Does Student Work Really Affect Educational Outcomes? A Review of the Literature
In: IZA Discussion Paper No. 11023
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In: IZA Discussion Paper No. 11023
Working paper
In: IZA Discussion Paper No. 11127
In: IZA Discussion Paper No. 14896
In: IZA Discussion Paper No. 14502
In: IZA Discussion Paper No. 13514
Working paper
In: IZA Discussion Paper No. 8232
In: IZA Discussion Paper No. 8447
In: IZA Discussion Paper No. 9170
In: IZA Discussion Paper No. 7145
In: IZA Discussion Paper No. 16900
In: IZA Discussion Paper No. 17225
In: Revue internationale du travail, Band 163, Heft 2, S. 359-384
ISSN: 1564-9121
RésuméCet article analyse l'attrait du télétravail par le biais d'une expérience d'enquête factorielle dans laquelle les salariés évaluent des offres d'emploi présentant des caractéristiques divergentes, incluant une large variation dans la possibilité de télétravailler. La relation entre la possibilité de télétravailler et l'attrait de l'emploi s'avère approximativement linéaire: 10 points de pourcentage supplémentaires d'heures de télétravail entraînent une augmentation de 2,2 points de pourcentage de l'attrait et, par conséquent, la volonté de renoncer à une augmentation de salaire de 2,2 points de pourcentage dans le nouvel emploi. La conception expérimentale permet également d'étudier de manière structurée et approfondie les mécanismes sous‐jacents et les modérateurs de cette relation.
In: International labour review, Band 163, Heft 2, S. 325-348
ISSN: 1564-913X
This article analyses the attractiveness of telework using a factorial survey experiment in which employees evaluate job offers with diverging characteristics, including a wide variation in the possibility to telework. This allows us to show that the relationship between the possibility to telework and job attractiveness is approximately linear: 10 percentage points (pp) more telework hours yield a rise of 2.2 pp in attractiveness and, therefore, the willingness to forego a 2.2 pp wage increase in the new job. Our experimental design also allows us to investigate the underlying mechanisms and moderators of this relationship structurally and extensively.
In: Revista internacional del trabajo, Band 143, Heft 2, S. 357-382
ISSN: 1564-9148
ResumenEn este artículo se analiza el atractivo del teletrabajo mediante un experimento de encuesta factorial a empleados que evalúan ofertas de empleo de características divergentes, con una amplia variación en cuanto a la posibilidad de teletrabajar. La relación entre esta posibilidad y el atractivo del empleo resulta ser aproximadamente lineal: una posibilidad 10 puntos porcentuales mayor de teletrabajar aumenta el atractivo del empleo en 2,2 puntos porcentuales y suscita una disposición a renunciar a 2,2 puntos porcentuales de aumento salarial en el nuevo puesto. El diseño experimental también permite investigar de forma estructurada y exhaustiva los mecanismos subyacentes y los moderadores de esta relación.
In: New media & society: an international and interdisciplinary forum for the examination of the social dynamics of media and information change, Band 25, Heft 3, S. 584-608
ISSN: 1461-7315
To study the causal impact of smartphone use on academic performance, we collected – for the first time worldwide – longitudinal data on students' smartphone use and educational performance. For three consecutive years, we surveyed all students attending classes in 11 different study programmes at two Belgian universities on general smartphone use and other drivers of academic achievement. These survey data were merged with the exam scores of these students. We analysed the resulting data by means of panel data random-effects estimation controlling for unobserved individual characteristics. A 1 SD increase in overall smartphone use results in a decrease of 0.349 points (out of 20) and a decrease of 2.616 percentage points in the fraction of exams passed.