Данная статья посвящена определению семантических характеристик наименований участников образовательного процесса. В ней представлены результаты сопоставительного анализа слота «Учащиеся/Éleves» во французском и русском языках. Анализ проводился от единицы смысла к языковым формам ее выражения. В задачи исследования входят рассмотрение лексического значения изучаемых единиц, выявление их содержания и специфики языкового выражения. Теоретической базой послужила фреймовая теория М. Минского, а также Ч. Филлмора, Б. Аткинса, Т.А. ван Дейка и других. Материалом для исследования послужили единицы (126 лексем в русском языке и 106 лексических единиц во французском языке), выявленные в толковых, синонимических, отраслевых словарях, словарях неологизмов, заимствований, официальных документах (Болонская декларация, закон об образовании, ФГОС и другие), различного рода новых законодательных актах на французском и русском языках, а также в материалах публикаций в профильных изданиях и в материалах СМИ. Основными методами исследования стали метод фреймового анализа, компонентного анализа, метод семантического анализа, метод цепочки словарных дефиниций, сопоставительный и статистический методы. В результате был смоделирован изучаемый слот, определены структурно-морфологические особенности лексем, входящих в исследуемый слот, а также проведен их компонентный анализ. Кроме того, были выявлены дифференциальные признаки, разграничены значения семантически близких слов, сопоставлены семы, представленные в лексических единицах слота «Учащиеся/ Élèves» во французском и русском языках. Анализ выявил ряд различий как в наличии/отсутствии отдельных сем, так и лакунарность некоторых наименований учащихся, что свидетельствует о национально-культурной специфике изучаемого слота. Среди основных различий выделяются отличия в выражении сем «ученик мастера» и «начинающий обучение». Также отмечается разница коннотативных оттенков значений и наличие в русском языке сем, которые отсутствуют во французском языке (такие, как форма обучения, ранговые особенности учащихся, успеваемость, год обучения в учебном заведении, оплата обучения, ступень высшего образования) ; The article features the results of a comparative analysis of the "Учащиеся/Éleves (students)" slot in the French and Russian languages. The analysis is carried out from the level of semantic units to the level of linguistic forms of their expression. The objectives of the study are to examine the lexical meanings of the researched units, to elicit their content and specific features of their verbal expression. The material for the study is formed by the units found in explanatory dictionaries, thesauri, LSP dictionaries, dictionaries of neologisms, dictionaries of loanwords, in official documents, in various French and Russian-language legislation acts, as well as in professional journals articles, and media content. The main research methods are presented by the frame analysis method, the componentinal analysis, the chain method of dictionary definitions, the comparative and statistical methods. As the result, the slot under consideration was moulded; the structural and morphological features of the lexical items of the analyzed slot were identified, and the componential analysis was performed. In addition, the differential characteristics were detected, the meanings of semantically similar words were demarked, and the semes present in the lexical units of slots "Учащиеся/Élèves" in French and Russian were compared. The analysis reveals a number of differences in terms of presence/absence of semes and also the lacunarity of the nomination of the student (learner). This demonstrates the cultural identity of the examined slot. Most of the differences can be found in the expression of semes "master's student" and "beginner". The study also showed the difference in connotation and the presence of semes in the Russian language which are absent in French (such as: form of of training, ranking, grades, study year, tuition fees and level of higher education).
Despite the dramatic innovation brought about in the field of corporate communication by the advent of the World Wide Web, when it comes to annual company reports (ACRs), companies seem to introduce few innovative digital elements in the drafting and formatting of the narrative sections. The present study, as the last step of a long-term research project, aimed at investigating this genre from a diachronic point of view by concentrating on the transformations that ACRs' corporate narratives undergo once they migrate to the Web. Two standpoints emerge: the first sees companies that are highly engaged in the digital environment take advantage of several digital tools at once, while the second proposes a slightly less technological approach whereby simple ACRs in pdf format are uploaded on the company website therefore lacking the most interactive functions. While radical changes in the presentation of ACRs' narratives between 2000 and 2018 cannot be traced, some companies have decided to deal with such narratives by reporting either the complete narrative or its synthesis. ; cinzia.giglioni@uniroma1.it ; Cinzia Giglioni holds a research and teaching position at the Department of Political Sciences, University of Rome "La Sapienza". She was a contract professor for several years in different universities in Italy, teaching both BA and first level master degree students. Her research interests span from second language acquisition to discourse analysis, especially in the context of LSP research. Her most recent contributions focus on the linguistic aspects of corporate and political communication. She has presented papers at several international conferences and symposia, and has published the results of her research in journals and edited volumes. She regularly collaborates with various international research groups, including CLAVIER (The Corpus and Language Variation in English Research Group) and GERAS (Groupe d' Etude et de Recherche en Anglais de Spécialité). ; Università di Roma "La Sapienza" ; Argenti, P. 2005. How technology has influenced the field of corporate communication. Journal of Business and Technical Communication 20(3): 357-370. ; Beattie, V., McInnes, W. & Fearnley, S. 2004. A methodology for analysing and evaluating narratives in annual reports: a comprehensive descriptive profile and metrics for disclosure quality attributes. Accounting Forum 28(3): 205-236. ; Beatty, R. C., Shim, M. & Jones, C. 2001. Factors influencing corporate web site adoption. A time-based assessment. Information & Management 38(6): 337-354. ; Bhatia, V. K. 1996. Methodological issues in genre analysis. Hermes, Journal of Linguistics 16: 39-59. ; Bhatia, V. K. 2008. Genre analysis, ESP and professional practice. English for Specific Purposes 27: 161-174. ; British Petroleum. 2018. Annual Company Report. Retrieved on 30 June 2019 from https://www.bp.com/en/global/corporate/investors/results-and-reporting/annual-report.html ; British Telecom. 2018. Annual Company Report. Retrieved on 30 June 2019 from https://www.btplc.com/Sharesandperformance/Annualreportandreview/2018summary/ ; Chalmers, K., Clinch G. & Godfrey J. M. 2008. Adoption of international financial reporting standards: Impact on the value relevance of intangible assets. Australian Accounting Review 18: 237-247. ; Crawford Camiciottoli, B. 2019. Shades of evaluative meaning in web-based company communications: The case of fashion brands, Textus XXXI (1): 19-36. ; Ditlevsen, M. G. 2012. Telling the story of Danisco's annual reports (1935 Through 2007-2008) from a communicative perspective. Journal of Business and Technical Communication 21(1): 92-115. ; Dunne, P. & Morris, G. D. 2009. Non-Executive Director's Handbook (2nd ed). Oxford: Elsevier. ; Garzone, G. 2007. Genres, multimodality and the World Wide Web. Theoretical issues. In: G. Garzone, G. Poncini, & P. Catenaccio (eds), Multimodality in Corporate Communication, 15-30. Milano: Franco Angelo. ; Giglioni, C. 2014. Variation in apologetic strategies in annual company reports: Rhetorical function of lexical-syntactical patterns. In: P. Evangelisti Allori, J.A. Baterman & V.K. Bahtia (eds.), Evolution in Genre: Emerge, Variation, Multimodality, 45-65. Bern: Peter Lang. ; Giglioni, C. 2017. Annual reports of the FT30 index members: Deployment of apologetic strategies in CEO and chairman's statements. International Journal of Language and Linguistics 4: 88-94. ; Giltrow, J. & Stein, D. 2009. Genres in the Internet. Issues in the Theory of Genre. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. ; IFRS, Conceptual Frameworks of Financial Reporting. Retrieved on 25.01.2010 from https://www.ifrs.org/issued-standards/list-of-standards/conceptual-framework/ ; Ihator, A. S. 2001. Communication style in the information age. Corporate Communications 6: 199-205. ; Istrate, L. G. 2019. International financial reporting standards: A pre-/post-IFRS adoption comparative analysis. The European Proceeding of Social & Behavioural Sciences, 247-256. ; Madhavaram, S. & Appan, R. 2010. The potential implications of web-based marketing communications for consumers' implicit and explicit brand attitude: A call for research. Psychology and Marketing 27(2): 186-202. ; Marks & Spencer. 2018. Annual Company Report. Retrieved on 30 June 2019 from https://corporate.marksandspencer.com/annualreport ; Murphy, A. C. 2015. On "True" portraits of Letters to Shareholders – and the importance of phraseological analysis. In: S. Hoffman, B. Fischer-Starcker, A. Sand (eds.), Current Issues in Phraseology, 57-81. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. ; Purver, M., Valentinčič, A., Pahor, M. & Pollak, S. 2018. Diachronic lexical changes in company reports: An initial investigation. 1st Financial Narrative Processing Workshop at LREC, 1-8. Retrieved on 25.02.2020 from https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/0941/b6aeb383753da8fd861ebdbdd291466343a6.pdf ; Rutherford, B. 2002. The operating and financial review: could do better, could say more. Accounting and Business 5 (3): 40-41. ; Rutherford, B. 2005. Genre analysis of corporate annual report narratives: A corpus linguistics-based approach. Journal of Business Communication 42(4): 349-378. ; Tauringana, V. & Mangena, M. 2006. Complementary narrative commentaries of statutory accounts in annual reports of UK listed companies. International Journal of Management Accounting Research 8 (2): 71-107. ; TESCO. 2018. Annual Company Report. Retrieved on 30 June 2019 from https://www.tescoplc.com/investors/reports-results-and-presentations/reports-archive/ ; Vodafone. 2018. Annual Company Report. Retrieved on 30 June 2019 from https://investors.vodafone.com/investors-analysts/annual-reports/ ; Ware, B. L. & Linkugel, W. A. 1973. They spoke in defence of themselves: On the generic criticism of apologia. Quarterly Journal of Speech 59: 273-283. ; 29 (2/2020) ; 27 ; 36
