Mutual influence in interpersonal communication: theory and research in cognition, affect, and behavior
In: Progress in communication sciences 14.1998
2497 Ergebnisse
In: Progress in communication sciences 14.1998
In this paper we presented an overview of theoretical and empirical research in a domain of cognitive psychology of music, psychology of creativity and interdisciplinary studies concerning the creative cognitive processes in composing music, with an intention to bring them into connection and to raise questions about further research. We brought into focus the cognitive processes in composing music since the key role of cognitive mechanisms and processes, next to the emotional experience and imagery, was shown in our previous research. The wide scope of knowledge, within a time span of some 35 years, was introduced covering the following themes - generative models of creative cognition, metacognitive strategies in composing, the relation between creativity, knowledge and novelty, creativity in the social-economical context. We paid attention to the several crucial theoretical models, some of them developed on the basis of exploration of compositional practices, one of the first being John Sloboda's psychological Model of typical compositional resources and processes (1985), that gave a global overview of the relevant components of the composing behavior. Psychology of creativity gave several process models that can be applied in a field of composing music. One of them, developed by Wallas (1926) and adapted for music making by Lehmann, Sloboda and Woody (2002), is the well-known theory of the creative process stages. We considered as the most prominent the Creative cognition approach formulated by Smith, Ward and Finke (1997) and their Geneplore model (1992). The authors listed a wide range of processes that are crucial for creativity, nevertheless they are engaged in the generative or exploratory phase. In our paper, we discussed metacognitive strategies engaged in a process of composing while considering music creation as a self-regulated activity. Further on, the relation between immersion, knowledge, the production of heuristic ideas and the cognitive strategies of problem solving were brought into focus. It was pointed out that quality of the creative outcomes will be influenced by the extent of the person's long-term knowledge structures, drawn intentionally or intuitively during the process, and by the manner in which the elements of that knowledge are accessed and combined. The social and cultural factors were considered in a frame of several confluent models, first of all Csikszentmihalyi's systems theory of creativity (2004), focused less on the creative person but on involving multiple factors. Simonton took into account massive and impersonal influences from the Zetgeist or Ortgeist and grouped them into four categories: cultural factors, societal factors, economic and political factors (2004). Further on, models and concepts, new research methodologies and new technology, that were developed specifically in a domain of music creation, as well as their results, were presented.
In: Personal relationships, Band 9, Heft 1, S. 1-26
ISSN: 1475-6811
In this paper I use interdependence theory as an analytic framework for depicting the logically interconnected network of expectations that determines social interaction. The framework focuses on expectations about a partner's goals (B) relevant to particular interdependence situations (S), and suggests that expectations about these two elements define the social situation that activates a person's own goals (A). Together, these elements determine interaction behavior (I). This SABI framework is complementary to Mischel and Shoda's (1995) CAPS theory of personality in its logic. It depicts a person's interpersonal dispositions as having profiles or signatures dependent on both the expected features of situations and the expected dispositions of partners. A taxonomic theory for classifying both situations and the functionally relevant goals of interaction partners is outlined. Research on attachment theory and trust is used to illustrate the model. Finally, I suggest that people's expectations about partners' prosocial motivations—their perceived responsiveness toward the self—play an imperial role in social cognition, and, further, that complex SABI models can be seen as detailing a set of security operations that serve as a program for social action. SABI models detail the set of mechanisms that constitute the basic survival kit of interpersonal relations.
In: Journal for perspectives of economic, political and social integration: journal of mental changes ; the Journal of John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Scientific Society KUL (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL), Band 23, Heft 1-2, S. 15-48
ISSN: 2300-0945
The following paper presents a proposal of a theoretical foundation for an application of distributed cognition in overcoming post-war traumas and related social conflicts. The distributed cognition theory states that the cognitive system is a structure distributed between internal-mental and external-objective social world representations across time and space. The basic issue of dialogue in distributed cognition is that distribution as information dissemination in each cognitive component functions in a systemic integrity. The presented perspective of overcoming traumas and war conflicts through dialogue refers to the following aspects of human activity: 1 - the perception of an environment as a construct of own life path and self-image; 2 - active creation of a desired world, life space and desired self; 3 - agentic cognitive mapping of an environment as a real, virtual and potential life space; 4 - a way of elastic control over an environment through discovering objectively present environmental affordances; 5 - achieving agency through discovering possibilities for action rather than barriers; 6 - making the cognitive system more flexible through a change in style of thinking to a constant state of openness to new meanings and values.
In: The journal of politics: JOP, Band 70, Heft 4, S. 974-989
ISSN: 1468-2508
In: Qualitative report: an online journal dedicated to qualitative research and critical inquiry
ISSN: 1052-0147
Although second language (L2) teacher cognition has been a sustained area of research in the field of L2 teacher education for the last three decades, designing an appropriate methodology to investigate teacher cognition is still a key challenge due to the unobservable nature of cognition. Teacher cognition is defined as "what teachers know, believe, and think" (Borg, 2003, p. 81). This article seeks to enable researchers who are interested in exploring L2 teacher cognition to design qualitative multiple case study research and to use constructivist grounded theory to data analysis to build theoretical models that capture L2 teachers' cognitions. I discuss the rationale for the proposed design and outline the processes of data collection, three stages of data analysis, and the processes of constructivist grounded theory conceptualization. I provide examples and draw on my own experience of investigating and mapping out some of the intricate connections between the cognitions and the classroom practices of twelve English as a foreign language (EFL) writing teachers, on the one hand, and consider how their cognitions and pedagogical practices interplay with the ecological contexts where they teach, on the other hand. I highlight the flexibility of the proposed design to enable researchers to build models that effectively capture language teacher cognition and explain their pedagogical practices. In doing so, this article also provides a valuable contribution to the discussion of the research methods which have been used to examine L2 teacher cognition.
