The Social Content of Labour Markets in Dhaka Slums
In: Journal of international development: the journal of the Development Studies Association, Band 12, Heft 5, S. 735-750
ISSN: 0954-1748
358 Ergebnisse
In: Journal of international development: the journal of the Development Studies Association, Band 12, Heft 5, S. 735-750
ISSN: 0954-1748
In: The Pakistan development review: PDR, Band 25, Heft 4, S. 649-670
Input-Output (1-0) tables of Pakistan's economy for the year
1975-76 were published by the Pakistan Institute of Development
Economics (PIDE) in 1983. They delineated the structure of production of
118 industries together with the disposition of their output by five
categories of final demand: consumption expenditures; gross fixed
capital formation; changes in stocks; exports; and re-exports. Import
have been shown to be absorbed as intermediate inputs as well as
destined for final consumption. The present author presented an
analytical paper [3], based on the said data-base, in which despite the
useful industrial details captured, the predominant agrarian nature of
Pakistan's economy was emphasized. Agricultural sector's contribution to
the total gross domestic product (CDP) at factor cost amounted to 22.1
percent. Although the 1-0 tables identified some 81 manufacturing
industries - both large-scale and small-scale - there were only seven
industries whose contribution to the total CDP was of any significance.
The manufacturing sector, as a whole, contributed only about 11.7
percent of the total CDP. Service industries, construction and the like
still account for the rest of the CDP.
In: The Pakistan development review: PDR, Band 24, Heft 3-4, S. 513-530
Input-Output tables provide a detailed accounting of the goods
and services that individual industries buy from and sell to each other,
and , therefore, constitute a useful medium for an analysis of the
interdependent nature of the various sectors of an economy. The PIDE's
release of input-output (I-D) tables of Pakistan's economy for the year
1975 -76 [9] is an important contribution in this respect. An 'open'
output determination of model of the Leontief type is applied to the
said data base to delineate the structural interdependence of Pakistan's
economy. Some salient features of the economy such as sectoral
distribution of the value added, cost composition of the value of
sectoral outputs, output and income multipliers are discussed in Section
l. The notion of interdependence arising through technological
interconnections between various sectors implies structural linkages -
both "backward" and "forward". Quantification of these linkages provides
an effective way of identifying "key sectors" of the economy. Section II
discusses the methodology used and the empirical results obtained
pertaining to key sectors of the Pakistan's economy. Some concluding
remarks are offered in Section Ill.
In: The Pakistan development review: PDR, Band 22, Heft 4, S. 307-309
This book is about "Robert McNamara's efforts to reorient the
World Bank towards a more explicit concern with poverty alleviation in
the world's poor countries." The World Bank is one of the most important
(and probably the biggest) financial institutions which have been
providing both technical and financial assistance to many developing
countries for more than thirty years. The traditional role of the Bank
has been that of helping the developing countries in their process of
development by providing loans for projects with maximum growth effects.
For quite a number of years in the post-war period these loans were
granted mainly for infrastructure projects which were considered a
prerequisite for development. An evaluation of such projects was
relatively easy as their effects on the rest of the economy were easily
quantifiable. Loans for social-overhead projects received relatively low
priority as their output was not directly measurable and the element of
risk was also high in such loans.
In: The Pakistan development review: PDR, Band 22, Heft 2, S. 125-127
The role of industrialization in economic development can
hardly be overemphasized. The process of industrialization takes place
through capital formation, and it is important that the factors which
determine the rate of capital formation be identified and properly
analysed. This book gives an in-depth analysis of private industrial
investment in Pakistan during the Sixties, which increased sharply
during the Second Plan period but declined during the Third Plan period.
It examines the influence of foreign. resources inflow as well as of
other factors on private industrial investment during the Sixties. It
contains an enlightening discussion about the concentration of
industrial power in a few hands, their control over financial
institutions, and their role in the industrial growth of
In: The Pakistan development review: PDR, Band 17, Heft 1, S. 44-65
This paper attempts to provide empirical evidence on
inter-industry differentials in productivity levels and their growth
rates, and the distribution of productivity gains among the principal
factors of production" i.e. labour and capital. Hardy any work has been
done in Pakistan on providing a satisfactory quantitative measure of
productive efficiency of the factors of production in the manufacturing
industries. A study of this kind should be important not only from the
economic but also from the social point of view because an optimal
distribution of total ,gains in productivity is basically an empirical
question and can not be discussed in general terms.
