Domesticating the Western format on Russian TV: Subversive glocalisation in the game showPole Chudes(The field of Miracles)
In: Europe Asia studies, Band 59, Heft 8, S. 1367-1386
ISSN: 1465-3427
4713 Ergebnisse
In: Europe Asia studies, Band 59, Heft 8, S. 1367-1386
ISSN: 1465-3427
In: Europe Asia studies, Band 59, Heft 8, S. 1367-1386
ISSN: 0966-8136
In: American journal of health promotion, Band 35, Heft 5, S. 613-623
ISSN: 2168-6602
Purpose: This study examined dietary indicators, sedentary time, and physical activity as potential mediators of the association between TV time and BMIz in youth. Design: Cross-sectional study in 2 independent samples of youth. Setting: Data collection occurred by mail and telephone for adolescents and either at home or in medical settings for children. Sample: 928 youth ages 12-16 and 756 youth ages 6-12 and a parent. Measures: TV time, snacking/eating while watching TV, and a 3-day dietary recall were assessed via child/parent report. Physical activity and sedentary time were assessed by accelerometer wear. Analysis: Direct and indirect associations (through 8 diet and activity variables) of TV time with BMIz were tested in boys and girls in each sample. Results: TV time had a positive association with BMIz in 6-12 year old boys and girls. Direct associations emerged between TV time and the diet/activity variables, and between diet/activity variables and BMIz. Snacking/eating while watching TV had a significant positive association with BMIz in younger boys and mediated the association between TV time and BMIz ( β = .06, p = .019; 25% attenuation). Conclusions: Snacking/eating while watching TV may be a possible reason TV time is consistently associated with obesity in youth. Targeting reductions in TV time and associated snacking could improve health impacts.
In: American journal of health promotion, Band 23, Heft 6, S. 412-422
ISSN: 2168-6602
Purpose. Model the potential national health benefits and medical savings from reduced daily intake of calories, sodium, and saturated fat among the U.S. adult population. Design. Simulation based on secondary data analysis; quantitative research. Measures include the prevalence of overweight/obesity, uncontrolled hypertension, elevated cholesterol, and related chronic conditions under various hypothetical dietary changes. Setting. United States. Subjects. Two hundred twenty-four million adults. Measures. Findings come from a Nutrition Impact Model that combines information from national surveys, peer-reviewed studies, and government reports. Analysis. The simulation model predicts disease prevalence and medical expenditures under hypothetical dietary change scenarios. Results. We estimate that permanent 100-kcal reductions in daily intake would eliminate approximately 71.2 million cases of overweight/obesity and save $58 billion annually. Long-term sodium intake reductions of 400 mg/d in those with uncontrolled hypertension would eliminate about 1.5 million cases, saving $2.3 billion annually. Decreasing 5 g/d of saturated fat intake in those with elevated cholesterol would eliminate 3.9 million cases, saving $2.0 billion annually. Conclusions. Modest to aggressive changes in diet can improve health and reduce annual national medical expenditures by $60 billion to $120 billion. One use of the model is to estimate the impact of dietary change related to setting public health priorities for dietary guidance. The findings here argue that emphasis on reduction in caloric intake should be the highest priority.
