The social turn in second language acquisition
In: Edinburgh textbooks in applied linguistics
1715 Ergebnisse
In: Edinburgh textbooks in applied linguistics
In: Papers / WZB, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung, 02,302
World Affairs Online
In: Springer eBook Collection
The Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI), which perpetrated the "biggest bank fraud in history", was founded by Agha Hassan Abedi and initially registered in Luxembourg in 1972. Its other center of operations was the Cayman Islands and eventually it operated in 73 counries. In the summer of 1991, it was shuttered by the Bank of England. Its many crimes included illegally buying American banks using "straw men" and courting powerful American politicos, laundering drug profits, plundering deposits to conceal grotesque losses on treasury trading, and making illicit loans totaling around a billion dollars that were not expected to be serviced. BCCI also ran accounts for both international terrorists and several national Intelligence Services. What follows in this book are essays dealing with certain aspects of BCCI's misbehaviour and various odd structures, as well as a most important document from Luxembourg's Civil Court, detailing charges against BCCI's auditor, Price Waterhouse subsequently PricewaterhouseCoopers. Readership: advanced students, researchers, attorneys and accountants interested in transnational financial crime
In: Schriftenreihe des Niedersächsischen Städte- und Gemeindebundes 55
In: Rororo 60284
In: Sachbuch