
979650 Ergebnisse


Open Access#9592362019

Evaluation of sustainable entrepreneurship strategies and innovation implemented in the productive units of SENA at the industrial and business development center of Soacha - Cundinamarca - Colombia ; Evaluación de estrategias de emprendimiento sostenible e innovación implementadas en las unidades p...


Open Access#9592372019

Adiposity and risk of decline in glomerular filtration rate: meta-analysis of individual participant data in a global consortium


Open Access#9592382019

Gene Expression Changes and Community Turnover Differentially Shape the Global Ocean Metatranscriptome


Open Access#9592392019

Assessing sustainability of different forms of farm organization: adaptation of IDEA method to rubber family farms in Thailand ; Évaluation de la durabilité de différentes formes d'organisation de l'agriculture : adaptation de la méthode IDEA à l'hévéaculture familiale en Thaïlande


Open Access#9592402019

MIKOKO: A data sharing platform on Kenyan mangrove species


Open Access#9592412019

Accommodating Religious Practices in the Workplace: The Case of Indonesian Workers in Taiwan ; Mengakomodasi Praktik Keagamaan di Tempat Kerja: Kasus Pekerja Indonesia di Taiwan


Open Access#9592422019

MIKOKO: A Data Sharing Platform On Kenyan Mangrove Species


Open Access#9592432019

К истории музеефикации Исаакиевского собора в конце 1920-х гг. ; Towards the history of museumification of St. Isaac Cathedral in the end of 1920s / V. G. Ananiev ; Да гісторыі музеефікацыі Ісакіеўскага сабора ў канцы 1920-х гг. / В. Г. Ананьеў


Open Access#9592442019

MVA85A vaccine to enhance BCG for preventing tuberculosis


Open Access#9592452019

The Evolution of APEC and its Role in the Philippine Trade and Investment ; PIDS: Discussion Paper Series ; NO. 2019-07



Open Access#9592462019

Rekayasa Sistem Pendukung Keputusan dalam Lomba Desa Tingkat Kabupaten dengan Metode Analytical Hierarchy Process


Open Access#9592472019

Assessing sustainability of different forms of farm organization: adaptation of IDEA method to rubber family farms in Thailand

In: Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement 2 (23), 74-87. (2019)


Open Access#9592482019

UNASUR and the closing of the cycle of the struggles against neoliberal capitalism in Bolivia. About the conflict between the Executive Branch and the Prefects of the Eastern Crescent, 2008. ; UNASUR y el cierre del ciclo de las luchas contra el capitalismo neoliberal en Bolivia. Acerca del conflict...


Open Access#9592492018

In-depth resistome analysis by targeted metagenomics


Open Access#9592502018

The concept of service co-production: proposal for application in the Brazilian Judiciary ; El concepto de coproducción de servicios: propuesta de aplicación en el Poder Judicial Brasileño ; O conceito de coprodução de serviços: proposta de aplicação no Judiciário brasileiro