The Failure of the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act: Time to Take a New Approach to Regulating Computer Crime
In: 84 Geo. Wash. L. Rev. 1703 (2016)
1901 Ergebnisse
In: 84 Geo. Wash. L. Rev. 1703 (2016)
In: Cuestiones Políticas; Nuevas realidades jurídico-políticas en el marco del orden mundial post-coronavirus, Band 38, Heft Especial, S. 463-472
ISSN: 2542-3185
In January 2020, the World Health Organization announced an outbreak of SARS-CoV2, which caused COVID-19 coronavirus disease. Soon, a continuous outbreak of coronavirus infection was declared a pandemic. This situation has led to an increase in cybercrime. Cybercriminals did not stray from the situation and used the pandemic to commit various digital frauds and cyberattacks. As a result, the objective of the investigation was to analyze computer crimes at the COVID-19 scene and identify their social and legal consequences. This is a documentary-based investigation. It is concluded that, security standards have deteriorated in the context of forty social as many organizations were not prepared for remote work and the number of victims of cybercrime will only grow soon. International organizations and law enforcement agencies in many countries issue many recommendations to prevent digital criminal acts against businesses and citizens. This situation also prompted active legislation around the world to deal with the crisis. Most of the rules adopted in recent months are likely to be derogated.
This article examines the criminal legislation of Russia and foreign countries, which regulate liability for the Commission of computer crimes. The author reveals the advantages and disadvantages of the Russian legislation regarding the criminalization of computer crimes. Put forward proposals on the improvement of criminal law articles 272-274 of the criminal code.
In: Journal of ecohumanism, Band 3, Heft 8
ISSN: 2752-6801
This systematic review study was conducted from 2019 to 2024 following the guidelines of the PRISMA protocol through an exhaustive search in Scopus, SciELO, Redalyc, Dialnet, Erih Plus, Latindex, the University César Vallejo library, and other databases, and aims to identify current trends and challenges in the prevention of cybercrime in Ecuador. The results show that, despite legislative efforts, cybercrime remains a growing problem in the country. The findings of this research have important implications for public policy formulation, investment in technology, and cybersecurity education in Ecuador. Lack of user awareness, insufficient resources for law enforcement, and the rapid evolution of technologies were identified as key factors. Public policies that promote cybersecurity education, investment in protection technologies, and collaboration between public and private institutions are recommended. In conclusion, this systematic review underscores the need to adopt a multidisciplinary and proactive approach to combat cybercrime in Ecuador.
In: Reason: free minds and free markets, Band 22, S. 22-27
ISSN: 0048-6906
In: Proceedings of Scientific Conference "New Challenges related to EU`s Internal Security" (5th ed.), held by Doctoral Schools from Alexandru Ioan Cuza Police Academy, Bucharest, Romania, 2016
In: The international library of criminology, criminal justice and penology
Designed as an introduction and overview to the field, Cyber Forensics: A Field Manual for Collecting, Examining, and Preserving Evidence of Computer Crimes, Second Edition integrates theory and practice to present the policies, procedures, methodologies, and legal ramifications and implications of a cyber forensic investigation. The authors guide you step-by-step through the basics of investigation and introduce the tools and procedures required to legally seize and forensically evaluate a suspect machine.Updating and expanding information on concealment techniques, new technologies
Darba ietvaros tiek aplūkots kibernoziegumu tiesiskais regulējums un tā aktuālās problēmas. Tiek analizēts, vai ir nepieciešams izstrādāt vispārsaistošu kibernoziegumu definīciju, kā arī salīdzinātas dažādos tiesību avotos sniegtās kibernoziegumu funkcionālās definīcijas. Attiecībā uz kriminālatbildību par autortiesību un blakustiesību pārkāpumiem tiek analizētas interneta sniegtās priekšrocības šādu pārkāpumu izdarīšanā, kā arī iespējamie tiesiskie risinājumi. Darba ietvaros tika aplūkotas problēmas cīņā ar prettiesisku materiālu izplatīšanu datortīklos, kā arī analizēti argumenti attiecībā uz nepieciešamību ierobežot internetā pastāvošo vārda brīvību. Darba ietvaros tika secināts, ka obligāts priekšnoteikums šādu nodarījumu efektīvai apkarošanai ir vienots starptautiskais regulējums, kas ļautu novērst interneta kā bezrobežu telpas sniegtās priekšrocības prettiesisko darbību veikšanā. Uzmanība tika pievērsta arī kriminālatbildībai par privātās dzīves aizskārumiem internetā un noziedzīgiem nodarījumiem pret automatizētajām datu apstrādes sistēmām, kas atšķirībā no pārējiem kibernoziegumiem, kas pastāvējuši jau iepriekš, ir radušies reizē ar datortīkliem un ir iespējami tikai šādā vidē. Darba ietvaros sniegtas idejas gan atsevišķu normu interpretācijai, gan priekšlikumi par atsevišķu normu izslēgšanu no Krimināllikuma. ; In this paper author analyzes actual issues of criminal law in cyberspace. Author analyzes whether there is a need to develop a legal definition of cybercrime, and compares different legal sources that provide functional definitions for term 'cybercrime'. In the sphere of copyright and related rights violations author examines possibilities offered by the use of Internet and especially peer to peer exchange programms and proposes possible legislative solutions. Regarding Content related offences in computer networks author analyzes the arguments for setting appropriate borders for freedom of expression in internet. It was concluded that a prerequisite for effective eradication of such content related offences is a common international regulation that seriously bothers criminals to use Internet as a borderless space for bypassing national laws of their location. Attention was also given to criminal liability for breaches of privacy on the Internet, and to offenses against the automated data processing systems, which unlike the other sorts of cybercrime, which existed before, have appeared along with computer networks and are possible only in such an environment. In this paper author offers ideas for interpretation of existing rules and proposes to adopt changes in separate articles of The Criminal Law.
In: Social science computer review: SSCORE, Band 10, Heft 3, S. 425-427
ISSN: 1552-8286
Releasing the worm into the Internet system that caused an estimated $200,000 worth of damage not only nominated graduate student Robert Morris, Jr., for inclusion into the Computer Criminal Hall of Fame but also served to heighten the computer community's consciousness of the need for increased security awareness. The Morris vignette is one of 18 notorious crimes recounted by Buck Bloombecker in Spectacular Computer Crimes, a 242-page book that attempts to lure the reader into becoming concerned about computer security.
In: Chartered secretary: CS ; the magazine of the Institute of Chartered Secretaries & Administrators, S. 23
ISSN: 1363-5905
In: Crime & Detection
Intro -- Foreword -- The Community of Cyberspace -- The Hackers -- The Threat Inside -- Business Under Attack -- Virus Attack -- Law Enforcement and Security -- Series Glossary -- Chronology -- Further Information -- Index -- Picture Credits -- Blank Page.