Abstract Strategy is the use of combats to accomplish the goal of the war, but because each war differs in terms of its background and motives, creating a universal strategy for military purposes may not be possible. The military can have one peacetime sourcing strategy, but their wartime strategy is highly situation dependent. If resources are not available in wartime, there may be enormous losses. Resources must be secured through an efficient peacetime sourcing strategy, which demands a high level of organizational ambidexterity. The military in Finland are known collectively as the Finnish Defence Forces, although here we refer to the organization here in the singular as the FDF. The FDF is highly dependent on private transportation, but is also an important driver trainer and buyer of logistics services. Because a transportation system is central to society's basic services, and its functionality is important for citizens, the private sector, securing vital functions of the nation and for emergency supply security. There is strong mutual dependency between the private transportation sector and the FDF, which makes for an interesting context in which to study also strategic partnerships. The articles included in this thesis consist of two quantitative data sets. The first empirical data set was gathered from the LSP members of the Finnish Transport and Logistics (460 acceptable responses, 17.7 per cent). The second data set was collected from the military, the security-related public sector and private industrial companies (149 acceptable responses, 18.01 per cent). The analyses include descriptive statistics and structural equation modeling. The purpose of this study is to reveal possible problems and offer insights into the cooperation between the private transportation sector and the FDF, and the development of organizational ambidexterity in the FDF's supply chain management. From a game theory perspective, how the FDF enhance supply security is important because the private transportation sector is extremely important for the FDF and vice versa. Logistics strategy influences direct logistics costs, so the FDF has a lesson to learn from its own practices, concentrating on quality instead of direct cost reductions considerably reduces total logistics costs while improving domestic transportation resources. ; Tiivistelmä Strategia on taistelujen ohjausta sodan tavoitteiden saavuttamiseksi, mutta koska jokainen sota eroaa taustoiltaan ja motiiveiltaan, lienee universaalin strategian luominen sotilaallisiin tarkoituksiin mahdotonta. Armeijalla voi olla yksi rauhanajan hankintastrategia, mutta sota-ajan hankintastrategia on voimakkaasti olosuhteista riippuvainen. Sota-ajan resurssien saanti on kuitenkin pyrittävä turvaamaan jo rauhanajan hankintastrategialla, mikä vaatii korkeaa organisaatiollista kaksikätisyyttä, koska sota-ajan puuttuvan resurssit voivat aiheuttaa valtavia menetyksiä. Suomessa Puolustusvoimat on erittäin riippuvainen yksityisen sektorin kuljetusyrityksistä, mutta toisaalta Puolustusvoimat on erittäin merkittävä kuljettajien kouluttaja sekä kuljetusyritysten asiakas. Suomessa kuljetukset ovat myös keskeisessä asemassa yhteiskunnan julkisten perustoimintojen turvaamisessa, lisäksi ne ovat erittäin tärkeitä kansalaisten, yksityisen sektorin ja huoltovarmuuden kannalta. Näin ollen kuljetusyritysten ja Puolustusvoimien välillä on vankka keskinäinen riippuvuus, jonka vuoksi ne ovat hyvä konteksti tutkia strategisia kumppanuuksia. Tähän väitöskirjaan sisältyvät tieteelliset aikakausilehtiartikkelit rakentuvat kahden tutkimusaineiston ympärille. Ensimmäinen tutkimusaineisto on kerätty Suomen Kuljetus ja Logistiikka (SKAL ry) yhdistyksen jäseniltä (460 hyväksyttyä vastausta edusten 17.7 prosenttia valitusta kohderyhmästä). Toinen tutkimusaineisto on kerätty Puolustusvoimien ja muun julkisen turvallisuussektorin (poliisi, sairaanhoito ja palolaitokset) logistiikkapalveluiden hankinnasta vastaavilta henkilöiltä sekä soveltuvilta yksityisen sektorin toimijoilta (149 hyväksyttyä vastausta edustaen 18.0 prosenttia valitusta kohderyhmästä). Molemmat tutkimusaineistot ovat analysoitu kuvailevilla tilastollisilla menetelmillä sekä rakenneyhtälömallinnuksella. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena on löytää mahdolliset ongelmat ja tarjota alalla toimivien henkilöiden näkemys Puolustusvoimien ja yksityisten kuljetusyritysten yhteistyöstä. Näiden myötä pyritään kehittämään Puolustusvoimien toimitusketjun hallinnan organisaatiollista kaksikätisyyttä. Peliteoreettisesta näkökulmasta on tärkeää kuinka puolustusvoimat parantamaan huoltovarmuutta koska kuljetusala ja Puolustusvoimat ovat erittäin merkittäviä toimijoita toisilleen. Koska ilmeisesti Puolustusvoimien logistiikkastrategia pyrkii vaikuttamaan pääasiassa suoriin kuljetuskustannuksiin, on Puolustusvoimilla opittavaa omista käytännöistään. Keskittymällä kuljetusten laatuun suorien kuljetuskustannusten sijasta voidaan logistiikan kokonaiskustannuksia alentaa ja samalla turvata kotimaisten kuljetusresurssien säilymistä.
NOTICIAS / NEWS ("transfer", 2018) 1) LIBROS – CAPÍTULOS DE LIBRO / BOOKS – BOOK CHAPTERS 1. Bandia, Paul F. (ed.). (2017). Orality and Translation. London: Routledge. <<www.routledge.com/Orality-and-Translation/Bandia/p/book/9781138232884>> 2. Trends in Translation and Interpretin, Institute of Translation & Interpreting<<www.iti.org.uk/news-media-industry-jobs/news/819-iti-publishes-trends-e-book>> 3. Schippel, Larisa & Cornelia Zwischenberger. (eds). (2017). Going East: Discovering New and Alternative Traditions in Translation Studies. Berlin: Frank & Timme.<<www.frank-timme.de/verlag/verlagsprogramm/buch/verlagsprogramm/bd-28-larisa-schippelcornelia-zwischenberger-eds-going-east-discovering-new-and-alternative/backPID/transkulturalitaet-translation-transfer.html>> 4. Godayol, Pilar. (2017). Tres escritoras censuradas: Simone de Beauvoir, Betty Friedan y Mary McCarthy. Granada: Comares.<<www.editorialcomares.com/TV/articulo/3149-Tres_escritoras_censuradas.html>> 5. Vanacker, Beatrijs & Tom Toremans. (eds). (2016). Pseudotranslation and Metafictionality/Pseudo-traduction: enjeux métafictionnels. Special issue of Interférences Littéraires.<<www.interferenceslitteraires.be/nr19>> 6. Jiménez-Crespo, Miguel A. (2017). Crowdsourcing and Online Collaborative Translations: Expanding the Limits of Translation Studies. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. <<https://benjamins.com/#catalog/books/btl.131>> 7. Quality Assurance and Assessment Practices in Translation and Interpreting<<www.igi-global.com/publish/call-for-papers/call-details/2640>> 8. Hurtado Albir, Amparo. (ed.). (2017). Researching Translation Competence by PACTE Group. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.<<www.benjamins.com/#catalog/books/btl.127/main>> 9. Taivalkoski-Shilov, Kristiina, Liisa Tittula and Maarit Koponen. (eds). (2017). Communities in Translation and Interpreting. Toronto: Vita Traductiva, York University<<http://vitatraductiva.blog.yorku.ca/publication/communities-in-translation-and-interpreting>> 10. Giczela-Pastwa, Justyna and Uchenna Oyali (eds). (2017). Norm-Focused and Culture-Related Inquiries in Translation Research. Selected Papers of the CETRA Research Summer School 2014. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.<<www.peterlang.com/view/product/25509>> 11. Castro, Olga & Emek Ergun (eds). (2017). Feminist Translation Studies: Local and Transnational Perspectives. London: Routledge.<<www.routledge.com/Feminist-Translation-Studies-Local-and-Transnational-Perspectives/Castro-Ergun/p/book/9781138931657>> 12. Call for papers: New Trends in Translation Studies. Series Editor: Prof. Jorge Díaz-Cintas, Centre for Translation Studies (CenTraS), University College London.<<(www.ucl.ac.uk/centras)>>, <<www.peterlang.com/view/serial/NEWTRANS>> 13. Valero-Garcés, Carmen & Rebecca Tipton. (eds). (2017). Ideology, Ethics and Policy Development in Public Service Interpreting and Translation. Bristol: Multilingual Matters.<<www.multilingual-matters.com/display.asp?isb=9781783097517>> 14. Mahyub Rayaa, Bachir & Mourad Zarrouk. 2017. A Handbook for Simultaneous Interpreting Training from English, French and Spanish to Arabic / منهج تطبيقي في تعلّم الترجمة الفورية من الانجليزية والفرنسية والإسبانية إلى العربية. Toledo: Escuela de Traductores.<<https://issuu.com/escueladetraductorestoledo/docs/cuaderno_16_aertefinal_version_web>> 15. Lapeña, Alejandro L. (2017). A pie de escenario. Guía de traducción teatral. Valencia: JPM ediciones.<<http://jpm-ediciones.es/catalogo/details/56/11/humanidades/a-pie-de-escenario>> 16. Mével, Alex. (2017). Subtitling African American English into French: Can We Do the Right Thing? Oxford: Peter Lang.<<www.peterlang.com/view/product/47023>> 17. Díaz Cintas, Jorge & Kristijan Nikolić. (eds). (2017). Fast-Forwarding with Audiovisual Translation. Bristol: Multilingual Matters.<<www.multilingual-matters.com/display.asp?K=9781783099368>> 18. Taibi, Mustapha. (ed.). (2017). Translating for the Community. Bristol: Multilingual Matters.<<www.multilingual-matters.com/display.asp?isb= 9781783099122>> 19. Borodo, Michał. (2017). Translation, Globalization and Younger Audiences. The Situation in Poland. Oxford: Peter Lang.<<www.peterlang.com/view/product/81485>> 20. Reframing Realities through Translation Cambridge Scholars Publishing<<https://cambridgescholarsblog.wordpress.com/2017/07/28/call-for-papers-reframing-realities-through-translation>> 21. Gansel, Mireille. 2017. Translation as Transhumance. London: Les Fugitives<<www.lesfugitives.com/books/#/translation-as-transhumance>> 22. Goźdź-Roszkowski, S. and G. Pontrandolfo. (eds). (2018). Phraseology in Legal and Institutional Settings. A Corpus-based Interdisciplinary Perspective. London: Routledge<<www.routledge.com/Phraseology-in-Legal-and-Institutional-Settings-A-Corpus-based-Interdisciplinary/Roszkowski-Pontrandolfo/p/book/9781138214361>> 23. Deckert, Mikołaj. (ed.). (2017). Audiovisual Translation – Research and Use. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.<<www.peterlang.com/view/product/80659>> 24. Castro, Olga; Sergi Mainer & Svetlana Page. (eds). (2017). Self-Translation and Power: Negotiating Identities in European Multilingual Contexts. London: Palgrave Macmillan.www.palgrave.com/gb/book/9781137507808 25. Gonzalo Claros, M. (2017). Cómo traducir y redactar textos científicos en español. Barcelona: Fundación Dr. Antonio Esteve.<<www.esteve.org/cuaderno-traducir-textos-cientificos>> 26. Tian, Chuanmao & Feng Wang. (2017).Translation and Culture. Beijing: China Social Sciences Press.<<http://product.dangdang.com/25164476.html>> 27. Malamatidou, Sofia. (2018). Corpus Triangulation: Combining Data and Methods in Corpus-Based Translation Studies. London: Routledge.<<www.routledge.com/Corpus-Triangulation-Combining-Data-and-=Methods-in-Corpus-Based-Translation/Malamatidou/p/book/9781138948501>> 28. Jakobsen, Arnt L. and Bartolomé Mesa-Lao. (eds). (2017). Translation in Transition: Between Translation, Cognition and Technology. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.<<https://benjamins.com/#catalog/books/btl.133>> 29. Santaemilia, José. (ed.). (2017). Traducir para la igualdad sexual / Translating for Sexual Equality. Granada: Comares.<<www.editorialcomares.com/TV/articulo/3198-Traducir_para_la_igualdad_sexual.html>> 30. Levine, Suzanne Jill & Katie Lateef-Jan. (eds). (2018). Untranslatability Goes Global. London: Routledge.<<www.routledge.com/Untranslatability-Goes-Global/Levine-Lateef-Jan/p/book/9781138744301>> 31. Baer, Brian J. & Klaus Kindle. (eds). (2017). Queering Translation, Translating the Queer. Theory, Practice, Activism. New York: Routledge.<<www.routledge.com/Queering-Translation-Translating-the-Queer-Theory-Practice-Activism/Baer-Kaindl/p/book/9781138201699>> 32. Survey: The translation of political terminology<<https://goo.gl/forms/w2SQ2nnl3AkpcRNq2>> 33. Estudio de encuesta sobre la traducción y la interpretación en México 2017<<http://italiamorayta.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/ENCUESTAS.pdf>> 34. Beseghi, Micòl. (2017). Multilingual Films in Translation: A Sociolinguistic and Intercultural Study of Diasporic Films. Oxford: Peter Lang.<<www.peterlang.com/view/product/78842>> 35. Vidal Claramonte, María Carmen África. (2017). Dile que le he escrito un blues: del texto como partitura a la partitura como traducción en la literatura latinoamericana. Madrid: Iberoamericana.<<www.iberoamericana-vervuert.es/FichaLibro.aspx?P1=104515>> 36. Figueira, Dorothy M. & Mohan, Chandra. (eds.). (2017). Literary Culture and Translation. New Aspects of Comparative Literature. Delhi: Primus Books. ISBN: 978-93-84082-51-2.<<www.primusbooks.com>> 37. Tomiche, Anne. (ed.). (2017). Le Comparatisme comme aproche critique / Comparative Literature as a Critical Approach. Tome IV: Traduction et transfers / Translation and Transferts. París: Classiques Garnier. ISBN: 978-2-406-06533-3. 2) REVISTAS / JOURNALS 1. Call for papers: The Translator, special issue on Translation and Development, 2019. Contact: jmarais@ufs.ac.za 2. Call for papers: Applied Language LearningContact: jiaying.howard@dliflc.edu<<www.dliflc.edu/resources/publications/applied-language-learning>> 3. Panace@: Revista de Medicina, Lenguaje y Traducción; special issue on "La comunicación escrita para pacientes", vol. 44<<www.tremedica.org/panacea/PanaceaActual.htm>> 4. mTm, issue 9<<www.mtmjournal.gr/default.asp?catid=435>> 5. Asia Pacific Translation and Intercultural Studies, Volume 4 Issue 3 (November 2017)<<http://explore.tandfonline.com/cfp/ah/aptis>>, <<www.tandfonline.com/rtis>> 6. Call for papers: The Journal of Translation Studies, special issue on Translation and Social Engagement in the Digital AgeContact: Sang-Bin Lee, sblee0110@naver.com 7. Current Trends in Translation Teaching and Learning E<<www.cttl.org>> 8. Translation and Interpreting Studies, 15 (1), Special issue on The Ethics of Non-Professional Translation and Interpreting in Public Services and Legal Settings<<www.atisa.org/call-for-papers>> 9. Call for papers: Translation & Interpreting – The International Journal of Translation and Interpreting Research, Special issue on Translation of Questionnaires in Cross-national and Cross-cultural Research<<www.trans-int.org/index.php/transint/announcement/view/19>> 10. Revista Digital de Investigación en Docencia Universitaria (RIDU), Special issue on Pedagogía y didáctica de la traducción y la interpretación<<http://revistas.upc.edu.pe/index.php/docencia/pages/view/announcement>> 11. Translation, Cognition & Behavior<<https://benjamins.com/#catalog/journals/tcb/main>> 12. FITISPos International Journal, vol. 4 (2017)Shedding Light on the Grey Zone: A Comprehensive View on Public Services Interpreting and Translation<<www3.uah.es/fitispos_ij>> 13. Post-Editing in Practice: Process, Product and NetworksSpecial issue of JoSTrans, The Journal of Specialised Translation, 31<<www.jostrans.org/Post-Editing_in_Practice_Jostrans31.pdf>> 14. Call for papers: MonTI 10 (2018), Special issue on Retos actuales y tendencias emergentes en traducción médica<<https://dti.ua.es/es/monti/convocatorias.htm>> 15. Call for papers: trans‐kom Special Issue on Industry 4.0 meets Language and Knowledge Resources.Contact: Georg Löckinger (georg.loeckinger@fh‐wels.at)<<http://trans-kom.eu/index-en.html>> 16. Translaboration: Exploring Collaboration in Translation and Translation in CollaborationSpecial Issue, Target, vol 32(2), 2020.<<www.benjamins.com/series/target/cfp_target_32.pdf>> 17. redit, Revista Electrónica de Didáctica de la Traducción e Interpretación, nº11.<<www.revistas.uma.es/index.php/redit>> 18. Call for papers: InVerbis, special issue on Translating the Margin: Lost Voices in the Aesthetic Discourse, June 2018.Contact: alessandra.rizzo@unipa.it & karen.Seago1@city.ac.uk<<www.unipa.it/dipartimenti/dipartimentoscienzeumanistiche/CFP-Translating-the-margin-Lost-voices-in-the-aesthetic-discourse>> 19. trans-kom, Vol. 10 (1), 2017. <<www.trans-kom.eu>> 20. JoSTrans, The Journal of Specialised Translation, issue 28 (July 2017).<<www.jostrans.org/issue28/issue28_toc.php>> 21. Call for papers: InVerbis, special issue on Translating the Margin: Lost Voices in the Aesthetic Discourse, June 2018.<<www.unipa.it/dipartimenti/scienzeumanistiche/.content/documenti/CFPInverbis.pdf>> 22. Call for papers: TTR, special Issue on Lost and Found in Transcultural and Interlinguistic Translation/La traduction transculturelle et interlinguistique : s'y perdre et s'y retrouver<<http://professeure.umoncton.ca/umcm-merkle_denise/node/30>> 23. Call for proposals for thematic issues:Linguistica Antverpiensia, New Series – Themes in Translation Studies (LANS – TTS)<<https://lans-tts.uantwerpen.be>> 24. Call for papers: trans‑kom, special issue on Didactics for Technology in Translation and InterpretingVol. 11(2), December 2018.Contact: aietimonografia@gmail.com / carmen.valero@uah.es 25. Journal of Languages for Special PurposesVol 22/2, New Perspectives on the Translation of Advertising<<https://ojsspdc.ulpgc.es/ojs/index.php/LFE/issue/view/53>>Vol 23/1, Linguistics, Translation and Teaching in LSP<<https://ojsspdc.ulpgc.es/ojs/index.php/LFE/issue/view/72>> 26. Call for papers: Parallèles, special issue on La littérature belge francophone en traduction (in French), Volume 32(1), 2020.Contact: katrien.lievois@uantwerpen.be & catherine.gravet@umons.ac.be 27. Call for papers: Asia Pacific Translation and Intercultural Studies, Volume 5(1), 2018.<<www.tandfonline.com/rtis>> 28. Target, special issue on Translaboration: Exploring Collaboration in Translation and Translation in Collaboration<<www.benjamins.com/series/target/cfp_target_32.pdf>> 29. Research in Language, special issue on Translation and Cognition: Cases of Asymmetry, Volume 15(2).<<www.degruyter.com/view/j/rela.2017.15.issue-2/issue-files/rela.2017.15.issue-2.xml>> 30. Call for papers: Translation Spaces, special issue on Translation in Non-governmental Organisations, 7(1), 2018.<<www.reading.ac.uk/web/files/modern-languages-and-european-studies/CfP_SI_Translation_Spaces-translation_in_NGOs.pdf>> 31. Call for papers: Translating the Margin: Lost Voices in the Aesthetic Discourse, special issue of InVerbis (2018).<<www.unipa.it/dipartimenti/scienzeumanistiche/CFP-Translating-the-margin-Lost-voices-in-the-aesthetic-discourse>> 32. Call for papers: Translation and Disruption: Global and Local Perspectives, special issue of Revista Tradumàtica (2018).Contact: akiko.sakamoto@port.ac.uk; jonathan.evans@port.ac.uk and olga.torres.hostench@uab.cat 33. Call for papers: JoSTrans. The Journal of Specialised Translation 33 (January 2020), Special Issue on 'Experimental Research and Cognition in Audiovisual Translation'. Guest editors: Jorge Díaz Cintas & Agnieszka Szarkowska. Deadline for proposals: 19 February 2018<<http://www.jostrans.org/>> 34. Dragoman – Journal of Translation Studies<<www.dragoman-journal.org/books>> 35. Call for papers: Translation Spaces 7(1) 2018, special issue on Translation in Non-governmental Organisations<<www.reading.ac.uk/web/files/modern-languages-and-european-studies/CfP_SI_Translation_Spaces-translation_in_NGOs-public-extended_deadline.pdf>> 36. Call for papers: Public Service Interpreting and Translation and New Technologies Participation through Communication with Technology, special issue of FITISPos International Journal, Vol 5 (2018).Contact: Michaela Albl-Mikasa (albm@zhaw.ch) & Stefanos Vlachopoulos (stefanos@teiep.gr) 37. Sendebar, Vol. 28 (2017)<<http://revistaseug.ugr.es/index.php/sendebar>> 38. Ranzato, Irene. (2016). North and South: British Dialects in Fictional Dialogue, special issue of Status Quaestionis – Language, Text, Culture, 11.<<http://statusquaestionis.uniroma1.it/index.php/statusquaestionis>> 39. Translation Studies 10 (2), special issue on Indirect Translation.<<www.tandfonline.com/toc/rtrs20/current>> 40. Translation & Interpreting – Special issue on Research Methods in Interpreting Studies, Vol 9 (1), 2017. 41. Translation and Translanguaging in Multilingual Contexts, special issue on Between Specialised Texts and Institutional Contexts – Competence and Choice in Legal Translation, edited by V. Dullion, 3 (1), 2017.<<https://benjamins.com/#catalog/journals/ttmc.3.1/toc>> 42. Translation and Performance, 9 (1), 2017<<https://journals.library.ualberta.ca/tc/index.php/TC/issue/view/1879>> 3) CONGRESOS / CONFERENCES 1. ATISA IX: Contexts of Translation and InterpretingUniversity of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, USA, 29 March – 1 April 2018<<www.atisa.org/sites/default/files/CFP_ATISA_2018_FINAL.pdf> 2. V International Translating Voices Translating Regions – Minority Languages, Risks, Disasters and Regional CrisesCentre for Translation Studies (CenTraS) at UCL and Europe House, London, UK, 13-15 December 2017.<<www.ucl.ac.uk/centras/translation-news-and-events/v-translating-voices>> 3. Translation and Health Humanities: The Role of Translated Personal Narratives in the Co-creation of Medical KnowledgeGenealogies of Knowledge I Translating Political and Scientific Thought across Time and Space, University of Manchester, UK7-9 December 2017.<<http://genealogiesofknowledge.net/2017/02/20/call-panel-papers-translation-health-humanities-role-translated-personal-narratives-co-creation-medical-knowledge>> 4. Fourth International Conference on Non-Professional Interpreting and Translation (NPIT4), Stellenbosch University, South Africa, 22-24 May 2018.<<http://conferences.sun.ac.za/index.php/NPIT4/npit4>> 5. I International Conference on Interdisciplinary Approaches for Total Communication: Education, Healthcare and Interpreting within Disability Settings, University of Málaga, Spain, 12-14 December 2017.<<https://ecplusproject.uma.es/cfp-iciatc>> 6. Translation & Minority 2: Freedom and DifferenceUniversity of Ottawa, Canada, 10-11 November 2017.<<https://translationandminority.wordpress.com>> 7. Staging the Literary Translator: Roles, Identities, PersonalitiesUniversity of Vienna, Austria, 17-19 May 2018.