In: Human factors: the journal of the Human Factors Society
ISSN: 1547-8181
Objective To review and synthesise research on technological debiasing strategies across domains, present a novel distributed cognition-based classification system, and discuss theoretical implications for the field. Background Distributed cognition theory is valuable for understanding and mitigating cognitive biases in high-stakes settings where sensemaking and problem-solving are contingent upon information representations and flows in the decision environment. Shifting the focus of debiasing from individuals to systems, technological debiasing strategies involve designing system components to minimise the negative impacts of cognitive bias on performance. To integrate these strategies into real-world practices effectively, it is imperative to clarify the current state of evidence and types of strategies utilised. Methods We conducted systematic searches across six databases. Following screening and data charting, identified strategies were classified into (i) group composition and structure, (ii) information design and (iii) procedural debiasing, based on distributed cognition principles, and cognitive biases, classified into eight categories. Results Eighty articles met the inclusion criteria, addressing 100 debiasing investigations and 91 cognitive biases. A majority (80%) of the identified debiasing strategies were reportedly effective, whereas fourteen were ineffective and six were partially effective. Information design strategies were studied most, followed by procedural debiasing, and group structure and composition. Gaps and directions for future work are discussed. Conclusion Through the lens of distributed cognition theory, technological debiasing represents a reconceptualisation of cognitive bias mitigation, showing promise for real-world application. Application The study results and debiasing classification presented can inform the design of high-stakes work systems to support cognition and minimise judgement errors.
In: Sociological perspectives, Band 31, Heft 4, S. 420-445
ISSN: 1533-8673
Expectation states theory and one of its major branches, status characteristics theory, have been some of the most active research programs within sociological social psychology in recent years. Unfortunately, little attention has been given to the theoretical assumptions underlying these programs and the way social cognition and status generalization are depicted. It is argued that structural functionalist theory and the information processing perspective, especially attribution theory, have exerted major influences on expectation states/status characteristics theory. This has resulted in unique conceptualizations of cognition, generalization, and status stereotypes colored by mechanistic and, in certain cases, rationalistic assumptions concerning the ways actors process information. Consideration of alternative ways of conceptualizing these issues reveals certain limitations in the theory's formulations. The need for further research and theory development is discussed.
In: Families in society: the journal of contemporary human services, Band 76, Heft 4, S. 258-260
ISSN: 1945-1350
In: Voprosy Filosofii, Heft 8, S. 82-92
Nowadays, representations are all the more often conceived as probability distributions. Although many authors continue to adhere to "conceptual" and "propositional" idioms, meanwhile, there are cognitive theories that can explain the transcend of mental operations beyond the narrow framework of associations and reflexive learning to conceptual cognition. The article discusses two concepts based on the understanding of cognitions as probabilistic predictions: the theory of predictive processing (PP) and the theory of functional systems (FS). The PP-theory relies heavily on the concepts of computation and representation. However, representations are considered here as sub-symbolic, and, accordingly, computations are understood as probabilistic (Bayesian) inference. The FS-theory believes that a cognitive system anticipates parameters of the expected result and strives to maintain a certain level of metabolism, as well as to minimize the degrees of freedom of the system. As it is shown, we don't have sufficient reasons to consider both theories equivalent. They are located at different levels of the Marr's scheme, use different mathematics, and, probably, are not equally falsifiable. Based on these considerations, it can be assumed that the explanations and predictions of these two theories will differ.
In: Theory, culture & society: explorations in critical social science, Band 22, Heft 3, S. 63-80
ISSN: 1460-3616
Empathy is widely touted as a springboard for social change. Within the academy, 'identification' is often used to promote the social value of literary and cultural studies. But to what degree have scholars, in seeking to defend the value of literary and cultural studies, conceived the act of reading in problematic ways? 'An Ethics of Reading' argues that adopting a Lacanian paradigm of self (reader) and text (other) to discuss the act of textual interpretation reduces a complex event involving multiple actors to a simple dualism, while ineluctably consigning any act of interpretation to simple projection. Turning instead to psychoanalyst Jean Laplanche's concept of the enigmatic signifier, this article rethinks the relation between reader and cultural text – reconceiving the act of interpretation by situating it within a dynamic of transference, as opposed to projection. When conceived via this Laplanchian framework, reading becomes not only an effective path to cognition and knowledge, but a radical means of subjective transformation.
In: Social theory and practice: an international and interdisciplinary journal of social philosophy, Band 31, Heft 3, S. 309-336
ISSN: 2154-123X
In: Phenomenology and the cognitive sciences, Band 16, Heft 5, S. 837-862
ISSN: 1572-8676