Nineteenth-Century Sixteenth Amendments Jurisprudence and Sixteenth-Century Nineteenth Amendment Jurisprudence
In: 3 The Green Bag, 2d, 241 (2000)
74 Ergebnisse
In: 3 The Green Bag, 2d, 241 (2000)
A study of the relationship between the United Kingdom and the United Nations. Topics covered include the UK's involvement in the United Nations peace-keeping forces and co-operation and confrontation between the UK and the UN over the subject of decolonisation
In: Man: the journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, Band 10, Heft 4, S. 649
In: Stanford Journal of International Law Vol. 55, No. 2 (2019)
Due to their historically inaccessible nature, public service broadcasters' media archives have lent themselves primarily to internal refl ection while historical contextualisation of the cultural heritage in these archives has been broadcasters' prerogative. In this study, digitised material from the Danish youth radio programme P4 i P1's Det elektriske barometer forms the basis for an experiment into how access to digital archives can inform humanities scholarship. We argue that one important implication of the new digital archives is that they enable approaches independent of broadcasters' own narratives since they off er the possibility for autonomous study of large quantities of material. The character of listener participation in Det elektriske barometer, which had the slogan 'the listener-determined hit parade', is approached from a micro-, meso-, and macro-level employing Carpentier's concept of participation (2011b), to explore how diff erent approaches to digital archives can provide new answers to media's self-presentation.
In: The international & comparative law quarterly: ICLQ, Band 38, Heft 4, S. 788-810
ISSN: 1471-6895
In: International & comparative law quarterly: ICLQ, Band 38, Heft 4, S. 788
ISSN: 0020-5893
In: Nyt socialt bibliotek
The grain legume (pulse) faba bean (Vicia faba L.) is grown world-wide as protein source for food and feed, but at the same time faba bean offers ecosystem services such as renewable inputs of nitrogen (N) into crops and soil via biological N2 fixation, and a diversification of cropping systems. Even though the global average grain yield has almost doubled during the past 50 years the total area sown to faba beans has declined by 56% over the same period. The season-to-season fluctuations in grain yield of faba bean and the progressive replacement of traditional farming systems, which utilized legumes to provide N to maintain soil N fertility, with industrialized, largely cereal-based systems that are heavily reliant upon fossil fuels (= N fertilizers, heavy mechanization) are some of the explanations for this decline in importance. Past studies of faba bean in cropping systems have tended to focus on the effect of faba bean as a pre-crop in mainly cereal intensive rotations, whereas similar information on the effect of preceding crops on faba bean is lacking. Faba bean has the highest average reliance on N2 fixation for growth of the major cool season grain legumes. As a consequence the N benefit for following crops is often high, and several studies have demonstrated substantial savings (up to 100-200 kg N ha-1) in the amount of N fertilizer required to maximize the yield of crops grown after faba bean. There is, however, a requirement to evaluate the potential risks of losses of N from the plant-soil system associated with faba bean cropping via nitrate leaching or emissions of N2O to the atmosphere as a consequence of the rapid mineralization of N from its N-rich residues. It is important to develop improved preventive measures, such as catch crops, intercropping, or no-till technologies, in order to provide farmers with strategies to minimize any possible undesirable effects on the environment that might result from their inclusion of faba bean in cropping system. This needs to be combined with research that can lead to a reduction in the current extent of yield variability, so that faba bean crop may prove to be a key component of future arable cropping systems where declining supplies and high prices of fossil energy are likely to constrain the affordability and use of fertilizers. This will help address the increasing demand by consumers and governments for agriculture to reduce its impact on the environment and climate through new, more sustainable approaches to food production. The aims of this paper are to review the role of faba bean in global plant production systems, the requirements for optimal faba bean production and to highlight the beneficial effects of faba bean in cropping systems.
In: Review of international studies: RIS, Band 14, Heft 4, S. 289-295
ISSN: 1469-9044
The reform of the United Nations, and particularly of its budgetary procedures and Secretariat staffing, is a matter of considerable current interest among students and practitioners of international organization. These issues form part of what has for some years now been referred to as the financial crisis at the United Nations. This was the subject of a one-day conference at the United Nations held late last year. What follows is a summary of the discussion at that conference, reproduced here in order to reach a wider audience.
In: Review of international studies: RIS, Band 14, Heft 4, S. 289
ISSN: 0260-2105
In: Social epistemology: a journal of knowledge, culture and policy, Band 30, Heft 5-6, S. 643-664
ISSN: 1464-5297
Tectonic pseudotachylytes are thought to be unique to certain water-deficient seismogenic environments and their presence is considered to be rare in the geological record. Here, we present field and experimental evidence that frictional melting can occur in hydrothermal fluid-rich faults hosted in the continental crust. Pseudotachylytes were found in the >40 km-long Bolfín Fault Zone of the Atacama Fault System, within two ca. 1 m-thick (ultra)cataclastic strands hosted in a damage-zone made of chlorite-epidote-rich hydrothermally altered tonalite. This alteration state indicates that hydrothermal fluids were active during the fault development. Pseudotachylytes, characterized by presenting amygdales, cut and are cut by chlorite-, epidote- and calcite-bearing veins. In turn, crosscutting relationship with the hydrothermal veins indicates pseudotachylytes were formed during this period of fluid activity. Rotary shear experiments conducted on bare surfaces of hydrothermally altered rocks at seismic slip velocities (3 m s-1) resulted in the production of vesiculated pseudotachylytes both at dry and water-pressurized conditions, with melt lubrication as the primary mechanism for fault dynamic weakening. The presented evidence challenges the common hypothesis that pseudotachylytes are limited to fluid-deficient environments, and gives insights into the ancient seismic activity of the system. Both field observations and experimental evidence, indicate that pseudotachylytes may easily be produced in hydrothermal environments, and could be a common co-seismic fault product. Consequently, melt lubrication could be considered one of the most efficient seismic dynamic weakening mechanisms in crystalline basement rocks of the continental crust. ; The authors would like to acknowledge the support of ERC CoG No 614705 NOFEAR. R. Gomila has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the Marie Skłodowska- Curie grant agreement No 896346 – FRICTION. ; Published ; e2021GC009743 ; 3T. Fisica dei terremoti e Sorgente Sismica ; JCR Journal