Révolutions françaises et pensée allemande: 1789 - 1871
In: Publications de l'Université Stendhal de Grenoble
8610 Ergebnisse
In: Publications de l'Université Stendhal de Grenoble
World Affairs Online
Frank Kelleter ; Inhaltsverzeichnis ; Klappentext ; Volltext // Exemplar mit der Signatur: München, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek -- 2010.4237
In: Ordnungssysteme 5
World Affairs Online
In: Routledge studies in the history of economics
Introduction Chapter I. Woman question and political economy. I.1 Women economists in Great Britain between classical liberalism and Fabianism I.1.1 The classical liberal tradition during Victorianism I.1.2 The socialist tradition between Fabianism and Guildism I.2 Woman question in Austria and Germany: Jewishness and political economy I.2.1 The classical liberal tradition in Austria and the Austrian school women economists I.2.2 The socialist tradition in Austrian women economists I.2.3 Early feminism and political economy in Germany. I.3 Woman question in the United States: political economy between abolitionism and social reforms I.3.1 The fight for civil rights I.3.2 Women's emancipation within economic departments and the role of female entrepreneurship. Chapter II. Home economics, household economics, and new home economics in the United States. II.1 The birthing of home economics II.2 Household economics at the University of Chicago II.3 From household economics to the new home economics Chapter III. The genesis and development of feminist economics within academia III.1 The role of women's studies in the emerging of feminist economics III.2 Feminist economics: from CSWEP to IAFFE III.3 Feminist economics' analytical and methodological core III.4 Feminist Economics: the academic journal III.5 Possible interconnections between feminist economics and other major heterodox approaches Chapter IV. Latest developments of gender studies in economics IV.1 Gender as a cultural category IV.2 Gender feminist economics IV.3 Gender neoclassical economics IV.4 Beyond labels: some data about gender gaps in the world economy IV. 4.1 Gender labor gap IV.4.2 Gender wage gap IV.4.3 Gender entrepreneurship gap Appendix: Timeline. Woman question and political economy. The genesis of feminist economics and gender neoclassical economics Index of names
Bart Schultz tells the colorful story of the lives and legacies of the founders of utilitarianism--one of the most influential yet misunderstood and maligned philosophies of the past two centuries. Best known for arguing that "it is the greatest happiness of the greatest number that is the measure of right and wrong," utilitarianism was developed by the radical philosophers, critics, and social reformers William Godwin (the husband of Mary Wollstonecraft and father of Mary Shelley), Jeremy Bentham, John Stuart and Harriet Taylor Mill, and Henry Sidgwick. Together, they had a profound influence on nineteenth-century reforms, in areas ranging from law, politics, and economics to morals, education, and women's rights. Their work transformed life in ways we take for granted today. Bentham even advocated the decriminalization of same-sex acts, decades before the cause was taken up by other activists. Yet in part because of its misleading name and the caricatures popularized by figures as varied as Dickens, Marx, and Foucault, utilitarianism is sometimes still dismissed as cold, calculating, inhuman, and simplistic. By revealing the fascinating human sides of the remarkable pioneers of utilitarianism, Schultz provides a richer understanding and appreciation of their philosophical and political perspectives - one that also helps explain why utilitarianism is experiencing a renaissance today and is again being used to tackle some of the world's most serious problems
In: Routledge studies in the history of economics 123
World Affairs Online
In: Soziopolis: Gesellschaft beobachten
Thomas Mergel: Staat und Staatlichkeit in der europäischen Moderne. Stuttgart: UTB 2022. 978-3-8252-5829-0
In: Zeithistorische Forschungen: Studies in contemporary history : ZF, Band 14, Heft 1, S. 163-170
ISSN: 1612-6041
My Road to Berlin, or Mein Weg nach Berlin, presents a Willy Brandt that confounds a present-day reader's expectations. While the 1960 autobiography of the then-mayor of West Berlin links his career with the familiar story of democracy's development in Germany, this work nevertheless retains an unexpected edge. In one surprising scene, the mayor denounces his East Berlin SED counterparts as a ›Communist foreign legion‹ whom ›the citizens of my city had decisively defeated‹ during the Second Berlin Crisis of 1958 (p. 17). In the book, Brandt comes off as a Cold Warrior of steely determination rather than a Brückenbauer bridging ideological divides. Far from being out of character, however, My Road to Berlin captures Brandt at a pivotal moment in his career, when he sought to offer himself to both West German voters and a global public as a viable alternative to Konrad Adenauer.
