Helander, Mika ja Nylund, Mats (toim.): Palkka työstä - Ay-liike ja edunvalvonnan uudet muodot
In: Politiikka: Valtiotieteellisen Yhdistyksen julkaisu, Band 55, Heft 1, S. 52-54
ISSN: 0032-3365
252 Ergebnisse
In: Politiikka: Valtiotieteellisen Yhdistyksen julkaisu, Band 55, Heft 1, S. 52-54
ISSN: 0032-3365
This paper looks at the status of small hydropower in Lesotho, Mozambique, South Africa, Swaziland and Zimbabwe. For each country, an overview will be given of the electricity sector and the role of hydropower, the potential for small hydropower and the expected future of this technology. Small hydropower has played an important role in the history of providing electricity in the region. After a period with limited interest in applications of small hydropower, in all five countries, a range of stakeholders from policy makers to developers are showing a renewed interest in small hydropower. Although different models were followed, all five countries covered in the paper do currently see activities around grid connected small scale hydropower. Particular frameworks that facilitate IPPs and Power Purchase Agreements with the national utility do provide a basis for (local) commercial banks to provide finance. Off-grid hydropower for rural electrification purposes sees activities in the countries with an active (support) role of government in this respect only. Small hydropower, renewable energy technology has large potential across the southern Africa region, both for grid connected and off-grid applications. Historically, small hydropower played an important role in the development of the region. Since the mid-1960s, however, the main emphasis has been on centralised fossil fuel-based electricity generation. Developers and policy makers have only recently begun looking at small hydropower again.
In: Politiikka: Valtiotieteellisen Yhdistyksen julkaisu, Band 55, Heft 1, S. 52-54
ISSN: 0032-3365
In: Palgrave Series in Asian German Studies
Intro -- Note on Transliteration -- Acknowledgements -- Contents -- Notes on Contributors -- List of Figures -- Chapter 1: Introduction -- Interfaces and Entanglements -- The Historical Constellation -- The Religious Field -- The Chapters -- References -- Chapter 2: 'To Read in an Indian Way' (Johann Gottfried Herder): Pre-Emergent Colonial Epistemologies in Indian-German Entanglements, Showcased in Protestant Theology c.1800 -- In Search of the Entanglement: German Orientalism, a Specific Understanding of Wissenschaft, and Their Relationship to Colonialism -- Hebrew People as Role Models: Theology in a New Era of Ethnography -- The Old Testament as a Space for the German Colonial Imagination and Johann Gottfried Herder as an Intermediary -- To Read in an Indian Way: The Romanticized Orient -- Interlude: India as Method? -- Summary -- References -- Chapter 3: In Search of Purity: German-Speaking Vegetarians and the Lure of India (1833-1939) -- India and German Vormärz Vegetarianism -- Indian Connections with German Theosophists -- German Buddhists on the Subcontinent -- Aryanism Without Hindus: Mazdaznan -- Völkisch Vegetarianism: Claims to Teutonic Superiority -- German Vegetarians and the Cult of the Ascetic Leader in Weimar Germany -- Contacts with the Indian Independence Movement in the Interwar Period -- Conclusion -- References -- Chapter 4: The Indian Challenge: Indology and New Conceptions of Christianity as 'Religion' at the End of the Nineteenth Century -- The Challenge -- The Antagonism of Religion and Science and the Birth of a New Concept of Religion -- The Problem of Religious History -- India and the 'Religion of the Future' -- Oldenberg's Role in Troeltsch's Philosophy of Religions -- Troeltsch's Reception of Oldenberg's Buddha (1881) -- Troeltsch's Reception of Oldenberg's The Religion of the Veda (1894).
This book provides the first comprehensive academic study of what China's trade with, and investment in, African countries mean for the socio-economic well-being of the continent. Based on the African Tree of Organic Growth Framework developed in the book, Jonker and Robinson outline the factors necessary in realizing Africa's Renaissance vision and the impact that the Chinese might have on this process. Using the metaphor of the Baobab tree, the authors analyze the historical, cultural and economic contexts within African countries, the channels available to produce development and growth, and the fruits or social and economic well-being created by this integrated process. The book takes readers on a journey of numerous African examples and case studies, describing and analyzing the challenges and complexities of countries in their desire to achieve organic, cultural, scientific and economic renewal, and the improvement of the well-being of their citizens. This book will be of great value to economists, people who wish to do business in Africa, China-watchers, those who are following the development and growth of Africa, and more.
Um 1900 begeisterten sich viele Deutsche für östliche Philosophien und Glaubensgemeinschaften. Auch die jüdisch-preussische Familie Oettinger fühlte sich von dieser religiösen Individualisierung angezogen. Gerdien Jonker erzählt die Geschichte der Oettingers anhand ihres staunenswerten Nachlasses - einer Sammlung von Erinnerungsstücken, Dokumenten und Fotos aus fast zwei Jahrhunderten, die von den Nachkommen bis heute wie in einem Schrein verwahrt wird. Die Autorin bringt diesen Nachlass zum Sprechen und entfaltet so eine ungewöhnliche Familiengeschichte über sieben Generationen zwischen deutsch-jüdischer Assimilation, einem kosmopolitischen Islam, dem Überleben im Nationalsozialismus und endlich dem Neuanfang im England der Nachkriegszeit. Neben intensiven historischen Recherchen stützt sich die Autorin auf Rückblicke von Zeitzeugen und Gespräche mit den Nachkommen der Oettingers. Das Resultat ist ein neues und faszinierendes Kapitel europäischer Religionsgeschichte aus der intimen Sicht eines Familiengedächtnisses
In: Globaler lokaler Islam
Cover Politics of Visibility -- TABLE OF CONTENTS -- Acknowledgements -- Introduction: Talking about Visibility - Actors, Politics, Forms of Engagement -- Speaking as a Muslim: Avoiding Religion in French Public Space -- "We should be walking Qurans": The Making of an Islamic Political Subject -- The Invention of Citizenship among Young Muslims in Italy -- From Migrant to Citizen: The Role of the Islamic University of Rotterdam in the Formulation of Dutch Citizenship -- Islamist or Pietist? Muslim Responses to the German Security Framework -- Secular versus Islamist: The Headscarf Debate in Germany -- From Seclusion to Inclusion: British 'Ulama and the Politics of Social Visibility -- Alienation and Radicalization: Young Muslims in Germany -- Appendix -- Abbreviations -- Notes on the Authors -- Index.
The Dutch economy has relied on trade for centuries. During the seventeenth century the Netherlands experienced a Golden Age built largely on commercial enterprise, and trade continues to be the golden link in the supply chain from producers to consumers. Yet we know very little about the business of trade and the people involved in it. What was the nature of their work, and how did it evolve through the ages?.
In: Library of modern Middle East studies 80
World Affairs Online
In: A history of Royal Dutch Shell Vol. 1
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has become an increasingly important topic in our global society. Corporate Social Responsibility Across Europe is the first volume of its kind to bring together twenty-three national perspectives on this issue. Thirty-seven European researchers worked on the book, which provides a comprehensive and structured survey of CSR developments and progress at national levels. An overview and analysis is provided for each country. Topics addressed include business and societal mindsets in the different cultural settings, national drivers for the current development of CSR, and prospects for the individual countries in the future. Furthermore it contains three comprehensive pan-European analyses. The chapters also contain practical information and references to the Internet as well as relevant literature in order to support further research and stimulate business activities in this field. The result is a rather unique collection of essays on the topic of CSR across Europe.
In: Tinbergen Institute research series 286
In: Research series