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Covert Positivism in Forensic Domains
In: International Journal for Crime, Justice and Social Democracy, Band 9, Heft 2, S. 119-132
ISSN: 2202-8005
Variable conceptions of positivism exist, although at the heart of the notion is the assumption of the scientific ideal of 'objectivity' as it pertains to the individual and society. Despite much debate and criticism of positivism in criminology, contemporary modes of positivism continue to inform criminological research. However, this more recent positivism is not necessarily the crude, overt positivism associated with the eighteenth- and nineteenth-century modes, but a more sophisticated and insidious brand - 'covert positivism'. Most recently, in the domains of forensic genetics, objective research and empirical methods are being used subtly to make claims about the nature of criminal individuals and populations. These forensic domains utilise modern-day biological and psychological scientific procedures to assess, predict and make conclusions relating to 'criminals, deviants, and pathologicals' at genetic and neuronal levels. Critiques of these approaches are presented, as these scientific interventions are paralleled with historical modes of positivism.
Study Of Legal Positivism
his article is a result of study that aims to explain the importance of the thought of legal positivism. The rapid development of science and technology can cause problems in life. The demands of the necessities of life to be fulfilled by human beings. Therefore, the development of legal positivism as a legal discipline closely related to the rational method of legal thinking becomes very important. There are various issues that require assertiveness and legal certainty to solve them. Understand how laws in legislation are important in law science, because law embraces the principle of legality in the system of state positive law norms. The study method used is literature with philosophical approach. From the results of the study shows that the study of legal positivism is very important to understand the law in writing in the legislation. Deductive that became characteristic in the method of reasoning legal positivism to get a correct understanding of the law of the general provisions established in the legislation. Rational-based legal positivism is very useful to establish the degree of legal certainty.
Le programme politique du positivisme
At head of title: Antoine Baumann. ; Mode of access: Internet.
Legal Positivism and Personality
In: 28 Australian Journal of Legal Philosophy (2003), pp.192-8
Towards Classical Legal Positivism
In: Osgoode CLPE Research Paper No. 20/2011
Working paper
A general view of positivism
In: Routledge revivals
ch. 1. Intellectual character of positivism -- ch. 2. The social aspect of positivism -- ch. 3. The action of positivism -- ch. 4. The influence of positivism upon women -- ch. 5. The relation of positivism to art -- ch. 6. Conclusion : the religion of humanity.
Legal Positivism: Early Foundations
In: UNC Legal Studies Research Paper No. 1975470
Working paper
Dworkin's Criticisms of Hart's Positivism
In: In P. Mindus & T. Spaak (eds.), The Cambridge Companion to Legal Positivism draft of 1 March 2019
Working paper
Positivisme chez Émile Durkheim
In: Sociologie et sociétés, Band 4, Heft 2, S. 275-287
ISSN: 0038-030X
Le positivisme de Durkheim, un malentendu ? Le " culte des faits " serait-il plus proclamé que pratiqué ? L'article cherche à établir la part de construction théorique qui, par-delà un langage et des déclarations d'intention résolument positivistes, prévaut dans l'œuvre du fondateur de la sociologie française. Plus précisément, l'auteur a tenté de mettre en évidence, aussi bien dans les notations méthodologiques que dans la constitution des objets sociaux, une ordination des actes épistémologiques marquant un véritable primat du théorique sur l'ordre du constat Par quoi la sociologie durkheimienne se trouverait démarquée d'un empirisme qu'on lui impute - et dont elle se réclame.
Why Legal Positivism (Again)?
In: U of Chicago, Public Law Working Paper No. 442
Working paper
Legal Positivism in American Jurisprudence
This book is both a work of intellectual history and a contribution to legal philosophy. It represents a serious and philosophically sophisticated guide to modern American legal theory, demonstrating that legal positivism has been a misunderstood and underappreciated perspective through most of twentieth-century American legal thought. The broad scope of this book ensures that it will be read by philosophers of law, historians of law, historians of American intellectual life, and those in political science concerned with public law and administration. ;
On MacCormick's Post-Positivism: Comment on Karen Petroski's 'Is Post-Positivism Possible?
In: German Law Journal, Band 12, Heft 12, S. 693-727