
698 Ergebnisse


Open Access#781642

Die Martis, 21. Februarii, 1642. Wheras [sic] in these times of eminent danger, there is by order of Parliament a fleet preparing


Open Access#791647

Die Iovis, 2 September, 1647. A declaration of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament


Open Access#801647

The votes of the Honourable House of Commons, in vindication of the eleven members charged by the army



Open Access#851642

His Majesties gracious message to both Houses of Parliament sent from Nottingham 25.August 1642, by the Earles of Southampton, and Dorset, Sir Iohn Culpeper Knight Chancellor of the Exchequer, and Sir William Vuedall Knight


Open Access#881646

Die Iovis 28 Maii, 1646. For as much as many writs of error be now brought, and may hereafter be brought, and the records thereupon be removed into this present Parliament


Open Access#891643

Die Sabbathi, 26 Augusti, 1643. Whereas divers persons have beene assessed upon the Ordinances of Parliament, for the twentieth part, and weekely assessement, subsidies, and other payments


Open Access#901643

The opening of the great seale of England. Containing certain brief historicall and legall observations, touching the originall, antiquity, progresse, vse, necessity of the great seal of the kings and kingdoms, of England, in respect of charters, patents, writs, commissions, and other processe. Toge...