Biomass crop assistance program: elements and considerations
In: Agriculture Issues and Policies
Intro -- BIOMASS CROP ASSISTANCE PROGRAM: ELEMENTS AND CONSIDERATIONS -- Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data -- Contents -- Preface -- Chapter 1: Biomass Crop Assistance Program (BCAP): Status and Issues* -- Summary -- BCAP Overview -- Legislative Origins -- Program Operation -- Annual and Establishment Payments -- Establishment Payments -- Annual Payments -- Eligible Land -- Eligible Producer -- Eligible Crop -- Contract -- USDA-Sponsor Agreement -- CHST Matching Payments -- Conversion Facilities -- Eligible Land -- Material Owner -- Eligible Material -- USDA-Biomass Conversion Facility Agreement -- Payment -- Project Areas -- BCAP Funding Status -- Funding under the 2008 Farm Bill -- Interim Funding in FY2013 -- Funding under the 2014 Farm Bill -- BCAP Implementation Status -- Implementation under the 2008 Farm Bill -- Changes to BCAP in 2014 Farm Bill -- Selected Issues -- Eligible Crops and Material -- Wood Residue Competition -- Invasive and Noxious Species -- "Black Liquor" -- Sustainability -- Cellulosic Biofuels' Slow Development -- End Notes -- Chapter 2: BCAP: Biomass Crop Assistance Program, Energy Feedstocks from Farmers & -- Foresters* -- Introduction -- Billion Ton Update -- Context -- Program Design -- Major Findings -- End-Use Facilities Must Have Relationships with the Feedstock Producers -- Most Feedstock Producers Are Small Businesses That Require Financial Certainty -- Program Background -- History Summary -- The BCAP NOFA -- Findings with First Incarnation of Matching Payments -- Recommended Improvements to Matching Payments -- Environmental Compliance -- Establishment and Annual Payments in Project Areas -- Findings with BCAP Project Areas -- Other Project Area Considerations -- Costs Per Acre -- BCAP Annual Rental Payment Reductions -- BCAP Funding History -- BCAP Awards Cycle -- Funding Effects.