Der Effekt der Rollenspiel-Erfahrung auf die Rollenspiel-Fähigkeit
In: Zeitschrift für Psychodrama und Soziometrie: ZPS, Band 10, Heft S1, S. 9-20
ISSN: 1862-2526
87 Ergebnisse
In: Zeitschrift für Psychodrama und Soziometrie: ZPS, Band 10, Heft S1, S. 9-20
ISSN: 1862-2526
In: Zeitschrift für Psychodrama und Soziometrie: ZPS, Band 21, Heft 1, S. 31-42
ISSN: 1862-2526
In: Revista brasileira de criminalística, Band 6, Heft 2, S. 31-37
ISSN: 2237-9223
Blood evidence consists of one of the most important forensic pieces. However, it is not always easy to identify a stain as blood. The best and fastest way of doing so, is by using rapid screening derived from immunochromatographic tests to spot hemoglobin. However, cross reaction between species might be an issue since hemoglobin of other animals could be present, especially considering crimes against fauna, outdoor crime scenes with an easy access for animals, and human and domestic animal trauma cases. According to the particular structure in each country there are private and/or public laboratories working in this field. Methods and resources from private and public sectors are different, and procedures also differ from country to country. The main objective of our work was to validate the presence of human blood using interspecific samples and the criteria defined by each lab using rapid blood detection test kits from the public sector related to forensic analysis in Brazil and from the private sector in Germany. As a secondary goal, we have evaluated sensibility, the Hook Effect and pH effect in some commercially available kits. Our results showed that the tests carried out are suitable for the detection of human blood in forensic samples using methods commonly employed in the public and private sectors.
In: Zeitschrift für Psychodrama und Soziometrie: ZPS, Band 22, Heft 1, S. 35-51
ISSN: 1862-2526
ZusammenfassungDieser Artikel der Zeitschrift für Psychodrama und Soziometrie enthält ein Interview von vier Experten zum derzeitigen Stand und zu möglichen zukünftigen Entwicklungen der Psychodramatherapieforschung. Die Interviewten blicken aus unterschiedlichen Perspektiven der Gestalttherapie, der Dramatherapie und der analytischen beziehungsweise tiefenpsychologischen Psychotherapie auf Herausforderungen und originär psychodramatische Ansätze der Psychodramatherapieforschung. Besondere Berücksichtigung finden Aspekte der Outcome- und Prozess-Forschung, der Gruppentherapie, der Bedeutung von Kreativität und Spontaneität und der mentalisationsbasierten Psychotherapie als ein methodenübergreifendes Konzept. Außerdem werden Wege aufgezeigt, um die Forschung verstärkt in Ausbildung und praktische therapeutische Tätigkeit zu integrieren. Die Interviews verdeutlichen, dass eine verbesserte Kooperation der Forschenden und praktisch Tätigen dazu beitragen kann, die besonderen Potenziale der Psychodramatherapie herauszuarbeiten. Dadurch kann es gelingen, den Stellenwert des Psychodramas als eigenständiges psychotherapeutisches Verfahren insgesamt auszubauen und zu behaupten.
In: Zeitschrift für Psychodrama und Soziometrie: ZPS, Band 21, Heft S2, S. 105-120
ISSN: 1862-2526
25 páginas, 9 figuras y 2 tablas ; The binding of carbon monoxide a competitive inhibitor of many hydrogenases, to the active site of Desulfovibrio fructosovorans hydrogenase has been studied by infrared spectroscopy in a spectroelectrochemical cell. Direct evidence has been obtained of which redox states of the enzyme can bind extrinsic CO. Redox states A, B and SU do not bind extrinsic CO. only after reductive activation of the hydrogenase can CO bind to the active site. Two states with bound extrinsic CO can be distinguished by FTIR. These two states are in redox equilibrium and are most probably due to different oxidation states of the proximal 4Fe-4S cluster. Vibrational frequencies and theoretical quantum mechanics studies (DFT) of this process preclude the possibility of strong bonding of extrinsic CO to the Fe or Ni atoms or the site. We propose that CO inhibition is caused by weak interaction of the extrinsic ligand with the Ni atom, blocking electron and proton transfer at the active site. A calculated structure with a weakly bound extrinsic CO at Ni has relative CO frequencies in excellent agreement with the experimental ones. ; The Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology (project BQU2000-0991) and the European Union BIOTECH program (grant BIO-98-0280) supported this work. We thank Prof. Siem Albracht for useful discussions, Dr. Arturo Martinez-Arias for doing the EPR measurements, the Autonomous Community of Madrid (CAM) for the postdoctoral fellowship of A. L. De Lacey and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) for the postdoctoral fellowship of C. Stadler. MBH thanks NSF (CHE-9800184) for financial support. ; Peer reviewed
In: Zeitschrift für Psychodrama und Soziometrie: ZPS, Band 15, Heft S1, S. 83-100
ISSN: 1862-2526
In: Strategic change, Band 14, Heft 1, S. 1-13
ISSN: 1099-1697
Prior research has found that corporate political activity (CPA) can both positively and negatively impact firm performance. Combining agency theory with the resource-based view, we examine the relationship between domestic lobbying (a key form of CPA) and firm performance by explicating the moderating effects of international and product diversification. We argue that expansion into international and product markets increases a firm's resources and reduces agency costs in domestic lobbying. Our results, based on a sample of 737 firms, show that lobbying is positively associated with performance for firms that are diversified in both international markets and along product-lines; whereas lobbying is counter-productive for purely domestic and undiversified firms. Our results contribute to the literature on the firm performance implications of corporate political activity by highlighting the roles of international and product diversification.
Maury, J.-P.: L'édification de la politique européenne de sécurité et de défense depuis 1998. - S. 1-21 Walch, J.: Les relations entre l'Union européenne et l'OTAN après le Conseil européen de Laeken (décembre 2001). - S. 23-36 Stadler, C.: Grands et petits pays en Europe : le cas de l'Autriche. - S. 37-50 Schmidt, C.: L'avenir des industries liées à la défense : une problématique européenne. - S. 51-58 Fabre, H.: Sécurité et défense dans le nouvelles orientations de l'Europe spatiale. - S. 59-98 Hervoue͏t, D.: Les défis financiers de la construction de la défense européenne. - S. 99-109 Dufour, J.-L.: La notion de crise aujourd'hui. - S. 111-118 Tercinet, J.: L'Union européenne et la gestion des crises. - S. 119-141 Alibert, C.: L'Union européenne au Kosovo : acteur ou spectateur? - S. 143-178 Pirotte, O.: La nouvelle politique américaine et l'Europe. - S. 179-215 Joubert, J.-P.: La Russie et la sécurité européenne. - S. 217-225 ( ... ) Le Morzellec, J.: Conclusions: les conditions d'existence d'une véritable défense européenne. - S. 257-271
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