<<http://translit2018.univie.ac.at/home>> 8. IATIS 2018 – Translation and Cultural MobilityPanel 9: Translating Development: The Importance of Language(s) in Processes of Social Transformation in Developing CountriesHong Kong, 3-6 July 2018.<<www.iatis.org/index.php/6th-conference-hong-kong-2018/item/1459-panels#Panel09>> 9. Fun for All 5: Translation and Accessibility in Video Games Conference, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain, 7-8 June 2018.<<http://jornades.uab.cat/videogamesaccess>> 10. ACT/Unlimited! 2 Symposium, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain, 6 June 2018.<<http://pagines.uab.cat/act/content/actunlimited-2-symposium>> 11. IATIS 2018 – Translation and Cultural MobilityPANEL 06: Museum Translation: Encounters across Space and TimeHong Kong Baptist University, 3-6 July 2018.<<www.iatis.org/index.php/6th-conference-hong-kong-2018/item/1459-panels#Panel06>> 12. IATIS 2018 – Translation and Cultural Mobility PANEL 12: Advances in Discourse Analysis in Translation Studies: Theoretical Models and Applications Hong Kong Baptist University3-6 July 2018.<<www.iatis.org/index.php/6th-conference-hong-kong-2018/item/1459-panels#Panel12>> 13. Understanding Quality in Media Accessibility, Universidad Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain, 5 June 2018. <<http://pagines.uab.cat/umaq/content/umaq-conference>> 14. Managing Anaphora in Discourse: Towards an Interdisciplinary Approach, University of Grenoble Alpes, France, 5-6 April 2018.<<http://saesfrance.org/4071-2>> 15. Traduire les voix de la nature / Translating the Voices of Nature, Paris, France, 25-26 May 2018.<<www.utu.fi/en/units/hum/units/languages/mts/Documents/CFP.pdf>> 16. IATIS 2018 – Translation and Cultural MobilityPANEL 10: Audiovisual Translation as Cross-cultural Mediation – New Trajectories for Translation and Cultural Mobility?Hong Kong Baptist University, 3-6 July 2018. <<www.iatis.org/index.php/6th-conference-hong-kong-2018/item/1459-panels#Panel10>> 17. The Fourth International Conference on Research into the Didactics of Translation, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain20-22 June 2018.<<http://grupsderecerca.uab.cat/pacte/en/firstcircular>> 18. I Coloquio Internacional Hispanoafricano de Lingüística, Literatura y Traducción. España en contacto con África, su(s) pueblo(s) y su(s= cultura(s) Universidad FHB de Cocody-Abidjan, Costa de Marfil 7-9 March 2018.<<www.afriqana.org/encuentros.php>> 19. Transius Conference 2018, Geneva, Switzerland, 18-20 June 2018.<<http://transius.unige.ch/en/conferences-and-seminars/conferences/18/>> 20. 39th International GERAS Conference - Diachronic Dimensions in Specialised Varieties of English: Implications in Communications, Didactics and Translation Studies, University of Mons, Belgium15-17 March 2018.<<www.geras.fr/index.php/presentation/breves/2-uncategorised/245-cfp-39th-international-geras-conference>> 21. 31st Annual Conference of the Canadian Association for Translation Studies - Translation and Adaptation, University of Regina, Canada, 28-30 May 2018.<<https://linguistlist.org/issues/28/28-3413.html>> 22. 2nd Valencia/Napoli Colloquium on Gender and Translation: Translating/Interpreting LSP through a Gender PerspectiveUniversità di Napoli 'L'Orientale', Italy, 8-9 February 2018.Contact: eleonorafederici@hotmail.com 23. Ninth Annual International Translation Conference: Translation in the Digital Age: From Translation Tools to Shifting Paradigms, Hamad Bin Khalifa's Translation & Interpreting Institute (TII), Doha, Qatar, 27-28 March 2018.<<www.tii.qa/9th-annual-translation-conference-translation-digital-age-translation-tools-shifting-paradigms>> 24. ACT/Unlimited! 2 Symposium – Quality Training, Quality Service in Accessible Live Events, Barcelona, Spain, 6 June 2018.<<http://pagines.uab.cat/act/content/actunlimited-2-symposium>> 25. Fourth International Conference on Research into the Didactics of Translation, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain, 20-22 June 2018.<<http://grupsderecerca.uab.cat/pacte/en/secondcircular2018>> 26. Talking to the World 3. International Conference in T&I Studies – Cognition, Emotion, and Creativity, Newcastle University, UK, 17-18 September 2018.<<www.ncl.ac.uk/sml/news-events/news/item/talkingtotheworld3ticonference.html>> 27. Translation & Interpreting in the Digital Era, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Seoul, South Korea, 29-30 January 2018.Contact: itri@hufs.ac.kr 28. 7th META-NET Annual Conference: Towards a Human Language Project, Hotel Le Plaza, Brussels, Belgium, 13-14 November 2017.<<www.meta-net.eu/events/meta-forum-2017>> 4) CURSOS – SEMINARIOS – POSGRADOS / COURSES – SEMINARS – MA PROGRAMMES 1. Certificate / Diploma / Master of Advanced Studies in Interpreter Training (online), FTI, University of Geneva, Switzerland,4 September 2017 - 10 September 2019.<<www.unige.ch/formcont/masit>> 2. Master's Degree in Legal Translation, Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, London, UK.<<http://ials.sas.ac.uk/study/courses/llm-legal-translation>> 3. Certificat d'Université en Interprétation en contexte juridique : milieu judiciaire et secteur des demandes d'asile, University of Mons, Belgium.<<http://hosting.umons.ac.be/php/centrerusse/agenda/certificat-duniversite-en-interpretation-en-contexte-juridique-milieu-judiciaire-et-secteur-des-demandes-dasile.html>> 4. Online MA in Translation and Interpreting ResearchUniversitat Jaume I, Castellón, Spain.Contact: monzo@uji.es<<www.mastertraduccion.uji.es>> 5. MA in Intercultural Communication, Public Service Interpreting and Translation 2017-2018, University of Alcalá, Madrid, Spain.<<www3.uah.es/master-tisp-uah/introduction-2/introduction>> 6. Research Methods in Translation and Interpreting StudiesUniversity of Geneva, Switzerland.<<www.unige.ch/formcont/researchmethods-distance1>><<www.unige.ch/formcont/researchmethods-distance2>> 7. La Traducción audiovisual y el aprendizaje de lenguas extranjeras, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED), Spain, 4 December 2017.<<https://goo.gl/3zpMgY>> 8. Fifth summer school in Chinese-English Translation and Interpretation (CETIP), University of Ottawa, Canada, 23 July – 17 August 2018.<<http://arts.uottawa.ca/translation/summer-programs>> 9. First summer school in Arabic – English Translation and Interpretation (AETP), University of Ottawa, Canada, 23 July – 17 August 2018.<<http://arts.uottawa.ca/translation/summer-programs>> 10. Third summer school in translation pedagogy (TTPP)University of Ottawa, Canada, 23 July – 17 August 2018.<<http://arts.uottawa.ca/translation/summer-programs>> 4) PREMIOS/AWARDS 1. The Warwick Prize for Women in Translation<<http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/fac/cross_fac/womenintranslation>
학위논문 (박사) -- 서울대학교 대학원 : 사회과학대학 사회복지학과, 2020. 8. 홍백의. ; This study characterizes 15 countries' pension reform trajectories and statistically examines how these pension reform trajectories affect pension effort during the CRP (Compound Reform Period 1990-2015). This study defines pension reform are either contractionary and expansionary reforms; pension effort refers to both pension expenditure and pension generosity. Conventionally, studies have often examined how socio-influential factors (e.g. socio-economic, institutional, and political factors) affect pension effort. However, these discourses have heavily emphasized contractionary pension reforms and pension expenditure, but have overlooked expansionary pension reforms and pension generosity. This study argues that the traditional retrenchment-focused approach to pension policy research is rooted largely in inherited theories of the 'Welfare State Crisis' and macro-socio-economics, that are not reflective of the recent post-industrial policy shifts occurring in the world. In particular to pension policy, in response to the 20th century old and new social risks, traditional Bismarckian and Beveridgean countries have implemented a mix of contractionary and expansionary reforms. These reforms were designed to deal with pension financial sustainability and adequacy against old-age poverty. Consequently, two primary limitations of previous studies have become apparent. The austerity-oriented and macro view of pension effort using socio-influential factors overlooks an important building block within the dynamic pension reform process. In addition, existing quantitative and qualitative studies have centered around institutions that examine pension policies from a static perspective - overlooking pension policy dynamic changes. During the CRP, pension systems have experienced two interconnected components - retrenchment and expansionary reforms - that ultimately define pension effort. Accordingly, it is necessary to comprehensively investigate how these components of dynamic pension reform affect pension effort in the context of both pension expenditure and pension generosity. This study organized expansionary and retrenchment pension reforms using ten pension reform variables based on the work Häusermann (2010): insurance (e.g. parametric pension reforms), capitalization (e.g. DB to DC shifts), targeting (e.g. means-tested), and recalibration (e.g. pension credits). In order to evaluate how these pension reforms affected pension effort, this study utilized two analytical methods: unsupervised clustering characterizes pension reform trajectories, and an LMM (Mixed Effect Model) statistically evaluates their effectiveness with respect to pension expenditure and pension generosity. Pension reforms were categorized into four pension reform clusters: labor-activated pension (LAP) reforms, extended privatization pension (EPP) reforms, latecomer structural pension (LSP) reforms, and extensive retrenchment pension (ERP) reforms. The labor-activated pension reform (LAP) cluster is generally composed of advanced welfare states that experienced the highest unemployment rates and most pressing demographic changes prior to the CRP. However, their transition into the CRP has been met with significant GDP growth and high employment rates. At the same time, this cluster is facing the highest level of new social risks in regions like women's labor participation, employment in services, and economic openness. In response to both old and new social risks, most of the countries in this cluster made significant reforms meant to mitigate their effects. Various parametric pension reforms (e.g. increasing the retirement age, penalizing early retirement, etc.) encourage individuals near retirement to continue working or re-enter the workforce, thus increasing labor supply. In addition, targeting and recalibration reforms incentivize participation in the labor market by lowering pension eligibility requirements. The extended privatization pension reform (EPP) cluster is very similar in its Marco-socio-economic structure to the labor-activated pension reform (LAP) cluster, in that it is defined by developed