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11548 Ergebnisse
Herederos intocables de Fidel Velázquez y de la dinastía totalitaria del PRI se amparan en maniobras siniestras, corrupción y abuso del poder. Algunos han caído en desgracia, otros han escapado de México con su deshonra y algunos más se mantienen al acecho y en activo para asestar el enésimo golpe
Santayana the Philosopher: Philosophy as a Form of Life highlights the far-ranging nuances of Santayana's philosophical system, while also discussing his ever-present concern for contemporary human affairs. Santayana understood the activity of philosophy in a Greek manner, as a form of life, but his interests always included the perennial philosophical questions and how they related to the present.
In: Reportajes 360°
In: Ecos da história
In: Routledge Series in Federal Studies
In: Routledge Series in Federal Studies
Traces the origins of the complex system of devolution and regional home rule that currently shapes and directs the Spanish political process.
In: Oxford classical monographs