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3501 Ergebnisse
In: European culture and society
The distinctly contemporary proliferation of pornography and hate speech poses a challenge to liberalism's traditional ideal of a 'marketplace of ideas' facilitated by state neutrality about the content of speech. This new study argues that the liberal state ought to depart from neutrality to meet this challenge.
The proliferation of pornography and hate speech in contemporary democratic cultures threatens the liberal ideal of a marketplace of ideas, unhampered by state regulation of speech. Pornographic and hate speech, because it threatens to silence the competing speech of women and minorities, calls into question the liberal orthodoxies of state neutrality about the content of speech, as well as the traditional primacy of the value of liberty over the value of equality. By drawing on a broad range of philosophical traditions - from classical and contemporary liberalism, to Continental philosophy, speech act theory, critical race theory, feminism, and philosophy of law. The Cost of Free Speech argues that how courts resolve freedom of expression cases involving pornography or hate speech reveals more about the power of state speech to potentially oppress women and minorities than it does about the power of pornography and hate speech themselves. Once the liberal state becomes aware of the power of its own speech, the values of neutrality and liberty recede and the value of equality emerges as the true goal of liberalism.
Introduction -- Conversing with the devil -- Gaining a sadistic thrill -- Silencing the lambs -- Looking more innocent than an innocent man -- Killing without a care -- Hating enough to kill -- Hiding domestic violence -- Fighting the culture of silence -- Killing for company -- Planning and plotting to kill -- Motivating mindless murder -- Teaming up to kill -- Threatening to kill -- Victimizing the vulnerable -- Stigmatizing the community -- Preventing the murderous impulse -- Responding to the murderous impulse -- Endnotes -- Index
This timely book explains what self-image is, how obesity affects the way in which people see themselves, and how they think others see them. Teens learn about self-confidence, judgmental thinking, feelings of helplessness and hopelessness, and the external influences on obesity and self-image, including family members and friends. Strategies for improving self-image, goal-setting, and where to go for help as well as ways to maintain a healthy self-image are covered
In: New Atlantis Books
From stem cell research to global warming, human cloning, evolution, and beyond, political debates about science have raged in recent years - and, to the chagrin of most observers, have increasingly fallen into the familiar categories of America's culture wars. In Imagining the Future: Science and American Democracy, Yuval Levin explores the complicated meanings of science and technology in American politics and finds that the science debates have a lot to teach us about our political life. These debates, Levin argues, reveal some serious challenges to American self-government, and put on star
In: At the interface v. 47
In: probing the boundaries
In: Cultures of violence
Preliminary Material /Tobe Levin -- Violence: "Mercurial Gestalt" /Tobe Levin -- Theories of Violence and the Explanation of Ultra-Violent Behaviour /Patricia Turrisi and Michael J. Shaffer -- E Pluribus Unum: European Nationalism or Shopping for Identities in the European Union /Oleg Piletsky -- From Soldier to Torturer? Military Training and Moral Agency /Jessica Wolfendale -- A Literature of Terror and Mourning /Kaiama L. Glover -- Hurtling Toward Darkness Faces of Violence in the Contemporary World /Susanne Chassay -- Violence on the Screen: Psychological Perspectives on Child Abuse in American Popular Film 1992-2001 /Larissa N. Niec , Elizabeth V. Brestan and Linda Anne Valle -- Creative Writing of FGM as an Act of Violence and Human Rights Abuse /Tobe Levin -- Re-Constructing South African Identity after 1994: Museums and Public History /M.K. Flynn and Tony King -- Speaking of Contested Sites: Narrative and Praxis of Spatial Competition in Belfast, Northern Ireland /Karen Lysaght -- Racism and Violence : Anti-Racist Strategies in Intercultural Contact Zones /Eleonore Wildburger -- The Enemy Within: Earthquake, Rumours and Massacre in the Japanese Empire /Jin-hee Lee -- When Saviour Becomes Serpent: The Psychology of Police Violence /William Vlach -- Gender and Execution in Sunbelt America "Equality in Life Presumes Equality in Death": /Vivien Miller -- Notes on Contributors.
Tanya Levin grew up in the church that became Hillsong - the country's most ambitious, entrepreneurial and influential religious corporation. People in Glass Houses tells how a small Assemblies of God church in a suburban school hall became a multi-million dollar tax-free enterprise, a cult and a powerful force in Australia today. Opening up the world of Christian fundamentalism, this is a powerful, personal and at times very funny exploration of an all singing, all swaying mega church