In: International Geology Review, Band 35, Heft 7, S. 613-620
453462 Ergebnisse
In: International Geology Review, Band 35, Heft 7, S. 613-620
In: Public choice, Band 35, Heft 4, S. 493-501
ISSN: 1573-7101
In: STOTEN-D-22-24116
In: Ekonomika APK: naukovo-vyrobnyčyj žurnal, Band 29, Heft 5, S. 37-46
ISSN: 2413-2322
Russia's invasion of Ukraine has caused many social, economic, environmental and energy problems. Most business entities faced problems at the national level that affected their financial and economic activities. The mass departure of workers abroad, rising natural gas prices, internal relocation, and constant shelling force business entities to search for new approaches to the management and development of their enterprises. The purpose of the study – substantiate and test the scientific and methodological approach to achieving energy independence of economic entities as a way to avoid their insolvency in times of war. In the course of the study, a critical analysis of the thematic literature was performed, and a set of general scientific and special research methods was used: expert assessments, observation, analogy, grouping, obtaining a consensus, deductive, inductive reasoning, systematisation, system-functional, measurement, analysis, comparison, logical generalisation, systematisation, hypothesis, a repeated combination of independent scenarios, extrapolation, elasticity estimation and graphical. The study identified the consequences of the military invasion of Ukraine and developed an algorithm for actions during the war. Four scenarios have been identified, under which the investigated business entity can solve the urgent problems. It is substantiated that the best scenario is the one in which it is required to increase its production capacity by setting up a "full cycle" production using a continuous pyrolysis system for the recycling of worn-out tires. The rationality of its use is proved. The scientific and methodological tools for interaction between business entities and the state during the war have been improved based on a systematic approach, which, unlike the existing ones, deepens the significance of shifting the centre of gravity from the macro to the micro level and is based on the proposed algorithm of actions (identifying the problem, developing possible scenarios for its immediate solution, compliance of the chosen scenario with the national interests of the state, finding a source of funding for the implementation of one of the scenarios), which determines the most optimistic scenario of the balance of interests between the state and business entities. The practical value of the proposed lies in the identification of economic, social, environmental and energy efficiency of the developed algorithm of actions in practice, on the example of financial and economic activities of the entity. Such an approach, on the one hand, allows for achieving energy independence soon and is a way to avoid the insolvency of economic entities in the conditions of war. On the other hand, it should become a reliable base for the national economy in the period of post-war reconstruction.
This article presents the results of qualitative comparative analysis of such causal factors of Lithuanian government's stability as decision-making model, role of political parties, government ideology and parliamentary majority. The basic source of the research was the interviews with ministers who have served in different cabinets. The cabinets led by Kazimiera Prunskienė, Gediminas Vagnorius, Adolfas Šleţevičius, Laurynas Mindaugas Stankevičius, Rolandas Paksas, Andrius Kubilius, Algirdas Mykolas Brazauskas and Gediminas Kirkilas are analyzed in this article. The research showed that in most cases the governments, where decision-making model is monocratic and party influence in governmental decision-making process is weak; or those in which decision-making model is monocratic and which have support of the parliamentary majority, are stable. It was also revealed that a strong influence of ruling party (or parties) in the governmental decision-making process and the leftist ideology could lead to government stability. The governments might be classified into three homogeneous groups according to decision-making model, role of political parties in decision-making, ideology, size of parliamentary support and cabinet duration.DOI: ; Straipsnyje atliekant kokybinę lyginamąją analizę tiriama sprendimų priėmimo modelio, politinių partijų, ideologinės krypties ir parlamentinės daugumos įtaka Lietuvos Respublikos vyriausybių stabilumui. Analizuojamasis tyrimas paremtas interviu su buvusiais Lietuvos Respublikos vyriausybių nariais. Nustatyta, kad dažniausiai stabilios tos vyriausybės, kuriose sprendimų priėmimo modelis yra monokratinis, o partijų įtaka sprendimų priėmimui yra silpna. Taip pat stabilios yra ir tos vyriausybės, kuriose sprendimų priėmimo modelis yra monokratinis ir kurios turi parlamentinės daugumos paramą.DOI:
In: The journal of mathematical sociology, Band 4, Heft 1, S. 131-148
ISSN: 1545-5874
In: International journal of academic research, Band 4, Heft 5, S. 154-168
ISSN: 2075-7107
In: The Annals of Statistics, Band 48, Heft 1, S. 397-412
Working paper
In: Zeitschrift für Metallkunde, Band 93, Heft 11, S. 1123-1131
In: Journal of marine engineering & technology, Band 20, Heft 1, S. 52-63
ISSN: 2056-8487
A numerical method for computational implementation of gradient dynamical systems is presented. The method is based upon the development of geometric integration numerical methods, which aim at preserving the dynamical properties of the original ordinary differential equation under discretization. In particular, the proposed method belongs to the class of discrete gradients methods, which substitute the gradient of the continuous equation with a discrete gradient, leading to a map that possesses the same Lyapunov function of the dynamical system, thus preserving the qualitative properties regardless of the step size. In this work, we apply a discrete gradient method to the implementation of Hopfield neural networks. Contrary to most geometric integration methods, the proposed algorithm can be rewritten in explicit form, which considerably improves its performance and stability. Simulation results show that the preservation of the Lyapunov function leads to an improved performance, compared to the conventional discretization. ; Spanish Government project no. TIN2010-16556 Junta de Andalucía project no. P08-TIC-04026 Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo project no. A2/038418/11
In: International Journal of Innovative Research in Engineering and Management (IJIREM) Volume-10, Issue-4, August, 2023
In: Mir ėkonomiki i upravelenija: World of economics and management, Band 20, Heft 1, S. 128-153
ISSN: 2658-5375
We provide sufficient conditions for stability of a linear structurally heterogeneous economy under heterogeneous learning of agents, extending the results of Honkapohja and Mitra (2006), Kolyuzhnov (2011), and Bogomolova and Kolyuzhnov (2019). Sufficient conditions for stability under heterogeneous mixed RLS/SG learning for four classes of models: models without lags and with lags of the endogenous variable and with t or t-1- dating of expectations, are provided for the cases of the diagonal structure of the shock process behaviour or the heterogeneous RLS learning and are presented in terms of structural heterogeneity and are independent of heterogeneity in learning. The results are based on the negative diagonal dominance approach and are provided, first, in terms of the existence of the weights for aggregation of endogenous variables and of expectations across agents, interrelated in a special way, and then in terms of the E-stability of a suitably defined aggregate economy. The fundamental nature of the approach adopted in the paper allows one to apply its results to a vast majority of the existing and prospective linear and linearized economic models (including estimated DSGE models) with adaptive learning of agents.
In: Materials and design, Band 130, S. 59-68
ISSN: 1873-4197
In: Progress in nuclear energy: the international review journal covering all aspects of nuclear energy, Band 153, S. 104450
ISSN: 0149-1970