nations that experienced drastic macro-socio-economic changes before the CRP. However, in the CRP this cluster has the highest levels of aged 65 years and older individuals, coupled with a moderately high economic growth. Growth compared to the labor activated pension reform cluster may be lower due to this aging. When a higher proportion of a total population is elderly, a larger proportion of economic expenses must be spent on retirement care. However, another additional feature of this cluster's socio-economics is lower birth rates. Some new social risks of interest that have had a particular effect on this cluster are increasing service sector employment rates and higher economic openness. However, pension reform strategies are vastly different from the labor-activated pension reform (LAP) reform strategies. This reform cluster shifts enrollment in occupational or individual pension programs from voluntary to mandatory and these programs then work in conjunction with existing public pension systems. However, in order to compensate disadvantaged groups and unpaid workers, various expansionary pension reforms were also implemented in tandem; for example, means-tested pension benefits, tax reductions or earnings-related subsidies to employers, employees or individuals. The latecomer structural pension reform cluster (LSP) is uniquely composed of countries that had transitioned from centrally planned economies to widespread market-based economies at the inception of their original pension programs. Their transition to market based-economies was not smooth and this was reflected in their relatively slow economic growth. Structural changes are not the only facet that describes the struggles these countries have had during the CRP; demographic issues have also played an outsized role in their economies. Not only had their relative population aged, but at the same time, there was a dramatic drop in their fertility rates. New social risks have been reflected in their rising proportion of service sector employment and the swift opening of their economies. This cluster turned to structural-based reforms as a countermeasure to the ballooning pension expenditures that ensued, because of these different macro-socio-economic hardships. In order to compensate disadvantaged groups and unpaid workers, various expansionary pension reforms were also implemented in tandem with contractionary reforms (ex. targeting reform), but recalibration reforms were not implemented. The extensive retrenchment pension reform cluster (ERP), is composed of countries that demographically aged the most, and experienced the greatest long-term economic hardships because of economic crises during the CRP. Another critical issue was the decline of birth rates in these countries. New social risks have also added stress to their economic hardships with increases in atypical workers, women's labor participation rates, and serious issues with low employment rates. Under these increasing new social risks and problematic pension structures, the extensive retrenchment pension (ERP) reform cluster retrenched inherited asymmetric pension systems through radical parametric reforms, then means-tested programs were additionally added to compensate low-income groups and impoverished elderly. Each pension reform clusters' socio-economic backgrounds provide insight into the underlying indicators that are correlated with their adoption of different pension reform policies. Using these pension reform clusters as independent variables, this study demonstrates that different pension reforms have diversified the existing architecture of pension effort. According to the Linear Mixed Effect Model (LMM) results, the labor-activated pension reform (LAP) cluster statistically reduced pension expenditure relative to the reference pension reform cluster (extensive retrenchment pension reform cluster). The extended privatization pension (EPP) reform cluster significantly reduced pension generosity relative to the reference pension reform cluster (extensive retrenchment pension reform cluster). While the labor-activated pension (LAP) reform cluster maintained the highest standard pension retirement age and most restrictions on early retirement, the extended privatization pension (EPP) reform cluster created a more direct link between pension benefits and an individual's pension contributions, by shifting to mandatory enrollment in occupational or individual pension programs. This study asserts that pension reforms are the key to understanding pension effort (pension expenditure and pension generosity), and that contractionary and expansionary pension reform policies should be studied together. In addition, existing comparative studies have often excluded East-Asian countries, in particular, China, Japan, and Korea. They should be included in comparative policy analysis that will allow researchers to determine if they are empirically different, and thus compensate or address those differences more effectively in future research. In comparative social policy research, from the new institutionalism perspective, policy classifications should consider the process of policy change, from a dynamic perspective rather than static characteristics. This study suggests that policymakers may need to be concerned about each pension reform's pros and cons in the context of pension expenditure and generosity when adopting a pension reform. In future pension reforms, policymakers need to explicitly design their policies around increasing new profiles who, if not considered more carefully, are at higher risk of poverty in this post-industrialized global economy. The most sensible means of doing this is if policymakers avoid reducing benefits for these groups when legislating future pension reforms. Take Korean pension reforms as an example. Korea adopted an extensive parametric pension (ERP) reforms that may prove to be an effective way of curbing costs, while means-tested incentives provide more generous benefits to the growing population of at-risk individuals. However, extensive retrenchment pension (ERP) reforms have a high risk of providing inadequate pension benefits to at-risk groups without seriously resolving issues with program expenditure. Since extensive retrenchment pension (ERP) reforms do not sufficiently meet the needs of the Korean pension system, the next step is to look at alternative clusters to resolve these issues. Extended privatization pension reforms (EPP) generally supplement pension benefits by adopting a market-based pension component. However, adopting a reform from this cluster will also likely result in stagnated pension coverage, deteriorated pension benefits, and increased gender and income inequality. Adoption of a latecomer structural pension reform (LSP) (e.g. NDC) is also not realistic, because there are a large number of atypical workers in Korea (e.g. self-employed, part-time workers) who are unable to shoulder considerable financial burdens (double payment issues). This study suggests that adopting a labor-activated pension reform (LAP) may be the most effective pension strategy to strengthen Korean public pension system security. This strategy takes into account new career profiles that were previously overlooked by the system; the goal of including these workers to the system would be to reduce the occurrence of old-age poverty. ; 本论文定量比较分析了15个国家在1990-2015 (compound reform period, CRP:1990-2015)综合改革期间的养老金改革轨迹,及其对养老金努力(pension effort)的影响。本文定义了养老金改革包括消减性改革(contractionary pension reform)和扩张性改革(expansionary pension reform),养老金努力(pension effort)包括养老金支出(pension expenditure)和养老金慷慨度(pension generosity)。受"福利国家危机论"的影响,现存的大部分相关学术主要分析了宏观社会・经济因素(包括经济,政治和制度因素)对养老金政策的影响。这些研究集中在研究养老金支出而忽视了对养老金慷慨度的分析. 宏观社会经济背景及制度的遗产(institutional legacy)或历史轨迹等对养老金努力(pension effort)影响效应息息相关,但是本研究认为基于宏观理论并限定于养老金支出的传统文献没有充分的的分析到后工业社会下(post-industrialization)的养老金改革轨迹和特征。尤其是从20世纪末,为了应对新旧社会风险(old and new social risks)的压力,综合型养老金改革(compound pension reform),即消减性改革(contractionary pension reform)和扩张性改革(expansionary pension reform)被纷纷采纳去同时解决养老金财政可持续性和抵御老年贫困的两个问题。本文认为传统文献在研究养老金政策的影响因素中存在两个主要局限性问题:第一,忽视了核心变量-养老金改革对老金支出(pension expenditure)和养老金慷慨度(pension generosity)的影响。第二,现有的定量和定性社会政策比较或聚类研究只从围绕静态角度(static perspective)的政策特征却忽视了政策的动态变化(policy dynamic change)。 本文以Häusermann (2010)的养老金改革理论为基础,分析了包括消减性改革(contractionary pension reform)和扩张性改革(expansionary pension reform)养老金改革的十个变量:保险参数(parametric reform参数改革),市场化(例如: 从DB 改革成 DC),目标化(targeting) (例如: 经济能力审查:means-tested), 再调整(recalibration) (例如:养老金补贴: pension credits)。为了从统计学上评估分析这些养老金改革对养老金努力(pension effort)对影响效应,本文采用了两种分析方法:K均值无监督聚类分析(clustering analysis)和线性混合效应模型(linear mixed effect model, LMM)。根据聚类分析(clustering analysis)结果,15国家在1990-2015期间的养老金改革可分为四个改革类型:劳动激励改革型(labor-activated pension reform, LAP), 扩展私有化改革型(extended privatization pension reform, EPP), 后发结构改革型(latecomer structural pension reform, LSP),和激进消减改革型(extensive retrenchment pension reform, ERP). 基于定量统计数据比较分析,线性混合效应模型(linear mixed effect model, LMM)分析结果发现不同的改革轨迹对养老金支出和养老金慷慨度影响不同。 劳动激励改革型(labor-activated pension reform, LAP)是由发达福利国家组成,这些国家在CRP(1990-2015)之前遭遇过经济衰退和前所未有的失业率增加和人口转变问题,但是在CRP(1990-2015)的过度期间实现了GDP和就业率的总体水平回升。相比于其他的改革类型,这些国家面临着最高水平的社会新风险(new social risks): 女性劳动就业和服务性就业者不断增加。为了应对新旧社会风险(old and new social risks)和减轻养老金财政压力,这些国家采取了大力度的养老金参数改革。主要包括参数改革(例如: 延后退休, 处罚提前退休等),鼓励接近退休等人继续工作或重新加入劳动市场。此外利用扩张性的目标化(targeting)和再调整(recalibration)改革鼓励人们参与劳动市场并通过养老金水平等。 扩展私有化改革型(extended privatization pension reform, EPP)的宏观社会经济结构背景和劳动激励改革型(labor-activated pension reform, LAP)比较相似,但是他们的养老金改革决策却大相径庭。在CRP前期,这些国家也是经历过宏观经济巨变的发达福利国家.低生育率和最高的老年人口比例,这个改革类型的国家面临养老金支出巨大失衡的压力。另外不规则就业者(atypical worker)和服务性就业者的比例不断上升也威胁着养老金政策的长期可持续性。扩展私有化改革型(extended privatization pension reform, EPP)的主要决策是通过强制性策略提高参加职业和商业养老保险并且采取相对应的公共养老金参数改革方案。扩张型改革(expansionary pension reform)主要是为了弥补弱势和底薪群体,例如,对雇主,雇员或个人就行减税并且给以适当的补贴,经济能力审查的(means-tested)养老金补贴改革也是尤为突出。 后发结构改革型(latecomer structural pension reform cluster, LSP)的国家在养老金改革初期经历了市场经济转型独特社会变化。特别是在市场经济转型初期经济增长还没有真正的崛起,养老金制度不仅面临经济转型的挑战,人口转变包括人口老龄化和生育率下降问题更是加剧了养老金制度的财政失衡。另外新社会风险(new social risks)和全球化更激化了服务性劳动者的增加。为了扩大政府财政来源和弥补养老金缺口,这些社会背景推动了这些国家以结构改革(structural pension reform)为主线。为弱势群体也提供一定的社会补助,例如,经济能力审查的(means-tested)养老金补贴,但是后发结构改革型(latecomer structural pension reform cluster, LSP)目前缺乏再调整(recalibration)的扩张型改革(expansionary pension reform)。 激进消减改革型(extensive retrenchment pension reform, ERP)在CRP初期临最严重的老龄化增长和经济危机带来的长期经济困难。人口转变(生育率急剧下降,老龄化进程加速)更是加剧了养老金的经济持续性问题。同时,这些国家更面临着由迅速的现代化进程所带来的挑战:服务性劳动者,女性劳动市场的参与与日俱增,就业率急剧下降等新社会风险(new social risks)。在这种社会背景下,激进消减改革型 (extensive retrenchment pension reform, ERP)采用了大幅度的参数改革(parametric pension reform)为消减现存的养老金财政问题。资格审核(means-tested)的社会救助被采用去补助低收入人群和老人的养老金收入。 本文把以上的四个改革类型作为自变量研究分析了各个改革类型对养老金努力(pension effort: pension expenditure, pension generosity)的影响效果。根据线性混合效应模型(linear mixed effect model, LMM)的分析结果,相对于激进消减改革型 (extensive retrenchment pension reform, ERP), 劳动激励改革型(labor-activated pension reform, LAP)有效的消减了养老金支出; 扩展私有化改革型(extended privatization pension reform, EPP)有效的得降低了养老金的慷慨度。