Only recently have a small vanguard of news and cultural studies scholars begun to challenge the idea (prevalent in news, communications and political communication scholarship) that serious news provides a kind of ne plus ultra form of democratic communication, while all other nonfiction forms provide a lesser, and many would argue, politically deleterious form of information to the public. To date, few scholars have taken up the study of media texts that fall into unfamiliar new categories that have been dubbed "nonfiction entertainment" or "popular journalism." Yet Pew Center research surveys released in 2000 and 2004 demonstrate that these nonfiction entertainment forms are a campaign information source for an increasing number of Americans, particularly the young. This dissertation examines the TV talk show interviews with the presidential candidates in the 2000 election to consider them as modes of democratic communication, to identify what kind of content is discussed and how the interviews differ from one another in intent, method and outcome. I discuss the interviews with Gore and Bush conducted by Oprah, Queen Latifah, Rosie O'Donnell and Regis, as well as the interviews conducted by David Letterman and Jay Leno. While the interviews differ enormously one from another, it is clear that these interviews not only merit attention because they are being used by American voters, but because some of them provide useful forums through which to view the candidates and a challenge to the notion that professional journalism is the preferred way to present political information to the public
In: Journal of risk research: the official journal of the Society for Risk Analysis Europe and the Society for Risk Analysis Japan, Band 19, Heft 9, S. 1172-1184
ISSN: 1466-4461
In: East Asian journal of popular culture, Band 6, Heft 2, S. 257-273
ISSN: 2051-7092
Korean national identity is defined by nationalist sentiment and a mono-ethnic self-image. Having turned into a migrant-receiving country, Korea is slowly transforming into a multicultural society. The contemporary popularity of television shows with migrant representation reflects this change. The question arises how migrants get depicted in these popular broadcasting shows and what this portrayal of non-Koreans reveals about re-articulations of the Korean Self. As a response to these questions, a critical discourse analysis of Episodes 1 and 103 of the show Non-Summit (Bijeongsang hoedam 2014–17) is conducted. Corresponding to Koller's (2011) combined discourse-historical and socio-cognitive approach, macro-, meso- and micro-level are analysed separately. Overall, Non-Summit reproduces Korean discourse on multiculturalism as 'happy talk', as the avoidance of in-depth consideration of inequality, the reproduction of 'western' norms and the normativity of Koreanness. This results from predominantly selecting Caucasians and constructing them as 'para-Koreans' who can then be readily consumed. These practices enable the Korean Self to position itself as analogous to western, modern norms. This positioning mirrors the influence of 'nouveau-riche nationalism' and the Korean 'will to greatness'. The show further consolidates existing societal norms in Korea (Kang 2017: 14) on four different levels of power relations between Korean producers/writers and migrant population in Korea, non-Korean cast and migrant population in Korea, Korean producers/writers/hosts and non-Korean cast, and Korean viewers and non-Korean cast, and hierarchizes modern and traditional values. Thereby, Non-Summit reproduces the South Korean struggle to reconstruct a homogenous national identity in the face of a rising ethnic diversity within the country.
Diets rich in (poly)phenols are associated with a reduced reduction in the incidence of cardiovascular disorders. While the absorption and metabolism of (poly)phenols has been described, it is not clear how their metabolic fate is affected under pathological conditions. This study evaluated the metabolic fate of berry (poly)phenols in an in vivo model of hypertension as well as the associated microbiota response. Dahl salt-sensitive rats were fed either a low-salt diet (0.26% NaCl) or a high-salt diet (8% NaCl), with or without a berry mixture (blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, Portuguese crowberry and strawberry tree fruit) for 9 weeks. The saltenriched diet promoted an increase in the urinary excretion of berry (poly)phenol metabolites, while the abundance of these metabolites decreased in faeces, as revealed by UPLC¿MS/MS. Moreover, salt and berries modulated gut microbiota composition as demonstrated by 16S rRNA analysis. Some changes in the microbiota composition were associated with the high-salt diet and revealed an expansion of the families Proteobacteria and Erysipelotrichaceae. However, this effect was mitigated by the dietary supplementation with berries. Alterations in the metabolic fate of (poly)phenols occur in parallel with the modulation of gut microbiota in hypertensive rats. Thus, beneficial effects of (poly)phenols could be related with these interlinked modifications, between metabolites and microbiota environments. ; C.B., C.N.d.S., C.O. were funded by ANR (ANR-13-ISV1-0001-01) and FCT (FCTANR/BEX-BCM/0001/2013). D.B. was funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF P26127-B20) and European Research Council (Starting Grant: FunKeyGut 741623). D.S. and A.F. acknowledge support from Scottish Government: Rural and Environment Science and Analytical Services. We also acknowledge the Investment for the Future program ANR-11-IDEX-0003-01 within the LABEX ANR-10-LABX-0033 (C.B., C.O.), Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia financial support of A.G. (SFRH/BD/103155/2014) and C.N.d.S. (IF/01097/2013). iNOVA4Health Research Unit (LISBOA-01-0145-FEDER-007344), which is cofounded by FCT through national funds, and by FEDER under the PT2020 Partnership Agreement, is acknowledged.
