Dr. Bernardo J. Gastelum sends warm regards to Gen. Alvaro Obregón for his arrival in the state of Sonora. Thanking response. / El Dr. Bernardo J. Gastelum envía afectuoso saludo al Gral. Alvaro Obregón por su llegada al estado de Sinaloa. Respuesta agradeciendo.
BERNARDO BERTOLUCCI'S THE DREAMERS (2003): POLITICS OF YOUTH REMEMBERED Bertolucci's films have always been politically engaged. Undergoing psychoanalysis in the 1960s left him fascinated by dreams and their resemblance to cinematic sequences. However, he declared that he could not bring together his interests in politics and aesthetics. For me it's very difficult to succeed in mixing together the idea of beauty that I have as a moral fact and a reduction of reality in political terms, exactly because I think they are two irreconcilable things. (Cited by Purdon, 1971: 7) The Dreamers finally realised his long-standing ambition to make a film dealing with the events of Paris in 1968. Much more than a mere reconstruction of those events, this was to become the Bertolucci film that wove together sex, psychoanalysis, memory, dreaming, revolution and filmic style in a rich tapestry. Bertolucci always wanted to make cinema new and strange.
AbstractThis article analyses the organisation of the Army of the Andes, created in Mendoza between 1814 and 1817 with the aim of reconquering Chile from the royalists. The first section studies the role of José de San Martín as an informal arbiter in Bernardo O'Higgins' dispute with José Miguel Carrera. The aim is to explain why San Martín decided to support O'Higgins, and the immediate consequences of this alliance. The second section addresses the main characteristics of the Army of the Andes and the process of militarisation experienced by the local inhabitants. Everyday life in Mendoza became inseparable from the needs of the revolutionary army. The paper then considers the so-called guerra de zapa and the participation of irregular agents. The involvement of spies and guerrilla officers in the revolution increased as warfare intensified. The final section analyses the crossing of the cordillera by the insurgents and the revolutionary triumph of 12 February 1817 at Chacabuco.
A backward glance, a thumbnail sketch of the Chilean press from the colonial period to 1823, sets the stage for the story of the press from 1823 to 1842. To begin with, Chile was off to a late start — 1747. Mexico had a press in 1540; Lima, 1584; Santo Domingo, 1600; and Paraguay, 1715. Second, the press was closely related with the struggle for independence. Foreign influences were felt through a number of colorful figures such as Mateo Arnaldo Hoevel, a Swedish refugee involved in the assassination of Gustave III, the North-American Procopio Polloc, and three North-American typesetters. Camilo Henríquez, a priest, was "the mentor of the revolution," while the prócer, Bernardo O'Higgins, also played an important role.
This article analyses the organisation of the Army of the Andes, created in Mendoza between 1814 and 1817 with the aim of reconquering Chile from the royalists. The first section studies the role of Jose de San Martin as an informal arbiter in Bernardo O'Higgins' dispute with Jose Miguel Carrera. The aim is to explain why San Martin decided to support O'Higgins, and the immediate consequences of this alliance. The second section addresses the main characteristics of the Army of the Andes and the process of militarisation experienced by the local inhabitants. Everyday life in Mendoza became inseparable from the needs of the revolutionary army. The paper then considers the so-called guerra de zapa and the participation of irregular agents. The involvement of spies and guerrilla officers in the revolution increased as warfare intensified. The final section analyses the crossing of the cordillera by the insurgents and the revolutionary triumph of 12 February 1817 at Chacabuco. Adapted from the source document.
Teniendo en cuenta que el ausentismo escolar es un fenómeno que se ha incrementado con el paso de los años, y entendiendo que la educación es un derecho fundamental, en el presente estudio se hace un análisis, a partir de un enfoque de derechos, sobre las diferentes dinámicas familiares que se asocian al ausentismo escolar antes y durante la pandemia. Específicamente, se busca comparar la relación existente entre los factores/dinámicas familiares que influyen en el ausentismo escolar en la Región Metropolitana y la Región de Magallanes, en los colegios Bernardo O'Higgins, ubicado en la comuna de Porvenir, y Juan Bautista Pastene, en la comuna de Peñalolén. Finalmente se sugieren prácticas de intervención social desde la disciplina del Trabajo Social para evitar que se reitere este fenómeno social.
