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Sfajat: Očerki iz žizni morskogo korpusa v Afrikě
In: ('Illjustr. Rossija.' 1935, Pril. 42)
In: (Biblioteka 'Illjustrirovannoj Rossii')
Ekaterininskaja Komissija 'O sočinenii proėkta Novago Uloženija' i sovremennoe ej russkoe zakonodatelʹstvo
In: Učenyja zapiski Imperatorskago Moskovskago Universiteta / Otdel Juridičeskij 45,[2]
The Evolution of Washington's Strategy towards Central Asia
In: SŠA & Kanada: ėkonomika, politika, kul'tura : naučnyj i obščestvenno-političeskij žurnal, Heft 5, S. 47-60
The article examines the evolution of Washington's policy towards the countries of Central Asia. The reasons for the growing US interest in the Central Asian countries, as well as its recently extremely proactive policy against the backdrop of a fierce confrontation with Russia, have been identified. A step-by-step analysis of Washington's position regarding this region, together with the old and new formats of both bilateral and regional cooperation, is given in the context of the Global South agenda becoming extremely urgent against the backdrop of increasing competition for the region carried out by its key players – China, Russia, and the United States. At the same time, the role and significance of Central Asia could change depending on the place this region will occupy in the constantly changing scale of US priorities while implementing its policy towards the post-Soviet space.
Semi-dugout buildings near the village of Yurkovichi in Lower Sozh region of second quarter of the first millennium AD
In: Vesci Nacyjanal'naj Akadėmii Navuk Belarusi: Izvestija Nacional'noj Akademii Nauk Belarusi = Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Seryja humanitarnych navuk = Serija gumanitarnych nauk = Humanitarian series, Band 69, Heft 4, S. 284-290
ISSN: 2524-2377
The article is devoted to the peculiarities of house-building in the second quarter of the first millennium AD in the Lower Sozh region. Particular attention is paid to the formation of the tradition of constructing semi-dugout buildings with a central support pillar, further development and regional peculiarities of house-building in the third quarter of the first millennium AD.
Greater Eurasia in the Future World Order: Research Prospects of the Eurasian Information and Analytical Consortium
In: Evrazijskaja integracija: ėkonomika, pravo, politika ; meždunarodnyj naučno-analitičeskij žurnal, Band 18, Heft 3, S. 11-14
Political organizations of Yakutia and the establishment of the Soviet power in the summer of 1918
In: Vestnik Severo-Vostočnogo federalʹnogo universiteta imeni M.K. Ammosova: Vestnik of North-Eastern Federal University. Serija "Istorija, politilogija, pravo" = Series "History, political science, law", Heft 4, S. 102-108
ISSN: 2587-5612
The scholarly article, based on the analysis of archival documents, periodicals, and published materials, examines the attitude of political organizations in Yakutia to the establishment of the Soviet power in the summer of 1918. The political situation that had developed in the Yakut region by the summer of 1918 is analyzed. The history of the organization of the Centrosiberian expedition under the command of A. S. Rydzinsky to Yakutiaand the establishment of the Soviet power in the region in the summer of 1918 are shown. Conclusions were drawn that the right Socialist Revolutionaries, federalists and Cadets were opponents of the Soviet power, and the Bolsheviks, Mensheviks, and left Socialist Revolutionaries supported the Reds. The peculiarities of the political situation in the Yakut region, the remoteness of the region from the center of the country, the course of the armed confrontation in Siberia predetermined that Soviet power lasted in Yakutsk for just over a month in the summer of 1918, and its final establishment occurred only after the end of the civil war.
Ecological Biochemical Adaptations in Aquatic Organisms
In: Известия Российской академии наук. Серия биологическая, Heft 7, S. 13-22
The general ideas regarding ecological biochemical adaptations in aquatic organisms based on the results obtained by using a set of field and experimental methods over decades of research on members of marine and freshwater fish fauna and on their food items (molluscs, crustaceans) carried out by the Ecological Biochemistry Think Tank team. Examples of biochemical adaptations in aquatic organisms are provided. Certain conclusions are drawn regarding the common and specific pattern of metabolic adaptive response in the studied organisms growing and developing under normal conditions and upon changes in the environment. The results improve our understanding of the mechanisms behind ecological biochemical adaptations and their role in maintaining homeostasis in aquatic organisms.
On the modularity of the lattice of Baer-σ-local formations
In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Physics and Mathematics Series, Band 59, Heft 1, S. 7-17
ISSN: 2524-2415
Throughout this paper, all groups are finite. A group class closed under taking homomorphic images and finite subdirect products is called a formation. The symbol σ denotes some partition of the set of all primes. V. G. Safonov, I. N. Safonova, A. N. Skiba (Commun. Algebra. 2020. Vol. 48, № 9. P. 4002–4012) defined a generalized formation σ-function. Any function f of the form f : σ È {Ø} → {formations of groups}, where f(Ø) ≠ ∅, is called a generalized formation σ-function. Generally local formations or so-called Baer-σ-local formations are defined by means of generalized formation σ-functions. The set of all such formations partially ordered by set inclusion is a lattice. In this paper it is proved that the lattice of all Baerσ-local formations is algebraic and modular.
Digital anthropology: theoretical foundation and search for new human models
In: Rossijskij gumanitarnyj žurnal: Liberal arts in Russia, S. 19
ISSN: 2312-6442