相比之下,劳动激励改革型(labor-activated pension reform, LAP)维持了最高标准的养老金退休年龄和提前退休的最大限制,而扩展私有化改革型(extended privatization pension reform, EPP)则是通过强制参与职业和商业退休金制度加大紧缩养老金和缴费之间的直接关系。 理论层面,第一,本研究强调养老金改革变量是理解养老金努力(pension effort)的关键。第二,1990年以来的养老金改革应该同时考虑消减性改革(contractionary pension reform)和扩张性改革(expansionary pension reform)。第三,从新制度主义的理论角度来看,社会政策比较更应该考虑动态政策变化(pension dynamic change),不应该只限于静态视角(static perspective)的政策特征。第四,传统的社会政策比较研究文献经常忽略了东亚国家,比如,中国,日本和韩国。本文认为,尤其是比较研究更应该把这些国家包括在内因为通过比较可以更有效的分析这些制度改革决策的差异性。 政策层面,在制定养老金改革方案时需要同时考虑改革对养老金支出和养老金慷慨度影响的利弊。考虑到后工业化所带来的新风险和现存的旧社会风险,在未来的养老金改革方案中养老金长期可持续性需要要均衡养老金支出可持续性和慷慨度。以韩国养老金改革为例,激进消减改革型(extensive retrenchment pension reform, ERP)可能有助于控制养老金支出,另外经济审查性的社会补助(means-tested)是可以填充贫穷老人的养老金水平;但是其改革方案很可能让高风险群体(ex. atypical workers, lower-income)面临养老金严重不足的问题。由于激进消减改革型(extensive retrenchment pension reform, ERP)不能充分满足韩国养老金制度的需求,本文总结分析了其他三个改革方案的可取性。扩展私有化改革型(extended privatization pension reform, EPP)方案主要是通过市场养老金组成部分来补充养老金福利慷慨水平,但是此改革方案可能导致韩国养老金覆盖率停滞,并恶化高风险群体(ex. atypical workers, lower-income group)的养老金慷慨度并且加剧性别福利水平不平等等问题。后发结构改革型(latecomer structural pension reform cluster, LSP) (ex. NDC) 方案对于韩国的现状更不现实。由于韩国的独特的工业及劳动市场结构,绝大部分的非典型就业者 (atypical workers) 会很难负担双重付费 (double payment issue) 问题。采用劳动激励改革型 (labor-activated pension reform, LAP) 方案可以加固韩国的公共养老金体系并有效的提高新型职业 (new career profiles) 人员的养老金覆盖率且减少老年贫困。 ; 본 연구는 15개 국가를 대상으로 1990-2015년 사이 발생한 다양한 연금개혁의 궤적을 군집화하고 이러한 연금개혁궤적 군집이 연금노력(Pension Effort)에 미치는 영향에 대해 분석하고자 한다. 본 연구에서 연금개혁은 축소개혁(Contractionary Reform) 과 확장개혁(Expansionary Reform)을 동시에 고려하며 연금노력(Pension Effort)은 연금지출(Pension Expenditure)과 연금관대성 (Pension Generosity)을 나타낸다. "복지국가의 위기론"의 영향으로 기존 대부분의 연구들은 연금노력(Pension Effort)과 관련하여 주로 거시적 관점에서사회・경제・정치 영향 요인이 연금지출에 미치는 영향에 대해서만 분석이 이뤄졌다. 특히 핵심적 연금정책수단인 연금개혁에 대한 연구가 부족했으며 연금노력(Pension Effort)에 연금관대성을 살펴본 연구는 많지 않았다. 또한 실질적으로 전통적인 "복지국가 축소론"을 기반으로 분석한 연구들은 脫산업화로 인해 복지정책의 다양한 변화 및 특징을 충분히 포착하지 못했다. 지난 20세기말부터 舊사회위험(Old Social Risk) 및 新사회위험(New Social Risk)을 동시에 대응하기 위해 많은 국가들은 연금제도의 지속가능성 개선을 위해 축소개혁(Contractionary Reform)뿐만 아니라 확장개혁(Expansionary Reform)도 같이 도입했다. 다시 말해, 기존의 연구들은 크게 두 가지 한계점을 뚜렷하게 나타내고 있었다. 첫째, 거시적 관점에서 분석한 기존연구들은 사회・경제・제도적 영향 요인이 연금노력(Pension Effort)에 미치는 영향과 연금관대성에 대해 연구가 부족하다. 또한 가장 중요한 영향요인 변수인 연금개혁에 대해 분석하지 못했다. 둘째, 기존의 질적 및 양적 비교정책연구들은 주로 연금제도의 정태적(靜態的) 특성만 포착했으며 동태적(動態的) 개혁과정에 대한 연구가 부족했다. 따라서, 동태적(動態的)인 연금개혁이 연금지출과 연금관대성에 대해 어떤 영향을 미치는가에 대한 연구가 시급하고 중요하다. 본 연구는 Häusermann (2010)의 연금개혁을 이론적 기반으로10가지 연금개혁 변수를 포함하며 15개 국가를 대상으로 26년 동안 연금개혁궤적에 대해 분석하고자 한다. 구체적으로 연금개혁 변수는 주로 보험(Insurance), 적립화(Capitalization) (예: DB에서 DC로 전환), 표적화(Targeting) (예: Means-Tested)과 再조준화(Recalibration) (예: 연금크레딧 혹은 교육크레딧)를 포함한다. 우선, 군집분석(Cluster Analysis)을 통해서 다양한 축소 및 확장 연금개혁을 연금개혁궤적으로 규명하였고, 선형혼합효과모형 (Linear Mixed Effect Model, LMM)을 통해 각 연금개혁궤적이 연금노력(Pension Effort), 즉 연금지출(Pension Expenditure)과 연금관대성(Pension Generosity)에 대한 영향을 분석하였다. 분석결과에 따라, 4가지 연금개혁 궤적 유형으로 구분할 수 있다: 노동활성화개혁(Labor-Activated Pension, LAP), 민영화확장개혁(Extended Privatization Pension, EPP)개혁, 후발구조적개혁(Latecomer Structural Pension, LSP) 그리고 긴축연금개혁(Extensive Retrenchment Pension, ERP). 노동활성화개혁(LAP)은CRP(1990-2015) 기간 이전의 매우 높은 실업률과 급진적인 인구학적 변화를 겪은 선진 복지국가로 구성되어 있다. CRP(1990-2015)기간에 진입하여 GDP 성장과 고용률 증가세를 점차적으로 확인할 수 있지만 新사회위험(New Social risk)에 가장 심각한 국면을 직면하고 있었다. 예를 들어, 높은 여성의 노동시장 참가율, 높은 세계화 지수 및 서비스업의 증가 등 있다. 이러한 舊사회위험(Old Social Risk) 및 新사회위험(New Social Risk)을 대응하기 위해 대부분 국가들은 다양한 모수적연금개혁을 실시했다. 특히 은퇴에 근접한 연령인 개인들은 계속 노동시장에 남을 수 있도록 많은 연금개혁을 노력해왔다. 예를 들어, 은퇴연령을 높이고 조기은퇴 연령 축소 및 조기은퇴의 감액을 강화하여 노동시장 참여를 유발하기 위한 많은 연금개혁을 했다. 동시에 표적화(Targeting)와 再조준화(Recalibration)등 확장개혁(Expansionary Reform)을 통해 연금 수급여건을 낮춤으로써 서비스업을 비롯한 저임금 노동자들의 노동시장 참여를 장려하기 위한 개혁을 실시하였다. 민영화확장개혁(EPP)은 거시적 사회경제 변화를 경험한 선진국으로 노동활성화개혁(LAP) 클러스터와 비슷한 거시적 사회변화 구조를 경험하였다. 이 클러스터는 CRP(1990-2015) 기간에 높은 서비스업 취업률과 더 높은 경제적 개방성을 나타낸다. 또한 65세 이상 인구 비율이 가장 높고 저출산 문제를 함께 경험하고 있다. 연금개혁 전략은 노동활성화개혁(LAP)의 채택 전략과 뚜렷한 차이가 존재하고 있다. 민영화확장개혁(EPP)은 직업 또는 개인연금의 가입을 자발적 가입에서 강제가입으로 확정하며 기존 공적연금시스템에 대한 축소개혁을 함께 진행해왔다. 저임금 노동자를 보상화기 위하여 자산조사 (Means-Test)를 통해 연금 혜택이나 연금 크레딧 (Pension Credit)과 같은 다양한 확장연금개혁(Expansionary Reform)도 이뤄졌다. 후발구조적개혁(LSP)은 기존의 연금제도는 중앙계획경제에서 광범위한 시장경제로의 이행을 경험한 국가들로 이루어졌다는 독특한 성격을 지닌다. 이러한 국가가 시장경제로 전환한 초기에는 비교적 느리게 경제가 성장하였으며 거시 경제적 전환뿐만 아니라 인구 구조적인 변화도 같이 직면하고 있었다. 또한 빠른 시장경제개방과 脫산업화로 인해 산업구조도 급격한 변화를 겪고 있기 때문에 기존의 연금제도의 골격을 유지하기 힘든 조건에 직면하고 있다. 후발구조적개혁(LSP)은 이처럼 다양한 거시 사회경제적 구조변화로 인해 급등한 연금비용 지출에 대한 대책으로 구조적개혁을 선택하였다. 취약한 집단을 보상하기 위해 여러 표적화(Targeting)와 같은 확장 연금개혁(Expansionary Reform)을 했지만 再조준화(Recalibration) 개혁은 아직 도입되지 않았다. 긴축형연금개혁(ERP)은 가장 빠른 고령화를 겪었으며 출산율이 급격히 하락한 것을 경험하고 있는 국가로 구성되었다. 新사회위험(New Social Risk) 역시 비정규직 노동자, 여성 노동시장 참여율 그리고 낮은 취업률을 포함하는 심각한 사회 및 경제적 어려움을 겪고 있다. 긴축형연금개혁(ERP)은 이처럼 점차 늘어나는 新사회위험 (New Social Risk)과 전통적인 '고급여, 저분담' 연금구조의 어려움에 직면하기 때문에 포괄적인 모수개혁을 통해 기존의 관대한 연금시스템을 축소하려고 한다. 저소득 집단과 고령 빈곤층에 대한 자산조사 (Means-test) 와 같은 표적화 (Targeting) 개혁을 통해 노후소득보장의 보조적 역할을 추가하였다. 본 연구는 위에 도출한 4가지 연금개혁 클러스터를 독립변수로 혼합효과모형(Linear Mixed Effect Model, LMM)에 투입하여 각 연금개혁이 연금노력 (Pension Effort)에 대해 통계적으로 분석하였다. 분석결과, 긴축형연금개혁(ERP)에 비해 노동활성화개혁(LAP)은 통계적으로 연금지출(Pension Expenditure)을 감소시켰으며, 반면에 민영화확장개혁(EPP)은 연금관대성(Pension Generosity)을 통계적으로 감소시켰다. 노동활성화개혁(LAP)의 연금개혁 특징을 보면 은퇴연령과 조기은퇴에 대해 가장 많이 강화했고, 한편 긴축형연금개혁(ERP)은 직업 또는 개인연금 가입을 강제가입으로 확장하여 연금 기여와 혜택 간의 더 직접적인 연결고리를 강조했다. 본 연구의 이론적 함의는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 본 연구는 연금개혁이 연금노력 (연금 지출 및 연금 관대성)에 대한 영향의 가장 핵심적인 변수라고 강조하며 또한 연금개혁은 축소형과 확장형 연금개혁을 함께 연구해야 한다고 주장한다. 둘째, 대부분 기존의 비교연구는 중국, 일본과 한국 등 동아시아 국가들을 제외해왔다. 하지만 비교정책에서 이러한 국가들을 실증적분석을 통해 차이점을 도출하여 미래 연구에서 더 효과적으로 다룰 수 있도록 해야 한다. 셋째, 이 연구는 비교사회정책 연구의 복지정책 및 제도를 분류에 대한 정태적(靜態的)인 관점이 아닌 정책변화를 반영할 수 있는 동태적(動態的)인 관점으로 보는 것을 더 타당하며 심층적으로 분석할 수 있다고 주장한다. 정책적 함의는 다음과 같이 제시하였다. 개혁 클러스터마다 각 장단점이 존재하며 정책 입안가들은 연금개혁 정책을 도입할 때 연금지출과 연금관대성을 모두 고려해야 한다. 특히 脫산업화로 인해 일시적・장기적 실업의 증가, 비정규직고용과 여성고용의 증가 등 新사회위험 및 舊사회위험을 고려해서 미래 연금개혁에서 연금지출과 연금 관대성을 동시에 고려해야한다. 이를 신중하게 고려하지 않으면 脫산업화 이후의 저소득 및 취약계층은 더 높은 노인 빈곤에 직면할 수 있다. 한국 연금개혁의 예를 들면, 긴축형연금개혁(ERP)은 장기적으로 연금지출을 낮추고 또한 자산조사(Means-Test)와 같은 표적화(Targeting)개혁을 통해 사회부조형 연금으로 노인빈곤을 해소할 수 있지만 이러한 포괄적인 축소 개혁은 특히 미래 세대의 저소득층의 심각한 연금부족의 문제를 초래할 수 있다. 또 다른 세 가지 한국의 연금개혁에 대한 시사점을 다음과 같이 제시한다. 민영화확장개혁(EPP)은 주로 개인연금 및 직업연금의 강제가입을 통해 연금의 관대성을 제고하기 때문에 이와 같은 개혁전략을 채택하면 한국의 연금의 보장성을 악화시킬 가능성이 매우 크다. 특히 비전형 노동자와 저소득층의 연금수준을 악화시킬 가능성이 매우 크다. 또한 후발구조적개혁(LSP)은 한국의 연금제도의 현황에 현실적이지 않다고 본다. 한국의 독특한 산업구조 및 脫산업사회적 요구와 수요로 인해 비정규직 노동자의 증가로 많은 가입자가 이중부담(Double Payment)을 직면해야 하는 실정이다. 노동활성화개혁(LAP)은 한국의 공적연금제도를 강화하며 한국의 노인 빈곤 및 新사회위험(New Social Risk) 등 문제를 완화하는데 있어 도움이 될 수 있다고 판단한다. ; Chapter One: Introduction 1 1.1 The Purpose of this Study 1 1.2 Limitations of Contemporary Literature 7 1.3 Identifying Dynamic Pension Reform and Pension Effort 13 1.4 Research Scope and Research Questions 15 Chapter Two: Theoretical Framework and Literature Review 18 1.1 Pension Reform Background 19 1.1.1 Demographic Pressures 19 1.1.2 Macro-economic Pressures 24 2.1 Pension Reforms Trends and Pension Structures 27 2.1.1 Trend 1: Convergence between Bismarckian and Beveridgean Structures 28 2.1.2 Trend 2: Retrenchment of Inherited Pension Systems 41 2.1.3 Summary 43 3.1 What Influences Changes in Pension Effort? Existing Arguments 45 3.1.1 Socio-economic Factors 46 3.1.2 Institutional Factors 50 3.1.3 Political Factors 52 4.1 Pension Reform Implementation - The Linchpin of Pension Effort 59 5.1 Characterizing Pension Reform – Four Pension Reform Dimensions 63 5.1.1 Insurance 69 5.1.2 Capitalization 70 5.1.3 Targeting 71 5.1.4 Recalibration 72 6.1 Empirical Research Overview 73 7.1 Analytical Framework 79 Chapter Three: Research Methodology 81 1.1 Data and Scope 81 2.1 Operational Definition of Variables 82 2.1.1 Dependent Variables 84 2.1.2 Independent Variables 87 2.1.3 Control Variables 98 3.1 Methodology 107 3.1.1 Part One: Pension Reform Classification 110 3.1.2 Part Two: Evaluation for Pension Effort - Linear Mixed-effect Model (LMM) 114 Chapter Four: Empirical Analysis 119 1.1 Descriptive Analysis 120 1.1.1 Data 120 1.1.2 Macro-socio-economic Changes 122 1.1.3 Tendencies of Pension Expenditure and Pension Generosity 127 1.1.4 Pension Reform across Countries from 1990 to 2015 132 1.1.5 Summary 151 2.2 Cluster Analysis Results 152 2.1.1 Identifying Pension Reform Clusters 152 2.1.2 Pension Reform Cluster Descriptive Statistics 156 2.1.3 Pension Expenditure and Pension Generosity 164 3.1 Pension Reform Characteristics in Four Pension Reform Clusters 166 3.1.1 Labor-activated pension (LAP) Reforms 166 3.1.2 Extended Privatization Pension (EPP) Reforms 175 3.1.3 Latecomer Structural Pension (LSP) Reforms 190 3.1.4 Extensive Retrenchment Pension (ERP) Reforms 198 3.1.5 Summary 207 4.1 Mixed Effect Model Analytical Results 211 4.1.1 Pension Expenditure 218 4.1.2 Pension Generosity 226 Chapter Five: Conclusion 232 1.1 Research Summary of Findings 232 1.2 Theoretical Implications 235 1.3 Policy Implications 239 1.4 Research Limitations 244 References 248 Appendix A. 267 Abstract (Korean) 272 Abstract (Chinese) 278 ; Doctor
학위논문 (박사) -- 서울대학교 대학원 : 사회과학대학 사회복지학과, 2020. 8. 홍백의. ; This study characterizes 15 countries' pension reform trajectories and statistically examines how these pension reform trajectories affect pension effort during the CRP (Compound Reform Period 1990-2015). This study defines pension reform are either contractionary and expansionary reforms; pension effort refers to both pension expenditure and pension generosity. Conventionally, studies have often examined how socio-influential factors (e.g. socio-economic, institutional, and political factors) affect pension effort. However, these discourses have heavily emphasized contractionary pension reforms and pension expenditure, but have overlooked expansionary pension reforms and pension generosity. This study argues that the traditional retrenchment-focused approach to pension policy research is rooted largely in inherited theories of the 'Welfare State Crisis' and macro-socio-economics, that are not reflective of the recent post-industrial policy shifts occurring in the world. In particular to pension policy, in response to the 20th century old and new social risks, traditional Bismarckian and Beveridgean countries have implemented a mix of contractionary and expansionary reforms. These reforms were designed to deal with pension financial sustainability and adequacy against old-age poverty. Consequently, two primary limitations of previous studies have become apparent. The austerity-oriented and macro view of pension effort using socio-influential factors overlooks an important building block within the dynamic pension reform process. In addition, existing quantitative and qualitative studies have centered around institutions that examine pension policies from a static perspective - overlooking pension policy dynamic changes. During the CRP, pension systems have experienced two interconnected components - retrenchment and expansionary reforms - that ultimately define pension effort. Accordingly, it is necessary to comprehensively investigate how these components of dynamic pension reform affect pension effort in the