In: The Pakistan development review: PDR, Band 15, Heft 4, S. 458-460
While framing policies for economic development the public
authorities-are by and large consciously or unconsciously motivated by
their ideological convictions. In a capitalist economy, for instance,
the government does not normally resort to socialist techniques even if
those techniques promote social welfare. But this general rule, like
many others, is not without exception. The book under review gives a
clear example of such an exception. Public enterprise, though considered
a necessary evil (p. 129), is shown to have per¬formed remarkably well
in South Korea. During the short period of ten years-(1968-1972), the
performance of the public sector in South Korea has been not only far
better than in many other countries but the sector has also emerged as-a
leading sector of the economy (p. 202).
In: The Pakistan development review: PDR, Band 4, Heft 1, S. 107-121
During the past decade, increasing attention has been given to
the role of agriculture in the process of economic development. One
aspect of the discus¬sion has concerned the significance of relative
prices for farmer in decision¬making. Recent studies have yielded
estimates of supply elasticities for jute in East Pakistan, and for
cotton, wheat, and several other crops in West Pak¬istan, so that a
basic body of information is beginning to emerge. The main purpose of
this note is to supplement these studies by presenting estimates of the
price elasticity of supply for rice in East Pakistan. However, since
rice and jute are the main alternate crops in East Pakistan, supply
elasticities for jute will also be presented. Because of fluctuations in
agricultural yields due to variations in weather conditions, the acreage
response to price has generally been estimated rather than the output
response. Significant changes in the size and timing of the monsoon
rains in East Pakistan make it particularly important in this case to
use acreage changes as a measure of farmer response to price. Inputs
others than land, such as fertilizers, better seeds, and
plant-protection measures are not widely used in East Pakistan; and
apparently, these measures are not very responsive to price changes. At
least, no statistically significant relationship exists between the
relative price of rice (to jute) in one year and rice yields in the next
year. An increased price for rice results in an extension of rice
acreage,) but it does not result in significantly more intensive
cultivation. Under these conditions, the price elasticity of acreage
closely approximates the elasticity of planned output2
"The contemporary challenges in achieving sustainability include the need for a comprehensive understanding of sustainability principles, interdisciplinary integration, and the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical implementation. Promoting Multi-Sector Sustainability With Policy and Innovation explores the intricate web of challenges and opportunities that define sustainability in our dynamically changing world. Drawing on diverse disciplines, including environmental science, economics, and social sciences, this comprehensive work seeks to pave the way for a sustainable future informed by theoretical foundations and practical insights.The book begins by establishing a robust foundation in the principles and evolution of sustainability, capturing its economic, environmental, and social dimensions. Moving beyond theoretical underpinnings, the book examines the interconnections between sustainability and critical sectors, including the economy, environment, and society. With a nuanced examination of topics such as climate change, biodiversity, and natural resource management, it unpacks the relationship between sustainability and the environment. This reference book explores sustainability's ties to economic growth, featuring concepts like the green economy, circular economy, and sustainable development."--
"Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI), an ever-evolving technology, holds immense promise across various industries, from healthcare to content generation. However, its rapid advancement has also given rise to profound ethical concerns. Illicit black-market industries exploit generative AI for counterfeit imagery, and in educational settings, biases and misinformation perpetuate. These issues underscore the need to grapple with the risks accompanying generative AI integration.Exploring the Ethical Implications of Generative AI emerges as a wellspring of insight for discerning academic scholars. It sets the stage by acknowledging generative AI's multifaceted potential and its capacity to reshape industries. The book addresses these complex ethical concerns, offering a comprehensive analysis and providing a roadmap for responsible AI development and usage. Its intended audience spans business leaders, policymakers, scholars, and individuals passionate about the ethical dimensions of AI."--
In: Advances in computational intelligence and robotics (ACIR) book series
In: Premier reference source
Addresses complex ethical concerns, offering a comprehensive analysis and roadmap for responsible AI development and usage. The books objective is to identify and dissect the ethical challenges inherent in generative AI while prescribing practical guidelines for its responsible development and utilization
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