The de-Arabization of West Jerusalem 1947-50
In: Journal of Palestine studies: a quarterly on Palestinian affairs and the Arab-Israeli conflict, Band 27, Heft 2, S. 5-22
ISSN: 0377-919X, 0047-2654
641 Ergebnisse
In: Journal of Palestine studies: a quarterly on Palestinian affairs and the Arab-Israeli conflict, Band 27, Heft 2, S. 5-22
ISSN: 0377-919X, 0047-2654
World Affairs Online
In: The Jerusalem journal of international relations, Band 14, Heft 3, S. 22-43
ISSN: 0363-2865
World Affairs Online
In: Worldview, Band 17, Heft 10, S. 41-44
Five years ago (Worldview, "The Middle East Conflict: A Christian Perspective," July-August, 1969) I laid out what seemed to be the absolutely essential components for a just and lasting peace in the Middle East. These included the continued existence of Israel as a free and independent state within relatively secure and defensible boundaries, the expression of Palestinian nationalism within some form of national entity, and the development of a scheme for joint Arab-Israeli sovereignty over the city of Jerusalem. In the light of conversations with Israelis and Arabs over the last two years, some modifications are in order.
In: Défense nationale: problèmes politiques, économiques, scientifiques, militaires, Band 51, S. 103-114
ISSN: 0035-1075, 0336-1489
Examines various peace proposals addressing the status of the city of Jerusalem and resolution of the Palestine question.
In: International journal of Middle East studies: IJMES, Band 27, Heft 2, S. 157-173
ISSN: 1471-6380
In writing the history of the Middle East there is one aspect that deserves special attention: the influence of the choice of source material on the writer's point of view. Does the choice of different types of sources—in our case Western as opposed to local sources—really dictate an altogether different view of the matter under discussion? Are all sources of equal value, or should we accord each of them a different place on the scale? In this article an attempt will be made to address this question through an examination of one particular topic—the history of women in 17th-century Jerusalem.
In: Annales: histoire, sciences sociales, Band 55, Heft 5, S. 983-1008
ISSN: 1953-8146
RésuméAu début des annees 70, le médiéviste israelien Joshua Prawer indiquait que le royaume croisé de Jérusalem avait constitue la premiére action colonisatrice de l'Occident, premier pas d'une dynamique continue menant à la conquête des Amériques et aux colonisations plus récentes. Prawer posait ainsi une question d'une grande importance pour la connaissance de la généalogie de l'expansion européenne, au-delà même du saut océanique des xve-xviesiecles. Cependant, aussi bien l'acceptation que le refus de la notion de « colonie » appliquée aux conquêtes de la chrétienté latine médiévale ne se sont pas accompagnés d'une réflexion conceptuelle suffisante. C'est ce probléme qui est discuté dans ce travail. La thése défendue est que la nature spécifique de la colonisation occidentale réside dans la subversion et 1'articulation des systemes sociaux extérieurs. On considére par ailleurs que la premiére expérience de ce type n'eut pas lieu dans les États latins d'outre-mer, mais qu'elle se réalisa, de facon particuliérement claire, dans le royaume de Valence conquis par Jacques Ierd'Aragon au milieu duxiiesiécle.
In: Slavic review: interdisciplinary quarterly of Russian, Eurasian and East European studies, Band 73, Heft 2, S. 322-346
ISSN: 2325-7784
In this article, I identify the Christian "hajj" to Jerusalem as an important Ottoman sociocultural phenomenon. I argue that by the nineteenth century the Balkan Eastern Orthodox communities in the Ottoman empire had restructured and reinterpreted their Holy Land pilgrimages to mirror the Muslim hajj to Mecca. As a result, the ritual trip to Jerusalem was transformed into a mechanism for upward social mobility and communal empowerment. By exploring the structural and functional similarities between the Muslim and the Christian hajj, this article contributes to studies of Muslim-Christian interactions outside "the clash of civilizations" paradigm. It also reveals striking distinctions between the Balkan Christian hajjis and the Russian palomniki, calling into question the influential scholarly assumption of Eastern Orthodox practices' homogeneity, an assumption that stands largely uncontested in the field of Slavic studies.
In: Mediterranean quarterly: a journal of global issues, Band 12, Heft 4, S. 80-89
ISSN: 1047-4552
Discusses spatial distribution, demographic patterns, and population projection, 1995-2020; some focus on the city's municipal borders, Jewish-Arab relations, and population separation vs. integration.
