Towards an Enhanced Status for Teachers in Africa
In: Academic leadership
ISSN: 1533-7812
For sometime now there has been a tremendous increase in the demand for formal education inAfrica. As a result of this development, individuals, organizations, communities and the governmenthave invested huge sum of money in educational expansion. However, noble as this trend is, thequality of teachers remains one of the major factors that could mar or improve the overall educationalresults.It follows therefore that if the entire education enterprise in Africa will not be grounded in the distant ornearest future, it is imperative to ensure that teachers are appropriately positioned to play the cardinalroles that belong to them in the educational enterprise. In order to ensure that teachers in Africa areappropriately positioned for this cardinal role that can only be played by them, one of the cardinalissues that need to be addressed is the diminished status of teachers in Africa. With this background,attempt is made in this paper to closely examine the status of teachers in Africa, the need to enhance itand the modalities of doing so.