Diets rich in (poly)phenols are associated with a reduced reduction in the incidence of cardiovascular disorders. While the absorption and metabolism of (poly)phenols has been described, it is not clear how their metabolic fate is affected under pathological conditions. This study evaluated the metabolic fate of berry (poly)phenols in an in vivo model of hypertension as well as the associated microbiota response. Dahl salt-sensitive rats were fed either a low-salt diet (0.26% NaCl) or a high-salt diet (8% NaCl), with or without a berry mixture (blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, Portuguese crowberry and strawberry tree fruit) for 9 weeks. The salt-enriched diet promoted an increase in the urinary excretion of berry (poly)phenol metabolites, while the abundance of these metabolites decreased in faeces, as revealed by UPLC–MS/MS. Moreover, salt and berries modulated gut microbiota composition as demonstrated by 16S rRNA analysis. Some changes in the microbiota composition were associated with the high-salt diet and revealed an expansion of the families Proteobacteria and Erysipelotrichaceae. However, this effect was mitigated by the dietary supplementation with berries. Alterations in the metabolic fate of (poly)phenols occur in parallel with the modulation of gut microbiota in hypertensive rats. Thus, beneficial effects of (poly)phenols could be related with these interlinked modifications, between metabolites and microbiota environments. ; C.B., C.N.d.S., C.O. were funded by ANR (ANR-13-ISV1-0001-01) and FCT (FCTANR/BEX-BCM/0001/2013). D.B. was funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF P26127-B20) and European Research Council (Starting Grant: FunKeyGut 741623). D.S. and A.F. acknowledge support from Scottish Government: Rural and Environment Science and Analytical Services. We also acknowledge the Investment for the Future program ANR-11-IDEX-0003-01 within the LABEX ANR-10-LABX-0033 (C.B., C.O.), Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia financial support of A.G. (SFRH/BD/103155/2014) and C.N.d.S. (IF/01097/2013). iNOVA4Health Research Unit (LISBOA-01-0145-FEDER-007344), which is cofounded by FCT through national funds, and by FEDER under the PT2020 Partnership Agreement, is acknowledged.
In: Compolítica, Band 12, Heft 1, S. 81-110
ISSN: 2236-4781
O artigo analisa a abordagem de temáticas relacionadas à teoria do reconhecimento no âmbito da mídia, além de averiguar a possibilidade de, a partir de tais discussões, serem desencadeadas trocas comunicativas mais plurais. Para isso, realiza-se uma análise de conteúdo de três edições especiais do programa Encontro com Fátima Bernardes. Os resultados constatam a ausência de elementos deliberativos durante as discussões, ao passo que se observam discursos sobre diversas formas de reconhecimento, sobretudo envolvendo questões de estima social e exclusão. Conclui-se, então, que, embora o programa não promova efetivamente momentos de deliberação, ele proporciona reflexões acerca do reconhecimento de minorias sociais que podem fomentar a tolerância e aumentar a qualidade das deliberações públicas.
In: forthcoming Atlantic Law Journal Volume 27
This article belongs to the Special Issue Gut Microbiota and Immunity. ; Alcohol binge drinking (BD) and poor nutritional habits are two frequent behaviors among many adolescents that alter gut microbiota in a pro-inflammatory direction. Dysbiotic changes in the gut microbiome are observed after alcohol and high-fat diet (HFD) consumption, even before obesity onset. In this study, we investigate the neuroinflammatory response of adolescent BD when combined with a continuous or intermittent HFD and its effects on adult ethanol consumption by using a self-administration (SA) paradigm in mice. The inflammatory biomarkers IL-6 and CX3CL1 were measured in the striatum 24 h after BD, 3 weeks later and after the ethanol (EtOH) SA. Adolescent BD increased alcohol consumption in the oral SA and caused a greater motivation to seek the substance. Likewise, mice with intermittent access to HFD exhibited higher EtOH consumption, while the opposite effect was found in mice with continuous HFD access. Biochemical analyses showed that after BD and three weeks later, striatal levels of IL-6 and CX3CL1 were increased. In addition, in saline-treated mice, CX3CL1 was increased after continuous access to HFD. After oral SA procedure, striatal IL-6 was increased only in animals exposed to BD and HFD. In addition, striatal CX3CL1 levels were increased in all BD- and HFD-exposed groups. Overall, our findings show that adolescent BD and intermittent HFD increase adult alcohol intake and point to neuroinflammation as an important mechanism modulating this interaction. ; This research was funded by Spanish Ministry of Health, Social Affairs and Equality, Government Delegation for the National Drugs Plan (2018/013 to MRA and PNSD 2016I016 to JMa); Generalitat Valenciana, Conselleria de Educación, Dirección General de Universidades, Grupos de Investigación de excelencia, PROMETEOII/2018/132 to JMi; Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad' (FIS, PI14/00438) to JMa. Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Red de Trastornos Adictivos (RD16/0017/0007 to JMi) and Unión Europea, Fondos FEDER "una manera de hacer Europa". ; Peer reviewed
ISSN: 0273-2033