.7 per cent, in implementation was 57.7 per cent and in maintenance was 75.1 per cent. It shows that the extent of people's participation in NSHWDP in the six distressed districts of Vidarbha region of Maharashtra was moderate during watershed programme planning and implementation phases, whereas, high level of participation was exhibited during maintenance phase. ; Not Available
Not Available ; People's participation in watershed management programmes is an important strategy of government of India for making watershed programmes successful. Participation of local beneficiary farmers is mandatory in planning, implementation and maintenance of watershed development projects as per common guidelines issued by Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India. National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) has launched holistic watershed development programmes on 2nd October, 2006 to help farmers in the six distressed districts of Vidarbha region of Maharashtra in India. Therefore there is a need to know the level of participation by the local people in government sponsored watershed management programmes. The study was conducted during 2011 – 2012 in this Vidarbha region of Maharashtra to measure the extent of people's participation in NABARD Supported Holistic Watershed Development Programme (NSHWDP). In this paper a detailed structured three-point-continuum schedule was developed by the investigators regarding various aspects of participation by local people in soil and water conservation for watershed management programme. People's Participation Index (PPI) was also designed to compute the extent of people's participation. Data for this study was gathered through personal interviews from farmers of six selected districts in Vidarbha region of Maharashtra. Findings of this study indicated that the extent of people's participation in planning was 63.7 per cent, in implementation was 57.7 per cent and in maintenance was 75.1 per cent. It shows that the extent of people's participation in NSHWDP in the six distressed districts of Vidarbha region of Maharashtra was moderate during watershed programme planning and implementation phases, whereas, high level of participation was exhibited during maintenance phase. ; Not Available
In: Alcohol and alcoholism: the international journal of the Medical Council on Alcoholism (MCA) and the journal of the European Society for Biomedical Research on Alcoholism (ESBRA), Band 48, Heft 5, S. 585-591
In: Cuadernos de economía: publicación del Departamento de Teoría y Política Económica, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Band 42, Heft 89, S. 233-264
New paradigms for evidence-based decisions such as big data analytics (BDA) have emerged to assess programmes in sustainable development goals (SDGs). The arguments supporting the contributions of BDA in the assessment of SDGs in Colombia are mixed. This article presents a qualitative review of a list of programmes that adopted BDA and assesses whether problems such as bias and wrong impressions of programme performance can be controlled with the adoption of these methods. The results vary depending on the quality of the data and the collection method. Unfortunately, Colombia faces challenges such as data privacy management and deficiency of institutional interoperability to exploit these techniques conveniently.
Includes bibliographical references. ; The modern day workplace is faced with the challenge of managing an increasingly diverse workforce. Although diversity among employees yields many benefits, companies must consider the implications of having people from different cultural, linguistic, socio-economic and religious backgrounds working closely together (Chuang & Liao, 2010; Mayo, 2006; Stewart & Ruckdeschel, 1998; Wentling, 2000). It is for this reason that organisations increasingly invest in programmes aimed at managing diversity. Having interventions which allow employees to understand those different from themselves will not only develop their intercultural communication skills, but also impact positively on interpersonal interaction within the company (Avery & Thomas, 2004; Bagshaw, 2004; Cross, 2004). Given the history of South Africa, diversity and diversity management are particularly sensitive topics. Legislative measures, such as the Employment Equity Act No. 55 of 1998, were implemented by the post-apartheid government to redress the past imbalances and inequality. While these laws may mandate certain processes and procedures within organisations, they do very little to change people's mind sets in attempt to get employees to engage and cooperate with each other (Alexander, 2007; April, Ephraim, & Peters, 2012; Cavaleros, Van Vuuren, & Visser, 2002). In order to deal with this human aspect of diversity, initiatives aimed at increasing tolerance for and acceptance of 'different others', reducing stereotypes and increasing individuals' intercultural communication skills, have emerged. These programmes often bring people from various backgrounds together, allowing them to learn about each other and communicate, encouraging them to adopt different perspectives and to tolerate and respect views and opinions that may not coincide with their own (Paluck, 2006; Roberson, Kulik, & Pepper, 2003). Although multinational companies are the forerunners of such programmes, tertiary education providers have been found to invest in or develop similar programmes (McCauley, Wright, & Harris, 2000). The University of Cape Town's Transformation Services Office implemented one such programme: the STAP/ADAPT programme, which is the focus of this evaluation. The evaluation consisted of two parts, namely: a theory and an implementation evaluation.