context of both pension expenditure and pension generosity. This study organized expansionary and retrenchment pension reforms using ten pension reform variables based on the work Häusermann (2010): insurance (e.g. parametric pension reforms), capitalization (e.g. DB to DC shifts), targeting (e.g. means-tested), and recalibration (e.g. pension credits). In order to evaluate how these pension reforms affected pension effort, this study utilized two analytical methods: unsupervised clustering characterizes pension reform trajectories, and an LMM (Mixed Effect Model) statistically evaluates their effectiveness with respect to pension expenditure and pension generosity. Pension reforms were categorized into four pension reform clusters: labor-activated pension (LAP) reforms, extended privatization pension (EPP) reforms, latecomer structural pension (LSP) reforms, and extensive retrenchment pension (ERP) reforms. The labor-activated pension reform (LAP) cluster is generally composed of advanced welfare states that experienced the highest unemployment rates and most pressing demographic changes prior to the CRP. However, their transition into the CRP has been met with significant GDP growth and high employment rates. At the same time, this cluster is facing the highest level of new social risks in regions like women's labor participation, employment in services, and economic openness. In response to both old and new social risks, most of the countries in this cluster made significant reforms meant to mitigate their effects. Various parametric pension reforms (e.g. increasing the retirement age, penalizing early retirement, etc.) encourage individuals near retirement to continue working or re-enter the workforce, thus increasing labor supply. In addition, targeting and recalibration reforms incentivize participation in the labor market by lowering pension eligibility requirements. The extended privatization pension reform (EPP) cluster is very similar in its Marco-socio-economic structure to the labor-activated pension reform (LAP) cluster, in that it is defined by developed nations that experienced drastic macro-socio-economic changes before the CRP. However, in the CRP this cluster has the highest levels of aged 65 years and older individuals, coupled with a moderately high economic growth. Growth compared to the labor activated pension reform cluster may be lower due to this aging. When a higher proportion of a total population is elderly, a larger proportion of economic expenses must be spent on retirement care. However, another additional feature of this cluster's socio-economics is lower birth rates. Some new social risks of interest that have had a particular effect on this cluster are increasing service sector employment rates and higher economic openness. However, pension reform strategies are vastly different from the labor-activated pension reform (LAP) reform strategies. This reform cluster shifts enrollment in occupational or individual pension programs from voluntary to mandatory and these programs then work in conjunction with existing public pension systems. However, in order to compensate disadvantaged groups and unpaid workers, various expansionary pension reforms were also implemented in tandem; for example, means-tested pension benefits, tax reductions or earnings-related subsidies to employers, employees or individuals. The latecomer structural pension reform cluster (LSP) is uniquely composed of countries that had transitioned from centrally planned economies to widespread market-based economies at the inception of their original pension programs. Their transition to market based-economies was not smooth and this was reflected in their relatively slow economic growth. Structural changes are not the only facet that describes the struggles these countries have had during the CRP; demographic issues have also played an outsized role in their economies. Not only had their relative population aged, but at the same time, there was a dramatic drop in their fertility rates. New social risks have been reflected in their rising proportion of service sector employment and the swift opening of their economies. This cluster turned to structural-based reforms as a countermeasure to the ballooning pension expenditures that ensued, because of these different macro-socio-economic hardships. In order to compensate disadvantaged groups and unpaid workers, various expansionary pension reforms were also implemented in tandem with contractionary reforms (ex. targeting reform), but recalibration reforms were not implemented. The extensive retrenchment pension reform cluster (ERP), is composed of countries that demographically aged the most, and experienced the greatest long-term economic hardships because of economic crises during the CRP. Another critical issue was the decline of birth rates in these countries. New social risks have also added stress to their economic hardships with increases in atypical workers, women's labor participation rates, and serious issues with low employment rates. Under these increasing new social risks and problematic pension structures, the extensive retrenchment pension (ERP) reform cluster retrenched inherited asymmetric pension systems through radical parametric reforms, then means-tested programs were additionally added to compensate low-income groups and impoverished elderly. Each pension reform clusters' socio-economic backgrounds provide insight into the underlying indicators that are correlated with their adoption of different pension reform policies. Using these pension reform clusters as independent variables, this study demonstrates that different pension reforms have diversified the existing architecture of pension effort. According to the Linear Mixed Effect Model (LMM) results, the labor-activated pension reform (LAP) cluster statistically reduced pension expenditure relative to the reference pension reform cluster (extensive retrenchment pension reform cluster). The extended privatization pension (EPP) reform cluster significantly reduced pension generosity relative to the reference pension reform cluster (extensive retrenchment pension reform cluster). While the labor-activated pension (LAP) reform cluster maintained the highest standard pension retirement age and most restrictions on early retirement, the extended privatization pension (EPP) reform cluster created a more direct link between pension benefits and an individual's pension contributions, by shifting to mandatory enrollment in occupational or individual pension programs. This study asserts that pension reforms are the key to understanding pension effort (pension expenditure and pension generosity), and that contractionary and expansionary pension reform policies should be studied together. In addition, existing comparative studies have often excluded East-Asian countries, in particular, China, Japan, and Korea. They should be included in comparative policy analysis that will allow researchers to determine if they are empirically different, and thus compensate or address those differences more effectively in future research. In comparative social policy research, from the new institutionalism perspective, policy classifications should consider the process of policy change, from a dynamic perspective rather than static characteristics. This study suggests that policymakers may need to be concerned about each pension reform's pros and cons in the context of pension expenditure and generosity when adopting a pension reform. In future pension reforms, policymakers need to explicitly design their policies around increasing new profiles who, if not considered more carefully, are at higher risk of poverty in this post-industrialized global economy. The most sensible means of doing this is if policymakers avoid reducing benefits for these groups when legislating future pension reforms. Take Korean pension reforms as an example. Korea adopted an extensive parametric pension (ERP) reforms that may prove to be an effective way of curbing costs, while means-tested incentives provide more generous benefits to the growing population of at-risk individuals. However, extensive retrenchment pension (ERP) reforms have a high risk of providing inadequate pension benefits to at-risk groups without seriously resolving issues with program expenditure. Since extensive retrenchment pension (ERP) reforms do not sufficiently meet the needs of the Korean pension system, the next step is to look at alternative clusters to resolve these issues. Extended privatization pension reforms (EPP) generally supplement pension benefits by adopting a market-based pension component. However, adopting a reform from this cluster will also likely result in stagnated pension coverage, deteriorated pension benefits, and increased gender and income inequality. Adoption of a latecomer structural pension reform (LSP) (e.g. NDC) is also not realistic, because there are a large number of atypical workers in Korea (e.g. self-employed, part-time workers) who are unable to shoulder considerable financial burdens (double payment issues). This study suggests that adopting a labor-activated pension reform (LAP) may be the most effective pension strategy to strengthen Korean public pension system security. This strategy takes into account new career profiles that were previously overlooked by the system; the goal of including these workers to the system would be to reduce the occurrence of old-age poverty. ; 本论文定量比较分析了15个国家在1990-2015 (compound reform period, CRP:1990-2015)综合改革期间的养老金改革轨迹,及其对养老金努力(pension effort)的影响。本文定义了养老金改革包括消减性改革(contractionary pension reform)和扩张性改革(expansionary pension reform),养老金努力(pension effort)包括养老金支出(pension expenditure)和养老金慷慨度(pension generosity)。受"福利国家危机论"的影响,现存的大部分相关学术主要分析了宏观社会・经济因素(包括经济,政治和制度因素)对养老金政策的影响。这些研究集中在研究养老金支出而忽视了对养老金慷慨度的分析. 宏观社会经济背景及制度的遗产(institutional legacy)或历史轨迹等对养老金努力(pension effort)影响效应息息相关,但是本研究认为基于宏观理论并限定于养老金支出的传统文献没有充分的的分析到后工业社会下(post-industrialization)的养老金改革轨迹和特征。尤其是从20世纪末,为了应对新旧社会风险(old and new social risks)的压力,综合型养老金改革(compound pension reform),即消减性改革(contractionary pension reform)和扩张性改革(expansionary pension reform)被纷纷采纳去同时解决养老金财政可持续性和抵御老年贫困的两个问题。本文认为传统文献在研究养老金政策的影响因素中存在两个主要局限性问题:第一,忽视了核心变量-养老金改革对老金支出(pension expenditure)和养老金慷慨度(pension generosity)的影响。第二,现有的定量和定性社会政策比较或聚类研究只从围绕静态角度(static perspective)的政策特征却忽视了政策的动态变化(policy dynamic change)。 本文以Häusermann (2010)的养老金改革理论为基础,分析了包括消减性改革(contractionary pension reform)和扩张性改革(expansionary pension reform)养老金改革的十个变量:保险参数(parametric reform参数改革),市场化(例如: 从DB 改革成 DC),目标化(targeting) (例如: 经济能力审查:means-tested), 再调整(recalibration) (例如:养老金补贴: pension credits)。为了从统计学上评估分析这些养老金改革对养老金努力(pension effort)对影响效应,本文采用了两种分析方法:K均值无监督聚类分析(clustering analysis)和线性混合效应模型(linear mixed effect model, LMM)。根据聚类分析(clustering analysis)结果,15国家在1990-2015期间的养老金改革可分为四个改革类型:劳动激励改革型(labor-activated pension reform, LAP), 扩展私有化改革型(extended privatization pension reform, EPP), 后发结构改革型(latecomer structural pension reform, LSP),和激进消减改革型(extensive retrenchment pension reform, ERP). 