In: Middle East report: MER ; Middle East research and information project, MERIP, Band 23, Heft 3, S. 24-27
ISSN: 0888-0328, 0899-2851
The book covers the history of Arab Jerusalem in the 20th century and the developments and consequences of the 1948 war. It focuses on the displacement of the Arab neighbourhoods in the western parts of Jerusalem and examines the question of lost property and restitution. It also contains an analysis of the UNCCP records on land and landowners. (DÜI-Hns)
World Affairs Online
Four papers originally presented at a symposium on religious aspects of the question of Jerusalem, organised by the Centro Italiano per la Pace in Medio Oriente, Milan, as well as an introductory chapter. The papers deal with Jerusalem's significance to Islam (Nusseibeh) and to the Jewish people (Reiter), the political future of the city (Nusseibeh), and the christian community in Jerusalem (Sabella). (DÜI-Hns)
World Affairs Online
U članku su opisane ključne ranoislamske tradicije prema kojima se Jeruzalem smatra trećim po važnosti svetim gradom u islamu. Iz perspektive vjerskih, međuvjerskih, političkih i povijesnih okolnosti analiziran je njihov sadržaj te su razmotreni mogući razlozi za nastanak tih tradicija. Pozornost je posvećena tekstualnim i materijalnim vrelima, razini njihove autentičnosti, datiranju, te njihovu tumačenju od strane uglednih orijentalista i povjesničara umjetnosti. U članku su obrađene pojedinačne teme, kao što je Jeruzalem u islamskim kanonskim tekstovima, Muhamedovo noćno putovanje u el-Aksu, legende o Omarovu osvajanju Jeruzalema, imena Jeruzalema u djelima ranoislamskih ljetopisaca, uloga Židova i židovskih obraćenika u nastanku ranoislamskih tradicija te izgradnja, ukrasi, inskripcije i simbolika Kupole nad Stijenom. Autor u zaključku razmatra pitanje u kolikoj je mjeri religijsko čašćenje Jeruzalema u islamu povezano s autohtonim ranoislamskim vjerskim tradicijama, a u kojoj s ranom muslimansko-židovskom interakcijom te političkim procesima, od unutarislamskoga raskola u vrijeme prelaska rašidunske vlasti na umajadsku i Abdul-Malikova sukoba s hidžaskim kalifom el-Zubeirom, preko Križarskih ratova, do današnjega arapsko-izraelskog sukoba. ; The article describes major early Islamic traditions in which Jerusalem has been designated as the third holiest city in Islam. Their content has been analyzed based on the historical context and religious, inter-religious and political circumstances in which they were forged. Particular attention has been paid to textual and material sources, their authenticity, dating and their interpretation by prominent orientalists and art historians. The article addresses specific themes, such as Jerusalem in Islamic canonical texts, Muhammad's Night Journey to al-Aqṣā, the legends of Caliph 'Umar's conquest of Jerusalem, names for Jerusalem in Early Islamic chronicles, the influence of Jews and Jewish converts on early Islamic traditions, and the construction, symbolism, ornaments, and inscriptions of the Dome of the Rock. In the concluding remarks the author considers the question of to what degree attributing holiness to Jerusalem in Islam has been based on autochthonous early Islamic religious traditions, and to what degree on Muslim-Jewish interaction in Palestine, political processes, such as fitnah during early Umayyad rule, 'Abd al-Malik's struggle with Caliph Ibn al-Zubayr in the Hejaz, the Crusades, and the present-day Arab-Israeli conflict.
Main description: African Hebrew Israelites of Jerusalem are often dismissed as a fringe cult, but John L. Jackson questions what "fringe" means when cultural practices of every stripe circulate freely on the Internet. He reveals how race, religion, and ethnographic representation must be understood anew in the 21st century lest we reenact past errors.
In: British Studies Series
Thirteen wasted years'? Or the dawn of a new 'affluent society'? This book explores which description more appropriately fits the era of Conservative government in Britain after 1951. The author assesses the changing fortune of successive administrations under Churchill, Eden, Macmillan and Douglas-Home. He also analyses broader questions such as post-war 'decline', the nature of 'consensus politics' and the electoral effects of Britain's entrenched class system. In the first major stuy to have access to all official papers for 1951-64, Dr Jefferys provides a fresh critique of a key period in British political history
In: International affairs, Band 89, Heft 5, S. 1247-1264
ISSN: 1468-2346