
105 Ergebnisse



Business schools post-Covid-19: a blueprint for survival

In: Routledge focus on business and management

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Aufsatz(elektronisch)#9230. Dezember 2020

Trends and risks of development of the Fintech market in the Asia-Pacific region on the example of alternative lending

In: Moscow University Economics Bulletin, Band 2020, Heft 6, S. 70-89

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Open Access#932020

Digital platforms: developments in their regulation and challenges in the financial arena


Open Access#942019

Open banking: Regulatory challenges for a new form of financial intermediation in a data-driven world


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Aufsatz(elektronisch)#9610. Mai 2021

DoFinTechand financial incumbents have different experiences and perspectives on the adoption of artificial intelligence?

In: Strategic change, Band 30, Heft 3, S. 223-234

ISSN: 1099-1697

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Open Access#972021

Digital contact tracing: large-scale geolocation data as an alternative to bluetooth-based Apps failure


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Buch(elektronisch)#9920242 Versionen verfügbar

Electronic payments in the European market: creating a level playing field between banks and non-banks

In: EBI studies in banking and capital markets law



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VALUATION OF DIGITAL INTANGIBLES: technology, marketing, and the metaverse

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Open Access#1012021

KI in der Finanzbranche : im Spannungsfeld zwischen technologischer Innovation und regulatorischer Anforderung


Open Access#1022020

Infoesfera y simbiosis: comunicación, privacidad y libertad ; Infosphere and Symbiosis: Communication, Privacy and Freedom


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Aufsatz(elektronisch)#1046. Juli 2023

Portfólios de fundos de venture capital no Brasil: investimentos no late stage e impactos no ecossistema brasileiro

In: Revista ciências sociais em perspectiva, Band 22, Heft 42, S. 160-189

ISSN: 1981-4747

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Control over biopower in cognitive and surveillance capitalism

In: Srpska politička misao: Serbian political thought, Band 80, Heft 2, S. 201-226

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