基于定量统计数据比较分析,线性混合效应模型(linear mixed effect model, LMM)分析结果发现不同的改革轨迹对养老金支出和养老金慷慨度影响不同。 劳动激励改革型(labor-activated pension reform, LAP)是由发达福利国家组成,这些国家在CRP(1990-2015)之前遭遇过经济衰退和前所未有的失业率增加和人口转变问题,但是在CRP(1990-2015)的过度期间实现了GDP和就业率的总体水平回升。相比于其他的改革类型,这些国家面临着最高水平的社会新风险(new social risks): 女性劳动就业和服务性就业者不断增加。为了应对新旧社会风险(old and new social risks)和减轻养老金财政压力,这些国家采取了大力度的养老金参数改革。主要包括参数改革(例如: 延后退休, 处罚提前退休等),鼓励接近退休等人继续工作或重新加入劳动市场。此外利用扩张性的目标化(targeting)和再调整(recalibration)改革鼓励人们参与劳动市场并通过养老金水平等。 扩展私有化改革型(extended privatization pension reform, EPP)的宏观社会经济结构背景和劳动激励改革型(labor-activated pension reform, LAP)比较相似,但是他们的养老金改革决策却大相径庭。在CRP前期,这些国家也是经历过宏观经济巨变的发达福利国家.低生育率和最高的老年人口比例,这个改革类型的国家面临养老金支出巨大失衡的压力。另外不规则就业者(atypical worker)和服务性就业者的比例不断上升也威胁着养老金政策的长期可持续性。扩展私有化改革型(extended privatization pension reform, EPP)的主要决策是通过强制性策略提高参加职业和商业养老保险并且采取相对应的公共养老金参数改革方案。扩张型改革(expansionary pension reform)主要是为了弥补弱势和底薪群体,例如,对雇主,雇员或个人就行减税并且给以适当的补贴,经济能力审查的(means-tested)养老金补贴改革也是尤为突出。 后发结构改革型(latecomer structural pension reform cluster, LSP)的国家在养老金改革初期经历了市场经济转型独特社会变化。特别是在市场经济转型初期经济增长还没有真正的崛起,养老金制度不仅面临经济转型的挑战,人口转变包括人口老龄化和生育率下降问题更是加剧了养老金制度的财政失衡。另外新社会风险(new social risks)和全球化更激化了服务性劳动者的增加。为了扩大政府财政来源和弥补养老金缺口,这些社会背景推动了这些国家以结构改革(structural pension reform)为主线。为弱势群体也提供一定的社会补助,例如,经济能力审查的(means-tested)养老金补贴,但是后发结构改革型(latecomer structural pension reform cluster, LSP)目前缺乏再调整(recalibration)的扩张型改革(expansionary pension reform)。 激进消减改革型(extensive retrenchment pension reform, ERP)在CRP初期临最严重的老龄化增长和经济危机带来的长期经济困难。人口转变(生育率急剧下降,老龄化进程加速)更是加剧了养老金的经济持续性问题。同时,这些国家更面临着由迅速的现代化进程所带来的挑战:服务性劳动者,女性劳动市场的参与与日俱增,就业率急剧下降等新社会风险(new social risks)。在这种社会背景下,激进消减改革型 (extensive retrenchment pension reform, ERP)采用了大幅度的参数改革(parametric pension reform)为消减现存的养老金财政问题。资格审核(means-tested)的社会救助被采用去补助低收入人群和老人的养老金收入。 本文把以上的四个改革类型作为自变量研究分析了各个改革类型对养老金努力(pension effort: pension expenditure, pension generosity)的影响效果。根据线性混合效应模型(linear mixed effect model, LMM)的分析结果,相对于激进消减改革型 (extensive retrenchment pension reform, ERP), 劳动激励改革型(labor-activated pension reform, LAP)有效的消减了养老金支出; 扩展私有化改革型(extended privatization pension reform, EPP)有效的得降低了养老金的慷慨度。相比之下,劳动激励改革型(labor-activated pension reform, LAP)维持了最高标准的养老金退休年龄和提前退休的最大限制,而扩展私有化改革型(extended privatization pension reform, EPP)则是通过强制参与职业和商业退休金制度加大紧缩养老金和缴费之间的直接关系。 理论层面,第一,本研究强调养老金改革变量是理解养老金努力(pension effort)的关键。第二,1990年以来的养老金改革应该同时考虑消减性改革(contractionary pension reform)和扩张性改革(expansionary pension reform)。第三,从新制度主义的理论角度来看,社会政策比较更应该考虑动态政策变化(pension dynamic change),不应该只限于静态视角(static perspective)的政策特征。第四,传统的社会政策比较研究文献经常忽略了东亚国家,比如,中国,日本和韩国。本文认为,尤其是比较研究更应该把这些国家包括在内因为通过比较可以更有效的分析这些制度改革决策的差异性。 政策层面,在制定养老金改革方案时需要同时考虑改革对养老金支出和养老金慷慨度影响的利弊。考虑到后工业化所带来的新风险和现存的旧社会风险,在未来的养老金改革方案中养老金长期可持续性需要要均衡养老金支出可持续性和慷慨度。以韩国养老金改革为例,激进消减改革型(extensive retrenchment pension reform, ERP)可能有助于控制养老金支出,另外经济审查性的社会补助(means-tested)是可以填充贫穷老人的养老金水平;但是其改革方案很可能让高风险群体(ex. atypical workers, lower-income)面临养老金严重不足的问题。由于激进消减改革型(extensive retrenchment pension reform, ERP)不能充分满足韩国养老金制度的需求,本文总结分析了其他三个改革方案的可取性。扩展私有化改革型(extended privatization pension reform, EPP)方案主要是通过市场养老金组成部分来补充养老金福利慷慨水平,但是此改革方案可能导致韩国养老金覆盖率停滞,并恶化高风险群体(ex. atypical workers, lower-income group)的养老金慷慨度并且加剧性别福利水平不平等等问题。后发结构改革型(latecomer structural pension reform cluster, LSP) (ex. NDC) 方案对于韩国的现状更不现实。由于韩国的独特的工业及劳动市场结构,绝大部分的非典型就业者 (atypical workers) 会很难负担双重付费 (double payment issue) 问题。采用劳动激励改革型 (labor-activated pension reform, LAP) 方案可以加固韩国的公共养老金体系并有效的提高新型职业 (new career profiles) 人员的养老金覆盖率且减少老年贫困。 ; 본 연구는 15개 국가를 대상으로 1990-2015년 사이 발생한 다양한 연금개혁의 궤적을 군집화하고 이러한 연금개혁궤적 군집이 연금노력(Pension Effort)에 미치는 영향에 대해 분석하고자 한다. 본 연구에서 연금개혁은 축소개혁(Contractionary Reform) 과 확장개혁(Expansionary Reform)을 동시에 고려하며 연금노력(Pension Effort)은 연금지출(Pension Expenditure)과 연금관대성 (Pension Generosity)을 나타낸다. "복지국가의 위기론"의 영향으로 기존 대부분의 연구들은 연금노력(Pension Effort)과 관련하여 주로 거시적 관점에서사회・경제・정치 영향 요인이 연금지출에 미치는 영향에 대해서만 분석이 이뤄졌다. 특히 핵심적 연금정책수단인 연금개혁에 대한 연구가 부족했으며 연금노력(Pension Effort)에 연금관대성을 살펴본 연구는 많지 않았다. 또한 실질적으로 전통적인 "복지국가 축소론"을 기반으로 분석한 연구들은 脫산업화로 인해 복지정책의 다양한 변화 및 특징을 충분히 포착하지 못했다. 지난 20세기말부터 舊사회위험(Old Social Risk) 및 新사회위험(New Social Risk)을 동시에 대응하기 위해 많은 국가들은 연금제도의 지속가능성 개선을 위해 축소개혁(Contractionary Reform)뿐만 아니라 확장개혁(Expansionary Reform)도 같이 도입했다. 다시 말해, 기존의 연구들은 크게 두 가지 한계점을 뚜렷하게 나타내고 있었다. 첫째, 거시적 관점에서 분석한 기존연구들은 사회・경제・제도적 영향 요인이 연금노력(Pension Effort)에 미치는 영향과 연금관대성에 대해 연구가 부족하다. 또한 가장 중요한 영향요인 변수인 연금개혁에 대해 분석하지 못했다. 둘째, 기존의 질적 및 양적 비교정책연구들은 주로 연금제도의 정태적(靜態的) 특성만 포착했으며 동태적(動態的) 개혁과정에 대한 연구가 부족했다. 따라서, 동태적(動態的)인 연금개혁이 연금지출과 연금관대성에 대해 어떤 영향을 미치는가에 대한 연구가 시급하고 중요하다. 본 연구는 Häusermann (2010)의 연금개혁을 이론적 기반으로10가지 연금개혁 변수를 포함하며 15개 국가를 대상으로 26년 동안 연금개혁궤적에 대해 분석하고자 한다. 구체적으로 연금개혁 변수는 주로 보험(Insurance), 적립화(Capitalization) (예: DB에서 DC로 전환), 표적화(Targeting) (예: Means-Tested)과 再조준화(Recalibration) (예: 연금크레딧 혹은 교육크레딧)를 포함한다. 우선, 군집분석(Cluster Analysis)을 통해서 다양한 축소 및 확장 연금개혁을 연금개혁궤적으로 규명하였고, 선형혼합효과모형 (Linear Mixed Effect Model, LMM)을 통해 각 연금개혁궤적이 연금노력(Pension Effort), 즉 연금지출(Pension Expenditure)과 연금관대성(Pension Generosity)에 대한 영향을 분석하였다. 분석결과에 따라, 4가지 연금개혁 궤적 유형으로 구분할 수 있다: 노동활성화개혁(Labor-Activated Pension, LAP), 민영화확장개혁(Extended Privatization Pension, EPP)개혁, 후발구조적개혁(Latecomer Structural Pension, LSP) 그리고 긴축연금개혁(Extensive Retrenchment Pension, ERP). 노동활성화개혁(LAP)은CRP(1990-2015) 기간 이전의 매우 높은 실업률과 급진적인 인구학적 변화를 겪은 선진 복지국가로 구성되어 있다. CRP(1990-2015)기간에 진입하여 GDP 성장과 고용률 증가세를 점차적으로 확인할 수 있지만 新사회위험(New Social risk)에 가장 심각한 국면을 직면하고 있었다. 예를 들어, 높은 여성의 노동시장 참가율, 높은 세계화 지수 및 서비스업의 증가 등 있다. 이러한 舊사회위험(Old Social Risk) 및 新사회위험(New Social Risk)을 대응하기 위해 대부분 국가들은 다양한 모수적연금개혁을 실시했다. 특히 은퇴에 근접한 연령인 개인들은 계속 노동시장에 남을 수 있도록 많은 연금개혁을 노력해왔다. 예를 들어, 은퇴연령을 높이고 조기은퇴 연령 축소 및 조기은퇴의 감액을 강화하여 노동시장 참여를 유발하기 위한 많은 연금개혁을 했다. 동시에 표적화(Targeting)와 再조준화(Recalibration)등 확장개혁(Expansionary Reform)을 통해 연금 수급여건을 낮춤으로써 서비스업을 비롯한 저임금 노동자들의 노동시장 참여를 장려하기 위한 개혁을 실시하였다. 민영화확장개혁(EPP)은 거시적 사회경제 변화를 경험한 선진국으로 노동활성화개혁(LAP) 클러스터와 비슷한 거시적 사회변화 구조를 경험하였다. 이 클러스터는 CRP(1990-2015) 기간에 높은 서비스업 취업률과 더 높은 경제적 개방성을 나타낸다. 또한 65세 이상 인구 비율이 가장 높고 저출산 문제를 함께 경험하고 있다. 연금개혁 전략은 노동활성화개혁(LAP)의 채택 전략과 뚜렷한 차이가 존재하고 있다. 민영화확장개혁(EPP)은 직업 또는 개인연금의 가입을 자발적 가입에서 강제가입으로 확정하며 기존 공적연금시스템에 대한 축소개혁을 함께 진행해왔다. 저임금 노동자를 보상화기 위하여 자산조사 (Means-Test)를 통해 연금 혜택이나 연금 크레딧 (Pension Credit)과 같은 다양한 확장연금개혁(Expansionary Reform)도 이뤄졌다. 후발구조적개혁(LSP)은 기존의 연금제도는 중앙계획경제에서 광범위한 시장경제로의 이행을 경험한 국가들로 이루어졌다는 독특한 성격을 지닌다. 이러한 국가가 시장경제로 전환한 초기에는 비교적 느리게 경제가 성장하였으며 거시 경제적 전환뿐만 아니라 인구 구조적인 변화도 같이 직면하고 있었다. 또한 빠른 시장경제개방과 脫산업화로 인해 산업구조도 급격한 변화를 겪고 있기 때문에 기존의 연금제도의 골격을 유지하기 힘든 조건에 직면하고 있다. 후발구조적개혁(LSP)은 이처럼 다양한 거시 사회경제적 구조변화로 인해 급등한 연금비용 지출에 대한 대책으로 구조적개혁을 선택하였다. 취약한 집단을 보상하기 위해 여러 표적화(Targeting)와 같은 확장 연금개혁(Expansionary Reform)을 했지만 再조준화(Recalibration) 개혁은 아직 도입되지 않았다. 긴축형연금개혁(ERP)은 가장 빠른 고령화를 겪었으며 출산율이 급격히 하락한 것을 경험하고 있는 국가로 구성되었다. 新사회위험(New Social Risk) 역시 비정규직 노동자, 여성 노동시장 참여율 그리고 낮은 취업률을 포함하는 심각한 사회 및 경제적 어려움을 겪고 있다. 긴축형연금개혁(ERP)은 이처럼 점차 늘어나는 新사회위험 (New Social Risk)과 전통적인 '고급여, 저분담' 연금구조의 어려움에 직면하기 때문에 포괄적인 모수개혁을 통해 기존의 관대한 연금시스템을 축소하려고 한다. 저소득 집단과 고령 빈곤층에 대한 자산조사 (Means-test) 와 같은 표적화 (Targeting) 개혁을 통해 노후소득보장의 보조적 역할을 추가하였다. 본 연구는 위에 도출한 4가지 연금개혁 클러스터를 독립변수로 혼합효과모형(Linear Mixed Effect Model, LMM)에 투입하여 각 연금개혁이 연금노력 (Pension Effort)에 대해 통계적으로 분석하였다. 분석결과, 긴축형연금개혁(ERP)에 비해 노동활성화개혁(LAP)은 통계적으로 연금지출(Pension Expenditure)을 감소시켰으며, 반면에 민영화확장개혁(EPP)은 연금관대성(Pension Generosity)을 통계적으로 감소시켰다. 노동활성화개혁(LAP)의 연금개혁 특징을 보면 은퇴연령과 조기은퇴에 대해 가장 많이 강화했고, 한편 긴축형연금개혁(ERP)은 직업 또는 개인연금 가입을 강제가입으로 확장하여 연금 기여와 혜택 간의 더 직접적인 연결고리를 강조했다. 본 연구의 이론적 함의는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 본 연구는 연금개혁이 연금노력 (연금 지출 및 연금 관대성)에 대한 영향의 가장 핵심적인 변수라고 강조하며 또한 연금개혁은 축소형과 확장형 연금개혁을 함께 연구해야 한다고 주장한다. 둘째, 대부분 기존의 비교연구는 중국, 일본과 한국 등 동아시아 국가들을 제외해왔다. 하지만 비교정책에서 이러한 국가들을 실증적분석을 통해 차이점을 도출하여 미래 연구에서 더 효과적으로 다룰 수 있도록 해야 한다. 셋째, 이 연구는 비교사회정책 연구의 복지정책 및 제도를 분류에 대한 정태적(靜態的)인 관점이 아닌 정책변화를 반영할 수 있는 동태적(動態的)인 관점으로 보는 것을 더 타당하며 심층적으로 분석할 수 있다고 주장한다. 정책적 함의는 다음과 같이 제시하였다. 개혁 클러스터마다 각 장단점이 존재하며 정책 입안가들은 연금개혁 정책을 도입할 때 연금지출과 연금관대성을 모두 고려해야 한다. 특히 脫산업화로 인해 일시적・장기적 실업의 증가, 비정규직고용과 여성고용의 증가 등 新사회위험 및 舊사회위험을 고려해서 미래 연금개혁에서 연금지출과 연금 관대성을 동시에 고려해야한다. 이를 신중하게 고려하지 않으면 脫산업화 이후의 저소득 및 취약계층은 더 높은 노인 빈곤에 직면할 수 있다. 한국 연금개혁의 예를 들면, 긴축형연금개혁(ERP)은 장기적으로 연금지출을 낮추고 또한 자산조사(Means-Test)와 같은 표적화(Targeting)개혁을 통해 사회부조형 연금으로 노인빈곤을 해소할 수 있지만 이러한 포괄적인 축소 개혁은 특히 미래 세대의 저소득층의 심각한 연금부족의 문제를 초래할 수 있다. 또 다른 세 가지 한국의 연금개혁에 대한 시사점을 다음과 같이 제시한다. 민영화확장개혁(EPP)은 주로 개인연금 및 직업연금의 강제가입을 통해 연금의 관대성을 제고하기 때문에 이와 같은 개혁전략을 채택하면 한국의 연금의 보장성을 악화시킬 가능성이 매우 크다. 특히 비전형 노동자와 저소득층의 연금수준을 악화시킬 가능성이 매우 크다. 또한 후발구조적개혁(LSP)은 한국의 연금제도의 현황에 현실적이지 않다고 본다. 한국의 독특한 산업구조 및 脫산업사회적 요구와 수요로 인해 비정규직 노동자의 증가로 많은 가입자가 이중부담(Double Payment)을 직면해야 하는 실정이다. 노동활성화개혁(LAP)은 한국의 공적연금제도를 강화하며 한국의 노인 빈곤 및 新사회위험(New Social Risk) 등 문제를 완화하는데 있어 도움이 될 수 있다고 판단한다. ; Chapter One: Introduction 1 1.1 The Purpose of this Study 1 1.2 Limitations of Contemporary Literature 7 1.3 Identifying Dynamic Pension Reform and Pension Effort 13 1.4 Research Scope and Research Questions 15 Chapter Two: Theoretical Framework and Literature Review 18 1.1 Pension Reform Background 19 1.1.1 Demographic Pressures 19 1.1.2 Macro-economic Pressures 24 2.1 Pension Reforms Trends and Pension Structures 27 2.1.1 Trend 1: Convergence between Bismarckian and Beveridgean Structures 28 2.1.2 Trend 2: Retrenchment of Inherited Pension Systems 41 2.1.3 Summary 43 3.1 What Influences Changes in Pension Effort? Existing Arguments 45 3.1.1 Socio-economic Factors 46 3.1.2 Institutional Factors 50 3.1.3 Political Factors 52 4.1 Pension Reform Implementation - The Linchpin of Pension Effort 59 5.1 Characterizing Pension Reform – Four Pension Reform Dimensions 63 5.1.1 Insurance 69 5.1.2 Capitalization 70 5.1.3 Targeting 71 5.1.4 Recalibration 72 6.1 Empirical Research Overview 73 7.1 Analytical Framework 79 Chapter Three: Research Methodology 81 1.1 Data and Scope 81 2.1 Operational Definition of Variables 82 2.1.1 Dependent Variables 84 2.1.2 Independent Variables 87 2.1.3 Control Variables 98 3.1 Methodology 107 3.1.1 Part One: Pension Reform Classification 110 3.1.2 Part Two: Evaluation for Pension Effort - Linear Mixed-effect Model (LMM) 114 Chapter Four: Empirical Analysis 119 1.1 Descriptive Analysis 120 1.1.1 Data 120 1.1.2 Macro-socio-economic Changes 122 1.1.3 Tendencies of Pension Expenditure and Pension Generosity 127 1.1.4 Pension Reform across Countries from 1990 to 2015 132 1.1.5 Summary 151 2.2 Cluster Analysis Results 152 2.1.1 Identifying Pension Reform Clusters 152 2.1.2 Pension Reform Cluster Descriptive Statistics 156 2.1.3 Pension Expenditure and Pension Generosity 164 3.1 Pension Reform Characteristics in Four Pension Reform Clusters 166 3.1.1 Labor-activated pension (LAP) Reforms 166 3.1.2 Extended Privatization Pension (EPP) Reforms 175 3.1.3 Latecomer Structural Pension (LSP) Reforms 190 3.1.4 Extensive Retrenchment Pension (ERP) Reforms 198 3.1.5 Summary 207 4.1 Mixed Effect Model Analytical Results 211 4.1.1 Pension Expenditure 218 4.1.2 Pension Generosity 226 Chapter Five: Conclusion 232 1.1 Research Summary of Findings 232 1.2 Theoretical Implications 235 1.3 Policy Implications 239 1.4 Research Limitations 244 References 248 Appendix A. 267 Abstract (Korean) 272 Abstract (Chinese) 278 ; Doctor