Universal exceptionalism in international law
In: Harvard international law journal, Band 52, Heft 1, S. 1-54
ISSN: 0017-8063
1051 Ergebnisse
In: Harvard international law journal, Band 52, Heft 1, S. 1-54
ISSN: 0017-8063
World Affairs Online
World Affairs Online
In: Working Paper / Universität Bielefeld, Fakultät für Soziologie, Forschungsschwerpunkt Entwicklungssoziologie, Band 303
Im vorliegenden Arbeitspapier führt der Autor aus, dass es in modernen Gesellschaften schon immer eine Spannung bzw. Inkompatibilitäten zwischen den zentralen Steuerungsmedien bzw. Kontrollprinzipien Markt (Geld), Staat (Herrschaft und Macht) und Moral (Solidarität und "Brüderlichkeit") gegeben hat und dass diese Spannungen bei entwicklungspolitischen Diskussionen auch immer eine Rolle spielen. Die Friktionen werden noch einmal verschärft, wenn man von der Ebene des Nationalstaats auf die Ebene von Weltmarkt und -politik, einer universalen Ethik der Menschenrechte und der internationalen Solidarität wechselt. Die Anzahl der Akteure auf der internationalen Ebene ist groß: Regierungen, Nicht-Regierungs-Organisationen, multinationale Unternehmen und internationale Zusammenarbeit in den verschiedenen Funktionsbereichen der Weltgesellschaft. Der Autor beschreibt einige Aspekte der Dynamik der internationalisierten Entwicklungspolitik, die aus dieser Vielfalt von Akteuren resultiert, und zeigt, dass eine bi-polare Weltwirtschaft - geteilt in Nord und Süd - nicht länger existiert. (ICA)
In: Routledge open history
Introduction: On the threshold of the global age -- Globalization facts and faults -- World history and patterns of globalization -- Monotheism and transcendental idealism -- Universal values and the discursive tradition -- Islamic law and the institutionalization of freedom -- Reformation and the rise of the modern West -- Colonialism and restructuring Muslim society -- Islam and the liberal tradition -- Globalization and its discontents -- The future of globalization.
World Affairs Online
World Affairs Online
In: Journal of European integration, Band 41, Heft 5, S. 587-604
ISSN: 0703-6337
World Affairs Online
In: Zeitschrift für internationale Beziehungen: ZIB, Band 13, Heft 2, S. 229-260
ISSN: 0946-7165
World Affairs Online
In: Stanford studies in Middle Eastern and Islamic societies and cultures
No contemporary figure is more demonized than the Islamist foreign fighter who wages jihad around the world. Spreading violence, disregarding national borders, and rejecting secular norms, so-called jihadists seem opposed to universalism itself. In a radical departure from conventional wisdom on the topic, The Universal Enemy argues that transnational jihadists are engaged in their own form of universalism: these fighters struggle to realize an Islamist vision directed at all of humanity, transcending racial and cultural difference. Anthropologist and attorney Darryl Li reconceptualizes jihad as armed transnational solidarity under conditions of American empire, revisiting a pivotal moment after the Cold War when ethnic cleansing in the Balkans dominated global headlines. Muslim volunteers came from distant lands to fight in Bosnia-Herzegovina alongside their co-religionists, offering themselves as an alternative to the US-led international community. Li highlights the parallels and overlaps between transnational jihads and other universalisms such as the War on Terror, United Nations peacekeeping, and socialist Non-Alignment. Developed from more than a decade of research with former fighters in a half-dozen countries, The Universal Enemy explores the relationship between jihad and American empire to shed critical light on both.
World Affairs Online
World Affairs Online
In: Current Research in Ecological and Social Psychology, Band 4, S. 1-12
We report systematic variability in the psychometric properties of a brief personality inventory during the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic. Drawing upon recent discussions about the universality vs cultural relativism of personality measures, we review and comparatively test theories predicting systematic variability in personality measurement across cultures using an established brief personality measure applied to population samples in 16 nations during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic (N = 35,052). We found systematic variation in factor
replicability and effective dimensionality. In line with previous theorizing, factors replicated better in contexts with greater niche diversity. Examining possible drivers underlying this association, the investigation of the individual components in the niche construction index suggested that life expectancy and to a lesser degree economic complexity are associated with greater personality structure differentiation. Population-level indicators of acute threat due to COVID-19 did not show credible effects. These patterns suggest that a) investigation of personality structure in population samples can provide useful insights into personality dynamics, b) socioecological factors have a systematic impact on survey responses, but c) we also need better theorizing and research about both personality and culture to understand how niche construction dynamics operate.
In: Serendipities: journal for the sociology and history of the social sciences, Band 6, Heft 2, S. 42-62
ISSN: 2521-0947
Based on available literature, this essay looks at trends in scholarly attitudes and academic practices, primarily within the sphere of social sciences, and asks whether they have been in line with Robert K. Merton's institutional principles of science as they were formulated in his famous essay "The Normative Structure of Science." This essay argues that these principles have not been fully implemented but have become increasingly recognised and widely accepted as normative points of reference also in large parts of the social sciences. However, there have been both marked deviations and significant side effects. Given the internal heterogeneity of a discipline like sociology, practices that selectively interpret the Merton principles may add to existing internal cleavages.
In: International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences, Heft 10, S. 25-31
In this paper, I discuss the evolving idea of the "One World" as articulated in Wolfgang Sachs' article (1992), which was derived from the principles of the 1945 UN Charter. The paper also presents an insightful discussion on the recent crisis of perception in the three 'world regions' which are dominating the development discourse i.e. the Unites States, Europe and China. It argues that this is primarily a crisis of perception; "the world has turned into a mirror, which reflects a reality of us, which is constructed by experts of the system". It argues that placeless cultural knowledge has transformed our reality into a reality which lacks a place. We are stuck in our space - centered belief systems and we are everywhere and nowhere at the same time. The paper concludes that universalism has made us to be alone in space, knowing about the whole world, but at the same time unable to feel the connection to this world. We have lost presence, the ability to perceive our body and therefore the relation to the earth.
In: Perspectives: review of international affairs, Band 19, Heft 1, S. 49-72
ISSN: 1210-762X
World Affairs Online
In: SWS-Rundschau, Band 51, Heft 1, S. 84-103
"In diesem Beitrag wird der sogenannte 'Fähigkeitenansatz', der seit einiger Zeit in der Armutsforschung Beachtung findet, näher beleuchtet. Er wird gegenüber anderen Konzepten der Sozialethik abgegrenzt und vor allem anhand der Arbeiten der beiden führenden TheoretikerInnen - Amartya Sen und Martha Nussbaum - erörtert. Dabei zeigt sich, dass einige Punkte - in erster Linie solche, die mit Wertfragen zu tun haben -, innerhalb des Fähigkeitenansatzes umstritten sind, was sich in einer erheblichen internen Pluralität niederschlägt. Das wiederum hat zur Folge, dass der Fähigkeitenansatz mit verschiedenen Armutsbegriffen vereinbar ist und keine endgültigen Richtlinien zur Erforschung von Armut vorgibt. Trotz dieser Unbestimmtheit des Ansatzes lässt sich zeigen, dass einige seiner zentralen Einsichten gewinnbringend auf Fragestellungen der Armutsforschung angewendet werden können." (Autorenreferat)