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5748 Ergebnisse
In: Fraunhofer series in information and communication technology 2013,1
In: Psychology Library Editions: Psycholinguistics
In: Psychology Library Editions: Psycholinguistics Ser.
Originally published in 1978, the contributors to this volume, including the leading figures in experimental psychopathology, were largely concerned with deducing the behaviour of schizophrenics from general psychological theories of language, learning and cognition. Their emphasis on deduction reflected a modern reliance on laboratory experimentation, and, taken as a whole, the chapters cover the breadth and variety of current approaches of the time to the study of schizophrenic language and cognition.The first part of the volume is concerned with recent developments in the study of
In: Small business considerations, economics and research
In: Business issues, competition and entrepreneurship
Meet, date, and start a relationship with Mr. or Ms. Right-after 50 Almost everyone associates falling in love with their younger years, but as the boomer generation ages, more and more people over 50 are jumping back into the dating scene for the first time (in a long time) and need advice and guidance on how the dating world (and ways to find a soul mate) have changed since they last tested the water. Dating After 50 For Dummies covers the gamut of topics for those dating after 50: the physical and emotional benefits of sex and relationships as we age; dating confidence boosters; dating sit
Radical Protest and Social Structure: The Southern Farmers' Alliance and Cotton Tenancy, 1880-1890 provides an analysis of the occurrence of protest, its growth, and demise through the study of the Southern Farmers' Alliance, the largest and most radical component of American Populism. The monograph presents historical and sociological facts and aims to interpret protest movements and the social structure they seek to reform. Chapters are devoted to the discussion of tenancy, southern politics, and the spiral of agrarian protest; organization and history of the Southern Farmers' Alliance; the
In: Gender in history
In: Quellen und Darstellungen zur Zeitgeschichte 95
In: Research in ethical issues in organizations 9
This volume is a selection of papers from the 19th annual 'Australian association for professional and applied ethics' conference. Topics covered include journalism ethics, organ donation, as well as an essay drawn from Daniel Wueste's keynote address on the conditions and implications of trust for the professions. Other papers include research on the ethical perils of university researchers, a values based approach to ethical culture, the ethics of hospitality-tourism practice and pedagogy, and ethical decision making processes for research in small and medium enterprises.