This article follows the formative years of Bernardo Vega, a tobacco worker, labor leader and political activist from Cayey. Self taught, he read widely on socialist history, theory and action, becoming and effective organizer and propagandist during the early decades of the Twentieth Century. In 1916 he migrated to New York City where he continued fighting the socialist, labor, social and cultural causes he always espoused. During the 1940's he wrote "La familia Farallón", an 800 page memoir describing the travails of the Puerto Rican diaspora. The book was never published. ; Este artículo discute los años formativos de Bernardo Vega, tabaquero cayeyano, uno de los líderes de las luchas sindicales y políticas que se libraron en la industria tabacalera a principios del siglo XX. Fue autodidacta, complementando su educación con la asistencia a los centros obreros de formación ideológica y cultural y las lecturas que acompañaban las labores en los talleres tabaqueros. En 1916 se vio forzado a emigrar hacia Nueva York. Allí se insertó en las luchas sindicales y en la vida cultural de esa ciudad. Este bagaje cultural e ideológico cimentado en sus años formativos en la Isla, lo motivó en la década de 1940 a escribir el valioso e inédito manuscrito "La familia Farallón," dirigido a la nueva diáspora con el objetivo de que conociese la historia y las luchas confrontadas por sus predecesores.
Heldenfiguren sind wichtige Referenzpunkte kollektiver Erinnerung und nationaler Identität. Das Schulbuch, als Medium der Geschichtskultur, ist dabei einerseits Produkt und andererseits Vermittler gesellschaftlicher Prozesse. Die vorliegende empirische Arbeit beleuchtet anhand einer Analyse von Schulbüchern aus den Jahren 2009 bis 2016 unterschiedliche Formen der Geschichtsvermittlung in Chile. Fokussiert werden die historische Phase der Entdeckung Amerikas mit ihren Figuren Christoph Kolumbus und Ferdinand Magellan und die der Unabhängigkeitswerdung Chiles mit ihren zentralen Figuren José Miguel Carrera, Manuel Rodríguez und Bernardo O'Higgins. Dabei werden zwei unterschiedliche Bereiche der Schulbuchproduktion in Chile in den Blick genommen: der private Sektor und der staatliche Sektor. Diese beiden Sektoren spiegeln die gesellschaftliche, sozialstrukturelle Differenzierung des Landes wider. Die Schulbuchanalyse zeigt als zentrales Ergebnis eine chilenische Erinnerungskultur, die in den unterschiedlichen Sektoren gespalten, dabei aber nicht polemisch ist. Es wird der empirische Nachweis konträrer Heroisierungs- und Entheroisierungsprozesse erbracht. Die Ableitung unterschiedlicher Narrationsformen (traditionell, pluralistisch, kritisch-interkulturell) und Darstellungstypen der Heroisierung sind weitere Resultate der Arbeit. Neben der empirischen Analyse der Schulbücher wurden die Kontextbedingungen der Schulbucherstellung über Experteninterviews herausgearbeitet. Chile, als bildungspolitisch aufstrebendes Land, ist als interessanterer Fall zu betrachten. Die Erinnerung an die koloniale Vergangenheit zeigt sich im öffentlichen Raum als ambivalent. Die Studie wurde in den Kontext der aktuellen postkolonialen Debatten in der Wissenschaft eingebettet.
National audience ; Les politiques publiques en faveur du développement rural se matérialisent au travers d'instruments incitatifs, de règlements particulier, ou encore par l'accompagnement des initiatives particulières. Ceux-ci répondent en général à la mise en place d'une stratégie nationale d'appui à une filière agricole. Dans le cas du quinoa cultivé au Chili depuis plus de 5000 ans, chaque région de production observe un développement propre selon la diversité des populations agricoles impliquées dans sa culture que ce soient les populations Aymara de l'Altiplano (1ère région de Tarapaca), mais aussi celles des régions côtières du Centre-Sud principalement dans les régions du Libertador General Bernardo O'Higgins (5ème) ou encore les communautés Mapuche d'Araucanie (9ème). Dans ces situations particulières, les instruments des politiques publiques peuvent être détournés par les acteurs locaux au profit de la mise en oeuvre de leurs stratégies et objectifs spécifiques.