In: Zeithistorische Forschungen: Studies in contemporary history : ZF, Band 9, Heft 1, S. 138-148
ISSN: 1612-6041
Caricature can be defined as an art engagé which aims to transmit a social or political message. In order to achieve this goal, the satirical picture triggers an emotional reaction in the audience and guides it through a cathartic coming-of-awareness process. The feelings evoked by caricature must not necessarily be expressed through laughter; but they are a joyful or indignant shock reaction to gazing at something absurd. William A. Coupe, following Schiller, therefore defines the nature of caricature as the outcome of a dialectical struggle between the ideal and the real: 'This conflict of ideal and real may, however, be seen and expressed in two different ways, in an emotional and serious or in a humorous and jesting fashion.'
In: The new Germany: history, economy, policies, S. 149-167
In: Zeithistorische Forschungen: Studies in contemporary history : ZF, Band 8, Heft 1, S. 110-117
ISSN: 1612-6041
World Affairs Online
In: Beiträge zur Politischen Wissenschaft, 191
»Während es zwar seit rund zweieinhalbtausend Jahren viele hundert mehr oder weniger gewichtige Theorien über Politik gibt, von Sokrates/Plato die ganze Philosophiegeschichte hindurch, bis Hegel, Marx und Habermas, habe ich den Versuch gemacht, empirisch, kombiniert auf drei Wegen (mittels früher historischer Darstellungen, mittels Vor- und Frühgeschichte und aus dem indogermanischen einschlägigen Sprachmaterial) zu einer Grundlegung des Politischen aus sich heraus zu kommen, unabhängig von jeder Theorie. [...] Ergebnis ist eine – wie sich zeigte – Grundlegung der an ihrer Basis miteinander verbundenen Politik u n d Publizistik. Dazu bringe ich (am Beispiel der historischen Entwicklung von den fränkischen Stämmen des 1. Jh. n. Chr. über das merowingische Frankenreich, das karolingische Franken-Langobarden-Reich, das mittelalterliche Sacrum Imperium bis zu dessen neuzeitlichen staatlichen Nachfolgegebilden in Italien, Deutschland und Frankreich), wie mit dem Verlust der spezifisch politischen Merkmale der Gemeinwesen Freie zu Untertanen werden.« Robert H. Schmidt »Raising Issues Instead of Ruling« »Although … there have been many … theories of politics, … I have attempted to come to a foundation of politics out of itself, empirically, independent of any theory, by combining early historical descriptions, pre- and protohistorical archaeology and the relevant material of Indo-Germanic languages. … The result is … a foundation of politics a n d bringing something up for public discussion (journalism etc.; incorrectly 'public communication'), connected with each other at the basis.« (Robert H. Schmidt) »Während es zwar … viele hundert mehr oder weniger gewichtige Theorien über Politik gibt, …, habe ich den Versuch gemacht, empirisch, kombiniert auf drei Wegen (mittels früher historischer Darstellungen, mittels Vor- und Frühgeschichte und aus dem indogermanischen einschlägigen Sprachmaterial) zu einer Grundlegung des Politischen aus sich heraus zu kommen, unabhängig von jeder Theorie. … Ergebnis ist eine … Grundlegung der an ihrer Basis miteinander verbundenen Politik u n d Publizistik.« Robert H. Schmidt Prof. Dr. phil. Dr. rer. pol. Robert Heinrich Schmidt (1924–2004) hatte Philosophie, Psychologie, Vergleichende Kulturwissenschaft u.a. Fächer studiert. Er wurde an der Technischen Hochschule (jetzt TU) Darmstadt 1952 Assistent, habilitierte sich 1960 und war von 1966 bis 1986 Professor für Innenpolitik und Publizistikwissenschaft. Veröffentlichungen zu den Themen (u.a.): Saarpolitik 1945–1957, Grenzüberschreitende Publizistik und Zusammenarbeit im Raum Saar-Lor-Lux, Methoden der Politologie, Geschichte der Politik- und Publizistikwissenschaft an der TH Darmstadt, die Philosophie Peter Wusts und Ergebnisse eigener archäologischer Grabungen in Südhessen. Er war Herausgeber der Schriftenreihe »Zusammenarbeit in europäischen Grenzregionen«.